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Phonefag Shitposts

By ReggieSomething
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-10 03:48:41
Expiry: Never

A collection of random shitposts I've done whilst phonefagging.

"Why?" you may be asking yourself. I've got writer's block at the moment and figured that finding some of my shitposts on desuarchive might help with inspiration. [spoiler]I also wanted to play around with pastedown syntax.[/spoiler]

What's there is there. Enjoy.

Everyday Life With Guardsmares Speculation: Anon x Luna

(With apologies to TheManFromAnotherTime)

context: Speculation in the /rgm/ thread about who Anonymous from the story Everyday Life with Guardsmares would go home with after the Grand Galloping Gala.

Anonymous Sat 01 Aug 2020 10:24:49 No.35689217


Not a bad idea. I could even see Anon getting buzzed enough at the Gala to start flirting.

>Between his pimp suit, physique, personality, and assisted by alcohol, he starts shamelessly spitting game at the princesses
>Sunny Buns plays it off gracefully. Though flattered, she knows that the Royal Engineer can't afford a fractured pelvis with the MXP games just around the corner
>Best Princess, on the other hoof, is receptive to his advances
>Homeboy plays his cards right and spends the night giving Luna an intimate in-depth tutorial on human reciprocating pistons
>Honor notices Anon leaving the party with Luna and gets really jealous. It's only at this moment where she fully acknowledges her feelings for him, and is torn due to the thing she's got with sergeant slowplay
>Eb also notices Anon and Luna leaving together and has a proud internal, "atta chico" moment
>Glamerspear is mostly self absorbed the entire night. Has an awkward run in with captain salt lick and his wife
>Sparkshower has a tense interaction with major growler at the Gala. She's conflicted at the thought of using Lady growler's gifted Lance against her valkeries in the games
>in an effort to clear her mind, sparks goes for a flight around the castle.
>gliding past a tower, she hears a familiar voice cry out in... pain?
>hurricanes and tornadoes! Her VIP could be in danger!
>sparks changes course, now headed directly towards the tower balcony. Nopony will harm her VIP if she has anything to say about it!
>before she reaches the balcony, she hears a royal canterlot voice cry out in ecstasy, "HARDER ANON! WE COMMAND YOU TO PLOW US HARDER! SOW OUR ROYAL VALLEY WITH YOUR SEEEEEEED!"
>it was at this point Specialist Sparkshower realized she done fucked up
>her VIP wasn't in danger. Her intervention wasn't required
>unfortunately, realizing what Anon was doing made for a wing boner that she couldn't control

Anonymous Sat 01 Aug 2020 10:51:39 No.35689304



>unable to control her wings, Sparks has another startling realization. She's stuck on the balcony until this wing boner subsides
>too terrified to move, sparks stands rigid, wings flared, mouth agape at the scene she stumbled upon
>thankfully, the noise of liquid dripping onto the balcony floor was drowned out by the sounds of flesh slapping flesh and the occasional Ye Royal Canterlot Orgasm
>apparently human stamina wasn't limited to running
>fifteen minutes. FIFTEEN MINUTES she had waited to regain control of her throbbing wings
>her VIP had barely finished, and the terror of being discovered finally overpowered her shameful curiosity
>sparks carefully turns around and steps towards the railing.
>leaping from the balcony, she flies away from the tower as silently as she can, oblivious to the large eyes tracking her ascent from the balcony

"Luna, what are you looking at? Is something wrong?"

>"Tis nothing, dearest Anon. What we observed can wait until the morning. We hope the fire in thy loins still burns hot, for we are not finished with thee yet!"

We don't deserve you, Neuro

Rarity and Venom Snake

Check your iDroid, Darling

Anonymous Sun 15 Nov 2020 10:35:57 No.36156713

>"Fine, darling. I will find those diamonds for you on the condition you let me design new uniforms for you and the rest of your men. I'll put the 'diamond' in 'Diamond Dogs'!"

"Rarity, you know the point of camouflage is to blend in, not stand out, right?"

>"You don't need to blend in while at Mother Base, dear. You're the Big Boss! Allow me to help you strut your stuff!"

"You strut enough for the both of us," you retort as you swing a leg over her back.

>The posh white mare looks back at you, her expression a mix of indignation and embarrassment.
>"Snake! Just what do you think you're doing?

"I told you I was going to ride you hard when I brought you on yesterday. You seemed fine with it... excited even."

>"Yes, but I thought you were referring to..."
>Rarity's voice trails off while her face turns various hues of red.
>"Not. A. Word..." she says, regaining her composure. "The others will never learn that I carried you about this Celestia-forsaken land on my back like some beast of burden, understand?"

"Ordering the Boss around now, huh?

>"Snake, this may be my first day as your...'waifu'... but we both know who the REAL Big Boss is in this relationship."

"Yes, ma'am."

Cadence Punishes an Unfaithful Shining Armor

Anonymous 03/27/21(Sat)16:51:58 No.36775822

>In an unexpected twist, Cadence was actually looking to punish Shining for repeatedly calling her "Chryssi" in bed. Anon's molestation of her husband was a moment of serendipity for the frustrated Princess of Love.

"Do you see now, Shining!?" Cadence bellowed at her husband. "Do you see what happens when you lie to your wife about being over that bug queen abomination?"

>Shining Armor sobbed and struggled in vain to talk through his ball gag.
>The bipedal molester entered the dungeon cell. He brandished a maid's feather duster, wagging it tauntingly at the chain-bound prince.
>"Uuuuffffgg! Eh-gunff!!" Shining pleaded to his wife. "EEEEEESSSSS!"
>Cadence cocked an eyebrow and chuckled.

"You're not getting off that easy," Cadence growled as she sauntered over to her prince. She pressed her lips to his ear and whispered, "Did you think I'd just forgive you for your recent tryst with 'Chryssi'? Hmmm?"

>The Princess of Love pulled away from Shining and sashayed over to the minotaur-like silhouette looming in the door frame. She dragged the tips of her primary feathers across his broad shoulders and down his chest.

"Rut me, you exotic stallion," she commanded the being. "Rut me in front of my cheating husband."

>"As you command, your highness," the human responded in a baritone voice that chilled Shining's blood.

"There's a good colt," Cadence purred.

>Her horn glowed blue, and the man's pants were pulled to the cold stone floor, allowing his erect length to spring free.

"Oh, look how big he is, Shining!"

>More muffled sobs that could've translated to "I'm sorry" reached Cadence's ears.

"Oh, you say that now," Cadence snapped at her husband. "Wait until he fills me to the brim with his seed! We'll see how sorry you are then!"

>Cadence wheeled around to her new lover.

"What was your name again, big colt?"

>"Anonymous," he replied. "But you can call me 'Anon'."

The Dark Side of Luna's Moon

Couldn't help myself.

>The donuts go straight to the Royal Posterior, and you couldn't be more thrilled.
>That you've spent more time admiring her fuller moons does not go unnoticed by your marefriend.
>Having been compared to her sister for eons, Luna's deep-rooted feelings of rump insecurity were finally laid to rest when she caught you literally drooling whilst ogling her backside.
>Now she makes a point to sashay whenever you're near, her generous cheeks swaying and jiggling with every accentuated step.
>It's enough to bring a tear to your eye.
>Such is the case tonight as you follow her through Canterlot Castle's winding halls.
>Luna flicks her starry tail in concert with the swaying of glorious ink-blotted booty, offering you a peek at her treasure. It contrasts sharply against her glistening puffy, plum-colored lips; that plump pink pearl.
>"Anonymous?" she asks coyly, breaking you from your lust-fueled trance. "Are you alright, my love?"
>If your smirking face wasn't evidence enough, the peak that had disrupted the terrain south of the belt border made your condition clear. You were more than alright.

"I'm fine, honey," you respond after tearing your eyes away from her rump. "I was just thinking."

>"Oh? Thinking about what, darling?"

"How much I appreciate donuts."

>Luna covers her face with a wing to stifle a chuckle. "That makes two of us."

"You know, I could really go for a donut right now," you admit. "Too bad Joe's is closed for the night."

>"Truly a shame."
>Luna stops and raises a hoof to her chin in mock-contemplation. "Perhaps I could offer you something as a consolation?"

"Yeah? You got a donut stashed away for me somewhere?"

>She flutters her eyelashes.
>"Well, it's not a 'dough'-nut..." she says after a brief, exaggerated flag of her tail.
>Your mare spins around. Her forelegs pull your ear to her lips.
>"... but it could stand to be thoroughly glazed," she moans.
>Luna nibbles your earlobe, making the hair on your arms stand on end.
>You can practically hear your heart trying to jackhammer out of your chest as Luna traces her frog around the summit of Manmeat Mountain.
>She pulls her face back to study you. Your excited, shallow breaths mix with hers.
>Her breath is sweet, as is her arousal, which is so thick in the air that you can taste it.
>"Well, Anonymous?" she asks with a hint of trepidation. "Care to indulge in my tight little treat?"
>She squeals in delight as you sweep her off her hooves. Her forelegs wrap around the back of your neck.
>Luna's eyes are locked on yours. You feel her lusty gaze burning into you as you bridal carry her in a frantic rush to her chambers.
>You're gonna crash so hard into that perfect posterior, she won't be able to sit for days. You can almost feel her cheeks slapping against your hips already.
>Thanks, Donut Joe.

[Outro music: Deep Purple- Knocking at Your Back Door]

Knocking at Your Back Door

Celestia Blows Anon

In response to:

>"Your seed, Anonymous," Celestia reiterates. "I would very much appreciate it if you would give me more of it."

"Okay," you respond in the most neutral tone you can muster.

>This is a literal dream-come-true, yet a small nagging voice lingers in the back of your mind.
>You have to know.

"Not that it's a problem, but may I ask why, Your Highness?"

>Celestia chuckles. "Anon, please. I do believe you and I are well beyond formalities at this point. Just 'Celestia' is fine."

"How about 'Tia'?"

>"That's fine too. In fact, that's the nickname Luna bestowed upon me eons ago."
>Emboldened, you decide to push the proverbial envelope.
>You close the distance with Celestia in a few deliberate steps.
>The solar princess looks up at you, a bastion of beauty, grace, and confidence.
>Before you stands a mare who could bend the world to her whim, and yet, you see the slightest glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes.
>She stands firm and watches your hands as they cautiously reach out and make contact with her neck.
>Celestia's neck tenses up but a moment before relaxing into your gentle caressing.

"I don't want to use your sister's nickname for you," you whisper into her ear. "How about, 'Sexiest Mare in Equestria'?"

>She smiles and lights her horn. A chair from your dining room is pulled close by her golden aura and deposited behind you. Her magic gently coaxes you to sit.
>"Flatterer," she whispers back after a few nibbles of your ear. "And to answer your earlier question, your semen made me feel so much more alive and energetic than I normally am."
>Her front hooves are now draped over your shoulders.
>"I felt... complete." She admits with a faint blush. "And I REALLY liked the taste."
>You can't help but laugh, and Celestia is quick to join you.

"Well, I'm glad I could help."

>"Are you ready to 'help' me again?" she asks with an eager smile.
>You spot a bit of chest fluff protruding from under her large golden peytral, and your fingers arrive on scene to investigate. Her regalia blocks access to most of it, but what you can touch is thick, warm, and other-worldly soft.
>Lighting her horn again, Celestia removes her peytral, crown, and shoes. She holds her head high and thrusts her chest towards you, puffing her tuft for all it's worth.
>Move aside fingers, face needs a turn.

"Oh, yyyyyeah." you growl into her luxurious fur after breathing in her intoxicating scent.

>"Alright, dear," Celestia coos, "Momma needs her fix."
>Golden light envelops your pants. They're gone in a flash, as are your unmentionables.
>Hopefully you read "unmentionables" in a Hank Hill voice.
>Your member twitches, but is still mostly flaccid, earning a frown from the princess.
>"Anon?" she asks, concern clear in her voice. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No! You're fine!" you reassure her. "More than fine..."

>"Then why aren't you hard?"
>Because you're maxing out your willpower, desperately trying to keep Junior down a little while longer.
>But she doesn't need to know that.
>This had better pay off.

"Human males typically need a lot more... 'stimulation'... to get hard," you lie through your teeth. "Even more so to achieve an orgasm."

>"I see..." she replies. "I don't suppose you'd mind if I helped you along in this regard?"
>Keep it together just a bit longer, Anon.

"I don't mind at all."

>"Very well, Anon. What would you like me to do?"
>You pray she can't hear your heart redlining.

"Would you mind turning around?"

>Celestia complies. "Now what?"
>Deep breaths.

"Put on a little show for me, Celestia."

>"A show?"

"You know, strut your stuff. Tease me with your goods. Swing that thing!"

>"I suppose I could try..."
>Your princess internalizes a beat and she begins to rock her hips from side to side. Her tail gets involved, and teases you with glimpses of her treasure.
>She sashays away from you, exaggerated steps jiggling her immaculate cheeks just right.
>Celestia spins around and struts back to you. She turns again and plants her rump on your bare crotch, where you've sprung to attention.
>Her long, multicolored tail is flagged to the right, giving you unobstructed access to her nethers. Your length is standing parallel to her glistening lips. They kiss your manhood as she grinds her rear on you.
>Celestia turns around and looks at you with half-lidded eyes. "Am I doing it right, Anon?"
>Your hands hover above her twin suns.
>"Go ahead, Anonymous," Celestia says with a nod. "I know you want to. Give them a squeeze."
>You slap your open palms down onto Celestia's meaty rump. She moans in approval.
>Celestia continues to grind her dripping marehood all over your lap while you knead her ass like your life depends on it.
>It's becoming too much. You need to take her.
>You stand, forcing Celestia off your lap.
>"Anon, what are you-"
>Your tip aligns with her entrance.
>"Not so fast!" Celestia yelps.
>She scampers away before you can thrust into her. You groan in frustration.
>Her magic forces you back into your chair, and she's straddling your legs a moment later.
>"Not today, Sunshine," Celestia moans into your ear as she hugs you with her forelegs. "But maybe another time."
>Celestia drags her belly along your length until you're between her teats. She teases your shaft with her erect nipples, then slides back onto all four hooves.
>With her muzzle mere inches away from your tip, she looks up at you. "How was that for 'stimulation', Anon?"

"I'd say that did the trick."

>"Good! Ready to give me what I want?"

"Come get it, babe."

>Celestia hums, and wraps her lips around your cock. She bobs her head up and down while her tongue snakes around your length.
>"mmm-hhhhhfffff" She moans.
>Throughout it all, her lovely magenta eyes are locked onto yours.
>You start bucking your hips. The end is near.
>Celestia senses it as well an redoubles her efforts. She continues to piston her mouth up and down while trying to suck your soul out from your manhood.

"Tia! I'm so close!"

>Her lips break the seal with your rod with a pop. A long strand of saliva spans the gap between her muzzle and your head.
>"Do it, Anon!" Celestia moans. "I can't wait to taste you again!"
>She starts to suck you again, harder and more frantic than before.
>"Hurry, Anon! Finish in my mouth! Give me all of it!"

"Tia!" you gasp. "Here it comes!"

>"That's it Sunshine! CUM FOR MEEEE!!!!"
>You grab the back of Celestia's head and hilt inside her mouth. You see stars as you start to unload into your princess.
>Celestia continues to suck on your shaft as you let loose a primal roar of pleasure. Her tongue dances over your tip, coaxing every last drop out.
>You cum more than you ever have in your entire life, and Celestia swallows it all greedily.
>Your vision goes white.
>Finally, you understand that old meme from Earth: "When you nut but she keeps sucking."
>"Anon? Anonnn? Equesria to Anon!"

"Huh?" you mumble as you regain your wits and take stock of your surroundings.

>Celestia's hair is solid pink. She's literally radiating warmth and light from all over her body.
>She giggles, then licks her lips. "I asked if it was good for you."

"Marry me." you grunt as you drop to your knees. "For the love of everything sacred, marry me now. Please."

>"I'll think about it," she replies with a coy smile. "But for now..."
>A golden flash of light above your dining room table catches your eye. A large bowl filled to the brim with pineapples, bananas, and oranges appears on it.
>"I trust you'll keep yourself ready and willing to provide me with your seed whenever I should require it?
>There's no suppressing your grin any longer.

"Anytime, anyplace, honey."

"Improper etiquette when meeting the Princess of Love."

Will Riker Smile

Prompt is the title, in response to >>36900185


Openly flirting with her:

"It's nice to meet you, Princess," you say with the most charming smile you can muster.

>Is it just the lighting, or is she blushing?
>"Please, Mister Anonymous, call me 'Cadence'", the pretty pink princess responds with her own charming smile.
>The sight, sound, and even scent of her stirs something deep inside you. Primal urges bubble to the surface of your mind. Duran Duran's "Hungry LIke the Wolf" plays in the distance.
>Flashing your best Will Riker grin, you respond in a playful tone.

"In that case, Cadence, I insist you call me 'Anon'," you reply whilst daring to brush a lock of Cadence's mane behind her ear.

>A quickly-stifled giggle from Cadence reaches your ears. Despite her cutting it off prematurely, that short musical melody unlocks your heart in a way you thought impossible.
>"May I ask you a question, Anon?"

"Of course."

>"Do you humans always wear clothes?"
>You chuckle.

"We do, with a few exceptions."

>"Why is that?"

"There are cultural and practical reasons..."

>Cadence cocks an eyebrow. "Practical reasons? Such as?"

"Well, for starters, we don't have thick hides and fur to protect us from the elements," you begin.

>Leaning forward, your lips hover next to her right ear before you continue.

"And, there's the fact that human men, er, 'stallions', don't have sheaths."

>Cadence gasps. She's definitely blushing now.
>[Will Riker smirk intensifies]
>"Anon!" she exclaims whilst lightly batting you with a hoof, "How lewd!"

"My hand to Celestia, it's the truth..."

>Unable to contain her curiosity, Cadence follows up with another question. "Being 'out there' all the time... how does it affect, um... performance?" she asks with a bit too much inflection.

"We can go for several minutes easily," your reply, unable to contain your smile at her surprised gasp. "Ten or fifteen minutes isn't unusual..."

>"Ten or fifteen minutes..." Cadence echoes before biting her lip. Her wings slowly unfurl on their own accord.

"Mmmhmm!" you say cheerfully. "Well, Cadence, it was nice meeting you! I should probably let you go. I'm sure you've got princess stuff to attend to, and I've got to find this inn I'll be staying at-"

>"No! Wait!" Cadence interrupts with force.
>You give her a faux-confused glance.
>"The spire! W-we've got plenty of available r-rooms in the spire!" she quickly stammers.

"Cadence, appreciate the offer, but I don't want to impose-"

>"Nonsense!" she says with a wild look in her eyes. "I insist! You'll be my honored guest!"
>Smiling once more, you spread your arms out. Cadence accepts your invitation and throws her forelegs around your neck. Her warmth is comforting, her scent, intoxicating.

"Thank you, Cadence."

>"Please, Anon," she whispers into your ear, "if it's just us, call me, 'Candy'."

[reply to my original green]

No.36900691▶>>36900750 >>36900778 >>36900856 >>36900865 >>36900881 >>36901327 File: SFAH.jpg (17 KB, 480x360) 17 KB

>>36900549 (You)
Never in a million years would I have expected a Cadence x Anon green text from a Whose Line thread.


>"I didn't know that Celestia was in the room."

[my response]

>Never in a million years would I have expected a Cadence x Anon green text from a Whose Line thread.

What can I say? When it comes to Cadence, I simply cannot help myself.


Don't mind if I do.

>Cadence's whispered words sends chills down your spine. Goosebumps follow a moment later.

"As you wish... Candy," you breathe into her right ear before daring to nip at it with your canine teeth.

>"Mmm..." she moans into your ear.
>The Princess of Love drags her tongue along your collarbone and up your neck, bringing your soldier to attention.
>"AHEM!" an all-too-familiar voice announces, abruptly halting both of your excited panting.
>The unmistakable sound of a record scratching is heard, and with it, your favorite song from the Rio album is abruptly silenced.
>Both you and Cadence turn to face the voice's owner with icy terror coursing through your veins.

"I didn't know that Celestia was in the room," is what you blurt out at the sight of Big Mama's incredulous expression.

>"Auntie!" Cadence exclaims with a nervous chuckle. "I didn't realize you were going to be visiting, heh heh..."
>"Hello, Dear," Celestia replies with a hint of amusement in her voice. "I see you're getting acquainted with the dangerously-seductive Anonymous."
>Dangerously-seductive? You hold up your hands in mock-surrender.

"Hold on a minute, Celestia. There's nothing 'dangerous' about a bit of playful flirting."

>Celestia's face belies her unusually-cold tone. "Isn't there? Cadence, did you happen to introduce Anon to your husband?"

"Wait a minute," you yelp, whirling around to Cadence. "Husband!?"

>Cadence's sheepish grin devolves into a pout. "I-I'm sorry, Anon. I don't know what came over me..."
>"There, there," Celestia says as she drapes a wing over her niece. "There's no way you could have been prepared for his animal magnetism."
>This mare. This mare right here.

"Oh, and I suppose you can resist my 'savage masculine wiles'?" you retort with air quotes, not bothering to conceal the irritation in your voice.

>Celestia retracts her wing from Cadence and marches up to you. "Young stallion," she begins, her voice saturated with authority, "When you've ruled as long as I, you learn the importance of controlling your base instincts. I'm afraid it would take more than light petting and whispering to shatter my resolve."
>Looking down into Celestia's stern magenta eyes, you find yourself chuckling.

"You've never experienced human hands, have you Princess?"

>"No, but no matter. I am the master of my domain."
>Channeling the full potency of Bill Hicks' "Goat Boy", you release a low, growling, "Heh, heh, heh" and wiggle your fingers menacingly.
>You rake your fingers down Celestia's spine, paying extra attention to the flight muscles that ripple at your touch. The princess draws in a sharp hiss of air, but to her credit, maintains her composure.
>"Who dares wins," as the SAS motto goes, and soon, your fingers dare to trace the outline of Celestia's left sun. Her powerful muscles spasm, jiggling her perfect rump in a way that makes your throbbing heat ache for release.
>Celestia's wings twitch, and her ears are turned rearward, facing you. Her barrel heaves with a sharp inhalation.
>A flash of pink in your peripheral vision pulls your gaze away from the solar princess. Looking to your right, you see Cadence gawking at you. Her mouth is hanging loosely, her wings are flared, and her tail swishes violently. You swear you can smell strawberries on the air.
>Turning your attention back towards Celestia, you give her rump a hearty smack.
>"Are you... quite... done?" Celestia hisses out between hitched breaths.

"Not quite," you answer, grinning. "Anon is here to please you."

>"How?" she responds in spite of herself.
>How did that Goat Boy skit go again?

"Throw your legs over my shoulders and let me wear you like a feed bag!"

>POMF Massive white wings spring out in all their glory.
>You hear something dripping on the floor from Candy's direction.
>Thanks, Bill. You were taken from us too soon.
>Celestia's gaze is no longer the one of a ruler regarding her subject, it is one of prey that has been cornered by a predator. Time to seal the deal.
>Bringing your face to the base of Celestia's ethereal pastel mane, you inhale loud and deep through your nose, taking in her scent.
>"Anon? What are you-"
>Not wanting to lose the initiative, you dig your canines into her lovely swan-like neck, where her mane meets her alabaster fur. Celestia unleashes a whinny that makes your heart skip a beat and your ears ring.
>"ExcuseusamomentCadencewhileIdealwithAnonhere!" is what you hear before your world goes dark in a heartbeat.
>Your vision returns a moment later, and you find yourself in an elaborately-furnished room with light-blue crystal walls. Celestia stands an arm's length away, wings flared and tail flagged.

"Where are we?"

>"One of the guest rooms in the crystal spire."

"Ah, all too easy," you gloat. "Master of your domain, my ass!"

>She frowns, but her blush tells you everything you need to know.

"I hope you ate your Wheaties today, Celestia," you say while unbuckling your belt, "because I've got over two weeks of frustration to unload."

>Celestia snorts, and lights her horn. Your belt tears free from your grasp and refastens itself in a golden glow. Next, a faint pop reaches your ears, as does the sound of paper rustling.
>A magazine is unceremoniously thrust into your chest by Celestia's telekinesis. The princess turns away and huffs.
>"Take care of it yourself, colt."
>Looking down, you see the words "Play Colt" adorning the top of the magazine cover. A lavender unicorn with toothpaste-colored hair stares at you from the page with sultry eyes. "Former Dictator Bares All!"
>Interesting. Still...

"I don't suppose there's any naughty pictures of you in here?" you ask, full of hope.

>"Psh! Me? In a rag like that!?" Celestia scoffs. "In your dreams!"

"Aww-" you begin to whine as she turns away.

>"Hey, Anon..." Celestia calls playfully.


>The Princess of the Sun has hiked her tail up and to the right as far as it will go, revealing the most beautiful sight you've ever had the pleasure of viewing.
>"I win," Celestia giggles before teleporting out of the room.
>You sigh, and resign yourself to your fate.
>At least Celestia was generous enough to donate the crown jewel of your spank bank.

Familiar frustration

Carl's Hardened Heart (on hiatus)

by ReggieSomething

Letters of Admiration

by ReggieSomething

Tension (on hiatus)

by ReggieSomething


by ReggieSomething

/moon/day OP template

by ReggieSomething