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Ashes Town Billiards Rules

By PinkChalk
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 07:13:00
Expiry: Never

  1. Standard (2 Players):
  2. 1. All players divide themselves into even teams.
  3. 2. Roll 100 to see which team goes first.
  4. 3. After rolling the higher number, a member of the winning team rolls 100 to 'break'.
  5. 4. If the roll is greater than 50, a ball is sunk, and the player's turn continues until they roll 50 or less, in which case the turn passes.
  6. 5. Whichever player sinks the very first ball in the game, chooses which set. Sets are 1-7, and 9-15.
  7. 6. Teams shoot to sink their chosen set until the set is depleted, at which point the 8 ball becomes fair to shoot for.
  8. 7. If a player sinks the 8 ball, they win the game.
  9. -Dubs Shoot for two balls 00,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,99
  10. -1 is a scratch, the opposing team returns one ball into play.
  11. -88 is a preemptive sink of the 8 ball. That team loses the game.
  13. Cuthroat (3 Players):
  14. 1. All standard rules apply.
  15. 2. Sets are instead divided into 1-5, 6-10. 11-5.
  16. 3. Whichever player sinks a ball first chooses which set they would like to be.
  17. 4. Players shoot for balls that are *not* in their set.
  18. 5. Once all balls in your set are sunk, you are out of the game.

Ashes Town Billiards Rules

by PinkChalk

How Berry Feels

by PinkChalk