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[H.E.R.O.] Revelations

By SaltAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-18 10:13:00
Expiry: Never

  1. “We are on the verge of something truly magnificent here. If only the politicians at home would abandon their greed and cowardice then, and only then, will we be able to accomplish a task our lonely race has hoped for since we’ve gazed into the stars.” -[Identity Redacted]
  3. ”The lonely filly still quietly made her way through the forest, unaware of the creature that stalked her.”
  4. >You lean in close to make sure the school children were paying close attention.
  5. >Their eyes gazed up at you with paranoid fascination.
  6. >You flipped a page.
  7. “She was so close, she could hear the rest of the fillies and colts playing without her, having continued their games as she went in to retrieve the ball from the woods.”
  8. >You flipped another page.
  9. “Then, her hoof got caught on a stray root that stuck out into the clearing. She fell and lost her grip on the ball.”
  10. >Quiet gasps escaped the throats from several of the kids.
  11. >One of them buried their face into their hooves and whimpered.
  12. “She landed into the dirt, vulnerable and stuck. And that’s when…”
  13. >Pause for dramatic effect.
  14. “The Mare-eating Moth Pony ATTACKED! Gobbling up the young one who thought it would be a good idea to wonder into the Everfree without an adult!”
  15. >The kids yelped and whined.
  16. >A few of them huddled close or hid behind the pony closest to them.
  17. >”W-what happened then?”
  18. >A tiny colt, Featherweight asked.
  19. >You leaned your face close to his, almost muzzle to muzzle.
  20. “She was never heard from again.”
  21. >Shivering, he gulped and backed away slightly.
  22. >Composing yourself, you shut your book and place it to your side.
  23. >Happy with your work your smiled and looked at the crowd.
  24. “So! How did you guys like it?”
  25. >”It was scary!”
  26. >”I don’t wanna be eaten!”
  27. >”I really need to pee now…”
  28. >You chuckled. It seems the story had the desired effect.
  29. >A tiny hoof raised among the crowd, waiting to be called on.
  30. “Ah! Yes, Snips. You have a question?”
  31. >”D-does the horrible Moth Pony live near here? I-it isn’t going to come out of the woods to eat us is it Princess Twilight?”
  32. >You chuckled.
  33. “Oh, no. Of course she isn’t! The Moth Pony only ever stays in the Everfree in the stories. And that’s all it is. A story. She’s not real.”
  34. >”A-are you sure?”
  35. “Yes, I’m certain. You’re safe. It’s just an old pony’s tale to keep you kids out of the Everfree. Which you SHOULD by the way. Pony tale or not, the Everfree is very dangerous, even with an adult.”
  36. >You stomp a hoof for emphasis.
  37. “In fact, that’s what most of these stories are for. They’re warnings for how to act. What TO do and what not.”
  38. >”So I won’t grow mushrooms on my head if I don’t wash behind my ears?”
  39. >A little colt asks.
  40. “Nope!”
  41. >”A-and a giant kraken won’t pull me into the ocean if I get too close to the water?”
  42. >Another one asks you.
  43. >That one was new.
  44. “”
  45. >”So why do our parents tell us this stuff?”
  46. “Well, so you will all do the things that you’re supposed to to be healthy. Honestly in my opinion, the REAL consequences themselves are scary enough on their own.”
  47. >You look to the ponies in question.
  48. “So while there are no ear mushrooms or krakens, you should practice good hygiene because...well you’d smell bad if you didn’t. And you shouldn’t swim in the water unsupervised because you may drown.”
  50. >Applebloom cries out. Pained by her sister’s perceived lie.
  51. “ Worms like apples Applebloom. You still need to check before you eat one.”
  52. >”Oh…”
  53. >”Alright, alright.”
  54. >Cheerilee walks up besides you and gets the attention of the class.
  55. >”All of you have had great questions for the Princess. She’s a busy mare however and unfortunately princess reading hour is over. Time for lunch everypony!”
  56. >The kids all scramble to get up to leave the schoolhouse to fill their little bellies.
  57. >All saying goodbye and thanking you for reading to them.
  58. >Now alone, Cheerilee approaches.
  59. >”Twilight, thank you so much for reading to the kids today. They always love it when you come in.”
  60. “Oh! It’s no problem. It makes me feel good to inspire these kids to love reading. I’ve been on a binge on some cryptids and other pony tales myself recently.”
  61. >”Oh is that so?”
  62. “Yep! It’s actually very insightful to see what our cultures have come up with to explain various phenomena in the past before science came in to explain them.”
  63. >”Well, I’m glad to hear you’re having fun with it. Do you have any more news for me regarding the Princesses visiting next week?”
  64. “Nothing new no. Just show up the day before to help with preparations and a clean school to show off.”
  65. >You envelope your books in your aura and place them into your saddle bag, throwing it over your back.
  66. >”Alright, I’ll see to it. Again Twilight thank you so much. Some of your stories have been a blast to hear for me too.”
  67. “Thanks! If that’s all you have for me I’ll be on my way.”
  68. >”Yep! Take care!”
  69. >You left the school house and started down the street back to the castle, checking off the reading time on your checklist, grinning as you do so.
  70. >Now that’s done, you and spike can complete the pre-preperation checklist for the Princess visit.
  71. >After that of course is going to be checking in on Rarity to see how your dress is coming along.
  72. >A scheduled and work filled day.
  73. >As you like it.
  74. >Idle hooves are Discord’s play things.
  75. >Well, maybe now that Discord is a “friend” you should come up with another phrase?
  76. >…
  77. >No.
  78. >No, it was still very accurate.
  79. >*crash*
  80. “What the-”
  82. >Something fuzzy ran underneath you and down the street.
  83. >A blur of yellow and pink wizzes past chasing after it.
  84. >Fluttershy?
  85. >”Mr. Wolpertinger!”
  86. >Well, looks like duty calls.
  87. >Using your magic, you levitate a crate from a nearby stall and catch the little rabbit bird that Fluttershy was after.
  88. >Confused, the butter pegasus came to a halt.
  89. >”Where did...oh! Twilight!”
  90. “Hey Fluttershy! Looked like you needed some help!”
  91. >”Oh yes, thank you. Poor Mr.Wolpertinger hasn’t been feeling very well lately and I need to bring him to the vet. He isn’t a very big fan though and ran off as soon as I got to the door.”
  92. >The local animal caretaker brings her eyes down toward the animal in question.
  93. >”Isn’t that right Mr. Wolpertinger?”
  94. >The winged rabbit’s eyes droop and looks away from the mare.
  95. “Aw, what’s wrong with the guy?”
  96. >”Well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. He’s been getting these awful leg cramps and has been gnawing at his hind leg for weeks now. Just look at him, he’s chewed away a bald spot back there.”
  97. >Looking down you see what she meant.
  98. >The hare had a distinct lack of fur on its back thigh.
  99. >”Poor little guy has been complaining for weeks. No salves or cremes seem to help!”
  100. “I’m sorry to hear that Fluttershy. I hope he doesn’t have a deep infection or something.”
  101. >”Me neither.”
  102. >She picks up the crate and cradles it on her withers.
  103. >”Hopefully Dr. Fauna can help. And if Mr. Wolpertinger is a good boy, we’ll be in an out in no time. And I’ll make sure to give him a big juicy carrot as a treat.”
  104. >The little critter squeaked.
  105. >You giggled.
  106. ”Sounds delicious. Oh! Fluttershy, since you’re here. Do you have the all the birds necessary for the Princesses’ visit?”
  107. >Fluttershy wiggled a bit getting the crate on her back into a more comfortable position.
  108. >”Mph. I do. My little birdy friends have been practicing all week for their arrival. So much in fact that I may have some free time! That’s if Wolpertinger is feeling better that is.”
  109. “Wellll...if the little guy is feeling better. I may need some help with decorations. If you’re free that is.”
  110. >”Of course Twilight. I’ll tell you if I’m free. Come on little guy. Let’s go to Dr. Fauna. I promise it won’t be so bad.”
  111. >…
  112. “Catering?”
  113. >”Check. Talked to AJ while you where out.”
  114. >You were standing back in your castle looking at a blackboard with various notes and diagrams on them.
  115. >Your loyal assistant, Spike, was helping you with the pre-preperation checklist.
  116. “Inventory?”
  117. >”Check! Pinkie Pie stashed all the streamers, banners, and other party favors in town hall for Sunday.”
  118. ”How about landscaping?”
  119. >”The Flower sisters have gotten together with several other ponies to rake, mow, and plant several flowers down town.”
  120. “Great. How about...uhm.”
  121. >You scratched your chin.
  122. “How about…”
  123. >”Music?”
  124. “Ah yes. Music. Go ahead and put a check on that one. I ran into Fluttershy earlier.”
  125. >The baby dragon taking notes looked up from his parchment.
  126. >”What about Lyra?”
  127. >Shoot. You haven’t talked to her in a few days.
  128. “Oooooh. It’s been a while. I’ll have to see if she’s home when we go over to Rarity’s.”
  129. >”I’ll just put that down as half a check then.”
  130. >Spike scratches off that half check mark and looks back to you with a grin.
  131. >”Alright! Other than your dress, that should be everything for today.”
  132. >You turned over to Spike from your blackboard.
  133. “Really?”
  134. >”Yep!”
  135. ”Oh! Wow! We’re ahead of schedule! Rarity won’t even be expecting us for another hour and a half.”
  136. >”I mean...we could always visit early...more time to help and talk to her?”
  137. >A blush blossomed on his face. Thinking about the most beautiful mare in Equestria.
  138. >You giggled.
  139. “Sorry Spike, but you know how I am about being punctual. I told Rarity a specific time, I will be there no later and no earlier.”
  140. >The dragons spikes drooped at this.
  141. “Although, we CAN go and visit Bon Bon’s candy shop to see if Lyra is there. It will give us a chance to get lunch at least.”
  142. >The mentioning of food brought Spike right back to attention.
  143. >”Well, what are we waiting around for? Let’s go get us some music!”
  144. >…
  145. >*ring*
  146. >The bell above the shops door rung as you pushed it open.
  147. >”Just a minute!”
  148. >You and Spike entered the shop, the sweet smells invading your nostrils.
  149. >Now, Pinky was a good friend, but you couldn’t be vulnerable to bias.
  150. >Despite the brutal competition, Bon Bon’s Sweetshop was a damned good alternative to Sugar Cube Corner.
  151. >In fact, certain items on the menu were just objectively better here. Specifically her cinnamon rolls.
  152. >Even when Pinky had them for the first time, she had to admit, to her chagrin, that Bon Bon’s rolls were probably the best this side of the mountains, if not in all of Equestria.
  153. >The mare in question finally walked up to the counter, rubbing her hooves on her apron.
  154. >”Princess Twilight! What can I get for ya?”
  155. “Two Cinnamon Rolls please.”
  156. >You smiled.
  157. >”Those will be right out, anything else?”
  158. “Nothing that’s on the menu. Is Lyra here today?”
  159. >The confectioner rolled her eyes.
  160. >”Lyra? Did she not get back to you?”
  161. >You shook your head.
  162. >”That mare, I keep telling her to...never mind. No, no she isn’t. She’s in the park, either playing for bits or reading that book of hers.”
  163. ”Oh, well that’s fine. The Princesses won’t be here for several more days. Even if she didn’t practice, I’m confident in her.”
  164. >”You more than me. Well, if you need to go and speak to her, do you want those rolls to go then?”
  165. >…
  166. >You take your last bite into your roll as you walk into the park.
  167. >”There she is.”
  168. >Spike points out, crumbs spewing out as he talks with his mouth full.
  169. >You follow his claw to a bench in a secluded corner of the park where the minty mare sat, reading a book.
  170. “Lyra!”
  171. >She looked up from her book.
  172. >Noticing it was you she got a little flustered.
  173. >”OH! Princess Twilight! Hey, I meant to get back to you but I-”
  174. “Hey, it’s fine. I just wanted to check in to see how your piece for the visit next week is going.”
  175. >”O-oh. Well, that’s coming along fine. I’m almost done with it actually.”
  176. ”That’s what I needed to hear. Any clue how long until it’s done?”
  177. >”Um. Like, two more days?”
  178. >Two days?
  179. ”Really? Lyra the Princesses are showing up Monday.”
  180. >”Mhm yes?”
  181. “ is Friday...will you have enough time to finish AND practice it by then.”
  182. >The unicorn waved a hoof.
  183. >”Pff, you kiddin’? I could finish it the morning of and still pull it off.”
  184. >You raised an eyebrow.
  185. “Are you sure?”
  186. >”Of course! I actually would’ve been done since Wednesday if it weren’t for uh...some distractions.”
  187. >Lyra glanced at her book then back at you.
  188. “Oh? Whatcha got there?”
  189. >The mare became visibly excited.
  190. >She was giving you the look Rainbow would give a pony if they asked about her time in the Wonder Bolts.
  191. >”This!”
  192. >She grabbed the book in her magic.
  193. >”This, is a book about golems!”
  194. >A book about what?
  195. “Uhm...golems?”
  196. >”Yes!”
  197. >She grinned at you expectantly, assuming you knew what those were.
  198. “Uhm...what are golems?”
  199. >Lyra’s jaw dropped.
  200. >”You DON’T KNOW what golems are?”
  201. >You shook your head.
  202. >”Wow, I mean, I know they are pretty obscure but, out of all the ponies in town, I would’ve expected YOU to know!”
  203. “And why is that?”
  204. >”Well, you’re a smart pony Twilight. You read a lot of books and stuff so I thought the mare who used to live in a library would’ve known!”
  205. “Well...I don’t. Care to explain.”
  206. >A smug smile spreads across the musicians muzzle.
  207. >”I will gladly.”
  208. >Using her magic to turn several pages, she stops on an artist’s depiction of the creature in question.
  209. >”THIS is a golem.
  210. >You scanned the image over carefully.
  211. >The drawing depicted what appeared to be a bipedal creature made of twigs, leafs, and mud.
  212. >The eyes were large and featureless, and the cheeks bulged out at the sides and it’s forelegs ended in sharp claws.
  213. >”It’s a creature that’s made of the dirt and earth of the environment it lives in!”
  214. >She turned another page.
  215. >”See, this one is made up of mostly snow and ice.”
  216. >Another page turned.
  217. >”And this one is made of sand.”
  218. >Spike got closer and spoke up.
  219. >”Hey! I know these things! They were in some of my comic books!”
  220. >Lyra sat back a bit.
  221. >”Yea, they’re getting more attention these days. Which blows my mind with how old the myth of these guys is!”
  222. >At the mention of myth you spoke up.
  223. “Old myth?”
  224. >”Yea. Well...I say old. They’re actually a relatively new myth compared to others like the Moth Pony. But I mean, 100 or so years is still pretty old!”
  225. “Hey do you mind if I…”
  226. >You extended a hoof, wanting to see if you could have the book.
  227. >”Oh, sure, go ahead.”
  228. >You took the book and flipped through the pages.
  229. >The drawings and maps expanded more on the creature in question.
  230. >This was so weird.
  231. >You’ve never heard of this creature before until now.
  232. >Hay, you were on a mythical creatures binge and none of your books mentioned anything about these things.
  233. “Lyra, you said these were a myth?”
  234. >Lyra nodded her head.
  235. >”Mhm.”
  236. >You look back down at the book.
  237. “I’ve never heard of these...golems, until now. Do you mind if I borrow this book?”
  238. >Lyra looked at you quizzically.
  239. “It’ll only be for the night. I’ve just been reading up a lot on mythical creatures recently and I haven’t seen anything about these things.”
  240. >”Haven’t you now?”
  241. >You shook your head.
  242. >Lyra rubbed her chin with her hoof, contemplating on whether to lend it to you or not.
  243. >It took her a minute to give you an answer or not.
  244. >The thought seemed to genuinely unease her.
  245. >”Well...normally, if it were any other pony, I would say no. But, since it’s you Twilight. I’ll let you borrow it.”
  246. “Really!”
  247. >”Sure. I guess I’ve been getting distracted by it anyways.”
  248. “That’s great! Thanks! I’ll make sure to return it to you tomorrow.”
  249. >”Tomorrow morning?”
  250. “Sure thing!”
  251. >”Great, hope you enjoy the read Twilight.”
  252. “I’m sure I will.”
  253. >You levitate the book into your saddle bag.
  254. “I’ve got to be going now. I need to get an update on my dress Rarity has been making for me. So, two days right?”
  255. >”Oh, yea. Two days and I’ll be ready.”
  256. “Good to hear. I’ll see you tomorrow morning Lyra.”
  257. >You and Spike wave bye to the mint colored mare as you headed to Rarity’s.
  258. >…
  259. >You opened the door to your castle and drop your bags as you enter your room, Spike walking in behind you.
  260. >”Alright, so music and dress are a check! And that’s with some time to spare!”
  261. >A warmth filled your heart at that.
  262. >The ponies in town have been so helpful with the preparations needed for when Celestia and Luna visit.
  263. >All of them have not only taken the initiative to do their part, most of them have asked for MORE work to help out.
  264. >It’s facts like these that make Ponyville feel more like a home than Canterlot ever could.
  265. “Sounds good Spike, that means I have time to look over everything one more time to make sure there won’t be any hiccups.”
  266. >”That ALSO means I have time to relax and enjoy the rest of that gem cake.”
  267. >You rolled your eyes and giggled.
  268. “Hehe. Let’s see how fast we can get through double checking FIRST, and then you can enjoy that gem cake of yours.”
  269. >*knock knock knock knock knock knock*
  270. >A rapid soft knocking was coming from the front door.
  271. “Hm, who could that be?”
  272. >”I don’t know. We checked off everything on the list.”
  273. “I’ll go answer it. You get everything together so we can double check Spike. Faster we get this done, the faster we can relax.”
  274. >Spike does a quick mock salute as you leave to the door.
  275. “Aye, aye cap’n!”
  276. >*knock knock knock knock*
  277. >Who ever is at the front door must really want to see you, the knocks are getting faster.
  278. >Opening the door you see your timid, butter colored friend.
  279. “Oh! Hey Fluttershy! Do you need something?”
  280. >”Hi Twilight, um, I actually want you to look at something for me.”
  281. “Oh?”
  282. >You raise an eyebrow.
  283. “What is it?”
  284. >Fluttershy reaches into her bag and pulls out something in her teeth before spitting it out on her hoof.
  285. >”Do you have any idea what this is?”
  286. >You squinted to see what exactly was in Fluttershy’s hoof.
  287. >It was a small green square that seemed to have golden lines snaking around it.
  288. >In the center was an even smaller gray square and a plastic bubble next to it.
  289. “What is it?”
  290. >”I don’t know! Dr. Fauna found it in Mr. Wolpertinger’s leg. It’s apparently what’s been causing his discomfort. I was hoping you’d know.”
  291. “No, I can’t say I do. Do you have any idea how it got in his leg?”
  292. >She shook her head.
  293. >”I have no idea. At first we thought it was a piece of twig or a rock, but it doesn’t seem to be made of anything I’ve seen in nature.”
  294. >You take a closer look at it, noticing a very small, what you assume to be an engraving, on the smaller gray square.
  295. >It was way too small to read though, you’d need to put it under a magnifying glass.
  296. “You mind if I take a look at it?”
  297. >”Go right ahead Twilight. I need to get back to Mr. Wolpertinger anyways. He’s recovering from his little operation, this thing was in his leg deeper than we thought.”
  298. >You envelope the tiny square in your magic, intending to take it with you as you walked back inside when it dropped to the floor.
  299. “Huh?”
  300. >”Oh, I’m sorry. Here.”
  301. >Fluttershy bent down and picked it back up in her teeth, spitting it back into her hoof and holding it closer to you.
  302. >Using your magic again, you envelope it in your aura to grab hold of it.
  303. >Pulling back however did nothing except move your tiny cloud of aura.
  304. “What the?”
  305. >”What’s wrong Twilight?”
  306. “I can’t pick it up with my magic.”
  307. >” it to small?”
  308. “No. I definitely should be able to hold it with telekinesis.”
  309. >”Well, that’s odd.”
  310. >You stared at the little square. Growing very suspicious.
  311. “You said you found this in Mr. Wolpertinger’s leg?”
  312. >”Yes.”
  313. >You tried several more times to pick it up with telekinesis, all failing.
  314. “Here just put it in my hoof and I will look at it inside later.”
  315. >Fluttershy hoofs you the small...what ever it is.
  316. >”Thank’s Twilight. I need to go and take care of the animals now. I’ll talk to you later?”
  317. >You nod without taking your eye off the square.
  318. “Yea, uh-huh. I’ll see you Sunday.”
  319. >”Alright, have a good night Twilight!”
  320. “Yea, you too Fluttershy.
  321. >You shut the door, still not looking away from the strange square now in your hoof.
  322. “I think my night just got a lot more interesting.”
  323. ~~~~

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.1

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.2

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.3

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.4 (END)

by SaltAnon

Monk Anon [This Green has been Abandoned]

by SaltAnon