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[RGRE] Smalltime Party-Crashers - by AponymousAuthor

By silvertear
Created: 2021-03-13 14:49:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Smalltime Party-Crashers
  2. by AponymousAuthor
  4. original post time: Sat 29 Sep 2018 03:31:04 Pacific
  5. original pastebin:
  7. Note: This paste was assembled from the link above and referenced by the pastebin url. Unfortunately the original paste was removed/deleted before proper archiving of the story/time/etc happened and this is my attempt at preserving AponymousAuthor's short story. The actual title of the story is lost (unless AponymousAuthor actually comes back and has a copy), so I'm just putting a title that I think fits.
  9. ==============================
  11. >You are Smalltime, and you are in a lot of trouble
  12. >You’d been walking down the street when a carriage pulled up beside you, a pair of ponies grabbing you and pulling you in, putting a bag on your head
  13. >The, as you assumed, four of you rode around for at least an hour before eventually coming to a stop
  14. >Led out roughly, you didn’t know /where/ you were, but from the smell of baking, you knew /who/ had caught you
  15. >The Pink Party
  16. >Carried down a long, twisting hallway, you eventually came to a stop, hooves setting you down on a table, heavy straps binding you down, keeping your legs spread
  17. >At this point it didn’t matter whether or not you struggled, you were too deep in, and you knew what was going to happen
  18. >You could hear hooves on stone as your foalnappers moved behind you and the table, roughly pulling the sack off your head, ruffling your mane
  19. >Bright light hit your eyes, forcing you to shut them, color flaring through your eyelids
  20. >“Oh come now you two, isn’t she in for enough? Adjust her, won’t you?”
  21. >That voice
  22. >You’d been lucky so as to never have heard it until now, but you’d heard stories about it
  23. >A Stallion’s voice, smooth and soft, one that seemed utterly relaxed and bemused
  24. >It didn’t matter how unspeakable the acts committed by the owner of that voice, they never seemed at all disgusted
  25. >Or so you’d heard
  26. >Your table creaked, tilting you upwards, the light on your eyes lessening enough to let you see
  27. >There, sitting in the darkness across from you, sat the Pink Party’s greatest weapon
  28. >An alien creature, unheard of before in this world
  29. >Their features didn’t quite fit with anything you knew, and yet there was an almost otherworldly beauty to them, like the figure of some powerful being made flesh
  30. >Their…/his/ eyes were small and focused like a timberwolf’s, relaxed, just like their voice, with an odd warmth to them, though that only made the obscene acts worse
  32. >Anonymous
  33. >It was a fitting name for the unknown, and that was what this Stallion was
  34. >”Much better, thank you, girls.”
  35. >He was sitting, one leg crossed above the other, while tight clothes adorned his body, running neatly along the dips and swells of his form as if to tantalize her
  36. >”Now miss Smalltime, is it? I’m going to offer you a choice, the same kind I offer every pony that gets brought before me. If you agree to tell these Ponies anything and everything they want to know, no harm will come to you, and you’ll be let go.”
  37. “I’d rather stick a cupcake in my eye!”
  38. >You were tough, you weren’t gonna break!
  39. >Not only that, but your boss’d want to have a few words with you if you did
  40. >“Well I suppose that’s to be expected. You Mares are always so loyal.”
  41. >You watched as he stood up, and then just kept going, rising higher and higher until he absolutely loomed above you, even with your position on the table elevating your head
  42. >He was easily a head taller than Celestia herself!
  43. >”I hope you won’t mind indulging me tonight. I try to vary up my methods to…keep things fresh, shall we say. Would you tell me how things feel for you as we go? It’s helpful to be able to gauge how these things fare on you Ponies.”
  44. >Out of the corner of your eye, you could see some movement, and a glint of metal, though Anonymous stopped them before you could get a proper look at what was coming
  45. >”I’m going to start you off rather easily, and then go from there. Try not to struggle too much, by the way. I wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.”
  46. >Moving his arm into the area just outside of your line of sight, he pulled it back, a fresh, juicy carrot held in his grabbers
  48. >Bringing it to his mouth, his lips parted, allowing the thing entry, quickly being followed up by a crisp, clear crunch
  49. >You watched as he languidly shifted the bite of food about in his mouth, chewing it up and swallowing before taking another bite
  50. >Crunch
  51. >Some of the juice landed on his lips, inviting him to lick it off, giving you a glimpse of a small, pink tongue that flickered like a snake before retreating into his mouth
  52. >As your belly growled, you couldn't help but remember that you'd been grabbed just before lunch
  53. >This seemed to get his attention, those sharp eyes running over your body, making you want to cover yourself, despite how odd that feeling was to you
  54. >Why would any self-respecting Mare want to hide themselves from a Stallion who was checking them out?
  55. >"Oh, are you hungry? Here, why don't I fix you up something, hm?"
  56. >The amount of care in his voice really was unnerving, leaving you expecting the other horseshoe to drop, which was precisely what happened when he reached into the darkness, pulling out the sharpest, and largest, knife you’d ever seen in your life, the pristine blade glinting in the light, making you wince
  57. >Then, he reached out with his spare grabbers, lifting…a banana up
  58. “What?”
  59. >Calmly, he pinched the black nub at the bottom, deftly pulling strips of skin away, revealing the delicious fruit inside
  60. >"I'll just cut you off a nice piece, okay?"
  61. >The blade rose up, quickly slicing off the always-brown and mushy tip of the banana, but before he cut more of the banana away, he simply tossed the thing off to the side, leaving the foul tip embedded on the blade
  62. >"Open wide."
  63. >Your eyes widened, realization hitting you
  64. "N-No, don't bring that thing near me! I-It's all squishy a-and gross!"
  65. >A nod, and you felt a pair of hooves grab you, forcing your mouth open despite how you struggled against the straps keeping you tied down
  66. >Anonymous raised the blade up above you, dropping the banana piece in, letting it land on your tongue
  68. >You tried to keep your tongue as still as possible when the pony shut your mouth, trapping it inside, and yet as it began to melt in your mouth, you found yourself struggling against the unwanted drool that began to ooze in
  69. >You could hold out though, all you needed to do was to not swallow and you could spit this disgusting piece of muck out
  70. >Glaring at the Stallion who'd done this to you, you saw him holding what looked like a large bag of extra-buttery popcorn
  71. >Every time he took a piece out, butter and grease oozed onto those strange grabbers of his, quickly leaving them glistening, nearly dripping onto the floor
  72. >But why?
  73. >Was he trying to intimidate your or something?
  74. >Act like your struggling was some kind of show for him to enjoy?
  75. >Well you'd show him!
  76. >Struggling against the hooves on your head, you managed to twist enough to bite down on one, causing the mare holding you to yelp and let go
  77. >You spat out the banana as fast as you could, using your teeth to work over your tongue like a comb, spitting up all you could
  78. >Your chest was heaving, but you'd managed to hold out!
  79. >The growl the mare let out let you know you were in for it now, but then, Anonymous stopped them, raising one of his buttery hands up
  80. >"This is why I keep telling you, get the tools out. so much less risk that way."
  81. >As he spoke, he brought his grabber down on your tuft, smearing it with grease, running his digits down your chest and over your belly, leaving streaks of grease through your coat!
  82. >You could feel tears welling in your eyes, and you thrashed against the straps again as he continued the process with his other grabber, wiping both off on you until they were clean
  83. >How?
  84. >How could a Stallion be this cruel?
  85. >You felt so dirty and sticky, and you knew that no single shower could truly cleanse you
  86. >Just then, hoofsteps approached yet again, a bizarre device being handed off
  87. >It had two curved holding spaces, with a broad, flat stick between them
  89. >With your jaw slackened from the awful display you'd just been put through, you weren't ready to struggle against Anonymous as he slid the thing into your mouth
  90. >you could taste metal, but the sort of platform in the middle kept your tongue from doing much
  91. >Anonymous cranked the rest of the contraption, working it a bit like a carriage-Jill, forcing your mouth open and keeping it that way
  92. >Once done, he set about breaking the popcorn apart, using his grabbers to pull pieces free of it while he spoke
  93. >"You know, it was very rude of you to bite my friend there. I offered you a choice at the start of all this, and you refused. This is what happens when I, as well as the boss, don't get what we want."
  94. >His grabber opened, revealing a dozen kernels or so
  95. >No
  96. >Sweet Celestia, he couldn't actually be thinking of...
  97. "W-Wait, please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I bit them, I didn't mean to-"
  98. >Your voice was garbled due to the mechanics in your mouth, and Anonymous feigned like he had no idea of what you were saying as he moved his grabbers to your mouth
  99. >With horrifyingly-practiced skill, he took one of the kernels, pressed it to your tooth, and then slid it up, pushing it in under your gum with ease
  100. >If you'd been paying attention, you might have heard one of the other mares in the room gag, as well as a different one run out
  101. >Instinctively, your tongue tried to move to get the pieces out, but the mouth piece kept it pinned down, barring you from saving yourself from this torment!
  102. >The tears started flowing now, big and messy, running over your grease-stained cheeks
  103. "Stop! Please, I'll tell you about the party-crasher plans, please, just stop!"
  104. >He paused for a moment, looking at you, before drawing back
  105. >He dropped the remaining kernels onto the tray, before removing the metal from your mouth
  106. >"Well? What do you have to say?"
  107. "You..."
  109. >An image of your boss flashed in your mind, and you looked back up at the Stallion standing in front of you, your tongue struggling against the buried kernels, trying weakly to root them out before they drove you mad
  110. "...Lick my clit you bucking monster..."
  111. >He sighed, shaking his head
  112. >"I was really hoping that you'd tell them, too. Doughgirl, get me the gum."
  114. -----
  116. >Three hours later, a carriage pulled over to the side of the road just long enough for the ponies inside to dump a pony out onto the street before galloping away
  117. >Ponies shrieked and screamed as they saw the hideous sight, Stallions fainting and being dragged away from the sight by their Mares, while some called the Ponice
  118. >The Pony on the ground was almost unrecognizable, grease and chocolate stained their coat, while thick, pink gum stuck in their mane and tail
  119. >As they struggled to move, they just kept coughing, cinnamon powder coming up, forming a cloud in their air around them as they struggled to get away while the Ponice sirens wailed in the distance, steadily approaching
  121. -----
  123. >The Mares who'd dropped Smalltime off burnt their carriage down later that day, partly to destroy any evidence that it may have held, but also to help rid them of the memory of what they'd seen
  124. >Wherever the boss had gotten Anonymous from, they hoped to never visit
  125. >If nothing else, he always got results, and they tried to leave that in the forefront of their minds
  126. >They had party-crashers to crash

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