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Morning frustrations

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-04-17 04:51:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Original by MareCockWorship -
  2. Twilight awoke one winter morning to find herself in desperate need. Of what? To study, of course! That's what Twilight does. Having fallen asleep the previous whilst in the midst of a particular good book about the vast cosmos, the mare instantly wanted to jump right back into it. After all, there was just something amazingly interesting about the seemingly infinite void of space.
  4. The covers were warm and cozy, hugging her body snugly. On a cold winter morning such as this, Twilight found it difficult to pull herself from the warmth and comfort of her blankets. Then again, did she really need to? The book was right there, leaning against the gigantic bulge towering between her legs. Oh, dear. That might be a problem. Coziness aside, it would surely be hard to concentrate with something like that plaguing her. But, she was a determined mare, right? A little thing like morning wood couldn't pull her away from her studies! Well, maybe not little. Alright, definitely not little. Quite massive, in fact. Still! She could ignore! Right?
  6. With a flourish of magic, Twilight scooped up the book, levitating the bit of literature toward her until her hooves could grasp it. A few quick scans through the many pages brought her to where she had left off the previous night. Ah, yes. Super novas. Very interesting! The most powerful explosions known to the universe. Between her thighs, Twilight's distraction throbbed, causing her blankets to shift about. Apparently, the idea of explosions had excited something in her. Again, she tried to put her libido aside in favor of her book. She buried her nose in the pages, trying desperately to focus her thoughts on space and nothing else! To her credit, she got through several paragraphs before her body began to rebel once more. The ache in her nuts tugged at her concentration, urging a hoof beneath the blankets to tend to her needy package.
  8. She caressed her balls, slowly and without much thought out into it. Absentmindedly, really. Rolling the duo of heavy, spunk-laden orbs within her hoof, jiggling them about whilst her eyes danced over the book's pages. Space didn't turn her on exactly. Not at all, in fact. She was just too horny to put forth all of her attention upon the facts laid out in front of her. She soon realized she was reading over the same line, over and over, not making any progress toward learning about super novas, gamma ray bursts, or anything! Her damn lust was screwing everything up! How was she supposed to learn anything with this pesky erection taking away all of her focus? It was unfair, really! All she wished to do was read. Was that so bad? Instead, here she is, playing with her nuts!
  10. With a frustrated grunt, Twilight tossed aside her book, sending it skidding across her floor and bumping into the far wall some feet away. Off went her covers. Another annoyance. She was warm, damn it! Sure, she could jerk it under her blanket, but that would leave more laundry to be done. Now naked, Twilight stared down at her boner, a mildly annoyed look upon her crepuscular features.
  12. "Okay, you gotta go.", Twilight muttered, finding it somewhat aggravating that she couldn't just will her shaft into a flaccid state. Not even magic could rid one's lust away.
  14. Of course, she couldn't jerk dry. That would be horribly uncomfortable. Thankfully, she kept a handy bottle of lube tucked away in her nightstand's drawer. Igniting her horn, she tugged the drawer open and yanked the bottle out. There was plenty left, mostly because she didn't get up to much naughtiness. With herself or others. She's just not the promiscuous type. Not usually, anyway. A few glances at Rarity's backside were common, naturally. Who didn't love that mare's hindquarters? Oh, jeez. That thought didn't help at all. Her dick gave an insistent throb, trembling with lustful need.
  15. Unscrewing the top from the lube, Twilight began pouring a fair bit of the cool, slippery gel across her aching dick, being more than a little gratuitous in its application. The mare's impressive shaft glistened in the soft, morning light streaking through the window, giving it an almost elegant appearance. You know, if it wasn't a fat dick. Even her nuts got a copious layering of the slick stuff. Recapping the bottle, Twilight hastily threw it back into her nightstand and slammed the drawer shut. Party time.
  17. With a single hoof, she began to slowly work her shaft, fondling herself from base to tip, base to tip, base to tip. Over and over, stroking up and down, the sounds of wet flesh being thoroughly fondled filling the room as Twilight beat herself off. Those sounds were soon accompanied by the mare's own grunts and moans as she worked herself into a steady, brisk rhythm. She began to roll and buck her hips, her weighty sack slapping noisily against the bedspread, adding yet another note to the perverse melody. The thick veins littering her prick twitched and pulsed in time with her thumping heart, the entirety of her ebony spire trembled with greedy, insatiable need.
  19. Thoughts of Rarity floated through Twilight's mind, playing out in various, mostly butt-focused fantasies that the bookish pony would never be bold enough to pursue. The mental image of the seamstress' ass bouncing in her lap drove the purple pony onward, coaxing her into a frenzy. Her hoof raced along that dusky pillar, gooey splashes of lubricant, both artificial and natural, flew through the air, splattering across Twilight's bed. That white ass in her mind danced about, puffy pucker winking so invitingly, so perfectly alluring that the scene could have only come from one's thoughts. Reality was never that divinely pristine. Oh, and those balls! Twilight's were huge, sure. But Rarity's? Those puppies put the nerd's to shame!
  20. Thinking about those hefty fashionista orbs slapping against her own dragged a husky, horny groan out from the depths of Twilight's throat. She doubled her pace, jerking herself off with the furious speed of someone who didn't have time for their body's nonsense. She arched her back, head tossed into her headboard with a dull thud. That would hurt later, but for now all she could focus on was her dick. That, and the wonderful image of her gorgeous friend's voluptuous booty bobbing about in her mind. All of her thoughts were now on Rarity. Or, at the very least, they were on her ass. Twilight bucked her hips all the harder, her nuts bouncing off her hoof with a meaty slap, slap, slap. She was close, or getting there. Wouldn't be long now. Just a few more moments.
  22. Twilight's balls clenched in their sack, tensing up in preparation for her inevitable orgasm. She could almost hear them churning, gurgling with her potent, virile load. A load no stallion could ever hope to match, in potency or size. It didn't help that she was supremely pent up. Again, she didn't indulge in self pleasure much, preferring to allocate her time to more productive activities. That always left her with a heavy pair hanging between her curvaceous hind legs, ready to blow at any time. This almost meant her eruptions were always quite large, leaving a rather sizable mess to clean up afterward. Nothing a bit of magic couldn't solve. Laundry was still a bitch, though.
  24. Clutching her eyes shut, Twilight pushed herself down the home stretch, outright groaning in the otherwise quiet environment of her bedroom. Anyone outside her door could surely hear her, along with the wet slapping of a hoof pumping along a particular thick dick. A blanket of pink fuzziness overtook her mind, fogging over every thought that wasn't Rarity. Her teeth clenched, jaw almost aching with the strain. Here it comes, just around the corner. One more push, and...
  26. Her loins burned with lustful heat, the fires of her arousal cranking up until they were a blazing inferno of white-hot bliss. Cum surged up Twilight's throbbing obelisk, creating a visible bulge in the underbelly as it ascended toward her flared crown. It hit like a geyser. Viscous and dense, the mare's jizz sprayed from her tip in massive, powerful jets. There was no rhyme or reason to the direction of her blasts, they simply went everywhere, coating everything they hit in an abundance of pure, off-white pony nut. Twilight's visage was a mask of rampant ecstasy, teeth grit and eyes screwed shut. Strands and globs of her own sperm splattered sloppily across her formally clean coat, marring it with huge, messy patches of her own explosive eruptions. Her face was soon lost behind a sheet of white, looking like someone had poured a bucket of melted marshmallow upon her head. All across her body, splotches of spunk rained down, soaking into her fur, dripping down her body, and pooling below her. It was truly a sight to behold! Each burst of cum came with a trembling pulse from her dick, as well as a widening of her urethra. Her jizz was so thick, so utterly dense that it almost hurt to push it through her shaft's channel.
  28. It went on for some time, a few moments, at the very least. Maybe a solid minute or two. Throughout it all, Twilight bellowed out, moaning and gasping in a mixture of relief and triumph. She had conquered her cock, beaten it into submission! No one could keep Twilight down! By the time she had finally ceased her excessive spewing, nearly the entirety of her bed and pretty much every inch of her body had been wholly drenched in her semen, leaving the whole area a total wasteland of white. Now her bedroom matched the snowy landscape peeking through her curtains!
  29. With her cock now slowly deflating, Twilight leaned back against her cum-slathered bed, a blissful smile touching her lips as she basked in her afterglow. That is, of course, until she realized what an absolute mess she had made. Now she'd have to get up, clean everything off, and take a bath, instead of snuggling up in bed with her book! What a shortsighted thing to do.
  31. Could you blame her, though? Her lust had blinded her foresight. No one can think straight with morning wood.

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