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[RGRE] Alicorn Rehabilitation - by AponymousAuthor

By silvertear
Created: 2021-03-13 14:45:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Alicorn Rehabilitation
  2. by AponymousAuthor
  4. Original post time: Sun 23 Sep 2018 03:29:27
  6. Note: This story was a very short story that was apparently inspired by this pic . Unfortunately, the original paste is lost/deleted so I don't know the actual title nor do I know the exact creation time for this story. This is my attempt at preserving AponymousAuthor's short story
  8. ==================================================
  10. >You are the first Alicorn, and you just got some vacation time
  11. >Apparently the Princesses were going through a "reform all our former enemies" phase, and while you had always been above their pay grade, so to speak, it seemed this included you as well
  12. >As such, you'd been summoned from your office in Tartarus to stand before the crown
  13. >You'd been granted time off for your "good behavior" and been told that you could pick a place to stay, granted there was another Alicorn living there
  14. >You'd been tempted, at first, to stay with Twilight Sparkle, but then you considered the disgruntled denizens of your prison and how often they bemoaned "Ponyville" and its residents
  15. >You had no desire to stay with "Yin and Yang", so they were out
  16. >Bugs were a no considering how clingy they could be
  17. >That left the Crystal Empire
  18. >Someone named Sombra had been living there up until recently, and with your lack of other options, you had your choice made
  19. >With a promise of good faith made, you gathered yourself, and teleported there, arriving in front of Shindig Armor and Princess Need-A More Cadenza who were rather vigorously bucking
  20. >Conveniently, all your teleportation spells included an invisibility sub-root, and you'd made the choice to keep it on so that you could watch the rather mediocre display
  21. >Things had really changed out here since you were sent to Tartarus
  22. >They seemed happy, if nothing else, so you supposed it wasn't entirely a waste
  23. >Once they'd cleaned themselves up (what, were they too embarrassed to let their servants bathe them?) you emerged, towers of fire and ghastly wails that would chill most mares' souls sounding out your presence
  24. "Greetings, I am-"
  25. >Thud
  26. >Oh, look at that, the Shindig just stopped
  28. -----
  30. >Some time after (having restarted the princess' Horseband's heart when she wasn't looking), the three of you were conferring in the throne room
  31. >A few, simple requests from your end secured you a large room, second only to the Mistress bedroom, though you didn't intend to stay for very long
  32. >Thanks to your current job, your accommodations in Tartarus were comfortable enough, and besides you weren't so weak as to need sleep
  33. >On the way out, you poked your head through your mirror to the parallel, pocket dimension you'd created oh so long ago, pleased to see it was still functioning, despite the tampering that you could taste in the air
  34. >Still, it wasn't your problem right now, so you headed out into the city, deigning to walk on your hooves for the time being
  35. >The looks the "nobility" here gave you were absolutely priceless
  36. >Though as more and more Ponies looked on at you in terror and awe, you found your mood souring
  37. >So far, what you'd heard really had been true
  38. >The Stallions of this age were so...submissive
  39. >Where was the passion?
  40. >The defiance?
  41. >Back in your heyday you had a vast harem that could double as your own personal guard
  42. >Every Stallion in it was five times the superior of any "average" soldier
  43. >Now though, it was like the peace had sapped them of their strength and drive, turning them into sniveling wimps
  44. >Not only that, but the time they could last was nowhere near enough for somepony such as yourself
  45. >Frowning, you turned the corner, your eyes landing on a strange monkey creature
  46. >It appeared to be somewhat drunk, three mares carefully attempting to push the large creature out of the tavern, while a small Stallion tugged on it's arm
  47. >"Fug off! I wanna 'nother drink, lemme in there!"
  48. >Impressively, it picked the Stallion up by the arm it was holding and, with a spin you weren't sure was intentional or not, it slipped between the Mares and re-entered the bar
  50. >Well now
  51. >Striding forwards, you brushed the Mares to the side, your touch mildly paralyzingly them
  52. >They'd be fine in ten minutes or so, and you had no need for terrified miscreants bothering you
  53. >Peering into the dimly lit room, you quickly found your target, leaning on the bar, arguing with the bartender about further amounts of alcohol, jabbing her tuft with one limb, while he swung the terrified Stallion about with the other
  54. >As you moved towards him, you could hear the bar going quiet, all eyes but his on you, even the Stallion attached to his arm losing their grip, flying across the room while you stepped up
  55. >Raising a hoof, you wrapped a leg around the creature, judging the weight and the feel of him before you tossed him over your whithers and teleported back to your temporary bedroom
  56. >Seems you'd be getting some use out of that bed after all

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