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Glorious Relief. [Archive]

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-17 03:28:58
Expiry: Never

  1. Original by MareCockWorship -
  2. Celestia grunted as she let her gargantuan package fall from the magical sling holding it in place. It wasn't easy being the most outrageously endowed pony in all the land, but it definitely had its benefits. Namely, everyone wanted a piece of what you had to offer. With an audible slosh, the princess' humongous balls escaped their invisible bonds, joining her painfully erect dick in dangling between her hugely thick thighs. It always felt amazing to finally let loose after a long day of ruling Equestria, to release her package from the pocket dimension she kept them in. Doing such was the only way to keep her vastly oversized genitals from getting in the way of her various duties. Hard to present oneself as regal and modest when you had a dick bigger than your entire body and nuts as massive as beanbag chairs hanging out. But now that she stood in her private chambers, away from the horny, prying eyes of the public, she could at last unwind.
  4. But how does such an immensely hung pony find adequate relief? With a whole lot of worshipers, that's how! It wasn't hard to find a crowd of ponies begging to devote themselves to that royal package. Mares traveled from far and wide to sink themselves into Celestia's glrious flesh, bury their faces in her nuts and caress her junk for hours on end. None were quite large enough to take the princess' cock, of course. But that didn't stop a few from trying. Granted, it almost always ended up with a pony just sitting atop the Sun Goddess' erection looking silly and flustered, but Celestia appreciated the effort.
  6. Dumping herself out upon her overtly lavish bed, Celestia let her colossal balls sprawl along the ample real-estate of her bedspread. Her multi-yard-long cock towered above her like a lewd obelisk, veins visibly pulsing and shaft throbbing. She spread her hind legs wide, an act that came from a desire to be comfortable more than salacious. It didn't feel too great having your legs buried beneath your own nuts.
  8. Reaching toward her nightstand, Celestia rang a little bell, its piercing ring traveling through the cool air of dusk to tickle the ears of Celestia's many servants. They immediately rushed into the royal pony's bedroom, their own hefty cocks already stiffening beneath their bellies. They were all amply equipped, but none even came close to matching their superior's size. Mares of all shapes, races and colors practically threw themselves upon Celestia's bed, at least a half-dozen lustful bodies now crowding around the taller equine's impressive package.
  10. As all those eager mouths got to work, the princess set her sights upon her own duties. Namely, taking care of that pesky erection. From a chest near her bed, Celestia gathered up her custom-made, industrial-sized cock-milker; a truly gigantic sleeve made from the softest silicone available. Purple in hue and bearing the Cutie Mark of her favorite student, the behemoth stroker wasn't exactly subtle in who it was meant to be modeled after. The business end of the toy bared what could only be described as the world's largest and most luxurious pony pucker, each dip, wrinkle and curve loving rendered to be supremely alluring and endlessly satisfying.
  12. Along with her crepuscular fleshlight, Celestia also summoned forth an immense tube of sex jelly. A few gallons would be enough to do the trick. She tugged the lid off and proceeded to douse her tremendous prick in pint after thick, sloppy pint of cool, slippery gel, stopping only when the entirety of her dick was shrouded in the slick, gleaming lube. With her shaft now copiously prepared, Celestia replaced the tub back in her bedside chest and floated her enormous fuck-toy toward her bobbing, swaying tip. She brought that fake purple asshole down with a wet squelch, stretching the rubbery sleeve over her two-or-so foot wide crown in one magical yank.
  14. There was no point in being gentle; the silicone cylinder was nigh unbreakable thanks to a few enchantments, and being wholly artificial in nature, there was no concern of causing bodily harm. Can't hurt something that isn't alive. She groaned beneath her breath as the five-foot-long tube slid over her ebony shaft, hugging every inch it could accommodate with its realistically textured innards. Her horn glistened and sparkled as she began to pump the heavy-duty toy along her rod, employing slow, practiced strokes that earned many a moan from her squad of busily slurping worshipers. Celestia let her head fall back against her abundance of pillows, eyes fluttering shut as she lost herself in the moment. This was a little slice of heaven right here.
  16. Meanwhile, six eager mouths and agile tongues all worked in tandem to praise the princess' overwhelmingly humongous balls. They noisily slobbered over the hot, leathery skin of that dark sack, bathing every inch they reach in a plethora of gooey, wet spit. No mare could ever hope to fit either of Celestia's mammoth spunk pumpers between their lips. Such a task was outright impossible due to the obvious fact that a single orb utterly dwarfed the average pony's head. Instead of acting as a deterrent for the group, it in fact inspired them to put everything they could into the oral service of those magnificent orbs. Tongues dipped and swirled, lapped and licked, praising whatever portion of those nuts they could get to with zealous fervor. Saliva dribbled down Celestia's tongue-bathed balls in great, messy droves, pooling below her bed-straining sack as those greedy lips continued to dance across her dusky flesh.
  18. Not only did the princess have a unique flavor to her nuts, they possessed an enticing scent as well! A potent, gratuitous musk radiated from Celestia's junk like a dense fog, filling the surrounding air with the scent of a horny princess.
  20. It seeped into each and every mare's nose, taunting their sinuses with the intoxicating aroma. It drove them all wild, urging them to carry on with their worship nonstop. It wasn't long before the whole room stank of those royal balls, the air thick with the pungent odor of one very virile and lusty pony. The closer one got to the epicenter of that smell, the most intense its effect was, until you were left drooling with an insatiable, unquenchable desire to mush your face against the princess' sack. Addictive might be a strong word to describe Celestia's musk, but it certain wasn't inaccurate.
  22. Whilst her balls were being so thoroughly tended to by those devoted followers, Celestia carried on with her own self-pleasure. Up and down she pumped that Twilight-themed dick-sleeve, pounding it against her groin with every downward stroke before hauling it right back up to her bulbous, meaty crown. The sound emanating from her self-service was truly obscene, each jerk of that immense toy filling the air with a perverse, squishy squelch, a sopping wet smack, and a suckling shlorp. Faster and harder she worked, beating herself off with that oversized cock-sleeve while many tongues bathed and slathered her nuts in drool. With all that pleasure coursing through her loins, and the sheer level of arousal gripping her mind, iit didn't take terribly long for the princess to charge headlong into one very copious, satisfying climax. She bucked her wide, voluptuous equine hips, now outright fucking the toy she held so firmly in her magic, pounding away at the silicone pucker with every ounce of lust-driven, orgasm-crazed strength she could muster. Her balls loudly churned and gurgled as their bounty of extraordinary spunk sloshed about, ready to unload in a feverish explosion of blissful delight. Her worshipers redoubled their efforts, knowing their glorious, radiant goddess was close to achieving her peak.
  24. Celestia cried out, her magic skipping a beat as her concentration faltered. Hard to focus on one's horn when you're mid-climax! Her cock visibly flexed, twitching madly as her nuts began to divulge their latest batch of regal nut. Cum rushed up her urethral vein, bulging out the underbelly of her erection as it rumbled toward her flaring head, pressuring building up with every inch it ascended. Finally, with one grandiose eruption, Celestia finally arrived! Jizz blasted from her dick like a depraved fountain, spraying haphazardly through the air like an errant fire hose. Massive, continuous torrents of the alabaster pony's spunk flew everywhere, landing with uproarious splatters all over the princess' lavish, opulent bedchambers. Giant puddles of fresh cum formed throughout the room, eventually coming together into one monumental lake of semen that filled Celestia's private quarters. Multiple gallons of sperm rocketed from her shaft, spewing out in a ridiculous geyser that actually managed to strike her vaulted ceiling. The surrounding walls weren't spared either, they too received an overly excessive layering of royal cum, stained white with Celestia's seemingly ceaseless reservoir of nut-sludge. Once she started, she just couldn't stop! It just kept coming! Spunk exploded from her tip, nonstop, firing off in high-intensity bursts that simply held no foreseeable conclusion. The princess noisily moaned as she made a total mess of things, writing and bucking in an almost helpless manner as her balls decided to give it their all. She had become a force of nature in her climax, turning her room into a sloshing, splashing ocean of cum that just continued to rise as her orgasm persisted.
  26. Nothing pushed away her worshipers, however. They remained loyal even as the entirety of their bodies were submerged in regal cock-slop, their heads being the only thing peeking above the frothing, bubbling sea of spunk filling Celestia's bedchambers.
  28. And so it went, for hours upon hours, Celestia converting the whole of her room into one tremendous pool of royal jizz. Who knows just how much she put out! A few thousand gallons, at least! Surely there would be a spell to clean all this up, right?

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