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[RGRE] Gym Justice

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2021-04-10 22:51:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Gilda, bordering on manifesting a Stand out of your post-workout body odor
  2. >It'd probably punch really hard or something, you don't know, Fluttershy is the one that watches that dweeby weeby shit
  3. >You give her a nod as she bounces on the treadmill and she waves back
  4. >You're proud of her sticking with the gym into February, unlike most of the New Years tourists
  5. >You trot into the locker room and set your gym bag by your locker
  6. >You shuck off your clothes and stuff them into your stankbag and grab your shampoo bottle
  7. >Walking into the nearby shower stall, you hear the locker room door open again
  8. >You don't pay it any mind until your hear a metallic snipping sound and the clatter of a lock hitting the tile
  9. > You stride out of the stall with a scowl on your face, which turns to confusion
  10. >There's a short guy in shorts and a t-shirt pawing through someone else's locker, a pair of bolt cutters laying on the bench
  11. >He smirks and straightens up, something clenched in his hand
  12. >When he sees you, he pales and tenses
  13. >You growl,
  14. "What do you think you're doing, punk?"
  15. >He tries to bolt past you, but you grab him by the arm and pull him back
  16. >He yelps as you lift him into the air and thunk him down on the bench
  17. >"I'm sorry! I-"
  18. >His nose wrinkles as you lean in and pry his hand open to find...
  19. "A pair of pink panties?"
  20. >You stare at his reddening face
  21. "Huh. I didn't know guys could be perverts too."
  22. >He weakly struggles against your grip on his arm
  23. >"Let me go, alright? Or at least put some deodorant on, you smell terrible."
  24. >You frown at him, then look down at yourself
  25. >You're still naked and sweaty
  26. >With a growl you drag the short guy to the shower stall and ignore his renewed struggling and protests
  27. >You push him down and clamp his torso and head between your thighs as you start the water
  28. >He squirms and growls in frustration
  29. >"Hey, are you trying to drown me or something?"
  30. >You roll your eyes at his theatrics and squeeze him until he wheezes
  31. "You can't drown in a shower, idiot."
  32. >You relax your thighs and squirt some shampoo into your hand
  33. >He pushes weakly against your leg
  34. >"Bitch."
  35. >You give him another squeeze, and he stops struggling
  36. >As you continue your showering routine, you feel his head twist a little back and forth between your inner thighs
  37. >His damp hair leaves tingles behind as it brushes a mere few inches from your snatch
  38. >It's... distracting
  39. >Not long after, you feel something poke against your ankle
  40. >You look down and see him blushing, his wet shorts doing nothing to hide his erection
  41. >You practically purr as you turn off the water,
  42. "You really are a pervert, aren't you?"
  43. >"S-shut up!"
  44. >You grab his arm again and haul him back to your locker
  45. >It's a little tricky getting your towel and drying off one-handed, but you manage
  46. >The guy is shivering when you get done
  47. >You show him a predatory grin
  48. "You shouldn't wear wet clothes, you'll catch a cold."
  49. >He glares at you, but doesn't resist when you yank his clothes off and give him your towel
  50. >The guy is a little pudgy around the middle, but he carries his weight well enough
  51. >You grin as you see his six inch wang sway in the air as he dries off
  52. >When he's done, he throws the towel at you with an unreadable expression on his face
  53. >"What now?"
  54. >You lick your lips
  55. >It's fine, right?
  56. >You're just keeping him here until someone gets the authorities...
  57. >He's hard, he wants it
  58. >You sit down on the bench and pull him down between your legs
  59. >He hesitates, his face a bare few inches from your honeypot
  60. >You grab his hair and mash his face into your crotch
  61. >He gives you a half-hearted glare then gets to licking
  62. >You brace yourself with one arm on the bench while you bite your lip and stroke his hair
  63. >His tongue licks and flicks and drags, coaxing more and more of your juices into his slutty mouth
  64. >You stare down at him with lidded eyes and a smug grin
  65. >The look of impotent defiance in his eyes is turning you on more than it should
  66. >You bring your leg up, using your calf to keep him trapped and lapping at your clit
  67. >That frees up your hand to rub and squeeze at your breasts
  68. >You croon in pleasure, taking a special satisfaction in the blush on his face and the lust you can see in his gaze
  69. >You slowly roll your hips, shuddering at the waves of bliss rising within you
  70. "Mmm, yes, just like that..."
  71. >Your chest heaves as he swirls his tongue around your clit
  72. >What a talented little slut you've captured~
  73. >The locker room door opens up and you freeze
  74. >The guy keeps going, and you realize your thighs are clamped around his ears, he didn't hear a thing
  75. >Fluttershy walks into view and pauses to take in the situation
  76. >She turns beet red
  77. >You rush to explain yourself
  78. "Look, he's a thief, he deserves it! He was hard, and... see, he was using that bolt cutter, and-"
  79. >She looks over at where you gestured
  80. >"That's my locker! This is the third time this month someone stole my underwear! Or, I guess, tried to steal it. Um."
  81. >She looks at you, then the guy on his hands and knees between your legs
  82. >"Thanks for catching him?"
  83. >You shudder as he sucks on your clit
  84. "No, oh, problem."
  85. >What are you even supposed to say in this situation?
  86. >Fluttershy bites her lip
  87. >"Can I... touch him?"
  88. >You feel yourself relax a bit
  89. >She's not going to snitch on you
  90. "Yeah, go for it."
  91. >The guy's face has lost all trace of defiance
  92. >He just stares blankly into your bush as he licks you out like a pudding cup
  93. >Fluttershy approaches and crouches down
  94. >She reaches between his legs, her cheeks red and her eyes bright
  95. >The guy jolts, his eyes going wide as he looks up at you
  96. >You grin and run your hand through his hair
  97. >Suddenly, he seems much more eager about going down on you, the slut
  98. >Flutters has a hand on his ass, the other milking his dick
  99. >You shudder, grinding your pussy against his eager mouth
  100. >The locker room echoes with the sounds of vulgar slurping and panting breath
  101. >The slut moans happily, his hands exploring your thighs, his face shiny with your juices
  102. >You bite your lip
  103. "Oh, fuck!"
  104. >You tip over into orgasm, warmth and pleasure flooding you from tip to curled toe
  105. >It takes all the self control you have to not crush his head between your thighs
  106. >As your hips twitch in the aftershocks, he whimpers in pleasure
  107. >You hear a splattering sound and look up
  108. >Fluttershy raises her hand, staring at the jizz on her fingers in fascination
  109. >She licks a bit, makes a face, then wipes her hand off on his ass
  110. >Oh yeah
  111. >You open your legs, freeing the guy
  112. >He flops onto his side, flushed, panting and trembling
  113. >You run a hand through your hair and glance at Fluttershy
  114. >She is sniffing her hand, then blushes as she meets your gaze
  115. >You shrug
  116. "So that happened."
  117. >She hides her hand behind her back
  118. >"Yeah..."
  119. >The guy staggers to his feet, then freezes at the sight of Fluttershy
  120. >You put a heavy hand on his shoulder
  121. "Here's the deal. We won't turn you in and you get to be our workout fuckbuddy."
  122. >He blinks
  123. >"Really?"
  124. >You shift your hand and grab his butt
  125. "Yes really. You like that, slut?"
  126. >His breath hitches
  127. >"Yeah, I do."
  128. >You grin
  129. >"Good. Go ahead and get naked, Flutters, we'll meet you in the showers."
  130. >She nods eagerly and starts stripping
  131. >You push your new friend along
  132. "So, before we run a tunnel on you, what is you name, slut?"
  133. >He turns to face you in the shower stall, his eyes flickering towards your chest
  134. >"I'm Anon."
  135. >You grin
  136. "Cute name. I'm Gilda. You got a girlfriend?"
  137. >He shakes his head
  138. >You put an arm around his shoulders, your breast mashed against his arm
  139. "Then today's you lucky day! You have two now, and we're going to make sure you don't get any more silly ideas like stealing underwear or going to the cops. Sound good?"
  140. >Anon reaches back and hefts your butt cheek as Fluttershy bounces into the stall
  141. >"Yes ma'am!"
  142. "Good boy."
  143. >As Fluttershy presses up against him, you get a good feeling about the whole thing
  144. >She gets a good motivator to go to the gym regularly
  145. >Anon himself could stand to lose some weight and get toned
  146. >And you get the satisfaction of training up a gym bunny
  147. >Thank Faust for perverted boys

A Dazzling Christmas

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A Dream Proposition

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A Morning Ride

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Adagio's Lullaby

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An Acquired Taste (Scat)

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