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Stranded Green

By Pon15
Created: 2021-03-11 00:07:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Green Clover.
  2. >Your head hurts badly.
  3. >You close your eyes and press your hooves to it, partially because the light is quite bright and partially because you think it might help with the pain.
  4. >You can hear murmurs in the backlit dark behind your eyelids, a strange combination of yelling and galloping.
  5. >Soon, you feel that you are alone.
  6. >And warm, hot even.
  7. >You start to sweat.
  8. >The light is getting brighter beyond your lids.
  9. >You focus on remnants of conversation you picked up before you were brought here.
  10. >"Take her to the edge of the charted areas, if anything goes wrong she should be safe there."
  11. >"Of course princess."
  12. >She kissed you goodbye and gave you one last tight hug.
  13. >Something tells you you won't see her again.
  14. >Mom...
  15. >Calling her that doesn't feel quite right.
  16. >She did this to you.
  17. >Oh god.
  18. >God? Who's that?
  19. >But she...
  20. >Took you away.
  21. >Before this, you mean.
  22. >Literally took the...
  23. >You out.
  24. >Some of it is coming back, faded memories of the hospital, Little League...
  25. >You concentrate through the heat, trying to recall as many things as you can.
  26. >Some of it isn't returning.
  27. >Maybe the spell that was keeping your memories from you was...
  28. >You really have no idea.
  29. >Well, you suppose it doesn't matter much if you get your memories back, considering the fact that you're probably going to die here too.
  30. >The lesser elements, that was what you think she mentioned was the threat here.
  31. >You open your eyes, even though you know it probably isn't a good idea.
  32. >You have to see.
  33. >Off in the distance, there's...
  34. >Nothing.
  35. >Shouldn't a shockwave of this magnitude killed you?
  36. >Shouldn't the heat have killed you?
  37. >You look back, and see that the guards who took you here are convulsing on the ground.
  38. >You walk over to one and touch him softly, and he wheezes before coughing up a thick globule of blood and mucus.
  39. >Fuck, guess that's not going to work.
  40. >You remember something called hands.
  41. >Computers, shitty food, people...
  42. >Most of them shitty but a few diamonds hardened by the pressure.
  43. >This place isn't safe, but you have no idea where to go from here.
  44. >...
  45. >The World's End Resort had plenty of food, toiletries, and pretty much everything a pony could want stockpiled.
  46. >You're the last one alive now, you're pretty sure.
  47. >You're not even sure why you would think that, but something in you tells you that it's true.
  48. >There are forces beyond your understanding at work here.
  49. >You lounge back in the lawn chair on the edge of the ocean, watching waves flow over the surface of the massive parabola and crash down into the tower of water.
  50. >You're no nigger science man, but you speculate the odd gravitational phenomenon comes from the sun and moon being closer to this planet.
  51. >That and the fact that the planet has probably mostly been destroyed.
  52. >You know it isn't your first planet, not even your first of this planet, but you can't help but feel a pang of regret as you watch the occasional massive corpse of some unfortunate sea predator break the surface of the waves and fall hundreds of feet into the water below.
  53. >You carefully bring the fancy glass (you can't remember what they're called, but they usually hold martinis in the movies) up to your lips and drink in the stinging, aromatic liqour.
  54. >It's not as if you don't have water supplies, and even when you run out you can set up evaporation vessels to purify ocean water.
  55. >Drinking just makes it easier.
  56. >The world ended, and you weren't able to do anything about it.
  57. >You were useless, stuck as a little filly both in body and mind.
  58. >All because you wouldn't suck milk out of a fucking tit.
  59. >You pour the remainder of the beverage into your muzzle and scream, throwing the glass.
  60. >But of course, it doesn't even shatter against the sand.
  61. >Just makes a bit of a 'tink' and rolls...
  62. >Pathetic, you can't even rage properly.
  63. >Maybe you were luckier than the others though, you got to enjoy some of the things that normal fillies do.
  64. >Playing RPGs, having friends...
  65. >The other green fillies bore more scars than you did.
  66. >Aside from these marks on your flanks...
  67. >Burned in, branded for all to see.
  68. >But one of them was missing a leg, and they both had this awful stare, like something fundamental inside of them had been taken away.
  69. >The worst thing that happened to you after your attempted murder of mind was that your best friend killed herself, even though you wouldn't know the significance of her death again until a few days ago.
  70. >You felt guilty, but you kept telling yourself that none of this was your fault.
  71. >But then again, you were the only filly who lost her memories...
  72. >The path that you took was writtten by you and...
  73. >You inhale sharply as sobs begin to wrack your body.
  74. >Maybe if you cry for long enough, you can drip your essence into the sea.
  75. >...
  76. >Food supplies are still holding out, but you've run out of all the things you love.
  77. >In retrospect you should have saved them for last to give you a pick-me-up before you starve to death, but that's a long way away.
  78. >You're lying down in one of many beds that you've slept in (they were almost all pre-made and you're lazy) when a sound comes from outside.
  79. >Something alive?
  80. >You hurriedly throw off the covers in a mess and gallop out the door onto the sandy beach, looking around.
  81. >Something lands right behind you, and you feel incredible dread.
  82. >You don't want to turn around, but you fear it'll kill you if you don't, so you do so in one quick motion.
  83. >The corpse of a mare.
  84. >Ms. Cheerilee.
  85. >You frantically try everything you know to resuscitate her, but after about an hour you're too physically exhausted to continue.
  86. "Why you of all ponies..."
  87. >Your voice sounds strange in your ears, it's been forever since you used it.
  88. >You hug the cold body of one of the few good ponies you knew from this place close.
  89. >You're not sure if you're more filled with rage or pain.
  90. >After all, her corpse couldn't have ended up here naturally like it did.
  91. >Someone or something is fucking with you.

Chilly Filly

by Pon15

Stranded Green

by Pon15