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Witcher of Canterlot: VIII

By AxiiAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-22 09:07:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Okay its been awhile since that *thing* last attacked." Gilda announces.
  2. >Loading shells into an empty magazine, she glances around the dining hall.
  3. >Vice Principal Luna and Applejack both have a rifle in their hands and watch the outside through the gaps in the barricades.
  4. >All the other students are still huddled together in groups while a few hang around Ms. Cheerilee.
  5. >You really hope Anon can help you out soon, the injured teacher really needs proper medical attention.
  6. >Pinkie found some board and card games in one of the storage closets and is trying to keep everybody's moods in good spirits.
  7. >Though considering the circumstances outside, the results vary a bit.
  8. >Gilda and Rainbow Dash opted to play a game of poker which surprisingly Twilight joined in on.
  9. >You opted to just watch, as you weren't entirely familiar with the game. That and you’re a terrible gambler.
  10. >Not like you have much else to do right now.
  11. >Getting up from your chair, you peek through one of the cracks in the windows.
  12. >The mist hasn't let up. Meaning the Leshen outside is still biding its time waiting for you.
  13. >You sit back down at the table and start organizing the shells into small little groups.
  14. "It's probably still out there."
  15. >"Surprising since it ran away like a little bitch." Gilda says bored as she draws two cards.
  16. >"Hey Sunset..." Flash Sentry calls out your name as he walks up to you.
  17. "Hey Flash."
  18. >"How long do you think we're gonna be stuck here for?"
  19. "I don't know."
  20. >"Can't you girls... you know, do that magic thing you normally do when the schools in trouble?" he asks.
  21. >Gilda narrows her eyes.
  22. >"Look dude, as much as I like a good old fashioned orgy, now ain't the time."
  23. >Flash's face goes red, "T-th-that's not what I'm talking about!"
  24. "Sorry Flash, this isn't one of those things I think our magic can solve."
  25. >"Oh..."
  26. >Flash's already down mood drops even further at your answer.
  27. "But if it makes you feel better, Applejack and I managed to call for help. Right now we need to sit tight and not let anyone outside."
  28. >He looks at you and perks up a bit.
  29. >"Well I hope they arrive soon."
  30. >Going back to his friends, Flash takes a seat and tells them the news.
  31. >"So... what did he mean by "magic"?"
  32. >You, Twilight and Rainbow Dash share an uncomfortable look amongst each other.
  33. >"What?"
  34. >"Well, back during the Fall Formal we gained magical powers."
  35. >"What." Gilda says deadpan.
  36. >"I'm totally being serious here G. Then later we had to save the school from three sirens who wanted to mind control the entire school with music."
  37. >"..."
  38. >"Then during the Friendship Games Twilight here got possessed by the magic her weirdo device managed to capture and began tearing open portals to another dimension."
  39. >The ranger just stares at Rainbow Dash with the most skeptical look she can muster and scoffs.
  40. >"Okay, now I know you're one of those goddamn LARPers."
  41. >"I'MNOTALARPER!" Rainbow Dash yells at Gilda.
  42. >Frustrated, Rainbow Dash slams her cards onto the table and walks over to Rarity and Fluttershy, "I fold."
  43. >"Aw c'mon Dash it was a joke!" Gilda tries to half-assedly apologize.
  44. >Realizing Rainbow won't come back Gilda just tosses her cards and goes back to her shotgun.
  45. >"Don't suppose you want to play?"
  46. "Not really."
  47. >"Eh, was getting bored of the game anyway. Hey got a question for you."
  48. "Hmm?"
  49. >"That guy you called to help us. How's he gonna do that?"
  50. >You hesitate to answer.
  51. >Anonymous has told you before that he would prefer keeping his life private.
  52. "He deals with this sort of stuff often."
  53. >Gilda pauses as she takes those words in before growing agitated.
  54. >"What you mean like some kind of... monster hunter? Because I don't know about you, but me getting holed up in a camp lunchroom with rabid wolves, birds and a ten foot wood monster waiting outside to kill me doesn't occur very often."
  55. "Well I know Anon can help us. He's the one who taught Dash and I how to use a sword."
  56. >"You mean he's gonna try to kill that thing with a fucking sword? You wasted our one call for help on a goddamn moron with a fucking sword?!"
  57. >You can't help but be a little offended. Sure, what Anon has been teaching you is considered a bit archaic in this world, but the way Gilda calls him a moron makes you a little indignant.
  58. >"Swords ain't gonna help us this day and age Sunshine. There's a reason why man has evolved to use this."
  59. >She emphasizes her point by slamming in the drum magazine for her automatic shotgun into the receiver.
  60. >Getting up from the table she glares at you and heads off towards the buildings indoor restroom.
  61. >"I gotta use it, let me know when our knight in shining armor shows up."
  62. >Gilda really is something...
  64. >"So let me get this straight. You belong to an old order of monster hunters for hire, had a contract out for one *my* students who ended up befriending you after saving another one from a vampire."
  65. "Pretty much."
  66. >"And during the time, you were "hired" by Princess Twilight to protect said student."
  67. "Yep."
  68. >"And the way you're doing that is by teaching her how to become like a monster hunter for hire?"
  69. "You make it sound so negative."
  70. >Celestia huffs as she follows the dark and dimly lit road.
  71. >"Well, it's just a bit much to take in."
  72. >You shift in your seat slightly. It's been such a long while since you've actually worn your armor for a hunt and it definitely was not built for sitting in the passenger seat of a sedan for a long period of time.
  73. >"In all honesty it's also hard to believe."
  74. "Considering all the crap that's happened at CHS this past year is it really?"
  75. >"Well..."
  76. "May as well teach her practical methods to rid yourself of magical problems."
  77. >"But how is sword fighting pract-"
  78. >"Your destination is five minutes out." states the GPS.
  79. >Grabbing your swords from the back you hold them in front of you.
  80. >"Why do you carry two swords?"
  81. "Both are for monsters, one is just for the more mundane variety."
  82. >"Mundane?"
  83. "Humans, elves, halflings, dwarves."
  84. >"Are you sure this isn't some elaborate role-playing session? Because elves, halflings and dwarves don't exist."
  85. "Sure they do, they're just very secretive and very good at hiding in plain sight."
  86. >"Really?"
  87. "Mmmhmm."
  88. >You notice that the outside has become increasingly misty as water droplets begin forming on the car windows.
  89. >You've entered the creature's territory now.
  90. >The woman frowns, "So are my sister and students really in danger from a monster?"
  91. >You decide not to sugarcoat it.
  92. "Yeah, the thing is called a Leshen. One of the more dangerous creatures a Witcher can face and probably be one of my tougher challenges in this job."
  93. >"Can't the police handle it?"
  94. "The Leshen is smart enough that it'll just bide its time until they find nothing and leave, either that or it'll kill them all slowly and methodically."
  95. >The car eventually pulls close enough that the headlights shine over a sign that states: "Welcome to Camp Everfree".
  96. >"Looks like we're here."
  97. >Celestia parks the car as close as she can to the buildings. You take note of how heavy mist around the camp.
  98. >"It really does look spooky without all the lights on and with the fog. Um... how long have you been doing this Anon?"
  99. "Eh, around eighteen years to train and eight years of actual hands on work give or take."
  100. >"W-wait... how old are you?" Celestia sputters out in shock.
  101. "Twenty-nine. Turn the big three-oh in a month or two."
  102. >"But you look so young!"
  103. "Yeah Witcher mutations do that."
  104. >"So that means..."
  105. "Yes, you're sexual harassment of me won't get you fired due to my age."
  106. >Unlocking the car door, you slide your swords across your chest and move around the car.
  107. >Opening the driver side door you take Celestia's hand.
  108. "Got a medical kit?"
  109. >"I do." she says pulling out a box from underneath the seat.
  110. "We need to find the place where the camp goes for dinner, that's were Sunset told me everyone was holed up."
  111. >"I believe it's this way-ahhh!"
  112. >Celestia trips over something in the thick mist, and thanks to your quick reflexes, you manage to grab her arm and right her.
  113. >You cast Aard to clear some of it in front of you, only to see a pile of dead birds and wolf bodies strewn about the path.
  114. >"T-thank you Anon, how did you do tha- oh my God..."
  115. "Looks like someone's been busy."
  116. >Kneeling down by one of the dead wolves you quickly assess its cause of death.
  117. >No cuts or slashes, only penetration. More than one entry point... around eight or nine pellets.
  118. >Looks like buckshot, double-ought buck, 12 gauge.
  119. >Turning your head you spy something shine in the moonlight.
  120. >Moving over to it, you pick up a shotgun shell casing. However something's a bit amiss with it.
  121. >"Anon what is it?"
  122. "Shotgun shell. But this one is marked High Explosive."
  123. >"High explosive?"
  124. "Not exactly legal to own since military use is still in the experimental phase. That and the amount of shells left on the ground I can only guess the person was using an automatic shotgun."
  125. >Tucking the empty shell into a pocket, you take note of the almost unrecognizable bird carcasses lumped together in a pile.
  126. "Seems like whoever killed all these birds and wolves knows some people to have that much firepower."
  127. >They also must have encountered the Leshen if all the birds are any indication. You can also spy some wood chunks on the ground despite there being no nearby trees in this area of the camp.
  128. >Guess they did a bit of damage to the monster.
  129. >Impressive to say the least, more than what most people can do.
  130. >*SNAP*
  131. >Whipping your head around, you see three sets of eyes come out of the mist.
  132. "Wolves."
  133. >"A-Anon?!"
  134. "Get to the dining hall, now!"
  135. >Bringing your steel sword out, you eye each wolf carefully as you backstep to keep by Celestia.
  136. "Hey we're all wolves here..."
  137. >They all growl and snarl at you, snapping their jaws trying to intimidate you into turning your back.
  138. "Guess not all wolves are equal I guess. Racist."
  139. >You throw out your arm and a wave of fire erupts from your hand.
  140. >The animals scamper back from the flames as you make a dash to where Celestia is.
  141. >Despite her longer legs, she isn't very fast and you catch up to her fairly quickly.
  142. >Your Igni dissipates and the dogs regain their composure and give chase.
  143. >Shit.
  144. >Grabbing Celestia by the waist, you heft her over your left shoulder and continue to run.
  145. >"AAaaaaNNOOON!" she screams as the beasts close in.
  146. >You spot a large building which you only guess is the dining hall. One of the front windows is smashed with a table acting as a patch.
  147. >Hopping over a bush, you climb the front steps and slam a fist on the door.
  148. "Open up!"
  149. >You hear muffled voices inside, most confused but it's clear a debate is starting up whether or not they should.
  150. >Great...
  151. >Setting Celestia down, you move in front of her.
  152. >The dogs will be on you before they'll open the door.
  153. >Meeting the wolves, you get into your ready stance.
  154. >The lead wolf takes the opportunity to pounce.
  155. >Side-stepping, you bring your sword across the wolf's gut in a single swipe killing the dog immediately as it crumples on the ground without another movement.
  156. >Taking a step forward, the other two attack at the same time.
  157. >Kicking the first away, you bring your sword up and slice the side of the second leaving a trail of blood flying into the air.
  158. >Getting close to the downed one, you puncture its chest with your sword and finish it off.
  159. >With all three canines dead, you walk back to the door as Celestia is still in shock at how easily you killed the beasts.
  160. >Patience wearing thin, you begin slamming your fist on the door again.
  161. >"Who is it?" a voice behind the door asks.
  162. >"Luna?"
  163. >"Celestia is that you?"
  164. >"Yeah, I brought help. Can you open up?"
  165. >"Not this door, but you can head around to the back."
  166. >Sighing, you two walk around the building and see a metal door open up with Vice Principal Luna inside.
  167. >"Lulu, I'm glad you're safe." Celestia says, giving her sister a hug.
  168. >"As safe as I can be." the disheveled woman replies. "Where is this help you brought?"
  169. >Walking into the building, a larger than average student locks the door behind you.
  170. >As you walk by Celestia, Luna finally notices you, "Is that Anon?"
  171. >"Yes."
  172. >"If this is some sort of joke, I fail to find the humor in it. Two of the camp staff are dead."
  173. >"I'm aware. But it seems Anon is more than meets the eye."
  174. >Luna facepalms and shakes her head, "Of course he is."
  175. >Leaning in close she whispers, "He's also twenty-nine."
  176. >The younger sister's eyes widen, "But he looks so yo-"
  177. >Celestia gives Luna the cheekiest grin, "I know!"
  178. "Is this really the time?"
  179. >Both women's faces go flush, "You ah, heard that?"
  180. "Enhanced senses. Which also means I can smell certain things too Celestia..."
  181. >If you thought Celestia's face couldn't get any redder, it sure as hell did.
  182. >"Sister?"
  183. >"Later..." she says letting out a groan.
  184. >Walking past the kitchen and into the hall proper, you scan the room.
  185. >Dozens of students are grouped together. Some are asleep, some are crying. All in all its a pretty grim sight.
  186. >Especially with Cheerilee in the corner of the room all bandaged up like she is.
  187. >"Anon!" a very familiar voice calls out.
  188. >You suddenly find yourself getting squeezed to death by a pair of pink arms.
  189. "Good"
  190. >It scares you on how easy she can do that.
  191. >This catches the attention of the others in the room.
  192. >"Is that Anon?"
  193. >"What's with the get up?"
  194. >Ignoring them, you pry Pinkie Pie off of you.
  195. "Where are the others?"
  196. >"Over there. C'mon!"
  197. >Dragging you by the hand, Pinkie leads you to a table where Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight are.
  198. >"Anon!" they all cry out when they see you.
  199. >Applejack almost leaps out of her seat and jumping into your arms wrapping you into a tight embrace.
  200. >"Anon. Thank goodness you're here."
  201. "Got here as fast as I cou-mmph!"
  202. >Applejack proceeds to interrupt you by giving you a passionate kiss on the lips. The other girls smile awkwardly as you two make out but don't try to intervene.
  203. >Rarity on the other hand is being held back by Fluttershy. She also seems to have aquired a bad eye-twitch.
  204. >Breaking off for air, Applejack lowers her eyelids slightly, "I knew ah could count on you Anon."
  205. >You smile.
  206. "Well, I'm here now so fill me in."
  208. -----
  210. >Sunset and the others quickly detail as much as they know of events for the past couple hours.
  211. >All the while, Celestia and her sister make rounds handing out the few blankets and pillows from the storage room.
  212. >Other students assist them by setting up a few areas for the others to sleep but considering everything that's happened no one feels safe enough to try.
  213. >You do notice a few giving you questioning looks. Mostly confusion as to why the so-called blind guy is walking around with two longswords strapped to his back.
  214. >You expected this on the ride up here. Any chance of hiding the more "abnormal" aspects of yourself have been thrown out the window.
  215. >"... so we've been hiding out here until you arrived." Sunset finishes.
  216. "I can see that. It also looks like you've managed to proccure some weapons."
  217. >Counting off what you've seen, there are at least three hunting rifles present: the one slung over Applejack's shoulder, and the one's in Rainbow's and Vice Principal Luna's hands.
  218. >The only problem is that you haven't seen any shotguns in the short while you've been here. Let alone an automatic shotgun.
  219. "How much ammo do you have for each gun? I'm assuming that each rifle holds at least five shots before needing to reload?"
  220. >"After doing some counting we have around 200 rounds."
  221. "Give me one of the boxes."
  222. >Rainbow heads over to the dufflebag containing the spare ammo. Grabbing one of the boxes she comes back to the table and hands it to you.
  223. >Opening the box, you inspect one of the rounds inside.
  224. >Standard rimless bottlenecked .308 caliber cartridge. Used to hunt medium to large class game and capable of taking down black bears if need be.
  225. >Overkill for the wolves under the Leshen's control.
  226. >"Do you think that will be enough darling?" Rarity asks, giving you a glass of water.
  227. >You take the drink and down the cold fluid.
  228. "No, Leshens are extremely tough to take down and even trickier to kill. While these rounds can do some serious damage to wild animals the Leshen has an advantage of-"
  229. >"Teleporting like a bitch to lick its wounds?" a voice finishes.
  230. >Turning, you see a white haired woman with purple highlights walking up to you.
  231. >Her tan bomber jacket adorned with a forest ranger patch duct taped to her left sleeve and a large combat knife strapped to her boot.
  232. >Propped over her shoulder is an AA-12 automatic shotgun.
  233. "That, and it can resurrect itself if it has any totems lying around."
  234. >"Yeah the nerd with the glasses said something about that."
  235. >"Hey!" Twilight whines.
  236. >"Gilda that's not very nice." Pinkie Pie says.
  237. >"Gilda" just flips her off, causing the usually bubbly girl to frown.
  238. "If this Leshen is going to be taken down permanently, I'm going to need to hunt down those totems and then face the monster."
  239. >The girls look uneasy as you explain this.
  240. >"Anon." Sunset begins, "You taught us how to fight we'll help y-"
  241. "No."
  242. >"What? Why?!"
  243. "Leshen are some of the most dangerous creatures a Witcher can face in the wild. They're almost always fought in their own territory and they have every advantage we do not. I'm not risking your lives with the odds that stacked against us."
  244. >"What are you some sort of cool edgy badass or something?" the ranger sneers. "Thing ain't that tough, sent that thing running with this baby."
  245. >She taps the side of the military grade shotgun proudly.
  246. "How many shells do you have left for that thing?"
  247. >"Excuse me?"
  248. "How. Many. Shells."
  249. >Gilda glares at you, "Thirty-two buckshot in the drum, and two 8-shell magazines."
  250. >She pulls out one of the smaller magazines and shows it to you before stuffing it back into her pocket.
  251. >There's a band of red tape near the base of the magazine. Likely to signify the type of ammunition loaded inside.
  252. "Frag-12?"
  253. >Your question makes Gilda's glare turn into a look of enthusiasm, "Of course. How'd you know?"
  254. "Saw alot of disintrigrated and burnt crow bodies. I'm assuming the splinters on the ground nearby where from the Leshen getting nailed with them?"
  255. >"You know an awful lot about guns Anon?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  256. >You give her a shrug.
  257. "I don't have very many hobbies and I need to occupy myself."
  258. >"Could just jack-off."
  259. >You glare at Gilda this time.
  260. >It strikes you as a bit odd on how a forest ranger obtained an AA-12, the thirty two shell drum, and HE shells. There's something more to it that Gilda more than likely is not going to elaborate on.
  261. >Like the HE shells used by it, AA-12s are especially hard to come by unless you know the righ people.
  262. >Getting up from your seat, you head towards the back door.
  263. >"Anon wait!" Sunset calls out.
  264. "What?"
  265. >"What should we do?"
  266. >You take a few moments to think.
  267. "Once I'm gone wait ten minutes and get Cheerilee into the Principal's car and get her to the nearest hospital. When you get the opportunity call the police and get some help for the others. I'll try to kill the monster, or at least buy you all enough time to escape."
  268. >"Anon that's a terrible idea." Applejack says crossing her arms.
  269. "But right now with everything happening it's the only one that'll ensure you all can get out of here alive."
  270. >Drawing your silver sword, the runes along the blade glow a bright gold as it leaves its scabbard.
  271. >Everyone in the room looks in awe at the glowing blade as it shines in the moonlight peering through the window.
  272. "I'll be fine as long as I have this."
  273. >"So cool..." Rainbow Dash mutters as you put the sword back.
  274. >Turning back to the door a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
  275. >"Anon..."
  276. "AJ."
  277. >"Ah got your answer."
  278. >You give a small smile.
  279. "I'll hear it when I get back."
  280. >Letting you go, Applejack hesitates for a moment then grabs your shoulders and spins you around.
  281. >Her eyes glisten with a few newly formed tears, "Kick that varmints ass and get back to me safely."
  282. >Pulling your head close, she gives you another deep kiss just as enegetic and brief as the first.
  283. >Nodding, you make your way to the exit as you pass by the students and faculty who only watche in shock and awe.
  284. >Passing by Celestia, she gives you a curious look.
  285. >"Anon? Are you-"
  286. "Don't know till I get back. Girls will fill you in, talk to them."
  287. >If she has one a reply, you don't bother listening as you enter the kitchen.
  288. >Standing before the metal door, you mentally prepare yourself for what's to come.
  289. >Suddenly you hear the sound of heavy boots stepping on the tiled floor behind you.
  290. >"Yo asshole. I'm coming with you."
  291. "I wouldn strongly advise against it."
  292. >"Yeah well you can take your advisemnet and shove it. That sword shit may look cool and all, but it ain't got jack on this baby. We find that fucker he's mine."
  293. "This isn't a game."
  294. >Lighting a cigarette, she takes a puff and blows a smoke in your face.
  295. >"I don't give a shit." Gilda says nonchalantly.
  296. >That sort of attitude is going to get her killed.
  297. "Don't hold me responsible if you fuck up and die then."
  298. >She might anyway despite your warnings.
  299. >"Implying that I'm gonna be the one who dies." the woman says with a pair of air quotes.
  300. "Is that a threat?"
  301. >Ignoring your comment, Gilda pulls out the drum from underneath her shotgun and gives it a once over.
  302. >"RD and Sunshine have been going on and on about how you were teaching them how to hardcore LARP these past couple days. I want to see if what they say actually is true or if its all a bunch of bullshit."
  303. >LARP?
  304. >Did you miss something?
  305. "Do what you will."
  306. >"Awesome."
  307. >Opening the door, you exit the building with Gilda following right behind you into the mist.
  309. >You watch as Anon walks through the door and disappears with Gilda.
  310. >Emotions conflict inside you as the deadbolt slides shut and locks the outside world away.
  311. >"Applejack are you okay?" Fluttershy asks.
  312. "No, can't say I am Fluttershy."
  313. >You want to be there to help him against this thing, but deep down you know that it'll probably make things harder on Anon trying to fight and protect you.
  314. >"What was the point of doing all that sword training if he's not gonna let us use it?" Rainbow complains.
  315. >"It's probably because our swords are made of *wood* and we're not even good enough to take down Rarity!"
  316. >"You've come close though." Rarity adds.
  317. >Just then, Principal Celestia walks up to you with a small smile, but its one that is obviously just a front.
  318. "Good to see you Principal Celestia."
  319. >"Likewise, I'm glad that you're all safe. Applejack could I talk to you in private?"
  320. "Uh... sure thing?"
  321. >You turn towards the others who are just as confused by the request as she is.
  322. >Walking along with her to the empty kitchen, she double checks to make sure no one else is listening.
  323. "Is everything alright?"
  324. >Taking a deep breath, Celestia lets out a sigh before her look turns serious.
  325. >"I assume you know Mr. Anonymous is not who he says he is?"
  326. "Yeah, he's a Witcher."
  327. >"And you know he's been doing this for quite some time?"
  328. >Why is she asking this?
  329. >Well she's concerned for you and the others, but why did she just single you out?
  330. >Was it because of that kiss you gave Anon?
  331. "Principal Celestia, no offense but what are you getting at?"
  332. >"I'm sorry if this seems inappropriate, but are you and Anonymous... very close?"
  333. >You're a bit surprised your Principal is asking this. Why would she be...?
  334. >You nod your head.
  335. >"I see."
  336. >She looks away with a disappointed frown.
  337. >"You are aware that Anon is almost twice your age correct?"
  338. "Ah know. Principal Celestia why are you asking me all these questions?"
  339. >"I'm... just concerned for you that's all. If I had learned any other student was dating someone twice their age I would be extremely concerned."
  340. "Then what makes this so different?"
  341. >"I think it might be because Anon doesn't look thirty, and maybe because he's a very caring and thoughtful individual though he tries to hide it."
  342. >You chuckle.
  343. "Eeyup, sure sounds like him. But how do you know that?"
  344. >Celestia blushes a little, "Oh the other night I got extremely drunk while your brother and Anon were at the same bar. Anonymous took me to a motel and spent the night with me to make sure I didn't get into any trouble."
  345. >Did he now?
  346. >You go deadpan as the Principal reminices?
  347. >Suddnely Celestia realizes the implications.
  348. >"You don't have to worry Applejack, nothing happened between us despite my inebreated state."
  349. "Uh huh..."
  350. >She's not lying, but she's also hiding something. There's a deep feeling in your gut that's telling you so.
  351. >"Still... I don't suppose you two are in an... oh my God this is embarrasing and extermely inappropriate to ask but... are you two in an open relationship?"
  352. >The Principal awkwardly smiles waiting for your answer.
  353. >You on the otherhand have just gone numb with shock.
  354. "W-what?"
  355. >"Please don't make me repeat myself... it's embarrasing as it is."
  356. "..."
  357. >Principal Celestia nudges you in the side with her elbow.
  358. >"Come on, help a fellow woman out. I'll make it worth your while."
  359. >Slowly you turn around and leave the kitchen without another word. You don't want to deal with this right now.
  360. >"Applejack? You're going to think about it right? Applejack? Please? PLEASE?!"
  362. -----
  364. >Crossing through the thick brush you and your undesired companion cautiously make your way deeper into the heart of the forest.
  365. >Although it's pitch black out, you have enough low-light vision that you probably won't need a Cat potion.
  366. >You'll have to keep an eye for out for any totems you may come across, if the leshen is hurt like Gilda says, it'll probably be recuperating in the thicket and have its thralls guarding the totems.
  367. >How many you'll have to destroy, you're unsure of though. Most don't seem to make more than three but that's not a guarantee.
  368. >Gilda follows closely behind keeping her shotgun trained at any suspicious area.
  369. >"So how the hell do we find this thing?"
  370. "Easiest way is to destroy the totems it set up to mark its territory. Piss it off enough and it'll come to us."
  371. >Gilda snorts, "So now I ask, how do we find the totems?"
  372. "Listen for the crows."
  373. >"..."
  374. >Stopping in your tracks, you take a quick look around to make sure the coast is clear.
  375. >To any normal individual, the forest would be deathly quiet. To a Witcher though, you can hear much of the activity of the forest that most people either ignore or can't hear unless they were right next to the source.
  376. >Small critters darting to their burrows, a flowing stream to the east.
  377. >Even better though is the sound of flapping wings to the northwest, southwest and southeast.
  378. >Judging by the proximity, the southwestern flock is the closest.
  379. "This way."
  380. >The two of of you make your way towards the source with as little delay as possible.
  381. >Passing by a large boulder, you take notice of the large claw marks in the side.
  382. >Marking its territory as expected.
  383. >As you near, you can spot the very the thing you're looking for. The medallion on your neck is tugging strongly the closer you get to it.
  384. >Deer skull attached to a deliberate placement of branches.
  385. "Found one."
  386. >"Huh, so that's what one of those things are?"
  387. "You've seen these before?"
  388. >"Usually just left them alone. Figured they were some sort of native thing."
  389. "How close were you able to get to it?"
  390. >"Close enough that a few campers liked to take selfies from time to time."
  391. >So the leshen was fine with others getting near the totems. Unusual.
  392. >Something must have triggered it to start massacring people though. Maybe one of the campers broke one?
  393. >"Shit."
  394. "What?"
  395. >"I think messing with one of these things is what got the previous camp doctor killed a couple months ago. He always had a thing for creepy forest shit."
  396. >Makes sense, but that doesn't explain why there hasn't been any killing until now.
  397. >Kicking over the totem, you feel a strong hostile presence in the forest.
  398. >Looks like you made it angry.
  399. >In the corner of your ear you hear buzzing.
  400. >A large swarm of bees approaches you two.
  401. >"Fuck, I do not need this right now."
  402. >Calmly, you step in front of her and cast Igni.
  403. >The burst of flame incinerates the massive swarm of bees catching the entire group and burning them away.
  404. >"Showoff."
  405. "You're not surprised that I just cast magic?"
  406. >"After all the other shit that's happened today? No."
  407. >She bumps you in the arm and continues forward before stopping.
  408. >"FUCK!"
  409. "What is it now?"
  410. >"Those fucking dweebs from the other day!"
  411. "Care to elaborate?"
  412. >Gilda angrily begins moving towards the river, "Three of those freshman must have found one of those totem things the other day and broke it. They were chased by a swarm of bees just like this one!"
  413. "Well for a clue that's better than nothing I guess. You know how to get there?"
  414. >"Yeah c'mon."
  416. >You sit back down at the table as all the girls look at you strangely.
  417. >"Yo AJ, you look like you've just seen a ghost."
  418. >"Applejack darling, what did the Principal want to talk to you about?"
  419. "Ah don't want to talk about it."
  420. >Before the girls can dig deeper, your sister and her friends come up to you.
  421. >"Applejack?"
  422. "Hey there Bloom, you three holding up okay?"
  423. >She nods her head, "Um... Applejack was that Anon who came in here with the Principal?"
  424. "Yeah, he's going out there to hunt down the thing keeping us cooped up in here."
  425. >"Is he gonna be okay?" Sweetie asks.
  426. >"Anon will be fine girls, it's Gilda we're going to have to worry about."
  427. >"You know, I've been thinking about something." Twilight states.
  428. "What's that?"
  429. >"Why exactly did the Leshen only choose now to start attacking us?"
  430. >"Um, cause it's a monster? Duh."
  431. >Rolling her eyes, Twilight pushes her glasses up her nose.
  432. >"That's just the thing, the Leshen is one of the more intelligent monsters in the world. It must have been in the forest for a long time and had no problems with previous campers."
  433. >"Um... we think we know why the thing is angry..." Apple Bloom says.
  435. >Well, this might explain things.
  436. >In front of you is a totem similar to the first uprooted from its original spot.
  437. >Something must have knocked it over.
  438. >Its also missing the skull that usually hangs on the top.
  439. >Kneeling to the ground, you can see small footprints in the dirt.
  440. >Smaller feet, three distinct shoe patterns.
  441. >They start overlapping then head off towards the small grave you two passed by and judging from the distance between their steps compared to the others they were running.
  442. >When you asked about the grave, Gilda explained what she knew about it. A nature walk turned bad when the man was mauled by wolves.
  443. >Apparently because of the nearby picnic area and the traffic it has, the wildlife usually kept a wide berth which made the doctor's death pretty strange.
  444. >Considering the distance to the grave marker and this totem, it does lend credence to the theory that the camp doctor was killed by the Leshen.
  445. >He might have tried to disturb or take the totem, or at least got way too close for the Leshen's comfort and it sent the wolves after him.
  446. >All that's really speculation right now though, but it leaves you with a general idea of why the Leshen is so obsessed with the campers now.
  447. >"Well?"
  448. "Skull is missing."
  449. >"Oh is that all? Well I guess we can call it a day and head home now." Gilda calls out sarcastically.
  450. "It could explain all the sudden hostility towards the campers if one of them took it, I only hope the skull is around here somewhere."
  451. >"Why?"
  452. "I'm getting little magical presence compared to the first totem, and they should all have a similar signature to each other."
  453. >Casting another Igni to destroy the second totem, you two move onto the third and last.
  455. "You did what?!"
  456. >Scootaloo sheepishly places the skull she pulled out of her backpack and places it on the table.
  457. >"Scootaloo why'd you take it?"
  458. >"I thought it looked really cool..."
  459. >The deer skull is covered in cracks filled with glue and the horns themselves look like they were broken off and glued back on themselves.
  460. >"When the hay did you even have time to pick it back up?"
  461. >"Before we were running from the bees, I slipped it into my backpack."
  462. >Sunset groans, "Scootaloo, you taking that skull might be the reason why we're all in this mess."
  463. >The young girl looks like she's about to cry.
  464. >"I'm sorry, I didn't know..."
  465. >Rainbow Dash goes over and pulls her into a hug, "It's okay squirt, we'll get through this."
  466. >Letting out a frustrated sigh Twilight looks closer at the decorated skull.
  467. >As she gets near, a beeping starts coming from her.
  468. >"Uh oh..."
  469. "What is it?"
  470. >Twilight pulls out that magic doohickey pendant, the sight of which sends all of you on edge again.
  471. >Small blinking lights circle the face of it before leaving three lights pointed towards the skull.
  472. >"I'm getting a magic reading on this..."
  473. >Well that's just great.
  474. >"So what does that mean?"
  475. >"I don't know much about leshens but I'm assuming that they have a link to each of their totems. As long as this stays here we're all in danger."
  476. "So what we just break it?"
  477. >"That sounds like the best idea we got so far." Rainbow Dash says.
  478. >"I have to say, knowing that *thing* is connected to this makes me feel... uncomfortable."
  479. "Same. Almost like it's watching us."
  480. >"..."
  481. >You all look at the motionless skull on the table.
  482. >"You don't think?"
  483. >The thought makes you all shudder.
  484. >Sunset heads into the supply closet and looks around for something to destroy the skull.
  485. >She comes out with a croquet mallet and gives it a few swings.
  486. >Placing the skull on the ground, Sunset brings the ballet overhead and smashes it.
  487. >"Hopefully Anon shows that meany monster the one two now." Pinkie Pie says.
  489. >Cutting down the last wolf you walk back-to-back next to Gilda.
  490. >The Leshen's getting really impatient with you it seems.
  491. >Almost an entire wolf pack just to protect this last totem.
  492. >Casting another Igni, the totem burns as both you and Gilda finally can take a moment to catch a breath.
  493. >"You might be a fucking LARPing dweeb, but I gotta admit you ain't all bad." Gilda says wiping the sweat from her brow.
  494. >Gilda's shotgun is smoking at the tip as a massive pile of dead animal bodies lay around you two.
  495. >Suddenly bird squawking and a tell-tale swarm of black birds circling in before drawing your attention.
  496. >The ranger ejects the drum casing and clips it to her side. Opting to load in one of the HE magazines.
  497. >When the birds disperse, a leshen stands before you. A large hole in its side and the damage to its arm indicate Gilda's previous encounter with it.
  498. >"Well look who finally showed up."
  499. >With a roar, the leshen digs its arms into the dirt. You can feel a tremor in the earth as you immediately realize what it's doing.
  500. >Pushing Gilda out of the way, you cast Quen as the roots shoot up and impact the shield.
  501. >The blow sends you flying back into a tree as Gilda curses.
  502. >"Piece of shit!"
  503. >Taking aim, Gilda fires another burst. Each frag shell hits center of mass as the leshen staggers backwards roaring in pain.
  504. >Getting back up quickly, Gilda dodges an overhead swipe from the monster.
  505. >You run in close behind the leshen and bring down your silver sword behinds the joints in its legs.
  506. >The silver blade cuts through the wooden flesh easily bringing the creature to its knees followed by a quick burst of Igni.
  507. >With the monster distracted with the flames, you roll out of the way as Gilda empties her magazine breaking both of its arms off and reducing the leshen to nothing but a sad splintered limbless husk.
  508. >It moans pathetically as you two ease up.
  509. >Gilda ejects the spent magazine and loads in her last magazine.
  510. >"Eat shit."
  511. >With one arm, she aims the shotgun at the monster's head and pulls the trigger.
  512. >Its face explodes with a resounding crack as the monster's body falls to the ground and bursts into a pile of dead branches and roots.
  513. >"Haha yeah that's right you fucking shithead!" Gilda taunts the corpse.
  514. >You however are less enthusiastic about the victory.
  515. >The fog hasn't dispersed nor has the feeling of dread that surrounds you ever since you entered the woods.
  516. >"Hey asshole, what's with the grim face?"
  517. "That was way too easy."
  518. >Gilda looks between you and the "corpse", her expression turning from proud to angry.
  519. >"How do you know that thing just wasn't a pushover?!" she demands.
  520. "Because leshens don't make a habit of just standing in one place while fighting, and if you haven't noticed the mist isn't gone despite us "killing" it and destroying the totems."
  521. >Looking around, Gilda realizes what you're saying.
  522. >"Then if it's not dead..."
  523. >Thinking back, a pit in your stomach forms as you realize that you missed something incredibly obvious.
  524. >When going over the story with the girls, Sunset said they found Fluttershy lying unconscious on the ground outside despite her encountering the monster.
  525. >You didn't think too much of it at the time as leshens don't often grow old enough in this day and age in the few stories you've heard from the other Witchers...
  526. >But the Everfree is one of the oldest forests in the country. There's little reason to believe it wouldn't have the time to develop the ability.
  527. "Back to the camp. NOW!"
  528. >Gilda quickly follows as you take off in the direction of the camp.
  529. >"Hey! What's the rush?"
  530. "The Leshen's marked someone in the dining hall."
  532. >Everyone looks at the shattered remains of the painted skull on the floor.
  533. >Slinging the mallet over your shoulder you can't help but feel a bit satisfied smashing the thing.
  534. >"Do... um... do you think that it's all over?"
  535. "I think so?"
  536. >Despite destroying the skull, Twilight's pendant thing is still beeping.
  537. >Tapping a few buttons the device, Twilight looks just as puzzled.
  538. >"What's wrong dear?"
  539. >"My magic-o-meter's now detecting the same magical signature from... Fluttershy?"
  540. >"M-me? Wh-why?"
  541. >Suddenly the moonlight outside disappears as something blocks the light from coming inside.
  542. >Without warning, Twilight's pendant starts beeping even faster and louder causing you all to jump.
  543. >"Twilight what the heck?!"
  544. >"I don't know... something's wrong! It should only do this when there's a large magical prese-."
  545. >Before she can finish, the sounds of birds cawing interrupts her. A noise that becomes louder and more numerous each second.
  546. >Oh no...
  547. >Everyone in the hall begins freaking out from the crowing when suddenly all the barricaded windows burst inward as scores of birds fly inside the building.
  548. >You cover your eyes to avoid the flying glass shards and wooden table splinters as Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash shield the younger girls.
  549. >A sudden tremor sends you all falling to the ground.
  550. >When you open your eyes, everyone stares in horror as the monster stands in the center of the room right in front of Fluttershy.
  552. -----
  554. >The leshen just stands there looking around the room.
  555. >Despite the fact that everyone else is located near the exit behind it, no one dares make a move.
  556. >Weighing your options, it would probably kill you or the girls if any of you tried to make a move to open the front door or move past it towards the kitchen exit.
  557. >Fluttershy looks up and falls back on her butt, and backpeddles towards Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
  558. >"W-what-what the heck is that thing?!" someone yells out.
  559. >"Game over man! Game over!"
  560. >Students begin panicking and making their way to the rear exit inadvertently drawing the monster's attention towards them.
  561. >Mrs. Harshwhinny and Principal Celestia help Miss Cheerilee out of the building as the Vice Principal keeps her gun trained on the leshen.
  562. >Turning its head slowly, it raises its arm to begin its slaughter.
  563. >No!
  564. >*Crunch*
  565. >The leshen freezes and looks right at you.
  566. >Looking down at your foot, you realize that you stepped on a piece of the deer skull.
  567. >You sheepishly give the leshen an apologetic smile.
  568. "Uh... sorry?"
  569. >The leshen roars at you, swiping one it's huge forearms at you.
  570. >"Sunset!" the others cry out your name.
  571. >Rolling to the side, the leshen lumbers towards you ignoring the girls.
  572. >Applejack takes the opportunity to pick up one of the discarded hunting rifles and takes aim.
  573. >Flipping the safety off, she pulls the trigger.
  574. >A bullet impacts the chest of the creature but doesn't deter it in the least.
  575. >"Shoot!" she yells in frustration, ejecting the casing from the bolt-action rifle and loading a new one.
  576. >Taking aim again, she fires another shot off this time chipping its "face".
  577. >This act actually draws its attention as it loses interest in you.
  578. "Girls, run!"
  579. >Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight drag the crusaders and Twilight making towards the exit.
  580. >"I'm not gonna let you hurt my friends!" Rainbow Dash threatens.
  581. >Her body glows blue and wings sprout from her back as she begins transforming into her pony form.
  582. >Looking around you see the emergency fire axe in its glass case on the wall.
  583. >Running over and smashing the glass with the small hammer, you grab the axe and call over Rainbow.
  584. "Rainbow Dash!"
  585. >Giving her priority the leshen tries to swat her out of the sky as she flies over its head to retrieve the weapon.
  586. >Using her enhanced strength she uses the axe to land a blow to its back sending it reeling forward.
  587. >You look for something you else you can use to hurt the thing while Rainbow Dash keeps it distracted.
  588. >Applejack fires again only grazing it.
  589. >"This ain't working dagnabbit!"
  590. >Just then you spot something by her foot.
  591. >"Applejack! The carburetor spray!"
  592. >Applejack glances at her foot and picks up the aerosol can before realizing what you mean.
  593. >"Here AJ!" Dash calls out digging out something from her pocket.
  594. >The cowgirl catches Gilda's silver lighter and takes off the can's lid.
  595. >Sparking the lighter to life she keeps it front of the nozzle head and presses down.
  596. >A large fireball erupts from the makeshift flamethrower as Applejack gets a wicked smile on her face.
  597. >Bringing up the lighter towards the leshen she unleashes fire onto the beast.
  598. >The spray sticks to the monster as its wooden body catches on fire causing it to scream in what you only to assume to be pain.
  599. >Taking her opportunity Rainbow brings the axe to its chest sending it falling on its back and taking a large chunk of wood out of it.
  600. >"Aw yeah!"
  601. >"Hoo boy!"
  602. >Your accomplishment is short lived though when another flock of crows surrounds the creature and make it disappear, only for the ball of birds to form by shortly behind it with the leshen no worse for wear and the fire extinguished.
  603. "Oh come on!"
  604. >The leshen glares at you and tilts its head.
  605. >When nothing happens you, Applejack and Rainbow are confused when suddenly screams of terror are heard from outside.
  606. >Darting to the window, birds are dive bombing and clawing the students outside while white wolves begin to chase down the ones that run.
  607. >Some of the more brave students try to fight back, grabbing whatever they can to use as weapons.
  608. >Bulk Biceps pushes Derpy out of the way as a wolf tackles him.
  609. >It's absolute chaos outside as everyone tries to stay alive.
  610. >Principal Celestia, Luna and Mrs. Harshwhinny try to shield the students and Miss Cheerliee behind them but it's clear that it's a futile gesture against so many rabid animals.
  611. >Vice Principal Luna keeps the rifle in her hands trained on the closest wolf, but ultimately knows by the time she fired the first shot the others would jump in.
  612. >"Sister... I-I don't think we'll be making it out of this."
  613. >"I love you Luna."
  614. >"As do I Tia."
  615. >You clench your fists. You're not going to just sit by and let your loved ones get hurt!
  616. >Your body begins glowing as you can feel the magic beginning to build inside you.
  617. >The leshen looks at you curiously as you begin to pony up.
  618. >Flames made from raw magic emanate around you and disappear as you glare at the monster hurting everyone.
  619. >Your head begins pounding as you lose all sense of reason and charge the monster.
  620. >"Sunset wait!" Applejack cries out.
  621. >Thanks to Anon's training with the pendulum you easily avoid the first blow the leshen tries to crush you with, rolling out of the way and getting behind it.
  622. >Thrusting your arm forward, you bend your fingers in the exact way Anon taught you, to unleash the Witcher Sign known as Igni.
  623. >You may not have the precision yet, but right now you don’t need it.
  624. >A torrent of fire explodes from your hand as the monster is engulfed by the magical flames.
  625. >Because of the wild nature, debris around the room catches on fire and begins to spread the flames, quickly triggering the automated emergency sprinklers.
  626. >Your head begins pounding and your nose begins to bleed as you try to keep the sign going for as long as you can as the leshen flails its arms.
  627. >Applejack takes the opportunity to use the poor-man’s flamethrower to add to your fire.
  628. >Putting as much focus you can to stay conscious, you end up using your other hand to prop your casting hand.
  629. "Nngg... Rainbow... help... the... others!"
  630. >"Right!"
  631. >Rainbow zips out one of the broken windows and digs the fire axe into one of the wolves as it tries to pounce on Principal Celestia.
  632. >Soon enough though you run out of energy and collapse to the ground.
  633. >With the onslaught of fire over, the leshen calls in its birds and teleports away.
  634. >"Sunset!" Applejack cries out just as her can runs out of propellant.
  635. >Cursing, she ditches the can and runs over to you.
  636. >Picking you up, she puts you on her shoulder and marches out of the building.
  637. >"Appl...jack... run..."
  638. >"No way, ah'm not leaving you here if that thing comes back!" she yells out.
  639. >The two of you slowly make your way through the building towards the exit as Rainbow, now covered in cuts, bites and blood, kicks away the last wolf before the rest scatter.
  640. >"How many wolves are there in this forest?!" she asks.
  641. >You look around and see the damage done.
  642. >Dozens of students are injured, Bulk Biceps's chest in particular is covered in blood after getting mauled by one of the rabid wolves.
  643. >Rarity and Pinkie try to console the crusaders, as Fluttershy does her best to tend Bulk with what she can.
  644. >"Oh... I need to stop the bleeding!" she cries out.
  645. >"Here." Principal Celestia says, tearing off a large portion of her purple shirt.
  646. >"Rainbow Dash, can you grab the medical kits inside? You're the only one in any condition to enter the building." the Vice Principal asks.
  647. >"I'll do my best." Rainbow replies with a salute before running off.
  648. >Applejack sets you down by a picnic table and wrings her soaking hat of water.
  649. >"You alright sugarcube?" she asks wiping the blood from your nose and face.
  650. "My head... it's killing me..."
  651. >"Landsakes girl, those were some mighty spectacular fireworks you put on there. Could put Trixie to shame with that!"
  652. >You chuckle only to wince in pain as you look at your left hand.
  653. >The sleeve of your jacket is charred off though your hand is mostly fine save for some minor burns.
  654. >Just then you hear two sets of boots running through the grass behind you.
  655. >Turning your head, you see Anon and Gilda with expression of shock as the dining hall's interior is still burning.
  656. "Anon..."
  657. >"Sunset!" he says running over to you, displaying uncharacterized fear.
  658. >Kneeling by you he looks you over, "Are you okay?"
  659. "Head hurts... but I'm fine..."
  660. >He lets out a sigh of relief.
  661. >"What happened?"
  662. >"That thing came out of nowhere and started attacking everyone inside. Sunset, Rainbow and I tried to fight it off but that monster just brought in help… We couldn't protect the others."
  663. >Anon follows Applejack's gaze and looks over the scene.
  664. >His features become grim as he takes it all in.
  665. >"How did you drive it off?"
  666. >"Sunset did most of the work." Applejack says smiling, "She used that magic you taught her the other day to send that thing packing."
  667. >"She cast Igni?"
  668. >"Eeyup, kept those flames going for a few minutes to buy everyone some time as Rainbow helped them out."
  669. >A look of surprise from his face causes you to giggle.
  670. >"Huh, you only just started signs and already casting the alternate versions."
  671. >He places an arm on your shoulder and smiles, "Good job Sunset."
  672. >You feel pride as he says this before suddenly everything goes dark.
  674. >"Sunset? Sunset?!" Applejack cries out, shaking her friend.
  675. "Don't worry it's just fatigue. Sign usage takes a bit of stamina, more so with the alternate versions of signs."
  676. >The weird anthropomorphic ears on top of her head vanish as she tilts her head to the side with a faint smile on her face.
  677. >Getting up, you survey the damage cause by the leshen's attack.
  678. >You count at least three students who are heavily injured. One of whom Fluttershy and Celestia are tending too.
  679. >Two of them are moving so their condition seems stable enough. Still, proper medical attention needs to arrive soon.
  680. >Whether the last one makes it or not is in fate's hands now.
  681. >Rainbow Dash comes flying out through one of the windows in her anthro form with three metal boxes that you recognize as medical supplies.
  682. >Touching down, she runs over to Celestia and the other injured students.
  683. >Without warning explosions go off inside the dining hall causing everyone to jump for cover.
  684. >But just as quick as it started, the fireworks end.
  685. >"Well, looks like all the ammo inside cooked off." Gilda says drolly.
  686. >Looking at her shotgun, she unloads the magazine and counts the shells.
  687. >"Only got seven FRAG shells left, maybe ten or so buckshot before I switched. Considering how much I used to get to the damn thing I don’t think this’ll be enough."
  688. >Gilda pulls out another cigarette and searches her pockets.
  689. >"Where the hell did I put my lighter?" she says feeling up her body.
  690. >"Here." Applejack answers tossing the silver lighter to her.
  691. >”I’m gonna go fetch something from the ranger shack.” she says before walking off.
  692. >After making sure Applejack and Sunset will be fine, you walk over towards Fluttershy.
  693. >Celestia hugs her as she cries into her jacket.
  694. >Looks like someone didn't make it...
  695. >They both hear you approach and turn their heads.
  696. >"A-Anon... why?" Fluttershy asks.
  697. >You don't answer her, instead facing Celestia and asking for a moment of privacy.
  698. >She nods her head and walks over to her sister.
  699. "Fluttershy."
  700. >Hugging you tightly, the girl cries into your leather jacket.
  701. >You place an arm on the back of her head and return the hug.
  702. >Someone caring like Fluttershy shouldn't have to see sights so dark. And it's only going to get worse for her.
  703. >Guiding her away from the body you take her to one of the picnic benches and let her take a seat.
  704. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry."
  705. >She doesn't respond as the crying doesn't stop.
  706. "You encountered the leshen right? Before I got here? It didn’t seem to lay a hand on you?"
  707. >The girl nods her head, trying to regain her composure.
  708. >”All I r-r-remember was seeing it and everything going dark. I-I th-thought for s-sure I was going to die...”
  709. "I'm not going to lie, there's a reason for that."
  710. >You take a few moments to try and find the right words as Fluttershy finally stops her crying and looks at you with those wide innocent eyes.
  711. >Which honestly doesn't make this any easier.
  712. "The leshen marked you. It means that even if all the totems it set were all destroyed, it still has a back-up to revive itself: you."
  713. >Her eyes widen as she processes the information.
  714. >"S-so that mea-means... it's my f-fault? I'm the r-reason everyone's hurt and Bulk is g-go-g-"
  715. >You place your hands on her shoulders and try to comfort her.
  716. "The person usually doesn't know they're marked, this was hardly your fault. It must have planned this as soon as Gilda and I killed it the first time."
  717. >Dammit. You're no good at these things.
  718. "In order to kill the monster for good, you have to leave Fluttershy."
  719. >"F-for how long?"
  720. "I don't know, but should you ever come back near this forest so does the Leshen."
  721. >"N-no... but my animal friends... Harry, Angel..." she mumbles as more tears come out.
  722. "I'm sorry Fluttershy."
  723. >Sighing, you call Celestia over.
  724. >"Anon, this entire mess is getting out of hand."
  725. "I know, listen. Right now the monster's retreated so it should be the perfect chance to move Cheerliee and Fluttershy out of here."
  726. >"Fluttershy? But wouldn't she be better to ta-"
  727. >You cut her off with a nod of the head.
  728. "The situation is even more complicated than I originally thought, Fluttershy has become linked to the monster and if she stays here I can't kill it."
  729. >Celestia looks between Fluttershy and you before nodding her head, "Alright, when we get the next available phone signal I'm calling for help."
  730. >Nodding your head, you leave the pink haired girl in Celestia's care as you stare towards the dark woods.
  731. >As you walk towards the forest, Gilda walks up to you with two large objects strapped to the back of her waist.
  732. "You're not coming with me."
  733. >"Since when did I ever take orders from you?"
  734. "I don't want anyone else dying tonight. Regrettably that also includes you."
  735. >"Implying that I'm gonna be the one who dies." she says with a toothy smirk.
  736. >Your patience is at an end with this woman and move to draw your sword.
  737. >She takes out her cigarette and holds up her hands in surrender.
  738. >"Calm your tits asshole. Here, take this." she says tossing you a small vial.
  739. >Taking the glass container you look inside only to look at her questioningly.
  740. >Looks like oil.
  741. "What is this?"
  742. >"Do I have to spell it out for you Wolf?"
  743. >Digging through her collar she pulls out a small medallion with the head of a griffon on it.
  744. >"Never really cared for the whole Path schtick when they brought me in. Ditched those two swords they let me loose with as soon as I could."
  745. "You're..."
  746. >Her gold eyes quickly constrict briefly to become just like your own before returning to their normal appearance.
  747. >"Thought the sword and sign stuff was super lame, y'know cept the Axii one, but seeing you in action I think I might give it a go."
  748. >The urge to ask her how this is possible is immense when she reaches behind her and draws two black machetes from their sheathes.
  749. >"Beats running out of ammo all the time I guess."
  750. >Walking past you she stops just short of the forest and gives you that same cocky smirk.
  751. >"Well? You coming or what?" Gilda asks before walking off.
  752. >Hundreds of questions go through your head at this recent revelation. One of the biggest being how the hell is a woman a Witcher?
  753. >You're going to have to demand some answers from him when you head back for winter.
  754. >You really hope Gilda isn't fucking with you, because right now the last thing you need is for this to be some sort of elaborate prank.
  755. >Popping the cork off the top you pour the solution onto your blade and watch as the oil coats the cold metal.
  756. >There's no words to describe how much you'll enjoy killing this monster.
  758. >"But what about Anon?" Pinkie Pie asks as you help Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna load Miss Cheerilee into the car.
  759. "He'll be fine Pinkie, right now we got our own things to worry about."
  760. >Gently placing the youngest teacher flat in the back seat you shut the door.
  761. >Looking back towards Twilight, she's watching over the unconscious body of Sunset Shimmer.
  762. >After that light show she pulled off in the hall, she deserves a bit of a break.
  763. >Though you can't help but wish this entire night was just a really bad dream.
  764. >"Cheerilee is settled in. Just be sure to take it slow." Vice Principal Luna tells her sister.
  765. >Rarity holds Fluttershy's hand as she helps her into the car.
  766. >Dried tears stain her eyes as she buckles in.
  767. >"Oh... I think it would be best if I go with her Principal Celestia."
  768. >The Principal thinks it over, "If you're okay with that Fluttershy?"
  769. >"I... I'm fine..."
  770. >You, Pinkie and the Principal adjust the seating so that Rarity can Miss Cheerilee in the back seat.
  771. >Closing the doors, the Principal starts her car.
  772. >The engine rumbles to life as the headlights turn on.
  773. >Principal Celestia rolls down the window as Vice Principal Luna approaches the driver side.
  774. >"Be careful sister."
  775. >"I'll send help as soon as I can."
  776. >Nodding her head, the Principal's car exits the parking lot.
  777. >You and Pinkie wave goodbye though Fluttershy doesn't seem to notice.
  778. >Pinkie Pie's hair deflates as the car leaves the camp and heads down the road.
  779. >Turning your head, you look at the devastation that monster wrought on the others. The dining hall is a smoking husk, students are injured.
  780. >One is... gone.
  781. >You head over to where your sister and her friends are and sit next to her.
  782. >She cries into your chest as you pet her head gently.
  783. "Ah hope Anon makes that thing pay for this."

Witcher of Canterlot: I

by AxiiAnon

Witcher of Canterlot: II

by AxiiAnon

Witcher of Canterlot: III

by AxiiAnon

Witcher of Canterlot: IV

by AxiiAnon

Witcher of Canterlot: V

by AxiiAnon