Ever since she got her cutie mark as a filly, Pinkie Pie knew that along with her party passion she had a special fondness of balloons (which would explain how they are her cutie mark). She could never really put her hoof on just why it was exactly. There were many things about them she loved even to this day: their bright colors, their cheery squeaks, the way they softly drifted about even when filled with air, and most of all, the way they can instantly cheer (almost) anyone up! In fact, the only thing she DIDN'T like was when they popped. It was like a little piece of her broke everytime one burst, so everyone knew to be careful with them except for meanie pants like Gilda.
Pinkie Pie always made sure to have big bouquets of the largest, prettiest, colorfulest balloons in Equestria around her home and was always happy to share them with her friends! Some nights, like tonight, she would spend time playing with her favorite non-living companions before calling it a night. "This feels like the perfect evening to be all loony balloony!" She thought to herself as she bounded up the stairs to her room, her curly fuzzy mane and tail bouncing with each step as if they too were balls of energy. "Alrighty, here I come!!" Pinkie pulled out her pony-sized chest full of every shape and color balloon imaginable, and even some you can't! "Oooh, you guys will do!"
She gingerly plucked out a bag filled with large magenta and fuscia latex orbs and nabbed the pump. In a hyper yet careful fashion, she began to bring each one to life as her eyes widened and her smile grew a mile wide. "SO PRETTY! CAN'T. HANDLE. IT!" Pinkie then lost all control and slid into the squeaky pile of balloons. This was followed by an uncontrollable fit of giggling, as per Pinkie Pie! She then proceeded to bap them around, jumping about as they floated down and gently bopped her on the head. Soon, her mane, tail and body were fully coated in static charged balloons. "Oh balloonyheads, I love you SO MUCH!" As her giddiness and rambunctioness settled down, she slowly settled into her big soft bed, with one of the balloons between her front legs and the smile of a little filly.
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Pinkie's Love of Loons
By pinkponkpinkaCreated: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-15 06:54:46
Expiry: Never
by pinkponkpinka