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Vinyl x Anon

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-13 06:08:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >>/trash/37814344
  2. >You jostled awake.
  3. >”Heh, calm down, dude.”
  4. >You looked around the nightclub, seeing it empty.
  5. >All save for you and Vinyl Scratch.
  6. >You asked what happened, unable to remember what happened.
  7. >”Yeah, everyone’s gone.”
  8. >The table beneath you had your drool smeared over it.
  9. >”Bet you’re wondering what happened, huh?”
  10. >You didn’t remember much.
  11. >She pointed at the bar.
  12. >”Some mare thought she was slick and slipped something magical in that drink you ordered.”
  13. >”Nothing toxic, but it knocked you out cold.”
  14. >You shook your head from side to side to clear the sleep away.
  15. >”Yeah, it was hella fast too.”
  16. >”You think she woulda lowered the dosage a bit for a small guy like you.”
  17. >The DJ shook her head from side to side.
  18. >”Not too bright.”
  19. >The DJ bent over, examining you.
  20. >She pulled her tinted glasses up, investigating you closer with her dark crimson eyes.
  21. >”But she did have good taste.”
  22. >”C’mon, can you stand?”
  23. >The mare’s hand wrapped around yours without warning, and she pulled you off.
  24. >I t took a moment to get your balance.
  25. >As you tried getting your bearings, your free hand swing out and found purchase against her breasts.
  26. >The grogginess dissipated quickly, but it was replaced by embarrassment.
  27. >”Forward, aren’t we?”
  28. >Your mouth dropped.
  29. >”Don’t worry.”
  30. >She grinned.
  31. >You yanked your hand away, stuttering an apology.
  32. >She cut you off, chuckling.
  33. >”Like ‘em?”
  34. >”Think I’ve got a good pair?”
  35. >You were taken aback by the mare’s forwardness, but you nodded.
  36. >”Honest too. I like that.”
  37. >She jostled them with her hands, which almost shook them out of the clothing barely keeping them contained.
  38. >”Lotsa ponies come in to see ‘em.”
  39. >She grabbed your hand again.
  40. >”C’mon, Stud, let’s get you a drink.”
  41. >”Get that junk outta your system.”
  42. >You thanked the white unicorn and sat down on the bar.
  43. >A cold glass of ice water was exactly what you needed.
  44. >She mixed herself something sweeter before swinging over the counter to sit on the stool next to you.
  46. >”New in town?”
  47. >You shook your head up and down.
  48. >”Yeah, thought I didn’t recognize you.”
  49. >”So, what were ya’ doing here tonight?”
  50. >”Looking for some lovin’?” She asked, bobbing her eyebrows up and down.
  51. >You choked on your water, coughing and sputtering for a moment.
  52. >You told her your hope of finding something long-term.
  53. >”D’awww.”
  54. >”Cute guy like you won’t have a problem with that.”
  55. >She chuckles.
  56. >You took another sip of water, looking to examine the rest of the room.
  57. >It was surreal being in here without the noise and lights.
  58. >”Ahh~”
  59. >You turned back to find Vinyl had taken her top off.
  60. >”Girls needed some air.” Was all the justification you got.
  61. >They looked even larger than with the shirt on.
  62. >She leaned over, hissing as she let her breasts rest on the cool counter.
  63. >”Damn, these things’re heavy.”
  64. >You audibly agreed, though you didn’t remember telling your brain to do so.
  65. >She folded her arms over her chest and rested her head.
  66. >You finished your water, noticing she was watching you out of the corner of her eyes.
  67. >”So, uh…”
  68. >Her red eyes flicked over your body before reestablishing eye contact.
  69. >”You work today? S’almost daybreak.”
  70. >You did not.
  71. > She smiled.
  72. >”Good.”
  73. >”Usually I’d be in bed now, but…”
  74. >It took you a moment to figure out where she was going with that.
  75. >”You’re pretty cute, wanna fuck?”
  76. >Something about the sheer bluntness of her request…
  77. >Her “saving” you earlier…
  78. >How casual she treated everything…
  79. >The two large reasons smooshed below her…
  80. >They all made you take her offer after a moment of stunned silence.
  81. >”Fuckin’ nice.”
  82. >After chugging the last of her drink, the mare grabbed your hand and led you to the back door.
  83. >”Don’t worry, I live real close.”
  84. >”Nothing glamorous, but it’s a cozy little house.”
  85. >She kicked the back door open and led you into the dim night.
  86. >As you walked down the block, the mare pointed to a closer apartment she used to live in.
  87. >Then flipped it off.
  88. >”Landlord got upset with all my noise.”
  90. >”Don’t know what he expected letting a DJ move in.”
  91. >In less than fifteen minutes you had entered her home.
  92. >She slammed her lips into yours before the door even closed.
  93. >”Bedroom’s this way.” She barely got out before kissing you again.
  94. >The bedroom was unkempt, dimly lit, smelled of mare, and was filled with audio equipment.
  95. >Exactly what you expected.
  96. >She pressed herself against you, taking out her phone and flipping through an extensive list of music.
  97. >She made comments about the occasional song, adding them to a playlist.
  98. >She held the phone to you, telling you to pick a few of your favorites.
  99. >As the music began she tore her top off, letting her hefty breasts bounce in place before gravity forced them to settle back into position.
  100. >She fell backwards into the bed, letting out a sigh after a night of work.
  101. >”C’mon, dude, let’s see what you’re packing.”
  102. >You stripped for the voluptuous mare before you.
  103. >She licked her lips.
  104. >Before you even got your shirt off you saw the unicorn’s horn light up, and you felt the tug of magic at your pants.
  105. >Judging from her pleased staring, she enjoyed what she saw.
  106. >”Perfect size…” She commented, eyeing your hard-on.
  107. >She clasped the sides of her breasts, rubbing her hands in small circles.
  108. >She looked at a dresser drawer behind you.
  109. >”Top one’s got some lube.”
  110. >You turned around and opened it, sifting through undergarments of all colors to find a nearly full bottle.
  111. >”Hey, cute butt too.”
  112. >You thanked her before asking what she had in mind.
  113. >She gently slapped the sides of her breasts to the beat of the song for a few seconds, lost in the refrain, before answering you.
  114. >”Girls here want some action.” She declared, squeezing the nipple of each breast.
  115. >”Little something to warm us up.”
  116. >You crawled onto the messy bed, straddling your date with a knee on either side and opened the bottle.
  117. >She gasped as you poured the slippery substance into the crook of her breasts.
  119. >It felt like pouring caramel over scoops of vanilla ice cream.
  120. >The song changed.
  121. >”Oh shit! Love this one.” Vinyl exclaimed, rocking bobbing her head against the bed.
  122. >She pressed her chest together, quickly spreading the lubricant.
  123. >You shifted your weight, lowering your cock between her mountainous orbs and savored the sensation.
  124. >Her tits quickly overtook your shaft, and your pressed it to her collarbone.
  125. >Vinyl began tapping her breasts in tune with the music, gently bopping your dick in the process.
  126. >”C’mon, Anon, get into it!”
  127. >You got her meaning.
  128. >Slow at first, you began thrusting and pulling back in tune with the beat of the music.
  129. >When the lyrics kicked in, Vinyl began singing along.
  130. >”You know this one?” She asked between your humping
  131. >You nodded.
  132. >As soon as the refrain started, you joined in.
  133. >She pressed her bosom tighter as soon as you timidly began saying the words.
  134. >Once you locked eyes with hers, your confidence soared through the roof and you unabashedly sang as loud as she did.
  135. >It was hard to keep the right pitch given how great your dick felt.
  136. >The rhythmic thrusts syncing up with her squeezing and relaxing the hold on her tits helped you keep sync with your partner.
  137. >As the instrumental began before the final verse, Vinyl told you to go all out and finish hard.
  138. >Heeding her words, you doubled the pace of your boobjob.
  139. >The metrical slapping of your balls on her chest kept pace with the music.
  140. >It was harder to pace your breathing for the finale.
  141. >You struggled voicing the lyrics as you edged yourself closer.
  142. >Vinyl’s horn lit up. Her magical aura lit behind you, and in the corner of your vision you saw her drawing down her pants.
  143. >The distraction almost made you miss a line.
  144. >You both gave up on keeping the beat for the last ten seconds.
  145. >She felt your release coming and hugged your penis tight.
  146. >A gentle lapping of her tongue against your cockhead, which barely poked through her cavernous chest, sent you over the edge.
  148. >You opened your eyes.
  149. >”You made some real cute faces there.”
  150. >Vinyl’s snow-white coat was stained off-white.
  151. >Her neck, face, and hair were all discolored with your seed.
  152. >She had closed her left eye, and hesitantly opened it open when she realized you hadn’t marked her eyelid.
  153. >Despite the mess, she was giddy as a foal on a field trip.
  154. >She had a toothy smile on her face that wouldn’t leave.
  155. >”Damn, dude!” She cried, reaching over to the nightstand to grab a tissue.
  156. >You made to get off the unicorn but she grabbed your arm, stopping you.
  157. >”Naw, stay there for a sec.”
  158. >She wiped the majority of your essence off her face.
  159. >You wondered what she had on her mind.
  160. “Gotta be real with you for a second…” She began.
  161. >“I gave up bringing guys home for a while.”
  162. >”None of them…”
  163. >It threw you off seeing the otherwise straightforward mare lose her confidence.
  164. >”Well…”
  165. >Her horn lit up.
  166. >”See for yourself.”
  167. >You heard her magic pop behind you.
  168. >And something warm, moist, and heavy now laid against you back.
  169. >You turned around and your jaw dropped.
  170. >Far larger than yours, an ivory marecock pulsed with lustful desire, running up the small of your back.
  171. >Vinyl was a futanari.
  172. >Uncommon, but not unheard of.
  173. >You’d written off ever running into one.
  174. >You stuttered, saying there’s no way you would’ve missed a cock as large as hers back at the club.
  175. >She pointed at her horn in reply.
  176. >”Dad taught me that one.”
  177. >”Can’t fit her into pants, otherwise.” She proclaimed.
  178. >You detected a hint of pride in that statement.
  179. >”But yeah, last time I brought a guy home was at my old apartment.”
  180. >”Yelled and ran off. Didn’t want any part of me.”
  181. >She huffed.
  182. >”Noise was also the last straw for the landlord.”
  183. >”Didn’t mean to trick you or nothing.”
  184. >”But…”
  185. >Her confidence seemed to flow back into her.
  186. >”I really like you.”
  187. >The fleshy snake behind you agreed, spurting something warm against your back.
  188. >”And seeing as you haven’t sprinted out of the house already…”
  189. >”I think you feel the same way.”
  191. >This night didn’t turn into what you expected.
  192. >But you weren’t upset.
  193. >Your stomach dropped into your gut at the thrill of bedding a herm.
  194. >But you had to break it to Vinyl.
  195. >There was no possible way you could fit something of that caliber inside you.
  196. >You told her you might be able to give her a blowjob at best.
  197. >”C’mon, dude, you think I’d be tearing you apart with this thing?”
  198. >She tapped her horn twice.
  199. >”Hiding the big girl isn’t the only spell Dad taught me.”
  200. >She motioned for you to get off her, and you moved to lie down next to the unicorn.
  201. >”Dad was, like, pretty hung too.”
  202. >”For a stallion, anyway.”
  203. >She smiled and lit her horn.
  204. >The ethereal fizzle of magic tingled your body.
  205. >”Told me he used this one on Mom all the time.”
  206. >When the spell ended in a burst of sparks you felt something was different about your body.
  207. >Not bad, just different.
  208. >You examined your hands and chest, looking to see what was different.
  209. >”Don’t know how it works, exactly, never could pay attention to magic theory in school.”
  210. >Vinyl trailed a finger down your collarbone and ran it across your abs.
  211. >”But you’ll be able to take me juuuuuuusssst fine, now…”
  212. >She leaned to whisper in your ear.
  213. >”And it’ll keep you nice and tight for next time.”
  214. >”So, anyway, I’ll ask again.”
  215. >”Cause you probably weren’t expecting this back at the club.”
  216. >The mare gave you a short kiss, gently biting your lower lip as she pulled away.
  217. >”Wanna fuck?”
  218. >It took your brain a moment to come back online.
  219. >The whole situation left you dumbstruck.
  220. >You told her you’d love to.
  221. >But on one condition.
  222. >You wanted to take her out for lunch tomorrow.

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