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Servicing a car with Starlight

By karwler
Created: 2021-04-22 14:23:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wake up early in the morning.
  2. >The rays of sunshine peeking through the window.
  3. >Your arms and legs wrapped around a fluffy little pony.
  4. >She’s holding you close as well.
  5. >You run one of your hands through her now frazzled mane, along her neck and back, savoring the feeling of her warm, soft, fluffy body.
  6. >Eventually she stirs and nuzzles her face further into your chest.
  7. >”Morning.”
  8. >She says in a tired daze.
  9. “Good morning.”
  10. >You say in an equally sleepy matter.
  11. >You both stay like this for a while, as you keep running your fingers through her fur.
  12. >”Do we have anything to do today?”
  13. “I suppose we were to clean up the house.”
  14. >She lights up her horn for a brief moment.
  15. >”All taken care of.”
  16. >You bury your face in her silky mane.
  17. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
  18. >”I know.”
  19. >You stay like this for another while.
  20. >”Anything else we were supposed to do today?”
  21. “I should service the car, I think. You wouldn’t happen to have another spell for that?”
  22. >”Nope. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’d need to see what that is first, before I can come up with a spell for it.”
  23. >You take one of her hooves in your hand, feeling all of its details.
  24. “Sounds like something fun we could do.”
  25. >She simply hums happily to herself.
  26. “Should we get up now?”
  27. >”Just a minute longer.”
  28. >You keep gently stroking her back as you lay in each other’s legs and arms.
  29. >Finally she slowly sits up, rubbing her eyes with a hoof.
  30. >”Let’s have some breakfast first.”
  31. >You sit up as well.
  32. “Sounds good to me.”
  33. >You get dressed, walk downstairs to the kitchen and make some tomato, onion and cheese sandwiches for both of you.
  34. >You both eat in silence, sitting across the table.
  35. >She looks so cute with her frazzled mane and eating.
  36. >Why do people even bother fussing over their hair? This is so much better.
  37. >You both finish and you toss the plates in the sink.
  38. >”So, servicing the car you said.”
  39. >You groan.
  40. “Yep, just let me get the tools and meet me outside.”
  41. >You meet Starlight outside, as you’re dragging all the necessary items out of the garage.
  42. >She’s wearing an adorable sweater.
  43. >”So, what do we do?”
  44. >You grab the jack.
  45. “Alright, first we jack it up and put the axle stands underneath.”
  46. >She levitates the front of the car up and shoves the stands underneath.
  47. “Thanks.”
  48. >She gives you a little grin.
  49. >You crawl under the car and try to undo the sump plug.
  50. “Piece of shit isn’t budging.”
  51. >You continue cussing like a sailor.
  52. >Starlight crawls under the car beside you and uses her magic to loosen the plug.
  53. “I love you.”
  54. >You unscrew the plug, wait for the old oil to piss out and replace the filter.
  55. >Eventually, you screw the plug back in and Starlight lowers the car.
  56. >”What now?”
  57. “I’ll just replace the air filter real quick. After that, we’ll do the spark plugs.”
  58. >She gives you a puzzled look.
  59. >”Alright?”
  60. >You replace the air filter and take the engine cover off. Of course you’ve disconnected the battery first.
  61. >”I think I could figure out a spell to replace the oil and filters, without doing all this.”
  62. “I’d greatly appreciate it. I always seem to loose a wrench or something while doing this.”
  63. >You take out the coils, replace the plugs, put the coils back in and reconnect the battery.
  64. “Easy as pie.”
  65. >You say as you’re pouring the new oil in.
  66. >Starlight gives you a deadpan look.
  67. >”I can definitely figure out a spell to do all this.”
  68. “But where would be the fun in that?”
  69. >You start up the engine, walk around the car and notice some oil dripping out from under the car.
  70. >Starlight lights up her horn and soon after, the oil stops dripping.
  71. >”Uh huh.”
  72. >You look away sheepishly.
  73. “So anyway, what do we do now?”
  74. >She shifts around.
  75. >”We should probably go to the shop. Maybe get a bottle of good rum for tonight?”
  76. >You match her devilish grin.
  77. “Well then, what are you waiting for? Hop in!”
  78. >You say, as you sit in the driver’s seat.
  79. >Starlight swiftly climbs in the seat beside you.
  80. >You lean over and kiss the top of her head.
  81. “I can’t help but feel sometimes like we’re some odd abstraction of Bonnie and Clyde.”
  82. >She leans back.
  83. >”Whatever you say.”
  84. >You’d punch the throttle, but unfortunately there isn’t enough space for that in your yard and it wouldn’t be good for the clutch anyway.
  85. >As you drive along the country roads, you can’t help but feel a tad distracted by the mare beside you.
  86. >Out of all the people, why would she pick some bloke like you?

Starlight visits you

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Servicing a car with Starlight

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