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Trixie & Glimmer Double Team

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-04-17 05:38:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Your eyes water when Glimmer cums for the third time, her cock flexing and pulsing between your lips as her cumvein bulges. She wriggles excitedly in her seat, scooting her butt forward to get deeper. Her jizz splatters audibly against the back of your tortured throat, pendulous balls shaking in front of your face as she hoses down your insides. You desperately swallow her loads, your airway obstructed by a seemingly never-ending flow of thick, warm mare semen.
  3. "The food here is good, Trixie," chirps Glimmer, completely ignoring your garbled choking. "What's this place called again?"
  5. "Maremunch," Trixie says through a mouthful of muffin, spraying crumbs all over the table. "Oopfh." She looks around guiltily for a second before turning back to Glimmer. "We're not reeeaally meant to be here, but the Great and Powerful Trixie has ways of gaining access where she shouldn't!"
  7. She proudly waves a hoof in a theatrical gesture, but you're not paying so much attention to that as you are to having her fat, cum-drooling cock a foot deep in your abused asshole. With your hands spreading your buttcheeks apart for Trixie, the only things keeping you upright are the two massive marecocks impaling you from either end. You manage to slide Glimmer deeper down your throat so as to avoid having to swallow any further, letting gravity and the virile mare do your work for you.
  9. Too virile, even. The two girls cheerily chatting away above you have been here for hardly five minutes, and they've already fucked you full of spunk multiple times each without showing signs of stopping. You doubt you'll be hungry for the next week what with how much Glimmer has fucked into your stomach, and Trixie pumping you full from the other end ensures you're never feeling anything less than bloated.
  11. Right on cue, you feel Trixie's hooves hook around your hips and tug you closer. You can hear her sighing happily from above as she begins to cum inside, her churning balls slapping softly against your ass. You're not sure if there's any correlation between her being Great and Powerful and the size of her balls, but fuck if they aren't some of the biggest you've ever seen. You groan into Glimmer's cock, your tongue inadvertently pressing on her cumvein and triggering another heavy spurt down your throat.
  13. Meanwhile, Trixie is noisily plugging your backdoor with what must be gallons of wet, sticky jizz that slides into your gut and weighs you down, giving your stomach a slight paunch. You can hear her polishing off her muffin as you dimly wonder if she ever stops cumming, if perhaps she'll take it easy on you. As if in response to your unspoken thoughts, she shifts in her chair so she can get even deeper, suppressing a moan when your asshole swallows her pulsing medial ring. So much for that. You're completely at the two mares' mercy, and neither of them seem to care beyond how good your holes feel to fuck.
  15. The second worst part about the duo is that either by pure coincidence or fiendish planning, whenever one of their orgasms begins to taper off, the other starts cumming instead. You never catch a break, being used as a cumdump over and over, swallowing load after load at either end. The first worst part is the fact that both of the ponies, whether consciously or unconsciously, are gradually scooching their chairs closer and closer. Glimmer has practically her entire rod of meat rammed down your fucking throat like you're a sex toy, and Trixie is no better. Your vision swims when Glimmer has a particularly intense orgasm, cutting off your air for over a minute while she makes discreet use of you.
  17. Meanwhile, Trixie is humping your butt like a randy stallion. She's got both of her arms under the table now, clasping your hands behind your back as she rocks you back and forth. Lewd wet smacks resound from under the table as the two mares fuck you from either end, their meals lying forgotten. To your dismay, you can actually feel yourself approaching orgasm as well, the intensity of taking two throbbing marecocks at once doing a number on your mental faculties. With your wires all crossed and your breath coming in short, heaving gasps, you can barely differentiate between the pain and pleasure of being penetrated.
  19. Finally, both of them drop all pretenses and grab on to you at either end, recklessly thrusting into your cum-filled fuckholes as they climb the peak of orgasm. Trixie cums first, a low groan emanating from between gritted teeth as her churning balls start pumping you with gallons of jizz. Glimmer is more quiet about it, her face twisted in an expression of agonizing release you can't help but find erotically beautiful even as your neck bulges with her cum. Watching her shudder and shake in release is what finally drives you over the edge, your cock flopping uselessly as it spatters wasted seed on the floor of the cafe.
  21. Shame and self-disgust roils in your gut, but you just can't help yourself. Even though she never once deigns to give you a cursory glance, her quiet, lip-biting moans drive you crazy with need. You want nothing more than to give this beautiful creature everything she desires, and right now you're doing just that. That realization in itself is all you need to get off, and you pathetically lick and swallow at the base of her cock as she drowns your stomach in semen.
  23. By the time the two of them are done, they're panting and dripping sweat, although they're not nearly as messy as you. When they pull their cocks from your holes, a cascade of spunk follows. You cough and weakly try to swallow it back down so as to please the mares, but they don't notice your efforts. Leaning back in their seats, they simultaneously breathe a sigh of relief. Trixie realizes it first.
  25. "The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks we may have overstayed our welcome," Trixie whispers to Glimmer, looking around guiltily at the knowing stares of other mares. "Perhaps we should go."
  27. The two of them depart, already nattering about something or other. You lie under the table for a while to recover, idly sweeping the cum spattered across your face into your mouth with a finger and sucking on it.
  29. Later, as you change into a clean uniform in the dressing room, you idly contemplate masturbating to the memory before shrugging it off. It'd be easier to just find a horny mare and take care of her… Stepping back out onto the floor, you don't even make it past five tables before a full-grown adult mare catches your eye. You flash her a radiant smile as she crooks a finger at you, beckoning you over before wordlessly pointing at the massive bulge in her jeans.
  31. "I think I know just the thing, ma'am…" you murmur, getting onto your knees to undo her zipper with your teeth.

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