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Starlight and LAYZORS!

By karwler
Created: 2021-04-22 14:27:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be an average retard at nighttime.
  2. >Except Starlight is in your shitty little apartment.
  3. >You don’t know why she’s here, but she seems to be curious about the things you have laying around, so it’s fine.
  4. >”What are those little tube things?”
  5. “They’re lasers. That button on the side or bottom turns them on. Just make sure that the beam doesn’t go into your eyes. They’re not exactly legal.”
  6. >tfw German law can go suck a dick
  7. “This one is 5mW, which is the American limit for these. Lemme turn off the lights real quick.”
  8. >You turn off the lights real quick.
  9. >You turn on the laser pointer.
  10. “In the dark you can even see the beam a little bit.”
  11. >You exclaim enthusiastically.
  12. >You pick up another pointer from the desk.
  13. “This one’s 40mW, so be careful with that one.”
  14. >You turn it on to use it as a comparison for the 5mW laser.
  15. >You point it at an empty glass, because shit’s beautiful.
  16. >She looks bored now.
  17. >Naturally you pull out your big gun.
  18. >The powerful laser pointer that is.
  19. “I have no clue how much power this thing has. The Chinese label says it’s only 1mW, but it’s crazy bright and it actually burns my hand. I think we need some glasses for this though.”
  20. >You pull out two pairs of OD4 red glasses and put one of them over Starlight’s head.
  21. >Her giant anime sized eyes are way too big for the glasses.
  22. >Fuck.

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