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A /long/ bus ride home

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-04-17 05:19:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Original by MareCockWorship -
  2. >The bus ride always was a neat thing for you.
  3. >After a day of work, a long, relaxing ride through the heart of Manehattan, and eventually, through the Equestrian countryside was always a nice treat for you.
  4. >Unlike the public transportation back home, there was really no threat of ponies stealing from you, and you didn't really carry anything around with you anymore, save for some bits.
  5. >This advancement in Equestrian technology was still very new though, so rides, especially out to where you lived, could take at least a couple hours.
  6. >Sure it was close to midnight when you got home, but who says you can't sleep on the bus?
  7. >The busy hustle and bustle of the outside world began to die down around you, ponies retiring to their homes for the night, the slowly dying noise already muffled from the bus itself served as great white noise.
  8. >You could feel your eyelids begin to sag, when the bus made an unexpected stop, interrupting the usual slow trek out of Manehattan roads.
  9. >"Sorry about that ma'am! Bad day today, haha!"
  10. >A mint unicorn mare stepped onto the bus with a hurried, almost flailing gait, her laugh a bit too forced and her brow a bit too sweaty.
  11. >It didn't take a genius to tell someone was having a bad day.
  12. >She drops a bit into the bus fare box and slowly trots down the lane, as if looking for a seat.
  13. >This struck you as odd, since the bus is completely empty, save for you and the driver.
  14. >It's usually always like that this time of day, not that you're complaining.
  15. >Perhaps she has a certain seat she likes to sit in, that's what you do, staring up at seat row number 8 on the right, the spot you always take.
  16. >The minty mare eventually makes it to your seat and flashes you a small smile.
  17. >"Mind if I sit here mister?"
  18. "Oh, uh sure."
  19. >Smooth talker, you are.
  20. >Perhaps she just wanted some company, or someone to talk to.
  21. >"Ah~" She lets out a sigh as she plops down on the padded seat next to you.
  22. "Rough day?"
  23. >"Woosh, you don't know the worst of it, mister."
  24. >You respond with a knowing chuckle, staring out the window once more.
  25. >"So what's your name, or do you prefer mister?"
  26. "Anon, and yourself?"
  27. >She gives you another smile.
  28. >"Lyra Heartstrings."
  30. >It has been a couple hours now, you've long since left the city's skyline, which has been replaced by the rolling hills just outside city lines, more stars lighting up the sky as light pollution slowly falls from view.
  31. >You stretch a bit in your seat, stealing a glace at the seat next to you.
  32. >That Lyra mare has been shuffling around in her seat for the past hour or so, obviously trying to find a more comfortable position.
  33. >She has even bumped you a few times, but you don't mind.
  34. >Looking over, you see her still fully awake, a mixed expression of boredom and what you can only describe as "urge" on her face.
  35. >She hasn't seemed to have noticed your staring either, so you continue looking her down.
  36. >White highlight in mane and tail, a lyre cutiemark, and-
  37. >Huh.
  38. >What an odd sitting position.
  39. >She sits as, well, you do.
  40. >Looks kinda uncomfortable.
  41. >You also can't help but notice her... scratch her unmentionables every so often.
  42. >Weird, didn't know girls even did that, in public no less.
  43. >A slight blush crept across your face as you, well, crept.
  44. >She was pretty cute too, n-not that you thought of ponies that way or anything.
  45. >Rather suddenly, she turned to face you.
  46. >Being the expert silent introverted weirdo that you are, you are able to feign sleep without Lyra knowing you were staring at her for longer than five minutes straight.
  47. >An embarrassing silence prevailed throughout the bus, only the sounds of the engine's hum of friendship or whatever it runs on audible.
  48. >Though your eyes are closed, you can hear Lyra still shuffling.
  49. >Shit, did she see you creeping and move away a bit?
  50. >You didn't want to be labelled a weirdo, even if this was some horse who you'd probably never see again.
  51. >"Hey Anon?"
  52. >Shit shit shit.
  53. >Time to see if those times faking sleep so you could play more Pokemon Red after bedtime paid off...
  54. "Mmmhg, yeah? What's up?"
  55. >"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up."
  56. >Okay Anon, play it cool and you're home free.
  57. "What? N-nah it's fine, I wasn't asleep."
  58. >Anon you fucking idiot.
  59. >"Hm? You weren't?" She innocently questions.
  60. "U-uh, I mean, I was, but- I-I was just resting my eyes, heh..."
  61. >Real fuckin' cool stupid.
  62. >"Ah, okay then. I have a question to ask, is that alright with you?"
  63. "Sure."
  64. >"Where's your stop?"
  65. >Shit, she must hate you and wants you to get off as soon as possible, way to go Anon.
  66. "Umm, it's still a ways away, I'd say an hour or so left for me. I live in Saddlery."
  67. >Lyra's eyes light up.
  68. >"Really?! That's my stop too! I was visiting some family in Manehattan, going to visit some friends in Saddlery, haha."
  69. "Funny how things work out..."
  70. >Just as you finish your sentence, you notice what exactly Lyra has been scratching at.
  71. >A flaccid horse cock dangles right between her legs.
  72. >Welp.
  73. >That explains the sitting.
  74. >And the scratching.
  75. >Stop staring Anon.
  76. >"Ah, so you've finally noticed it, hm?"
  77. >Shit you're still staring.
  78. >You snap your eyes away from the slowly rising member, the starry night much more interesting now.
  79. >Lyra must've liked the attention.
  81. >You're talking just a bit too loud.
  82. >There's nothing odd about a mare with a penis.
  83. >It's the current year, and stuff like this is perfectly normal, nothing wrong with that.
  84. >You feel Lyra's hoof on top of your hand, which is making an imprint onto the seat cover with how hard you're pressing it in.
  85. >"I mean..." You can feel her body up against hers.
  86. >She's warm.
  87. >"This~"
  88. >Now that's warm.
  89. >And pulsating- oh jeez.
  90. >OH JEEZ.
  91. >Lyra has put your hand on her now quickly erecting member.
  92. >H-honestly, it'd be weird if you were sat next to a mare who DIDN'T have a dick!
  93. >"I've had a /long/ day, Anon, ya know?"
  94. "Y-yep, sure do. Long." You nervously breathe out, unblinking eyes looking only forward.
  95. >Do you just go along with it?
  96. >How does this work-
  97. >Holy shit you can feel her heart beat.
  98. >"Yeah, long day. It's just nice to... relax with someone after a long day, am I right?"
  99. "Y-you sure are."
  100. >You try to gulp down the lump in your throat as your hand begins to slowly pump, only going back and forth a couple centimeters at first, but quickly escalating to inches, and before you know it, the whole length of Lyra's shaft.
  101. >You hope it's was Lyra's magic that caused that, and not your own desire.
  102. >B-because you're not into dicks!
  103. >Right?
  104. >Yeah, must've been-
  105. >Lyra's horn is not glowing.
  107. >If you had a ruler, the mint mare's peen would be about... 10 inches long and 2-3 inches in diameter.
  108. >N-not that you were trying to figure that out or anything.
  109. >It's just that you've been... staring at it for awhile.
  110. >How it thumps and tenses with every movement you make.
  111. >How the veins pop out...
  112. >How the tip just fucking oozes pre-cum...
  113. >You catch yourself licking your lips.
  114. >O-only because they were dry, no water for hours and such.
  115. >That voice in your head that's always calling you a faggot is louder than ever, but you've learned to block it out.
  116. >Lyra just looks to be in heaven, and you've long since dropped your shyness/public decency.
  117. >Not like the bus driver can see, what with these high bus seats.
  118. >Strange, you thought horses lasted only like a minute, but considering the burn you feel in your bicep, you're either really bad at this or ponies are different.
  119. >"Wooh, ooh, mhmph, buck yeah, just like that." Lyra coos under her breath, occasionally having to bite her hoof to keep from alerting the driver.
  120. >Poor mare is missing out.
  121. >Time seems to kinda melt together, and you can't even think straight, let alone take your eyes away from the glorious marecock before you.
  122. >"S-so, unf~, is this your, mmmm, first time~?" Lyra questions through her moans.
  123. "U-uhh, yes..."
  124. >"Perfect." She breathes.
  125. >You seize on the brief lapse of functioning consciousness.
  126. >Quick Anon, do something smart!
  127. >You quickly lean over and kiss Lyra's cheek.
  128. >...
  129. >Why are you so stupid?
  130. >You're blushing like a madman now, and Lyra can't contain her d'awwws.
  131. >"T-that was so adorable!"
  132. >"I have, euh, an even better place for that mouth to kiss though..."
  133. >She leans in, stopping your hand's auto-pumping with a hoof.
  134. >"Wanna guess where~?"
  136. >Her sheath was the same color as her minty fur, but her cock itself was a fleshy-pinkish color.
  137. >Her beautiful balls sat plump and full in their equally minty sack, begging for release.
  138. >Lyra's cock swung before you lazily.
  139. >It curved down slightly from it's own weight, looking a bit like the letter "n" if someone tried to bend it straight, but stopped a little over half way.
  140. >It was big and droopy, to avoid a bad analogy
  141. >A tentative squeeze around the shaft also had shown no decrease in hardness.
  142. >You reflexively gulped, as if prepping your mouth.
  143. >Pre-cum dripped from the tip, wasting itself on the buses' floor.
  144. >The cock twitched menacingly at you.
  145. >Time to face the beast.
  146. >A lick revealed a mild, almost fruity taste, not really comparable to your own cum.
  147. >Not that you've tried it.
  148. >"Don't tease, c'mon Anon!"
  149. >Obeying, you wrap your lips around Lyra's flared tip, eliciting and girly moan.
  150. >Time for a bit of payback.
  151. >You dive deep, taking as much as you can down your throat.
  152. >Lyra was not prepared.
  153. >"O-OOOOoooh~!"
  154. >"W-warn me next time you do that! Now the driver thinks I'm a loon."
  155. >You mumble out "you are," but then you remember you're the one cramped up, on your knees, servicing a little mare's cock on a bus.
  156. >You know what they say about glass houses and stones and such...
  157. >You start to get your rhythm back, bobbing your head up and down on Lyra's mare(?)hood.
  158. >With two hands massaging her swollen balls, you do some exploring.
  159. >After a bit of feeling around, you poke something soaking wet.
  160. >Lyra lets out a flustered whisper,
  161. >"T-that's my vagine! If you're gonna go in there, be careful!"
  162. "Mmyore merfecjgly mine miths se fluckedfn mour-"
  163. >"Take it out of your mouth if you wanna say something!"
  164. >Begrudgingly, you slide your lips off Lyra's cock, tracing veins with your tongue along the way, much to Lyra's pleasure.
  165. "I said: You're perfectly fine with me sucking your cock, but I gotta be careful around your puss puss?"
  166. >Lyra is red with embarrassment.
  167. >"Y-yeah! I'mma..."
  168. >She trails off.
  169. "A what?"
  170. >"A virgemm..."
  171. "You're a Virgo? What does that have to do with-"
  172. >"I'm a virgin Anon!" She yells out, only to realize what she did.
  173. >She locks eyes with the bus driver.
  174. >"V-virgin olive oil! I'm a virgin olive oil eater Anon! Mhm, yum yum!"
  175. >You stare up at her, dodging bullets of sweat from her forehead.
  176. >"Woo, okay, coast is clear, get back to it, hon."
  177. "Hang on, wha-"
  178. >"You're speared back onto Lyra.
  179. >Your throat can just barely handle the abuse, and, after an unknown amount of time, pleasure, and moans, Lyra releases her seed.
  180. >"Eugh~ Get ready, and try not t-to spill, because it'll be a dead giveaway, and then we'll be banned from the bus and-"
  181. >Lyra's balls contract and her sperm floods your mouth.
  182. >Deep, thorough pumps spray thick, goopy globs of ropey semen down your throat.
  183. >It seems every muscle in Lyra's body comes to a rest, and she flops back in her seat like a ragdoll, starry-eyed with her tongue lulling out of her mouth.
  184. >You're in a similar boat, but you gotta focus on swallowing.
  185. >Your own poor erections has been so lonely and constricted, you unzip your pants just to give them some air while you try to multitask between massaging Lyra's balls, milking her shaft, and keeping the flared tip in your mouth.
  186. >Luckily, you succeed, and not a drop of cum spilled from you on either fronts.
  187. >You're saving your own for Lyra, who better return the favor.
  188. >Finally, her cock begins it's retreat into her sheath, and Lyra lets out a final sigh of relief, lending you a hoof to help you get out of the tight space at the floor.
  189. >After some much needed stretching back in your seat, you slump down in your chair, looking expectantly at your minty companion, dick out and already diamonds.
  190. >"Hmm... expecting payment? I thought feeding you would've been enough~"
  191. "Guess not."
  192. >You wave it around, putting on a little dick dance show for your new friend.
  193. >"Hm, I suppose we could work something out..."
  194. >She flops down between your legs, licking her lips...
  195. >You get to stay in her mouth for about a second when the driver yells out, causing the both of you to jump.
  196. >Life is a blue-balling tease.
  197. >You're lucky Lyra didn't bite your dick off.
  198. >"Shoot Anon, it's my stop! Gotta go! See you tomorrow hon!"
  199. >Tomorrow?
  200. >Is this going to become a regular thing?
  201. >You watch Lyra scurry off the bus, quickly fading into the darkness of the early morning.
  202. >The bus slowly begins to pick up steam, driving away from the dark town.
  203. >You look down at your painfully erect member.
  204. >Oh well, you can jerk off and pass out when you get home.
  205. >That word sticks in your head for a bit.
  206. >Home...
  207. >...
  208. >Aw shit.
  209. >You look out the window, only to notice you're back on the nameless road leading out of Saddlery.
  210. >God damnit.
  211. "Driver! Can I get out here?"
  212. >She sighs and takes a sip of her coffee.
  213. >"Sorry bud, rules say I can't let no passenger out after midnight unless it's at a specific stop. You'll have to wait until we hit the next town."
  214. "C-can't you make an exception this one time?"
  215. >You can't see it from here, but she points to her cutiemark.
  216. >"I got this for drivin' buses, not breakin' rules. I drive buses and I do it right. Sorry mister, there's an inn at the next town, Horseshoe Steppe or something..."
  217. >You sigh, you only have three bits left, no where near enough for a room at an inn.
  218. "Are you positive there's no way you'll let me off this bus?"
  219. >She stops the bus, slowly grinding to a halt, puts a hoof behind her chair, and beckons you to come up.
  220. "O-oh! Thank you so much ma'am, I won't forget your kind-"
  221. >Her chocolate brown hoof silences you.
  222. >"Shut it kid, you anit gettin' off without doin' me a favor."
  223. >You stare into her blue eyes confusedly, her wavy black hair obscuring bits and pieces of them.
  224. "A favor?"
  225. >She beckons you closer, and then you notice it.
  226. >"You think I'm dumb, kid? You two were moanin' back there like sex hounds, and ya got me all riled up too."
  227. >She presents herself.
  228. >"Now, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, alright?"
  229. >You sigh, staring at... it.
  230. "Alright."
  231. >That night, young Anon learned a valuable lesson about life.
  232. >He learned that most mares indeed did have a penis, and it would've been weird if he met one who didn't.
  233. >At least the driver, whose name is Sheryl, had the courtesy to finish him off as well.
  234. >She did not, however, have the courtesy to drive Anon back to town, and it took him until 3 AM to finally reach his home in Saddlery.
  235. >His neighbor, Sunny Sidewalk, was also the friend Lyra was coming to meet, funnily enough.
  236. >They spit roasted him until the sun came up.
  237. The end.

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