This is a very new, work in progress directory for all sorts of Changeling-related content.
If you have anything that you think should be added here, please suggest it in the threads!
A few quick links until I work on this more and add proper sections...
Old archived /bug/ Pastebin directory: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd
BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086
15.ai Chrysalis voice clips:
https://voca.ro/1a9jXv0J3CJE (bug like I miss you)
https://voca.ro/13oT5M9Y7Ge6 (alarm snoozed annoyed)
https://voca.ro/17m27aL7gV3X (alarm snooze calm)
https://voca.ro/19gne0S0MbW1 (chrysalis come here)
https://voca.ro/1410vU8rPfuy (silly smile dialog)
https://voca.ro/1d6tTJadLJ7S (good morning annoyed)
https://voca.ro/1kuh8bzctjMv (good morning calm)
https://voca.ro/1gP3OoUZ7QjC (chrysalis misses you normal)
https://voca.ro/1i78DqEcjwdM (chrysalis moan 1)
https://voca.ro/15Zi4Ue7DrlQ (chrysalis moan 2)
https://voca.ro/18USqkUkzuWR (chrysalis no dinner bug like)
https://voca.ro/18y0leC8JW5c (chrysalis no dinner normal)
https://voca.ro/1besMwEap72s (chrysalis returns)
https://voca.ro/12aMn6AKrQQP (chrysalis arise normal)
https://voca.ro/1bkKZgrVKBTt (chrysalis rule the day lusty)
https://voca.ro/143rMswc4CpL (chrysalis sleep in 1)
https://voca.ro/16czkRHXewvi (chrysalis sleep in 2 normal)
https://voca.ro/19aWnfKwdvvj (chrysalis sleep in matter of fact)
https://voca.ro/19mpBIbdQIaW (chrysalis sleep in semi-sarcastic)
https://voca.ro/1a8leqLZ2qi5 (stop looking around and come x me)
https://voca.ro/1etoRj0ojFe3 (stop looking around and come X me annoyed/demanding)
https://voca.ro/16nUUPIIcuUO (stop looking around and come X me (impatient)
https://voca.ro/1gpQrm7pD8Wy (chrysalis vindictive wake up)
https://voca.ro/14RFjJmM6aZB (chrysalis wants affection)
https://voca.ro/1js2ihUJNNfX (chrysalis what is that)
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300 7.24 KB 108
The Hive Directory
By KrivvyCreated: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-06 05:49:22
Expiry: Never
by Krivvy
by Krivvy
by Krivvy