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It's just magic!

By Klaifferon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-22 19:23:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >you're Anon in Equestria with no way back to your world
  2. >been there long enough to start liking these colorful creatures more than platonicaly
  3. >at least one particular of them
  4. >you and blue fast instanly caught each other's eyes
  5. >as friends at first of course
  6. >but after some time, the visible hints that there could be even more started appearing
  7. >so you asked Dash if she'd like to go camping with you this weekend, hoping to finally take the next step in this occasion
  8. >and she said yes
  9. >so you're out there in the woods, sitting by the fire, just the two of you
  10. >grilling marshmallows
  11. "...I think yours is pretty much done yo."
  12. >"Is it huh?" Dash brings her candy on a stick a little closer to her snoot inspect it, then grins "..Almost. I want the last one a little crispy."
  13. "Well, I wouldn't hold it there too much longer. Unless you enjoy eating coal." you grin back
  14. >"Pleeease,.." Dash smugly chuckles, flashing her pearl white teeth at you "I'm a master of grilling these things, I-"
  15. >but her candy just caught on fire
  16. >"Ooops."
  17. "Oops indeed." you laugh, biting into yours, not as cripsy but edible
  18. >"Hey,.. can I have the other half?" she's eyeing on the half of the marshmallow sticking out of your mouth
  19. "Sure." you say, about to give it to her
  20. >but before you do that, Dash reaches closer and chomps on it, your lips shortly connecting
  21. >in that moment your eyes meet as well and instead of backing away to her personal space, the pegasus somewhat stays face to face with you
  22. >chewing on your marshmallows and a little nervously smiling while you're gazing at each other
  23. >the fire is reflecting it's lively flames in her big magenta eyes and you know now
  24. >...the feel you're feeling is really mutual
  25. "Hey Dash..." you slide your body a little bit closer to her as well
  26. >"Y-yeah?" she blushes, shortly looks away and bites her lip
  27. "There's something I wanted to tell you for a while... I know we're not exactly the same species and all, but... do you think that the two of us could..?"
  28. >"..Be together? L-like more than friends?"
  29. "Yeah,.." you smile real wide "...I think I love you."
  30. >"I... think I could say the same to you Anon." she blows a red strand of her mane from her face, on which a confident grins suddenly arises "I wanted to tell you for a while already..."
  31. >and just as shy she seemed just a while ago, her hooves suddenly wrap around your body, right before she presses her lips back at yours again
  32. >the feelings repressed for such a long time are suddenly making it's way to the surface in a rapid tempo through passionate kisses and movements of your bodies brushing against each other
  33. >your hands that have been hugging her now for a minute now make their way towards her wings, lovingly fondling it's roots where the fur's transtioning into feathers,..
  34. >and it's making the mare moan in pleasure
  35. >her orange tongue finally slides it's way into your mouth to meet with yours and mix your salivas together, still tasting like marshmallows
  36. >you've been actualy imagining this a few times, but the reality is far sweeter than your wildest fantasies
  37. >and as excited as you're getting, you move your palms towards her bubbly pony butt, grabbing those amazing cheeks and massaging them with your fingers
  38. >you're about to continue even further, sliding your index finger under her tail, tracing it's dock and then even lower when-
  39. >you kinda expected find a wet sensation there, but...
  40. >it isn't there
  41. >not in a way that she simply isn't turned on
  42. >it just isn't there
  43. >there's literaly nothing
  44. >just a smooth surface, yes a little wet from her sweat between those buttcheeks, but that's about it
  45. "Uuh, Dash?" you'd eventualy stop kissing her
  46. >" there something wrong?" the pegasus gives you a little worried look "Did I do something..?"
  47. "No just-.. I dunno how to say this but,.. where's your..?"
  48. >"My what?"
  49. "You know..."
  50. >"I don't..." she chuckles awkwardly "What do you mean?"
  51. "Well, your... peach?"
  52. >"Sorry?"
  53. "Um, vagina? Genitalia?"
  54. >for which you're given an honest look of pure confusion
  55. >"Anon, what are you talking about.??!"
  56. >you chuckle, thinking she's just messing with as many times before, but then you start realizing she's really serious
  57. "I thought it's just hidden or something. ...You really don't have that?"
  58. >"No..,why should I?"
  59. "...Then how do you ponies reproduce?"
  60. >"With magic, duh?" Dash chuckles obviously "How do humans reproduce??"
  61. "Well with,.. less magic. None at all actualy." you grin awkwardly "Unless you call those moments magical... Which they can be... Sometimes."
  62. >"And there should be something between your...legs? Is that why you constantly keep those pants on?"
  63. "Sort of..."
  64. >"...How does it look like then? Can I see it?"
  65. "I uhh, I guess you can." you cringe a little internaly and hesitanly unzip your jeans, revealing your flaccid member to her
  66. >never thought you might actualy get into a situation like this
  67. >this definitely isn't the way you expected it, but not in a sweet way
  68. >rather a confusing one...
  69. >"By Celestia, that is weeeird..." Dash moves her face closer towards your crotch, sniffing it "And smells funny, but... kinda interesting. Can I touch it?"
  70. "S-sure." you grin even more awkwardly as her hot breath tingles on your penis
  71. >and when she takes it in her hooves, your erection is returning stronger than ever
  72. >it's not your fault that no one else besides you touched your peepee for as long as you're here
  73. >but the sudden change of blood flow in your body surprised Dash so much she flinches away, her irises widening
  74. >"WHAT IS THAT?!"
  75. "Well that... happens when we get excited..?" you cringe at yourself "The body does it automaticaly when it's ready to mate.."
  76. >"And all humans have that?"
  77. "Just males... girls have like a... hole? Where you stick it and then-.."
  78. >"..It spawns a foal?"
  79. "Something like that.."
  80. >"That is seriously weird Anon, you know that?"
  81. "It didn't feel it that way just a few minutes ago..."
  82. >"So ... it grows like that when you're like, ready to reproduce?"
  83. "Yeah,.? But it's not just for reproducing, it feels good too. That's why I was searching for your-.."
  84. >"Hole?.. Trying to make me feel good as well?"
  85. >you nod, still awkward as fuck
  86. >"...That's so sweet of you Anon,.. but I feel really good even when we're just together." she smiles and bites her lip "When we kissed, that felt real good too..."
  87. "I know,. this is a little bit different though..." your eyes meet with hers
  88. >and you both softly chuckle at the same time, relieving a little of the built up stress
  89. >then even snicker
  90. >before you burst to laugh
  91. >this is so fucking bizzare there's literaly nothing else but to laugh at the situation
  92. >and you're both laughing for like two minutes straight, until you hug, just chuckling over each other's shoulder
  93. "Jeez,.." you blow air out of your nose
  94. >"I know......"
  95. "..."
  96. >"...But do you still want me Anon? Even if I don't have "a hole", to reproduce with?"
  97. "I do Dash,.." you snicker "There are more important things life than holes. But this just caught me seriously off guard...."
  98. >...
  99. >"Hey Anon,.. I may not have the hole for reproducing, but I can I try to make you feel good with my mouth. Does that work or,..?"
  100. "Well it does, but-"
  101. >"But..?"
  102. "If it's okay with you?"
  103. >"I wouldn't be offering you if it wasn't." Dash smirks, letting go of the hug "... I dunno why, but after smelling it, it kinda made me wonder how would it taste to have a lick..."
  104. >the next second, her head lowers back down between your legs, her muzzle accidentaly booping into your erection
  105. >"..So, do I just put it in my mouth? That's all?" she glances up at you, blushing a little
  106. "Sorta." you're attempting to not looks embarassed while having to explain all these thing "And if you could like, move it around?"
  107. >"Uhh, sure!" the pegasus grins, opens her mouth and munches on about half of your penis, circulary rolling it inside "Ahm eyh dooinh if fait??"
  108. "Sorry?"
  109. >"I was asking if I'm doing it right." she spits it out again "..It tastes as strange as it smells."
  110. "You really don't have to do this Dash, if you don't want to..." you attempt to smile and touch her cheek
  111. >"I do kinda want... There's something about this. Lemme just-"
  112. >and she takes the head of your penis in her mouth now, just sucking on it, slowly progresssing a little lower
  113. "God..." you need to close your eyes in a sudden wave of pleasure, your body tighteting...
  114. >...
  115. >when it suddenly stops
  116. >"Are you okay Anon? Did I hurt you?" you're seeing a blue hoof, waving in front of your face when your eyelids open again
  117. "No I,.. it was just too great right now I couldn't keep my things together.."
  118. >"THAT great, huh?" Dash smirks smugly, pushing your chest back for you to lean your back on the tree behind you "In that case,.. just relax and I'll make you feel good."
  119. >so you obey what you're told but before that, you reach for her hoof to hold it
  120. >just to keep her in mind throughout what's gonna happen
  121. >and then it starts again,..
  122. >she really must be wanting to have a proper taste quite a bit because her meaty tongue is sliding and twirling across your shaft while she's sucking on it
  123. >..or just realized very quickly how to work with you
  124. >the inside of her mouth is so warm and soft you're having trouble to comprehend it
  125. >but it's just almost too divine of a pleasure, making it impossible to hold yourself back any longer when she's being so vigorous about it
  126. >your body's tensing up and you're clutching her hoof in your hand so hard you're a little affraid you might hurt her
  127. >but the nail-like ring around it is stronger than flesh
  128. >and then it comes, an absurd wortex of raw pleasure sweeps your mind clean
  129. >a moment throughout which you're immersed in a bliss, melting into the world around you
  130. >one that's lasting almost ridiculously long in your head
  131. >...but probably not that long in reality
  132. >when you open your eyes and raise your head again, you're seeing Rainbow Dash, her mouth, nose, right eyelid and even a strand of mane stained with the sticky white liquid
  133. >you came buckets
  134. >"...What is that Anon? Is this supposed to happen?"
  135. "Um, yeah.. Sorry, I probably should have warned you...."
  136. >"I'll be more careful next time.. It's not poisonous, is it? I think I swallowed some..."
  137. "It's not." you chuckle "Probably just not very-"
  138. >when the pegasus licks her lips clean, reaching her tongue all the way up to her muzzle as well
  139. "...not very tasty."
  140. >"...I guess it's alright." she snickers "Could get used to."
  141. >so you softly shake your head and snicker as well before sitting up again
  142. >while Dash's trying to get it off her hoof the same way she did with her nose, you reach for a tissue and spit on it to wipe it off her forehead and above her eye where she can't reach
  143. >"Thanks.." she smirks once she's like new again
  144. "Hey, I should be thanking you." you grin and pull her a bit closer "You're amazing."
  145. >"Even without a hole?"
  146. "Even without a hole... I just wish I could repay you somehow..."
  147. >"Hey, no big deal Anon. I was happy to do it, since we're in love and stuff." the pegasus grins and snuggles up to you "I might not be getting spasms right now, but this is making me equaly happy."
  148. "But if there was something I could do.."
  149. >"Well,.. you could use your hands to give me some more scratches,. and fondle me like before. Yeah and gimme one more kiss... AND! You could definitely come to my aerobatic show tomorrow and cheer for me."
  150. "Deal then." you smirk, sliding your hand towards her wingpit and the other to her thigh, booping her snoot with your nose before softly connecting your lips
  151. >...and while this might not be what you expected at all
  152. >it feels like it's still more than enough than you really need from life
  153. "I love you Dash..." you whisper in between the kisses
  154. >"I love you too Anon..."
  155. ...
  156. >"..Yeah and if we keep living together for a few years, we might just have a foal too if Equestrian magic works on you..."
  158. THE END

Sour Notes

by Klaifferon

Sour Notes

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Suzie the Ponymon

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It's just magic!

by Klaifferon