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>"Moondancer, are you here?"
>A light knock on the door is left unanswered. Is she asleep or something?
>You fight the urge to go in - she'll get angry at you, of course. Nobody likes someone interfering with their privacy.
>Moondancer included.
>Given that she was behind her PC most of the time (with her great grades keeping her from dropping out because of low attendance), it'll be little wonder if you find her asleep.
>But you really - hecking - need that textbook, the quarterly test's next week.
>Another series of knocks, no answer this time either.
>"Moondancer, I'm coming in!"
>[spoiler]I gently open the door.[/spoiler]
>Phew, she's not in here.
>Well, her room is a MESS. Not only clothes were thrown here and there, but table was filled with books, these Japanese comics she really likes and some soda cans.
>Already familiar with the interior, you quickly walk to large cupboard and open it.
>...and you're greeted not only by another load of her comics, but...a strange section of the cupboard, closed by a small door or something. Led by curiosity, you open it.
>Well, that's not common to open your little sister's cupboard and find your photo - a good-quality one - facing yourself.
>Underneath it, there's a small box full And the colour of the hair matches yours.
>Holy cow.
>There's also a small doll, resembling you, lying under the photo, and a couple of candles on the sides.
>Above your face on the photo, "Onii-sama" is written in beautiful handwriting.
>Probably it means something in...some language. Japanese, maybe?
>Anyway, this is creepy.
>...or that is what you thought until you stumbled upon a book in the corner.
>It has a paper cover and was probably made by Moondancer herself.
>"The Reunification", the title says. "By M.-D."
>It doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to figure out what M.-D. means.
>Hidden under the cover, there is a small album filled with your photos, ranging from childhood to the recent past...and her Photoshopped next to you in them.
by Solace