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[HW - 2] Observation

By nether
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-10 01:44:58
Expiry: Never

The Chaos Realms

Discord tossed and turned in his sleep. Even in the void between worlds, he could find no peace from this miserable machine. It blinked and hummed in his dreams, taunting him evermore. No magic. No chaos. Now even sleep was being taken from him. The very ponies who had deemed him worthy of reformation were now doubting him once more. Why would they go through all this trouble to ignore something so blatantly obvious? Was it to torment him? To punish him further?

No, no even Sparkle wasn’t that cruel. Sunkist and Moonpie were so seemingly uninterested in his existence outside of Canterlot, the very thought of them taking time from their precious tea-parties to twist him back to insanity was laughable.

“What are you?!” he yelled, twisting from his sleep. His words came back jumbled, just as they should in the realm of chaos. Still they carried the sting of the machine. His magic nor his mind could conjure an explanation to this mess. Since three of the elements had failed him so far, perhaps it would do him good to call upon the remaining half?

Rarity was out of the question. Her precious baby lizard servant was probably still trying to clear the cobwebs from his peanut of a brain, let alone make sense of the gem. Fluttershy then? He guffawed at his own nearly lucid thought. She was the sole pony that refused to give up on him, even when he was being particularly abrasive. It wouldn’t do to submit that kind of faith to something even he could no longer see in the skies.

Pinkie Pie could make for just the relaxing visit he needed, though. While her mind and thoughts were an enigma to most ponies, Discord found a certain familiarity with them. Organized chaos, but chaos nonetheless. Perhaps she could help him make sense of this mess, in her own, sugary sweet kind of way.

Sugarcube Corner

Inhaling the sweet scent of pure, unaltered fun, Discord let himself into the bakery that doubled as Pinkie’s residence. Sun beamed through the windows onto the counters, giving the entire shop a delightful glimmering effect. The lack of patrons was understandable, given the early hour of his visit, but he knew better than to write off the party pony as unprepared.

“Excuse me, but I was told there was someone here who could help me plan a party?” No sooner had the caffeinated p-word left his lips than Pinkie had leapt unto the counter.

“What kinda party?!” she asked, tail wagging an excitement all its own.

“Why, a welcoming party of course!” Discord replied, clasping his paw and claw together. “A dear new friend is going to be arriving any day now, I can feel it.”

“New friend!?” Pinkie repeated, glass threatening to shatter as her pitch escalated.

“Indeed! It’s somepony I’ve been penpals with for a while now, and they’re going to try and sneak in and surprise me. Do you think you could help me turn the tables and surprise them instead?”

“Nopony can out-surprise party Pinkamenia Diane Pie, adorning icing as war paint. “When’re they gonna be here?”

“I have no idea!” Discord chuckled, leaning on the counter. “I don’t even know what they look like. As I told you, we’ve yet to formally meet – I only have their pen name to go by: Bip.” Not very creative, granted, but it’s all he cared to muster. And so, it seemed, it’s all Pinkie cared to need.

“Bip?” Pinkie snickered. “Bip’s gonna get the bestest most awesomemest surprise party of her life!”

“I knew I could count on you, Ponka,” Discord said, patting her squeaky mane. “Now, you know Bip could have eyes anywhere. We absolutely have to keep this between us,” he continued, conjuring a cupcake into existence.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she whispered, smashing the confection into her eye. “Where is the party gonna be?” she asked, licking the icing from her face.

“I have a feeling it will take place in the Everfree forest, but I’m not certain yet. Bip is rather sneaky, and probably thinks she can slip in unnoticed there.”

“Clever girl.”

“Together we can defeat Bip,” he said, donning a safari outfit.

“We may need some backup. Lucky for you, I know just the mare!” Pinkie said, bouncing off of the counter, towards the door. “She’ll love it!”

The Everfree Forest

In spite of the sun settling into an early noon position, the forest was cool and dark. The leaves didn’t sing today, apparently devoid of birds and wind. The entire forest, in fact, felt eerily empty. Not even the dreadful magic that lingered over the trees seemed to be present.

“Where is everyone?” Fluttershy asked, peeking out from behind Pinkie Pie.

“It’s a surprise party silly! We’re the welcome wagon!”

“And, um, who is it that wants to sneak into Ponyville?” the pegasus whispered. “Bip?”

“Bip! A friend of Discord’s!” That statement did little to quell Fluttershy’s nerves.

“Well, if he’s a friend of Discord’s,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Bip’s a she,” Pinkie corrected, bouncing further into the forest with not a care in the world.

“Are you sure? Do you even know what Bip is?”

“Hmmm,” Pinkie paused, hoof to chin. “Nnnnope!”

“Maybe we should go get Discord?” Fluttershy offered, her voice assuming an impressively quiet volume.

“Weelll,” Pinkie stopped hopping, looking around the still forest. “He said he wanted to get a present ready for Bip. We really should start setting up – who knows when Bip will arrive! We don’t want to throw a half party!” The party pony resumed her jumping, slowly leading her friend deeper into the forest. “Besides, it’s just the old castle. We’ve been there loads a times with Twilight!”

Several hours later, the sun was well on its way to the horizon. The stars began peeking through the sky, dotting the inky blackness of the night. Fluttershy halfheartedly hung streamers with Pinkie’s guidance. Admittedly, the main hall of the castle was turning out to be quite the party room. The dark, desolate hallways leading into the main room contrasted starkly. It was as if the castle itself was harboring the ancient fears of the forest. Like they’d been forced into hiding by something much… more.

“Can we go now?” Fluttershy asked, repeating her question for the umpteenth time.

“Almost… done!” Pinkie said, ignoring the repeated question. The streamer fell loose after being released, drooping just so. “We’re ready!” Pinkie jumped in place, giddy with anticipation now. “I wonder when Bip will show up?”

As if on que, Discord entered the main hall. Behind him, a rather large present was resting on a particularly creaky wagon.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said, continuing to maneuver the present towards the center of the room. “This gift took me a while to put together. Since it’s Bip, I wanted to make sure it’s special.”

“Why didn’t you just use your hoosawhatsit power and make whatever it is like you always do?”

“As I said, Pinkie, it’s a very special present. Whipping something up with chaos just wouldn’t be the same,” Discord said, smiling coyly. “Fluttershy!” he continued, dropping the wagon’s handle, “So glad you could help!”

“Anything for a friend,” the yellow pegasus smiled.

“And what a true friend you are,” he said, grabbing both ponies for a group hug. “I don’t think I could’ve pulled this off without the two of you. Bip is going to love it!”

“Oooh! Do you know when we get to meet her?” Pinkie asked, eyes wide with wonder. Her imagination had perhaps gone a bit wild, conjuring up a bubblegum colored earth pony.

“Soon, soon,” Discord said, patting the party pony. “In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion he’ll be here tonight.”

“He?” repeated Pinkie. “I thought Bip was a she?”

“You know, you could be right,” Discord noted, releasing the two ponies. “I don’t really know either – it’s just not something that’s ever come up in our messages. Bip is a very private,” he paused again, considering his options. “Pony. I think.” A new problem bubbled up to the top of his mind now. “There’s only one last thing we need to do. Bip’s never been to Ponyville before, so he won’t know his way around. We’ll need to meet him in the forest. Shall we?” he asked, gesturing towards the castle entrance.

Pinkie’s eyes seemed to give off light directly now as she bounced towards the door. Fluttershy, not wanting to be left alone in the eerie castle was close behind.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Fluttershy piped up, hovering rather close to Discord. “The creatures of the forest won’t like us being nosey so late!”

“When I was a little filly and the sun was going down…” Pinkie started, still hopping. Before she could get the next verse out however, Discord’s paw was covering her mouth.

“As much as I adore your singing voice,” he said, looking around, “I have to agree with Fluttershy.” Pinkie groaned, pouting through Discord’s paw. “You can sing as much as you like once the party is in motion, I promise.”

“Speaking of parties,” Fluttershy said, more questions welling up in her head, “is anypony else coming?”

“I sent some invitations, but I’m not sure if anypony will want to meet Bip,” Discord said, shrugging. “I have a bit of a reputation, don’t you know, and I’m willing to bet it extends to my friends as well. It’s a shame, really. I know for a fact that ol Smoozey would just love to meet you!”

“Discord, can we go home now?” Pinkie asked, tail droopy now. The moon was high in the sky, basking the forest floor in patches with its pale light. Fluttershy had long since forgone flying, instead napping on a cotton candy cloud conjured by Discord.

“I suppose Bip might not arrive tonight,” the draconequus sighed, his own head hanging low. After hours of dragging Pinkie and Fluttershy though the forest, he was finally starting to realize what his obsession had been doing to him. “Let’s head home.”

“Aw, cheer up!” Pinkie could sense the disappointment in his voice. “I’m sure Bip will show up eventually! She said she was coming, didn’t she?”

Discord cringed. That hadn’t been entirely true. He’d interpreted the sudden disappearance from the machine in the sky as such, convinced it was focused on him and him alone. For all his instincts, all his intuition, the forest offered not so much as a broken twig of evidence. Still, his own chaotic senses were tingling, begging him to keep looking. Something was ahoof, and he would find out what. Just, not as soon as he wanted to.

“I’d hide under my pillow,” Pinkie sang, quieter than normal.
“From what I thought I saw; but Granny Pie said that wasn’t the way; to deal with fears at all.” Much to Discord’s appreciation, Pinkie apparently took note of the still snoozing Fluttershy, and decided to hum the rest of the song to herself.

Discord yawned, stretching and rubbing his eyes while they walked back to town. This had all been for naught – and it took him dragging his friends around to convince himself of that. For now, this would do. He’d devise a better plan at a later time, after a good night’s sleep.

Or, he would’ve.

After opening his eyes again, he could’ve sworn something else was looking back at him. Stopping in his tracks, he squinted. A pair of red, glowing orbs stared back at him, as though to pierce through his soul. The rest of whatever figure was there was completely concealed in the darkness cast by the forest canopy.

“Pinkie,” he whispered, causing the pony to stop bouncing. “Do you see that?” The party pony followed his gaze, stopping when she spotted the lights in the distance.

“Woah,” she said, tilting her head. “What do you suppose it is?”

Discord didn’t answer. Confirmation. Finally, confirmation that he noticed something somepony else could see. He wasn’t crazy! Er, no more so than normal, at least. Still, the eyes currently burrowing into his being had triggered something else inside him, and it had little to do with confirmation. Run. Hide. Attack. Curl up and cry – something! His mind and magic sent every conceivable command to him, but none took. Instead, he stood there, as though a statue once more.

“Discord?” Pinkie asked, finally turning to see the expression on his face. “Is that Bip?” Her normally bubbly voice had taken a solemn turn now. Something about that gaze was equally unsettling to her. In response, Discord nodded slowly, going so far as to only blink one eye at a time. “Bip’s nice, right?” she asked, the faintest hint of a quiver in her voice.

Still, he could find no words. His first thought may have been of confirmation – validation even; but his next thoughts went to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. He had lured them into the Everfree forest, to find something that his own chaos couldn’t control. Fluttershy, a relatively weak flier, and Pinkie Pie, who’s own chaotic magic was likely just as ineffective as his.

“Pinkie, I need you to take Fluttershy to the castle,” he said, still maintaining his staring contest with the eyes. “You’ll be safe there.” More an attempt to calm himself than the ponies. He deflated the cotton candy cloud that was serving as Fluttershy’s perch, waking her.

“Discord?” Fluttershy asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes. “What’s going on?”

“It would seem Bip has arrived,” Discord murmured. “And he’s not the friend I thought he was.”

It was at that moment that the eyes began to move towards them.

Last Edit: 01/10/2019 12:21 CST

[HW-1] Technologic

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[HW - 2] Observation

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[HW - 3] First Contact

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