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Zebra Retribution

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-04-17 04:07:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Original by MareCockWorship -
  2. Hey everyone. Cupcake here again to throw out some shameless she-dick smut. Hope you enjoy.
  4. "Ladies, please. I think we can all be civil about this. There's no need to take things down a hostile path, is there?" Rarity said, her words laced with a trembling nervousness. She had every right to be on edge, given that she was currently surrounded on all sides by gigantic, towering zebras, their massive, black dicks erect and aimed toward her like obscene cannons. It was like facing down a firing squad. The five amazonian beasts glared down at the dressmaker, their intense gazes seeming to bore a hole straight into Rarity's mind. The seamstress squirmed uncomfortably, not only because she was vastly outnumbered, but almost because she knew exactly what was about to go down. You didn't stare down half a dozen zebra cocks and come out of it unscathed. She audibly gulped as the tallest of the monstrous women stepped toward her, her height being somewhere around eight or so fall. A true behemoth. The striped equine's ramrod of a cock bobbed in Rarity's face as the zebra approached, two heavy nuts hung just below, looking about as huge as Rarity's head.
  6. "You've slandered our culture with your thoughtless garments, insulted our great historyy. Now, you shall pay for your transgressions." Apparently, these lot were too busy being outraged to bother rhyming. Funny how a thirst for rape-oriented retribution clouded one's ability to toss out reliable poetic dialog.
  8. The leader outstretched her arm, grabbing Rarity by the back of her head and yanking her forward into the tremenous crown of her proud zebra dick. The beastly equine rolled her hips, mushing the broad tip of her mammoth prick insistently against Rarity's pristine white muzzle.
  10. "Open wide, you inferior whelp.", boomed the leader, her voice sounding like rumbling thunder. Rarity twisted her head this way and that, not wanting to accept her punishment, or even look at that enormous prick. The stink wafting off the zebra's junk was utterly overwhelming. The stench of musk and sweat beat into Rarity's helpless sinuses, clogging her nose with the scent of a superior creature. No matter how hard she tried, Rarity couldn't avoid breathing in that intoxicating aroma. It permeated the air, almost palpably thick, akin to a dense fog. Surely the taste wouldn't be much better. This fact was almost immediately confirmed as the striped beast wrenched the fashionista's head forward, forcibly cramming that colossal cock passed Rarity's lips and into her unwilling mouth. Immediately the meager mare was totally overcome by the flavor of zebra dick. It attacked her taste buds, scorching them with the hot, dirty spice of an exotic cock. Rarity cast a pleading look up at her violator, mumbling out an incoherent plea through her mouthful of dick. Of course, it got her nowhere. The zebra just snorted, tugging the comparatively tiny mare forward. That humongous shaft plunged through the unicorn's mouth and right down her throat, instantly blocking the passage of air to her lungs. Rarity threw her hands up, pressing them against the steel-like surface of the beast's thighs. Coarse fur spilled out between her clutching fingers, the underlying muscle too tough to grab. She could only push against the leader's leg in a vain attempt to halt that immense dick's progress down her throat. This did nothing to stop the zebra's progress, however. The giantess plowed forward, ignoring the resistance as if it weren't there and sent her shaft charging down Rarity's gullet.
  12. Whilst the dressmaker was having her throat forcefully resized by the biggest and the baddest, the rest of the small tribe of she-studs closed in, their hands reaching for Rarity's curvaceous form. They grabbed at the tiny mare's fancy clothing, digging their huge fingers in wherever they could and began to tear away the fabric bit by bit. Massive strips of cloth were ripped from Rarity's body, exposing more and more of her pristine alabaster fur with every yank. It wasn't long before Rarity sat nearly naked before the cluster of angry zebras, her once gorgeous outfit literally torn to shreds. Even her lacy undergarments had been destroyed, leaving her most private of regions wholly vulnerable to prying eyes and aggressive hands. Her large, perky bosom came under assault by multiple pairs of white and black hands, groping at her plump tits as if they were nothing more than playthings. Her nipples were pinched and twisted, tweaked and tugged, all while their owner gagged on cock. The zebra's onslaught of forceful fondling quickly moved southward, focusing on her voluptuous hips and plush, luxurious ass. Harsh fingers sought out and slammed into Rarity's fat, pronounced asshole, roughly exploring her region beneath her tail. Naturally, her chubby-lipped pony pussy was next on the menu. Those luscious folds got the same treatment as her rump; stuffed with careless digits wishing only to cause her discomfort and humiliation.
  14. All the while, Rarity's mouth was subjected to the worst kind of abuse. That gigantic, dusky dick crammed down her throat throbbed and pulsed as its owner thrust her powerful, muscular hips, pounding the poor pony's face into the musky pit of her unshaven pubic mound. Each thrust was accompanied by a savage tug on Rarity's mane, pulling the mare inward to bash her nose against the zebra's crotch again and again. Those gargantuan, ebony balls slapped themselves against the seamstress' chin and throat with every beastly buck, the duo of cum-heavy orbs audibly gurgling with their hefty, supremely potent bounty of zebra sperm, sperm that would soon be shot down Rarity's gullet. The monstrous creature grunted and growled as she barbarically sodomized the fashionista's face.
  16. Fat wads of spit hung from Rarity's lips in gooey strands, dangling from her chin like perverse decor. More sloppy drool and throat-slime clung to her rapist's dick, all of it tainted with the striped monster's salty pre-ejaculate. It was by no means a gentle experience. Quite the opposite, in fact. The zebra seemed to be putting all of her strength in the brazen violation of the puny pony's mouth, showing not even the slightest hint of care or mercy. Rarity continued to panic, her mind filled with frenzied, fearful thoughts and terrible trauma. Those brilliant azure eyes rolled back in their sockets, exposing the glossy whites and little else. Her carefully applied makeup had already begun to smear across her usually immaculate coat when the tears came. Streaks of dark mascara marred her pretty, alabaster visage, mixed with patches of damp sweat imparted upon her features by the zebra's bullying hips.
  18. Both the smell and the taste of the amazonian equine's junk continued to dominate Rarity's senses, her thoughts becoming blurry thanks to the lack of air reaching her brain. Being choked out on zebra dick wasn't exactly healthy for you, after all. She audibly gagged around the leader's imposing erection, her throat clenching tightly around the invading slab of musk-reeking equine meat. The flare was by far the worst part. It felt as though her gullet was being split open with every brutal thrust of those giant, curvy hips. Anyone viewing the obscene spectacle could easily see Rarity's neck bulging around her captor's cock, the vague outline of fat, pulsing veins and that humongous flare able to be seen through the seamstress' stretched out throat. It made for quite the scene. The gang of zebras certainly appeared to enjoy it, judging by the fact that many of them were openly jerking themselves off to the event unfolding before them.
  20. Many soon grew tired of merely watching, however. Simply molesting Rarity's denuded frame had grown too tame as well. Two of the hulking beasts stepped up to the plate, their tremendous dicks leaking copious quantities of snotty, semi-opaque pre-jizz from their horribly wide crowns. They reached out, taking hold of Rarity's wrists and pulling them toward their waiting erections. With fists that outmatched Rarity's own by a significant degree, the pair forced the dressmaker to wrap her dainty, well-maintained fingers around their fat shafts. Or at least, they curled those petite digits as best they could around those immense rods. Rarity's hands were just too small to fully encircle those ebony behemoths. Even so, that didn't stop the duo of striped mares from working the unicorn's palms up and down their dicks, forcing her to beat them off. No matter how hard Rarity yanked, she couldn't break their grasp. It was like having your hands locked in hot, furred metal. Their hold was ironclad, almost crushing in its intensity. Rarity's delicate fingers felt as though they might snap under the massive strain of the zebra's squeezing fists. A dark muzzle lowered toward Rarity's ear, a sadistic smile plastered upon its black lips. Rarity could feel the creature's hot breath against her head, blowing into her ear. The rapist spoke.
  22. "Play along or we'll make sure you never sew anything ever again." A thick, tribal accent saturated the zebra's voice, deep and husky. Again, they forewent the rhyming. Hard to be intimidating if you were worried about your speech patterns. Rarity let forth a cock-muffled whimper, unable to nod or even speak thanks to the dick abusing her mouth and the hand holding her head. Whatever she had attempted to say, the zebra seemed satisfied with it. The grip upon Rarity's hands loosened somewhat, allowing the pony the opportunity to work that pair of zebra cocks for herself. The two stared down at her, their eyes aflame with malicious lust as they waited to see whether or not they'd have to employ bodily harm or not. Thankfully, Rarity complied, beginning to weakly fondle the beasts' shafts of her own accord. She wasn't happy about it, of course. Quite the opposite. Rape wasn't meant to be fun, after all. Not for the victim, anyway. However, she didn't want her fingers broken, or worse. So, she obeyed, crying through her violation whilst she clumsily stroked that pair of glorious zebra dicks. They too thrust their sturdy hips, pumping their pricks through the white mare's trembling fingers.
  24. "Harder, you wretched harlot!", the zebra standing off to the left boomed, shouting the command so fiercely that Rarity actually jumped slightly. With another defeated whine, she followed the order, putting more emphasis on her work. Running off fright more than anything, the fashionista energetically jerked that duo of dusky dicks, frantically gliding her hands up and down those impossibly massive lengths, feeling them throb and pulse against her quivering digits. It was hard to coordinate her efforts, what with the feverish pounding her face was still being forced to endure. Huge hands continued to roam her body, fondling and fingering what they could reach, all while Rarity desperately tried to appease her attackers. She just wanted it to be over, for this nightmare to end. Unfortunately, her torment had only just begun.
  26. Up top, the zebra using Rarity's throat as her personal cock-sleeve suddenly redoubled her efforts, both in pace and strength. Guttural grunts and heated snarls emanated from above Rarity's head as her assailant surged toward climax. Every brutal, nose-bruising buck of her gargantuan, broad hips brought her closer to flooding the pony's gut with cum so thick it'd feel like she were being pumped full of tar. Nothing could stop the inevitable at this point, the complete and total violation of her belly was just around the bend. The zebra could feel her orgasm dawning, peeking just over the proverbial horizon.
  28. To say the floodgates simply flew open would be a vast understatement. No, those gates were utterly torn asunder by the zebra's viscous onslaught of spunk. The black underbelly of that ragingly hard shaft visibly bulged as the first of what would be many intense, belly-swelling cum shots traveled along that incredible dick. Rarity could actually feel the leader's nut swell passed her lips and down her viciously abused throat just before the initial eruption. It was like a fire hydrant had been busted open deep in her gullet, cum blasting out so fiercely that the sensation of that gratuitous load hitting her stomach actually brought her a minor twinge of discomfort. Instantly, that usually slim, flat tummy began to swell outward with the zebra's spunk, hurriedly rounding out in an obscene cum gut as Rarity was crudely forced to act as the beastly tribal's spunk dump. Each colossal explosion of superior sperm had to be at least a few pints in volume, easily enough to bloat any mare's belly in one or two squirts.
  30. There was absolutely nothing Rarity could do other than hold on. Her lungs burned, crying out for air that was being so wholly denied to her by that gigantic zebra dick. To make matters worse, her nose was now entirely buried in the striped equine's dense forest of dark pubic fur, smothered in the near noxious musk radiating from the monster's crotch. The leader's hand squeezed at the back of Rarity's head, feeling as though it might just crack her skull if it persisted. No way the seamstress was going anywhere until this savage creature was done with her. The corners of Rarity's vision began to fade, the lack of oxygen finally starting to adversely affect her brain. She felt lightheaded, the tips of her quaking fingers tingled with the pins and needles of numbness.
  32. The zebra just kept blowing. Cum surged down Rarity's throat like a raging storm, pouring out in massive, multi-second long shots that just wholly overwhelmed Rarity's already severally bloated gut. There was only so much one pony's body could hold, and this zebra's output hugely outweighed that limit. Soon, dense, glue-like zebra jizz began to back up, filling out the very cramped space within the dressmaker's dick-stuffed throat. It bubbled up her throat and flooded her mouth, before finally backfiring from her widely stretched lips in noisy, raunchy spurts. It even shot from her nostrils, mucking up her sinuses with that virile nut-sludge. More and more of the black and white mare's spunk gushed around that potently throbbing prick, a backwash of throat-clogging cock-slop that just never seemed to end. Against Rarity's spunk-soaked chin and cock-filled throat the zebra's humongous balls loudly churned, dredging up a ceaseless supply of semen to slam down the inferior unicorn's ruined gullet. Cum spilled over the fashionista's breasts in a thick cascade, soaking her thoroughly molested jugs in that dense, gluey gunk. Further down, her hugely rotund belly got much the same treatment, donning a messy coating of overflowing zebra jizz that stained every last inch.
  34. Finally, after what felt like an eternity in Rarity's fuzzy, air-depraved mind, her violator's climax at last came to a conclusion. Of course, that was just the one zebra, all the rest still had yet to fully partake in the wondrous patter of Rarity's precious, supple form. Rest assured, every zebra cock in the room was aching with sadistic anticipation, just waiting to plunder the seamstress' thoroughly deflowered body.
  36. Just as the leader pulled herself free from the pony's spunk-dripping mouth - an act that was not in the least bit gentle nor thoughtful - another tidal wave of tar-thick cum came blasting across the seamstress' tear-streaked, makeup-smeared features, hitting her from both the left and right. Within Rarity's trembling hands those ebony boners twitched as they each spat forth a veritable fountain of dick-snot, all of it either splashing squarely across Rarity's abused face or somewhere across her curvy figure. These two weren't quite as plentiful in their output as their towering leader, but they could still drench a mare a few times over without the slightest hint of effort. Rarity just sat there upon her knees, head still clutched in that giant zebra fist, unable to turn away from the onslaught of dense, creamy nut-batter being so thickly layered upon her. The duo took over the task of jerking their dicks once more, carelessly shoving the unicorn's nearly limp hands away and replacing them with their own. They beat themselves off furious as they unloaded their balls all over Rarity's quaking form, obviously taking great pleasure in the pony's suffering.
  38. By the time that whirlwind of spunk finally came to a halt, almost none of Rarity's formally pristine coat could be seen through the gooey blanket of zebra sperm festooning her body. A massive puddle of the stuff now sat sprawled out beneath the freshly raped unicorn, her knees sticking to the white-stained floor. Her jaw ached, feeling so very sore after being forced to accommodate such an enormous shaft. Likewise, her throat felt as if it had been permanently gaped by that behemoth, dusky cock. She gasped and coughed, trying to pull air into her lungs through the fat curtain of cum which had nearly plugged up her gullet. Breathing was obviously difficult, every inhale hurt and came with a fit of wet, cum-sputtering coughs.

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