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patrician taste

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-04-17 03:44:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Original by MareCockWorship -
  2. >be in Equestria after freak accident involving horse dildo, candle wax, and an electrical outlet
  3. >be an anon of patrician taste, love both horse pussy and horse dick
  4. >meet cute futa mare, hit it off, talk about all sorts of shit; what you used to to back on earth, her favorite hayburger toppings, etc
  5. >actually start to grow close each other.
  6. >decide one night after watching a hilarious cheesy comedy routine by Trixie and Starlight (OP garbage, no dick even), you two decide to do it
  7. >get back to your comfy little cottage near Sweet Apple Acres, you can barely open and close close the door, with her hands wrapped around your shoulders
  8. >and your right hand down the front of her shorts, fondling her apple sized balls, which were already moist, courtesy of her leaking pussy
  9. >you manage to get the door shut just in time to be heaved onto you couch by you gf's Earth Pony strength. >you turn around just in time to catch her cut-off shorts in your face, the musk and pre-cum soaked article of clothing completely smothering your senses
  10. >see her wearing only her skimpy underwear, her large balls hanging out each side, and her rod of steel hanging down a good 14 inches, almost completely hard at this point
  11. >with a furious blush, she asks who wants to go first
  12. >one small step for man, one giant leap for /mcg/.png
  13. >give the head one long lick, top to bottom
  14. >she lets out a husky moan, and softly grips the back of your head, instinctively pushing your head closer
  15. >not that you needed any encouragement
  16. >you dive in, taking the whole head and about 4 inches of maremeat into your throat, the times practicing with you dildo back on Earth is now reaping it’s sweet reward
  17. >she lets out an adorable squeak, grabs the back of your head with both hands, and pulls you as close to her crotch as you can go
  18. > you let out a desperate choke as you oxygen supply dies, 10 inches of hot flesh bulging your your throat.
  19. >Equestrian magic won’t let you get hurt though, Harmony demands you please your mare, and humans can do incredible things for the people (or ponies) they love
  20. >you take it like a champ, the rich, fertile, cinnamon scent of you mare fills your brain as your put one hand on her flank, and the other fondling her balls and her soaked clit.
  21. >she suddenly lets out a series of screams, and cums straight into your mouth and stomach, her balls pulsing with each shot
  22. >you somehow manage to swallow most of it, but in the end, you can’t get it all
  23. >some comes out your nose, the rest breaks the seal your lips has on her dick, spurting onto her thighs and you carpet
  24. >fuck it, you were cleaning it this weekend anyway
  25. >she falls onto the couch besides you, gasping and moaning with pleasure
  26. >wait a second
  27. >she only lasted like 1 minute
  28. >this will not do, not at all
  29. >wiping the excess cum off your lips, you look into her eyes as you slowly lick it off your fingers, one by one
  30. >though her face is sweaty and her breasts heaving, her dick rockets up faster than a Marvel movie’s RT score
  31. >”I-I’m sorry Anon” She says, looking away with a blush covering her cute muzzle “I tried to hold out l-longer, but your throat felt s-so good, and you’ve been so n-nice to me this whole time”
  32. >holy shit, there are tears in her eyes
  33. >she thinks she’s fucked up
  34. >time to prove how much you adore her, your goofy, precious mare
  35. >”Don’t worry about anything” You tell her as you put your hand on her cheek, turning her face to face yours so you can look her in the eyes
  36. >”You did awesome, and I loved every second of it” You tell her, every word ringing with truth.
  37. >this brightens her up considerably, her sad, scrunched face turns upward into a small smile as she meets your gaze
  38. >”T-thanks, I know there aren't many mares around like me, ones with b-both sets” she says.
  39. >”There aren’t many stallions who would even consider wanting to have sex with somepony like me”
  40. >”I’m not like most stallions” You say as you begin to stroke her erect dick in long, slow strokes, going from the flared head, past the medial ring, all the way down to her balls, then back up again
  41. >”I actually prefer a mare with both sets, you wanna know why?” You tease as you line up your own pillar of manhood with her pussy, which almost instantly soaks it in hot marejuice
  42. >”W-why?” she whispers, eyes wide as your head begins it’s invasion of her deepest recesses
  43. >”because I can do this” You place your lips against hers as you push your dick all the way until you bottom out in her hot honey hole, all while scratching behind her left ear, pumping her stallionhood, and making out
  44. >a man of many talents, that is you indeed
  45. >your lover hungrily makes out with you as you fuck her with long strokes, both with your dick and your hand on her dick
  46. >her arms wrap around your neck as as you fall on top of her, her hot flesh trapped between the both of you
  47. >3 minutes later, she comes again, squeaking into you shoulder as she soaks both you and her with her cum, her pussy spasming
  48. >you keep pumping, slow and steady
  49. >10 minutes late, her tongue hangs out of her muzzle as she pants, you bite her neck softly as her 4th orgasm pulses around your dick, but you still hold out
  50. >”H-how can you last this l-long” She chokes out after 20 minutes and 6 orgasms have passed
  51. >I-I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.” You hiss out in the worst pirate impression you have ever done in your life “I can’t hold out much longer.” you gasp as her velvet depths once again squeeze you like a vice
  52. >she doesn’t even have time to respond, as you begin fucking her in earnest, frantic thrusts
  53. >”P-please! Inside! Oh sweet Celestia, Inside!” she shrieks at you, hugging close to her warm pillowy bosom
  54. >your wish is my command; all your marehood are belong to us
  55. >you cum with the force of a thousand banzai charges, giving her the best load you possible can
  56. >it’s nowhere near as much as she has already produced, but it certainly isn’t anything to sneeze at
  57. >you collapse next to her, your dick slipping out of her thoroughly abused hole, a mixture of her fluids and you cum showing you claim.
  58. >”That,” she manages to whisper into you chest, after a few minutes of silent panting and recovering on both your parts, “was fucking awesome.”
  59. >you bark out a quiet laugh, pulling her closer, her arms, chest, and head coming to a stop completely on your chest
  60. >”You’re telling me. I think I could get used to this…” You finish as you look down your chest at her large, infectious smile, her eyes twinkling like stars on a clear, summer sky.
  61. >damn it, she’s got filly eyes. There is no way in hell you can refuse those
  62. >you share a soft kiss, somehow not thinking about sex while doing it
  63. >”Want to do this again sometime?” she suggests, raising her right eyebrow questioningly
  64. >”I think Applejack will be in the East Orchard early tomorrow, want to see how loud she can scream?” You suggest, a smile appearing unbidden on your face
  65. >she lets out a furious giggle, imagining herself and you, making out in her apple orchard in broad daylight
  66. >”Wake me up at 9:00.” she says with a yawn, nuzzling your chest and getting comfortable before almost instantly falling asleep
  67. >”Deal.” You chuckle as you grab a throw pillow, lean your head back, and quickly fall asleep yourself

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