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By darkdoomer
Created: 2021-03-24 00:18:36
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a story adapted from a greentext story prompted on /mlp/ in 2014.
  2. The theme was unbirthing.
  3. Viewers discretion is advised.
  5. Our story happens in the city of Ponyville, a cute and small town inhabited by about a thousand ponies, located on a plateau fifty kilometers southwest from Canterlot; at the border of the Everfree forest - a very notorious large woods that covers almost three different regions. The reputation of being a jungle for its biodiversity and complexity, and savage nature doesn't need to be argued about. The so-generic name for Ponyville reflects its history and how it was built. Disregard the legends and recent happenings, nothing major, not a single notorious event ever happened in the history of Ponyville.
  7. It's a misunderstanding that Ponyville's located in the principality of Canterlot since it is technically the prefecture of the Region of Everfree. But, for a random administrative decision that has occurred a few decades ago, that city is attached to the Principality of Canterlot; which is a region too but one that carries the pompous name of Principality for hosting the Royal Castle of her Immortal Highness the Princess Celestia of Canterlot and her Orbital Majesty and Sister, Luna. Canterlot is like a micro-state inside a country and that city-state is the capital of the country. In final, the Everfree is the only region that has no prefecture or capital city; and is likely devoid of any control. The true jungle, in a way.
  9. I didn't knew that... the power of books. Is there anything more interesting in there? I just got out of school since less than one hour and the first thing I did was to rush at the library and meet Twilight there. I'm trying to free my mind and think about anything else, even if it's boring facts or informations about the regional planing of services. But I can't help it, I discovered I have a taste for knowledge. At home, I live with Helen and Dad, who's rarely available because his job consists of be anywhere but in that town lost in the countryside.
  11. And in this season there is nothing interesting to do at all. It's cold, so we're usually all staying inside. Dad told me he could acquire a company for me and let me manage it as the primary investor. That's going to be a test for me so I must work and learn everything I can about managing and economy. Afterall it's math. Everything around, in our world is math, even magic, friendship, chaos. Dear Luna why am I such a nerd?
  13. I'm also trying to clutter my mind for the night, there's one thing I can't explain is the amount of nightmares I get since weeks. Twilight says it's normal, all little ponies, colts and fillies have nightmares. I know they're not real, these makes me rather desensitized about all sorts of dangers in the real life. Insomnia, dreaming awake... Usually being up at the same hour of the night all the time.
  15. Twilight's usually lost and very concentrated on her personal studies about magic. I'm also trying to get into it but the old equestrian and handwritten dusty grimoires makes it look like gibberish to me, besides the formulas and illustrations.
  17. “It's magic. It's not like the tricks you'll find in a circus for the fun, that's a mix of meditation and energies you will be in control of. I really would like to make you a little demonstration.”
  19. Thus spake Twilight Sparkle on magic, which is, I think a fair definition of it, although Starswirl's definition goes officially like,
  21. “I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as magic, is in fact, Sorcery/Magic, or as I've recently taken to calling it, sorcery plus magic. Magic is not an element unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning fundamental force made useful by the sorcerer's knowledge, voodoo, incantations and paranormal interactions comprising a full force as defined by energies.
  23. Many unicorns use a modified version of the sorcery every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of sorcery which is widely used today is often called "Magic", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically sorcery, developed by the elder druids through the ages.
  25. There really is magic, and these ponies are using it, but it is just a part of the nature of this force they use. Magic is the essence: the intelligence in the force that allocates the nature's energies to the other elements that you control. The energy is an essential part of every spell, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete witchcraft. Magic is normally used in combination with the sorcery and its spells: the whole system is basically sorcery with magic added, or Sorcery/Magic. All the so-called "magic" books are really books about Sorcery/Magic.”
  27. I can't believe I did read all this.
  29. “Okay, does it means a pony like me could do sorcery plus magic too?”
  31. Twilight smiled at me and giggled.
  32. “It really takes a lot of special aptitudes to perform it you know... Years and years of studying and practice for so little achievements. Oh if you see Sweetie Belle one of these days, tell her to come back... I think she's giving up”
  34. Not say a word about this. I went with “Okay” and gone back into these old books about monsters of the pre-equestrian era. How to summon a dragon and befriend him, everything about tulpas and thoughtforms, and how to make them come to reality. This one has a lot of bookmarks into it.
  35. “That's what I'm working on, really don't move any of these notes !”
  36. The content of these looks pretty scary when you understand what it's all about.
  38. Since a few minutes Twilight seems to be fascinated by something she's reading an annotating. Doing calculations on a portable computer I brought to her. Then she asked,
  40. “Diamond, how old are you?”
  41. “I.... I'm going on my... 14 years soon”
  42. “Oh fine!”
  43. I just turned 12 but I do believe there are books she'd agree to show me. Let's act like nothing happened.
  44. “And you, Twilight; when's your birthday?” I asked. She doesn't answers, thinking, annotating and being already back into her universe.
  46. “I'm like you, about twelve. Billion years, haha! Speaking of, if you don't mind, I'd need a healthy pony as my test subject, and I promise it'll be inoffensive and just fun!” Said Twilight.
  48. “Okay I'm in, what is it?” I'm closing the book I was on, and come to her desk.
  50. “The base of an incomplete spell that reverts for a determined duration the noncumulative chronosynthesis of organisms into a given state. I'm sure it can be fun and I could make it now I get my hoof on the concept of age regression and found the way to make it work, I want to be sure! Can you stand there for one minute?”
  52. I took a few seconds to understand as Twilight's getting up, focusing on me and preparing her spell.
  54. “Wait, I've changed my mind actually Twilight. I'm here to learn and study a few books for school, I like science and everything, I know you're skilled but... nah, that's weird. Look; I'd like to thank you a lot for your welcomeness and I will bring back your book I left at home tomorrow, okay?”
  56. Twilight said nothing, she looks concentrated, more than before, focusing on that age reversal spell she were talking about, and keeps pointing her horn at me as she closes the old book with her hoof. Weather is cold in this season so we've been studying sciences all the afternoon, from biology to chemistry, physics, astrophysics... It was very interesting as she brought a lot of new books from the Canterlot Library of her Majesty. Things have been amazing, but now I'm no longer sure if I should accept to be her test subject.
  58. “Oh come on... Look, I'm going to leave now. It was a pleasure, thanks for the tea, the teachings, books and that evening but I'd like to go back home. I ... Go try with Scootaloo or Spike when he's back! Make Spike a mammal and..”
  60. Then she replied
  62. “Diamond, This won't hurt at all, don't worry. I just need to try it and it's temporary. It's entirely reversible and at worse, nothing happens. Now, you stop talking, moving, breathe normally and I count to three!”
  63. I knew that light in her eyes that basically said "let's fulfill our mistakes or we'll never understand why we should never commit them in the first place" but I was not sure about this.
  64. She said 'Temporary' and we just went through a book about space-time this afternoon, time's just a relative concept, so talking about temporary effects.
  65. She's closing her eyes now. her energy ionizes the air, and give it that particular smell. I'm too far from the door to escape now, there's a mess with books, scrolls everywhere. If she fails I'm gonna end up disintegrated - That's the worse and I don't want this.
  67. She's shooting her beam of magic energy at me. I can feel it like a hundred kilovolts traveling in my veins, paralyzing and blinding. not painful?
  68. "AAAAH!"
  71. Nothing. I might have Fainted. Everything's black. For how long did I lost consciousness? Oh no!
  74. Twilight, you're fucking nuts, what have you done you... Wait no, I can think this... am I still alive? Check. I think therefore I am, but I'm groggy and feel weird, where am I now?
  75. It's black and I can barely feel my legs..I can't be in a coma oh please Celestia, I don't want to end up like a vegetable... Dad! Mom! Help me... Why! It *had* to fuck up.
  76. I'm trying to scream for help but no word comes out. It's like I'm drowning.
  78. Okay. This place is weird and hot and ....insanely comfortable. It's familiar but I cannot explain how. The only things I can hear is a muffled sound. it's clearly Twilight who's talking and after a few minutes I get used to understand these sounds.
  80. "Can you hear me? Tiara? Tiara? It'll be okay I never expected this! Oh Holy Celestia noo... What have I done?"
  81. Good question, what have you done? Turned me into a pumpkin or some object instead?
  83. "You were supposed to be at least one year older to get a cutie mark.. it does not match my calculations, I don't understand.. Oh I'm so sorry..."
  84. Oh yes, I lied about my age, I'm one class higher than I should be and we're two or three to have a CM there, so what? Hey it's moving...
  85. I hear Spike yelling at her. Haha, What's that noise, is that my heart beating? She turned me into a diamond and Spike ate me or...
  87. "Tiara, it will be okay, I hope you can hear me and you're alright... I'll get you out of here when I can. I promise, I don't know how long that age regression spell lasts..."
  89. Oh I get it now.
  91. "Or if you don't get out of there in time and the spells ends, I fear that I'm gonna explode."
  93. I can't fucking believe she made it, I'm inside Twilight Sparkle.. in her belly, her uterus! I'm in need to scream but I'm inhaling that disgusting substance again. I'm panicking and buck against that amount of flesh surrounding me. Where's the exit? Hey, Twilight, have you seen 'Alien' ?
  95. "Calm down I'm gonna ... I must have a book about this... I'm gonna get you out of here I promise, and ewI'm hungry now. Spike, go to the grocery and being everything you can! ...anything, here, have ten bits, keep the rest!"
  97. Urgh... I'm inside Twilight. But yeah, nothing to worry about, she'll find a solution as always, right?
  98. Hours are passing and I'm examining the environment around me, the umbilical cord in the middle of my belly, trying to change my position to something more comfortable, trying to find one where I'm not bothered by Twilight's breathing or heartbeat. After a while you don't pay attention to it.
  100. Later I wake up. Twilight's talking to someone. My father's looking for me. Oh neat she's lying to him.
  101. “She told me she were paying a visit to Scootaloo today or tomorrow, I can't remember exactly, maybe you might have encountered her”
  103. Come on Twi, tell him everything ; the truth and everything and he's gonna lose his shit! Oh you're boring.
  104. “Ah; childrens, especially at their age, Miss Sparkle, you can't imagine. Well, if she's back tell her that I have to go to an event tonight with her mother. There's everything she needs in the fridge, and I'm sorry. Good evening, miss!”
  105. “I'll do. Evenin' Mr. Rich!”
  107. He's leaving? That's all? Oh of course because I'm inside her they won't look inside Twilight's womb or vagina to check what's inside... Where I am exactly? There, I move and I'm already tired.
  109. She's discussing the situation with Spike now. This, with counting the fact she's going to the bathroom every thirty minutes! I'm trying to have a nap... Please...
  110. “We must tell the truth to her parents! Twilight”
  111. Shut up Spike, at this point I don't really mind, I'm better here than with a mother in law who's a complete, alcoholic jerk and has spoused my father 'cause he's an economist and financial expert!
  113. She's finally going to bed. She's cuddling her belly. I'm trying to determine if I hate her for using me or just blame myself for lying on my age. I guess we're in the same situation anyways.
  115. “Good night Diamond Tiara” she said. I'm returning her with two little pokes and finally get some rest.
  117. The next morning, she's with other ponies. Some have definitively concluded that she's pregnant up to the neck!
  118. “Come on, who's the father?”
  119. “No one, it's an experiment of magic, don't worry.”
  120. “An experience? Like, becoming the Burger Princess?”
  121. “It's too complicated and it will disappear as it has appeared! Rarity, could you find me a dress that's on my size? I don't think I could go to Canterlot today, it's”
  122. “Of course darlin' I think I might have that in stock orI could eventually work on making you one just for you, come with me it'll take a few minutes only!”
  123. “You're amazing you know!”
  125. Oh please, not Rarity... Her clothes are overpriced, but of course for her friends they can have anything they want, hawhawhahw. Haw.
  127. So we spent one hour in final waiting for Twilight to find just clothes. Is that really much embarrassing? I think I heard some pony saying that you needed absolutely to hide your enormousness.
  129. So we're on the way for Canterlot after all. Celestia wanted a meetup.
  130. “It's a seasonal meeting with the ex-members of the School for Gifted Unicorns, discussing about the current projects, ideas, and a lot of things. I totally wanted to prepare something but I...”
  131. “Twilight, who are you talking to?”
  132. Sweetie Belle? Great, Rarity brought Sweetie with her.
  133. “I'm talking alone sometimes, Sweetiebelle, don't worry. I'm finding words to make a public speech, I omitted to write one.”
  134. “Oow I get it, that's serious. Do you think I'm going to be like you when I get bigger?”
  135. “Without any doubt, Sweetie!”
  136. I'm laughing my arse off. Oh wow!
  137. “Yay! I'm going to have my cutie mark as the most adorable wizard in Equestria! And I'm going to become an alicorn in the future! And every pony who have mocked me and Scootaloo will pay up, like Snails and Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, and Twhicht even!”
  138. “You have a lot to learn, Sweetiebelle. For this you need to come more often.”
  139. This is why I can't stand her, too.
  141. We're finally in Canterlot's Castle apparently. I can't see anything of course but the discussions are really of an intellect.. Two male voices with squirkish accents. That's even irritating here.
  143. “Honestly, what's an earth pony good for besides carrying a trail? Can they even read? Oh here's Miss Twilight Sparkle, she's on a mission in their lands, we should ask her. Miss Sparkle? Excuse us, we'd like to discu...”
  144. “I don't want to.”
  145. Well put, Twi.
  146. “Quite fine, my apologies dear madam... hohoho!”
  147. What a dickhead.
  150. Rarity, Raven, Lyra, Minuette... and omigosh, even Vinyl Scratch was here with us, she's with Sweetiebelle and myself the youngest unicorn here.
  152. I've been about to sleep when Twilight's got caught in private with the Princess Herself. Her Absolutely Complete Suborbital Highness the Princess Celestia.
  153. “Just call me Celestia again, and leave us alone, thanks”
  155. Okay what's wrong? Twilight's heartbeat increases. We're climbing towards something that might be stairs.
  156. “Please do sit in. You took some weight it looks like, Twi.”
  157. “Oh nothing really important, what's preoccupating you, Princess?”
  158. “Over a hundred years ago now, there was a count here in Canterlot, and a wizard. A very evil stallion you couldn't imagine...”
  159. Celestia recounted her history putting Twilight in the confidential aspect of it.
  160. She also has revealed with Twilight a lot of things my little brain can barely record but I'm doing my best. They're mentioning about the fact that Equestria needs to modernize its army. Interesting, continue... No, Twilight I just poked you yeah, don't change the topic! This is relevant to my interests.
  161. “So, Twilight, I know only you and your friends will be able to fulfill this quest. Is there anything you need I can help for it?”
  162. Yes, if you can't move your big sunbutt from this throne, and your sister can't disconnect from her videogames, just request an escort of stallions for us, please. Twi please...
  163. “Oh it'll be perfect Princess Celestia, thank you! We're going to bring you this crystal me and my friends!”
  164. You're a terrible negociator Twilight.
  166. Later we meet Rarity and Sweetie Belle again. Twilight's talking about her meeting with Celestia with her. I can hear SweetieBelle asking her again about her belly.
  168. “You really want to know?”
  169. “You're going to have a baby, I know, you have met a stallion one day and you have slept together, and he put his weewee in your pee pee and”
  170. “Yeah well it doesn't worked like that for once”
  171. “I ... I don't get it.”
  172. “You better promise me to not say a word to anyone about this, not even under torture, do you Sweetie?” Rarity asked her.
  173. “I promise. ”
  174. “I wanted to experiment an age regression spell I thought that would not work at all or slightly, and it worked perfectly. I just didn't expect that the pony I turned back into a way younger one would end like my baby after a little calculation error”
  175. “Did you turn Spike into...”
  176. “it doesn't work with dragons due to the biological incompatibilities...So there was this younger pony studying stuff to like, be the best of the class...”
  178. Big silence.
  180. “Diamond Tiara's in your belly, right? Is ...Is she going to die?”
  181. “She's fine, she's giving me bumps from times to times, I think she's sleeping right now.”
  182. I'm just listening, not saying a word about it or disturb her on our way back to Ponyville. I'd have preferred Twilight to keep our experience as secret as possible. Miffion sailed!
  183. “That's cute!”
  184. “So, do you feel like, what it is to be a mother or something?” asked Rarity
  185. “Actually I'm aware that she's not my daughter and I'm not her mother. Her biological mother from what I know is no longer alive, I didn't really want to talk about it”
  186. “She hates to talk about it, that makes her sad and aggressive, even with the guys!” Sweetie also had to bring it on.
  192. Time's passing and I'm waking up again, I really don't have to complain, it's warm, snuggly, and I don't need to breathe or anything. What day is it? I have no idea.
  193. "iiEEEEEEEEhhh"
  195. What..Who was that? I'm poking Twilight's flank. Previously we have agreed about a sort of bump code. the only info I can peek from outside is still something.
  196. 1:no 2:ok. 3:what
  197. “I'm with Fluttershy don't worry Diamond..”
  198. Hmph.
  199. “I think you can really speak louder Fluttershy she couldn't listen to you like this.”
  200. “...Hi Diamond Tiara, I hope you're okay”
  201. “Yes she said she's fine, I don't know when I'll be birthing her”
  202. “I think you're getting close to it. I don't think it's a good idea for you to go do it...”
  203. “Nah don't worry, Princess Celestia needs us, she wouldn't put us at risk.”
  204. Your brain is just volatile memory...
  206. I have no idea what day it is and I don't really care. I was wrong about being a magic unicorn and all that fuss but a bit closer to the nerdy life I have imagined – Twilight's life is insanely boring.
  208. She's talking to me, and there's nothing I can do about it but listen..
  209. That's boring, no more! No more lectures or stories! Sometimes I think I'm gonna unplug that umbilical cord from my belly and end it all, urgh!
  211. Nah, I'm bucking at her just to piss her off for trapping me in there. Urgh, and breathing this liquid or trying to yell is just horrible, I should stop.
  213. “Oh; I'm glad you like it, it's really a fascinating story and the philosophy in it really makes it all. But I'm gonna stop now, I'm more hungry than usual now I have to feed both of us you know~!"
  214. Are you kidding me?
  216. Hours are passing. I haven't heard anyone for a while. Except ...Twilight's crying. She's having breakdowns and she's telling Spike to leave her alone. Okay is that my fault now?
  218. "Why? Oh Celestia Why?"
  220. What am I doing there? I should ignore, be tough and sleep. Try to sleep and not get involved. Aw no I really can't, I depend on her, she should depend on me too. What's wrong with you Twi?
  221. Twilight, you okay? You're not alone, oh... I'm gonna hug your heart. There.. it'l lbe okay!
  222. “Eeeeek”
  223. damn, it was ...your bladder, sorry...
  225. Now I know why she needs to prove things to herself at being the best, all the time. She's indeed, very crazy. That's why she meets Pinkie Pie, who's also very insane, but endorses her role of living antidepressant. All of this is completely crazy and this situation is completely illogical.
  226. "Diamond, ...I know, it's fine, everything will be fine. "*sobs*
  228. Next day apparently.
  229. “Okay we're going outside for a walk, you know that thing Celestia wanted us to retrieve, I think we could make it so I brought my friends. I'm not sure if I'm gonna explain them how I get pregnant and I think I can trust Fluttershy and Rarity to keep a secret.”
  230. I know it's monday from what I heard, she's getting things packed, her friends are waiting for her and she looks scared. My heartbeat's fast too this morning, she has kind of abused coffee. Come on, why are you standing at this door? They're waiting. I can hear Pinkie Pie calling you. She's taking a deep breathe again.
  231. Go ahead Twi, I'm with ya! Damn you and your My Little Neurosis collection, which one will you pick today? Aspergers? OCD or borderline? Nah, the Schizo suits you best for this job!
  233. “One, Two... Three. ... Hi girls! Are y'all ready for adventure?”
  241. They've been walking for a while reaching through the woods to get into that castle.
  242. Discussing, chatting about things like; that “experience” Twilight took part into,
  244. How can Twilight keep her nerves with such a troop, really? I must learn about that. Being with them made me realize that
  246. Rarity is actually, likely always going on Twilight's advice, but remains pragmatic. Applejacks approves. Twilight usually goes for the most logic idea and approach. Fluttershy always approves since she always need to feel secured. And now there's like a third group of two ponies. Pinkie Pie's always contradicting Twilight Sparkle by going first, ask questions later and being Random. No wonder her and Rainbow Dash are really friends. I know it's going to explode with them, I don't know when. I apprehend the moment when someone like Rarity will find that dumb rock like there are billions under the soil. Rarity will want to keep it and make more jewels. Twilight will be like, it belongs in a museum! Pinkie would just play soccer with it.
  248. “Girls? Fluttershy? where's Rainbowdash and Pinkie?” Rarity asked.
  249. and here we go. The ruins were obviously haunted, in a way that there were weird stuff happening forcing these ponies to gallop in all directions. I can hear Dash screaming, AJ's coming to help her, and seems to announce us to retreat.
  250. “We're under attack, don't go there” Dashie said – but this does not scares Twilight and Rarity at all. “On my signal... Shoot!”
  251. That shivering discharge of energy, I wonder what they have encountered but Twilight's putting a lot.
  252. “I'm sorry Rarity, I'm a bit weakened... It's not that effective! RAINBOWDASH NO WAIT!”
  253. “You will just piss it off”
  254. Some brontide can be heard all around and that just got through me.
  255. “I tooold youuuu AAAH!”
  256. What's happening there? Twilight's doing her best obviously to fight something.
  258. “AAAAH! NO! LEAVE ME!”
  259. The shit is going on out there! Don't make me get out of here to kick your ass! If I could..what is going on? Twi? What's this?
  261. A very loud voice is resonating in my head just as clear as if I weren't here, and that was just frightening.
  263. “Unicorn ! Behold ! I am the sum of all evils. You have been sent to destroy me. Your quest shall end there. Look at you, you think you have chosen me? I have let you come here because like many before you, you will succumb to my power.”
  265. “What are you?” Shouted Dash, pissed and not being able to fight against that thing.
  267. “I. AM. GOD.”
  268. I don't think of anything scarier than some monster with such pretentions.
  269. “You're not! You're just a tormented soul trapped in this place; you have to leave!”
  270. Well said Twi. I SECOND THAT!
  273. “Don't you realize? Thousands of years before your era, creatures you could not suspect the existence have built this place in my name! Look into me, I am inside your soul!”
  275. “HIYAAAAAH”
  278. She's firing her magic as hard as she can. I'm trying not to move, stay there, wobbling in all directions so she can keep her forces for the fight.
  280. Twilight! Stay with me Twi, don't listen to him!
  283. I am affected by flashbacks normally aimed at Twilight. The ambiance is strange.
  284. There's a desert, and Two legged creatures with large paws hunting other creatures with rocks, later they're killing eachother, They're changing. They're put into prisons, tortured, their homes and cities are disappearing into a wall of fire. Bombs are falling from flying machines making the world a dark place.
  285. There in the middle of nothing, in the darkness, monsters of all kind begins to appear. Animals are starving but resisting against them, then they begins to get organized, unicorns are fighting the monsters, and they have rebuild a civilization.
  286. And that thing was here since forever, hiding and waiting. It's not Discord or a changeling.
  288. “Everything on your world is a repeating cycle since the dawn of times. I am the meaning of your existence and I brought you there to become my servant, Twilight Sparkle!”
  290. I can hear some other ponies screaming for help around.
  292. “Haaaarh! I won't let you!”
  293. “Hang on Twilight!”
  294. Twi's fighting against that faceless creature's entangling her. I can feel it... I think my point of view's no different than reality, they're fighting a ghost, a faceless creature, something amorphous but definitively not nice at all. Then for the first time in days there's a very cold thing going through me, I'm screaming, ask for help. Twilight!
  296. “If I can't have you Twilight, I will instead have her. Offer your Diamond to me now and I will give you a short death instead.”
  298. “Don't touch me. DONT TOUCH ME YOU SACK OF FILTH!”
  300. Fluttershy and Rainbowdash are coordinating a double attack to destabilize that thing, and release her.
  301. “Rarity! We must focus our attack on the orb there! It's what keeps him here. Ready?”
  302. “ALWAYS! Positronic Scythe!” Rarity's even giving a name to her attacks now.
  303. “Wrath of the Sun!”Original
  304. “Party Cannon!”
  306. Okay I have no idea what have happened for the next hours, Twilight's attack made me blackout and faint. but they're obviously all glad to have kicked its flank.
  307. Pinkie, Dash and AJ now wants to know about Twilight and they have their answer.
  308. “Are ya crazy? You're fighting while you're pregnant? We could've ran away and let the army or Celestia!”
  309. “That's dangerous for the baby!”
  310. “Oh calm down, I hope Tiara's alright! We don't know when it will return but we have just have learned about its intentions and weaknesses” Shout Rainbowdash.
  311. I'm okay, here's the proof. I think. Bump!
  312. “Hey! Yes she is!”
  313. “You should've told us since the beginning!”
  314. “She's tougher than you believe, don't worry Pinkie. And I'm hungry for anything, let's go!”
  316. Thus the journey ends after an afternoon of a well deserved rest.
  317. “We're fine! Leave us alone two minutes already!”
  318. Fluttershy's examining Twilight, always preoccupied about me.
  319. “Oh of course, but I think it's going to happen very soon Twilight, if I were you, I'd stay at home.”
  323. “Diamond Tiara? I kind of knew it was you earlier who made me try that ice cream this afternoon. I usually am disgusted about bananas splits, but I really felt like trying one today.”
  324. Can she... read into my mind?
  325. “Yes from times to times. It seems that I'm gonna birth you in the days to come.”
  326. “I'll miss you... Will it hurt?”
  327. “I don't know, I don't think so for you but I think I'll have myself to be prepared to it.”
  328. ...Good night, Twilight !
  329. “'night, Diamond.”
  332. Next day on the morning. Twilight and Spike are together sorting all the books and everything on the library. Oh well who's there? A familiar voice.
  333. “I really wanted to know if you had any information about what happened to Diamond Tiara...”
  334. Oh it's SilverSpoon! She's looking for me. There's something in her voice that...
  335. “Everybody's afraid for her at school, and we fear the worst. There's rumors that says she's been kidnapped by changelings.”
  337. “Oh don't worry about that. Come on here, she'll be back later, safe and sound I know it.”
  338. “I don't want too much optimism and lies Twilight, she's never in good terms with her family, rejected, and she's been depressed and locked on herself the last time, Diam prefers to be alone and focus on studies more than ever. Yknow if the truth is hard to accept I will, we... need to hear it...”
  339. She's crying and rushing on Twilight.
  340. “Silver... I know you're afraid for your friend and I promise, in a few days she'll be back.”
  341. “You.. You won't tell me what happened to her?”
  342. Oh go ahead. I don't care.
  343. “She... We have performed a time travel spell of some kinds that sent her about ... one week in the future”
  344. “Say again?”
  345. Nah nahnah, just tell her the truth, she'll understand. She won't faint.
  346. “She was in there and decided to join a time experiment and she will be back in 2 or 3 days maxi from now.”
  347. “You're lying.”
  348. “Aurgh! What if I told you I inverted her own timescale, making her turn into a fetus and the spell actually got me pregnant and I'm stuck with your friend on my uterus for the past five days?”
  349. “Sounds more plausible... Congrats, by the way! Gotta rush for school!”
  351. Twilight's been doing a lot of things today, she's on her hyperactive moments when she's stressed. And keeps talking to me about her brother, Cadence, Celestia and her friends.
  355. Ow. what was that, did she fell down? got hit by a car or something? Twilight ?
  356. I can hear her. she's screaming. What's going on? Respond! This is DeltaTango we've having a problem... This is not normal. She's screaming in agony! Hold on...
  358. “TIARA, I'M GONNA.. AAAH”
  359. I feel like I'm on some kind of hydraulic press now since one minute, What's going on? And I hear that hippie pegasus again over her screams, Why won't she bring some help?
  362. “Ah. Ah think you're going to get out today, babe... ”
  363. Finally? I'm free? That was about time. Argh, that's compressing me now!
  364. Minutes later, it seems we're at home and Fluttershy's around to help her.
  365. “You're doing a good job Twilight, don't worry. Take a deep breathe and push!”
  366. WAIT! that umbilical cord's around my neck, I totally forgot it! And My skull's gonna implode, ribcage into marmalade... Irony of nature, being killed by the only system that guarantee my survival in this place.
  367. “I .. There's something wrong. I must give her some time.”
  368. Thank you Twi, It's not easy to do anything but ... Ah, Done! It even goes better. I'm sending her a final "yes" and hope she gets it.
  370. I'm losing consciousness and when I'm coming back I finally see the daylight for the first time after almost a week and can hear clearly Twilight screaming in agony. Everything is red, I'm probably covered in blood, I'm freezing, and it hurts, and coughing the remaining of that mixture clogging my lungs. Please kill me that's horrible... and.. I can finally scream out loud.
  371. Fuck, I'm an amount of suffering living flesh now and shaking!
  373. There's Fluttershy saying
  374. "H..Hello you little thing!"
  376. My vision's rather blurry but I manage to distinguish Twilight, and the first thing she's doing is to take me close to her, and lick all of the weird goo all over my fur. I think I might just look as bad.
  377. "Don't worry I'm cleaning you up." she said, and Fluttershy's helping her way too.
  378. I like how I feel a bit warmer on her chest. I see my Cutie Mark's also there! It's cute because there's still the umbilical cord connecting me to her. Hey, maybe I've got unicorn blood now? Cool!
  379. I'm looking at Twilight and Fluttershy, who placed her wing over us to keep us warm and all have some rest and me too. It was quite painful, my guts are upside down... but I'm very comfy. Everything is but one thing on my head right now...
  380. One scary thought being that my mother did all that for me a decade ago. But what am I doing here? A husband can cheat his wife by loving another, but is there a word for cheating your own mother for another that's not mine? No words exist.. I better not torture my mind with that. It was an experiment of age reversal, for science! It could save lives who knows? And I'm falling asleep with them...
  381. It's snowing outside. Fluttershy's kissing me and Twilight's cheek, brings the blanket over us. We're rather cleaned up now and I can no longer stay up.
  384. I'm waking up next to Twilight that morning. We're still at Fluttershy's home. Twilight's looking at me, she smiles. she looks way better than when I got out of her.
  386. "guhrh.."
  387. I'm trying to tell her 'good morning' but obviously i'm still a newborn.
  388. "Good morning to you too, little Diamond!"
  389. She's smiling, and I can't help it but smile back. My stomach hurts, I'm so hungry again...
  390. Twilight's using her levitation spell and move the blanket forward. She's got two, enormous... crotchboobs down there.
  391. "I do know how you feel like, go ahead they're all yours!"
  393. nope.
  394. No sorry man there, I just can't...
  395. She's using her levitation spell on me, again, placing me right between her legs. Another awkward moment of me staring at her vagina.
  396. -"N..nn ... nope!"
  397. "Augh, Tiara, come on! my milk contains every nutriments you need, also the necessary antibodies, if you don't I don't guarantee your survival. I'm dead serious!"
  398. -"Meh"
  399. -"I insist, I'm supposed to take care of you. If you didn't lie on your age, you'd be able to trot and eat whatever you want but you lied!"
  401. -"..."
  402. She's right. Fuck. I'm poking one of Twilight's tits with my tongue, I'm licking it not really knowing how these works. I do my best to chew it. It's tasting like milk, sort of...the outdated kind. I'm slipping and bumping her vagina as I move toward her left boob.
  403. -"It's fine, don't be embarrassed about that!"
  404. -"mhm."
  406. Later, Fluttershy had to go outside. And Twilight also have to get outside for like, stuff ...
  408. -"I'm glad you're doing good actually, I'm still feeling responsible about you, and I want you to be in good health Diamond. So stay here, and sleep. I just have a few things to do in Ponyville, and I'll be back for you! okay?”
  409. She's kissing me, and looks at me. I ... Wait, why don't you ask Fluttershy to bring what you need?
  410. I kind of miss my friends, Silverspoon, even the scoundrels at school! What can I do...
  412. Twilight's leaving the house.
  413. The sound of the clock on the lower floor is the only thing that can be heard.
  415. the whole world around me is bigger. Dramatically. It's scary. it's trippy.... Now I really feel alone. The bed's getting cold without her. wait...
  416. "Twaaah?" "TWAAALAAAh!"
  417. My brand new vocal chords hurts.. I can barely stand on my hooves or move. This fucking sucks. She can't leave me there! Hey!
  418. "TWALaight..."
  420. Fuck, not only I'm really like a baby and I'm about to cry. I'm so pathetic. She's right, if I told her my real age... it's kind of my fault. I must remain cartesian and assume. We're all psychopaths in a crazy world, populated of psychopaths, the only true God often lies there. Discord... What happens here right now is not normal...
  422. There suddenly Twilight rushes back in, galloping. She heard me? Why is she crying? She's hugging me so tight I'm making a squeaky noise.
  423. "Diamond! I'm sorry... I'm so ... so sorry... I'll never ever leave you alone! ever!"
  425. "... I'm okay"
  427. I'm rather feeling comforted that she changed her mind but really, Mrs Sparkle you should control your emotions, already ! in other words, what the fuck...
  430. Next day, 02 after I'm technically born. or have hatched from Twilight's uterus. Had a nightmare this time.
  432. Was going back home. There were nobody here, no lights.... I'm moving upstairs to my room and there, I recognize someone, finally. Scootaloo~?
  433. I'm happy to see someone who's familiar, maybe she was waiting there for me. I missed her. I missed you all...
  434. Then it pans.. scrolls or the whole dream rotates revealing her face.. being like a huge mouth filled with blood.
  436. I wake up and scream. Twilight was already awake, she probably got woke up by my brain activity with her unicorn senses. We're still sleeping very closely. That's... hm, I'm young, it's cold and she's got the instinct of a mother, definitively. I do miss my family.
  437. Tomorrow we're leaving Fluttershy's home back to the library.
  439. After a traditional breakfast any stallion and even mares in Equestria would dream about, I'm finally putting my fresh vocal cords to activity.
  441. -"Twilight?"
  442. -"Yes, Diamond?"
  443. -"Well once we're back, shouldn't we try a reverting spell, to get me back my normal size to cancel the current one?"
  444. -"Hmm..."
  445. -"I'm sure you have something like this! I'm.. thinking of my family, you know..."
  446. -"Yes I have more than one spells that speeds up the process of aging. BUT"
  447. -"But?"
  448. -"But these spells does not just make you a preadolescent pony or a mare, they accelerate everything, leading to an exponential amount of carcinogenic and mutagenic cells in your body"
  449. -"...In English?"
  450. -"It speeds up aging, giving you a generalized cancer. That's bad. This kind of spell could also make you die of elderly age under 72 hours and this cannot be reverted"
  451. -"That's..."
  452. -"One of the most sick and twisted curses I know."
  454. We're finally packing and she's carrying me in a basket. Fluttershy's kissing my snout again.. what do they all have, I'm not a baby already! Once arrived in the library, there were that green unicorn again, Lyra Heartstrings.
  455. -"Doctor Lyra Heartstrings" she corrected.
  458. She was standing on the couch as usual, sipping a cup of tea with Spike.
  459. -"Congrats, Doctor Heartstrings!" replied Twilight.
  460. -"So, how are you doing babe after that experience?”
  461. Twilight explained all the details and the making of process that led me to this.
  462. -"Very interesting, myself I'm working on initiating a pregnancy with Bonnie, you can't imagine how stressful it is... "
  463. They've been chatting for minutes, I was still working at gaining back the control of my hooves, stability and articulations.
  464. Lyra was observing me and came a bit closer, examining me.
  465. -"...Fascinating! Hah, you're really like, born yesterday but you still have all your memories despite the hardware of your age."
  466. -"I'm sure you'd love to live inside a pussy, too."
  467. -"yep, you're reading through my mind! You're in a good health, so take care of yourself, okay!"
  469. Later, we're in the middle of the room. Twilight's looking at me.
  470. I'm also looking at her. Minutes are passing. She's smiling. Spike's certainly at Rarity's place all the afternoon right now. We're both alone.
  472. "Twilight.. You know, when I was inside you last week, well I, sure it ties links between us., but sometimes I really felt like things weren't always so happy for you. Hearing you crying. So if you wanna talk about it..."
  474. She remains silent for a while then
  475. "Diamond, I... "
  477. Fuck, I know what's happening, here we go she now will want to adopt me.
  479. "I want to thank you, carrying you inside me for the last five days, when I lost all hopes and felt empty, I felt your presence inside me, you were the life inside the lifeless being I am. And I'm not even your mother! I thought my body would reject you but I cannot explain how ... it happened, it's beyond magic and everything me and Lyra knows about biology... "
  481. I was afraid that she'd keeps me there any longer or forever, that's what she wants, I can feel it but we both know who we really are. }
  482. I'm gathering my efforts and try to stand up. It's hard but I can make it and walk towards to her.. we're hugging together.
  484. Time's passing. We both fall asleep in the middle of this mess, between the books about magic and everything. When I wake up, my back hurts, my hairs and teeth are all there. My hooves are solid. I'm back to normal... It lasted seven moons total.
  486. She's still sleeping.
  487. I'm thinking of going downstairs silently, and leave her like that was all a dream. Pick my books and accessories - Hope no one sees me coming out of here.
  488. I can't. I remember when I called her and she came back full of remorses for me. She also showed me that I have an importance in a way, and brought her something Spike could never, probably. Even if technically she's a bit her mommy, too.
  490. I'm gonna wait a bit longer, at least 'til breakfast. I'm snuggling back under the blankets now. the rest can wait.
  491. -end
  495. I'm back home finally.
  496. Dad's happy to see me again, he didn't notice my absence since his agenda was overloaded. He's saying everything will be alright. There's a bunch of cops who hav interrogated me, I explain them that Rainbowdash and Twilight saved me from some place on the woods. I'm happy and all. He's staying a while with me, we're discussing, dinner is served, and yet he has to move away again, he must be at Manehattan tomorrow at 7AM. I'm giving him a kiss on the snout before he goes, as always...
  498. So I'm going to my bedroom. There, I discover a mess, with boxes. Clothes dispatched a bit everywhere, my toys are no longer here, posters and prints are no longer there, nor my computer, my camera and a few books I forgot to bring back to Twilight last week. It was predictable, My mother in law decided to give away some toys and sell my stuff. She's there, looking at me...
  500. -"Hmph. never thought you'd make it alive, I cleaned a bit your shit in there. By the way If you got raped by these monsters you better not tell a word. No one gives a fuck about your sob story mkay? Got an idea how much it'd be like to getcha a therapist? 's not your lil'toys that's gonna pay for it. Geddit? If you want nightmares to stop 's not gonna work. There's still suicide y'know.
  501. -"..."
  503. I'm looking at her, expressionless, continuing her monologue, like I give a fuck. I'm not saying one word. I'm not even paying attention or try to look sad.
  505. -"Your dad was 'bout to spend twenty thousands a bunch o' mercenaries to bring ya back this week! Fucker. do you realize how much it is? That's it, if ya think we don't care 'bout ya, also if you think frequenting that purple leech 's gonna learn ya anythin' you're wrong."
  507. She finally slams the door and goes back to the living room, probably to get drunk again. I'm being filled of hate one more time. My teeth are grinding. light just burns out makes it all complete.
  509. It's now completely dark.
  510. I'm staring at that pile of clothes standing on my bed... I'm snuggling inside of it, and try to remember how it was like being inside Twilight's belly. I miss that place.
  512. I had a strange dream this night that looked just weird as the other. I was sitting in a flying machine. Not the kind of areroplane or hot air balloon we have around here, a very fast and noisy plane, maybe faster than rainbowdash. I wake up in there.
  513. I was on a seat, in some kind of machine, and Twilight was on a seat in front of me, I recognized her mane. She was probably driving that huge metallic bird. I look at the sky, and the clouds. It's amazing how fast we are going... things down there are so small...
  514. "Twilight? That's so coo! Where are we? Haha, I can almost touch the clouds, we're flying through them! Twilight? Is everything okay?"
  515. I'm trying to look at her, and what I see there is not Twilight at all. It looks like Twilight made of plastic. It's a huge plastic puppet in form of Twilight but it's not her.
  516. I'm alone on this machine, I need to take its control. There's like a computer on the front seat....I probably need to reach it and program another destination, or to simply take me back down. If that thing could stop moving in all directions that would help. No, I no longer like it, it's not funny at all. I'm over Canterlot now. I hear alarms beeping and a robot girl's voice out of nowhere is shouting "Altitude... altitude... altitude..." I'm holding on my seat as I'm crashing on the castle. and I wake up.
  518. Whatever Twilight did to me inspires me now the weirdest dreams, or were they always here I don't know. I gotta ask her and talk about this.
  520. I'm getting out of here. What time is it?
  521. > 6:21 AM.
  522. I'm looking at the empty walls of this room. No books, nothing at all. Even Scootaloo has a better life. I'm getting out of here.
  523. As I go to the kitchen to have a very early breakfast, I notice Helen's sleeping on the couch, TV remained turned on, with an empty bottle of booze on her hoof. It's just getting worse and worse everyday, is she awake? she's gonna have a hangover again.
  525. That milk tastes bad. Hmph I'm gonna add some oatmeals with it.
  526. I'm thinking again about the possibility that I might have absorbed some of Twilight's genes when I was inside her.
  527. Why exactly did she insist into performing this experiment on me? Does she really need to care for a baby?
  528. I heard her either screaming or crying randomly but since I went out, she was suddenly all okay. I never saw her so happy, perhaps she's really in need to have someone with her.
  529. I'm thinking about Spike, things must not be easy for him either. Would he be jealous if...
  531. Nah that's ... That's too weird. Just like that poor creature on the couch watching some horribly irritating cartoon, how can she even remain sleeping with all that noise around? Is she doing it on-purpose to piss me off?
  532. "Helen?"
  533. Fucking bitch. I swear, I'll destroy you before you destroy what's left of a family here. . .
  534. "Okay. I'm turning it off."
  535. I'm moving to the living room, almost get my hooves perforated by a broken glass there, go to the TV and switch it off.
  536. "Helen... You shou-."
  538. ...
  540. Her eyes were wide open, dilated and black. She was not moving at all, with a stream of blood coming out of her snout and mouth, tinting the couch. I could not move either, or even scream. There was a particular smell behind the scent of whiskey. There's an absolute silence now.
  542. What's going through my head right now? There's a cadaver on the couch, a lot of mess around, dad's desk is more or less upside down. She got killed. They will find out the truth, if they do they will blame it on Twilight. She'll be either locked forever or magisterially impaled. Or they'll accuse me. I'm not staying there. I can't stay there. How do I even move... away.
  544. I'm rushing through the streets towards Twilight's home. Today's forecast: cold and rainy and I did hurt myself with one of the shattered glass on the living room.. They got my DNA now...
  545. I keep on running. I wanted to see Sylvie too. I need to talk with her...
  546. Did she suffer? Did she scream for help? Helen what kind of shit have you done again?
  547. I'm scared, I'm freezing, crying, I have no idea what I'm doing, I just want a place to go.
  548. It's almost 7 o'clock. Another scary thought goes through my mind right now, what if I find out Twilight rushed in and killed Helen?
  549. There are so many people across Equestria she owes money, as much as people who wish to eliminate my dad... I always remember someone getting home, threatening him. threatening me too, breaking everything they see in the house... I'm sure half of the classroom also wants me dead.
  551. I'm hesitating. I'm knocking at the door of the library. I have no choice now I'm freezing.
  552. It's Spike who's opening the door, groggy.
  553. -"Diamond Tiara? What are you doing outsi..."
  554. -"I ..need ...Twilight"
  556. She just woke up, galloping to me down the stairs and fondles on me. I feel more safe here.
  557. She brought me a warm cup of tea, and a blanket. Took care of my flesh wound that slowed me down in the blink of an eye and I'm telling her everything that has happened. About my mother in law, what she wants. What happened that night. Everything I knew. She couldn't hold her tears any longer and I can see in her eyes that she's innocent. How could I think of such a thing, even if I know she would kill for me.
  559. -"Diamond... You've been through a very hard moment, and you need some rest. I'm gonna contact the Princess and explain the situation. Spike, take a letter!"
  560. -"Twilight, could we also pay a visit to Silverspoon? I haven't seen her for a while and I want to tell her that I'm alm"
  561. -"I'm gonna tell her to come, myself I want to bring in some friends who's got a certain opinion about you, just especially, Rainbowdash, Rarity and Applebloom... "
  562. -"Twilight, you know you don't need to do all that"
  563. -"I know, but I want to."
  565. "I still can't imagine what happened thee. How could anypony do that? I mean..."
  566. I remained quite silent, sipping a warm cup of chocolate she prepared for me. Her head was clenched between her hooves, thinking and reviewing a few documents straight from Canterlot to start and investigate on the potential assassins here in Ponyville. The list is indeed, long.
  568. I don't think I understand everything I went through today yet; I don't think if I should be happy or terrified. My mind is empty. This had to happen now.
  569. Spike keeps filling an "inbox" basket with documents. there a familiar voice was heard.
  570. The afternoon we're walking towards Silverspoon's place, Twilight's walking there with me. If there's one thing I want to retrieve it's my computer or get the same one, she offered it to me after building it herself.
  571. Not built like the office machines from Ponyland, she designs the boards and select the ICs all by herself, and she knows exactly which ones are in circulation in ponyville. She wouldn't leave one in the nature for a few reasons.
  573. Her mother looks happy to see me and fondles on me, she's calling Silverspoon in, who's trotting happily in the corridor and hug me.
  574. "Diamondtiara! I knew you'd survive! Hmprrr"
  575. After a rump bump we're encouraged to come in. She's rushing to prepare us something and she's also happy to have Twilight Sparkle at home. Indeed she purchased my PC from Helen for about three bits.
  576. - "She was there, like 'I also have a luxurious game machine, excellent for your fillies so I replied 'I'll give you two bits for that scrap metal box if i can have the stuffed kitten with it' and she insisted for three. Honestly if I had a <<'mother in law'>>like this I'd run out of the house. That cannot be good for your mental health at all."
  577. Twilight explained in her words what happened this morning and that I will indeed need some rest. She also explained that during the past days she was with me. not giving any detail.
  579. Twilight Sparkle never been really fond about that kind of technology, as everypony they don't get the point of being equipped with such technology, unless for a mathematician, scientist or a writer. she don't want either to see in a future, books; archives, writing or libraries replaced by one single computer. I don't care either but Silverspoon really wanted me to have one of the product of her geeky hobby.
  580. I'm just happy to be with her again, I don't wanna lie to her but basically I was with Twilight all along after a magic thing occurred. I know she knows how to keep a secret, A lot of secrets I keep both on my heart and in me.
  582. "You know, all the classroom cried when they heard that you have disappeared or got fillynapped. Even Scootaloo and Miss Cheerilee."
  583. "Hmm"
  584. "But I were the saddest one around and all of them have been very kind and supportive with me and they did not give up on me. I was sad but didn't felt alone"
  585. I'm remaining silent, and smile, listening to her story.
  586. "So from now, I'd like it if we'd stop trolling and bugging with the blank flanks, oki? Because we're the two most intelligent of our class, we don't even really need to"
  587. "YES! I won't, ever do that again I promise, Silverspoon"
  588. Twilight's observing me, I know it. and I know that it's time for us to leave them alone.
  589. "I'm just making sure everything fine for her until all of that is resolved." said Twilight to Ms. Honeybush. "You comin' Diamond?"
  591. Meeting Silverspoon warmed my heart, I do know now I'm not some outcast in school even if the year's almost finished. Now I'm trotting through the storm under Twilight's shield, keeping us warm under the non-stop rain.
  592. The evening's there, she's into her books, and I'm there, closer. We're having a dinner, then we go to bed. She's got only one right now, so I'm snugglin' in. She's reading something about magic written in old equestrian.
  593. "Starswirl The Beard himself wrote it."
  594. I'm kind of fascinated but fall asleep on her heart, again.

Anonymous in Industria

by darkdoomer

On Fluttershy

by darkdoomer


by darkdoomer

Duotone voivodership

by darkdoomer