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Aria and Anonymous' Bedtime Palooza

By FyreWright
Created: 2021-03-02 00:34:51
Expiry: Never

  1. >The sky outside boomed and crackled with lightning as heavy rain pelted the windows of the bedroom.
  2. >A flash flood warning had been issued for the rural areas of Canterlot, where one of the Sirens' many dwellings had been established, but this news went unnoticed(or, in Aria's case - uncared for) as more pressing matters were being attended to...
  3. >Namely sleep, relaxation(or again in Aria's case, something of a far more softer note.)
  4. >"I love you, Anonymous."
  5. "I love you too, Ari."
  6. >Though the shadows around the bed pooled together to obscure the room in pitch black, the couple could still see one another, as the pale moonlight shining through the window frame was not yet completely hidden by the suffocating gray clouds of the storm, which allowed Aria to see that the smile on her face was shared by her lover.
  7. >Aria released a soft satisfied sigh as she pulled the royal-purple silk sheet up to cover her bare breasts, relaxing into the bed beside Anonymous, who immediately slid his arm around her.
  8. >The happy couple said nothing past that, opting instead to simply enjoy each other's company in the afterglow of their lovemaking; occasionally one would lean over and kiss the other on the cheek, or rub sensually against the other and grin at the response the other gave, but generally it was a time of winding down.
  9. >Aria yawned, settling in one last time, memories of her and Anonymous' recent advent still fresh on her mind, bringing an amorous fire to her heart and belly that was impossible to describe as anything other than pure love.
  10. >Yawning once more, she closed her eyes, still smiling.
  11. >"Goodnight," she whispered, waves of exhaustion now washing over her like the waves of the sea which once was her home... Her old home. For now, she had a new one.
  12. "Night, Ari."
  13. >She nestled into his side, and all was still and right in her world.
  14. >Another thunderous boom was heard outside as a bolt of lightning tore itself throughout the sky, but it again went unnoticed to all but one person in the room.
  15. >"Goodnight Aria!" chirped a third voice.
  16. >The voice instantly made Aria's smile fade from her face, and the warm fire in her heart and belly quivered as something foul began to snuff it out.
  17. >"Ugh, goodnight Sonata..."
  18. >...
  20. >Aria sat up in the bed, the sheet falling from her upper torso as she yanked the cord to the lamp on the nightstand, illuminating the room in a beige glow which blasted the shadows of the night away.
  21. >There, in the corner of the room at her desk, sat a smirking Sonata.
  22. >"That was so cute! You really love Nonny, don't you?"
  23. >Anonymous sat up and upon seeing Aria, shuddered instinctively.
  24. >A snarled lip, revealing all four of her fanged incisors.
  25. >A furious blush, making her cheeks a light grape-purple.
  26. >A look of raging hellfire in her eyes.
  27. >And the ghost of something he had only seen hints of before, something inhuman.
  28. >Needless to say, if Satan were to fear anyone - it would have to be Aria.
  29. >"Sonata... What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. In. Here." She said through grit teeth, every syllable stressed and shaking as if they too feared the speaker.
  30. >Another crackle of lightning tore through the sky, this one shaking the walls of the house and causing the smirk on Sonata's face to falter at once.
  31. >"I'm sorry Ari, I was just scared 'cus it was storming outside and it's a flood warning. It said so on the TV."
  32. >Aria opened her mouth, her sharp incisors looking especially deadly as they glinted in the light, when she suddenly noticed...
  33. >"FUH," she grabbed the sheet with one hand and in one quick motion brought it up to her chin, covering her modest bust.
  34. >In the corner of her eye, she saw Anonymous watching the scene with a dumbfounded look on his face, something that for whatever reason caused the blaze of rage to be tempered somewhat.
  35. >Taking a series of deep breaths, Aria looked back to Sonata, who was now idly kicking her feet and humming to herself as if not a single thing in the world was wrong.
  36. >"Sonata, I can't even begin to explain how fucking stupid this is."
  37. >Sonata looked up and grinned.
  38. >"I know! You were moaning and grunting like nothing I've ever heard before! In fact I can't believe I *hadn't* heard it before! You sure aren't a quiet lover, Ari."
  39. >Aria's eye twitched as she felt what little control Anonymous' presence had brought to her starting to loosen.
  40. >It was at this point Anonymous cleared his throat and finally spoke:
  41. "Sonata don't you think you're a bit too old to be... Y'know, sleeping with your sister when you get scared? Aren't you guys like a thousand years old or something?"
  42. >Sonata shrugged, flipping a bang out of her face.
  43. >"Well that's not fair. Aria is the same age as me but she gets to sleep with you when she's scared every night."
  44. >Anonymous merely blinked, while Aria fell back into the bed, covered her face with her pillow, and then began howling into it.
  45. >Whether it was out of embarrassment, rage, or something else, Anonymous couldn't say.
  46. >What he could say though is that it caused the hairs on his arms to stand up, and reminded him of the kind of beings he was spending his time with nowadays. A faint image of something monstrous and fierce appeared in his mind, and he shuddered once more.
  47. >"Besides," Sonata called out over the enraged screams of her sister, "it's more fun to sleep in here! I do it all the time and neither of you ever notice!"
  48. >Anonymous stared at her, unable to summon the words needed to deal with the situation he was presently in.
  49. >Aria stopped screaming, took a few breaths, then threw the pillow off her face which was now redder than the shards of the glass she kept in a jar on her desk.
  50. >"Sonata..." she said, quietly this time.
  51. >"Yuh-huh?"
  52. >"GET THE FUCK OUT!"
  53. >"'Kay!"
  54. >Sonata hopped up off the chair and skittled out of the room, singing merrily as she did so.
  55. >"Anonymous," Aria said breathlessly, "please get my pillow for me... and maybe the bottle of tylenol from the nightstand."
  56. >Snapping out of his stupor, he nods.
  57. "A-Alright."
  58. -
  59. fin

Aria and Anonymous' Bedtime Palooza

by FyreWright