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Robbing a gas station with Starlight

By karwler
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-22 15:24:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be with Starlight at a gas station.
  2. >You’re pointing your 1911 at a nice old lady behind the cash register.
  3. >Starlight points her Glock at her.
  4. >”Hurry up! Put the cash in the bag already!”
  5. >You take a glance at her pretty little butt.
  6. >She’s so sexy when she’s threatening someone.
  7. >You grab the money and run over to your Camry.
  8. >You punch the throttle and drive away.
  9. >”Why are we even robbing a place like this? Your normal job already pays you enough.”
  10. “It does. But that’s no fun. Also, fuck people!”

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