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Sunset's Slutty Sizing...

By JanaValker
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-12 21:20:52
Expiry: Never

  1. ###
  2. Rarity receives a strange visitor who needs help with her bra fitting. Rarity is shocked at Sunset's new and enhanced dimensions, but maybe she should focus less on tits and try to keep a clear mind.
  3. At any rate, Sunset can help by washing it deep and clean for Rarity's own sake...
  4. And their new Mistress, of course.
  5. ###
  7. >Rarity always had an eye for details
  8. >She was the first to notice Sunset's new, strange behavior
  9. >She was probably among the first ones to also cum herself to sleep over her transformed friend
  10. >She has managed to maintain her facade though. Nobody can see past her poker face
  11. >At least until now
  12. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, Darling! I will be there in... a... jiffy..."
  13. >Rarity's words trail to an excited hiss as her eyes connect to her brain
  14. >The person who just stepped inside her Boutique (actually more like a shack she rented for a few bits and that she's pretending is some high-brow atelier but hey, you gotta start somewhere) is not here for business
  15. >At least Rarity's pussy really really really hopes she isn't
  16. >Because under her skirt she is not wearing panties today
  17. >And dripping her juices down her legs is quite unbecoming of a lady
  18. >"Hey Rares," says Sunset Shimmer
  19. >She's just... standing there, deliciously
  20. >She opted for high-heels leather boots that stop midway to her knees, displaying her long, smooth legs all the way up to her tiny, black/bronze skirt, painted-over her sinfully thick hips
  21. >She is wearing just a leather jacket
  22. >A short leather jacket
  23. >Not padded. Her nips protrude like little bolts atop bolt-ons
  24. >The kind of jacket that shows off her studded belly and trim abs, and stops just below her inflated, rounded boobs
  25. >Rarity has to remind herself she is a lady and ladies do not drool
  26. >Not even when a certain Sunset Shimmer cups her enormous tits with a grin and a sexy glint in her aqua eyes that send said lady's nethers into overdrive
  27. "Sun! Set,"
  28. >Rarity greets her in a fairly high-pitched and mysteriously nervous voice.
  29. "What a surprise."
  30. "Yeah 'set'. You can say that... twice," her busty friend replies.
  31. >She draws her tongue over her lips. There is a new piercing in its middle.
  32. >Rarity's pussy whispers to her brain how it would feel to have that studded tongue play with her very needy and very hard clit and she forgets what's happening for a few seconds
  33. "You okay Rares?"
  34. "NEvEr BEttEr"
  35. >She says with a strange stress over the wovels.
  36. >It almost sounds like she's out of breath
  37. >Weird behaviour for a lady
  38. >She decides to take a seat and not go to greet her friend. Quite rude but so would be leaving a trail of pussy juice over the floor and she just got it cleaned
  39. >Safety first
  40. "WhAt cAn I dO foOr yOu... SUnsEt," she asks with a strained smile.
  41. >She probably sounds like she just gulped two pounds of helium
  42. >It's note like she can check though, her words sound distant and faint over the thunderous echoes of her heartbeat
  43. "Oh nothing much," she looks shy and uncertain for a moment.
  44. >Scratching her back of her neck and looking away, she reminds Rarity of the old Sunset Shimmer
  45. >She's changed so much. She walks up to her and sits down next to Rarity.
  46. >Her inflated tits wobble slightly, less than if they were, you know, real
  47. "I kind of need a bra fitting."
  48. >The words rattle inside Rarity's brain
  49. >There's suddenly a lot of space there
  50. >Without waiting for an answer, Sunset pouts and cups her huge tits. Her fingers have to spread just to cover half of her spherical jugs
  51. "These things are heavy as they are. And they are still settling in, so I need an expert's opinion," she winks.
  52. "ExpErt." Rarity grins.
  53. >It's the most her brain can do right now
  54. "Yeah! You get it Rares. I can trust you not to get too... excited by my inflated dimensions. You know."
  55. "Of c-course! No e-excitement here, Darling! I'm a professional!"
  56. "Right! You are the best for this job."
  57. >Rarity nods so hard it's kind of a miracle her grinning head does not fall over her chest and rolls against the wall
  58. "I'm glad you understand, also because..." she trails off.
  59. >Rarity crosses her legs. It's just a habit, nothing suspicious here. No need to focus on that or the musky scent that is starting to spread from under her seat
  60. "...I have been thinking of going bigger."
  61. >Rarity blinks. While her ears are busy trying to understand how seven words could break her mind so thoroughly, her brain floats towards horny jail
  62. "I mean I know you don't get embarrassed over such things, haha!" Sunset pulls her back. "You're one of my best friends!"
  63. "Of course I am! Dear, you know you can always come here and talk to me about... your... breasts...! And their shape and size and... whatever you wish, really! I'm yours Darling! I mean, at your service."
  64. "That's so sweet of you Rares, I knew you'd understand."
  65. >She huffs and stretches.
  66. >Her chest pushes forward
  67. >It looks about to pop
  68. >Not as much as Rarity's eyeballs though
  69. "You know what, Rares?"
  70. >Once again she does not wait for Rarity's cells to keep pumpin ATP into her brain
  71. "I never thought I'd get my tits done. Just... one day the idea, like, popped right into my mind!"
  72. >Her eyes turn dull and glassy just for a moment. It's quick, but it does happen
  73. >Rarity does notice
  74. >Her pussy writes it down for future reference
  75. "And do you know what's the best thing about being a slut with big fake tits Rares?"
  76. "What... what it is, Sunset?"
  77. >All the while Rarity's inner voice is going "Tell me, tell me, TELL ME!", but she's a lady and does not show it
  78. "I completely lost people's respect!"
  79. >If Rarity's pussy grows even a few degrees hotter she might start melting her chair
  80. "They look at me and they only see a fuckhole! It's perfect! They know I love to lay on my back and take dick for hours and I got these tits for attention and to be treated like an object! Can you guess how many people wanted to listen to what I had to say ever since I upgraded?"
  81. >Rarity nods
  82. "Zero! Absolutely none! Nobody wants to listen to me, they all just want to fuck me or motorboat my tits. And I don't mind. I mean, I'm just a set of holes. Having a conversation would kinda go against the point, hm?"
  83. "Yes! I completely agree, Darling!"
  84. >She beams. She's such a proud slut
  85. "I knew you would get it. Now... what about that fitting?"
  86. >Sunset's fingers cup her breasts
  87. >This time they reach for her zipper
  88. >She pulls it down. Slowly. Rarity's ears savor the zipper as it softly crackles
  89. >With each inch she reveals acres of smooth, orange flesh
  90. >Her skin is strangely taut and has a curious sheen
  91. >Really shows how new her tits are
  92. >The tits that will forever mark her as a slut
  93. "I... see," Rarity manages to say, though her tongue is really dry
  94. >Sunset stops halfway through. Her tits rest held by a lacy black bra, her nipples holding back the leather
  95. "I actually don't know how big I am right now. Would you mind?"
  96. "At once darling. Can you pass me the tape?"
  97. >Sunset complies. Thanks to some merciful god, Rarity left it at hand's reach and she does not have to stand up and show the puddle of juices she's leaving on her chair
  98. "Thanks darling. Now..."
  99. >She starts by measuring her torso. She frowns.
  100. "Uh... 28 inches? You used to be at least 30."
  101. "Ah, that's because I went so big right away. My bra needs more room and it sets a bit lower on the ribcage. It tends to lose a couple inches."
  102. >She got her tits so big her bra has to get extra support to cover them
  103. >Rarity squirms. She needs a long, hot shower
  104. >Maybe three
  105. "M-Makes sense."
  106. >She's so close she can feel the heat from Sunset's chest
  107. >Leather creaking with each of her breath
  108. >She could just grope them
  109. >Feel a slut's tits
  110. >Sunset would love it
  111. >But she's a professional
  112. "So now about the... huh... bust."
  113. >Her hands did not tremble like since she was 6 and had just found out about needles
  114. >She slowly moves the tape to cover her chest from side to side
  115. >As her fingers brush against Sunset's nipple she lets out a sharp moan
  116. "Sorry, sorry! Kinda sensitive around there."
  117. >Rarity smiles and tries to remains focused. She is a lady after all
  118. >Also it would be hard to measure Sunset's slutty tits with just one hand and the other one fisting her pussy
  119. >So she keeps it up
  120. >She vaguely remembers old Sunset being around 32 inches
  121. >She's already past 34
  122. >35 now
  123. >36
  124. "Thirty seven... thirty seven inches and a half."
  125. Sunset frowns.
  126. She looks down at her huge round tits
  127. "That would make you a..." she gulps. "A G cup, D-Darling."
  128. "That's too small!"
  129. >She scowls and starts pulling the zipper all the way down.
  130. >Her tits wobble free
  131. "You know what? I want a second sizing. Naked."
  132. >As the fabric slips past her hard nips, Rarity’s eyes focus on those engorged nipples, her stretched areolas, still carrying the signs of the scars where she begged the doctor to enlarge her tits and forever make her a slut
  133. >Rarity’s mouth waters
  134. >She cannot believe anyone could do that to herself
  135. >Especially not such a wonderful girl as Sunset
  136. >She is smart, willful and amazing in so many ways
  137. >She has her entire life ahead and could do everything she wants, aim to the top spot in industry, politics, science
  138. >Instead she decided to get her tits enlarged
  139. >And she’s not even happy about her current size and find her kinds small
  140. >And is probably thinking about going even bigger
  141. >Rarity’s pussy by now is a molten crater of need. Each breath reverberates into her too-small chest as her own nipples are growing as stiff as and as hard and Sunset’s
  142. >Speaking of which, Sunset has finished pulling down her jacket and showing off her tits in their complete plastic glory
  143. >Rarity is not completely new to this kind of augmentation
  144. >She has seen the movies everyone at school is watching, of course. The supposedly-secret porn series with big-boobed starlets begging to be slutty dolls and to be made obedient fucktoys for their Mistress
  145. >But even the most enhanced starlet in those movies has nothing on Sunset
  146. >Her tits wobble slightly, capped by two rosy nipples as thick as her thumb, a stark contrast from her orange, peachy skin
  147. >She can see the scars, surrounding her areolas. She has heard sometimes an operation such as this one would leave a girl’s nipples permanently erect and extremely sensitive
  148. >Sort of like a slut’s trademark
  149. >And her boobs look bolted-on, rounded and sphere-like
  150. >Her cleavage is deep and her tits push against each other, as if trying to outdo themselves
  151. >Their profile is not the gentle slope she remembers, is a sharp curve that speaks of the thickness of Sunset’s implants
  152. >She really did go all out
  153. "Now I want you to do it all over again! And this time make sure to check! I wanted to be at least 38 inches and if I don’t get that I’m going for another filler in a week!”
  154. "Filler? But I thought?”
  155. "These are saline, Rares. Expanders. I'm keeping them in before I go for custom-made implants.”
  156. >She smacks them.
  157. >They wobble, hard and heavy.
  158. “They are not silicone. Not yet. I am going to swap them for permanent one as soon as I reach 40 inches, but so far I have to keep my training model.”
  159. >Rarity lets out a strangled sound
  160. >She is going even bigger
  161. >And these are just her starting upgrade
  162. "What do you think I’m going to look with 40 inches by the way? I think it’s going to be kinda sick! Nobody will miss me for the slut I am!”
  163. "I think… nobody can… uh… I mean… they are going to get it even at this size.”
  164. "Do you mean I shouldn’t go bigger? Because I totally am!”
  165. "N-No… it’s just.. these are… they are really…”
  166. >Oh, she is going to say it
  167. >Right in the face of one of her best friends
  168. >Her transformed, slutty friend
  169. >Slutset Shimmer
  170. "These tits really belong on a totally plastic slut!”
  171. >Sunset beams, she’s positively giddy. She covers her mouth as she lets out a happy giggle and a blush spreads over her face
  172. "Do you mean that? You really think that, even as small as they are?”
  173. "Yes! You have the sluttiest tits in Canterlot High! Maybe in the city!”
  174. "Thanks! Oh Rarity you say the sweetest things! Hey… do you think they look fake?”
  175. "Yes! Yes… they look absolutely fake! Bolted-on! The fakest tits I have ever seen! People are going to take a look at you and understand you are nothing b-but a set of warm holes!”
  176. "Ohhh, thank Celestia!”
  177. >Sunset, relieved, falls back against the chair, her tits wobble once again, in such an unnatural, fake way
  178. >Rarity’s pussy sings
  179. "You know I was really worried someone could think they were home-grown. Thanks Rares, I really appreciate it. You’re truly a good friend to confirm I am just a stupid slut!”
  180. >She cups her colossal tits, pushing them together. She pouts, as if thy are still not enough
  181. "They could be a little bigger, though… but let’s go for that sizing, come on!”
  182. "S-Sure!”
  183. >This time Rarity is going to have to touch them
  184. >She cover them once again with her tape
  185. >They tremble softly with Sunset’s excited breath
  186. >Rarity’s hands used to be so steady, she was so proud of her skills as a seamstress
  187. >Now she’s a nervous, horny mess
  188. >She’s inches away from the best pair of tits she has ever seen
  189. >A pair of tits Sunset desperately wanted to get and inflate so much
  190. >And she’s probably going to love getting a grope
  191. >But she’s a professional
  192. >She’s a lady
  193. >And she has standards, though by now it’s the barest thread keeping what remains of her sanity together
  194. >Slowly she moved her fingers to cove the entirety of her pneumatic chest
  195. >Rarity opens her mouth to declare her verdict
  196. "Thirty… thirty seven inches and a quarter.”
  197. "Damn! I knew 600 ccs was not enough! My tits are too small. Shame, I’ll have to ask for 800 at least… maybe 900 ccs, custom-made.”
  198. >Rarity does not really have an idea about what those numbers mean
  199. >She only knows they are making her so moist she's losing her breath
  200. "Thank you, Rares…” she grins, that hungry light once again shining in her eyes
  201. >She pulls her close
  202. >Closer
  203. >Sunset’s arms embrace her neck
  204. >She’s so close she can feel the warmth of her skin, with each breath her taut flesh brushes against her nose
  205. >Now or never
  206. "So, I did not know you had a fetish for fake tits, Rares. What do you prefer? The size…”
  207. >She shakes them in front of her eyes.
  208. >Rarity’s sharp blue eyes follow Sunset’s nipples
  209. >Her mouth is dry
  210. >She could just taste them
  211. "… or the feel?”
  212. >Sunset pushes her boobs against her face
  213. >They are warm and so, so firm
  214. >Her skin is so smooth and it smells softly of lavender
  215. >She just gave her a face full of boob
  216. >Just like a slut would
  217. >Rarity’s mouth opens up in a mute scream
  218. >She trembles, Sunset holding her against her deep cleavage as she drools all over her inflated chest
  219. >She squirms and shakes as the orgasm rides through her
  220. >The musky scent of her pussy is overwhelming
  221. >She pants and groans while Sunset patiently waits for the fashionista to enjoy her orgasm
  222. >Rarity’s nipples make small dents against her blouse
  223. >Her eyes are pinprick
  224. >Her breath ragged
  225. >She’s really excited
  226. >Defenseless
  227. >Slowly, deliberately, Sunset’s right hand detaches from Rarity’s neck and slips into her panties
  228. >Rarity lets out a gasp and a powerless groan as Sunset’s index fingers touches her wrenched, hot pussy
  229. >It’s almost like putting her hand in a warm honeypot
  230. >She withdraws her now-glistening fingers
  231. >Puts them to her lips
  232. >And sucks off Rarity’s juices
  233. "Almost ready.”
  234. >But suddenly the world is full of color and blinking lights and words and hushed whispers and what’s happening but it feels good so good she doesn’t want to stop neverr stop
  235. "Ahhh…” Rarity gasps as the visor embeds itself into her conscience
  236. >Burrows inside her motion control
  237. >For a moment she hesitates
  238. >Withdraws herself from the deadly embrace
  239. >Looks up at Sunset
  240. >She’s grinning
  241. >Red-faced, horny beyond belief
  242. >Sunset’s nipples are even harder than her own as she betrays one of her best friends in the whole world
  243. "What… I…”
  244. >That’s all she manages to say
  245. >Then the subliminal hooks the visor put into her claw shut inside her mind
  246. >She falls back
  247. >Sunset gently lets her body slide on the chair
  248. >Her head falls to the right as more lights swirl into her eyes
  249. >Rarity has always been strong-willed
  250. >The brainwashing goggles would have a much harder time breaking into her psyche
  251. >Rearranging stuff
  252. >Moving priorities around
  253. >Rewriting patterns and introducing new ones
  254. >If only she did not bombard herself with subliminals for all those long weeks
  255. >Watching those porn videos that look too good to be true
  256. >Like half of Canterlot High is doing by now
  257. >Too late for regrets. Too late for even thinking about regrets
  258. >Sunset passes her hand through Rarity’s silky hair
  259. "It feels so good to betray you, Rares,” she says. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”
  260. >She spreads her legs and it’s true: she’s completely drenched
  261. >She got a very nice orgasm from putting her friend to sleep
  262. "Now just let the inductor do its job,” she whispers to her ear
  263. "When you’ll wake up, you’ll be a new person altogether.”
  264. >Sunset is also a bit envious
  265. >She never got to experience the inductor
  266. >Not like that
  267. >She was taken bit by bit, like an encroaching tide biting into a sandcastle
  268. >Whatever resistance she might have she climaxed it away long ago
  269. >Last bastion was probably getting her tits enlarged like that
  270. "Still could have got them a little bigger,” she pouts as the thought resurfaces into her mind
  271. >That thing about getting the idea about her new fake rack all of a sudden, though?
  272. >That was another lie
  273. >She knew she was turning into a slut
  274. >Bit by bit
  275. >A drop of lava burning through her cunt
  276. >She couldn’t stop it, it felt just too good
  277. >Sunset breathes in
  278. >Inhales Rarity's scent, like mint-mixed musk
  279. >Her hands roam all over Rarity’s body
  280. >She’s slim and voluptuous at the same time, fit but not athletic like Rainbow, thick but not built like AJ, high-class but not to the point of being out of reach
  281. >She’s going to be the best whore, Sunset just knows it
  282. >Mistress would not have selected her to be the first otherwise
  283. >Sure, not as good as she is, Sunset giggles and cups her enhanced bust
  284. >Mistress loves her style the most. Going for a bit of a punkish and plastic kind of slut
  285. >Rares is probably going to be the high-class one
  286. >She gropes her round tits. They are soft and warm. They fill her palms perfectly, round and still very perky
  287. "You could probably skip implants,” she mutters
  288. "Though if Mistress wants you fake and plastic, I hope she’ll let me guide you.”
  289. >Rarity gurgles something
  290. >Maybe one last bit of resistance, bubbling up to the forefront of her brain
  291. >Already forgot
  292. "There is no escaping Mistress, Rares,” Sunset says in an aroused whisper. “She owns our minds. She owns our bodies. You are going to learn to love that.”
  293. >She leans back against the chair. Her tits wobble now that they are free
  294. >Her orange hand slides between her folds
  295. >Her thumb caresses her hard clit while two fingers tease her folds
  296. "It’s so incredibly hot watching another slut’s brain cooking up.” She clicks her tongue. “Especially if you're the only help she could get. Cadence was right.”
  297. >She coos and groans as she rides her arousal down towards the first orgasm
  298. >First of many
  299. >After all Rome wasn’t built in a day and Rarity’s mind will not be rebuilt in one hour
  300. >Plus the door is locked
  301. >Plenty of time to enjoy the show
  302. >Sunset tilts her head back and keeps assaulting her wet pussy while she watches Rarity being reprogrammed
  303. >It’s going to be a long afternoon
  304. "You’ll be such a good doll,” she forecasts
  305. >And puts a brief kiss upon Rarity’s purple-painted lips
  306. "One… ahhh…”
  307. >Sunset groans at the first signs another orgasm is coming shake her
  308. “One down. Five to go.”
  310. ###
  311. The end - for the time being
  313. Thanks for reading. This is a scene from a longer mind control story I am working on with Sunset and other girls from the EG world. Wonder who this mysterious Mistress might be? At this point not even I am sure anymore. My money is on Fluttershy.
  315. See you and lit up a candle to anon. It was thanks to you this got published. You know you.
  316. ###

How Sunset Became A Slut - CH. 1

by JanaValker

How Sunset Became A Slut - CH. 2

by JanaValker

Sunset's Slutty Sizing...

by JanaValker