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The Responibility Dodging Alicorn

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-05-03 23:55:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Partially or not saved by original author
  3. >It's a bit late in the morning, the sun shines in through the slightly ajar door
  4. >The light hits your eyes as you grumble and turn around in your hammock
  5. >You can hear the ocean waves along with some faint noise from the nearby village
  6. >After a few minutes, you sigh and hang your legs off the edge, slowly getting off and onto your hooves
  7. >You stretch your limbs and flap your wings a few times, trying to wake yourself up
  8. >Heading to the ocean outside, you put up your wings to shield your eyes from the sun
  9. >Using magic, you create a spectral cup, scoop up some water, purify it, then gargle it to wash out the stale taste from your mouth
  10. >With your morning ritual done, you head to the village, thinking about what to do today
  11. >It's been rather quiet the last few hundred years or so, lots of time to laze about and try new things
  12. >And you wouldn't have it any other way
  13. >You get a few hello's from the ponies here and there as you check out the shops, deciding on what to get for a late breakfast
  14. >Deciding on some grilled fish, you sit in the grass and munch on your meal, watching the clouds
  15. >After an hour or so just laying on the grass, you decide to check out that fire eating class
  16. >It was kinda fun, despite burning yourself a bit, but you were fine, a perk of being an Alicorn
  17. >It was late afternoon when the class ended and swimming sounded nice
  18. >You could see a few fillies and colts splashing around with their parents, and you felt at peace
  19. >You just floated around for a bit, occasionally going underwater to look around
  20. >You come back onto shore as the sun is starting to set, with the sky in beautiful shades of color
  21. >There's a bit of festivity going on, and with nothing better to do, you join in
  22. >You sit relaxed, with a drink in your magical grasp watching a limbo competition,
  23. >Once it was over, you walked back to your little hut
  24. >You toss yourself onto the hammock, letting it swing back and forth and you let yourself drift off to sleep
  25. >Life is good
  26. >The sun shines on your eyes as you rock in your hammock
  27. >New day, new whatever
  28. >A few hours later, you decide to nap on a particularly soft patch of grass
  29. >Be the princess of the sun, so Celestia
  30. >You've been informed that a sizable tsunami hit an island off the coast of mainland Equestria, so being the responsible ruler that you are, you're going to help the locals
  31. >Honestly, if it wasn't for the tsunami you would never gone there, you didn't even know it existed
  32. >The fact that Luna was wanting to get more time in court was just a bonus, and with Twilight helping you're sure that things will be fine for a day or two
  33. >Plus, it would be nice to see something new
  34. >As you see the island in the distance, the chariot begins to descend
  35. >When you got closer, you were confused. There was supposed to be at least SOME damage, but no, nothing
  36. >There wasn't even a single fallen tree
  37. >As you look around, you see a local swimming
  38. >You step off your chariot and approach, and of course you get sand in your shoes
  39. "Excuse me, but what happened here?"
  40. >The mare in the water looks up, then suddenly starts to flounder in the water
  41. >In hindsight, you should have asked someone on land
  42. >You pick her up and place her on the shore
  43. "I am terribly sorry, are you okay?"
  44. >After coughing a bit, she bows
  45. >"Y-Yes your highness, thank you so much for saving me"
  46. >You repress the urge to sigh, some things never change
  47. "Well, I would like to ask about the island, didn't a tsunami come through here recently?"
  48. >The mare stand up, looking confused
  49. >"As far as I know, nothing like that happened"
  50. >You had checked that weather report, it was supposed to hit here
  51. >"Does your town here have a mayor I could talk to?"
  52. >"That would be Calm Tree"
  53. >She guided you to what was basically the mayor here, and you had to admit that the scenery here was great
  54. >As you are lead to a rather large hut, you see what looks to be a rather large green stallion
  55. >Wait a second, does he ha-
  56. >"HEY, I mean, we're here"
  57. >You were ushered inside, where a pony sat behind a wooden desk
  58. >"Greetings Princess, we are glad to have you here in our humble village."
  59. "Thank you, I came because there was a report that a tsunami had come through here"
  60. >She leans back in her chair, pretending to be deep in thought
  61. >"Well, we did see some dark looking clouds in the distance a few days ago, but we only got a light drizzle, suppose we were lucky"
  62. >When you had over 1,000 years of experience with ponies, you prided yourself on being able to detect a lie, even from a skilled liar like this pony
  63. "I see, so you think that the massive storm missed your island by luck?"
  64. >She rocks back and forth, still looking like she's thinking
  65. >"I don't know what else to say, maybe whoever told you about that storm was wrong?"
  66. >Something was up, and you intended to find out
  67. >"Well, if you don't mind, I would like to look around the island"
  68. >You could see a few beads of sweat on her forehead
  69. >"Of course, I think that would be lovely. Miss Waves could show you around, it's been a while since she got to show somepony around"
  70. >You walk back outside, to see where there once was a stallion is an imprint in the grass. It's a large one, it looks like whoever it was is a Pegasus
  71. >Whatever, might as well try to enjoy the scenery while you're investigating whatever caused a massive storm to just suddenly move miles away from this island
  72. >Holy shit that was close
  73. >You're currently hiding under the sand, watching the princess look where you were
  74. >You have a nice thing going here, you get to laze around and your only responsibility is to take care of problems that would effect you anyways
  75. >If she finds you, then she'll tell people back in the mainland and then you'll get swarmed with attention, and you'll lose your way of life
  76. >You just have to lay low until the princess gets bored and leaves
  77. >You just hope that it won't take long, you wanted to continue that fire eating class
  78. >You wait a few minutes after she leaves your sight before getting out of the sand
  79. >It takes a minute to dig yourself out, and you are covered from horn to hoof in sand
  80. >You take off the pale from your horn and the swimming goggles before shaking the sand off
  81. >You put the pail and goggles next to a young couple
  82. "Thanks for the help, let me know when you want to surf and I'll get ya some good waves"
  83. >"It's no prob, ya help us out all the time"
  84. >God you loved it here, but now you had to get back to your hut to hide evidence
  85. >You carefully peaked around the sides of every building, and so far so good. With a slow building confidence you gradually got closer to your destination
  86. >Be Celestia, you're being guided by the local around, she seems to be enjoying talking about her town.
  87. >"Over there is where we hold our classes, this week we're doing fire eating, I heard that tomorrow they were thinking of having the students eat hot peppers to increase their heat threshold, but I think they're just doing to for laughs"
  88. "That sounds nice, but I never did get your full name"
  89. >She turns a bit to face you
  90. >"Oh right, my name is Wild Waves, but most just call me waves"
  91. >You checked earlier, and she does have what looks to be waves for a cutie mark.
  92. "Thank you Miss Waves, if you don't mind, what is your job here?"
  93. >"Well, part of it is to guide tourists, but we don't get a lot of those. My main job and passion is to teach surfing"
  94. "I don't think I've ever done that before."
  95. >Her eyes light up with excitement
  96. >"Well if you want, I would be MORE than happy to teach you if you're interested"
  97. >She is just so excited, you don't have the heart to turn her down
  98. "Well, I suppose I could attend one class"
  99. >"Great, normally I would do classes in a few weeks, but I'll make an exception in your case, let me know whenever you want to give it a try"
  100. >Maybe investigating can wait for a bit
  101. >"I remember one time I had a Mare with her little Colt on her surfboard, it was so adorable. He was trying to paddle with his widdle hooves."
  102. >You've been walking for about an hour around the island with still no source of what could have caused the storm to shift, maybe the storm did just shift on it's own
  103. >"Oh, while we're here, would you like to try some local food?"
  104. >You make a sudden stop when Wild Waves points to what looks like some sort of grill shack
  105. >"You should try the grilled swordfish, the fisherponies caught some good ones today"
  106. >It's been a while since you had fish, and you're not sure if you ever ate swordfish
  107. "Well, if you recommend it, then I will listen to the tour guide"
  108. >She smiles and walks to the mare grilling with you following
  109. >"Hiya Shipjack, can I get a couple swords of the sea"
  110. >The mare still not looking up just looks at both of your shadows
  111. >"Alright, one for Waves and a big one for Anon"
  112. >What
  113. "Who's Anon?"
  114. >The mare suddenly freezes, and slowly looks up to you
  115. >"Oh, heh, Uhhhh, what I meant to say was... uhh..."
  116. >"What she meant to say was, Our Mon, like our mon of the hour"
  117. >The mare behind the grill nods quickly
  118. >"Yeah, just had a slip of the tongue was all, hehe, loooong shift today"
  119. "What does our mon mean?"
  120. >"It means... it's slang for a somepony, but we just call them Mon, that's all"
  121. >They were both clearly nervous, their eyes darting and the slightly too wide smiles didn't help
  122. >It seems like they are hiding something, or someone.
  123. "Right... Miss Waves, would you be willing to show me that one beach we passed, with the storage shed?"
  124. >You could sense that the other ponies nearby were listening, and you feel their nervousness
  125. >"O-Of course, I mean it's just an old shed, I don't think anyone even uses it"
  126. >Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a Pegasus dart off in the direction of the shed
  127. >CRASH
  128. >The doors fly off their hinges as you burst inside
  129. >Celestia was being distracted, so you have some more time to work with
  130. >You quickly grabbed the many framed pictures you took over the years, being careful not to break the glass or bend the frames
  131. >You break off your hammock to carry the pictures in
  132. >After making a pile from the pictures, you uncovered the carpet, aka your floor, and began digging through the sand
  133. >It took a few minutes, but you heard a hard thunk, grabbing the hidden chest
  134. >Pulling it back up, you opened it to make sure everything else was inside
  135. >The hinges squeaked as it opened with a bit of dust coming out, almost making you sneeze
  136. >Birth certificate inside a magical case, check
  137. >Sealed painting of you and your parents, check
  138. >Skull of the evil Sea King, check
  139. >And your old crown
  140. >The Dark blue Sapphire still shining bright in the center, with Rubies surrounding it
  141. >Looking at it brings back old memories, none of them good ones
  142. ------
  143. >Your head is pounding and you haven't gotten a good nights sleep in days, you are King Aquarius, Ruler of the three tribes.
  144. >"My Liege, the Pegasus Tribe has sent a reply. The leader said and I quote, We have never backed down from a fight, and we don't intend to just because some stallion in a fancy hat told us to"
  145. >You rub your hooves against your face, again with this shit
  146. "I JUST hoisted a tournament just for them to get fighting out of their systems, why are they so determined to start a war with the other tribes?"
  147. >Your scribe, Quick Quiver, puts the letter next to your throne
  148. >"The earth tribe's leader also insulted the Unicorn tribe, calling them a bunch of stick heads"
  149. "Of course they did"
  150. >"There was also a report of some Unicorns trying to burn down a few earth and Pegasus huts"
  151. >Your headache just gets even worse
  152. "Why don't they get through their thick skulls. If they don't work together, then the windigos will get stronger, they will overpower me, and none of this will matter!"
  153. >You get off your throne, walking over to a window covered in ice
  154. "It's only a matter of time, maybe a few years if we're lucky"
  155. >Quick quiver walks over to you
  156. >"My liege, I thought you said we still had time to fix the tribe relations"
  157. ".....I lied, I didn't want to cause a panic and make things worse, but it's clear we are running out of time"
  158. >You walk over to the letter send by the Pegasus general
  159. "Quiver, please arrange a meeting with the tribe leaders, it's time for an ultimatum"
  160. >She bows
  161. >"At once my liege"
  162. >After she runs out the nearly empty throne room, you lock the door and take a moment and look around
  163. >Why you, why did they make you the leader, you didn't know what you were doing
  164. >Everyone is still fighting, everything you tried so far has failed, and now the total collapse and extinction of the tribes are nearing
  165. >You take off the crown, your reflection staring back at you
  166. >Is it because you were not good enough, did you overlook some possibility?
  167. >The crown begins to shake in your grasp
  168. >What else could you have done? You did everything and they just won't listen. Their lives are at stake and all they will do is argue and fight!
  169. >You stair at the crown, expecting some kind of answer, but only received silence
  170. >You throw the crown across the room, watching it bounce and slide across the floor, hitting the wall
  171. >You just started sobbing to yourself, alone in a big room with a fancy chair and a shiny hat
  172. ------
  173. "Never again"
  174. >You quickly put everything back in the chest and lock it
  175. >Grabbing it and the hammock, you begin to run over to the ocean to hide everything, when you see Rapid in the distance
  177. >Oh fuck all kinds of duck
  178. >You quickly jump into the water, creating a bubble for the chest and net while you swim deep underwater
  179. >You bury yourself under the sand, now all you have to do is play the waiting game

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The Responibility Dodging Alicorn

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