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[AiE] Burning Questions by MINDWAVE

By silvertear
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-19 06:42:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Burning Questions (AiE)
  4. original Pastebin url:
  6. Note: This story was originally a response to an image by kinkiepinkypie posted in AiE (image - ; post - ) and some anon requested that MINDWAVE write a story to answer said question. MINDWAVE delivered.
  8. ==========
  10. >"As a princess of Equestria, I, Celestia, bestow to you, Anonymous the human, this medal for valor for your actions during this country's latest time of crisis."
  11. >You dip your head to allow the medal to fall onto your shoulders.
  12. >Once in place, you bring it up to you, tracing the intricate etchings with your fingers.
  13. >Celestia smiles down at you from her throne before gesturing with her wing to the side of room.
  14. >"And to make certain that your deeds are never forgotten, a window at the castle has been dedicated to your exploit."
  15. >As on cue, a guard pony releases a rope that allows a tarp to fall, revealing said window.
  16. >Like the others, it's stained glass but this one depicts you striking down your foe by channeling the power of the ponies who bear the Elements of Harmony.
  17. >Immediately, a cacophony engulfs the room with applause and cameras snapping anything and everything.
  18. >Despite that, you can still hear the cheering of your friends who are lined up on the side of you.
  19. >You bow down with immense gratitude.
  20. "Princess Celestia, I...don't know what to say. But, thank you!"
  21. >She shakes her head at your display.
  22. >"Stand Anonymous, we have too much to be thankful for that to be necessary."
  23. >Obediently, you come to your feet.
  24. >"Thank you once again for saving Equestria from certain doom, Anon. As a final reward, you may ask me any question which I shall answer truthfully."
  25. >Thumbing your chin, you consider the offer.
  26. >You've already received so much so it's not an unfair gift.
  27. >And you do have questions that only Celestia could answer.
  28. >Questions, if answered, that could reveal forbidden, dark secrets about the pony matriarch in front of you and even Equestria itself.
  29. >Most importantly, there is one question that has festered in your mind ever since you met her.
  30. >This might be your only chance to get an answer...
  31. >Your mind made up, you look back up at Celestia and with a straight face you ask:
  32. "Do you ever get an itchy butthole but you're too lazy to itch it so you just fart really hard to scratch the itch?"
  33. >The room goes dead silent as your innocent query is heard by all and every eye is upon you.
  34. >Celestia's face grows redder with every passing second.
  35. >You can practically feel the glare that Twilight is sending you right now.
  36. >Celestia coughs to cover her shock and looks back to you with a nervous smile.
  37. >"Dear...Anonymous, are you sure you wouldn't want to know something else? Maybe something about your place in this world?"
  38. >Despite her obvious desperation, you shake your head in refusal.
  39. "Nah, that's really all I want to know."
  40. >The room of ponies are now focused on Celestia, as if they're now just as curious as to whether or not their alabaster deity relieved her itches with air biscuits.
  41. >You can see by her expression that she's considering denying you the answer but you know she values her word too much to do that.
  42. >As if in agreement, her inner turmoil subsides and she beckons you closer with a wing.
  43. >You oblige her request and lean forward.
  44. >She clears her throat once again as she tries to regain her regal stature.
  45. >Finally, she leans toward you as she speaks in a hushed tone.
  46. >"...S-sometimes," when she sees your eyes widen in shock, she hastily adds, "but only because after a full day at court, I can hardly-!"
  47. >You let out a triumphant cry that sends her back flinching.
  48. "Ha, I knew it!"
  49. >You spin around to look back at Twilight, grinning like a madman.
  50. "Pay up Twiggles!"
  51. >The little horse stares back up at the throne, gaping.
  52. >You think you can see the exact moment her image of her infallible mentor dies.
  53. >The room erupts into an uproar as the ponies go into a frenzy, cameras snapping and questions about the princess' butt trumpet flying.
  54. >All the while, Celestia sinks into her throne in complete embarrassment.
  55. >But none of that matters to you.
  56. >Because you just won 10 bits.

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