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First Date

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-04-17 03:54:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >>18360111
  2. >first date with that cute mare from across the street
  3. >first date ever, to be precise
  4. >you got advice from your friends on the ponynet on how to make sure it goes perfectly
  5. >lunch at that new trendy yak place, a stroll through the park, ending with a matinee at the local theatre
  6. >that's where you are now
  7. >everything has been going pretty well so far, a little of the expected awkwardness but she's nice about it
  8. >really you're getting along rather well, you grew up so close to each other but never really interacted so there's a lot you don't know
  9. >you don't tell her how when you were a little colt your bedroom window had a view into hers
  10. >but the whole day was leading to this moment
  11. >the theatre is dark, you're together near the back, everyone online agreed that this was what would really seal the deal. If you fail here you might as well not have bothered
  12. >gathering your courage you slide off your chair and onto your haunches in front of hers
  13. >and before you can overthink things you drag your tongue over her balls and press your snout into her sheathe
  14. >she let's out a soft gasp and you risk a glance upwards, meeting her eyes as she smiles sweetly down at you nuzzled in between her legs
  15. >this is it, you're really doing it, the reality of the situation dawning on you as her balls twitch under your chin and her cock starts to poke your nose
  16. >Wow, those are a lot bigger than you thought
  17. >but you certainly aren't turning back now, so you open your lips and take the head into your mouth as she starts to unsheathe
  18. >she tastes like skin, and a bit of sweat and a sweet spicy flavor that's hard to pin down
  19. >but you're thinking more about how there's suddenly a lot less room in your mouth than you're used to than making comparisons
  20. >all those techniques you read about have vanished from your head; all you really have room to do is wiggle your tongue against the bottom of her shaft as she creeps towards your throat
  21. >your eyes start to water as you strain to keep your lips pressed against her sheathe, and when her head pants itself against the opening to your oesophagus you can't hold back a gag
  22. >she rests her hoof on your head and guides you back a couple of inches
  23. >your mouth is still full, your lips strained around her flesh, but you can breathe a little bit
  24. >and you can watch as the rest of her reveals itself, pushing you father away with each new inch
  25. >your eyes widen when her medial ring appears
  26. >you weren't even close, and she gets so much thicker after it
  27. >and all the while she is still staring down at you, that smile on her lips, her hoof still lightly stroking your mane as her final inch unsheathes
  28. >a mix of desire and despair fills you; you want nothing more than to pleasure this godlike rod, to earn this mare's love
  29. >but that very godliness makes that an impossible task
  30. >when her head throbs in your mouth and drools a glob of thick pre onto your tongue you decide it doesn't matter
  31. >succeed or not, even if you have to go back to pining after her from your window, this is a cock that deserves your best effort
  32. >and with that, and an encouraging pat on your head, you shove yourself forward, hard enough to ram open your throat and shock your gag reflex into submission
  33. >already past your previous mark you press on, another inch deeper, then two, slowing down as friction builds
  34. >her cock throbs again, thickening as a spurt of pre skips your mouth entirely, lubricating your throat but halting all momentum
  35. >so you pull back, take the fastest breath you can and dive once more, pushing to your previous limit and straining further once more
  36. >another breath, another push, and then again, up and down her length as fast as your body will let you, but your progress is slowing and you still haven't reached her ring
  37. >you're close, but you're hitting the physical limits of your body, your throat visibly stretched around her girth on each downstroke
  38. >the exertion, and the limited air, are getting to you, you know you're nearing your end
  39. >with one last thrust you put everything you have into it, swallowing frantically around her length as you slow to a crawl, muscling onward through sheer force of will, stretching your jaw, lips, throat, everything just that last bit more
  40. >you're so close, you can almost feel her ring pressing against your taut lips
  41. >with one last swallow that drains your final drop of energy, you come to rest just a hair's breadth from your goal
  42. >you can't move another millimetre, hanging limply on her cock like a sock, railing against your powerlessness
  43. >her hoof stirs in your mane and your eyes roll up to look at her face
  44. >she's panting and flushed, her mane slightly disheveled as she notices you've stopped moving
  45. >"Oh, wow..." she gasps, and opens her mouth to say something else
  46. >but you squeeze your tongue out of your mouth, sliding along the base of her shaft and with as much force as you can muster, stroke her right at the base of her medial ring
  47. >her voice catches in her throat, caught off guard by your actions, and her head is suddenly flaring somewhere deep in your neck as her balls pull up and her shaft throbs as she starts to unload
  48. >her hoof tenses on your skull, her grip almost painfully tight as she is caught in the throes of her unexpected orgasm, not that you could pull back with her flare anchoring her what feels like most of the way to your stomach
  49. >no that you want to, either, every pulse is a fresh wave of heat in your core, each throb and eruption feeling better than the last
  50. >your own cock, not even noticed, shoots harder than it ever has before, painting the front of her seat in what might have been an impressive display in different company
  51. >but as it is, you run dry long before she does, hips twitching with each swallow as every new batch of her thick cream redefines pleasure, showing you to new heights as your vision starts to dim around the edges
  52. >you're not sure if you passed out or not, but eventually you realise her erection has started to soften, and the almost violent pumps have slowed to a gentle drizzle of seed as she pulls her cock out from the depths of your body
  53. >you really want to suckle on the head as it passes through your lips, but can't even muster up that much energy
  54. >thankfully she gives you a nice big final dollop as it exits your mouth, and you finally learn what the fluid your stomach is completely full of tastes like
  55. >you're in no state to be putting such complex thoughts into words, but as it seeps around your tongue you know you want to be tasting it a lot more
  56. >you lie there at her hooves, stomach full of her cum, and you couldn't be happier
  57. >until she leans down and whispers
  58. >[spoiler]You know, I've had a crush on you for years. I used to peek in your window when I was a little filly

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