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Tension (on hiatus)

By ReggieSomething
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-08-22 05:24:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Not abandoned, just on hiatus. Need to finish L.E. Act I and Condense before I return to this. It is my hope that this becomes the clopfic to end all clopfics when I finally finish it.
  3. >Idle chatter, clip-clopping of hooves, and the steady hiss of venting steam filled the crisp air of the Crystal Empire train station.
  4. >Two figures, taller than all the others, plodded towards the streamlined crystalline locomotive. Gleaming in the early morning sun, the engine intermittently obscured itself with its cloudy mechanical breaths.
  5. >The Crystal Ponies present couldn't help but gawk as they passed their princess and her unusual companion. Four armored Crystal Pony soldiers marched in a box formation around the pair, ensuring everypony in the vicinity afforded the pair a wide, respectful berth.
  6. >Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's lethargic steps only served to delay the inevitable. She stole frequent glances up at her friend's stoic face, hoping to glean any insight into his mood.
  7. >They stopped a few meters from a passenger car and waited. She, for him to voice his thoughts. He, for her to divulge the true motivation behind his "vacation".
  8. >Setting his suitcase down, he looked her over.
  9. "You're not okay," he stated flatly.
  10. >Cadence tore her eyes away from a gleaming facet of the sapphire-colored passenger car.
  11. >"Nonsense!" she replied with her best 'public appearance smile'. "I'm perfectly fine!"
  12. >He crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow.
  13. "Uh-huh. So you've just been biting your lip the entire walk over here for fun?"
  14. >"Yep!"
  15. "And those wing flutters you only do when you're upset? Just a coincidence, huh?"
  16. >Cadence's smile faltered as her ears drooped. "Is it that obvious?"
  17. >Anonymous grunted in affirmation. He stretched his arms out wide and shook out the tension in his lower legs before turning to face the princess head-on.
  18. "It is to me."
  19. >Cadence frowned.
  20. "I'm not convinced this is a good idea, Cadence. I don't NEED to go."
  21. >"Trust me, Anon," she answered with earnest eyes, "Everpony- AND everyhuman- needs a vacation every now and then to avoid burning out."
  22. "But you still haven't explained why you're COMMANDING me to take one now!" Anon couldn't hide the frustration in his voice. "There couldn't be a worse possible time for me to leave! There's so much left to prepare before the Equestria Games inspector arrives! I was going to oversee-"
  23. >Soft pressure from golden-shod hoof silenced the man.
  24. >"Anon, please," Cadence's shaky voice replied. Her shimmering eyes stared into Anon's, straight to the depths of his soul. "This is for your own good."
  25. >Anonymous raised a large hand and brought it to rest on the Candence's withers. He gave her a gentle squeeze.
  26. "Are YOU going to be okay? Forget about my own misgivings, the vibes you've been giving off leading up to my trip have been making me doubly worried."
  27. >Cadence returned to all four hooves. "I need you to promise me something."
  28. "Promise you what?"
  29. >The Princess of Love sighed.
  30. >"Promise me you'll treat this as a real vacation. Promise me that when this train arrives in Canterlot, the Anonymous I know better than anypony else arrives with it."
  31. >Seeing the man's perplexed expression, she continued.
  32. >"I am not sending Sir Anonymous, anointed knight of the Crystal Empire, to Canterlot. I'm sending my wonderful human friend."
  33. >Anon cocked an eyebrow. Cadence fluttered her wings.
  34. "About that... if I have to take time off, couldn't I at least have picked where I got to go? You're the only princess I care to be around."
  35. >Cadence giggled. "Anon, you're going to LOVE my Auntie Celestia, believe me. A-and Auntie Luna is a lot of fun!"
  36. "If you say so," Anonymous replied, shrugging.
  37. >"Anyway, promise me you'll stay 'off-duty' for this vacation," Cadence said as she wiped her eyes with a primary feather. "Promise me you be your usual kind, charming self that Shining and I have come to know and love- especially around my aunts. They would love to be treated like normal ponies for once."
  38. "Okay... I promise I'll do all those things you've asked of me."
  39. >"Great!" Cadence replied with her first genuine smile of the day.
  40. "Cadence..."
  41. >"Hmm?"
  42. "You didn't answer my question from earlier... are YOU going to be okay?"
  43. >"LAST CHANCE, EVERYPONY!" the train's conductor shouted, startling both Anon and Cadence. "ALL ABOARD FOR CANTERLOT!"
  44. >Cadence raised Anon's suitcase with her magic and pressed it into his chest. "Hurry, Nonny!"
  45. >Anonymous cast an apprehensive look back to the princess, but she shooed him towards the train door with her wings, prompting him to hustle. Cadence watched Anon disappear inside the passenger car. Her vision grew blurry.
  46. >Taking a deep breath, Cadence extended a foreleg straight in front of her and exhaled slowly. She wiped her eyes once more.
  47. >"This is for the best," she told herself. "She needs him more than I do."
  48. >Cadence's quiet self-affirmations were interrupted when the train car window in front of her slid down. Anon leaned out of it with his arms spread wide.
  49. "You almost let me go without a hug!"
  50. >Choking back a sob, Cadence rushed up to the man. She threw her forelegs and wings around him, gripping him in the tightest embrace she could muster.
  51. >"I'm going to miss you so much, Anonymous!"
  52. "Hey... come on now, it's not like I'm moving away-"
  53. >A long, piercing note from the train's whistle drowned out Anon's voice. The car lurched forward, bringing an abrupt end to the hug.
  54. >Continuing to lean out of the window, Anon waved to Cadence, who waved back with a wing.
  55. "See you in a week!" he yelled as the train quickly carried him away.
  56. >Cadence watched the train vanish over the horizon.
  57. >"No you won't."
  59. ...

Carl's Hardened Heart (on hiatus)

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Letters of Admiration

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Tension (on hiatus)

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/moon/day OP template

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