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/mcg/ Prompts and Short Stories 2

By Ryperiour2
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-03-04 04:56:07
Expiry: Never

  1. ============================
  3. >"Didn't expect to see something familiar, and larger, in here, did you? Turn around, face towards the locker. If you comply, I may consider not reporting a peeping tom."
  5. >I want to be bullied into being her boyfriend. Every afternoon id be forced to suck her off or have my prostate pounded and forced to cum untill my balls are empty in the girls locker room. She would tell me how pathetic i am when i cum from her dick and laugh as im being forced to choke down her cock. She would always cum inside my ass or throat without warning and would often use her magic to spray multiple loads inside me till im a bloated, incoherent mess
  7. ============================
  9. >> Be Anon
  10. >> Been in Equestria for a while now as part of the inter-world exchange program
  11. >> Fall in love with a futa mare, eventually wind up taking her home to meet your parents
  12. >> .... Why did you think this was a good idea
  13. >> "So.... umm.... Ms. Spitfire. How did you meet our son?"
  14. >> "Oh! Well, I went to one of my favorite bars in Fillydelphia after a show. He was being a smartass, so I challenged him to darts, loser is the winner's slave until morning. He lost, so I took him home and fucked him raw until morning. Celestia, was he tight! Less by the time I was done, though, haha!"
  15. >> ...
  16. >> Briefly contemplate jumping out the window, realize that you're on the first floor and the fall wouldn't kill you
  17. >> Fuck your life
  19. ============================
  21. >Derpy can't fly well
  22. >She flies even worse when she's horny
  23. >Her marecock just throws her entire balance off
  24. >Alongside not being able to concentrate when she's thinking of you...
  25. >There isn't a spot she hasn't crashed in your yard when she's flown over for a mid-work romp to relieve some tension
  27. ============================
  29. >be roommates with Floor Bored, both of us are NEET
  30. >she sits in front of her computer all day, shitposting and eating junk food
  31. >i do what few chores there are to do, like grocery shopping and taking out the trash
  33. >her diet and lack of exercise makes her fat, but i try to stay somehwat in shape
  34. >she never washes herself, and her cock and balls produce filth at an alarming rate
  35. >much like how Pinkie's mane goes back to being puffy if you try to comb it, Floorb's cock stays filthy no matter how much you try to clean it
  37. >she's very frisky, so i spend most of my time under her desk, worshipping her deliciously filthy cock
  38. >i lick the smegma off of her cock, suck the sweat off of her balls, swallow her cum and even let her piss down my throat
  39. >her cock stench is so overwhelmingly potent that the one time we opened a window, the neighbours complained about the smell
  41. >despite how rude she is to other people on the internet and how much she swears, she's always nice to me
  42. >she's content to just let me do my thing under the table, but she's not above grabbing my head and facefucking me when she's about to cum
  43. >she always thanks me after cumming or pissing in my mouth ("ahh, thanks bro i needed that...") and she likes to snuggle and be sappy when we go to sleep together in our bed ("i love ya, my little faget...")
  45. ============================
  47. >> Your marefriend decides that you are too submissive, or not properly appreciative of her more masculine assets
  48. >> She decides to rectify this
  49. >> If you only like receiving, she declares that you only get to ride her fuckstick after you’ve fucked her to orgasm twice
  50. >> if you only like giving, she says that you can fuck her as long and as hard as you want, but once you’re finished she repays you twofold
  52. ============================
  54. >"Golly, Headmare Twilight wants you to reform little ol' me?" Cozy says as she stares with wide, innocent eyes at the taller alicorn filly. "Gee, I don't know what to say other than... she's dumber than I remember! Huh! What are you, twelve?"
  55. >"Yes," Flurry says unfazed as she sits in front of the small student desk she has the other filly set in.
  56. >They're in her personal study she had arranged into a simple classroom.
  57. >"I'm surprised you could tell. Most ponies think I'm older due to my size."
  58. >"You are pretty fat," Cozy says cheekily, nodding towards the princess's wings. "But I've got a keen eye for detail, and your feathers give you away."
  59. >Flurry raises a brow and fans out a wing to look.
  60. >She doesn't see what the other filly does, nor does she particularly care she decides with a shrug.
  61. >"Hmm," is all she says on the matter.
  62. >Cozy frowns.
  63. >She had been fishing for that shocked realization at her deductive skills, but this filly just ignores her like a common pony.
  64. >"So, what is it gonna be?" Cozy asks with a roll of her eyes and crossed forelegs. "A long lecture about how what I did was wrong? How wonderful friendship is? What's the lesson plan, Princess?"
  65. >Flurry rears up and plants her front hooves on the desk's surface, causing Cozy to reel back.
  66. >It wasn't far enough to avoid the long, dark stallionhood from flopping forward and smacking her between the eyes to rest along her muzzle
  67. >"With this," she answers simply. "I'm going to get you addicted to my alicorn phallus, and then if you act out of line, I'll without it from you."
  68. >The cock flexes, leaving Cozy's stunned face for a moment, only her wide-eyed moving to follow it before flinching shut as the hefty meat smacks back down, a dollop of pre rolling down the fat head to wet her fur.
  69. >The room is silent for a moment, then Cozy screams and falls sideways from the chair.
  70. >She rolls onto her belly, and tries to crawl away, but she's quickly caught in a blue aura and dragged back.
  72. >It had been years since that faithful day, and Cozy Glow looks back on it fondly
  73. >It had been the most terrifying, and most painful moment of her life, but knowing where it has led her, she wouldn't have it any other way
  74. >...Except for maybe some lube and a safe word
  75. >Regardless, here she was, Cozy Glow, Royal Consort to Princess Flurry Heart, first of her name
  76. >That last bit was necessary due to the precious life growing inside Cozy's womb
  77. >Alas, that day was still several months away, and Cozy was here in the present, stuck at a boring political dinner
  78. >The food was excellent, but nothing was to the expecting mare's taste at the moment, her hormones demanding chocolate dipped in pickle brine
  79. >To make matters worse, the stupid yak next to her wouldn't stop arguing with her, a flippin' pegasus, about the virtues of aerodynamics and how the Yakkistan Space Project would be the first to land a creature on the moon
  80. >Ignoring the fact that Celestia landed a pony on the moon more than a thousand-twelve years ago, the design he proudly sketched out on a napkin was atrocious!
  81. >"Golly, Mr. Yakum, that sure is a nifty picture, but it still isn't convincing me a ball covered in dimples launched from a giant catapult is going to make it to the moon."
  82. >"It very big catapult, though. Many times bigger than tiny pony catapults."
  83. >"We use trebuchets, the far superior siege engine," Cozy says with a hint of frustration. "And frankly, this isn't a matter of size, except for the lack thereof with your brain."
  84. >"Ahem," Flurry butts in, turning a cool gaze to her brood mare. "Cozy, we talked about this. No insulting the foreign dignitaries."
  85. >"But he's-!" she starts, but is silenced when Flurry casually knocks a fork off of the table
  86. >"Oops, clumsy me," she says. "Do you mind being a dear and grabbing that for me, love?"
  87. >Cozy looks down at the fork as a spark of blue magic flicks it further under the tablecloth
  88. >She gulps and blushes, getting the message.
  89. >"Yes Mistress."
  91. ============================
  93. >be me
  94. >fall asleep
  95. >dream I’m in someone’s house during a party
  96. >walk out then back in
  97. >everyone turned into horse girls with big dicks
  98. >one is sitting on a chair being ridden
  99. >rider dismounts, the one on the chair is still hard and cumming
  100. >straddle her
  101. >she holds me up and keeps me from falling in her lap
  102. >”Easy, baby. What’s your name?”
  103. >doesn’t let me answer and pulls my face into her chest
  104. >wake up cumming
  106. ============================
  108. >portal between Earth and Equestria is opened
  109. >peaceful contact between ponies and humans is quickly established
  110. >pretty soon people from both sides start crossing the portal to visit
  111. >humans who go to Equestria don't come back
  112. >mares begin to pour out of the portal at a rapid pace
  113. >fast forward, the years is 20XX
  114. >Earth is now a territory of the Equestrian Empire
  115. >humanity has been conquered and enslaved
  116. >not through force of arms, but simply by being fucked into submission
  117. >humans now serve their dickmare mistresses as cocksleeves and broodsluts
  118. >all submit to the BMC
  120. ============================
  122. >"I can't take it anymore!"
  123. "Calm down, Twi!"
  124. >"All they talk about is their dicks, Anon. It's literally all they talk about!"
  125. "I mean, you guys do too."
  126. >"Yeah, but we actually have a functioning society. We make love and can still keep a town running."
  127. "Ouch."
  128. >"Zecora literally came here to get any from those... THOSE-"
  129. "Twilight! We talked about this! Remember your magical blood pressure!"
  130. >"No! This has gone on long enough!"
  131. >"All they want to do is pump and dump you humans!"
  132. "You can't just stereotype them all like that."
  133. >"The dignitary! The zebra diplomat literally demanded "huwite boiz" in a trade agreement!"
  134. "L-look, Twi, you've seen how rowdy the pegasi get sometimes."
  135. >"Look at all those humans who ended up in the hospital because of them! That's not friendship! Despite being onl-"
  136. "Twiggy, no!"
  137. >"It has to be said! Someone's gotta do it!"
  138. >"ZIGG-"
  140. ============================
  142. >tfw you’ve known these twin mares since childhood
  143. >tfw you grew up together
  144. >tfw you played together
  145. >tfw the three of you were inseparable
  146. >tfw you attended the same grade school as them
  147. >tfw they both grew to match your height and build
  148. >tfw you always have a blast wrestling them
  149. >tfw you attended the same high school as them
  150. >tfw their growth spurt kept going
  151. >tfw they grew taller and bulkier than you
  152. >tfw they were an overwhelming duo in hoofball
  153. >tfw the coach got them into weightlifting
  154. >tfw you still enjoy wrestling them
  155. >tfw it’s mostly an excuse to hug and kiss after handily pinning you
  156. >tfw they just kept getting bigger
  157. >tfw you got fit because your two friends kept bringing you into the weight room
  158. >tfw you spotted the sisters
  159. >tfw you really wouldn’t be much help if something did go wrong, but they loved the gesture
  160. >tfw if it wasn’t obvious they were futanari before, it sure was now
  161. >tfw the other mares kept whispering to you just how hung they were
  162. >tfw the other stallions never stopped talking about their huge chests
  163. >tfw the twins loved hearing how shocked the other ponies were
  164. >tfw you almost cause a clash of the titans when prom came
  165. >tfw you averted a crisis by going with both of them
  166. >tfw you all happily agreed to being in a herd at the end of the night
  167. >tfw the weekend after prom was a non-stop orgy
  168. >tfw the unicorns learned a “safe sex” spell in sex ed
  169. >tfw they somehow manage to keep things safe in the bedroom
  170. >tfw being safe sex meant ‘not killing you by loving you’
  171. >tfw safe also doesn’t necessarily mean gentle
  172. >tfw their horsecocks are the same god-like length and girth
  173. >tfw you somehow could take their impossible lengths under the spell
  174. >tfw they produced so much cum they utterly drenched you in mare seed
  175. >tfw they had the stamina to smother you with love for the whole weekend
  176. >tfw they think it’s the cutest thing when it’s your turn to be dominant
  177. >tfw they let you have it anyway
  179. >tfw even two showers couldn’t get their wonderful scent off you
  180. >tfw colleges threw scholarships and grants at the sister’s hooves
  181. >tfw they both chose the same school
  182. >tfw they both chose it under the condition that you would also get a free ride
  183. >tfw the sisters actually managed to pull that stunt off
  184. >tfw the college insisted you all room together
  185. >tfw your buff lovers have made their hoofball team undefeated all season
  186. >tfw their growth finally tapered off
  187. >tfw your mares are almost nine feet tall
  188. >tfw every post-game celebration was rough, sweaty loving
  189. >tfw they don’t bother with clothing around you anymore
  190. >tfw they made you not bother either
  191. >tfw they constantly take advantage of your lack of clothing
  192. >tfw the safe sex spell is all the warning you get before you’re getting smothered by a giant mare’s flesh
  193. >tfw one of them has made a game out of ‘trickshotting’ you with her orgasms
  194. >tfw sometimes you’ll be blasted with dozens of creamy ropes from across the room
  195. >tfw it’s all from a single, powerful orgasm
  196. >tfw she’s still usually not satisfied
  197. >tfw they’re heading for the professional leagues
  198. >tfw teams are throwing money at them to get their attention
  199. >tfw the mares insist they’re a packaged deal
  200. >tfw the teams are throwing even more money at them now
  201. >tfw you could pump a baby in them and they’d still be unstoppable on the gridiron
  202. >tfw the more motherly girl considered the idea
  203. >tfw would cost a few million the first year, but the team’s willing to let her do it
  204. >tfw she thinks it over after a night of movies and you riding on her stallionhood
  205. >tfw she’s ecstatic about spreading her superior futa genes
  206. >tfw you’re sure the kids will be huge and hung
  207. >tfw she insists they’ll be cute like you
  208. >tfw you railed the mother-to-be as your other lover had her way behind you
  209. >tfw you’ll be raising the foals as the mothers bring in the dough
  210. >tfw you wouldn’t trade it for the world
  212. ============================
  214. >have immortal alicorn gf
  215. >but I age, so I'll die eventually
  216. >she gets an idea and cock vores me
  217. >I live in her nuts for a while as we scout out potential mothers
  218. >after we find one, she converts me into cum
  219. >knocks the mare that will be my mother up
  220. >months later, I'm reborn with my consciousness intact
  221. >go seek her out again
  222. >continue living with alicorn gf until I start getting old again
  224. ============================
  226. The truly wondrous thing about futa mares is that they come in all shapes and sizes, and they are basically ALL perfect in their own unique ways.
  228. Some of them just want a nice warm fucktoy to blow their loads in, and will use and discard you.
  230. Some enjoy domination, and will take great pains to break your will and make you their personal property.... and some of them will care about making you happy through this process while others won't.
  232. Some indulge their more feminine side to the point of hardly seeming to notice that they have a dick at all, spreading their legs and desperate for a nice, big, hard human cock to fill them... about all their shafts are good for is proof of their submission to you, when you fuck load after load of utterly useless cum out of them in brain-melting orgasms. It's not like they'll need it; you've got all the dick they want or need...
  234. Others are a bit like girls who just coincidentally happen to have a dick, soft and feminine everywhere they aren't hard as rocks. They're just as happy fucking as they are being fucked, and they're generally looking for kind, loving, reciprocal relationships.
  236. And the thing about all those different types of mares... is that they legitimately are ALL wonderful, they just bring different flavors of perfection to the table.
  238. ============================
  240. >What if the futa mare was your slave instead of the other way around?
  242. Then you’d subtly manipulate her into being the true ‘master’ in the relationship, all the while letting her think it was entirely her own idea and her own doing. When she was eventually standing there with you bent over a table, one leg up over her shoulder to give her better leverage to plunder your defenseless ass, she’d be laughing all the while about what a pathetic, submissive, weak ‘master’ you were, and just how easy it was to turn you into her own personal cock sleeve in private even while she meekly bowed before you in public.
  244. She would have no idea just how right she was.
  246. >Listen, for the sake of appearances, we’re gonna have to do some acting in public
  247. >But make no mistake, I want your cock in me as soon as we’re behind closed doors
  248. >You can call me names or whatever if you want
  249. >Spank me if you’re into that
  250. >Is takeout alright for dinner?
  252. ============================
  254. >Ywn be celestias cocksleve as she parades you around showing everyone what a good little hole you are
  256. ============================
  258. I've got a weakness for punk futas, be it Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Celestia, Luna or whoever. In almost every image like this I see I imagine myself as their roommate and friend-with-benefits. Fucking regularly but not wanting to make it 'official' by being boy/girlfriends.
  260. Of course, being with two or three of them at the same time would be even better. Either with all of us living together, or just me and my roommate living together with the 'extras' coming over for for some spit roasting action in the evenings.
  262. They'd be dominant and top-only, demanding that I be a good little bitch toy and get their cocks off every night. They'd choke me with their cocks, not letting me have a break for air until they pop. They'd brutally pound my ass with no regards for my comfort. The closest they'd come to returning the favor would be giving me a reach around.
  264. Afterwards they'd light cigs and talk shit with each other. They don't talk much with me because they don't give a shit what I have to say, I'm just a fuck to them. As I should be.
  266. ============================
  268. >You become the town dick-milker.
  269. >Be it with pump, hands, mouth, ass (either them in you or you in them), you learn all their likes and quirks.
  270. >Before long, you're mastered making every mare in town cum her brains out and earned a very loyal customer base.
  271. >Some prudes (aka a number of stallions you put out of business) might just call you a prostitute, but you like "Stress Management Specialist" much better.
  273. ============================
  275. Poor Sunset Shimmer. I imagine she had no freaking idea how to feel when she first made it to the human world. Betrayed, perhaps. Surrounded by hordes and hordes of cute, marecock-virgin, unclaimed males.... and all of the sudden her cock is gone. Her tits are as amazing as ever, maybe even a little moreso.... but without a nice big cock to ram into her lessers, what the hell's a girl to do? No wonder she turned to evil at first.
  277. Maybe that's how Twilight got her to finally mend her ways? A big old zap of Equestrian magic when Twi dispelled her demon form.... and poof, Sunset's got her marecock back. Would go a long way towards explaining how relieved she was...
  279. ============================
  281. >Daily reminder your ass belongs to Flutters' cock so you better keep it lubed and ready at all times for her.
  283. >You'd found Flutters a while ago at some social event
  284. >It was there that she'd "claimed" you
  285. >She brought you home and explained in no uncertain terms that you were her property
  286. >It was equal parts arousal and fear that carried you back to her home every evening
  287. >Things were rough for you at first
  288. >When she demanded your throat, she meant it
  289. >If you whimpered while she fucked you, she gave you a second reason to wince when you sat down
  290. >But you were nothing if not willing to learn
  291. >You cast aside your gag reflex and need for air and instead studied just what you needed to do with your tongue to milk her properly
  292. >With practice, you'd learned when to squeeze and when to push back in addition to silencing your moans
  293. >For all intents and purposes, you'd become the perfect cocksleeve
  294. >Which made her frustration all the more confusing
  296. >When she took her place on the sofa, she needed only glance in your direction before your were on your knees before her
  297. >When she grasped your head to fuck your face, she found you already bobbing as fast as she intended to pull you
  298. >When she pounded you into her mattress, you could swear you almost heard a word from her among her usual grunts
  299. >If she had instructions for you, you wanted to hear them
  300. >When the twitching of her first load died down and she repositioned herself for another round, you heard her speak for the first time since you'd internalized her demands
  301. >"Moan, slut."
  302. >You hesitated, only to receive a warning slap
  303. >"I said moan."
  304. >And so you did.
  305. >You let out a nice long moan as she slid her bitch-breaker back into your greedy hole
  306. >You let her know exactly how much you appreciated all she'd done
  307. >"Good slut."
  308. >Those words pushed you over the edge as much as the stretching sensation of her dick
  309. >"My good little slut has been so quiet, just like I wanted."
  310. >She was slower than usual but that somehow felt more intense
  311. >"But now I want to hear you. Say 'Thank you', slut."
  312. >You did
  313. >"Say 'Please fuck me', slut."
  314. >You did
  315. >"Say 'Please give me your cum', slut."
  316. >You did
  317. >You squealed and screamed and begged all she wanted
  318. >It was like being tamed all over again
  319. >You could almost hear the smile on her face while she erupted into you again and again
  321. >It was nearly morning by the time she settled down
  322. >No worse for wear, she stood and ran her fingers through your hair
  323. >"We'll be doing it like this from now on, pet. How does that sound?"
  324. >You could let out only a shuddering breath before passing out
  325. >Maybe it was alright to be loud once in a while
  327. ============================
  329. >Her massive throbbing horse cock barely bouncing with each thrust you pound into her
  330. >her large plump hanging balls waiting for yours to meagerly slap into them. they'll barely move as yours are dwarfed in comparison
  331. >her tight little pony pussy winking, waiting for a stallion that could even come close to pleasing her
  332. >a big thicc ponut eagerly wanting to be played with when a real stallion mounts her
  333. >2 large crotch boobs nestled between her thighs, cradling her massive horsecock
  335. ============================
  337. I want princess Celestia to dominate me and make me her personal cumdump.
  339. ============================
  341. For a dickmare there is no greater satisfaction then pumping her babies into some squealing human slut. Especially if it's a male. First she splits you on her throbbing mareock, stretching you in ways you didn't think were possible, then she plants her seed inside you, seed so virile it violates the boundaries between sexes and sews life in your belly. That's how ponies conquer other races, not through force of arms, but with the power of their mighty cocks and overpowered balls.
  343. ============================
  345. god i want nothing more than to be turned into rainbow dash's complete and utter cocksock, for her to tease me with her giant cock while i service her nuts, to make me choke while feeling her slam deep into my throat with no regard for me, and having my ass and insides completely wrecked and filled while she anally rapes me
  346. and then do it all again the next day, forever
  348. ============================
  350. "You are such a lightweight, Lulu."
  351. >...
  352. >*schlurp*
  353. >...
  354. >"Nuh nuh"
  355. >...
  356. >*mwah*
  357. >"You are, schtoopid."
  358. "No, Moonhorse, I'm Anon."
  359. >"Heh... Yeah... That was uh..."
  360. >*schlick*
  361. >*schlick*
  362. >"Uh joke."
  363. "You're lucky I pulled you away from the Gala."
  364. >"Heh... You're funny..."
  365. "And you're drunk."
  366. >"Naaaaahhh"
  367. "And very horny."
  368. >"..."
  369. >"I hwant you to, uh..."
  370. "Hold on, hold on."
  371. "Here. Drink this water."
  372. >"Kish my marecawk."
  373. "*sigh*
  374. "Only if you drink the water."
  375. >"I dunno..."
  376. >"You promish?"
  377. "Of course, Moonie."
  378. >"Ghud."
  379. >*gulp*
  380. >"Get schucking."
  382. >fall asleep with her
  383. >she’s still drunk
  384. >clumsily fucks you in the world of dreams
  385. >she wakes up with a hangover but you wake up with a stomachache
  387. ============================
  389. >> For all her bluster, Trixie is pretty average as a futa mare
  390. >> Dramatically outclasses the everyday pony in power and technique but constantly winds up subbing as she is surrounded by mares who are fucking prodigies or outright demigods
  391. >> More than a little insecure about it, covers with even more bluster, gets fucked even harder to put her in her place
  392. >> Eventually stumbles upon Earth, a good five years or so before the rest of Equestria does
  393. >> She's a fucking goddess next to the average human female in beauty, the biggest-dicked male in the world can't hold a candle to her, NONE of them know any magic, and she can have them on their knees begging to service her with nothing more than a look
  394. >> YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE Trixie kept this discovery to herself for as long as possible
  396. ============================
  398. >> A pony's magic is the representation of her very soul
  399. >> When your mare cums inside of you, she quite literally puts her very essence inside of you
  400. >> Turns out, human beings have no magical signature at all
  401. >> So when your mare blows her load inside of you, she more or less automatically hypnotizes you into instantly falling in love with - and being fanatically dedicated to - her
  402. >> Some mares are very wary of the effect they have on humans and worry about the fact that they can more or less mentally enslave humans by fucking them, with all the moral implications that implies
  403. >> Other mares, less ethically burdened.... uh.... are not
  404. >> The matter is further complicated by the fact that being in a mare's thrall feels intensely, blissfully, impossibly good
  405. >> Most, once experiencing it, can't live without, and are much happier overall
  406. >> There is a real argument to be made for futa mares fucking humans 'for their own good'
  408. ============================
  410. It's a stereotype, but a true one: human hands feel a LOT better than hooves. No small number of human / pony pairings begin simply due to a mare in heat being desperate for relief, and begging a human they like to stroke them off. And since the mare's satisfaction invariably lasts only until her lust returns, and she's already been pleasured by a human once, well...
  412. ============================
  414. >Oh No! Celestia has an important meeting with a Saddle Arabian diplomat but Luna spiked her tea with aphrodisiac!
  415. >Pointing a boner at a Saddle Arabian is considered the height of rudeness, she needs somewhere to hide it before they show up and none of her socks are big enough
  416. >It's a national emergency, will you fulfill your duty as an equestrian citizen and prevent a diplomatic incident?
  418. And then anon spent all day strapped to Celestia's belly
  420. “Why is that boy sitting in your lap?”
  421. “Er, it is tradition to keep a human close by during important meetings with friends.”
  422. “Are they good luck?”
  423. “Oh they’re good for a lot of things.”
  425. ngl that's one of my biggest fetishes, whether or note everyone's casual about it or we have to keep it secret. If the mares are significantly larger than me, they could either harness me under their clothes (if anthro) or under their torso (if pony). I'd love to be a living cum receptacle for my mare (Celestia or Luna). They're so overproductive that they probably couldn't go outside otherwise without leaking.
  427. ============================
  429. >Fluttershy will never go on a morale crusade believing herself to be a kind hearted savior of helpless humans
  430. >She will never blow her gooey load in as many unclaimed humans that stumble into town as possible in order to 'save them from bad uncaring mares and wouldn't treat them right'
  431. >you will never join her herd and be cared for with all the love she grants to all her animal-friends as she starts treating her humans as pets
  433. >> "Please, Anon..."
  434. >> "There are so many mean, nasty, uncaring mares out there... I just want to make sure nopony takes advantage of you!"
  435. >> "If you come home with me, I'll take good care of you. I promise!"
  437. ============================
  439. >"Let tell ya something, humans are the biggest sluts for marecock you'll ever find. Especially the males. Human females drop to their knees at first sign of a dickmare, but males are more fun cuz they try to deny it at first. Oh sure, they swagger about, all proud and manly, boasting about how much pussy they've sunk their little peckers into, but the second you put a dickmare in front of them, all that pride just evaporates. Just last week I had this little cutie, college kid, no older then nineteen, on summer break in Ponyville. Probably came expecting to get some easy mare pussy, but I knew from the moment I saw him there was just a slut waiting to be set free. So I bought him a few drinks, told a few jokes, sweet talked him just the right way get hi curious. Within thirty minutes I had that little monkey on his knees in the back alley behind the pub. Ya shoulda seen his face when I pulled Ol' Bitchbreaker out! Priceless! Once they get over the initial shock, they all say the same things, 'There's no way that's real! 'It's too big!' Heh, had the little slut singing a whole different song when I was plowing that sweet ass, must've made him cum three times before I even blew my first load. Had to carry him to the hotel, he so fucked he couldn't even walk. After I blew about a dozen more loads in him, I left him in the hotel suite pumped full of my foals, had the cutest little expression on his face, eyes all rolled back, tongue hanging out, just completely cum drunk. So yeah, humie boys are the best lay, cute, tight little asses that squeeze your dick so good, and when you got them screaming for more you feel like a goddess. Trust me, no human can resist the marecock, least of all the boys. They can cry about how they ain't gay all they want, but at the end of the day they're just cock hungry little monkeys that a need a good, hard dicking from a big, strong mare."
  441. S'goddamn right. In the end, any human's rightful place is speared on a marecock.
  443. You can't deny nature, dickamres are the true alphas. The biggest cocks, the fattest balls, the most virile seed, and the best stamina. How can human ever hope to resist such innate dominance? They can't, their bodies won't let them, the best life for a human is as a cumdump and baby factory for their dickmare owners.
  445. ============================
  447. >Dash is actually a dicklet
  448. >for ponies that is, she's still more than a foot long
  449. >got over any insecurities about it long ago, she's a confident pony after all
  450. >she's resigned to it, it's the motion of the ocean not the size of the boat etc and she's proven it plenty, but does kind of wish she could stretch out her partners like the other mares do
  451. >then humans enter the scene, some magical or technological accident starts dropping them into Equestria at random
  452. >Dash falls in love. Hell, everypony falls in love
  453. >But Dash can actually fit in them, if they work at it enough
  454. >now all the other mares are jealous
  456. ============================
  458. >“I’m here, Dorkus!”
  459. >As usual, Gilda didn’t bother knocking.
  460. >Granted, you knew she was coming by the ground shaking, but still.
  461. >”Ugh, you STILL don’t have the popcorn ready yet?”
  462. >The Amazonian griffon chastised you from the living room.
  463. >You heard your couch groan as her massive frame sat on it, and the bird-girl squawked something akin to a sigh.
  464. “Two minutes!” You called to your friendly home-invader. “Your turn to pick a movie.” You reminded her.
  465. >”Good. Sick of your baby movies.”
  466. >You walked out to the living room, and were treated to a view of the backside of your mate.
  467. >700 lbs of toned, muscled griffon took up two couch cushions.
  468. >Gilda fiddled with the remote; a comically tiny tool in her large eagle-talon hands.
  469. >You snuck up behind the beast seated on the couch, a feat made easy thanks to the carpeting, and glanced over her shoulder.
  470. >The toes of her lioness feet wiggled and dug into the plush carpeting, and you saw her claws extend and retract at seemingly random intervals.
  471. >Her large, pert breasts defied gravity; a feature many mares in Equestria seemed to share.
  472. >And speaking of shared features, it was impossible to miss this world’s other big characteristic.
  473. >Even soft it was so big it draped over her thigh and the couch’s armrest.
  474. >Most female ponies in Equestria sported cocks.
  475. >Very large ones, too.
  476. >Gilda was lucky enough to have some pony on her dad’s side, and boy did it take well to her griffon physique.
  477. >It was difficult as always, but you tore your gaze away from her assets to the screen.
  478. > Strange… she wasn’t going for her usual action movies…
  479. >She was in the romantic section.
  480. >Now THIS was different.
  481. >You weren’t going to let this pass by.
  483. >Nothing made Gilda more flustered than you poking at the cracks in her “tough-gal” shell.
  484. ”Baby movies, eh?” You whispered into her ear.
  485. >After a high-pitched chirp of surprise her gaze quickly jolted to you standing behind her.
  486. >Aww, she was blushing through her feathers.
  487. >”Ain’t you making my popcorn, Dweeb?”
  488. >As usual, Gilda tried to sidetrack the conversation.
  489. >This was almost becoming too easy. She was getting lax around you.
  490. “It’s microwaveable…”
  491. >Gilda just stared at you for a moment, dumbfounded by her own sloppiness.
  492. “It’s fine, G.”
  493. >You brought a hand to her head’s semiplume feathers and began massaging.
  494. “Relax. Nobody’ll know.”
  495. >Gilda huffed. “Don’t do that. Coulda torn your head off or something.”
  496. >That certainly went without saying, she could bench press your furniture with ease.
  497. “Rough day?” You asked.
  498. >A deep, low growl came her throat. You didn’t hear it so much as feel it.
  499. >”Don’t wanna talk about it.” Gilda answered.
  500. >The microwave beeped and you stopped your scratching.
  501. >You heard a muted “Fuggin’ unicorns.” as you poured the popcorn into a large bowl.
  502. >The sounds of Gilda stroking herself accompanied you coming back.
  503. >She hadn’t made much progress yet, but her halfhearted strokes became quicker when she laid her eyes on you.
  504. >Really must’ve been a rough day for her, normally she at least waits until halfway through the movie.
  505. >You placed the bowl on the couch where you both could reach it and began stripping.
  506. >You pulled your shirt over your head
  507. >”Man, I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
  508. >You yanked your jeans down.
  509. >”Hard to keep this girl under control, you know?”
  510. >The socks came next, and were kicked across the room.
  511. >”Almost blew a huge load right at work. Kept tenting my apron.”
  512. >The boxers were the final bit of clothing to go. You and Gilda stared at each other’s’ respective crotches.
  513. >A slimy, long tongue wet the edge of her beak.
  514. >You pounced onto your giant friend.
  516. >You rested your knees on her thighs, grabbed her tits, and slammed your faces together in a wet, sloppy kiss.
  517. >As much of a kiss as a beak could give, anyway, but you knew she loved the attention.
  518. >”Yeah-heaaaah, that’s it, Anon.”
  519. >But where she really wanted the attention was throbbing between you.
  520. >Almost two feet of griffon meat stood hard as diamond and sandwiched between Gilda’s toned abs and your own erection.
  521. >”C’mon, babe. No fuckin’ around.”
  522. “Isn’t that what you want?”
  523. >Gilda rolled her eyes.
  524. >”Dash told me to watch some sappy movie.”
  525. >Two mighty hands grabbed you by the sides, twisting you around to face the TV.
  526. >”She also said to watch it with you.”
  527. >Gilda hoisted you above her cock.
  528. >“Gets the guys all riled up, she said.”
  529. >The monstrous dick below you spurted a dollop of pre, lubing her spear.
  530. >”Hope you’re ready, Anon.”
  531. >If your own erection was any indicator you definitely were.
  532. >”Cause my cock’s been aching to spend some time in you.”
  533. >The wide tip of the futanari’s cock pressed against your entrance.
  534. >There was no natural way of taking Gilda without serious bodily harm.
  535. >Lucky for both of you, Equestria had magic to get around that.
  536. >The only way you could properly get fucked was with enchantments and magical lube.
  537. >You, as always, had applied both.
  538. >The cockhead popped in, sending a jolt of pleasure through both of you.
  539. >Gilda’s toes curled at the pleasure, digging little rows in the carpet.
  540. >The charms and cantrips protecting you made the experience truly magical.
  541. >No pain from being impossibly stretched out.
  542. >Only pleasure.
  543. >You cooed as the familiar bumps and veins made their way deeper inside you.
  544. >Gilda halted you at her cock’s medial ring.
  545. >The girl happily tweeted, and it was quite the pleasant note.
  546. “Aw, my great big, songbird.” You teased, looking back at Gilda’s pleasure-stricken face.
  547. >”Don’t mention it.” Gilda said, before pulling at your thighs to slam you over her ring to the bottom half of her member.
  549. >You both cried out.
  550. >”Seriously, don’t ever talk about that. I do that for you and no one else.”
  551. >With another rough tug, you were resting at the base of Gilda’s shaft, perched on her weighty balls and enormous thighs.
  552. >Your girlfriend rumbled in pleasure, and you felt it in the very core of your being as her cock gently vibrated your insides.
  553. >How there wasn’t an obscene bulge jutting from your stomach you couldn’t say. Magic works in mysterious ways.
  554. >You laid back into Gilda’s breasts, using them as makeshift pillows.
  555. >”Comfy?” Gilda asked, idly stroking your manhood with a talon.
  556. “Mmm hmm.”
  557. >”Good.” The griffon answered, hitting the button to start the movie. “Cause I ain’t taking you off.”
  558. >You reveled in the feeling of fullness. It felt right being stuffed by Gilda.
  559. >“Might pause if we get real frisky though, heh.” Gilda added, bobbing her hips upward and lurching you an inch up and down her cock.
  560. >You loved your Friday movie nights.
  562. ============================
  564. >futa derpy's cock and balls are as big as her body
  565. >she's oblivious about sex, has never even masturbated
  566. >she's always erect, backed up and leaks precum everywhere she goes
  567. >when she crashes into something she has a tiny orgasm, shooting one small but thick spurt
  568. >she crashes a lot because she can't steer properly while carrying that 'package'
  570. ============================
  572. "Careful, Anon.... I'm soft for now. And I am perfectly content to remain that way for the evening."
  573. "But, if you keep teasing me like this.... I WILL have my satisfaction from you. No matter what you say... or how much you beg. "
  574. "The question is.... are you still going to keep teasing me?"
  576. ============================
  578. Humans belong to dickmares. We must submit to our betters, man, woman, it doesn't matter, we were all born to be cock-sleeves and baby factories for our masters. Just imagine your mistress pounding your boypussy, stretching you with her giant bitchbreaker cock, her melon sized balls, filled with life giving seed, swaying like a pendulum while she thrusts in and out of your tender ass with such speed and force it rock your entire body. Imagine her blasting her thick, creamy load into your slutty little ass, so voluminous it makes your belly distend, so potent and virile that it plants new life inside you, completely ignoring the barriers between male and female. For the dickmare is the ultimate stud, born to conquer whatever slut she sees, and planting her foals in some lesser creature is the ultimate display of her supremacy.
  580. ============================
  582. Just imagine her bending you over a table, one hand on your hips and the other on your shoulder as she goes to town on your ass. Her cock hammering your prostate, bringing you such pleasure as you've never known before. She forces orgasm after orgasm out of you, each one more powerful than the last. Your vision blurs and your drooling mouth hangs, each thrust of her hips eliciting another moan or squeak of pure bliss. Her tempo rises and she starts hammering faster and harder, snorting and grunting, her mind only focused on breeding the little human slut that's on the end of her dick. She grabs your hair wrenches your head up, her strong hands pulling you up effortlessly. Compared to her you weigh nothing, just a squirming, moaning little flesh-light for her to handle however she likes. Eventually she hilts inside you one last time and lets out a long groan of relief as the flood gates open. Her cum rushes in like tidal wave, painting your insides white and rapidly filling you up to capacity. You can feel your belly expand to accommodate her endless flood of seed. It pushes you over the edge and your own orgasm comes soon. As the two of you stop to catch your breath in the post coitus glow, she reaches down and rubs your new round belly, and whispers in your ear:
  584. "You better get used to this, cuz you're gonna be spending the next nine months with my foals growing inside you. Hope you like being a mommy."
  586. ============================
  588. I know you’re going for an mpreg thing but
  589. >she finds you in the morning, completely lacking any sort of belly
  590. >whatever, these things take time
  591. >still fucks a few gallons into you every night just to be safe
  592. >weeks pass
  593. >nothing
  594. >months pass
  595. >nothing
  596. >she’s convinced the problem is on her end
  597. >she’s just not getting enough into you
  598. >try a plug
  599. >changes her diet and exercise routine for stronger ejaculation (don’t ask how)
  600. >stamina potions
  601. >output potions
  602. >considering magic
  603. >everyone around her encourages her
  604. >they’re just playing along
  605. >at your request
  607. >dickmare gf having an existential crisis because she can't get pregnant
  609. ============================
  611. >a Sipahi cavalrymare of the Ottotrott Empire impaling your unworthy kafir body with her big, long lances, before taking you home and making you her newest wife
  613. >Hardy Mongolmares gang"raping" you and your male friends on top of a small round wooden platform, beneath which your defeated wives are lying and listening to the sounds of ecstasy
  615. >former Zebricaslave showing you that only thing that'll be growing on this (former) plantation from now on are the zebra foals in your new, alchemically created womb
  617. ============================
  619. Much to your marefriend's dismay, you've gone on business trip over the weekend. Your Friday fuck was great, but as with all futanari she's raring to go again in no time.
  620. >What's her favorite toy?
  621. >What does she fantasize about?
  622. >Will she try to hold out until you get back?
  623. >What does she do to you the moment you're in her sight?
  624. >How much cum can your pent-up marefriend store before it's too much?
  626. ============================
  630. ============================
  632. >You’ve been hired to tutor a young delinquent mare to help her get her grades up. But the only thing she’s interested in learning is how much of her cock she can shove into your holes.
  634. >You get caught shoplifting, and rather than call the police the store owner decides to teach you a lesson about stealing herself.
  636. >You get approached by a film director looking for new talent. Humans are all the rave right now and everypony wants to see more of them, and she thinks that you’re perfect for a role in a new series of films she has in the works. It isn’t until you arrive for the audition that you realize what kind of film you’ll be starring in.
  638. >You land a job at a high end luxury hotel. Your job includes cleaning, bringing up room service, and being an open use cum dumpster for the guests.
  640. >You’re a con man and you’ve been hunted down by some marks that you swindled a few weeks back. They’re all pissed, they’re all looking for payback, and they’re all hung to the floor.
  642. >You’re a man of god sent on a mission to spread the word of God to the unwashed heathens of Zebrica. Only it is you who will be converted to the worship of a new god. Big Zebra Cock.
  644. >You’ve joined the Royal Guard, the first human to do so, your new unit decides to welcome you with a hazing ritual.
  646. >You’re the defeated general of an army that tried and failed to invade Equestria. Having already been humbled on the battlefield, you and your troops are then dragged to Canterlot in chains, to face the judgement of the Sisters. Your humiliation has only just begun.
  648. >You’ve been doing such a good job babysitting Button Mash that Cream Heart decides to pay a you little extra. Button has been bugging her about a little sibling these past few weeks...
  650. ============================
  652. >be mare
  653. >have a dick
  654. >fantasize about surprising some guy after going home together and pouncing on him before he can object
  655. >dontletyourdreamsbedreams.labeouf
  656. >find a cute little thing at the bar
  657. >his head barely reaches your chest
  658. >perfect
  659. >he's interested
  660. >bring him home
  661. >to the bedroom
  662. >turn around to lock the door
  663. >he's already face down ass up on the bed
  664. >what?
  665. >"Oh sorry. You just seemed like you wanted to top."
  666. >how could you possibly know
  667. >"That thing's been trying to burst out of your pants since you saw me."
  668. >begrudgingly fuck the willing twink
  669. It's a strange feel.
  671. ============================
  673. >You smell cake in the air as you enter the bakery, no one else around, bits in hand to buy something for lunch.
  674. >Another smell joins the air as you walk towards the counter, which is unoccupied even though the sign out front says open.
  675. >The kitchen door is slightly ajar, you walk towards it and peek inside rather than knock.
  676. >Through the door you see Mrs. Cake, wearing nothing but an apron, this mysterious smell made more sense as she turned around, revealing her easily grapefruit sized nuts hanging between her thighs. The pair of nut factories glistened a little with sweat, which would explain the scent.
  677. >A tent grows in your pants from the view before she turns around, dropping the spatula in her hand to the floor.
  678. >At this point you realize that the door had opened quite a bit more than before and she could see you. The look on her face was, surprised to say the least, possibly a hint of anger.
  679. >"Anon, did your mother never teach you to knock?!" She sounded a little angry, not overly so, but enough for it to be noticeable in her motherly voice.
  680. "U-um... sorry, I wasn't sure if anyone was here."
  681. >You lean back, standing up straight, trying to keep your eyes on her face, not her chest or anything below. She was at least a foot taller than you, her chubby frame dwarfing you a little in more than one dimension.
  682. >Her eyes find their way to the bag of bits in your hand, but then they find their way to yours. She mentally drew a line between your eyes and where they landed on her form, which unfortunate for you had drifted its way down to her bulge, for but a moment of course, but it was enough that she noticed.
  683. >"Hmmm, well there has to be something you can do to make up for sneaking up on me." She walked forward, her hips swaying, her hands going to her back to undo the apron tie. The two strings quickly fell to her side and joined the sway.
  685. *Gulp*
  686. >A comical noise came from your throat as you watched her walk to you, seeming to shrink back a little to the floor as it looked as though she was getting taller and taller. The closer she got, the more a dark shadow casted itself over you from her imposing form.
  687. >She was right in front of your now, grinning as she placed a hand on your shoulder and guided you through the door, still keeping you in front of her breasts. She stayed silent, smile on her face as she shut the door behind you.
  688. >"Now, its been a day or so since I've had any time to myself, kids and work have been rather busy at the moment. So..." She pulled the apron aside, her sweaty, dark blue sheath showing itself to you as you looked down. She increased the pressure on your shoulder and soon you were on your knees, the sheath and balls taking up your entire view.
  689. >"You know what I want anon, or do I need to show you?" Her sheath pulses and the tip pokes free with a quick motion, much quicker than usual, at least from what you've had to deal with in futaquestria.
  690. >You stare at it, the imposing dark flesh smelling of the usual musk of a mare's shaft that you've become equally acquainted to. You stick your tongue out nervously and give it a lick, then a few more licks, then your lips touch the warm, throbbing surface.
  691. >"Mmmm, that's it sweetie." She moved her hand from your shoulder to the top of your head, the shaft still growing, longer and longer, your tired to move your head aside, but she wasn't about to let you move it as it kept growing.
  692. >Her tip pressed passed your lips and spread them wider, but she still held your head in place, the dark flesh forcing its way further and further inside.
  694. >You screwed your eyes shut, breathing through your noes which only started to burn from the musk that was being drawn in with every breath as more of that shaft got forced inside of you, deeper and deeper down.
  695. >You took one final deep breath before the snake pressed its way passed the back of your mouth and down your throat, blocking your airways as it kept growing.
  696. >She was moaning now, her breath a little shaky, her hips starting to buck a little as she grew and grew before she finally stopped growing. You weren't sure how long it was, or how deep it was inside of you, but it was deep.
  697. >You gagged quite a bit, but she kept going, thrusting now as she rode your throat harder and harder. your eyes opening up slowly just as she places her other hand on your head and starts to really slam into your face now. Her pubic fluff pressing into your nose with every thrust, at the very least her plump body made this smashing a little softer than it would be from some others which you've had your run in with while here.
  698. >"Mmmph, anon, Pinkie was right, ngh, you are quite talented!~" You could hear her voice, but it wasn't like you could think straight at the moment with how little breath you've been able to take in since the thrusting really started.
  699. >At the very least she was leaky, there was enough lube between her pre and your saliva that she was able to slide easily in and out of your throat. You could feel her entire length throb inside you, it was really one of the only things you could still feel and focus on, the throbbing, the thrusting, the feeling of her flare starting to grow deep within you.
  701. "GLK!"
  702. >You let out a louder gag noise as your body desperately tried to breath, your eyes closing again as the pounding continued, at least until you felt her pull out, way out. So far out in fact that the only thing left inside was her flare. With the opening you quickly breathed in as your eyes shot open, but then the true reason for her pulling out was revealed as hearing returned to you.
  703. >"I-I'm cumming!" Mrs. Cake cried out, slamming her shaft back down your throat as the first gets of cum started to gush out of her taut, throbbing shaft. At least you got a chance to breath so you could feel this, whether you wanted to feel it or not was another matter.
  704. >With her seed your belly started to inflate more and more, the flare of her cock could be felt in your neck as the hot spunk spewed down and right into your stomach. Your shirt, with both spit and pre having dripped onto it began to roll up your growing belly the bigger it got.
  705. >Luckly, she was soon finished her explosive climax. It took her a few moments to pull out as one hand went from your head to the island counter beside her to help her stay standing as her shaft slid slowly out of your mouth.
  706. *PANTING*
  707. >With a final pop all you could manage was that, your rapid breathing trying to fill your form with the oxygen it had lost from being choked on that fat mare shlong for the time you were.
  708. >"W-wow, I certainly needed that anon." She cooed, panting a bit herself before she stood back up and wiped her cock against the back of her apron.
  709. >"So, still want to buy something to eat with those bits?~"
  710. "I-I think I'm not hungry anymore."
  711. >You finally stopped panting enough for you to respond to her. She merely chuckled and handed you a warm, damp towel to wash your face off with.
  713. ============================
  715. >Cadence had taken her time to read over the text she had found, studying every single page of the nearly 6 page long mix of enchantments and transfiguration magic that she had found intriguing from this book that one of her fellow princesses had hidden rather well within the Canterlot library.
  716. >"Now... hmmm, I wish Twilight was here, she'd get how to do this better than me, but... that might end up being a tiny bit awkward." She chuckled, the word Biggus Dickus staring back at her from the old paper below her within the book.
  717. >"Hehe, yeah, asking her how to do this would definitely be awkward." She giggled, cracking her fingers before she pulled off her top, levitating the book to the floor and piling two pillows onto the floor. She removed her bra and tossed it aside before she worked on her lower half, removing her skirt and panties, tossing them to the same pile.
  718. >She admired her nude form in a mirror next to her for a moment, she had gained a few pounds on her after being married, most of which luckily went to her hips and her bust, magic having helped a tad with that, at least... probably, she'd never tell.
  719. >Cadence chuckled at the thought as she lowered herself down onto the pillow, spreading her legs out to reveal her sheath and balls, letting it breath a little as she looked to the book and flipped to the first page of the enchantments.
  720. >"Alright, first... hmm, get the shaft erect." She read directly from the paper as her hands quickly went to her sheath, reaching to her already partially revealed shaft to play with it to get it to full mast, which already didn't take very long due to her already heightened arousal.
  722. >"Perfect! Now..." Her eyes traced the page, one of her hands coming to her chin to rest it in the space between her thumb and index finger as she looked over the page.
  723. >"Aha!" She pulled her hand away and snapped her fingers in one motion with a smile as her horn lit up and an aura quickly forming around her shaft.
  724. >The magic tingled a little, her shaft throbbing and getting a little harder the longer the magic stayed there.
  725. >"Mmmm, come on... what am I doi- oh!" Just as she started to ask her shaft spurted an inch longer, she gasped a little as the feeling too seemed to grow as well within her length. Once the wave of increased pleasure passed she pressed further with her magic making it grow before her very eyes. Her shaft was now at least 25 inches, when it started at 12 when she sat down a few moments ago.
  726. >She was delighted at the growth, her face was lit up with both a blush and her eyes, both were rather wide with a smile to match. She watched it grow in her magic with glee as it throbbed and twitched.
  728. >It didn't take long for the shaft to reach just past her breasts, this was the point where she decided it best to cut off using that spell for the time being, instead focusing on some of her other parts. She gazed at the book then back to her shaft, giving it a poke nearly made her fall backwards as she gave out a rather giddy giggle from the sparks of pleasure that shot through her whole form from just that one finger touching that one spot on her shaft.
  729. >"Hehe, a-alright, next part of the spell..." She was finding it hard to keep her hands off her shaft, especially after that poke test revealing just how sensitive her newly acquired length truly was.
  730. >Her eyes traced the words on the page a few more times, a puzzled look on her face for a few moments before she nodded and her magic focused back onto her crotch. This time, the aura focused on her balls, the dark pink hadn't grown as much as her shaft, but it did get a little bit larger. Not large enough though.
  731. >She squinted a little, messing with the spell slightly till her balls jumped up in size in a rather quickly. Much like her cock, the first growth spurt was a little jumpy, her twin orbs, the size of small apples suddenly jumped to the size of grapefruits, the quick change made the princess of love lose focus a little causing the aura to fade for a moment.
  732. >Cadence panted a few times before she was able to continue with her magic, the aura returning to her balls to slowly grow the pair out to a nice and plump set around the size of cantaloupes before she lets the aura fade and lets her newly gained girth relax for a moment.
  734. >"M-mmmm.~" Her fingers curled, the tips of her hooves doing the same thing as the breeze in her room alone was teasing her shaft, making it twitch while a bigger bead of pre started to form at her tip.
  735. >Her hind legs twitched a little as the bead turned to a spurt and landed on the floor in front of her.
  736. >"W-wow! That's more than it used to be.~" She eyed the pool on the floor, it was as big as a dinner plate around as it sat there, slowly ozzing out further as it became flatter and flatter on her bedroom's floor.
  737. >She raised her hand up, tentatively touching her shaft, or at least preparing too. Her pre spurt had started a river of her slick cock juice ran down the underside of her shaft.
  738. >Her finger danced an inch away from her shaft, the length bobbing up and down as she held herself back from touching it, teasing herself more and more the longer that she waited to give in and touch her shaft.
  739. >With a bit lip she gave in, pressing her finger against her dark pink dick. Time seemed to slow for a moment, just a moment though before the feeling rushed back to her and her cock exploded, launching ropes of pure white, pearly princess spunk all over the mirror in front of her, the floor, and her hooves as her newly girthy cock erupted with a force ten times that of what she was used too.
  740. >Her hands were gripping the pillows under her as her body was rocked with the insane level of pleasure that this earth shattering eruption had brought to her.
  742. >"O-oh... w-wow...~" Her voice was rather hampered by pants and moans as her cock dribbled out the last of her cream, but it was still hard, having lost absolutely no inches after all of that. In fact... she didn't even feel any of the usual feelings that came on when she hit her refractory period. She... didn't read this in the effects of that spell... come to think of it, neither did it mention anything about increasing sensitivity or increasing pleasure either.
  743. >Her mind snapped back to focus as she felt something touch her cock, her hands had made there way back to that throbbing shaft without her mind even registering performing the action, let alone did she even willingly start to move her hands along her shaft.
  744. >She did, however, do absolutely nothing to stop what had started. One orgasm wasn't enough for the princess of love. To say she was addicted to the feeling of cumming at this point might have been a little overstatement, it wouldn't be for much longer till she'd get to that point.
  745. >"Too bad Shiny won't be back, f-fuck I need something to p-put this thing into." She spoke through bit lip, both hands pumping away at her shaft, each at a different point, but both were moving in time, for the moment that is.
  746. >Her pumping grew in furosity over a few minutes of time, the addiction to the feeling of stroking herself off was growing more and more by the minute too. She was getting herself more and more drunk on the pleasure.
  747. >"F-fuck!~" Her horn flared up again and squeezed her royal jewels as she came again, her hands not stopping this time though and she just kept pumping her shaft. Up and down they flew over her well slickened mare meat as the mirror and floor in front of her became more and more covered. Cadence was lost for the moment... possibly for more than just this moment depending on whether or not she would ever run out of cum with these new enchantments she had cast on herself.
  748. >The book's pages suddenly were caught in a breeze. The text simply listing off warnings, some about not casting it multiple times, some about it causing uncontrollable orgasms. But she didn't cast it more than once... right?
  749. >"M-more!~" Cadence proceeded to, with a surprising level of control, cast the spell for what may have been the third time on herself, expanding her cock up past her head in height, and all but turning her balls into watermelons at this point as the now stroke addict of a princess jerked herself off with a zealous fervor, her room becoming more off white than any other color with how much princessly spunk she had spewed from her royal scepter.
  751. >Shiny would be coming back to something... interesting when he returned that's for sure. His insides would certainly match the color of their room a little more after this night's coming fun.
  753. ============================
  755. >she holds you up by your hips, your feet dangle inches of the ground
  756. >you cling to the wall with what little waning strength you have left
  757. >her cock piston in and out of you with reckless abandon
  758. >the speed and force with which she thrusts her hip is inhuman
  759. >her gargantuan cock pokes out through your belly, an obscene bulge disappearing and reappearing with every mighty thrust
  760. >your own cock twitch and spasms again, but you've long run out fluids to shoot out
  761. >you've lost count how many times she's made you cum
  762. >you don't even no how long she's been pounding you like this, you'v been fucked way past the pint of coherent thought
  763. >the only thing you can focus on is the huge dick currently hollowing out your guts
  764. >you squeak and moan while she grunts and snorts
  765. >she's a beast, and you're just her latest prey
  766. >impossibly her pace seems to quicken
  767. >if she was being rough before, then now she's just brutal
  768. >you know what this means
  769. >she's getting close
  770. >finally with one last thrust and a relived sigh, she hilts deep inside you and explodes
  771. >each jet of marecum is like a tidal wave, each more than enough to full up a pint
  772. >and yet she keeps cumming, rope after sticky rope paints your insides white, there's just no end to it
  773. >your belly has now distended obscenely to accommodate her load, sloshing like an overfilled water balloon
  774. >your dick spasms one last time and you lose consciousness
  775. >when you wake up you're lying on your overstuffed belly in a sticky white puddle
  776. >your limbs are unresponsive, you're dick is sore from so many forced orgasms, and you ass is a gaping hole leaking her gift out like a waterfall
  777. >she leaves you like that, a bloated sticky mess
  778. >but not before kissing you on the head
  780. ============================
  782. >Glimmer sits down in front of you, her already rock hard cock presented and waiting
  783. >It's so big, strong, and proud. Absolutely mouthwatering
  784. >She only says two words "Suck it!"
  785. >It's not a suggestion. It's a demand.
  786. >How could you resist this dominate mare and her beautiful cock?
  788. >You stare at it in awe, the sheer size of her rod has you hesitant to wrap your lips around it, but slowly you lean forward.
  789. >You open your mouth as wide as you can and take the blunt tip to the back of your throat, making sure to mind the teeth as you stuff your mouth full of hot mare meat.
  790. >Your jaw stretches painfully wide to accommodate her girth but there was no way you were going to slide that down your throat.
  791. >That isn't going to stop her though.
  792. >You look up to see her horn flare to life, a devious grin curling on her lips as you feel something pressing on the back of your head.
  793. >Despite your protests, she forces your head down her shaft, piercing your tight throat with her mammoth member.
  794. >Tears begin welling in your eyes as you you gag on the massive intruder yet you've never been more turned on in your life.
  795. >Up and down your head travels her shaft, using you like nothing more than a cheap sex toy
  796. >You're on the verge of passing out when she slams you down one last time and begins to pump your stomach full of hot and sticky spunk.
  797. >She fills you to the brim almost instantly, distending you belly just a tad befor pulling out and firing the last few spurts across your face.
  798. >You collapse against her a cum filled mess.
  800. ============================
  802. >Generations ago you wed yourself to the titanic Sphinx of the southern desert.
  803. >Decades of loneliness spurred her to seek a worthy mate.
  804. >As the sole human who travelled from another realm, you made for a prime choice.
  805. >Despite the rocky start and tumultuous friendship, you molded her from tyrant to benevolent queen
  806. >And centuries later the two of you have a prosperous, desert kingdom to show for it.
  807. >To say your giant ponecat is virile is an understatement
  808. >Where she trods, the soil is rejuvinated.
  809. >Where she sleeps, the land is blessed.
  810. >And where she cums...
  811. >So potent is her seed that the harsh, desolate sands around your home begat new life
  812. >With your size-shifting wife having you on a hearty protein diet (from both ends), her essence of life has kept aging and disease at bay.
  813. >Every morning and every night, without fail, you are drenched or filled with her arcane ejaculate.
  814. >Not out of necessity, but out of love. For the two of you share a bond few others on the plant even dream of having.
  815. >The heady musk of your wife is so potent that regular ponies buckle in pleasure as she stomps by
  816. >Even a soak in her lavish bath chamber can barely combat the natural aphrodisiac she gives off.
  817. >Her pleasant, sweet perfume lingers days after she has passed, bringing plants to bloom and flowers to blossom.
  818. >During mating season the two of you visit every province you can.
  819. >Foals conceived in her presence are said to be blessed.
  820. >While not officially a law, architects never erect obelisks greater in size than your wife’s gargantuan cock.
  821. >Her weighty balls, ever busy with production of her godly loads, need constant release.
  822. >Excellent news for farmers, it means excellent crops when she ejaculates over their fields.
  823. >And much of that crop returns to the capital, to feed you, the ruling courts, and especially your wife’s voracious appetite.
  824. >Truly blessed is this nation by sphinx cock.
  826. ============================
  828. >> Be a progressive futa mare
  829. >> Spend all your life growing up seeing the normalization of extreme sexualization, unhealthy relationship dynamics, and toxic maredom in society
  830. >> You're better than that, and society can be too
  831. >>Set out to prove that mares don't have to be sex-crazed lunatics raping everything in sight and humans don't have to be such total fucking whores for them
  832. >> Write a bunch of fiery think piece articles on the internet, things seem to be going well
  833. >> Decide you're gonna get a human boyfriend.... and just to buck the stereotypes, exclusively bottom for him
  834. >> Take that, maretriarchy
  835. >> Find a guy, hit it off with him, everything is platonic and respectful
  836. >> Wish every mare / human couple could get along this well
  837. >> Finally he stays over at your place one night and gives it to you hard
  838. >> Well... as hard as a human can anyway
  839. >> It's.... kinda nice
  840. >> Later that night, he's asleep in bed beside you
  841. >> You're not tired at ALL
  842. >> Roll over with a sigh, wind up spooning against him
  843. >> Your sheath rubs against his lower back
  844. >> FUCK
  845. >> God damn it why did that feel so good just now
  847. >> Oh great, now the stupid thing is twitching
  848. >> Hmmm.... suddenly smells kinda nice in here too
  849. >> Oh shit, it's HIM
  850. >> Your muzzle is right next to him now that you rolled over
  851. >> That scent is... wonderful
  852. >> Cock is steadily creeping out of its sheath now
  853. >> Your own musk is starting to get to you now too
  854. >> Head feels warm
  855. >> Getting a little fuzzy
  856. >> Who the hell is stroking your cock
  857. >> Oh yeah.... that's you
  858. >> Fully hard now
  859. >> Suddenly get mad at your human, he's ruining everything
  860. >> You're trying to fight for societal change and here he is being a huge fucking cocktease
  861. >> Precum wells at your tip as you stare at him angrily, breathing hard, one hand working up and down your shaft while the other rubs and massages your massive swollen nuts
  862. >> He's probably doing it on purpose, tempting you and laughing about it
  863. >> Not happening, no slutty little human is getting the better of you
  864. >> You know EXACTLY how to put little whores like this in their place
  866. >> Be progressive futa mare a couple of hours later
  867. >> Oh man.... you feel GREAT
  868. >> Like a huge weight is off your shoulders, can't remember feeling this good in months
  869. >> What happened though, everything is kind of a blur
  870. >> Look down at your side and see a twitching, unresponsive human in bed next to you, gaping asshole filled with your cum and most of his face and body liberally splattered with more of the same
  871. >> .... GOD FUCKING DAMN IT
  873. ============================
  875. I want Twilight to explain in detail why humans like myself get weak in the knees at the sight of her purple boy destroyer.
  877. >”Because of our different dimensions of origin, there would have been little reason to develop pheromones or corresponding receptors between our species.”
  878. >Uh huh
  879. >”And the sight of such a structure does not inherently elicit that response in your species, though I have only anecdotal evidence.”
  880. >Great
  881. >”In your case, I believe it’s a simple instance of classical conditioning. When I bend you over and use you until I’m satisfied, I’d expect you to experience some significant fatigue. You’ve ended up in a similar state nearly every time you’ve seen it, after all.”
  882. >I get the feeling it’s going to happen again soon.
  883. >”See? You are learning!”
  885. ============================
  887. "Like this, little Spikey? A nice big pink girl cock destroying your ass? I've seen you jerking off to that picture of Rarity, you know. I'll bet anything you do it every night. Hah! Like your little micro-dick could ever satisfy a mare. You've only got one thing that could ever pleasure Rarity, and I'm about to go balls-deep inside it!
  889. So I'll help you out, Spike. Clench for me, bitch. Tell me how much you love getting ruined by big hard mare dick, and I'll put in a good word for you with Rarity. I'll tell her just how big a slut you are for any mare who looks like she can make you scream. Just how good it feels to humiliate you! Cry for me, Spike! TAKE IT ALL, YOU LITTLE WHORE!"
  891. ============================
  893. >the final step to earning your citizenship in futaquestria is getting savagely spitroasted by the royal cocks
  895. ============================
  897. Muscular, lewd and gruff earth dickmare construction workers demolishing your throat in between shifts.
  899. Dominant, wild Saddle Arabia she-studs jihading your kafir womb (male) until it accept their foals.
  901. Unicorn futal nobles gracing plowing you over The fence right next to field, while your wife waits for her turn
  903. Rude, confident zebra wannabe gangster teens ravaging your tight teacher ass with their BZCs during their "detention". Soon enough youre giving them all As.
  905. First one for me, please. Dozens of hardworking amazon dickmares working up a sweat. They're as musky and smelly as can be from working their beautiful muscular bodies all day and only showering once a week. When the whistle signaling the end of their shift sounds, they all gather to the staff room where they keep you. Then all of them take their pants off.
  907. They only have a one hour break before their next shift and there are a lot of them who want a turn, so they're quick about it. You better take a deep breath before each cock, because once they're in they do NOT stop to let you breathe. They grab your head with both hands, force themselves balls deep, then use your throat like a horny teenager with an onahole. The average mare can pull a quickie like this off in two or three minutes.
  909. The ones waiting for a turn stroke themselves, enjoying the show. They cheer the one using you on, urging them to be even rougher with you. Tell them to hurry up because they haven't had their turn yet. Laugh at how bloated your stomach gets from all the marespunk you're forcefed.
  911. Others are drinking beers, eating sandwiches, having smokes, playing cards, throwing darts, looking at porn, arm wrestling, telling un-pc jokes and talking shit.
  913. There's a tiny bathroom with a missing door. When they go take a piss they don't care that everyone can see them. They don't wash their hands or dicks, cleanup consists of them shaking off a few drops.
  915. When the whistle calls them back to work they swear, grumble, pack up, put their pants back on, and make sure their little human fucktoy is still chained up so you don't wander away until their next break.
  917. ============================
  919. >tfw you will never fall in love with futa Pinkie
  920. >tfw she will never fall madly in love with you in return
  921. >you will never give her a handjob as you breed her after your wedding
  923. ============================
  925. I want to be Twilight's personal sex slave and forced to give her dozens of hand- and blowjobs every day. Rough and sadistic, forcing herself on me and enjoying it more when I resist. Lazy with her hygiene so her cock is always unwashed and musky.
  927. I want her to get absolutely batshit crazy obsessed with my hands and mouth, so much so she never wants any other kind of sex. The hornier she is and the close she gets to orgasm, the more she loses her composure. Hair getting messy, pupils dilating, eyelid twitching, lip biting, crazy giggling and mumbling, the whole works.
  929. I want her to develop a fetish for feeding me her cum. She uses a few spells and drinks potions to permanently increase the size of her balls, how much cum they produce, and how thick and nutritious it is. When she's done I can live on her cum alone. She also made the taste as strong and bitter as possible, because she loves seeing the disgust on my face and hearing me gag when her slimy spunk is forced down my throat.
  931. ============================
  933. >Rude, confident zebra wannabe gangster teens ravaging your tight teacher ass with their BZCs during their "detention". Soon enough youre giving them all As.
  935. Imagine landing a teaching job at some inner city Detrot school, with a class full of loud, inattentive, Disrespective zebra youths. You start out as a stern disciplinarian, only to end up being fucked into submission by the whole class. These crude hood mares don't give a shit about learning, they just want use your tight holes to cram their long, thick, throbbing zebra cocks into, and empty their heavy cum filled balls into your weak human body. From hardass teacher to hard fucked Stripe'd slut.
  937. >You fucking ziggers s-stop... STOP FUCKING M-, OH GOD.!! MORE! MORE!!
  939. And when they're finally done with you they make sure snap pics of your limp, unconscious, cum logged body and share it all over social media.
  941. >'lol new teach tried acting all strict n shit on his first day. pulled a train on his dumb ass and now he the new class fucktoy
  944. I wonder how the year would go. Like, in an usual day after the initial shock
  945. >Enter class
  946. >The alpha Zebra waits for at the teacher's place
  947. >She expect you to go down on her.
  948. >Your "classes" are nothing but another recreation where drug is dealt, people are screwing each others while loud rap music is blasting around
  949. >Your job as a teacher is to be an open cumrag for any zebra who gets a hold of you and to buy them things they need outside of school like drinks, alcohol and cigarettes
  951. >"Yo Mr. A, I need a passin' grade on my griffin lit test. Think you can hook a sista up?
  953. >"Heh, thanks teach. Just fo' dat I'll tell Latisha to take it easy on yo' boypussy when gets her turn after first period."
  955. ============================
  957. >> Wind up in innocent Futaquestria
  958. >> all the mares have massive horsecocks but they spend basically all their time flaccid and sheathed
  959. >> You even caught Rainbow Dash getting an erection one time and freaking out about how she was ‘swelling up’ and wondering if she should go to the doctor
  960. >> you immediately begin to corrupt them
  961. >> convince Twilight human beings need animal protein in their diet and the only way you can get it without killing and eating animals is sucking her off and swallowing her cum
  962. >> she only very very reluctantly agrees... then you catch her loving it more and more, eventually eagerly reminding you whenever it’s time for one of your feedings
  963. >> Convince Rarity that a proper deep-tissue massage is best accomplished by putting her cock IN your deep tissue with some anal
  964. >> Casually drop to Rainbow that there’s nothing more humiliating to a human than being covered in pony semen after losing a bet, then being ‘shocked’ a few days later when she sets that very condition as the terms of your latest competition
  965. >> Losing has never felt so good
  967. >> Pinkie requires almost no convincing, all you need to do is tell her that handjobs feel really good and she’s all for trying it
  968. >> You don’t even have to suggest frotting, she comes up with that idea on her own after her first handjob
  969. >> Applejack is a tough nut to crack, she resists basically everything until estrus season, but that hits her HARD and she becomes a lot more pliable then
  970. >> She’s still pretty matter-of-fact, get-my-rocks-off about it though
  971. >>Fluttershy is the true gem of the bunch (sorry Rarity)
  972. >> She’s exactly as shy and timid and innocent as you’d expect... at first
  973. >> Eventually you try putting it in animal terms
  974. >> tell her human beings need an alpha, and you feel so lost and confused and sad all the time without a strong, confident mare to put you in your place
  975. >> this finally gets to her, and she takes charge
  976. >> quickly discovers that she really, REALLY likes it
  977. >> Fluttershy quickly awakens her inner dom and becomes by FAR the kinkiest of the bunch
  978. >> quickly buys you a collar and chain leash, refers to you only as ‘my ,’ and begins to strut around in as sexualized a manner as she can
  979. >> is constantly doing every depraved thing she can think of to you
  981. ============================
  983. >small portal opens above your bed at pillow height
  984. >giant blue horsecock comes out and sits there
  986. what would you do /MCG/?
  988. ============================
  990. >tfw a dickmare will never hold you down and fuck her babies int you
  992. ============================
  994. >You
  995. >You, but a stallion
  996. >You, but a futa mare
  997. How do each of you react to bumping into (or bumping uglies) with one another?
  999. ============================
  1001. There's almost no futa pony I wouldn't happily worship. They're all just different flavors of perfection.
  1003. The shy ones like Fluttershy and Coco Pommel and Marble Pie will be insanely affectionate and love you and never take you for granted, and always want lots of sex as confirmation of the relationship. Prone to squeaking and squealing and expressing all of their love for you as they cum.
  1005. The MILFs like Twilight Velvet or Cream Heart are experienced lovers who will use you to get their rocks off, but who are skilled enough that they will play your bodies like instruments every time and give you stronger orgasms than you ever imagined possible. They may or may not even want relationships, but if they don't, they'll be more than satisfied knowing that you'll NEVER forget how they made you feel.
  1007. The rough ones like Applejack or Rainbow Dash or Limestone will fuck you brutally to make it perfectly clear who is in charge, raping you senseless and making it hurt to walk for days, and have you loving every minute of your utter submission.
  1009. The "everymares" like Derpy or Nurse Redheart will be relatively vanilla.... or as much as futa mares can be, wanting happy, reciprocal, loving relationships with just as much cuddling as fucking.
  1011. The switches like Rarity or Pinkie Pie will be just as happy to let you plunder their marehoods as to have the chance to plunder your ass. Praising you as a sex god as you bend them over and pound their pussies raw, or laughing in dominant pleasure as they fill you with their seed until you look nine months pregnant.
  1013. The mares with pent-up desires like Trixie or Diamond Tiara will claim you as their own, making it clear that you belong only to them, that your body is their personal property, and that they will use it for their pleasure any time they see fit.
  1015. Luna and Celestia are just flat out Gods, who stand a very good chance of ruining all other sex for you - what good is anyone else, once you have tasted literal divinity?
  1017. ============================
  1019. i feel like rainbow dash is the girl who would get the most use out of her mare cock. with her brash nature and a libedo that would put most stallions to shame. any time she started to get the least bit horny she’d find the nearest pony she can and ram her massive marecock into one of their holes. pounding away with complete disregard to any onlookers. then once she was finally satisfied she would pull out and leave her partner as a dripping mess lying on the ground covered in cum.
  1021. ============================
  1023. >The trumpet-call had let loose an enormous volume of noise.
  1024. >Already an excited mare was gabbling on the telescreen, but even as she started it was almost drowned by a roar of cheering from outside.
  1025. >The news had run round the streets like magic.
  1026. >He could hear just enough of what was issuing from the telescreen to realize that it had all happened, as he had foreseen; a vast flock of pegasi had secretly assembled a sudden blow in the enemy's rear, the white arrow tearing across the tail of the black.
  1027. >Fragments of triumphant phrases pushed themselves through the din: 'Vast strategic maneuver -- perfect co-ordination -- utter ecstasy -- half a million new friends -- complete subjugation -- control of the whole of Griffinstone -- bring the war within measurable distance of its end victory -- greatest victory in pony history -- victory, victory, victory!'
  1029. >Under the table Anon's cock made convulsive movements.
  1030. >He had not stirred from his seat, but in his mind he was running, swiftly running, he was with the ponies outside, cheering himself deaf.
  1031. >He looked up again at the portrait of Celestia.
  1032. >The futanari that bestrode the world!
  1033. >The cock against which the hordes of griffons dashed themselves in vain!
  1034. >He thought how ten minutes ago -- yes, only ten minutes -- there had still been equivocation in his heart as he wondered whether the news from the front would be of victory or defeat.
  1035. >Ah, it was more than a griffon army that had seen the light!
  1036. >Much had changed in him since that first day in Cadance’s Ministry of Love, but the final, indispensable, healing change had never happened, until this moment.
  1038. >The voice from the telescreen was still pouring forth its tale of happy griffons and booty and orgies, but the shouting outside had died down a little.
  1039. >The waiters were turning back to their work.
  1040. >One of them approached with the gin bottle.
  1041. >Anon, sitting in a blissful dream, paid no attention as his glass was filled up.
  1042. >He was not running or cheering any longer.
  1043. >He was back in the Ministry of Love, with everything forgiven, his soul white as cum.
  1044. >He was in the public square, confessing everything, loving everybody.
  1045. >He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and a horny guard at his back.
  1046. >The longhoped-for dick was entering his brain.
  1048. >He gazed up at the enormous face.
  1049. >Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the ethereal mane.
  1050. >O cruel, needless misunderstanding!
  1051. >O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast!
  1052. >Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose.
  1053. >But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished.
  1054. >He had won the victory over himself.
  1055. >He loved marecock.
  1057. ============================
  1059. "Anon, you are much, much too pent up. Connecting with the ponies around you is very important for your mental well-being!
  1061. It's okay if you feel like you're not quite ready to put yourself out there in public yet; as Princess of Love, I'd be more than happy to tutor you a bit first..."
  1063. ============================
  1065. >Is there anything hotter than getting fucked and being forced to fuck yourself at the same time?
  1066. Fucking someone and getting fucked by them at the same time, of course!
  1068. ============================
  1070. >Due to a sudden release of wild magic, every stallion has their cock shrunk and body changed, and every Mare grows a huge dick
  1071. >Stallions still feel the same urge to cum as they used to, but now it doesn't feel satisfying for them to cum anymore unless they get cum inside of them
  1072. >Gender norms and courtship haven't settled yet, so men still go to bars to "pick up" women, despite the fact that they want nothing more then to be pinned down and fucked hard
  1073. >Mares meanwhile find a newfound joy in pounding pony prostates
  1074. >Bars and hook up apps now become places where men go to try and reclaim any scrap of dignity when in reality they are seeking their domme for the night or the rest of their life
  1076. This. This is a good world you describe.
  1078. You actually believe that? You'd be demeaned and humiliated, all men having to learn their place as a submissive sexual partner, in many ways, becoming submissive in society as well. Think about it, if every woman can fuck multiple horny, needy men whenever they want, they'll be on top all the time and have many demands of any potential mates. To compensate, stallions will have to start acting, dressing, and being more submissive.
  1080. This goes beyond just direct sex though; research on how people are going to have children now require many samples and tests to be run; guards who have become physically weak have been replaced by female guards instead, who may let minor infractions slide to help release some of their ever overfilled mare-testicles. While some guys still try to jerk their small dicks off to old porn videos of mare pussies and straight sex, they just don't satisfy any more. Even worse, the very young colts who are starting their sexual awakening after the "pulse" happened have become radically different then normal stallions who have already grown into adults; loss of muscle mass, no interest in penetration, a new "male g-spot" located in the back of the throat, and many other mutations. The entirety of society is changing for Cock-Mare's benefit, and you think that's a good thing? The old masculinity of the world going out not with a bang, but with a prostate-orgasm induced whimper?
  1082. ============================
  1084. >> First contact with Futaquestria
  1085. >> Marecock anons across the world wait with baited breath to see what kind of futa mares we get
  1086. >> Turns out they're mostly just horrified at how utterly deprived of proper fucking we all are
  1087. >> The idea of sex being as infrequent or uncommon in Equestria as it is on Earth, would pretty much be the kind of thing reserved for monks
  1088. >> Earth quickly becomes known as the planet of primitives and ponies hold infomercials and community fundraisers and such to raise "proper healthy sexual engagement" awareness amongst humans
  1090. >> Equestria, for all its wonders, suffers from a relatively low population
  1091. >> Only about five million ponies on Equus
  1092. >>There's room for a lot more
  1093. >> Discord decides to 'help' since he's reformed now
  1094. >> Discord is still a massive asshole though
  1095. >> Gives all the mares in Equestria massive, throbbing, ultra-virile horsecocks, and ramps their breeding hormones through the roof
  1096. >> Summons several thousand Anons and magics them up a bit for compatibility purposes, then plops them down in front of the sex-crazed mares
  1097. >> Several months later the Equestrian population takes a noticeable bump, and Discord gets to revel in simultaneously helping Celestia and infuriating her
  1099. ============================
  1101. >> Meet a hot mare and immediately hit it off
  1102. >> She's funny, friendly, and has got one hell of a singing voice
  1103. >> Date her a couple of times and then things finally start getting heavy
  1104. >> Turns out she's a futa mare, yeah, but she's alllll about her girl parts and basically never uses her dick
  1105. >> Only wants to suck you off and get fucked, never get sucked or fuck you
  1107. ============================
  1109. >tfw Dash is a giantess among ponies
  1110. >tfw Dash has her eyes set on you
  1111. >tfw Dash saying she has a monster marecock is an understatement
  1112. >tfw Dash always lets herself get pent up all day
  1113. >tfw Dash loves fucking you more than anything
  1114. >tfw Dash fucks you anywhere she pleases
  1115. >tfw Dash knows the only way anyone can safely take her gargantuan dick is with Twilight's "stretchy" spell
  1116. >tfw Dash gets very upset the magic ran out from yesterday's lovemaking
  1117. >tfw Dash is exceptionally horny tonight
  1118. >tfw Dash knows you're scared
  1119. >tfw Dash also knows you're incredibly aroused
  1120. >tfw Dash has to spray her godly load all over you instead of inside you
  1121. >tfw Dash and you decide to spring a surprise threesome on Twilight the next day
  1123. >tfw Dash flew to Twilight's castle with you
  1124. >tfw Dash hugged your face into her head-sized breasts the entire flight
  1125. >tfw Dash merely strutting past Spike was enough to keep the dragon from asking questions
  1126. >tfw Dash casually broke the locks on Twilight's lab door with a simple shove
  1127. >tfw Dash didn't even notice it was locked until you pointed it out
  1128. >tfw Dash's footfalls shook every piece of lab equipment
  1129. >tfw Dash held Twilight at "gunpoint"
  1130. >tfw Dash threatened to ruin Twilight's mane and coat with gallons of pegasus spunk unless she recast the stretchy spell
  1131. >tfw Dash insisted Twilight cast the enchantment both on herself and you
  1132. >tfw Dash held Twilight in place with a single arm
  1133. >tfw Dash and you realized Twilight was more than happy at the turn of events
  1134. >tfw Dash, the ever-generous lover, let you pick which side of Twilight to thrust into
  1135. >tfw Dash is so girthy you could feel her thrusting marecock through Twilight's body as you pumped into the unicorn's pussy
  1136. >tfw Dash reached her hand around your backside to finger you
  1137. >tfw Dash and you reduced Twilight to a happy, drooling, twitchy mess in minutes
  1138. >tfw Dash patted her nuts, still raring to go as she slid the overstimulated purple pony off her Goliath stallionhood
  1139. >tfw Dash's libido is so high she wasn't the slightest bit soft
  1140. >tfw Dash licked her lips as she picked up with barely any effort
  1141. >tfw Dash blew her load within a few minutes, screaming in the ecstasy only you could give her
  1142. >tfw Dash, Twilight, and you decided to get more comfortable in the bedroom
  1143. >tfw Dash filled the both of you up with another two creamy loads before any sleep was had
  1145. ============================
  1147. >> Be futa mare in Equestria
  1148. >> ... Not all it's cracked up to be
  1149. >> Sure SOME mares seem to have all the luck, never you
  1150. >> Futa tend toward having large, strong, sexually exaggerated frames
  1151. >> You're one of the 'lucky' few who is almost as soft and weak as a human
  1152. >> Get invited out by your tiny handful of friends one day for drinks and hanging out at a local restaurant
  1153. >> You decline of course, books are more important
  1154. >> Spend the entire evening in the library reading about third-century alchemical research and its impact on the textiles guild
  1155. >> Next day your entire group of friends is all happy relaxed grins
  1156. >> Turns out the human delegation was in town to meet with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
  1157. >> Somehow wound up going for dinner the same place your friends went for drinks
  1158. >> Humans responded about the same way to futa sexuality and musk as they always do
  1159. >> About an hour later it was a gangbang at Lemon Hearts' place
  1160. >> Minuette claims none of them came less than ten times
  1161. >> The humans all had to stay the night and the Royal Guard was fetched to come pick them up in the morning, all way too cum-bloated to even try and make it back to the palace on their own
  1162. >> One of them actually kept moaning that he was in love with Twinkleshine and begging her to marry him
  1163. >> Everypony they know keeps shooting them dirty looks, humans are still a novelty in Equestria and supposedly great fucks, quite the catch to actually fuck one, much less several
  1164. >> They ask you how your night went
  1165. >> An hour later, you discover that it's possible to cry in frustration and cum to the hottest fantasy you've ever had at the same time
  1167. ============================
  1169. Rarity is probably the futa most likely to actually go ahead and 'tame' you. She'd be completely non-aggressive and non-confrontational.... but the second you agreed to date her, or spend the night with her, she'd lay the charm on thick. And that mare knows a thing or two about seduction.
  1171. Come morning, one of two things would happen: either you'd be begging her for a second date if you were the willful type, or she would be graciously scheduling one for you if she'd already taken charge of the relationship.
  1173. Either way, you'd have found either your future wife, or new owner.
  1175. Either you'll take charge of Rarity, or she'll take charge of you. She doesn't really care either way.... but someone is getting shafted tonight, one way or the other.
  1177. If you're strong enough to take the lead with Rarity, she'll be more than happy to play along, cooing and moaning and massive horsecock throbbing in tune with every thrust you make into her tight, welcoming pussy.
  1179. If you're not, well.... she'll just have to be the one doing the fucking, won't she, darling?
  1181. ============================
  1183. "Luna..."
  1184. >"KNAVE! Properly address your superior when outside the bedroom!"
  1185. "Princess Luna, I-"
  1186. >"Much better. We have an image to uphold, consort."
  1187. "Look, I'll be blunt, is your back okay?"
  1188. >"What manner of question is this? Of course I'm fine."
  1189. "You've been hunched over like a gremlin for the past hour."
  1190. >"..."
  1191. "Alicorn physique aside, that thing's pretty damn heavy."
  1192. >"You promised to escort us to the firing range tonight!"
  1193. "Yeah. For guns. To fire actual, human guns."
  1194. >"And as you can see I'm bringing my own."
  1195. "You're doing this just to embarrass me, aren't you?
  1196. >"A howutzeer, as I believe you called my cock last week."
  1197. "Moonie, you don't need to prove anything, you're already twenty-some inches normally."
  1198. >"Human, now it is my turn to be frank. I see far too many mares staring at you for my liking. This display shows just who you belong to. It is called politicking"
  1199. "I can't believe this..."
  1200. >"You are right though, my princesshood is cumbersome. Get in front and carry it, we've only got a mile to go."
  1201. "Jesus, this weighs a ton... When we're done I'm topping tonight!"
  1202. >"Hmm, we shall see, Anon. I am feeling quite frisky today."
  1203. >"Aaaah!"
  1204. >"I suppose if you properly empty me at the range I will consider letting you."
  1206. ============================
  1208. >Anon tries to teleport to Equestria
  1209. >Ends up accidentally getting teleported into an alternate dimension where all the girls are aggressive futas
  1210. >Gets bent over and raped multiple times, until the addictive and body-warping femseed makes him too weak, sensitive, and submissive to be able to resist
  1211. >They destroy his machine and end up trapping him there for the rest of his short, cum stained life
  1213. ============================
  1215. >thanks to strange cartoon biology and a lack of much else to occupy the great minds among them, ponies have sex and pleasure down to a science
  1216. >from legal age onward, they’re taught how to most efficiently blow their partners’ minds, regardless of what equipment those partners happen to have
  1217. >it helps that most of them have both anyway
  1218. >so imagine their glee when all these strange creatures arrive from another plane, prepared to share their own culture but also to receive the gospel of ecstasy only an idyllic paradise could create
  1219. >first things first, however
  1220. >scientists ask the creatures if they’d mind a few tests
  1221. >anatomy seems similar to a degree but
  1222. >hold on
  1223. >”So, generally speaking, how do your people pleasure one another?”
  1224. >blushing, the creatures describe the act as they know it to an increasingly distraught pony
  1225. >it was as she’d feared
  1226. >these people had come to accept some of the least effective means of getting their rocks off as the norm
  1227. >it wasn’t their fault, really
  1228. >the way they were built didn’t allow them to experience the kind of perfected orgasm that ponykind created
  1229. >filled with a sense of duty, the researchers took their subjects right then and there
  1231. >it was a combination of things
  1232. >size, nerve endings, magical output, etc. all made them absolutely unfit to be dominant partners
  1233. >but luckily, they all had at least a couple ways to receive the pony blessing
  1234. >the righteous ponies explored the bodies of their new exotic partners for hours on end, frantically putting together a scientific presentation on how to make your average human go cross-eyed
  1235. >with permanent smiles plastered upon their faces, the love-covered humans signed off on their new mistresses’ methods
  1236. >the instruction were simple
  1237. >when a human arrives in this world, bend them over and start filling them with cock
  1238. >use your instincts to determine their preferred intensity because they will likely lose the ability to speak for a while
  1239. >take them home, invite your friends, whatever you need to do to ensure this poor deprived creature receives the care it needs
  1240. >meanwhile, the best minds in the world would be hard at work trying to find the source of these humans so that, one day, they might bring the “fight” to them
  1241. >do your part to end the war on chastity today
  1243. ============================
  1245. Twilight. I want her so fixated on fucking your throat that she simply can't cum unless you're choking and gagging on her cock. It has to be you, and it has to be your throat. No matter how much she strokes herself she just can't get over the edge without it.
  1247. Day one without a blowjob she verbally teases and politely asks you to suck her off. She'll derail any conversation by shoehorning her cock into the topic. She'll point out she's put an 'get a blowjob from anon' item on her daily checklist, so you 'have' to do it.
  1249. Day two she cranks the teasing up to eleven and starts pranking you. She poses anytime you look at her. She tries to get you to touch her dick by accident. Your toothbrush and pillow smell suspiciously musky. And why was she giggling so much when she gave you that sandwich?
  1251. Day three she starts bargaining and begging you to suck her off. What do you want for it? Bits? Private lessons? Meat imported from the Griffon Kingdom? Your own room in her castle? Name it!
  1253. Day four without a blowjob she resorts to blackmail and subtle threats. Maybe she'll tell Rarity you didn't like that shirt, or Pinkie you didn't like that party. Maybe she'll write a law that make tax paperwork way more difficult for humans.
  1255. Day five she starts losing it. She can't sleep. She stops washing herself. Her mane and tail is unkempt. Her left eye twitches. Her cock drools precum everywhere she goes. When she looks at you she whimpers, bites her lip and her cock twitches out an extra spurt of precum.
  1257. Day six she chases you around town all day and grinds her cock against your face if she manages to catch you. She keeps saying stuff like "Has anypony seen Anon? Anon! Come suck my dick! Suck it suck it suck it! Pleeease!"
  1259. Day seven. She drags you to the dungeon in her castle, ties you up, and casts a want-it-need-it spell on her cock. She brutally rapes your throat for hours until her dick is numb, her balls are empty and your stomach is full.
  1261. ============================
  1263. how many of you would get bullied/blackmailed into getting a to stick her cock in your throat or have her pound your prostate she forces you to cum over and over again?
  1265. >I want to be the only male in a class of futas, and be bullied by all of them. I have to suck each of their dicks two or three times a day. If I refuse they hold me down and take turns raping my throat anyway. They cum quickly, but I still spend most breaks being used since there are so many of them. Sometimes they even make me suck them off under the table during class. The teacher knows about it and loves it, but she pretends not to hear or see what the mares are doing to me.
  1267. ============================
  1269. >ywn give a crying futa filly a pity blowjob to make her happy again
  1270. >ywn fit both her cock and balls in your mouth at the same time, gently sucking and licking on them while she tells you what some mean bullies said to her
  1271. >ywn massage her whole body with your hands to get her to quiet down, relax more and just enjoy your mouth
  1272. >ywn pleasure her like so for half an hour until she calms down, forgets all about those bullies, and starts moaning in pleasure
  1274. >ywn keep her on the brink of orgasm for juuust a minute to make sure she gets a nice and strong one, before sending her over the edge
  1275. >ywn hold still and apply soft, constant suction as you let her empty her balls in your mouth
  1276. >ywn wait until she's done before swallowing her prepubescent seed in one big gulp, savoring the taste
  1277. >ywn keep her twitchy cock in your mouth for an extra minute, to let her properly enjoy her afterglow with the warmth of your mouth
  1279. >ywn lick her clean, wipe her tears, pat her on the head, and ask her if she feels better
  1280. >ywn get a nod, hug and sniffle in response when she wordlessly expresses her gratitude
  1281. >ywn be shyly asked if she can come back again same time tomorrow, pretty please
  1282. >ywn tell her you'll be happy to make her feel good anytime she wants to
  1284. >The ponies make actual horse noises when horny. They become too dumb to even masturbate, so they need someone else to fuck. They'll thrust their hips instinctively even if it's not necessary for the position they're in. They show no restraint, concern for their partner, or hardly even any awareness of their surroundings; all they want is to cum ASAP. Afterwards they 'wake up' as if from a dream, but they still remember everything they did in their arousal and how it felt. Polite ponies usually apologize if they did something to make their partner uncomfortable, but it isn't necessary since most others will just shrug it off since everyone knows they can't help it when horny.
  1286. ============================
  1288. >You are Anon and you work as a teacher for <insert university name>. The students in your class are all dickmares, horny dickmares. Everyday you have to politly ask the mares at the back to stop masterbaiting and almost every last one of your students wants to fuck you. You decline the offer, of course.
  1290. >Skip a few years into the future where it's time for the graduation party, all the studets that you had all come up to you and ask if they could make this party even more "special," this of course means bending you over on a table and fucking your brains out.
  1292. >Because they were all so distracted during your class, they didn't get much studying done at all. Despite your best effort to get them to study harder, at the end of the semester you unfortunately had to give every single one of them a failing grade. They're fine in all the other classes, it's just yours that they failed. You don't hear from any of them for a week after graduation. One day when you're sitting on a park bench, one of them walks up behind you, sticks a napkin in your face and asks "hey, professor Anon, does this smell like chloroform to you?"
  1294. >You wake up and find yourself tied to a bench in the university's gym. All of your former students are standing around you, stroking their cocks, with expressions raging from smug to angry. One of them cockslaps you hard enough to leave a bruise to make you wake up faster. They express how dissatisfied they are with the grades you gave them, and how you've declined all of their advances. Now they're going to get their revenge by doing all the things they've wanted to do to you and then some, regardless if you want any of it or not. They've all been edging themselves and taking aphrodisiacs the past week, so they're all quite horny. They're going to need a couple of dozen orgasms before they're satisfied. Each.
  1296. >you can't rape the willing
  1297. >What if all the students passed but Anon decided to fail all of them because he knew that his students would do this?
  1298. >It's not just his students that are at the gym, all the other teachers and students are there to. The school had a meeting while you were away and all the teachers and students agreed that you needed to be "punished" for failling to teach your students.
  1299. >You're punishment worked like this, two random names were pulled from a hat, one of the names that were pulled would fuck you from behind and the other would take your throat and would switch holes after each orgasm
  1300. >Once the two mares were satisfied they'd walk back and pull out a paper slip with a dickmares name from the hat and the next names get to rut Anon, rise and repeat for the entire university until no more names remained.
  1302. ============================
  1304. >Be Anon in Equestria
  1305. >Find out there's an anime called My Little Human made in Japaneigh and that you're one of the main characters
  1306. >Decide to do voice acitng for the Equis Dub
  1307. >Find out about the Hu-mare fandom and discover all the porn
  1308. >A lot of it involves you
  1310. ============================
  1312. If I ended up in Futaquestria I'd love to work for a porn studio that focuses exclusively on blowjobs and cum fetish content. Doing anything from one-on-one stuff to orgies, from gentle cockworship to rough facefucking, from typical vanilla stuff to odd fetishes.
  1314. "Welcum back to Spunk Gals! Due to popular demand, we're doing another chugathon with our fan-favorite, exotic bitch here! Hope you're thirsty, little human, because we've got fifty backed up, horny mares for you today, and we're all eager to bust our nuts in that well-used mouth of yours. So sit back and enjoy the show, dear viewers, because we have ten hours to kill and enough aphrodisiac to feed an army! Oh, and don't sweat it if you don't have time to watch the whole stream, we'll do a compilation of the best parts afterwards."
  1316. ============================
  1318. >I wish an anthro cockmare bodybuilder would buy me as a sex slave. We would fall in love, but she'd mostly still treat me like an object.
  1319. >Like she'd get mad if I didn't take care of polishing her thick 16 inch veiny slab of horsemeat while she lifts. And massage her boiling hot nuts while she uses the sauna.
  1321. Then we'd fall asleep together, but her titanic lovepole would rise up in the night and pull the covers off me. But I wouldnt mind...
  1323. ============================
  1325. >It would be hot if you got captured by a colony of futa bee ponies, and hundreds of worker bees use you for sexual relief. (They only have one queen, and they can't all be fucking her.) They'd be a bit smaller than a pony, but still big enough to give you a good fuck. As if their numbers and ability to hold you down while they take turns with every hole you got at the same time wasn't enough, you're also under the subtle threat of being stung a bunch if you refuse their needs.
  1327. ============================
  1329. >I'd want to live a good and quiet life in Ponyville but then changelings come, kidnap me and give me to Chrysalis to become her broodmare. Then I'd get fucked daily, pumped full of eggs and forced to give birth to new, stronger changelings..
  1331. ============================
  1333. >What if futa Vinyl takes you down to a nightclub to get fucked by several other dickmares while she performs during the night and futa Octavia brings you to some fancy resturant to get fucked by some high class dickmares while she performs.
  1334. >The nightclubs are filled with several horny dickmares who are looking for some fun with a tight hole while the fancy resturants are full of nobles who are alot more gentle with you but still stuff you full of mare cock
  1336. ============================
  1338. >Be Anon
  1339. >Get pulled over by a police mare
  1340. >Do as she ask because you don't wanna get thrown in prison
  1341. >Dispite cooperating she yells at you that you're resisting
  1342. >She pins you down to the ground with your pants down to your ankles
  1343. >After she had her way with you she called in for back up and they all take turns in "restraining" you
  1344. >After a handful of cops railed you to the ground they lock you up in pony prison for not cooperating with the law
  1345. >While in the showers you accidentally drop the soap
  1346. >Another usual Monday
  1348. ============================
  1350. >Be Anon
  1351. >Be working at SugarCube Corner with Ponk
  1352. >Something something you suck her off and she bust a fat load
  1353. "Gee Pinkie, your cum sure does taste like all of those special milkshakes you make"
  1355. >your job is sitting under the counter, sucking and deepthroating ponka or any other cashier and swallowing their loads
  1357. ============================
  1359. >Celestia's and Luna's cocks change in size depending on how close they are to their respective solstices
  1361. >Would that mean Luna turned into Nightmare Moon just because she wanted to have a big cock all year around?
  1363. ============================
  1365. >I think the best part about dickmares is estrus. Imagine a whole week where sex is celebrated and mares are free to flaunt their stuff in an aggressively sexual manner.
  1367. >Imagine trying to get any shopping done during that week. Just constantly being hit on and possibly molested on your way to the store
  1369. >You know how in some stores you can only use the bathroom if you buy something first? Imagine working a glory hole at a large store in Futaquestria during estrus, and your job is to give free blowjobs to paying customers. Some cheeky mares buy something really cheap like a pack of gum just so they can have you blow them. Also, the place has a 'customer is always right' policy, so you have to suck their cocks no matter how bad they smell or how big they are.
  1371. >Okay so like, you work at a truck stop gas station right? But it's filled with futamares and have to suck their grimey disgusting filthy horsecocks no matter the smell or something idk you decide why.
  1373. >you're a new hire but you've got a nack for cock cleaning. Imagine your shock when you go from the small sized stall to jumbo in just two week's time, who needs a jaw training period?
  1374. >pay's great, but you've spent more on antacids and pain meds than food this month. Not exactly fun to get your stomach essentially pumped three times an hour
  1376. ============================
  1378. >Anthro Futaquestria where all the mares are bottomless. They are so accustomed to the casual nudity that they don't even think about all the knee-slapping, musky cocks everyone is walking around with. A mare can even jerk off and cum all over the place without anyone batting an eye at the indulgence. That said, it is still scandalous for a mare to take off her top or two mares to have sex in public. Giving someone else a handjob is permissible although it might raise a few eyebrows.
  1380. ============================
  1382. >Princess Luna accidentally sends you a dick pic (she honestly meant to troll Celestia with it) and apologies awkwardly. You save it and ask her to send a few more. One hour and fifty dick pics later she invites you to come to the castle and take a closer look. An evening of passionate, royal cock worship ensues.
  1384. ============================
  1386. >Fluttershy being embarrassed about her big, frisky cock is cute. She's almost afraid to ask for your help with it even though you've never turned her down.
  1388. >"Um... excuse me Anon, I'm sorry but it's hard again. I know it's only been an hour, but... do you think you could... you know... please?"
  1390. ============================
  1392. >You're out scavaging the Equestrian wasteland then all of a sudden a bunch of futa raider mares get the jump on you and your brought over to their camp.
  1393. >The camp reeks of cum and musk, there's several puddles of cum on the ground. They put a collar on you claming you as their property. It was only then you realised how big these mares were, you were only at crotch height.
  1394. >One of the raiders grabs hold of your head and shoves it against her sweaty, grimy balls. It smells like it hasn't been washed in years. You get the memo and start licking her cock and balls clean, they also taste like they haven't been washed in years. Rinse and repeat for the next dozen of mares, all dirtier, sweatier and bigger than the last.
  1396. ============================
  1398. >You're snuggling lovingly with your marefriend in the same bed. It's so warm laying next to her, so comfy and toasty as you both fall asleep under the same blanket. You lazily drift off to sleep while she snores ever so softly right next to you. Moments later, you feel yourself pulled out of dream land because of the movement you feel on your legs and the rhythmic rustling you hear. Your eyes open and you realize something is pulling that heavenly blanket right off of you, exposing you to the cool air in the night.
  1400. >A gigantic throbbing tent pole is rising underneath the covers right in between your marefriend's thighs, pulling your blanket high into the air. >When it runs out of meat to erect, the flat bumpy tip of her humongous leathery horse penis balloons out into a flare twice as wide as the being shaft below it.
  1402. >You pre-emptively roll out of bed and grab a spare blanket. As what was once yours to share now belongs to her cock, and is getting progressively more soaked and sticky as it thrashes and fires off gobs of boiling hot nutsludge through the night.
  1404. ============================
  1406. >Working at the spa in Ponyville and your one job is to give 'happy endings' to the customers. After a customer has had her bath and massage, you crawl underneath her and use your hands, mouth, oils and toys to give her that extra bit of stress relief. Then she usually takes a nap.
  1408. ============================
  1410. >When you tell Rainbow Dash not to expect an amazing blowjob or even a mediocre one because you've never done this before...
  1411. >but if it's cool with her you'd like to practice on her everyday until you can give a mare a proper deepthroat.
  1413. ============================
  1415. >Be roommates with Berry Punch. When she's sober or just a little tipsy she's all prude and doesn't want to have sex. But when she's so drunk she can't even stand up (which happens a couple of times a week) she lets you suck her dick. She has a 50% chance of passing out mid-blowjob, though.
  1417. >positive reinforcement through mare dickings
  1419. ============================
  1421. >Morbidly obese futa princess Twilight Sparkle loves to sit on you all day and lay on you all night. When she's sleeping, eating, reading, holding court or whatever else. She only lets you out from underneath her for a couple of hours a day in total. She's so large others won't even notice you're there unless they look closely. So warm and perpetually sweaty it's like you're stuck in a sauna. So heavy you can't move a muscle and can barely even breathe. If it wasn't for the cushy mattress underneath you she'd literally crush you.
  1423. >She smothers your face with her musky balls, each the size of your head. When she wants to cum she uses her magic to guide the tip of her cock to your mouth, then rolls her fat hips once to shove the whole thing all the way down your throat. (Which is just about the only exercise she ever gets.) She then simply holds it there, too lazy to thrust more than once, making you do the rest of the work instead. Once you've sucked her dry with no choice but to swallow all of her thick, royal alicorn cum, her cock slowly goes soft and retracts into it's sheath while she lazily basks in her afterglow.
  1425. ============================
  1427. >You're forced to suck on pizza pones fat, greasy pepperoni cock
  1429. ============================
  1431. >You have a youtube account
  1432. >All you ever post are those poorly made 3am challenge videos
  1434. >At night you pull out your camera and start recording, blabbering on about Raid Shadow Legends until you hear a knock on the door
  1435. >Dammit the package was supposed to wait another 5 minutes while you talk about your sponsors to fit in as many ads as humanly possible and to get that 10 minute mark
  1436. >You open the door and saw a box about twice the height of you with a strong musky scent coming from it
  1437. >After dragging it in your house a dickmare jumped out of the box, you thought it was just your friend in a really convinving costume
  1438. >The first thing the mare does is snatch your camera off you and shove your head down into her balls while recording you
  1439. >The rest of the night involved you being ploughed by a dickmare twice your size while recording the entire time
  1440. >By morning the video had already been posted all across the internet
  1442. ============================
  1444. >Stay up late
  1445. >have some drinks with Luna
  1446. >Look up at the stars
  1447. >vision is quickly blocked by her dick
  1448. >End up full of princess spunk
  1449. Good date!
  1451. ============================
  1453. >Ask your favourite dominant futa mare to tie you up, ring gag you and take your oral virginity.
  1454. >Ask her to not be gentle. Go straight to deepthroating. Just fuck your face. Trial by fire.
  1455. >No pulling out until she's done. No stopping to let you have air. No concern for your comfort.
  1456. >Ignore any signals you make. Hold you down if you start to struggle. No safe word. No mercy.
  1457. >Take as long as she wants and shoot as many loads as she likes. Just pleasure herself with your throat.
  1458. >By the time you're done explaining what you want her to do, she's already rock hard and leaking precum.
  1459. >Say no more, you had her at 'oral virginity'. She drags you over to her room and ties you up on her bed.
  1461. >The moment her cock hits your throat, you regret every word you said. What the hell were you thinking!?
  1462. >Coughing and gagging, throat feeling like it's on fire, you already lost your one and only lungful of air.
  1463. >Instinctively struggling, you pull back and lean every which way trying to get her cock out of your throat.
  1464. >But it's no use, she tied you up good. Worse, she's firmly holding your neck in place with both hands.
  1465. >Moaning around her cock. Mentally begging her. You changed your mind. You can't take this. Please.
  1466. >But you know that even if she heard you, she wouldn't care. You explicitly made her promise not to.
  1467. >All you can do is whimper to yourself and hope she'll be done soon. Please don't be too frisky...
  1469. ============================
  1471. >you arrive in this strange land called equestria
  1472. >none of the colorful horses have ever seen anything like you
  1473. >word gets around until the princess summons you
  1474. >celestia loves having odd new creatures around. Especially ones she finds cute
  1475. >she gets pent up and demands you give her release
  1476. >you suck off her fat long cock as she cums down your throat she declares you her newest concubine
  1477. >new profession is to have your face act as a resting stool for her huge royal balls or having your throat be used as her cock sock
  1479. Anything to serve the monarchy.
  1481. >behind closed doors Luna and Celestia fight over you, fully erect tugging on your arms and flaring as they get so pent up and angry that they just bend you over and DP you until you all pass out
  1483. ============================
  1485. >Be Anon
  1486. >Be playing some vidya
  1487. >You die
  1488. >In a fit of rage you scream "FUCK ME GOD DAMMIT!"
  1489. >Not even a second later your dickmare room mates blast down your door with rock hard cocks
  1491. >You also happen to be live streaming at the time
  1493. >viewers skyrocket
  1494. >donations triple
  1496. >Anon is such a twitch thot he gets a 1 week ban instead of permaban
  1498. “That was against our terms of service but it was pretty hot though”
  1500. ============================
  1502. >be captured by changelings and brought before queen chrysalis
  1503. >she gloats for a few minutes and then demands that you suck her dick
  1504. >she thought you'd be disgusted, but to her surprise you go down on her like a pro
  1505. >you love her cock so much she can actually feed off of you sucking her off
  1506. >she gorges herself on your love but there's still way plenty left
  1507. >you barely even notice when the drones take turns feeding on you as well
  1508. >chrysalis has to hold back and resist the temptation to cum already
  1509. >only when every changeling has had their fill does she allow herself to nut
  1510. >she pins you down and fucks your throat, pumping your stomach full of royal yelly
  1511. >the afterglow combined with a food coma makes her pass out all relaxed and happy
  1512. >all the drones are asleep too, filled with more love than ever in their lives
  1513. >you could just walk out and leave, but you decide to stay with your new mistress
  1515. ============================
  1517. >futa mares have permanently erect cocks and endlessly backed up, needy balls
  1518. >they are always on the edge and can rub one out with just two or three good strokes
  1519. >they have the most amazingly powerful orgasms, looking almost like they're having a stroke
  1520. >their orgasms last for a whole minute and they pump out a gallon of cum each time
  1521. >they have no refractory period and can always rub out another orgasm when one ends
  1522. >even if they do nothing but jerk off and cum all day long their balls never run out of jizz
  1523. >they can sustain themselves indefinitely just by drinking their own cum
  1524. >every mare is addicted to the scent of her own musk and taste of her own cum
  1525. >it's not unusual for a mare to lock herself in her room for days on end, jerking and sucking herself off until she passes out from exhaustion, then getting right back to it the moment she wakes up
  1527. ============================
  1529. >Be Anon
  1530. >Have poner wife with big dick
  1531. >She wants to have baby
  1532. >She didn't pay attention in sex-ed on how baby is made
  1533. >Almost all her knowledge comes from porn
  1534. >She constantly watches stuff like "Big marecock breeding tight sissy stallion"
  1535. >She thinks that males get pregnant with the babies after getting fucked hard by dickmares
  1536. >She's been trying to impregnate you for months, but you don't have the heart to tell her that she's a dumbass
  1538. >she needs help with even the most basic things, like opening bags of snacks, showering and getting dressed
  1539. >she likes eating ice cream, watching cartoons and playing with toys made for little foals
  1540. >she can't understand why she shouldn't rub her dick in public no matter how many times you try to explain
  1541. >she often asks you to help rub her dick - or to stick it inside you - without realising how intimate that is
  1542. >if she's crying the quickest way to cheer her up is to blow her; ten seconds into it she forgets what she was sad about
  1544. ============================
  1546. >Be Anon
  1547. >Your best friend Rainbow Dash gave you VIP tickets to the next Wonderbolt show
  1548. >You come along backstage and get to personally meet all the Wonderbolts
  1549. >They're all hot and sweaty, from performing all day under the hot sun
  1550. >It's so fucking musky in here
  1551. >They pull off their uniforms, showing their massive, sweaty cock 'n' balls
  1552. >The next few hours of your life is spent on your knees cleaning every cock thrusted in your face, slurping every drop of sweat and cum and getting high off of maremusk
  1554. ============================
  1556. >Be Anon
  1557. >Get big sad in Futaquestria because you miss Earth for some reason
  1558. >Go to a therapist pone and get therapy from said pone
  1559. >The day arrives for your appointment, your therapist is a big, muscular, amazon pone with a big stinky cock that hasn't been washed in weeks
  1560. >Turns out you fucked up and signed in for an appointment with The Rapist instead of therapist
  1562. ============================
  1564. >Be Anon
  1565. >For the first time you decide to hit the gym
  1566. >Your futa pony bro is also there
  1567. >Spend all day working up a sweat, doing squats and stuff
  1568. >Your mare buddy is super sweaty and her clothes are completely soaked in mare sweat
  1569. >Being the good and amazing friend you are you ask mare buddy to give you her gym shorts and that you'll clean them later
  1570. >She gives them to you, her shorts are so wet from the sweat that it drenches your hand
  1571. >Go home with sweaty mare shorts and begin to burry your nose right where her cock was and inhale her scent
  1572. >Get high off it and decide to squeeze any remaining sweat in there into your mouth and drink her nut sweat.
  1573. >After slurping every ounce of sweat the shorts are now completely clean
  1574. >Give them back to mare buddy the next day. She has no idea about what you did to them
  1576. ============================
  1578. >pone gf is having medical problems.
  1579. >hasn't been able to maregasm in a 6 days.
  1580. >her giant leathery nutsack is bloated tight and is constantly shiny with dank musky sweat that drips like an IV.
  1581. >the sounds of her wet horsepussy beats periodically from her lips winking, begging for release.
  1582. >her bouncy crotch-juggs are tender, and her thick nipples are squinting milk when she tenses a certain way
  1583. >Her slimy cockmeat is getting more and more veins and you personally have to slurp up all the sweat from the folds in her sheath
  1585. >finally she's able to cum after rutting you like a mindless zombie for 4 hours
  1586. >you feel her powerful horse muscles tense
  1587. >she suddenly whinnys loud enough to make your ears ring
  1588. >her cock pulsates violently nonstop for her entire release
  1589. >she fills you with more semen than you've ever seen in your life
  1591. >you're overflowing body is ejaculated of her mighty penis.
  1592. >the tip of her horsecock will not stop growing
  1593. >it's ballooning out like an umbrella. twice the girth of her leg sized ponypenis
  1594. >the flare is so overblown that it hurts her immensely
  1595. >she loves pain
  1596. >the fleshy pipe sticking out of her flare doesn't stop spitting quarts of chunky pony jizz for another 5 minutes
  1597. >the whole time she slaps her belly with her hardon, thrusts her hips, stomps her hooves, and monologues nonsensically about how much she loves you!
  1599. ============================
  1601. >ponies have 'realistic' stamina in that, like real horses, they only last a few seconds before cumming
  1602. >even if they try to pace themselves the longest they can hold it back is a minute or two
  1603. >they still have huge horse dicks and balls with massive cumshots, though
  1604. >you're fuck buddies with pinkie pie and suck her dick whenever she wants, several times a day
  1605. >as far as you know, she hardly ever masturbates or fucks anyone else, your mouth is her go-to stress relief
  1606. >she does return the favor, letting you dick her however you want, but you're nowhere near as frisky as her
  1607. >most days you're happy just to give her head, you love giving it to her and she knows it
  1608. >she's so quick it's not a big deal anyway, you don't even need to stop for air
  1609. >her envy at your stamina is cancelled out by her smugness at having bigger and friskier cock and balls
  1610. >you have an understanding: you don't make fun of her poor stamina and she doesn't make fun of your tiny cock
  1611. >not much anyway, you sometimes catch her suppressing a giggle when your dicks are close enough for comparison
  1612. >one day pinkie clones herself with the mirror pool and accidentally causes some havoc around town
  1613. >twilight makes most of the hundreds of clones return to the mirror pool afterwards
  1614. >pinkie quite liked having clones of herself though, so she begs twilight to let her keep a few
  1615. >twilight begrudgingly lets pinkie keep two dozen clones, if she promises not to cause any more havoc
  1616. >the pinkies have to buy a new house since they can't all live in sugarcube corner
  1617. >all the clones are just as frisky as the original pinkie, and insist on getting blowjobs from you
  1618. >you're happy to oblige, although sucking all these delicious pink schlongs ruins your schedule
  1619. >they only need a minute or so each per round, but it adds up to several hours a day
  1620. >the pinkies let you stay with them so you can quit your job and suck their dicks full time
  1621. >they even give you an allowance, one bit per blowjob, which actually adds up to more than your old salary
  1622. >you can't tell the pinkies apart, and they won't tell you which one is the original
  1623. >it doesn't matter though, you love all of them and their dicks, and they love you
  1625. ============================
  1627. >Get kidnapped by a futa mare
  1628. >Be locked in her basement tied to a chain
  1629. >She puts a collar on you and takes all your clothes, leaving you naked
  1630. >She whips out her dick and says "It's feeding time!"
  1631. >Her dick is covered in smegma, sweat and even some fungus is growing on it
  1632. >The smell causes you to gag, if just the smell was unbearable just imagine the taste
  1633. >Your stomach growls, it's been who-knows-how-long you've last eaten
  1634. >Slowly, you pull your tongue out and start licking
  1635. >It's fucking awful and the smell didn't help at all
  1636. >You lick up all her smeg off her dirty smelly marecock and swallow all of it
  1637. >You want to throw up but you're afraid of what she'll do to you when you do
  1638. >Proceed to spend a long amount of time under her filthy cock, licking up any traces of smeg and sweat and swallowing them
  1640. ============================
  1642. >Be you, waking up in the morning
  1643. >Smell the delicious scent of bacon
  1644. >Is my mare making breakfast, just for me?!
  1645. >come to the kitchen
  1646. >see her wearing your favorite apron
  1647. >'Kiss the cock'
  1648. >Classic
  1649. >"I'm making pancakes and bacon for you honey
  1650. No way, you're following my recipe?
  1651. >"Sure am. Here, eat these"
  1652. >I made them with extra Love"
  1653. Extra eh? A secret ingredient
  1654. >"You could say that"
  1655. >You dig in with your syrup and tall glass of mare milk saved up from that one session
  1656. >You take one big bite of the fluffy pillowy cakes
  1657. >They taste... familiar
  1658. Don't tell me, you shouldn't have
  1659. >I did, and I do. what do you think
  1660. I love you even more
  1661. >"Just you saying that makes me so excited"
  1662. >Kinky kitchen sex with your futa mare ensues.
  1664. ============================
  1666. You've been living in Futaquestria for a couple of months when one day you have the pleasure of meeting Princess Celesita at a public event. The conversation goes well at first, but then you make one harmless little joke about her considerable weight.
  1668. You promptly get sentenced to 100 hours of 'community service' for your insolence and dragged away by guards. Specifically, you're put in a stockade for 12 hours a day and forced to suck any marecock shoved in your face. There's practically a queue of mares waiting to use your mouth all day long. More than a few have questionable hygiene, but you can't deny any of them. When you're not in the stockade you're kept in a jail cell, where the guards put your mouth to good use from time to time even though they're supposed to leave you be.
  1670. After choking on countless marecocks and chugging your own weight in horse jizz for over a week, a guard shows up during your 'shift' and informs you that your original sentence is up. Unfortunately, you've done such a good job the citizens signed a petition to have your sentence extended. Princess Celestia in her eternal benevolence approved their request. The guard then promptly shoves her cock down your throat before you can object or ask for details.
  1672. ============================
  1674. I wonder the short and long terms effects of marecum on anons... does it make them thicker? does it have some kind of slutification effect? does it cause addiction?
  1675. ... what about "slutty marks"? humans living long enough with ponies in the magical land of (futa)Equestria to earn a magical mark on their ass, like the ponies...
  1676. What kind of slutty mark do you think you will have, what will make you special?
  1678. ============================
  1680. >Remember to follow Sharmor's example: as a husband, you're responsible for taking care of your wife's needs in every way possible. Including getting rammed in the ass by her long and hard shaft.
  1682. ============================
  1684. >Converting a fat-dicked futanari Tempest from a life of soldiery to that of a loving wife and mother through the power of friendship
  1686. ============================
  1688. >Marewife marks your neck with a marker
  1689. >Each tick on the ruler gets a black line across your esophagus
  1690. >No big deal, you can wear a turtleneck tomorrow
  1691. >The thought of seeing your throat bulge from her sizeable cock had made her diamond-hard
  1692. >Her magic kept you both safe and tight
  1693. >She needed to ease her way in
  1694. >Each push a little harder, each time getting a little further down
  1695. >She had to stop twice, shivering and quaking all the while
  1696. >You felt the vibrations through her dick
  1697. >She scolded you for being too good at this
  1698. >You massaged her cutie mark in reply
  1699. >You could tell it was taking a lot of discipline not to blow her load right there
  1700. >But she wanted to get as deep as possible
  1701. >And that she did
  1702. >Your vision was blotted out by her pendulous nuts
  1703. >Your nose was hit with a wave of your wife's pleasant, signature musk
  1704. >Her testes swung, booping your snoot
  1705. >She lightly traced a hoof where the tip of her marecock was in your throat
  1706. >You squeezed her butt, letting her know how much you loved her
  1707. >She groaned, and your throat bulged with pony cum
  1708. >Wave after incredible wave of mare spunk flooded your stomach
  1709. >It was the perfect amount of filling
  1710. >Pleasantly full and warm
  1711. >Carefully, she slid her cock out an inch at a time, gasping each time her sensitive flesh hit another bump
  1712. >You coughed as she finally exited
  1713. >A trail of translucent semen dribbled on the bridge of your nose
  1714. >You asked if she enjoyed that
  1715. >Your mare didn't respond
  1716. >She moved down your neck, kissing and licking the spot where the tip of her thick rod spewed its load towards your stomach
  1717. >With a wink, she then moved down to your own dick and opened her mouth
  1719. ============================
  1721. >Feminization is Fluttershy's biggest kink but she's too much of a doormat to do force it onto you. Imagine her shock when you show up at her door all prettied up, wearing a short skirt, long sockies, in frilly undies and with your ass plugged, your raging boner desperately trying to break free from your undies and already spilling some pre.
  1723. ============================
  1725. >be anon at the local strip club
  1726. >see qt futamare showing off her assets
  1727. >her moves are almost entrancing and your head follows her as she swings around
  1728. >though, you can't take your eyes off the bulge in her panties
  1729. >you decide you want to take a closer look at what she's packing
  1730. >you walk up on stage and surprise her by fondling her nuts and groping her tits from behind
  1731. >she's startled at first, but doesn't seem to mind your intrusion
  1732. >you reach a hand into her panties and grab the base of her stiffening shaft and give it a nice squeeze
  1733. >you can actually feel her heart pumping blood into it in sync with her heartbeat
  1734. >your other hand slips under her top and you pinch one of her nips, causing a bit of milk to leak out
  1735. >if things keep escalating like you hope they do, that won't be the only "milk" she's going to leak out tonight
  1736. >you start grinding your hips against that plump bubble butt, your raging boner rubs against her asscrack through your pants
  1737. >her cock is now at full mast and no longer can be contained by her tiny panties
  1738. >god she's hung, the tip almost reaches the bottom of her milkers
  1739. >she'd easily be able to fuck her own tits if she tried sucking herself off
  1740. >you can't contain yourself any longer, you must breed this slut in front of everyone
  1741. >people have started to gather around and quite the modest audience has formed
  1742. >it's show time
  1743. >you bend her over slightly on the pole, and yank down her panties to reveal her winking cunt and puffy little ponut
  1744. >quickly, you unzip your pants and take your cock out, aiming it carefully at your slick target
  1745. >you gently rub your tip around the labia and against her winking clit
  1746. >slowly, you hilt inside her, feeling her up as you go
  1747. >her pussy feels warm and surprisingly tight, she must not get much mileage out of it
  1748. >thrusting in and out of her cozy tunnel, you watch as her massive cock dangles up and down in harmony with your thrusting
  1750. >quickening up you pace, you hear her moaning turn into shallow breaths
  1751. >you can see the tip of her cock start to swell and dribble a lot of pre
  1752. >she's close, and so are you, you won't be able to last much longer ravaging her tight cunt
  1753. >with all your might you bury your cock as deep as it'll go inside her love tunnel in one final thrust
  1754. >spurt after spurt of creamy hot cum paint the walls of her womb white
  1755. >the sensation of getting her womb filled is more than enough to send her over the edge too
  1756. >you feel her inner walls convulsing and watch in awe as thick ropes of cum shoot out her flared tip, showering your little audience
  1757. >the sheer volume of her orgasm absolutely dwarfs yours
  1758. >you reach out and grab one of her nuts in your hand, massaging it a little
  1759. >you can actually feel her balls churning out load after load of jizz
  1760. >after enjoying the afterglow slumped over her quivering body, you slowly pull out
  1761. >as you do, a small trail of still hot cum follows, the lewd sight almost enough to make you pop a semi again
  1762. >you lie down on the floor, completely drained
  1763. >to your surprise, the mare turns around, and flashes you a sly smile
  1764. >"Wew, that was an intense little ride, you filled me up good."
  1765. >"Are you ready for round two, stud?"
  1766. >as she finishes that phrase, you lower your gaze down to her crotch
  1767. >she's fully erect already, futamares are known for their stamina, but you din't think they'd be able to recover that fast
  1768. >you look back at her eyes and simply nod, too exhausted to reply
  1769. >you'll be riding her meat for the rest of the night, not that you're really one to complain, you just hope you can wash off the scent of mare cum off afterwards
  1771. ============================
  1773. >She pulls her flared cock from your ruined anus
  1774. >Before her cum gushes out of you, she plugs your hole with a golden jewelled plug with 'Property of Princess Celestia' written on its back
  1775. >"Now you're my little mare, Anon"
  1776. > You just stand there, bent over with your chastised cock dripping on the floor
  1777. "Thank you, my princess"
  1778. My number 1 fantasy involving marecock
  1779. Sometimes I wish I wasnt born as a 100% sub, it would be so much easier if I could just be a dominant normalfag dudebro
  1781. >God, I just want Celly to put me in a full nelson and pound my prostate till she pumps my belly full with her divine essence.
  1783. >get sent to Futaquestria as an emissary
  1784. >supposed to negotiate trade deals with the royal sisters
  1785. >right in the middle of talks they pull out their cocks
  1786. >they just sit there, all coy and nonchalant, while their massive meatpoles stand tall and proud
  1787. >can't keep your eyes of them
  1788. >they just looks so...big and juicy
  1789. >long and girthy, and dripping with thick, viscous pre
  1790. >they're sacks are equally large, each the size of cannon balls, and no doubt churning with gallons of hot, gooey seed
  1791. >you can feel your mouth water and your pants tighten as your own cock springs to life
  1792. >you didn't even realize you had moved until you were kneeling between them, their musky privates right in your face
  1793. >they snickered and shoved their flares right up to your face
  1794. >your nose was assaulted by their over powering musk and their pre was being smeared all over your face
  1795. >you stuck your tongue to get a test
  1796. >after that everything gets...fuzzy
  1797. >for the next few hours the audience chamber where the negotiations were being held was filled with the sounds of wet slapping and moans of ecstasy
  1798. >by the time it was over your covered head to toe win their sweet, creamy loads
  1799. >your belly was so full of their cum you looked like your pregnant with twins
  1800. >and in your fuck addled state you had agreed to their every term
  1801. >henceforth, any human that entered Equestria could be claimed by any dickmare that desired them
  1802. >the sister thanked you for your cooperation and gave assurances that this would be the start of beautiful relationship between mankind and ponykind
  1803. >as they left you could hear Celestia call out to someone, but your mind was still too fogged by the post sex bliss to make it out
  1804. >you could multiple hoofsteps approaching you
  1805. >you lifted your head from the puddle of marecum you were lying in to see the Elements of Harmony, plus Princess Cadance, standing above you, cocks at the ready
  1806. >it seems your diplomatic duties aren't over yet
  1808. >I think a rape session with Princess Celestia should also always involve getting ball gagged and spanked hard, while being ordered to count a set number of hits, starting again everytime you vocalize a number inaudibly.
  1810. ============================
  1812. >but ponies are so cute! imagine getting your brains fucked out by an adorable innocent creature like that. you'd look absolutely pathetic getting bent over by a mare 1/3rd your size! or if you'd rather be the one doing the fucking she'd look even more beautiful after you fucked her so hard she nutted all over tiny face with that big cock of hers.
  1814. >every "man" needs to be put in his place by a cute, giggly mare less than half his size. i bet most of the worlds problems would dissapear if the right people got pounded by some mares with fat, meaty horsecocks
  1816. ============================
  1818. >I want to bully Diamond Tiara and her huge cock until she snaps and breeds me with it.
  1819. >ywn have a dom sex fight with Diamond Tiara
  1820. >ywn rub a big load of her
  1821. >she will never pound your ass in response
  1823. ============================
  1825. >be anon
  1826. >you'd say something right now but you were kinda busy
  1827. >you were sorta in this competition with your wife
  1828. >noting major just cock sucking
  1829. >you were confident you had this in the bag
  1830. >back on earth a bunch of dudes on the mongolian basket forums had called you a faggot all the time
  1831. >you laid on top of your mare greedily gulping away at your favorite snack
  1832. >however your focus began to drift to her sack
  1833. >two perfectly shaped orbs filled with spunk
  1834. >you had always loved how they dangled behind her at home with her tail hiked up
  1835. >you began to go cross eyed focusing on them
  1836. >shit
  1837. >your mare had started swirling her tongue around your cock head
  1838. >she alternated between that and tongue punching your sensitive urethra
  1839. >fucking pony tongues you might lose!
  1840. >you felt close
  1841. >shit
  1842. >you had an idea
  1843. >was it cheating?
  1844. >didn't matter gotta win
  1845. >redoubling your efforts with your mouth you grabbed her sack with a hand and squeezed firmly
  1846. >your wife began to emit whimpering noises between her gulping noises
  1847. >her powerful hind legs locked around your head
  1848. >she hit your side with her front hoof, an obvious suggestion to cut it out
  1849. >too late!
  1850. >her dam burst and she flooded your mouth with sweet nectar
  1851. >torrents of spunk fruitlessly tried to impregnate your throat
  1852. >rope after rope into your gullet
  1853. >your hand cajoling more and more from the baby factory connected to your wife
  1854. >your belly swelled satisfyingly
  1855. >victory.png
  1857. >one week later still feeling smug about your win
  1858. >wife challenges you again
  1859. >figure you could probably win this one with no hands this time
  1860. >wife's on top
  1861. >you've barely started worshiping her cock when she takes yours to the hilt
  1862. >something's off
  1863. >suddenly you feel it all at once
  1864. >your vision goes white and you cum on the spot harder than you ever had in your life
  1865. >it all goes straight to your wife's stomach
  1866. >now its her turn to look pregnant
  1867. >you're still cumming
  1868. >wife's cock still in mouth you notice two potions on the counter from where she had prepared drinks earlier
  1869. >son of a bitch those were fertility potions!
  1870. >her stomach is so full it lifts her hooves off the ground
  1871. >you become completely pinned by her sloshing gut
  1872. >all you could hear from her are loud gulping noises
  1873. >you wanted to be mad but you couldn't
  1874. >her throat was made for your cock, it was like heaven
  1875. >you never wanted to stop cumming
  1876. >she had a way of getting back at you for cheating but Celestia you loved this mare
  1877. >defeat.jpeg
  1879. ============================
  1881. >"R-Really?"
  1882. "Yes, really."
  1883. >"Humans don't have cocks this big?"
  1884. "Twi, we've been over this. Women here don't have them."
  1885. >"I remember, but still..."
  1886. "No, guys aren't that big either."
  1887. "Not even close."
  1888. "Honest-to-God, Twi, you probably have the biggest dick in the world right now."
  1889. >"Wow."
  1890. "For a human, anyway. Definitely for a girl."
  1891. >"It just, you know, kinda looks smaller..."
  1892. "Twi, I measured it three times already. Not that I needed to."
  1893. "I'm pretty damn familiar with what you're packing."
  1894. >"Heh, yeah... I guess you would be."
  1895. "Same size as your pony-self."
  1896. "Just, you know, on a human. The rest of you's bigger."
  1897. >"This is so exciting! I've never set a world record before!"
  1898. "Just keep Celly and Luna away from the portal and you'll keep the title."
  1899. >"..."
  1900. >"Now that I think about it, it feels kinda heavy."
  1901. >"It's so weird not having a sheathe."
  1902. >"I guess the flare's kinda still there."
  1903. "You done?"
  1904. >"Yeah, that's enough note-taking for now."
  1905. >"I've been itching to fuck you since we got here."
  1906. >"What do you say, stud?"
  1907. >"Think you can handle my record-breaking dick?"
  1908. "Probably not."
  1909. "But that won't stop me from trying."
  1911. Of course!
  1912. >Twilight's the element of magic.
  1913. >Making a potion so you could safely have sex was one of the first things she did when you officially started dating.
  1914. >It was something she dreamed of finally doing all through her studies under Celestia.
  1915. >It's quite normal for interspecies relationships to need such magic.
  1916. >Ponies have such large cocks it would be irresponsible not to.
  1917. >That, and why wouldn't you want your partner as tight as when you first started making love?
  1918. >It took some warming up.
  1919. >You weren't familiar with how magic worked, so there was a lot of trepidation on your part.
  1920. >The unicorn's marecock was a battering ram compared to a normal human's.
  1921. >But before long you and Twilight Sparkle were spending every night together.
  1922. >The shy bookworm was as insatiable as you.
  1923. >Your love was so passionate you both felt empty when you were apart.
  1924. >After a morning of intense lovemaking on Hearts and Hooves day, you joked that Twilight should have been the princess of love.
  1925. >A week later and... well...
  1926. >Princess of Friendship. Close enough.
  1927. >Boy, did it come with an upgrade.
  1928. >Her already sizeable shaft was now the biggest and thickest in Ponyville.
  1929. >Her balls increased in size and could churn out load after incredible load.
  1930. >And her stamina was twice what it used to be.
  1931. >But her love for you?
  1932. >Nothing was stronger than that.
  1934. ============================
  1936. >that's because she already shared her love inside you <3
  1937. w-while i was sleeping?
  1939. she doesn't even need your consent in dreams...
  1940. that's why you don't remember some dreams, she erases it to cover her dubiously consensual fucks and she keeps doing again and again... when was the last time you remembered what you dreamed?
  1942. >wake up
  1943. >your ass feels sore... again
  1944. >a massive creampie is leaking from it... again
  1945. >its gotten so bad, you have to give yourself an enema every morning to clean out all this spunk
  1946. >during the day you now have to wear fat buttplugs to keep your gaping ass closed
  1947. >somehow new, bigger plugs have appeared on your nightstand
  1948. >whoever it is, really takes care of you and the sideffects of all this affection
  1949. i wouldnt mind if she revealed herself to me but even gettign fucked while asleep and having my prostate milked without em noticing sounds hot and lewd
  1951. ============================
  1953. >I enjoy the headcanon that Diamond Tiara HAS reformed, but is also still kind of a massive bitch who is instinctively driven to dominate everyone around her. She can control that impulse in public, but in private, what she really wants is a boyfriend she can rape into the fucking ground.
  1955. ============================
  1957. >I wish I had money so I could commission a comic of futa Sweetie Belle knocking up Rarity.
  1959. >Like, it starts with Sweetie Belle jacking off while spying on Rarity while she masturbates. Rarity catches Sweetie Belle, says not to do it again. Sweetie Belle does but gets caught, Rarity realizes Sweetie Belle can’t help herself so she lets Sweetie Belle watch.
  1960. >Eventually that turns into Rarity and Sweetie Belle masturbating together, with Sweetie Belle wanting to hear more about sex. This culminates with Rarity sucking off Sweetie Belle’s mare cock, first just as a “One Time Thing” then it just starts happening all the time.
  1961. >After moving onto mutual masturbating and shared oral sex, Rarity gets real drunk one night and decides it’s time she needs to get fucked, and lets Sweetie Belle mount her saying it’s a one time thing, but the two of them fuck multiple times with Sweetie Belle cumming inside every time that night.
  1962. >Again, what was suppose to be limited just turns into normal, with Rarity letting Sweetie Belle fuck her raw every night, until Rarity’s baby bump starts to show, and they scramble to find a way to hide the fact Rarity is carrying her own niece while still fucking.
  1964. ============================
  1966. >You gotta be a strange kind of mare to get off to pics of small dicked, hairless, monkeys. Even if they were real there's no way they'd agree to practically being torn in two by a cock much bigger than their own.
  1968. ============================
  1970. >"Oh no, Anon!"
  1971. >"Looks like there's no more room to sit on your bench."
  1972. >"My lap, however..."
  1974. ============================
  1976. >be Anon with /mcg/ gf
  1977. >she insists on equal give and take in the bedroom
  1978. >quickly find that you're never able to keep going on the nights when you ride her first
  1979. >she acts disappointed but you can see the satisfied glint in her eyes when she drains your dick without touching it
  1980. >still, you want to keep at least some even footing
  1981. >or hooving
  1982. >you train your body and mind, start carbo loading like you're about to run a marathon, and maybe look around for some stamina potions
  1983. >some weeks later
  1984. >after a hard round of her on top, she pulls out and jokingly asks if you're up for your turn
  1985. >flip her over and go to work
  1986. >the surprise helps and you manage to get her off again before you finish
  1987. >you can't exactly wring her out the way she does to you, but it was the first time you'd successfully followed up after she went first
  1988. >you collapse next to her, watching her pant and space out at the ceiling, satisfied with your performance
  1989. >then she sits right back up, no worse for wear
  1990. >she climbs back onto you and nuzzles your ear
  1991. "Looks like I can stop holding back, huh?"
  1993. >it's been a while since then
  1994. >by human standards, you'd become a machine
  1995. >but every time you break through a wall, she's back up in no time ready to return the favor
  1996. >you'll probably never truly match her stamina
  1997. >but damn was it fun to try
  1999. ============================
  2001. >or you get woekn up with her already stuff again, slowly pumping in and out of you
  2002. >"Rise and shine, anon!"
  2003. >"I've already gotten a head start, hope you don't mind."
  2004. >"We've got a loooong day ahead of us."
  2006. ============================
  2008. >I want the CMC to be my futa girlfriends and practically drag me to their clubhouse after school every day so they can fuck my brains out for hours.
  2009. >>instead of being bullied by diamond tiara and silverspoon, you get intercepted after school by the CMCs to have your asshole roughed up
  2011. ============================
  2013. >Nightmare Night
  2014. >those assholes ran ahead of me
  2015. >whatever, they missed a house anyway
  2016. >it’s even advertising full sized candy bars
  2017. >or whatever they meant by “extra large”
  2018. >I’m so gonna rub it in their faces when I catch up
  2019. >”Trick or tr-!”
  2020. “Oh my! What a cute little thing you are. Were those your friends that ran by?”
  2021. >”Uh...”
  2022. “How cruel of them to leave you behind. Why don’t you come inside? I’ve got some tricks and treats to make you feel better.”
  2023. >”Uhh...”
  2025. >it was way past curfew when I got home
  2026. >but she called home and let my parents know
  2027. >and gave me a bunch of candy
  2028. >I wasn’t really hungry anymore though
  2030. ============================
  2032. >Would you fuck a rich, bitchy futa mare who sighed in exasperation and complained about how you were somehow even worse than her husband at this?
  2033. >And, after she had a quick, weak little orgasm and told you to fuck off and never bother her again, only to come back next week and just as bluntly and haughtily told you she was horny again and you'd just have to suffice...
  2035. >Would you go for round two?
  2037. ============================
  2039. "Aw, crap. Looks like I'm a few bits short for the pizza. I don't suppose you take credit?"
  2040. >"I'm afraid not, sir."
  2041. "Can you send me a bill for it?"
  2042. >"Nope, sorry."
  2043. "Put it on my tab?"
  2044. >"That neither."
  2045. "How about I suck your dick for it?"
  2046. >"Now we're talking."
  2048. >>"Look, dude, we're not poor, you don't need an excuse to suck the pink party dick- just fucking ask her, goddamn."
  2050. ============================
  2052. >be roommates with Floor Bored, both of us are NEET
  2053. >she sits in front of her computer all day, shitposting and eating junk food
  2054. >i do what few chores there are to do, like grocery shopping and taking out the trash
  2056. >her diet and lack of exercise makes her fat, but i try to stay somehwat in shape
  2057. >she never washes herself, and her cock and balls produce filth at an alarming rate
  2058. >much like how Pinkie's mane goes back to being puffy if you try to comb it, Floorb's cock stays filthy no matter how much you try to clean it
  2060. >she's very frisky, so i spend most of my time under her desk, worshipping her deliciously filthy cock
  2061. >i lick the smegma off of her cock, suck the sweat off of her balls, swallow her cum and even let her piss down my throat
  2062. >her cock stench is so overwhelmingly potent that the one time we opened a window, the neighbours complained about the smell
  2064. >despite how rude she is to other people on the internet and how much she swears, she's always nice to me
  2065. >she's content to just let me do my thing under the table, but she's not above grabbing my head and facefucking me when she's about to cum
  2066. >she always thanks me after cumming or pissing in my mouth ("ahh, thanks bro i needed that...") and she likes to snuggle and be sappy when we go to sleep together in our bed ("i love ya, my little faget...")
  2068. ============================
  2070. >Rarity hires you to babysit Sweetie for the night while shoe goes out with the rest of the Mane 6
  2071. >she forgot to mention that Sweetie's started puberty and is currently in that phase where young fillies become insatiable, hormone driven fuck machines
  2072. >Rarity won't be back till at least midnight
  2073. >better pray you have enough endurance to survive the next six hours
  2075. ============================
  2077. >put a buttplug up her ponut that is connected to a hornring and turns it invisible. everyone around her will think her ass is just every so slightly gaping unless she wears hot underwear i had her design just for this
  2078. >have her connect a dildo and fleshlight so when she wears both, it feels like she is fucking herself
  2079. >put some very slowly expanding urethral beads down her marecock that feed on her arousal and convert it into vibrations
  2080. >have her wear cute sundresses over this, so noone is able to tell what is going on underneath and how close she is kept on edge all the time
  2081. >take her out for long strolls through the park or luncheons in posh restaurant just the way she used to like it
  2082. >once we are home again, have her assume "the postion" on the bed with all her legs spraled out around her and her throbbing cock down below her
  2083. >once i checked that she is in position, i just go do something else for a few minutes... maybe an hour with measures in place that will alert me if she moves
  2084. >come back and start to tease her
  2085. >massage and grope her fat balls like one would womens breasts
  2086. >remove the fleshlight/dildo-combo and use a magicwand to tease her bits but leave the beads inside, making it impossible for her to cum
  2087. >pull out her buttplug and fuck her punot that is desperate to be filled and squeezes down on anything that enters
  2088. >once i finish, i put the toys back in place with her desperate for release, babbling utter nonsense and eventually starting to cry
  2089. >leave her alone again, knowing that she could release herself but under threat that you would leave her
  2090. >come back an hour later with her usually calmed down and ready an intimate shower
  2091. >gently massage her afterwards and comb her hair with anything else she may need as aftercare
  2092. >got to bed with your fidgeting flaremare in your arms, still slowly leaking arousal out of her stuffed cock and pussy
  2093. >keep telling her this is her place as she falls asleep
  2095. >>"How long can she take this before she can't control it anymore and cums so hard that her cock beads shoot out with extreme force?"
  2096. >whenever i deem she has earned it. the beads would have 4 straps attached to it, going down the cock and be fixed to a tightly strapped down cockring
  2097. >her thick, leathery, mostly white with black splotches at the base and tip tool can stay like this for months, thanks to research into hygienic magic invested before
  2098. >back then, she thought it was for a few kinky analgames... nothing she would have ever said no to...
  2099. >imagine strapping her down on her back, with her legs in an x-shape again
  2100. >you settle youf finger down at the tip, and slowly follow the beads down
  2101. >even now you can feel them vibrate below the flesh, with rarity pulling on her binding, her pleading muffled by a ballgag
  2102. >you do this for however long you feel like, she has no say on the matter
  2103. what would she have to do for you to deem that she has earned her release? frankly i cant think of anything right now... and it simply is too much fun to bring her to tears simply with playing with her lovely shaft
  2105. ============================
  2107. >You and Twi visited earth.
  2108. >Wanted to meet your parents before you get married.
  2109. >She was still monstrously hung, despite turning into a human.
  2110. >You learned the hard way that human hormones really drove her wild.
  2111. >She didn't want to go back until you two did some extensive testing.
  2113. ============================
  2115. > Meet a pair of futa pony sisters on a goodwill trip / extended vacation to Earth
  2116. > They're each fucking adorable
  2117. > Immediately hit it off, in a non-sexual way
  2118. > All those rumors about futa mares being hyper-sexed up lunatics is pretty much total BS as far as you can tell
  2119. > They're just really nice, likeable girls
  2120. > Who happen to be ponies
  2121. > With massive dicks
  2122. > One day they decide yoga sounds like fun and convince you to come give it a shot with them
  2123. > Evidently they're a little worked up
  2124. > This, in combination with tight-fitting clothes and exaggerated poses, results in an embarrassing accident
  2125. > They really are just normal girls
  2126. > .... Most of the time
  2128. ============================
  2130. >You watched the man walk out with his borrowed books.
  2131. >He looked for books twice a week and was always punctual, coming in just as the library opens.
  2132. >A stallion version of you, in that regard.
  2133. >Hungry to learn about the "incredible world of Equestria,"
  2134. >Not even you were that enthusiastic about history in school.
  2135. >Then again, you weren't sucked into another world like he was.
  2136. >You said your goodbyes.
  2137. >"I always look forward to seeing you, Anon!"
  2138. "Aw, thanks Twilight."
  2139. >Aw, yeah...
  2140. >He upgraded from a headpat to an ear rub that time.
  2141. >Certainly not the standard way of waving goodbye, but he was from a different culture.
  2142. >Headpats are probably his way of doing it!
  2143. >You watched him leave and hummed in approval as he got to the front door.
  2144. >Rarity had done wonders with those jeans of his.
  2145. >Your "Id" throbbed below you.
  2146. >You almost called out.
  2147. >But a moment of rational thinking told you to act otherwise.
  2148. >Give it time.
  2149. >You'll ask him out eventually.
  2150. >Him upgrading to an ear scratch was a sign the relationship was blossoming well, you wagered.
  2151. >But it still didn't take care of your problem.
  2152. >A friendship problem.
  2153. >Could it even be called that?
  2154. >Your morning wood was stiff as ever.
  2155. >Something about that human...
  2156. >He did strange things to your body.
  2157. >You licked your lips just thinking about bedding him.
  2158. >He was probably hung, himself.
  2159. >For a biped anyway.
  2160. >You shook your head to clear your thoughts, realizing where you were going.
  2161. >Ugh, you could never think clear when you were horny.
  2162. >You weren't Rainbow Dash, bedding anypony that showed a wink of interest, you were trying to find true love!
  2163. >After checking on Spike, you were happy to see your little brother was sound asleep in the loft.
  2164. >Good.
  2165. >You could better get into your "sessions" that way.
  2166. >You levitated your favorite sex toy over and went back downstairs.
  2167. >Nopony else came into the library this early. You'd be fine.
  2168. >You spread your legs and pressed the toy to your colossal prick.
  2169. >And thrust.
  2170. >Human love soon™.
  2172. ============================
  2174. > Alicorns are inconsistent about heat
  2175. > In Celestia's case, she DOES have an estrus cycle, but only goes into heat about once every hundred years
  2176. > Tends to spend roughly the next month raping her way through all of Equestria when she does
  2177. > Plenty willingly, even eagerly present themselves to worship her divinity
  2178. > She enjoys that
  2179. > But sometimes, she likes it when they struggle a bit, too
  2180. > The best towns though, are always the ones with a good mix of pony races
  2181. > There's nothing quite like bouncing up and down on the cock of a well-hung earth pony stallion, while a pegasus desperately jackhammers her asshole and she sucks on a telekinesis-held unicorn like a lollipop
  2182. > For mares, the most important thing is their voice
  2183. > There's nothing quite like the moaning of an earth mare stretched out on her shaft or the cute, squealing, orgasmic cries of a unicorn as she pumps them full of royal seed, a pegasus tongue eagerly worshiping her nuts
  2184. > Once Celestia gets going, she'll never settle for less than seeing thirty or forty mares insensate and twitching on the ground, bloated with her cum
  2185. > The stallions wind up much the same, but drained completely dry instead, her body effortlessly taking everything they have to give and demanding still more
  2186. > And for the lucky few who manage to thoroughly please the princess, they will be rewarded by a permanent transformation of their own, that they may serve their goddess all over again in a new capacity
  2188. > In time, being a futa mare becomes something of a badge of honor in society
  2189. > An indicator of someone who has proudly served the Princess and been recognized as worthy of becoming something greater
  2190. > It doesn't hurt that they are almost universally gorgeous, either
  2191. > Not every futa mare has been with Celestia though, it's a trait that can be passed on to offspring as well
  2192. > In time, the number of futa ponies begins to slowly but steadily grow
  2194. ============================
  2196. >be cartoon supervillain
  2197. >decide a marecock-filled world is a superior world
  2198. >but passing to offspring and once per century chances aren’t fast enough
  2199. >develop a “””poison””” that will induce heat
  2200. >pull off a contrived heist to get it into the royal cake
  2201. >the princess says she’s on a diet btw
  2202. >liar
  2203. >you remember watching gleefully as she takes a bite
  2204. >and that’s all you remember
  2205. >wake up an unspecified time later in a pile of stuffed and newly ascended ponies
  2206. >with some changes to your own body, to your glee
  2207. >but you’re promptly put in chains
  2208. >turns out you shouldn’t have shouted your entire plan within earshot of the kitchen staff
  2209. >Celestia seems to have put together some cloning magic to help deal with this artificial heat
  2210. >you receive updates on her current whereabouts from the guard near your cell
  2211. >after several months of multiple Celestias fucking everyone they could find, pretty much everyone that wanted to transform did
  2212. >aside from some exhaustion and dehydration, the princess is fine
  2213. >with that crisis over, it was time for your trial
  2214. >well, it would be if it weren’t for the crowds of protestors calling for your pardon
  2215. >Celestia wasn’t about to argue, too far gone in some collective years’ worth of afterglow
  2216. >sent home without even a slap on the wrist
  2217. >be supervillain
  2218. >except you’re actually a hero
  2220. ============================
  2222. > "Golly, Anon.... you wouldn't rape a sweet, innocent, cute little filly like me senseless, now would you?"
  2223. > "And you definitely wouldn't GET raped senseless by such a cute, innocent, weak little filly like me, right? That would just be sooooooo pathetic!"
  2225. ============================
  2227. > Get fucked by the entire CMC
  2228. > Start showing signs of pregnancy soon thereafter
  2229. > They all start taking bets about whose foal it will actually wind up being
  2231. Applebloom
  2232. > Very family oriented
  2233. > Earth pony stamina and girth
  2234. > Will constantly tell you to get back in the kitchen
  2235. > Makes damn sure you spend all your time either pregnant or looking after her foals
  2237. Scootaloo
  2238. > Mostly just wants to fuck
  2239. > Only speed is 'fast and rough'
  2240. > Treats sex as a competition, wants to see how hard she can make you cum
  2241. > Likes to snuggle sometimes but Celestia help you if you EVER tell anyone about it
  2243. Sweetie Belle
  2244. > Very kinky, likes to experiment
  2245. > Wants to be treated like a lady
  2246. > Loves foreplay and wants a nice, long buildup
  2247. > Beautiful singing voice, will occasionally serenade you once she trusts you enough
  2249. ============================
  2251. > applejack will never tie you up and use your throat as her personal fuck toy after a long, hard, sweaty day on the farm
  2253. ============================
  2255. >You are Anon, and you have been here for some time.
  2256. >Your wasn't actually Anon, but really, these creatures around you had a hard time pronouncing your name much like you did theirs.
  2257. >You had to give random names to each "Pony" so you didn't screw up your vocal cords.
  2258. >The world was odd here.
  2259. >The "Mares" as they are called have their own male equipment. Along with the cultural differences, you were out of it. Even a year later.
  2260. >From what you could find, their "semen" wasn't really that. It was a mix of hormones far and away from the mating based ejaculate of a male.
  2261. >They could not impregnate each other. It explained why they had males in the first place.
  2262. >To you, the average mare stood at chest height, more accurately, nipple height. Unicorns were downright the scariest to be near or hug.
  2263. >You had always felt off hugging people, especially ones you don't know. But when they nearly pierce your heart every time it is downright horrific.
  2264. >They were quadrupedal. The moment you saw they could somehow lift up things with their front hooves but seemingly not their back ones you could not even express why you were confused.
  2265. >They had tried to explain, but translation error and inability to speak central parts of each other's language had put an end to explaining complex concepts or even most multisyllabic words.
  2267. >You looked at the 8 numbered clock as it rang, time for more lessons with the "Queen".
  2268. >Thinking about it every day, it was truly a shame you couldn't even speak or read any symbols. For god's sake a stallion had to come in and set the clock for you every day since it was mechanical and you couldn't read it.
  2269. >You opened the door and walked along with your required escort. A clear mare, white as could be just like the others.
  2270. >You walked along the halls and the destination came clear. The purple one was here again.
  2271. >Little no translation meant you didn't even know where exactly you were going half the time. At least you can pick up cues like this one.
  2272. >Walking into the main room the mostly failed translator was sitting on the floor next to the purple one, furiously writing down something.
  2273. >The translator seemed to light up as she saw you, you would do the same but really, you were not in the greatest of moods.
  2274. >The translator spoke to the purple one in their sing song language before both turned to you. The purple one seemed to be happy with the paper, the translator seemed to be happy at you. Not a moment later the translator began to speak in what was essentially a 3 years olds speech.
  2275. >"Wee, hyult ee shpack".
  2276. >You shrugged and nodded. She smiled and turned, walking into a far corner.
  2277. >The purple one looked on and put down the paper, handing me a pair of cutting goggles and motioning you to put them on.
  2278. >Following her little orders she pointed her horn at the translator and began its charge.
  2280. >Even with the googles you couldn't look directly at the horn.
  2281. >A ridiculously large amount of light poured from the purple one.
  2282. >Papers flew about the room as wind picked up, it became hot and dry in the room.
  2283. >With a blast of light that nearly blinded me even with my eyes closed below the googles, I looked up.
  2284. >The goggles were blackened and the air smells burnt.
  2285. >Taking them off, the room had changed.
  2286. >The walls were flash burned, the papers all around were ash. The purple one was panting and chugging a large jug of water with singed fur all the while.
  2287. >You were sunburned where you were not wearing anything.
  2288. >You looked at where the translator stood and you simply could not believe it.
  2289. >A pony, but not. A mare certainly. The large sheath and balls denoted that, but the body was that of an absolute brickhouse of a woman. Large muscles, small amount of fat around the hips and thighs. She was taller than you by easily a foot.
  2290. >Small breasts as well, though you tried not to look for your up and coming boners sake.
  2291. >Her head remained mostly the same. Though, the muzzle was shorter and the previously orange tinted exterior was replaced with a downright cream color.
  2293. >You were wide eyed.
  2294. >The mare opened her eyes slowly, moving around in her new unfamiliar body.
  2295. >Moving her neck slowly she looked at you, smiling.
  2296. >"Weee, help me speak."
  2297. >You could only nod, stuck in place. She began to walk, stumbling around like a baby giraffe before simply supporting herself on your shoulder and gesturing to the purple one.
  2298. >The purple one spoke and the translator nodded. She turned to you and spoke.
  2299. >"You, blabla, me."
  2300. >Assuming she meant for you to teach her english, you nodded and sat down.
  2301. >It would be a very long day.
  2303. ============================
  2305. >anon... help.... me...
  2306. >I miscast... a .... spell...
  2307. >I've been... like this... for five days now...
  2308. >can't... stop... CUMMING!
  2310. >who could really blame you for rushing to her side?
  2311. >you were friends, after all
  2312. >and it helped that she was gorgeous
  2313. >definitely wasn't her huge cock
  2314. >or the swimming pool's worth of cum drenching her coat and the floor
  2315. >regardless, she asked for help so of course you would help
  2316. >you clumsily asked what you could do, instincts warring with libido to keep you away from the jets of cream flowing out of the distressed pony
  2317. >the instant you touched her shoulder, all desperation drained from her face
  2318. "Got you."
  2319. >your vision went purple and, before you knew it, your back was on the ground and your clothes were nowhere to be seen
  2320. >you should have seen it coming, in hindsight
  2321. >no way she was like that for days if all you could see were a couple puddles
  2322. >not to mention she would have passed out or worse after all that time
  2323. >you realize you've been duped just as her still-squirting cock lines up with your rear end
  2324. "I do apologize, Anon. I truly can't stop. However, in a moment, I don't think either of us will want to."
  2325. >it took little more than a single thrust to prove that one true
  2326. >one gush of spunk inside you had you drenching the room in her place
  2327. >while she drenched your insides
  2328. >she kissed you as long as your sizes allowed, forcing a mouthful of her cum into your mouth
  2329. >then she slipped behind you when your belly got too full
  2330. >she only bothered thrusting whenever the unending flow started to slow, content to throb in your twitching hole as long as her absurd climax would allow
  2331. >it was a far cry from 5 days, but several hours of that treatment left you paralyzed on the floor
  2332. >Rarity seemed to be in better shape, hugging you close and cooing in your ear
  2333. >the spell had worn off but she didn't seem eager to pull out
  2334. "That was lovely, darling. Let's do that again soon."
  2335. >you definitely wouldn't fall for that again
  2336. >definitely
  2338. ============================
  2340. The idea of dickmare seed being so potent that it breaks species/gender barriers and impregnates whatever it wants is so hot. I want a dickmare gf to pump me full of her foals.
  2342. Imagine getting impregnated by a dickmare despite being male yourself haha wouldn't that be hilarious and silly lmao
  2344. ============================
  2346. > "Whew... thank ya kindly for offerin' to help me out on the farm today, Anon. Sometimes it gets right hard for me to concentrate on mah job. Havin' someone to help me blow off some steam every now and then helps a lot!"
  2347. > "Huh? You thought ah meant helpin' out another way?"
  2349. ============================
  2351. >"Ah like ya an awful lot, sugarcube. An' I sure appreciate you bein' a right gentlecolt an' all.... but ah think it's time we moved on to the next step."
  2352. > "Ah don't really care which one of us is the mare, tonight... but this here pony is more than ready for a ride!"
  2354. ============================
  2356. >be evil nightmare spirit
  2357. >get blasted by sunshine and rainbows every time you try to take over
  2358. >fuck this I'm just gonna get laid
  2359. >can't force anyone into it or you'll get blasted again
  2360. >find some weirdo posting on a Kazakhstani pointillism forum
  2361. >he wants to get reamed out by girls with horse dicks more than anything
  2362. >"Alright worm. Here's the deal. You're going to let me into your head. In exchange, I'll help you live out all those sick fantasies of yours."
  2363. "Who said that?"
  2364. >that was basically consent, right?
  2365. From that day forward, whenever Anon closed his eyes to sleep, he found himself floating in an abyss getting his holes stuffed by colorful horses.
  2367. ============================
  2369. "I warned you not to swear, Nonny. Now stop struggling and take your punishment. One round per bad word."
  2370. > "huck hue hieligh"
  2371. "One more word out of you and bacon is off the menu"
  2372. > "..."
  2374. ============================
  2376. > "M, ma.... Ah.... Ahhhh!"
  2377. > "Sorry 'bout this, sweetie... but just because me an' your dad are dead don't mean we don't want grandfoals, an' you and Big Mac are takin' too long!"
  2379. ============================
  2381. Human taming will always be my ultimate marecock fetish. Pretty much my ultimate fetish of all time.
  2383. I always love to imagine ponies meeting humanity, the two worlds becoming joined... and marecock ultimately conquering the human world, pretty much by accident.
  2385. Ponies are just so innocent, and friendly, and open, and yet so powerful and sexually dominant that they would collectively bend humanity over and have their way with it.... and the humans would love them for it.
  2387. Something is just indescribably hot about the idea of the big, bad, ultra-intelligent apex predators being completely humbled by the cute, loveable little ponies. Simply because they are so wonderful and loving and reassuring to be around, that we would - slowly but surely, bit by bit - come to care for them so much that the idea of disappointing them would be anathema to us. Why would you ever want to fight ponies, or even oppose them, when submitting to them makes you happier than you have ever been?
  2389. On paper the two races would be fully equal, and of course futa mares are so gentle and loving that most relations would look fully reciprocal from the outside. But, considering how much the human always adores and idolizes the pony, it would be pretty goddamn clear which of them was actually in charge.... and, the part that's equally insidious and thrilling? Deep down inside... the humans wouldn't have it any other way.
  2391. ============================
  2393. I want to be a futa pony and tenderly make love with a futa mare, feeling our balls collide on every thrust before we hilt into each other in turn and send pulses of our seed from our cocks into one another's pussies, then feeling every twitch and throb of both of our cocks and balls as we frot while making out, and finally holding each other tight to lovingly snuggle together in the afterglow
  2395. ============================
  2397. >”Hey, Nonny.”
  2398. >”Surprised to see me again?”
  2399. >”What? Did I really?”
  2400. >”Pssh…”
  2401. >”Guess Pinkie’s nicknames’re rubbing off on me.”
  2402. >”Little easier on the tongue, you know?”
  2403. >”Kinda cute too.”
  2404. >”Oh, no, practice hasn’t even started yet.”
  2405. >”That’s why I’m here.”
  2406. >”Mind if I come in?”
  2407. >”Thank, Anon.”
  2408. >”Look, I ain’t like Rarity or anything.”
  2409. >”Not good at this kinda stuff, but, uh…”
  2410. >”You see…”
  2411. >”I’m, uh…”
  2412. >”You’re pretty cool for a stallion, is all.”
  2413. >”Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean.”
  2414. >”And, I mean, uh-“
  2415. >”D’aww, thanks!”
  2416. >”That’s real sweet of you.”
  2417. >”You know, that compliment gets used in Daring Do’s fourth book.”
  2418. >”Aw, really!? You’ve read that much?”
  2419. >”Didn’t know you made it up that far.”
  2420. >”Finally! There’s so much lore we need to talk about!”
  2421. >”Er, tomorrow, that is.”
  2422. >”Uh, look. I’ll get to my point here.”
  2423. >”No, seriously, look.”
  2424. >”Hah!”
  2425. >”Damn, pick your jaw up off the floor!”
  2426. >”Come on, man.”
  2427. >”No way you didn’t know I was this hung!”
  2428. >”…”
  2429. >”Wait, really?”
  2430. >”Like, Twi never told you? AJ?”
  2431. >”C’mon, Pinkie totally mentioned what I was packing at least once, right?”
  2432. >”…”
  2433. >”Huh…”
  2434. >”No, no, it’s not their fault or anything, I’m just…”
  2435. >”I dunno, it’s just so awesome I kinda figured, you know, they talked about it a bunch…”
  2436. >”Eh, whatever.”
  2437. >”Look, point is, hanging out with you does this to me.”
  2438. >”Like, I dunno man.
  2439. >”Gonna crush on you for a bit here.”
  2440. >”You’re a great guy, you get along with all my friends, you look great…”
  2441. >”You smell fantastic…”
  2442. >”Oh, cut it out!”
  2443. >”Look, I said I’m not Rarity, I dunno how to do this shit!”
  2444. >”I’m taking AJ’s advice here, I’m being honest with ya’.”
  2445. >”The big girl here likes what she sees.”
  2446. >”And I was hoping we could take this to the next level, you know?”
  2447. >”Make it official, start dating.”
  2448. >”…”
  2449. >”…”
  2450. >”…”
  2452. >”Dude, I had no idea you felt that way.”
  2453. >”Yeah…
  2454. >”Might be weird ‘cause you can’t fly.”
  2455. >”Eh, whatever.”
  2456. >”Damn right we’ll work out the kinks.”
  2457. >”And we can start with this one right here.”
  2458. >”Yeah, you like the way that swings when I walk?”
  2459. >”God, you have any idea how many times I’ve had to jerk off cause’a you?”
  2460. >”Yeah, have to. I know what I said.”
  2461. >”My dick’s impossible to shove in my flight suit like this!”
  2462. >”Can’t fly straight thinking about you either.”
  2463. >”Look, Anon, practice is in less than an hour and I’m already feeling friskier than I’ve ever been.”
  2464. >”As coltfriend, you’re gonna be keepin’ me soft before practice.”
  2465. >”Oh!”
  2466. >”Hauuuuuyeeeaaaaah….”
  2467. >”Damn, Anon…”
  2468. >”You’ve never been with a mare before?”
  2469. >”Yeah, just… Oh, fuck, yeah, use your tongue…”
  2470. >”Boy, do I know how’ta pick ‘em.”
  2472. >”Woah!”
  2473. >”Calm down, Stud!”
  2474. >*kissu*
  2475. >”You see me up there?!”
  2476. >”What’m I saying? Course you did!”
  2477. >”Saw ya’ in the stands.”
  2478. >”Didn’t know Fluttershy had such good tickets.”
  2479. >”Wait, really?”
  2480. >”You’re sure Discord changed the numbers on them?”
  2481. >”Yeah, that sounds like him.”
  2482. >”Guy’s not as crazy about Flutts as you are for me though!”
  2483. >”At least lemme get my flight suit off.”
  2484. >”Hey! What’re yo-“
  2485. >”Haaaaaaawwwwwww…”
  2486. >”No fair… Ungh…”
  2487. >”Quit…”
  2488. >”Quit playing with my nips like that…”
  2489. >”C-C’mon, Anon.”
  2490. >”P-Pinch ‘em a bit.”
  2491. >”Fuuuuck, dude…”
  2492. >”Cock’s gonna rip this fuckin’ suit open.”
  2493. >”God, it’s so tight.”
  2494. >"Heh."
  2495. >"Well, not as tight as you, but it's still real nice.
  2496. >”Damn, you can see the outline of my dick through it.”
  2497. >”Fuckin’ hot.”
  2498. >”Yeah, usually I stuff it down my right pant leg.”
  2499. >”Force of habit.”
  2500. >”…”
  2501. >”Yeah, c’mon, rub it though the fabric.”
  2502. >”Ain’t gettin’ it off until it’s soft, anyway.”
  2503. >”Eh? Whatever.”
  2504. >”Suit’s gonna get washed either way.”
  2505. >”Lemme sit down at least.”
  2506. >”Aaaahhhh…”
  2507. >”…”
  2508. >”Little higher there.”
  2509. >”Scratch it a little.”
  2510. >”Yeah, good boy…”
  2511. >”Man, this feels much better than I thought it would.”
  2512. >”Guess I’m pretty sensitive, aren’t I?”
  2513. >”…”
  2514. >”…”
  2515. >”Ugh, God, I’m gonna fucking ruin my coat down there.”
  2516. >”Hope the suit washes alright too…”
  2517. >”Yeah, it’s gonna be a big one.”
  2518. >”You’re scrubbing me off in the shower as soon as I’m soft enough to tear this thing off.”
  2519. >”Fuck me, you’re too good at this.”
  2520. >”Oh fuck…”
  2521. >”OH FUCK!”
  2523. ============================
  2525. > "Ya see Anon, I'mma let you in on a little secret."
  2526. > "I'm gonna make this whole damn world my bitch, one way or another."
  2527. > "You included."
  2528. > "But I'm a nice mare. And I like nice guys. Ain't no reason we gotta be mean or get ugly!"
  2529. > "So, it's up to you. We can do this the really easy way..."
  2530. > "Or we can do it the really HARD way."
  2532. ============================
  2534. "Good morning, Anon. Would you like some hot chocolate?"
  2535. > ...
  2536. "Want any cream with it?"
  2537. > ...
  2538. "Uh? Sorry, what did you say?"
  2539. > ...
  2540. "Pffft, you perv. That's not what I meant."
  2541. > ...
  2542. "You're serious? Well, alright then. Just be quick about it, wouldn't want the chocolate to go cold."
  2543. > ...
  2544. "Your mouth, please."
  2546. >Fluttershy is usually very meek and shy in public
  2547. >at home with you she's very dominate and treats you like a piece of fuckmeat
  2549. >in no time you’re on your knees, sucking her off in the kitchen while she runs her fingers through your hair
  2550. >had you two been going at it rougher, she’d likely last much longer
  2551. >but slow and gentle is her fetish, so your light suckling and lazy descent to her sheath had her throbbing in no time
  2552. >she holds you there, releasing thick ropes of her cum directly down your throat
  2553. >only when she slowed to a relative trickle did she pull out and allow you to get a brief taste
  2554. >the light dribble at the end of her climax was still enough to overflow the cup, so she went back into your mouth after your drink was prepared
  2555. >kind of like squirting whipped cream right in your mouth after dessert is ready
  2556. >by the time she was done, you definitely weren’t thirsty anymore
  2557. >but one lusty look from her across the table was all it took to make you gulp it all down
  2558. >she nearly bit off her lip while you shook the last few drops into your mouth
  2559. “W-would you like some more, Anon?”
  2561. You ended up gaining some weight that morning.
  2563. fucking cocksluts can't even think about anything other than being used as a piece of fuckmeat and aren't able to imagine mares doing anything different either
  2564. Fluttershy would be the loving and tender type, wanting to gently and affectionately make love together and give her partner as much pleasure as she can
  2566. She can tenderly love you by violently fucking your throat of course.
  2568. So long as she's still kinky and wants lots of sex. Throw in gamer girl and that's a solid waifu right there.
  2569. >"Oh, hi Anon! Wanna play the new Smash? I've been practicing. Or... do you wanna 'smash'? Tee hee~"
  2571. Sounds comfy as fuck
  2573. Splatoon
  2574. >One of Flutt's more "violent" games
  2575. >Shocked after hearing what happened to the humans in that game
  2576. >You weren't expected it either, in all honesty
  2577. >But the style was cute enough that she gave it a try
  2578. >She's not great at it, but not bad either.
  2579. >She enjoys aiming with the gyro controls
  2580. >You enjoy messing up her aim by slowly stroking her cock up and down to make her shudder
  2581. >Led to one of her biggest, messiest orgasms after you edged her for hours and asked her to paint the floor
  2583. Smash Bros.
  2584. >You both are at around the same skill level
  2585. >Mostly enjoys cooperative play with you
  2586. >Flutter's competitive side gets brought out on very rare occasions
  2587. >Tends to happen when she gets really pent up or had a frustrating day
  2588. >"Loser sits on the winner's dick!"
  2589. >You'll never get used to hearing her dirty talk
  2590. >Flutt's has a marecock worthy of an alicorn
  2591. >When you first married Fluttershy you never thought you'd be able to take her entire length
  2592. >Thank God Discord's living with you
  2593. >Total bro
  2595. Modded Elder Scrolls V: Toddrim
  2596. >"I-Is that me?"
  2597. >"Someone made a mod that added me?"
  2598. >"Oh my, are my thighs really that big?"
  2599. >"Can I use the stare on these bandits?"
  2600. >"I don't really want to kill them..."
  2601. >"W-what mod did you just say you installed?"
  2602. >"I don't think a guy that bad could be redeemed with my dick, Anon..."
  2603. >"Anon, no!"
  2605. Animal Crossing
  2606. >Fluttershy's favorite series
  2607. >No surprise, really
  2608. >It's basically a game of what she already does in real life
  2609. >She's got a great sense for design, having hung out with Rarity so much
  2610. >You two share a town together
  2611. >It really only looks great because of her
  2612. >You mostly take care of the menial jobs so Flutts can have fun talking with the villagers and making cozy little houses
  2613. >You've spent quite a few days cuddling on the couch and just watching the other play
  2614. >Whoever isn't playing tends to tease and stroke the one who is
  2615. >It's led to more than a few tender lovemaking sessions
  2617. ============================
  2619. "Oh my gosh, Fluttershy, your cock is HUGE! And it smells amazing... You've GOT to let me play with it! Please!"
  2620. "I... I don't know, Rainbow Dash. Oh, this is so embarassing..."
  2621. "EMBARASSING? Fluttershy, you should be PROUD of that beautiful monster! Your dick is bigger than I am! Mmmf, I can only imagine how much juicy cum you've got stored in those fat balls... Oh Celestia, I'm SO horny right now... pretty pleeease let me touch it? I'll make you feel real good!"
  2622. "B-but..."
  2623. "C'mon, what do you want? Shove your cock down my throat? Up my ass? My pussy? Slap me with it? Smother me with your fat balls? Hands, hooves, wings, boobs... I'll give you everything, let you do ANYTHING! Put a dog collar on me and call me a dumb bitch!"
  2624. "R-rainbow Dash! I would NEVER..."
  2625. "Not the point! You... gaaah! Just lemme worship your amazing cock! I'll do all your chores for a year! Pleeheheeease!"
  2626. "Alright, alright... if it means THAT much to you, of course we can have some fun. Just don't tell the others, okay?"
  2627. "Not a soul. Pinkie Promise."
  2629. ============================
  2631. Conspiracy theory: Trixie's recent "magical mishap" that exposed Fleur-de-Lis as a hyper mare wasn't an accident at all.
  2632. An early interview with Fleur quotes her as saying she had "something big in store" and "a weighty secret she couldn't wait to reveal", and that was years ago! She's been under the same long-running contract ever since, and an associate claims Fleur has been looking to go independent for some time!
  2633. I believe this was her way of revealing herself. Furthermore, I expect this to kick off a trend of "full size fashion" for the well endowed. We haven't heard from Carousel Boutique this season, perhaps Miss Rarity is preparing a big reveal for her own?
  2634. In any case, be on the lookout for other hyper models on the scene. It may be tough to distinguish the naturals from those who are jumping on the magical enhancement bandwagon!
  2636. ============================
  2638. >You were the one friend who stuck with Fizzlepop after her horn accident.
  2639. >The only one who warned her about trusting the Storm King.
  2640. >You were the only friend she could truly open up to.
  2641. >The only person she could put her trust in.
  2642. >Another freak and outcast just like her.
  2643. >You hold a special place in that big mare's heart like nobody else can.
  2644. >It was only a matter of time before things got romantic.
  2646. ============================
  2648. be careful. after having an XL chance and a fucking machine and going full speed almost nightly to mlp futa pmvs, all i want is a bigger mare cock and a more powerful fucking machine
  2650. ============================
  2652. How can you say you love your waifu if you wouldn't take her fat horse penis up your ass every now and then? A mare's got her needs bro, you wouldn't neglect her, right?
  2654. ============================
  2656. >You always look forward to your night walks with your favorite princess.
  2657. >And now, as of last month, fiancee.
  2658. >It's incredibly peaceful.
  2659. >Canterlot has a nightlife scene, but that's far from the palace.
  2660. >The royal gardens and empty hallways are quiet and serene.
  2661. >No politicking, jabbering nobles. No petty court hearings to sit in on.
  2662. >No hustle and bustle of guards. The night watch is as quiet as can be.
  2663. >No dignitaries or emissaries moving about, save for the occasional griffon with owl features.
  2664. >Just you and your mare walking close and, when feeling risque, holding hands.
  2665. >The sounds of in silence, only permeated by the sounds of the night.
  2666. >The chirping of crickets.
  2667. >The breeze through the trees.
  2668. >The echoes from your footfalls, dulled by the expensive rugs beneath.
  2669. >And, in perfect rhythm with her practiced steps, the gentle slap of her titanic shaft and pendulous nuts against her thighs.
  2670. >A heavy sound showcasing the heft of the princess's unmatched endowments.
  2671. >Only dulling in noise when the two of you near her bedchambers.
  2672. >The pitter patter of wet drops of pre on stone as she grows more erect.
  2673. >The tingle of magic as she strokes both your lengths.
  2674. >A giggle as you lose yourself in the pendulous swing of her pillar, and she hugs you close.
  2675. >And the soft, loving coo as she whispers what she plans to do with you that night.
  2677. ============================
  2679. Ponies are naturally friendly creatures, and before their relatively late puberties, not sexual or even particularly physically-superior at all. It's not uncommon for ponies growing up alongside human boys to develop close friendships with them, and for those feelings to be entirely innocent.
  2681. However, when a mare becomes mature, those instincts go from "borderline non-existent" to "overdrive" in what can feel like the blink of an eye. Almost always, the young mare will find herself looking at her old childhood friend in a very different, very hungry light. Deep-seated affection, simmering lust, and rapidly growing muscles make for a very potent combination.
  2683. Ponies don't do "shotgun weddings." Granted, it's mostly because with how overpowering they are both in and out of the bedroom, they really don't need to.
  2685. Human colleges were wholly unprepared for the ramifications of allowing Equestrians to attend.
  2686. Sweet and innocent high school relationships blossomed into something more at almost frightening speed. Dorms separating the sexes did little to curb mares who could fly or teleport themelves and their friends to where the men lived.
  2687. Misdemeanors and petty violations did little to stem the surge of hormones going through a mare's body. Getting written up meant nothing to a mare wanting to spend some alone time with her best friend.
  2688. The 'crimes' were effectively victimless. In time, most RAs and tutors gave up on trying to enforce unenforceable rules. Some college's removed the rules altogether.
  2689. This, funny enough, led to a surge of students walking funny now that earth mares were finally allowed to see their boyfriends as they pleased.
  2691. ============================
  2693. You've never heard of Fleur De'Lis, the supermodel? I thought everybody knew about her. She's been fantasy material for half of Equestria for years now: the kind of perfect figure no-one short of an alicorn was supposed to be able to have: immaculate hair, a flawless face, long graceful horn, an hourglass figure, perfectly-proportioned tits, and a cock and nuts that were always mouth-wateringly inviting in every photo shoot she ever did.
  2695. Turns out she did in fact have a secret to hide, just not the one anypony ever imagined. Celestia only knows how Trixie ever got THE Fleur De'Lis to agree to appear in her show during a Canterlot appearance, but she did. Things went well enough at first; Trixie worked the crowd up, Fleur charmed them and gave about two thirds of the audience some pretty respectable hard-ons.
  2697. It wasn't until Trixie botched a spur-of-the-moment spell that things went wrong: suddenly having the bright idea that she was going to grow her own cock to match Fleur's. She did manage to match the size Fleur had been.... at that particular moment. But her spell wound up interfering with the magic her fellow unicorn had placed on herself.
  2699. Everyone had always speculated that Fleur used magic to enhance her attributes, and that's why - to a close observer - her cock seemed slightly larger or smaller on some magazine covers than others. It was a hard spell, but not impossible. And it turns out Fleur WAS using magic on her dick before any public appearances. She was not, in fact, all-natural as she liked to advertise.
  2701. But they got it wrong nonetheless. Fleur De'Lis wasn't enlarging her cock at all.
  2703. She'd been shrinking it.
  2705. ============================
  2707. I want to be a futa pony and make love with futa Fluttershy, feeling our balls slap against one another's as we each take turns filling the other's horsepussy with our own horsecock, then making out while we frot until we cum together onto both our dicks. After that we'd snuggle together in the afterglow with our cocks and balls throbbing against each other's and covered in a mix of our cum.
  2709. ============================
  2711. >"Goodness, are you sure?"
  2712. "Yes, Princess. The dignitaries were quite clear."
  2713. >"Oh, please, Anon. Drop the formalities."
  2714. >"Assistant or no, you'll always be my best friend."
  2715. "Thanks, Rares."
  2716. >"Now, where were we?"
  2717. "Hnnng... The dragon problem."
  2718. "Gah!"
  2719. >"Oh, my! Keep doing that, Love!"
  2720. >"..."
  2721. "C-C'mon, Rares, take it easy."
  2722. >"D'oooh, it's just those... Those brutes!"
  2723. >"An honor duel!? To see if I'm worthy!?"
  2724. "Ooof!"
  2725. >"Honestly, in this day and age?"
  2726. >"Such barbarians!"
  2727. >"I thought Ember was better than this!"
  2728. "Rares, I'm, I'm gonna~"
  2729. >"Oooooh~"
  2730. "..."
  2731. >"..."
  2732. "Now... Now, Rares..."
  2733. >"Yes, Love?"
  2734. "This's gonna sound crazy..."
  2735. >"You have an idea?"
  2736. "Yeah... just hear me out..."
  2738. ============================
  2740. Lyra is downright obsessed with humans, and would give just about anything to fuck one. Bon Bon may be a lesbian, but Lyra has always been bi.
  2742. ============================
  2744. >Stupid Anon...
  2745. >...
  2746. >Nngggh...
  2747. >Dun' think like that, Sugarcube.
  2748. >Stupid politics taking him to some stupid conference.
  2749. >Taking him away like that with all the farm-work to do.
  2750. >Separating newlyweds like you two should be a crime.
  2751. >Stupid SEXY Anon.
  2752. >Yeah, that's much better.
  2753. >God, why're ya' even trying to use hooves for this?
  2754. >You've been spoiled by hands.
  2755. >Hnng, remember that time he first saw you like this?
  2756. >Couldn't believe that even two hands weren't enough to handle it.
  2757. >Wish you had a picture of that.
  2758. >...
  2759. >Eh, your memory's good enough.
  2760. >Hey.
  2761. >Twilight said smells help remember things, right?
  2762. >Hoo boy, why didn't you try this the other day.
  2763. >His pillow smells just like 'em.
  2764. >Just gonna...
  2765. >Just gonna give it a good squeeze.
  2766. >And a few humps.
  2767. >Haw, yeah. That's the ticket.
  2768. >Huh, he sometimes bites you with them sexy canines
  2769. >Let's try it on this pillow.
  2770. >Hmm...
  2771. >Pfft~
  2772. >Not sure you see the appeal, but eh.
  2773. >Might enjoy it if it was his shoulder.
  2774. >He get so deliciously spicy after a hard day's sweat.
  2775. >Dangit, it just ain't the same.
  2776. >Getting bluer balls than Dash.
  2777. >...
  2778. >Hey, where's that wedding present from Pinkie?
  2779. >Was it this drawer?
  2780. >Yes!
  2781. >No time for instructions, ya'll figure it out as you go.
  2782. >Where to use it, though?
  2783. >Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catcha hydra by the toe...
  2784. >Dick it is!
  2785. >...
  2786. >Aite, get back into position 'ere, and...
  2787. >...!
  2788. >Oh!
  2789. >Awwww....
  2790. >Sure ain't his hands or mouth, but this's nice.
  2791. >That's scratching your itch and then some.
  2792. >Hmm...
  2793. >Get some hip thrusts in there, yeah.
  2794. >God, you love that man.
  2795. >Big, strong human.
  2796. >With his toned abs and thighs.
  2797. >Cute butt for a stallion too.
  2798. >Mfffff, you're not gonna last much longer.
  2799. >Turn it up a smidge.
  2800. >Nfffuuuuuuck...
  2801. >Mf!
  2802. >Nf!
  2803. >Ngh!
  2804. "Honey!"
  2805. >Wha-!
  2806. >It's him!
  2807. >M-maybe you should...
  2808. >Just-
  2809. >Just don't think about shooting yer load all over him.
  2810. >Coating him from head to toe.
  2811. >And.... And...
  2812. >Yeah, you ain't gonna hold it in.
  2813. "You OK, Honey?"
  2815. ============================
  2817. >She's unquestionably the alpha in the relationship, but she deeply cares about you. >She wouldn't want to ruin her #1 fan.
  2818. >A sensible stallion would've been scared of a marecock thicker than a soda can and which droops to her knees.
  2819. >Good thing Dash knows a unicorn who can help her fit big things in small places.
  2820. >Those enchantments made your sex life possible with her.
  2821. >"Aw, yeah! Take it, Anon!"
  2822. >Things went from "Casual" to "Special Somepony" pretty quickly.
  2823. >Sitting on her cock as she flies through the air with you is heavenly.
  2824. >"Stop giving me that look during practice! I gotta at least TRY to stay soft!"
  2825. >Your dedication astounds even Dash's parents. You're on a first name basis with Windy and Bow.
  2826. >"God, you look so hot covered in my cum."
  2827. >If she covers you with her first load it usually leads to a second, somehow more titanic load inside you.
  2828. >She has a weakness for your ear scritches.
  2829. >Don't you dare tell anypony that.
  2830. >You're stating the obvious, but damn does she love how often you compliment her massive cock and balls.
  2831. >Her ego is almost as big as her shaft from the way you worship her.
  2832. >Needs your help fitting her junk inside the Wonderbolts outfit.
  2833. >"God, this thing's almost as tight as you."
  2834. >The longer you two were together, the larger her already huge loads got.
  2835. >There doesn't seem to be any sign of stopping either.
  2836. >Twilight wrote it off as the magic of friendship or something.
  2837. >Dash doesn't do sappy stuff well.
  2838. >Sappy switches to sex pretty quickly.
  2839. >Totally fine with public sex so other mares know you're off limits.
  2840. >The first time you made love on a could as the sun rose was the most romantic thing you've ever done.
  2841. >"So, uh, yeah, don't tell Scootaloo but you're, like, uh... slightly more of a number one fan than she is... for... you know... Aw, fuck it, just kiss me already."
  2843. ============================
  2845. >> Zecora hires you as her 'research assistant'
  2846. >> The zebra has developed a reputation as a master of her craft who never makes mistakes
  2847. >> Zecora doesn't rest on her laurels however, and is constantly experimenting with new potions and formulas.... which means that she absolutely does still fail an awful lot
  2848. >> Good news is, she has figured out a particular Poison Joke-based reagent which makes nearly all of her failed attempts have the same, predictable, relatively harmless effect
  2849. >> The bad news is, it involves growing a massive cock and developing an even more massive libido to match
  2850. >> That's where you come in
  2851. >> Any time one of Zecora's experiments doesn't go quite right, you spend the entire rest of the day jacking off an insanely large, insanely productive zebra cock while its owner pants, moans, and just generally coats her hut in cum
  2853. >> You'd never know it to look at the calm, composed alchemist
  2854. >> But Zecora has almost as big a hand fetish as Lyra does
  2855. >> There is NOTHING she loves more than getting her meat stroked
  2856. >> And as much as other mares may love cumming down a throat or up an ass, Zecora loves making a mess - of her partner, the room, or herself
  2858. >wander in the woods because someone on /out/ said so
  2859. >pretty neat, saw a weird tree and a snail
  2860. >meet zebra girl outside a hut
  2861. >she brightens up and beckons you inside
  2862. >while rhyming
  2863. >weird
  2864. >filled with spooky masks and shit
  2865. >wonder if you were about to get cursed
  2866. >she says one of her recipes needs cum coaxed out by a partner
  2867. >she points to a semi-erect dick you somehow didn’t notice
  2868. >of course she’s one of those
  2869. >not the strangest proposition you’ve ever gotten but w/e
  2870. >she walks towards you and you mentally prepare yourself to be forced to your knees or something
  2871. >except she keeps walking and bends over her cauldron
  2872. >she shakes her big striped booty at you
  2873. >“Come on now, no trepidation. The spell won’t work with masturbation.”
  2874. >you want to ask what you’re helping her do, but your pants are already on the floor
  2875. >”Your hand or your cock, I don’t mind. Though please cum too if you’d be so kind.”
  2876. ============================
  2878. >”Everypony just yells and screams at each other.”
  2879. >”Nopony's civil anymore!”
  2880. >”Nopony thinks what it's like to be the other pony.”
  2881. >”You think stallions like Fancy Pants, stallions at ease, ever think what it's like to be a mare like me?”
  2882. >”To be anypony but themselves?”
  2883. >”They don't.”
  2884. >”They think we'll all just sit there and take it like good little foals.”
  2885. >”That we won't get in heat and go wild.”
  2886. “Ya finished? I mean, there’s so much self-pity, Pinkie.”
  2887. “You sound like you’re making excuses for dicking those young men.”
  2888. “Not everybody, and I’ll tell you this, not everyone wants your cock.”
  2889. >”…”
  2890. “…”
  2891. >”You want it, Anon…”
  2892. “Me? I want it?? Oh yeah, how do you know I want it?”
  2893. >”…”
  2894. >”Playing that video…”
  2895. >”Inviting me to your house…”
  2896. >”You just wanted to snuggle with me…”
  2897. >”You’re just like the rest of them.”
  2898. “You don’t know the first thing about me, gal.”
  2899. "Look at what you did, what it led to. There are orgies out there, two guardponies are in critical condition."
  2900. >”Gigglesnort*
  2901. >"Ha ha!"
  2902. "You're laughing, you're laughing!
  2903. ”Somepony was fucked into a coma today because of what you did!”
  2904. >”I know!”
  2905. >"How about another joke, Anon?"
  2906. “No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes.”
  2907. >”What do you get-
  2908. "I don't think so.”
  2909. >”When you cross-“
  2910. ”I think we’re done with your jokes.”
  2911. >”A well-endowed mare-“
  2912. >”With a human!”
  2913. >”That keeps edging her!”
  2914. >”And plays with her tits!”
  2915. >I’ll tell ya what you get!”
  2916. >”You get what you fuckin’ deserve!”
  2917. *SPLORT*
  2918. >Pinkie Pie had stroked herself to the edge, and with a hearty squeeze to her cock she nudged herself to orgasm on cue.
  2919. >The first stream of Pinkie’s frosting hit you directly in the head.
  2920. >The rest were allowed to fly wherever as she convulsed in pleasure.
  2921. >The earth pony coated you, and the entire wall behind you, in her jizz.
  2922. >…
  2923. “You ever think it’s kinda weird we know those lines so well?”
  2924. >Your pink lover stopped lapping her sticky cum off from your face.
  2925. “Shouldn’ta given me a blowie in the theater, silly.”
  2927. ============================
  2929. >unicorn gf enforces NNN for you at your request
  2930. >she doesn't really get it since NOT cumming is pretty much the worst torment ponies like her can endure
  2931. >ponies must not know the story of Odysseus and the sirens
  2932. >but it's important to you so she'll go along with it
  2933. >however
  2934. >she has no intention of participating with you
  2935. >in fact, she seems determined to cum enough for both of you
  2936. >hence, the need for an anti-release spell
  2937. >she pumps a good deal of her loads down your throat to avoid stimulating you too much
  2938. >but the lion's share still has to go elsewhere
  2939. >she can only resist the urge to take your ass for so long, after all
  2940. >so that's how it's gone the past few days
  2941. >she holds her self over throughout the day with your mouth, gently when possible
  2942. >but she loses it come sundown
  2943. >more than enough to make up for the first half of the day is forced into you during the second
  2944. >brutal, stretching thrusts giving way to affectionate nuzzling and grinding, only to return moments later
  2945. >all the while, you're kept from the peak
  2946. >your normally quick and numerous climaxes slipping away whenever they appear to be within reach
  2947. >the sound of your lover's delectable orgasms taunting you as they flow almost constantly into your bowels
  2948. >the feeble human body wasn't meant to exist on the edge for so long
  2949. >exhaustion is your only respite from the nightly assault on your senses, sending you into deep, dreamless sleep
  2950. >you awake to the sound of your alarm and the sight of your lover's chest, her powerful arms holding you tight against her
  2951. >your unsatisfied erection still pokes your lover's abdomen, strangely not in contrast to her still-hard cock jutting between your thighs and lying against your ass
  2952. >"Four down," she says groggily, reaching for the snooze button
  2953. >what's another 27 days, really?
  2955. ============================
  2957. >Living with futa pony Twilight
  2958. >It's a good time
  2959. >For bedroom shenanigans one night, she's invited some friends over
  2960. >Friends from an alternate dimension, to be more precise
  2961. >Anthro futa Twilight and a pony version of yourself
  2963. ============================
  2965. >tfw she will never invite you to suck her off
  2966. >tfw she will never be forceful with you, instead letting you love it yourself
  2967. >tfw you will never form a loving relationship with her
  2969. ============================
  2971. >Pinkie absent mindly asks if you want her cupcakes when they're done baking as she holds your face down into her crotch and pump another gallon full of marecum down your throat.
  2972. >Dash pounds your ass into next sunday with a full nelson until you can't feel your legs anymore and then asks if you wanna go for a run
  2973. >Loser has to get fucked again of course.
  2974. >Rarity has you try every outfit and then fucks you in it, gotta test and make sure the fabric holds up under daily use after all, she has to maintain brand quality.
  2975. >She takes a break by just sitting on your face and sipping a glass of wine.
  2977. >Snuggling with Twilight in bed, reading to her.
  2978. >She's the big spoon, but the cold is still getting to her even beneath the blankets.
  2979. >At least it was until she slowly worked her cock into you "To preserve body heat"
  2980. >She meant it too; she left it inside you and hugged you tighter.
  2981. >The unicorn couldn't understand how every other sentence you read aloud was interrupted with a grunt, moan, or a voice crack.
  2983. >"Hope you saved plenty of room for dinner, Anon! Granny's whipped up a feast tonight!"
  2984. >As usual, she forgot to invite you to dinner before blowing her massive, earth pony load into your now full stomach.
  2986. >Frotting naked with Fluttershy on her couch, the two of you both incredibly close.
  2987. >Just as she peaks, Flutters realizes she really doesn't want to clean up a sticky mess.
  2988. >In her haste she blindly reached to the side, grabbed your sweatshirt, and smothered her marecock with it.
  2989. >It was more cum than fabric once she was done with it.
  2991. ============================
  2993. SHE-STALLIONS are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make humie mares ovulate within a 1000 mile radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BMC!
  2995. When humie colts see a BULL-MARE coming, they naturally lower their gaze to the ground, strip and bend over in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentally ill wrecks they are in comparison to a DICKMARE GODDESS.
  2997. You autistic sluts here on 4chan don't even need to verbally submit, natural selection already dictates that you get claimed and broken by more evolutionary fit dickmares!
  3001. ============================
  3003. I want a dickmare to sexually harass me qt work and then fuck me in the bathroom because I was "asking for it".
  3005. ============================
  3007. I wanna get raped by futa Rainbow Dash and futa Applejack.
  3009. They're both outrageously strong mares, and they know what they want - and right now, what they want is a nice, tight throat and ass to conquer. No worries, they'll make sure you enjoy it.... they're not monsters, after all.... but at the same time, your compliance isn't really required.
  3011. And when they're finally done with you, your easily-restrained struggles having long since died down to acceptance and then eager participation, you find yourself weakly, desperately begging for more. The two futa mares just laugh, not even winded, but temporarily sated. Nothing quite so much fun as turning another human into a whore for mare cock.
  3013. They casually tell you that no, your body is at its absolute limit for now, and they don't want to actually, completely break you.... but if you are very, very good all week, they might let you suck them off.
  3015. And if you agree to let them do it in public, in the middle of the day, in the middle of town, for everypony to see and know what a fucking slut you really are, they'll even agree to fuck your ass full of mare cum, until you look six months pregnant! Can't beat a deal like that!
  3017. Of course, most of the belly-bulging load comes from Applejack. She's the one obsessed with filling you up, and making sure that everypony who sees you for the next three days knows exactly what you've been up to and exactly whose cock you've been riding. Rainbow Dash? She just wants to make you squeal.
  3019. Or, if you're more the romantic type, Fluttershy is always up for cuddling, and sweet gentle whispered words, and lots of kissing. All before she takes you nice and slow, making sure you're comfortable and she's not going too fast. Not in any hurry, her enormous yellow horse cock -not- rutting you.... but instead, making love to you.
  3021. ============================
  3023. >Get owned by dominant fluttershy as a sissy slave housemaid. She almost never shower and is only about blowjobs and nothing else, with balls musk so intoxicating it become mindbreaking. Bonus points for permanent chastity and watersports
  3025. ============================
  3027. >god, why aren’t humans real
  3028. >ywn stretch out a human guy’s ass
  3029. >I wanna shove my cock down his throat so bad
  3031. ============================
  3033. I want to live in a world where humanity is breeding stock for the equine dickmare race.
  3034. Females are put to use as soon as they come of age, after a long time in a school that espouses dickmare superiority and human submission daily. Males are sent off to re-education and gender reassignment camps.
  3035. I want to live in a breeding facility and get used by whatever dickmare desires me.
  3036. Virile soldiers, inexperienced barely legal teens, any and all would be able to simply walk into the facility and indulge themselves, for such is their law given right.
  3037. Whenever I'm not being bred, giving birth or taking care of foals, I'm subjected to visual and audial conditioning, to give me what I need to resist any anti-dickmare tricks or insurgent propaganda.
  3038. There would no love or tenderness from the mares, aside from maybe basic biological instincts on the young foals part.
  3039. Mostly just pure virile lust and desire to conquer human wombs.
  3041. ============================
  3043. I like the idea of marecum having some addictive / subtle mental effects. The more you are exposed to mare cum, ingesting it in any way, the more naturally submissive and compliant you become towards ponies. The effect is fairly mild for ponykind as a whole, but much more pronounced for specific mares. The more a mare fucks you, or feeds you her seed, the more you will instinctively trust her, love her, defer to her, and desire to please her.
  3045. Eventually, after getting fucked by the same mare several times in a row, the effect is permanent and the human in question is essentially the mare’s pet for life, madly in love with her and always wanting to please her.
  3047. At firs the Princesses try to make human / pony relationships illegal to prevent what they view as little better than mind control, but gradually repent and eventually repeal the laws entirely when humans and ponies constantly seek each other out anyway. Ponies love, love, love dominating their adorable little humans, and definitely love how tight and warm they feel inside. And brainwashed though the humans may be, they have clearly never been happier, with most of the human race seeming less concerned with avoiding being enslaved, and more with finding the perfect mare to do so.
  3049. The Human Protective Services division does its level best to monitor the situation and prevent any abuses, but their work is more than a little complicated by the fact that it’s more than possible for a mare with an unwilling human to quite literally “fuck him until he loves me.” On the Equestrian black market, videos of mares “breaking in” resistant humans are a particularly hot item. Even the most loving, affectionate, and law-abiding of mares will occasionally beat her meat to the thought of raping a human into loving servitude.
  3051. A far, far, far more likely challenge for any human, however, is simply the struggle to find juuuust the right mare to pop their cherry and claim them forever.
  3053. ============================
  3055. >> It's No-Nut November
  3056. >> Futa mares all over Equestria are desperately struggling to control their urges, for once
  3057. >> Deliberately act as slutty and proactive as you possibly can, just to watch them squirm
  3058. >> A Wonderbolt recruit finally bursts, leaping across the room as you "pick something off up the floor" far longer than necessary
  3059. >> Shoves you down on the floor, ripping your pants free in a single mighty sweep, and plunges her rock-hard marecock into you all the way to the hilt
  3060. >> Starts humping away mercilessly, utterly destroying your ass
  3061. >> Fuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah, this is always the best month of the year to be a guy in Equestria
  3063. ============================
  3065. >Mares, being heavily more endowed, are often seen sporting "ball bras."
  3066. >Not only do they draw attention to the genitalia, but they have the practical benefit of reducing chafing and the chance of the wearer sitting on their own testicles.
  3068. ============================
  3070. Spike has the right idea. A big bad fearsome dragon.... but a lifetime of living among ponies has shown him very well and very clear, that the far superior option is willingly submitting to be their adoring fuck toy.
  3072. Sure, you might be strong, or smart, or tough. You might be able to carve your own path in the world. But you'll never find a life that will give you more pleasure than being a pony's eager slave.
  3074. ============================
  3076. >Share your “that mare” stories, /eqtg/
  3077. >Ogres & Oubliettes 5th Edition just came out
  3078. >Human wants to DM a game
  3079. >He cute
  3080. >REAL cute
  3081. >Says he’s got a group; wants me to roll up a character ahead of time
  3082. >Roll up a unicorn wizard because fuck martials
  3083. >Gonna impress this man with my O&O knowledge and ask him on a date
  3084. >Gameday comes
  3085. >He enters with his arm around another mare
  3086. >ohfuck.jpg
  3087. >DM is the boyfriend = Red flag
  3088. >Should’ve left right there; almost spilled spaghetti
  3089. >Not just any mare though
  3090. >Literally Princess Luna
  3091. >Can’t compete with that
  3092. >Can’t pass up on saying I played with an alicorn though
  3093. >Latter wins out
  3094. >She hasn’t even rolled up a character; does so as human sets up
  3095. >Not even shitting you, 18 STR, 16 DEX, 15 INT, etc.
  3096. >All upper teens.
  3097. >Luckiest rolls I’ve ever seen
  3098. >Glance at her sheet as she’s writing
  3099. >”Warrior Princess”
  3101. >Character Notes: Dick size – 2…
  3102. >Smug_chuckle.mp3
  3103. >She fucking notices
  3104. >”Y-you know the rulebook says we roll for that too…” I stutter
  3105. >Fucking spaghetti everywhere
  3106. >”Fine” She says, tossing a D20 in front of me
  3107. >Of course it’s a 20
  3108. >Of fucking course
  3109. >”A bit on the small side.” She whispers to me
  3110. >wat
  3111. >She lifts up her dress just a bit
  3112. >Let me tell you, they aren’t kidding about alicorns
  3113. >She quickly became the face of the party and steamrolled everything
  3114. >Power gamer build on top of ridiculous stats will do that
  3115. >Don't think I ever rolled higher than a 15
  3116. >Kept calling me ‘subject’ and ‘peon’
  3117. >Kept crawling back each game night just to see the human I'll never have
  3118. >tfw sub-8 mare
  3119. >tfw no human bf
  3121. >>Goddamn alicorns keep all the best human ass for themselves
  3123. Know that feel, mare
  3125. ============================
  3127. >> Just a mail mare with an eye condition
  3128. >> Always super nice to the local human
  3129. >> He's even started looking at me a bit differently lately
  3130. >> I play it cool, don't wanna force him into anything, want to get him because he really truly likes me
  3131. >> Show up to work the next day and hear through rumors that he's in Ponyville General Hospital
  3132. >> Two of the fucking ELEMENT BEARERS fucking went into fucking heat, and decided to see which one of them could make him cum harder
  3133. >> Will be a couple of weeks before his throat and asshole finish healing, apparently
  3134. >> No treatment is gonna unpop that cherry, though
  3135. >> Only bright side is Princess Twilight sentenced both of them to 100 hours community service for getting too aggressive about it
  3136. >> Later that night at least try to jack off to thoughts of claiming that sweet ass as usual
  3137. >> Can only see fucking Applejack and fucking Rainbow Dash having their way with him instead
  3138. >> Fucking element bearers
  3140. ============================
  3142. Dickmares have a thing for humans, eh?
  3144. Ponies tend to be all about spreading the magic of friendship, and few things make a human as docile as being thoroughly fucked by marecock. There's also the not-inconsiderable thrill they get from taming the "big bad apex predator" with nothing but the power of their cocks.
  3146. Plus, once adequately trained, humans make pretty good pets.
  3148. With horse girls it's bit different, centuries of domestication leave them with something of a twisted instinctual affection for humans despite now being fully intelligent. Fortunately, fucking their former masters senseless seems to scratch this urge pretty effectively.
  3150. ============================
  3152. >in town on business
  3153. >see cute guy all alone at the hotel bar
  3154. >just listening to the music, all deep in thought
  3155. >can’t work up the nerve to go over there
  3156. >suddenly the fucking singer in the band gets off the stage and sits like one seat away from him
  3157. >bitch isn’t subtle about it at all
  3158. >turns out the guy was ogling her the whole time
  3159. >can’t really blame him
  3160. >bitch was stacked
  3161. >watch them talk and drink for a while because I’m pathetic
  3162. >bitch drops her purse on the floor and tells him to get it
  3163. >hoe don’t do it
  3164. >guy crawls between her legs
  3165. >hoe throws her head back like she just came
  3166. >I bet she’s a fucking quickshot
  3167. >decide I’ve had enough and head up to my room
  3168. >not 5 minutes later I hear some noise next door
  3169. >no please
  3170. >it’s fucking them
  3171. >it’s them fucking
  3172. >fuck
  3173. >listen to that bitch make him moan and scream all goddamned night
  3174. >cry and jack off to them
  3175. And that’s why I hate music
  3177. ============================
  3179. >Watch some hung communist hussie fuck that cute stallion (who may or may not have been your cousin) at next Heartswarming Eve
  3180. >Cry and ask your big sister for help moving on
  3181. >"No worries Marble, I got a nice human friend you can go out with!"
  3182. >Take him out on a nice date around town, watch the sunset, not pop a boner when he slips on the ice and shows his perky ass.
  3183. >This could be the one!
  3184. >Go to the market to get some flowers to hopefully hint I want something more.
  3185. >Not so subtle gurgling and gagging noises under one of the stalls
  3186. >Damn, who ever it is a real pro. Maybe Anon would show you a good time like that when he's ready.
  3187. >...
  3188. >"Ah fuck! Anon your throat is fucking great!"
  3189. How come all guys are sluts.
  3191. ============================
  3193. I like to imagine Applejack gets frustrated with her sizeable stallionhood, with it getting in her way more often than not.
  3194. >You will never come into futa Applejack's life and teach her to appreciate what she's got
  3196. ============================
  3198. This is why stallions usually are shared among dickmares to maximize efficiency. It's hard work though pleasing two horny marefriends at once, stallions usually rarely get time to themselves without mare meat in their mouth or ass. Often both.
  3200. Imagine having to worship and clean the cock of one of your marefriends as she fixes her make up in the mirror and then quickly gets ready for work, kissing your cum stained face goodbye. But you hear your other marefriend start to get back from work, so without delay you lay down on the bed on your back, opening your still sticky mouth invitingly. She always likes to start with a throat fuck, and you gotta save your ass for when your other marefriend gets back at midnight roughly fucks her frustrations away by fucking you until you can't walk.
  3202. ============================
  3204. All-futa ponies is my favorite fantasy...
  3206. The ponies are all anthro and futa. They have no males or females.
  3207. There are other species with normal genders. Life in Futaquestria is awkward for them.
  3208. Spike is one of the few males in Futaville, and Zecora is one of the few females.
  3210. The ponies say 'somefuta', 'gentlefuta', etc. All their sayings and swears revolve around sex.
  3211. They are nudists and most don't wear anything other than the occasional hat or jewelry.
  3212. If they do wear clothing it's designed to expose and bring attention to their privates.
  3214. They can (and need to) nut over a dozen times a day. Three dozen if they really frisky.
  3215. Their magic, overproductive balls create cum out of nowhere. Almost a liter per orgasm.
  3216. Their cum is thick like cream and tastes like candy; each mare has a unique flavor.
  3218. Only an exceptionally tidy mare like Rarity cleans up after herself every time she cums.
  3219. Most just shoot their load wherever and leave the mess to dry, indoors or outdoors.
  3220. Pony communities smell really musky because of all the cum. Everything has to be waterproof
  3222. Personal hygiene varies greatly between mares. Some wash themselves daily, others weekly.
  3223. Then there's always that one sweaty, grimy slob who's unwashed dick is covered in smegma...
  3224. But even Rarity wouldn't deny a horny friend a blowjob just becasue she's 'a little ripe'.
  3226. Public sex is perfectly fine. You'll get looks for sure, but no one frowns upon it.
  3227. Many ponies casually stroke themselves all day, keeping a hand on their dick more often than not.
  3228. Incest and foalcon is legal. It's common to see families spend some 'quality time' together.
  3230. Rape between ponies is unheard of, because why would they ever turn down sex?
  3231. Prude non-ponies might get raped if they refuse to at least give a mare a hand every now and then.
  3232. The quickest way to get raped by a dozen angry mares is to call their dicks disgusting.
  3234. They have never heard of condoms or contraceptives, but they do have plenty of aphrodisiaics.
  3235. They love getting knocked up and knocking others up. Most mares are in some stage of prenancy.
  3236. They don't stop fucking or even do it more gently when they're heavily pregnant.
  3238. To keep from overpopulating they open up portals to and settle uninhabited paralell universes.
  3239. Other species can come along too, but they can't reproduce as fast and get outnumbered quickly.
  3240. Sometimes the ponies find an inhabited universe, and let aliens (like humans) join their society.
  3242. ============================
  3244. >Be Pound Cake
  3245. >Be pretty hung
  3246. >For a stallion
  3247. >Twin sister is only average, and average for a mare dwarfs yours
  3248. >The teasing never stops
  3249. >Challenged to see who could cum the most
  3250. >Stayed pent up for a whole week while Pumpkin ejaculated time and time again
  3251. >High test levels only help so much when your sister has balls that literally can't fit between her thighs
  3252. >Don't think I've ever came harder while she'd already beat her meat twice that morning
  3253. >tfw I'd be hung as fuck if I were a mare
  3254. >tfw I want to marry a human female and get away from this nightmare
  3256. ============================
  3258. >> Be Button’s Mom
  3259. >> Everyone thinks your cutie mark means your special talent is raising kids
  3260. >> Actually, it’s always been MAKING them
  3261. >> Button is just the only one you pushed out, as opposed to putting the bun in somepony else’s oven
  3262. >> Recently turned your attention to these new ‘human’ things everypony is talking about, they’ve got tons of males, you can fuck them to your hearts content without worrying about getting another mouth to feed
  3263. >> But you really, REALLY like breeding
  3264. >> Start fantasizing about impregnating your humans whenever you fuck their asses
  3265. >> Dream of them begging you to knock them up, fill them with your superior pony seed, give them the honor and joy of carrying your foals
  3266. >> Feeling like the biggest stud imaginable, your cum so potent it breaks the species and the gender barrier all at once
  3267. >> Fucking SISTERS does that make you cum buckets
  3268. >> Can’t get off to mares anymore
  3269. >> You need that sweet human ass
  3270. >> With Celestia as your witness you WILL find a way to knock those little whores up
  3272. ============================
  3274. >> Mrs. Cake isn't interested in sleeping with you
  3275. >> She fucking loves, loves, LOVES leaving her mark on you
  3276. >> Offers you as many pastries as you want, any time you want, for free
  3277. >> So long as she gets to cum either on, or in, every single one
  3278. >> And also gets to watch you eat it
  3279. >> Lost count of how many extra-creamy eclairs you've eaten over the months as a plump blue earth pony MILF watches you and masturbates furiously
  3280. >> Joke's on her for making them free... this is easily the best stuff you've ever tasted.
  3282. >> Decide to have fun with her one day
  3283. >> Instead of just eating the eclair, you fellate it
  3284. >> Keep it going as long as you can, moaning a bit
  3285. >> Finally squeeze it a little too hard and the end pops, earth pony jizz oozing out of the end and into your mouth
  3286. >> Quickly pull it back and squeeze some more, marecum cream spilling all over your face as you lick at the treat with abandon
  3287. >> "F, FUCK!"
  3288. >> Mrs. Cake RUNS out of the room, erection bobbing furiously, and slams the door to the building's upper floor
  3289. >> The next day, Mr. Cake is visibly walking bow-legged
  3291. ============================
  3293. Casually horny Futaquestria is best Equestria. Go out with the mare of your choice on a lazy weekend afternoon. Tour the museums with Twilight, get a backstage peak at the Wonderbolts headquarters from Spitfire, go check out Luna’s prized observatory, go on a wine tasting with Rarity, etc, etc. And then, at the end of the day...
  3295. “Whew... that was a really fun day. I’m feeling kind of frisky now, though. Wanna suck me off?”
  3297. Just, as casually as can be.
  3299. ============================
  3301. >tfw humans aren't real
  3302. >tfw ywn never rape a qt human boi and split him with your huge marecock
  3303. >tfw ywn see your the outline of your dick bulge in his stomach as your thrust into his super tight boipussy
  3304. >tfw ywn see his own cute little dick shoot an adorable tiny load as you fuck him
  3305. >ywf ywn show him what a real nut looks like as you blow gallons of cum into him, impregnating him with your superior pony seed
  3306. >tfw ywn fuck him into a coma
  3307. >tfw ywn turn him in BMC addicted slut
  3309. ============================
  3311. >> Go out clubbing in Canterlot one night
  3312. >> Turns out Rainbow Dash just finished a show with the 'Bolts in town and is hanging out there
  3313. >> Thinks you look kinda cute, so picks you to become her newest bitch
  3314. >> In Equestria, the human's opinion doesn't really matter, every human is either a slut for marecock or will be within a day or two
  3315. >> Takes you back home and fucks your face
  3316. >> Not quite done yet and still feeling frisky, she immediately follows up by fucking your ass raw, too
  3317. >> That was fun, this one might be worth hanging on to
  3318. >> You're way too weak though
  3319. >> All scrawny and pathetic, she can't deal with that long-term
  3320. >> No human is ever gonna compete with a mare for strength but she at least wants something nice to look at
  3322. >> Just for fun, Dash starts training you
  3323. >> As soon as she's done for the day, she comes and finds you, and starts putting you through your paces
  3324. >> Long runs, weight lifting, lunges, wind sprints, everything
  3325. >> Every fucking part of you hurts
  3326. >> And that's BEFORE she invariably winds up getting turned on from watching you go all-out and decides to have another go at turning your throat into her own personal cock sleeve
  3328. >> Slowly but surely Dash's training program bears fruit
  3329. >> You're in the best shape of your life, sleek and firm and muscled and limber
  3330. >> Your body has been completely remade by the sky-blue pegasus
  3331. >> You've even gotten to where you can take her monster cock without feeling like she's ripping you in half anymore
  3332. >> Now you just feel stretched and full and warm and -right-
  3333. >> Dash congratulates herself as much as you, boasting about how her awesome training took even some random loser like you and made him into something worthy of a Wonderbolt
  3334. >> Her cock starts to creep out of its sheath and she licks her lips as she looks over your muscled arms and your six-pack abs
  3335. >> And now that she's gotten you tough enough to MAYBE handle it, it's time to upgrade from all that sappy gentle love-making stuff to some real hardcore FUCKING
  3336. >> Looks like your adventures in Equestria are only just getting started
  3338. ============================
  3340. Cheerilee is much too big to fit inside you without some heavy-duty magic, but she DOES like it when you jack her off with both hands - she likes being so big that you pretty much have to. Just be prepared to be glazed head to foot when she finally blows...
  3342. >Cheerilee has always been bigger than normal, significantly so, but such things are not unheard of in futaquestria
  3343. >She enjoys the authority and natural dominance that comes with her size, very useful for a teacher, especially of foals just going into that rebellious puberty age
  3344. >one day one of her pupils shows up to class, and he's grown a ton, she's not as far ahead of him as she likes, so she seeks some magical assistance to guarantee she will always be the biggest in her classroom
  3345. >turns out the reason he was growing was a magical curse/accident/blessing, it's complicated, but the short of it is that he, and therefore she, was nowhere near done
  3346. >thankfully it got cleared up before things got /too/ out of hoof and he went on to graduate with flying colors and only somewhat strained grad gown
  3347. >but then Silver Spoon bonked her head on the doorframe on the way in to class one day, after discovering her family happened to have a recessive macro gene that morning
  3348. >luckily her parents generously provided the funds to remodel the Ponyville schoolhouse to be giantess accessible, so she is able to continue attending classes with her little friends as she doubles/triples/quadruples their heights
  3349. >and of course Cheerilee growing right along with her is a big confidence boost
  3350. >and to top everything off, the CMC manage to overhear that she has a bit of a crush on Anon, and after the thing with Big Mac didn't work out they know they need to try even harder this time
  3351. >and everypony knows Anon is a slut for massive marecocks
  3352. >this should be easy, but better safe than sorry. They split up after school to each come up with their own plan of attack and the decide which to focus on
  3353. >but, as usual, they can't come to an agreement
  3354. >each is determined to prove their method can grow her way more
  3356. >luckily her parents generously provided the funds to remodel the Ponyville schoolhouse to be giantess accessible, so she is able to continue attending classes with her little friends as she doubles/triples/quadruples their heights
  3358. >The CMC pleaded with you to help a stressed Cheerilee out
  3359. >Her strange growth spurts matching, and exceeding, the growing students like Silver Spoon meant she couldn't even fit in her home anymore
  3360. >Cheerilee couldn't do her job either; it was impossible to read and grade assignments from normal sized students
  3361. >Living at the bigger schoolhouse while her home was being renovated left her upset, at wit's end, and starved for a proper relationship
  3362. >Lucky her, you were more than willing to help the giantess
  3363. >You helped her catch up on grading
  3364. >You aided the students in the classroom
  3365. >And you were no slouch keeping the schoolhouse clean
  3366. >Her relief turned to respect, and that respect changed to admiration once you helped with her newfound personal issues
  3367. >You worked out deals with the townsfolk to keep her fed without breaking bank
  3368. >Mayor Mare increased the education budget thanks to you
  3369. >And, in Cheerilee's mind, the best thing you did was give her the time of day when she felt frisky
  3370. >Which was most of the time you weren't teaching the fillies and colts.
  3371. >She slathered your whole body with wet kisses
  3372. >Her body spasmed in delight when you tickled her feminine folds
  3373. >She pressed your body deep to her ballsack.
  3374. >She squealed with delight at you bringing your arms around her tree-trunk sized shaft
  3375. >And when she came, she came unlike anypony in Equestria.
  3376. >You were sprayed down at near every opportunity with an otherwise bottomless supply of pony seed
  3377. >Ponies knew who you belonged to, the flowery scent would never fully wash away
  3378. >But when you felt the ground quake beneath her tread and saw ponies' eyes drift up, the sensation of butterflies in your stomach would always come back.
  3379. >She loved you with all her big, giant heart
  3381. ============================
  3383. >> you visit a local bakery at Celestia's recommendation
  3384. >> One of the owners greets you cheerfully and asks how you're enjoying your stay in Equestria so far
  3385. >> Promises to whip you up something delicious as you continue to make small talk about the differences between Earth and Equestria
  3386. >> Her cock creeps out of its sheath as you talk
  3387. >> She proceeds jacking off into a bowl like it's no big deal at all, continuing to chat all the while
  3388. >> Several spurts of horse cum later, she's apparently making you some jizz-glazed treats
  3389. >> You mention that this is definitely one of the differences between Earth and Equestria, making food from their own cum isn't exactly the status quo on Earth
  3390. >> She seems shocked
  3391. >> "Oh, you poor, poor thing! You've never had marecum before? Well don't you worry dearie, we know how to show our guests proper hospitality here in Equestria."
  3393. ============================
  3395. >you will never get pumped full of eggs on christmas while stroking chrysalis ovipositor and coaxing them out one by one
  3397. >tfw chrysalis will never spoon you, ovipositor still pulsing inside you, rubbing your bloated egg-filled belly
  3398. True suffering
  3400. ============================
  3402. >Watching Christmas specials with marefriend
  3403. >She's literally got her dick wrapped up in a box
  3404. >There's a 'Do not open until Xmas' tag on it
  3405. >You know how easily pent up she gets, but she shoos every advance away. She won't even touch herself.
  3406. >Doesn't stop her innuendos though
  3407. >"This'll be the first one you open."
  3408. >"It'll be a white Christmas tomorrow."
  3409. >"Santa went all out this year."
  3410. >You hope she doesn't blow her load all over the tree like last year.
  3412. ============================
  3414. >> Be a shy little fashion designer from Manehatten
  3415. >> Never been that popular with the guys
  3416. >> You're okay with that, really, stallions are alright but you really just want to make clothes
  3417. >> Then Twilight Sparkle rips open a hole in reality and you all find out humans are a thing
  3418. >> Sweet fucking Celestia you have GOT to get you some of that
  3419. >> ... And so does every other mare in Equestria apparently
  3420. >> Years spent being a pushover means your game is weak
  3421. >> Eveywhere you go all you seem to see are mares seducing every guy they come across
  3422. >> At least once spotted a cute little human all red-faced on the bus, his eyes shut tight as he bounced up and down on a smirking mare's lap
  3423. >> You wanted to punch her but didn't dare get up for fear of your massive boner tenting your skirt
  3425. >> Working for a world-reknown national hero has its perks, though
  3426. >> Rarity holds an end of year holiday party for all her employees and invites a bunch of friends too
  3427. >> Being such a public figure she of course invites a bunch of cute humans too
  3428. >> FINALLY, your perfect, perfect chance
  3429. >> This is a bit scary though
  3430. >> Maybe you could use a bit of liquid courage
  3431. >> Not feeling it yet, maybe a bit more
  3432. >> Okay, buck yeah, time to get somma that sweet ass
  3433. >> Now is Coco's time
  3434. >> March over and introduce yourself
  3435. >> Make sure your dress parts just right, to show off just what this little slut could get a piece of tonight, if he plays his cards right
  3436. >> Fuck yeah, you are KILLING at this
  3437. >> ...
  3438. >> Oh god.... wake up with your head absolutely pounding
  3439. >> Last night kinda dissolved into a blur after a while
  3440. >> You're lying in a dressing booth in the boutique
  3441. >> Can vaguely make out Rarity nearby reading the morning paper and munching a bagel
  3442. >> Noticing you're awake she brings you some coffee and an aspirin
  3443. >> Find out that you passed out about ten minutes after making a drunken pass at some random human and flashing him your junk
  3444. >> Find out Sassy FUCKING Saddles "apologized" for your behavior profusely thereafter
  3445. >> Find out she made such a good impression she and the guy spent the rest of the night chatting
  3446. >> Find out the last Rarity saw of them they were leaving the party together
  3447. >> Remember that Sassy's been talking about bagging herself a human and finding out if they were all they were as tight as everypony said they were for weeks, now
  3448. >> You fucking hate your life
  3450. ============================
  3452. >> "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend.... Bon Bon."
  3453. >> "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Anon! I'm so happy we could finally make this meeting happen. Your son's ass is truly splendid; I swear, I never get tired of listening to him squeal. Every time I go past the medial ring, without fail! His blowjob technique was pretty lacking when we first met, I must admit, but I think he and I have made real progress the past few weeks. A couple more months and he'll be sucking me off like a pro!"
  3455. >> tfw when you finally, finally convince your boyfriend to let you meet his parents
  3456. >> Seriously, you always thought other mares were exaggerating when they talked about how their humans were so shy about admitting they'd fallen for a pony
  3457. >> Your own toy even tried to convince you not to bring up what a slut he was for your cock
  3458. >> Hell, tried to convince you not to mention even HAVING a cock
  3459. >> No way you're being THAT rude, even for his sake
  3460. >> A mare not complimenting parents on how wonderful a cocksleeve their son was? Unthinkable
  3461. >> You know he'll get all flustered and upset about it
  3462. >> He's silly like that sometimes
  3463. >> You'll fuck those thoughts right out of his head later tonight.... guys can be some neurotic about the weirdest things sometimes, humans even moreso
  3464. >> It's tough being a mare sometimes
  3465. >> But never let it be said an Equestrian doesn't treat her males right
  3467. ============================
  3469. >> Earth makes first contact with ponies
  3470. >> The vast majority of them are futa
  3471. >> They're all too happy to spread 'the magic of friendship' to an all new alien race
  3472. >> They even have a preference for guys, generally speaking
  3473. >> .... But, they like guys because they generally dislike being on top and want their human partners to fuck them senseless, horse cocks be damned
  3475. What do, Anon?
  3477. >Extend the cock of friendship in the name of diplomacy.
  3479. ============================
  3481. >> After the Storm King's defeat, Twilight agreed to try and help fix Tempest's horn
  3482. >> Many weeks pass without any success
  3483. >> Thinking outside the box, Twilight decides that another unicorn's magic signature might help stabilize Tempest's own
  3484. >> The only way she can find to merge the two essences together, however, is to have Tempest temporarily absorb them into herself altogether
  3485. >> She and Starlight perform a ritual that lets Tempest devour a pony with her cock and transform them to cum, temporarily adding their magic to her own
  3486. >> Eventually the magic fades and she'll cum them back out to reform
  3487. >> Tests it out on Starlight
  3488. >> Has the most intense, screaming orgasm of her life as Starlight bloats her balls with seed and her body surges with more magical strength than she's ever had
  3489. >> ...
  3490. >> It doesn't work, her strength both physical and magical return to normal in a few days, as does Starlight, and her horn remains broken
  3491. >> Tempest doesn't even care
  3492. >> Doesn't want her horn back anymore
  3493. >> She's found something far better
  3494. >> Sucking up a pony, filling them fill out her balls, turning them to cum, and claiming their power for herself is the most unimaginably wonderful high she can possibly imagine
  3495. >> Twilight went overboard making sure it wouldn't hurt for the pony being absorbed, either.... because a couple of weeks later a blushing Starlight begs Tempest to do it again
  3497. >> Tempest begins her Equestrian Tour shortly thereafter
  3498. >> She tries out far more than just unicorns, absorbing every type of pony she can find, sampling how each "tastes"
  3499. >> Her balls are almost perpetually swollen and hyperproductive with cum, and her already super fit body toned even further with "borrowed" magic
  3500. >> Earth ponies, pegasai, unicorns, bat ponies, kirin, zebras.... Tempest consumes them all in turn
  3501. >> Even releasing them at the end feels amazing, their bodies reduced to nothing more than her latest load to be shot out onto the ground, reformed only once her balls were done with them
  3502. >> Word spreads fast, and some of the more brave who hear how good it feels even begin seeking her out
  3503. >> Sequeastria seems particularly fascinated, and no sooner does she arrive than she finds a small crowd of hippogriffs clamoring for the chance to be shoved down her cock
  3504. >> She's an old hand at this by now, but it never gets less fun, and she grins ear to ear as her cock effortlessly consumes its latest 'victim,' breaking them down into cum with practiced ease, her horn sparking with excess power and several hippogriffs staring at her enormous nuts with open lust
  3505. >> She'll definitely mount three or four of them later - she'll make more cum when it's time to release her guests, and there's nothing hotter than fucking her sluts full of their own dear friends
  3506. >> After that, she'll have to spend some time sampling her newest magic
  3507. >> It's good to be Tempest.
  3509. ============================
  3511. >Edging your marefriend to cum just as the new year hits
  3513. >you're just hanging out with her for the new year's celebration, it's nothing sexual, at least not at first
  3514. >a few minutes before the countdown, you start telling her everything you prepared to celebrate the new year
  3515. >she can't hide her boner
  3516. >you playfully start playing with her cock to warm her up for what's coming next
  3517. >before you can think about it, you're already edging her like there's no tomorrow
  3518. >"A-anon, the countdown is about to start, we're going to miss it!"
  3519. >you keep on edging her
  3520. >she can't complain, she's enjoying it too much
  3521. >you hear the countdown and you manage to make her cum at the exact moment the new year begins
  3522. >as everyone else celebrates with a cup of champagne or some other shit, you welcome the new year with the first load of your marefriend
  3523. >she's panting too hard to say anything, and you can't say anything either with your mouth full of her love, but you look at each other's eyes and your glance is the best "happy new year" of your lives
  3524. Some day, bros.
  3526. ============================
  3528. For better or worse, Pinkie Pie is a true extrovert who loves people in general. I honestly picture her not being too picky; she likes far more personality types than she dislikes. That being said, while she may or may not care how openly you admit it,she WOULD want a boyfriend who genuinely loved her and said so at least from time to time; it’s been well established that her one great insecurity is being ignored or unappreciated. The occasional heartfelt hug, kiss, or “I love you” would go a long way with her.
  3530. That’s pretty well canon. As for extending a bit with my own personal head canon, I imagine that Pinkie would probably appreciate having a boyfriend who is a bit more subdued. Her family is all super low-key except for Limestone, and it’s been shown that sometimes even her seemingly-bottomless energy reserves can run dry. I suspect she’d like a guy who makes her feel like she’s allowed to slow down a bit every now and then, at least in private.
  3532. As for kinks, I’d say pretty much “all of them.” Pinkie is extremely open-minded, adventurous, and non-judgemental. That being said, I imagine she is ALWAYS up for giving anal or blowjobs; she’s got the best butt in the Mane Six, an intense oral fixation, and a tremendous love of pleasure in general. She’d love to get her butt pounded and is pretty much SHOWN to have no gag reflex / eclectic tastes as well, so she’d consider blowing you arguably an even bigger treat for her than you.
  3534. As for her own dick.... honestly, that’s harder to imagine. Pinkie isn’t very dominant. She’s not submissive, either, though. A total switch. She’d be more than happy to plow you.
  3536. Actually, I totally forgot one. A futa Pinkie would definitely, definitely have a cumflation fetish. She’d get harder than diamond at the thought of pumping you so full of cream that you bulged, and probably couldn’t take her hands off you once you were.
  3538. ============================
  3540. I've always had a soft spot for the Dazzlings, too, even though they're not ponies and are... ya know... villains. They just had so much goddamn character it was impossible not to like them.
  3542. And each was pure fucking sex in her own way: Adagio practically oozed sex appeal and she knew it, Sonata had the whole "innocent and bubbly yet total slut" thing going on, and Aria.... well, Aria is pretty much the living embodiment of the hatefuck: the sun will sooner burn out than you'll hear her address you with anything but seething contempt bordering on murderous fury, but she'd also get harder than diamonds at the thought of -breaking- you.
  3544. None of the Dazzlings are ever gonna love you and they'd probably scoff at even the idea. Even Sonata. They're still evil, after all, and consider humans about on par with cattle: an annoying though occasionally useful thing that they have to put up with. But being immortal, ageless, often-bored sex goddesses stuck in the bodies of teenage girls who actively enjoy giving the finger to social norms? Yeah, all three are gonna be goddamn experts at all things orgasm.
  3546. ============================
  3548. Pegasai are incredibly passionate, and tend to fuck all-out with utter abandon. It's easy to get overwhelmed by their utter intensity; even the meek ones tend to get much more fired up than usual, and will passionately proclaim their love, begging / demanding you "accept their love" as they fuck your face until they cum a gigantic load right down your throat. The less meek ones, well... Strap in, you've got quite the adventure ahead of you.
  3550. Unicorns fancy themselves the masters of foreplay and sophistication, and are also among the more adventurous / inventive lovers. Ready access to magic tends to spice up the bedroom quite a bit and they're not shy about exploiting that advantage. They may not have the gung-ho attitude of pegasai or the stamina of earth ponies, but their level of technique is unsurpassed.
  3552. With an earth pony, you're not done until SHE says you're done. With muscles that can pin you down with contemptible ease, enough energy to last all night, and a strong tendency towards the traditional values that say it's a mare's right - AND sacred responsibility - to keep their males fucked into blissful, eager subservience, you'll be a loyal, submissive little husband in no time. Pegasai might fuck you, unicorns might make love to you.... but an earth pony is gonna be the one to tame you.
  3554. ============================
  3556. >"Anon!"
  3557. "You've got to be kidding, Rainbow." You muttered.
  3558. >"ANON!" The pegasus screamed, tearing down the dorm's hallway both flying and sprinting; whatever would get her to you quicker.
  3559. >The door slammed open with a should barge. Rainbow Dash's momentum brought her skidding to a halt, wings flared to stop herself, just a foot from you.
  3560. >Except for her rock-hard stallionhood. That was poking you in the groin.
  3561. "How?"
  3562. >"It's hard again!" She squealed with pent up frustration
  3563. "Yeah, I see that. How?"
  3564. >Rainbow Dash was yanking her sports bra off, exposing what little of her sweaty body you couldn't already see.
  3565. "It hasn't even been an hour!" You exclaimed. "I just changed the bed sheets from earlier!"
  3566. >"I can't fly straight with this..." She gestures at her throbbing marecock and apple-sized testicles. "Thing!"
  3567. >You sighed and shook your head.
  3568. >Her refractory period had shrunk drastically since dating you, for better and for worse.
  3569. >"Hey, it's not my fault you keep distracting me during Wonderbolt practice!"
  3570. >Your eyes widened.
  3571. "I sent you a text me-"
  3572. >"DURING PRACTICE!" She roared, grabbing your shoulders firmly.
  3573. "I asked what we should do for dinner."
  3574. >"Yeah! And you made me think of you!"
  3575. "Sounds like a personal prob-LEM! You yelped.
  3576. >She shoved you on the bed before you could finish your sentence and yanked down your track pants and undergarments in one swift pull.
  3577. >"Uh uh, this is a team effort lover boy."
  3578. >Her thick shaft pressed its head to your lips, and your dick was already filling Dash's mouth.
  3579. >Though estranged by her behavior you weren't about to let your marefriend's Wonderbolt performance suffer.
  3580. >"Five minutes, tops." She announced. "Gotta work quick."
  3581. >She came down your throat before two.
  3582. >Wasn't just her refractory period that was getting shorter.
  3583. >"Stupid human stamina..." You heard her grumble as she leapt out the window to fly away. "I'll finish you later, Pinkie promise!"
  3585. ============================
  3587. >> ywn gaze lovingly into your mare’s eyes as she jerks off her impossibly huge horsecock
  3588. >> ywn hear her cry out in orgasm as her cock throbs again and again, covering you head to foot in warm, gooey mare spunk
  3590. Why even live
  3592. ============================
  3594. >"Applebloom help! Flitter is eating me with her cock!"
  3595. >Loud audible urethra shutting shlick sound as Big Mac's life is sealed
  3596. >Applebloom just sits there masturbating her futa cock with Rumble and Button Mash in her own nutsack.
  3598. ============================
  3600. If you're planning to get with a dickmare, be warned, they're not like earth horses. Where earth horses can only pump for a few seconds before giving out, dickmares are titans of stamina. A dickmare will pound you for hours on end, using you as her own personal fucktoy, she'll unload pints of horsecum into you, and then just get right back to thrusting without even slowing down. Many naive humans go for a dickmare their first time thinking it'll just be a quick pump 'n' dump, only to be fucked into unconsciousness after their super hung lover has already cum in them 5 or 6 times. So be prepared for long night with a dickmare.
  3602. ============================

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