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An Anon Tries to Change the Future by Anonymous

By Codekek
Created: 2021-05-02 03:19:22
Expiry: Never

  1. From thread No.30300920
  3. >An Anon appears out of nowhere before Twilight even moves to Ponyville
  4. >Gets locked in the Canterlot dungeons until Celestia can confirm or deny he's dangerous
  5. >He figures out when he is
  6. >Talks about Luna and Nightmare Moon, things Celestia has kept under wraps for the past millenia, nopony should know even a tenth of what he's talking about
  7. >He gets let out and kept under the watchful eye of her faithful student
  8. >He leaves the timeline mostly unchanged only interfering when absolutely necessary
  9. >Sadly that's more often than not since him simply showing up has bent the timeline over a table and fucked it
  10. >His biggest change is intercepting Starswirl's journal on route from Celestia and destroys it
  11. >Goes out of his way to prevent Twilight becoming an alicorn
  12. >Even goes so far as to go with Discord to stop Tirek to stop him from betraying the ponies
  13. >Stops the treebary from burning
  14. >Stops the crystal tree castle from being made
  15. >Stops Starlight from ever being a thing ever
  17. >Discord can sense Anon is fucking with the natural order harder than any amount of his own bullshit causes, yet everyone else thinks things are relatively normal.
  18. >His first breakout was caused by anon preparing for future bullshit, around half a season earlier than canon.
  19. >Starts following him around taking notes because the situation is driving him sane, causing low-key chaos to fuck with or help anon while trying to figure him the fuck out.
  20. >Anon's desperately trying to not let Equestria turn to shit, knowing the various timelines starlight caused were only glimpses of extremely possible futures if he fucks up several key events.
  22. >His statue disappears causing Celestia to shit bricks, summoning the Mane6 and Anon.
  23. >Discord trolls them in the stained glass room, practically gushing over Anon in particular about how much chaos he's causing just by simply existing, sticks a big gold star to his face.
  24. >Discord gives them the riddle for the elements and vanishes, Anon prevents Twilight from hyperfocusing on the red herring which in turn diverts the entire 2-parter off it's rails, causing so much chaos all at once that Discord orgasms confetti in the middle of making more chocolate rain clouds.
  25. >They get the elements and start looking for discord, cleaning up a few minor bits of weirdness here and there.
  26. >Except they cant find him, it's like he just vanished into thin air.
  27. >In actual fact he's hiding 'behind' anon like pic related.
  28. >Return of harmony never happens, discord hasnt got time to play until he figures out anon.
  29. >After a few tense days pass with only minor chaotic happenings, they figure discord is either not as bad as they thought, or simply used the opportunity to run away from the elements.
  30. >Pinkie gave up on day two after she found the little pink raincloud in her bathtub, declaring Discord the best draco-watsit ever.
  31. >She baked him a plate of cupcakes and left it in her bathoom overnight, returning to find them still present in the morning, sans the frosting, sprinkles, gummy worms, candles, her bathroom sink, wrappers and plate.
  33. >Taking it as a challenge, instead of replacing her sink ponk makes a chocolate fountain.
  34. >It's literally a fully functional fountain made out of chocolate.
  35. >Discord leaves his tooth brush on it, grossing pinkie out a little but at least they're clean.
  36. >This continues for a few weeks, Discord having discovered by now that anon has knowledge of future events, but paradoxically can also be completely blindsided by things.
  37. >Getting ready to spread some real chaos again after laying low for so long.
  38. >Pinkie left an invitation to a party last night, perfect opportunity to kickstart the new reign.
  39. >Said pony visits her bathroom (Now closely resembling a room from something anon called "Charlie and the chocolate factory." to find an RSVP and a cupcake with her element on it.
  40. >"I accept on the condition you promise never to use this on me."
  41. >Thinking for a moment, she nods.
  42. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
  43. >At this point, the author of this psuedo-green hit writers block at a speed of seven W.E.C's chasing a Road runner.
  44. >Thus, to summarise, Pinkie becomes Discords first friend instead of Fluttershy, marking the first instance of things working out okay without anon having to do a single thing.
  45. >Discord DOES forget about turning the moon into a disco ball until the following night, but him and Anon taking care of Luna's night fever is a story for another time.
  47. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. >Anon keeps an eye on the mail service through Ponyville as soon as the wedding in Canterlot is over
  50. >He is determined to let NOTHING get past him
  51. >Luckily out of all the naive ponies Derpy is one of the most so
  52. >She's still a good mare though
  53. >Finally the day comes, Starswirl's book is being delivered to Twilight
  54. >Intercepting it Anon destroys it utterly and completely not even leaving the cover in tact
  55. >A day goes by, then another, and another
  56. >A week passes and Celestia and Luna and a deployment of Royal Agents visit Ponyville
  57. >Though Celestia and Luna intend to make sure that the second part goes unnoticed by the townsponies
  58. >Whilst they speak with Twilight and the girls and give them lectures on friendship, the elements and how far they've come the agents are turning the town upside down to find the book or a lead on where it could have gone
  59. >They also have a chat with Anon on how he's enjoying his stay in Equestria
  60. >tfw no face feels good
  61. >Poker faces his way through their questioning even when they try and trip him up
  62. >A month passes and no word on the book
  63. >Celestia decides to apprehend Tirek now before he actually gets out of hoof
  64. >She's been planning the ascension for a while and he was a big part of it, can't have him appear too soon
  65. >Goes to see that he's still in Tartarus
  66. >After hearing the conversation between future and present Twilight Anon made a B-line for Tartarus
  67. >If Twiggles knew where to find it he could too and he did even before they went to the Gala
  68. >Meanwhile back at the castle Celestia and Luna are pacing back and forth trying to figure out whose messing with the plan
  69. >Eventually they decide it must be Discord he's always twelve steps ahead
  70. >He's also 32 steps behind sometimes
  71. >There's no one else it could be
  72. >At the very least no one with the power or knowledge to be able to thwart their plans so effectively
  73. >Right?
  75. >Anon goes along with Twilight, Spike and Pinkie when sneaking into the archives.
  76. >Spends his time there going through as many time spells as possible and vandalizes them to the point of being uncastable and unrecoverable.
  77. >The two Princesses decide to try using time travel spells, at best to change the timeline to their own planning, at worst to try and find a lead on who's been so many moves ahead of them.
  78. >So many moves ahead that all they left said spells all completely useless.
  79. >Ask the guards to divulge anything they've seen that seemed suspicious.
  80. >Get told about a pink unicorn wearing a disguise consisting of sunglasses, a purple cap worn backwards, a zipped up leather coat, and a fanny pack.
  81. >The guards elaborate that she broke into the archives, but she didn't steal anything.
  82. >She becomes the primary suspect for destroying the spells.
  83. >Starlight ends up a fugitive for Anon's crimes, becoming even more obsessive and crazy about ruining Twilight's friendships in the process.
  85. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. >Starlight: "I can't let you do that, Anon."
  89. >Pre redemption Glimmer realizes Anon's plan and tries to erase his timeline and him with it
  90. >Anon, Discord and Glimmer battle it out in a three way time travel conflict in which countless timelines and worlds rise and fall as each of them try to enforce their own desired reality
  92. >Discord, control over space, matter and reality
  93. >Starlight, access to advanced magic
  94. >Anon, access to all the knowledge of what is still to be and how to either make it happen or destroy it all together

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