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Equestrian Rehab (Act 1, Part 2)

By Adjudicant
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-01-23 14:13:15
Expiry: Never

  1. ===============================================
  3. Warning! This is the second part of Act 1. If you haven't yet read the first part, you can find it here:
  5. ================================================
  7. ”If you don’t need anything, then fuck off! I need… I need to think...”
  8. >Your foot hurts, your throat hurts, your chest hurts, and your heart hurts.
  9. >You nearly just fucking died. Got to get out of this place.
  10. >But Celestia-
  11. >She’ll be alright. You’ve already done enough.
  12. >No, you can’t do that. Not again.
  13. >Who cares? It’s not your responsibility.
  14. >You can’t just leave her.
  15. >Why not? It wouldn't be the first time-
  16. *Clop* *Clop* Clop*
  17. >Your train of thought is broken as a stoic Coal Crusher taps the rock next to him with a hoof - his eyes looking lazily across the road with a relaxed gaze.
  18. >What’s he up to?
  19. >Trying to lure you back inside no doubt. Finishing off the job.
  20. >No, he’d probably take you down out here instead.
  21. >That’d save you a lot of hassle.
  22. >Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
  23. “Fuck!”
  24. >Probably thinks you’re being a whiny little bitch.
  25. >He wouldn’t be in the wrong though.
  26. >Someone like you deserves it.
  27. >Especially after what you did to-
  28. >Her shocked face pops up in your head.
  29. >You couldn’t help it. You had been so scared.
  30. >Just the sight of her horn had made your core shake.
  31. >And when she reached out...
  32. >Without realizing, you’d slapped her hoof.
  33. >The look she gave you.
  34. >How could you have done that?
  35. >The fuck is wrong with you?!
  36. >And when she called out, her hoof desperately reaching after you…
  37. >To leave her sitting there like that...
  38. >Now you’re running away? Again?!
  39. “Nnnggggghhhhhhhhh!!!” you pull up the collar of your shirt and yell into the fabric.
  40. *Clop* *Clop* *Clop*
  41. >He taps the rock again.
  42. >You glare at the stallion, but he doesn’t flinch.
  43. >He doesn’t even look at you, he just continues staring off into the distance.
  44. >Here you are losing your mind, and he just sits there.
  45. >Looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
  46. >It’s... oddly calming.
  48. >Just the act of him sitting there indifferently acts as a calming sedative on your fevered thought process.
  49. >Maybe the sky isn’t falling.
  50. >Standing still, you take a few deep breaths.
  51. >They come wheezing in your throat; the air like sandpaper through your bruised windpipe.
  52. >You almost feel like throwing up.
  53. >But it helps.
  54. >Slowly.
  55. >Carefully.
  56. >One step at a time; you grudgingly making your way over.
  57. >The stallion barely moves. Only his patchy and unkempt silver mane swaying in the gentle breeze that sweeps alongside the main road.
  58. >A part of you is still screaming that you should get as far away from this place as possible, but an inexplicable warmth in your chest -- and the hurt face of a certain pony -- compels you to staying.
  59. >And so you sit, your sore sternum groaning with pain as you squat down.
  60. >It’s as you make yourself comfortable however, that you realize your hand won’t stop shaking.
  61. >You stare at it briefly, before you notice the wandering blue eyes of the stallion next to you.
  62. >They quickly snap away, but it still makes you bury your shaking digits in your pocket.
  63. >And so the two of you sit there.
  64. >In silence.
  65. >Joined only by the sound of your own raspy breathing and the occasional rustling of dry leaves on the warm summer wind.
  66. >You’re expecting a lecture, possibly some accusations.
  67. >Even a few snide remarks about how you should leave this place and never return after what you did.
  68. >Still, he just sits there.
  69. >A restless part of you feels like getting mad.
  70. >Maybe bitch and moan about how woe is you.
  71. >But every time you open your mouth to vent - the sight of the deeply burnt and scarred flesh that cuts paths through his black coat silences you.
  72. >Strangely - the more you look at them; the more you relax.
  74. >They spread from a large clump of burnt tissue on his muscular back in patchy spots, carving a scattered pattern around his barrel and head - cutting his mane shorter on some sides, and leaving a few lightning streaks of burnt flesh wrapped around his strong muzzle.
  75. >A few scars from cuts also overlap with the burnt flesh on his face. Easily giving you the impression of a pony who’s been through a lot.
  76. >Yet here he sits. By your side. As calm as the breeze blowing through his grizzled mane.
  77. >Even though all of this was probably because of a Human.
  78. >”You’ve been staring an awful lot. Find something you like?”
  79. >His sudden deep voice catches you off guard, and you quickly look away.
  80. >The fast movement triggers a sputtering cough as your breathing suddenly hitches against a sore spot in your throat.
  81. >Each heave causing a fresh spike of pain in your chest and throat.
  82. >He gives a small chuckle, but it quickly dies off.
  83. >”How you holding up?” He begins after waiting for your coughing fit to settle down.
  84. “I’ve... been better.” You softly reply as you tenderly rub your bruised throat.
  85. >”Do you mind if I have a look?”
  86. >Most of whatever malice you may have had towards him died after getting a good look at his scars. So, with only the slightest trepidation, you pull your hand back from your neck.
  87. >”Damn… Sore?”
  88. “Smarts a bit, yeah…”
  89. >”Hmph. Not surprised. Typical Unicorn horseshit.”
  90. “Huh?” You balk.
  91. >”What? Didn’t think we’d picked up a few words since arriving here?” He gives you a sly grin. ”A few of them are quite nice. Roll of the tongue real well. I’m particularly fond of Cu-”
  92. “Alright, alright-” You raise your hand with a strained laugh. “I get the picture.”
  93. >A moment passes between you as most of the remaining tension slowly drifts away.
  94. “So... That’s magic, huh?” you start.
  96. >”Been a while since I’ve seen it. But yea, no doubt about it.”
  97. >The aura. The chiming. That phantom force.
  98. >You shudder at the memory of it.
  99. >Another few seconds of silence pass before he speaks up.
  100. >”You wanna know a secret?”
  101. >He points a hoof to his forehead as you cautiously look over at him.
  102. >”Next time one of them tries to choke you out like that? Just bop them at the base of the horn. It’s like getting punched in the jaw for them. Kills the magic right away.”
  103. >He gives you a cocky laugh as he taps his forehead.
  104. >But there’s a nagging problem that has you restless.
  105. “Look, Mr -- uhhh -- Crusher, right?”
  106. >”Please, call me Coal, Anon. Mr Crusher was my father’s name.”
  107. “Cole.”
  108. >He nods, satisfied.
  109. “I don’t mean to be rude. But, uh, shouldn’t you be making sure that mare doesn’t hurt Cell-” you hesitate slightly. “-Celestia. A mare that’s able to use magic must be quite-”
  110. >”Harmless. Relatively Harmless.” He finishes your sentence nonchalantly.
  111. >A flash of heat spikes in your face and twists your expression before you can get a handle on it.
  112. >”By unicorn standards, she’s a weak one. Hell, if you knew what was going on - big guy like you could have crossed the room in two strides and tossed her out the window.” He lets out a laugh.
  113. “Ahaha, I get it now.” You laugh along as you scratch your leg. “It's pretty funny right? Finally seeing a Human get what's coming for them”
  114. >He’s probably loving this. Bragging about how easily he could handle a little mare while you were writhing on the gro-
  115. >”Hey!” he barks and stares you down. “I’m not that kind of stallion!”
  117. >It’s a cold, hard kind of look that cuts straight to your core.
  118. >”Trust me. Nobody should have to go through something like that. To be in a situation where your life hangs on the whims of someone else's wrath.” He slowly looks away and rubs one of his scars. “Nobody.”
  119. “... Sorry.”
  120. >He looks up at you -- surprised -- and shakes his head.
  121. >”Don’t be - It’s my fault... I’ve never been good at this kind of thing.” He reaches a hoof behind his head and rubs his neck.
  122. >“This’s the first time something like that’s happened to you, right?”
  123. “... Yeah.”
  124. >Inside your pocket, you try clenching your hand into a fist, but it still shakes.
  125. >”It’s rough, isn’t it. One moment you’re fine, the next you’re… Well…”
  126. “Mmmm…”
  127. >”I gotta say, Anon. I’m impressed though.”
  128. “Huh?”
  129. >”Nobody would have blamed you if you had just hopped in your car and drove off. Though there is one party that I think would have been quite upset.”
  130. “...”
  131. >You don’t feel like responding.
  132. >Even now you-
  133. >”Still feel like getting out of here, don’t you?”
  134. “Wha-?”
  135. >”Like I said - nobody blames you. What happened back there really was extreme.”
  136. >You pull your shaky hand from your pocket and wipe your messy face.
  137. “I don’t-”
  138. >”It’s alright - nobody blames you.” He pats your leg with a hoof.
  139. “I-I Just-”
  140. >He looks away.
  141. >”It’s okay, Anon.”
  142. >What does he-
  143. >And then you feel it. Welling from deep within.
  144. >It starts slow at first, like a bubbling feeling in your chest, before everything starts boiling over the top as your lip starts quivering.
  145. >You slowly bury your head in your hands as you feel the corners of your eyes get wet; and with a strained cry, you start wailing for all your worth.
  146. >And boy, do you cry. And you heave. And you blubber. And you groan. And you wail.
  148. >Like poison being drawn from a wound - you exorcise all your fear into your hands, in addition to a few things you’ve been carrying around with you for a while now.
  149. >Cursing and screaming, apologizing and accusing, before settling on a sobbing silence as you come to terms with what happened.
  150. >Coal Crusher for his part just sits there. Staring off into the distance while you effectively break down.
  151. >Thankfully though, your miserable display lasts only a short while before you finally begin settling down.
  152. >With a sniff and a rub of your nose, you look back up and pull a handkerchief from your back pocket to wipe your face.
  153. >”Feels better, doesn’t it?”
  154. “Hoo yeah.” you nasally reply.
  155. >Though as you pull your hand away from your face, you find out with a scowl that it hasn’t stopped shaking.
  156. >Before Coal can notice, you shove it back into your pocket.
  157. >”Feel like heading back inside yet?”
  158. >You flinch at the thought.
  159. >After a moments of receiving no reply, Coal sighs.
  160. >”Look, Anon. If you’re worried about that unicorn, then I can-”
  161. “No. No, it’s not that. I’m… I’m more worried about someone else.”
  162. >He nods.
  163. >”I can sympathize. I really can. But I think you’re being a bit too hard on yourself.”
  164. “Nah... I don’t know about that. I think I’ll stay out here a bit longer.”
  165. >He sighs.
  166. >”Then this makes it as good a time as any I guess... Now, I don’t mean to pile it on after what you just went through, Anon. But I need to know some things.”
  167. >This time he turns his whole body towards you.
  168. >As he does so, his physical presence suddenly really stands out.
  169. >Beneath his scarred flesh is a lean and well defined physique. His muscular bulk shifting effortlessly with every slight movement as he spins towards you.
  171. >And now that you’re down at his eye level - the critical focus in his expression, and the hard lines on his scarred face really do give you the impression of a royal guard. Or possibly - an enforcer.
  172. >Although you’ve already broken the ice with him a few times already, there’s now a steely cold judgement that washes over his eyes that puts you on edge.
  173. >”Like I said, I’m bad with the subtle stuff. So I’m gonna ask you straight up.”
  174. >This isn’t something you’re compelled to do. In fact, you can probably back out at any point. But you get the feeling that doing so would cost you something dear.
  175. >You swallow heavily and nod at him; putting away the handkerchief and straightening your messy shirt.
  176. “Okay... Go ahead.”
  177. >”How did you find her?” he opens without missing a beat.
  178. >Right off the bat is a heavy hitter, and there’s an accusatory glint in his eyes.
  179. “With money and connections.”
  180. >”Not good enough. How did you find her?” he doesn’t give an inch.
  181. “Well, how much do you want to know?”
  182. >”Enough.”
  183. “For what?”
  184. >”You’ll find out soon.”
  185. >His jaw is currently a hard line, and his ears stand to attention. If it weren’t for how he just helped you, you’d swear he’s about to bite your head off.
  186. “Fine… I paid a contact to find me a Princess, any Princess -- a hefty sum I might add -- and after a couple of months of nothing, they found me a trail.”
  187. >He soaks it in. His expression unchanging.
  188. “I’ll admit - I do have experience tracking slaves through the system. But it’s not what you think.” you say in as calm a voice as possible.
  189. >”... Go on.”
  190. “My fianc-” you pause. “-My wife… She worked as a volunteer in the refugee camps. Helping with Pony mental health. Y’know, sitting them down, discussing their problems, their worries, helping them find some kind of stability and purpose.”
  192. >”Sounds like a good mare. Er, woman.”
  193. “Oh, she was... One day though, a patient of hers goes missing. She comes to me in tears. Says she can’t find him. But there's a lead. So she asks for some, uh, financial assistance. Something she knew I wouldn’t like.”
  194. >Again, there’s no change in his expression.
  195. “She gave me the contacts, and after a bit of humming and hawing, I provided the money. We got a hold of manifests of slaver inventories. And after a lot of hard work -- and a bit more money -- we managed to track him down and get him back to the camps.”
  196. >”And using this method... That’s how you found her?”
  197. “For her - It took a lot more cash, and a lot more time doing it by myself. I had to go through years of sloppy and misleading records. Also burnt a lot of money on bad sources. But yea, I eventually found a place that was selling three ponies with human names that had popped up several times along the trail. I got in contact with their ‘owner’, and he bent over backwards trying to sell ‘them’.”
  198. >”All this by yourself? What happened to your-”
  199. “She died.” you swiftly cut him off.
  200. >”Oh… My condolences.”
  201. >His icy mask starts wavering.
  202. “At first I thought I had the wrong place. I mean, the names were listed at -- sorry for the slaver talk -- bottom of the barrel prices, when they should have been going at a premium. I couldn’t understand. How could an Alicorn be worth this little with how rare they are?”
  203. >His eyebrows crease.
  204. “But when I walked in… Well, there’s only so many of you that have wings and horns. And the state she was in… Let's just say it made some sense why she was selling for so low. There was no way I could leave her there.”
  205. >”So… When you were carrying her before, it wasn’t because you-”
  206. >You quickly catch onto his train of thought.
  208. “I never hurt her. She was just too weak to walk back then.”
  209. >For a moment, his piercing gaze intensifies as his bright blue orbs scan for any signs of deceit on your face. But it soon passes, and he lets out a sad sigh.
  210. >”How… How bad was it?”
  211. “That’s something that stays between me and her. I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to make do with the fact that she was quite hungry.”
  212. >”I see...” His face says he wants to ask more, but he politely relents. “One last question, if you don’t mind.”
  213. “Go for it.” You start rubbing your sore throat again.
  214. >”Why did you rescue a Princess? I mean, rich human like you - you could have had any pony you wanted by the sound of it. Why her?”
  215. “I’m beginning to ask myself the same question...”
  216. >An awkward silence hangs between you.
  217. >Coal shifts slightly as you look away, staring across the road at the sunburnt bushland.
  218. >All the while a heavy question rolling around in the back of your head.
  219. “Cole… Do you hate humans?”
  220. >The guardspony tilts his head.
  221. >”Because of what they did to me?”
  222. “Because of what they did to those you care about.”
  223. >After chewing his lip for a short while, he lets out a heavy sigh.
  224. >”If you had asked me last year? I would have cursed all of you where you stood.” he grimaces.
  225. “I’m not surprised.”
  226. >”What can I say? Ever since Princess Celestia was taken from us, things have gotten bad. Real bad. I, uh, I myself ran into some trouble. Went through a lot of rough places. Suffered a lot at the hands of bad men.”
  227. “But now?”
  228. >”Now? Things are different, I guess. After I got-” he holds out his forelegs, showing off the burn scars. “-these… Well, let’s just say that if it wasn’t for Emily getting me out when she did, I wouldn’t have survived. Literally.”
  229. >He rubs one of the larger marks with a hoof.
  231. >”She pulled me out of a bad spot, Anon. Patched me up real good. Gave me the space I needed. Heard me out. Even when I was threatening her daily - she would just shake her head and say ‘shut up and take your medicine, you grumpy old Stallion.’” he comically imitates her country accent. A deep, hearty, nostalgic laugh escaping his lips.
  232. “I remember one evening when I was walking near the main house, I heard them arguing inside. Stint had just pulled his vanishing act on another pony that was brought in for treatment. Hid her in the bushes off the side of the property while the owner screamed bloody murder.”
  233. >His laughter dies down and takes on a sombre edge.
  234. >”By that point, we already had quite a few mouths to feed. Adding another one and losing out on any payment hurt us real bad. We could live off the land, but we had to ration medicine; and a few ponies suffered real bad.”
  235. “What happened between them?”
  236. >”She nearly threw Stint out on the street then and there, but he said he’d skip his portion as penance. They’ve been together since before I got here, and I’ve never seen her as torn as when she was watching him suffer through those next few days. I’ve never seen any human care that much about a pony. It made me stop and think to say the least.”
  237. “That’s... actually a bit of a surprise.”
  238. >”What do you mean?”
  239. “Since I’ve gotten here, I’ve only gotten the impression they’re in a bit of a, well, a toxic relationship. She’s constantly hitting him, pulling on his ear, threatening him, has him doing odd jobs. I don’t know… Doesn’t seem good. In fact, I’d say it almost feels like he’s a slav-”
  240. >”Don’t say it.” he snaps.
  241. “... Sorry.”
  242. >Coal’s shakes his head and gives you an apologetic smile.
  244. >”Nah, it’s alright, Anon. I know you mean well. I also know what you’re talking about, sure enough. Though I think most of it comes from Emily’s end.”
  245. “Sure that it’s not your bias showing?” you jokingly ask.
  246. >”It might be.” he chuckles. “And Celestia knows Stint’s a handful. But for all their problems, he’s been the normal element.
  247. >You tilt your head at that.
  248. >”In all the time I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her hanging out with people. Sure, she has clients; but things are usually kept brief. Almost urgently short. All the other time she spends with horses, or ponies like us.”
  249. “So the problem is that she’s treating him like a horse? I thought that would be a good thing?”
  250. >”She treats him like an Earthen horse, Anon. Those big, dumb, lumbering slabs of muscle who seem to need a bit of physical encouragement from time to time.”
  251. >Oh.
  252. “I see.”
  253. >The grizzled stallion looks up to the sky.
  254. >”Combine that with the stress of having so many ponies -- fillies and colts included -- to take care of… I think the stress of it all makes them lash out at each other.
  255. “If you say so...”
  256. >”I’m not saying it’s right, or that it’s the healthiest thing there is; but it’s hard at the top, Anon. Having to take care of everyone is taxing in a lot of ways. Having someone there to help you out can really make the difference. I also get a feeling that you should take some of that to heart.”
  257. >With each word your head hangs lower, and all you can muster in reply is a solemn nod.
  259. >”But yeah, since then I’ve learned a lot. I guess what I’m trying to say is - I did hate a lot of your kind, Anon. I still do. I hate those who kidnap us, buy us, use us, abuse us, and throw us away. I hate the ones who sits on the sidelines - pretending they don’t see anything wrong, happy to ignore everything as long as their lives stay peaceful. Buying us as pets for flippant entertainment.”
  260. >He looks back down at you.
  261. But I’ve learned that there are some good humans. They’re as rare as an honest changeling, but they’re out there. So no, I don’t hate all humans. Not anymore”
  262. >”And if you-” he lightly jabs you in the shoulder with a hoof. “Actually did save the Princess. Then I’ll easily count you as one of them. In fact, I think I’ll owe you more than I could ever repay.”
  263. >He finishes by offering a hoof.
  264. >Staring at it for a moment, you’re unsure whether you really deserve it.
  265. >But after he insistently pushes it further towards you, you relent and grasp it in your own hand, giving it a firm shake.
  266. >”Good, good. Now, I know you asked me that in the first place because you’ve got something on your chest, and you still haven’t answered my question as well. So out with it. Why did you decide to rescue the Princess?”
  267. >Just like that, he’s back to being the guardspony - stoic and steely. Ready for any response you’ll give.
  268. “Hah, you got me.”
  269. >You pull some grass from the ground and start fiddling with it.
  270. “If I had to start somewhere… Remember how I told you about my wife?”
  271. >”That she passed?”
  272. “Yeah... A large part of that was because of a pony.” You swallow heavily. “It’s hard to admit, but for a long time after she passed, I hated your kind with everything I had in me.”
  273. >Coal’s expression goes south with a vicious scowl.
  275. “I spent a small fortune tracking down the one responsible; travelling to mines, and warehouses, and factories in search of the prick. I looked for weeks, and then months; the whole time dreaming of my revenge.”
  276. >”I’m hoping this has a happy ending, Anon.”
  277. >He tenses up while his eyes narrow threateningly.
  278. “Bear with me. Please.”
  279. >He nods.
  280. “On the way, I came across a lot of ponies in shitty situations. Tortured, beaten, starved, overworked, sleep deprived, crippled, sick, the works. At first -- and I am ashamed to admit this -- I enjoyed it. ‘Serves them right’ was all I could think as I ignored that little voice in the back of my head that said all this was wrong. Only staying briefly in each hell hole before I marched onto the next. But the further I traveled looking for him - the worse it got. Each new mine or factory or warehouse was a disgusting new pit of pain and misery that no one should ever have to suffer through. It wasn’t long before all my hate had burnt away. And all that was left was a smouldering vengeance focused on this one pony.”
  281. >The stallion is looking at you with a collected calmness. The kind you’d find before a storm.
  282. >You better wrap this up quickly.
  283. “Then one day, the trail ended. I’d found him. A crumpled corpse of shattered limbs and rotting skin. Tucked away in a decrepit shack in the corner of run down housing. He had been dead for a few days at least, but the overseer didn’t even know. Didn’t even care. I found out that the slaver responsible for getting him to and from work somehow had his head caved in by a rock-”
  284. >Coal lips spread into a dark grin.
  285. “-and yet, none of the other ponies cared enough to report it. It was a normal thing for them.”
  286. >You scratch at the back of your head as your voice starts wavering.
  288. “He had been alone at the end. Body broken and starving. He didn’t write any notes. He didn’t leave any messages. There were no grieving friends or family around him. No ceremony to mourn his passing. He’d just lain down in his cot and died in a shack. Deep down in the middle of some god forsaken pit in the ground.”
  289. >Checking back on Coal crusher, you find he’s looking away. Staring across the street again as he bites his bottom lip. A deep pain in his eyes.
  290. “It sounds stupid, but in that moment all my malice melted away; and all I had left was pity for this poor soul. Nobody should go out like that.”
  291. >”No. They shouldn’t.”
  292. “I made a promise to my wife before she died that I thought I’d never be able to keep. But after what I saw, how could I sit back and not do anything?”
  293. >”So… You decided to find a Princess right away?”
  294. “No, not right away. I gave a lot of thought to a lot of options. I looked into buying a few mines and factories. Y’know - tear them down and free all the slaves in them. Some silly liberator fantasy. But that wouldn’t stop the trend of ponies disappearing. That wouldn’t stop the suffering. It only would have burned through all my assets and accomplished nothing in the long term. So I tried searching for a more permanent fix.”
  295. >”Find some way to stop the problem altogether?”
  296. “Exactly.”
  297. >The black stallion sits silently and chews on his lip. His eyes flicking back and forth from you to the ground. Over and Over as he mulls through the details.
  298. >”I have to admit; it’s a bit of a tall tale. But a lot of parts add up. So I’m inclined to believe you.”
  299. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  300. >”But there’s one thing you haven’t mentioned, Anon.”
  301. “What’s that, Mate?”
  302. >He gives you a surprised side-long look, but takes it in stride.
  304. >”What was the next part in your master plan? You found Her Highness and got her back on her hooves? Then what?”
  305. >Your breath catches in your throat.
  306. “I… Don’t know.”
  307. >”Really?” he asks disbelievingly.
  308. “I had a rough plan for sure. Rescue her, help her out, then maybe transition into a support role where I provide capital funding or something like that. I never expected…”
  309. >You hold your hands out in front of you and examine them. The skin on the back of your hands is bruised and cut, the fingertips stained with small smears of your own blood; and one still hasn’t stopped its persistent shaking.
  310. “I never thought I’d…”
  311. >”Never thought you’d care about a pony, did you?” he asks as his ears start twitching.
  312. >The sound of a car approaching in the distance reaches your ears soon after, and you both sit in silence as it passes by - speeding off into the distance with a rattling thrum of its engine.
  313. “Because of my… well, my money - it was hard finding people I could trust. For the longest time I looked for someone I could be happy with. Then, one day -- surprisingly enough -- my wife to be found me instead. It was like magic. Like I’d finally found a reason for each day. Of course, that is, until she started hurting. Then everything entered a downward spiral after that. And when she passed away, I thought I’d never be happy again.”
  314. >Running a hand through your hair, you swallow heavily.
  315. >”Until you met The Princess.”
  316. “That’s right-” you chuckle wearily. “-I finally found another person -- or rather -- a pony that makes me smile...”
  317. >”As much as it might pain me to say it, I think you have the same effect on her… So, what’s the problem then?” he asks, confused.
  318. “That ‘is’ the problem, or rather - I am.”
  320. >You can feel the shame crawling up your back.
  321. >Coal sits there, scratching the side of his head with a hoof.
  322. >”Anon, I’m a bit slow on the deeper stuff, remember? You’re gonna have to-”
  323. “I feel guilty! Alright?” you suddenly snap at him.
  324. >”What?! Because you’re interested in a pony?!” he fires back.
  325. “No! Well, I’ll admit that has made things a bit odd at times, but no!”
  326. >”Then it’s because we’re Slaves, isn’t it? Do you feel guilty because you own her?” He spits with a mocking venom in his words.
  327. “Fuck no! Jesus Christ, Cole!”
  328. >”Then what is it, Anon? Help me out here, would you? Be a Celestia-damned stallion and spit it out already!”
  329. >He looks about ready to knock your head off, but you don’t care.
  330. >With a flourish, you quickly rise to your feet.
  331. ”I feel guilty because I care about another woman that isn’t my wife, you fucking prick!”
  332. >”Look, just because you-” he stops midway through his prepared retort, a hoof pointed accusingly at you. “-oh… Oooooh.”
  333. >He smacks his face with a hoof, then looks back up at you.
  334. >”Anon… I’m really sorry.”
  335. >After letting out a heavy sigh, you take a deep breath and sit back down on the rock.
  336. “No, it’s ok… We can just call it even, I guess. And to be honest, there’s a bit more to it that I’m not letting on.”
  337. >He sits back down next to you.
  338. >”Then if it’s alright with you - I’d like to hear it out. I’ll hold my tongue till the end this time as well.”
  339. “Thank you, Coal… I think you noticed earlier that Celestia had a certain ‘aroma’ about her?”
  340. >A comical blush spreads across his dark cheeks, and he gives you a robotic nod.
  341. “She’s not in heat, Coal. At least not a natural one.”
  342. >It takes him a moment, but as the meaning behind your words sinks in - his face goes aghast; and it almost looks like he’s going to be sick.
  344. “She’s been through so much. She’s still going through so much. And yet after saving my life, I hit her... I don’t know how much of her affection is genuine, or from the drugs; and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m taking advantage of her. Hell, I still feel that I am.”
  345. >”Is that why she’s here? To detox?” he breaks his silence.
  346. “It sure is...”
  347. >Although the confession was intensely embarrassing, it already feels like a weight has been lifted from your back.
  348. >Now that it’s out in the open, you don’t feel the creeping shame so intensely.
  349. >”Anon, I appreciate you telling me this. I really do.” Coal chimes in. ”And don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you’re misunderstanding a few things.”
  350. “Huh?”
  351. >”She isn’t our Monarch just because she’s bigger than everyone else, Anon. Her Majesty is tough as nails. And you probably can’t tell right now because of what she’s dealing with, but she’s incredibly smart. She’s lived for over a thousand years, guiding us all the way. Always there to catch us when we fell.” He straightens up, his eyes gleaming with pride. “She didn’t make it all that way with just a pretty smile and a wave of her hoof. And if you think that that little incident is enough to make her hate you; if you think she’s that petty and childish - then maybe I should be the one smack you upside the head.”
  352. “What about the drug-”
  353. >”Who cares about it. She’s going to be detoxed soon anyway, and then you’ll find out for sure.”
  354. >He puts a hoof on your shoulder.
  355. >”Even if it's not meant to be, I think that if you really do fancy her - then you should make her as happy as possible while you still can.”
  356. “And my wife?”
  357. >”I don’t know what kind of person your wife was, Anon. But do you think she’d want your memories of her scaring you away from something that makes you happy?”
  359. >You know for a fact she wouldn’t want that.
  360. “But when I hit her, I could feel that same anger from when I was hunting down that stallion!” you weakly deflect.
  361. >”Anon… You just got choked out. That’s a natural response. Why are you trying to run away?”
  362. “I-I just-”
  363. >Why are you still throwing excuses at him?
  364. >”Y'know, I think I've realized what’s wrong with you, Anon."
  365. “And what would that be?” you cautiously reply. A dark suspicion growing in your gut.
  366. >"The money.”
  367. “Excuse me?” Alarm bells start blaring in your head.
  368. >”I’m not saying give it all away, just hear me out.” He holds up his hooves defensively.
  369. >Please no, Cole. Don’t ask for money.
  370. >”You said you don’t have many people you can trust.”
  371. “I did.”
  372. >”Because of the money.”
  373. “Cole…”
  374. >”I’m not done, Anon. Even now you’re trying to get away, because you have money. We can’t do that.” He points behind him at the practice. “This is our life. We live it every day, and we have to take everything that’s thrown at us. But you don’t have to. At any point you can walk away. Right now you’re coming up with all these stupid questions that you know the answer to. Because you're searching for some kind of cop-out so you can run away, guilt free. Because you can.”
  375. >His words make bile rise in your throat. You know exactly what he’s talking about.
  376. >”I’ve said enough; I’ll give you some time to think about things now.”
  377. >The stallion stands up and walks away.
  378. >You want to say something. Anything. But a deserved self-loathing makes you swallow your words.
  379. >”Don’t get me wrong, Anon. After hearing your story, I like you. You seem like you’ve got a good heart. Yeah, you’ve got some things you need to work through, but who doesn’t?” he calls out behind his back. “But that’s not what she needs right now. It’s not what she needs going forward.”
  381. >Coal Crusher reaches the driveway gate and stops.
  382. >”So make up your mind already.” he yells as he lies down.
  383. >Pantomiming a yawn, he closes his eyes and feigns sleep.
  384. >Leaving you to your thoughts.
  386. ~~~~~~~~
  388. >For the past hour you’ve sat on this rock.
  389. >Silently sitting.
  390. >Cautiously contemplating.
  391. >Running over everything that’s happened since you found Celestia in that warehouse. Since you met your wife. Since Equestria appeared on Earth. Since you inherited your fortune.
  392. >And through all of it, there’s an uncertainty.
  393. >A constant pattern of retreat.
  394. >Coal just shined a light on a common theme throughout your entire life. But you’re not sure how you should proceed.
  395. >The guardspony in question still silently lies by the gate. His ear flicking occasionally at the sound of distant cars.
  396. >After going through the details for the umpteenth time, you still don’t have a definitive answer.
  397. >Though you do know that you can’t just run away here.
  398. >Nonetheless, having all this time to yourself has revealed itself to be a hidden blessing.
  399. >Most of this past week, you’ve been so busy with Celestia that you haven’t had much time alone.
  400. >Now that you’ve slowed down and poured over everything that’s happened, there’s a welcoming calmness that washes over you.
  401. >Your throat has stopped hurting for the most part; and though it still shakes, your hand has ceased its trembling for the most part.
  402. >You’ve dwelt enough on the past for now.
  403. >It’s high time you started moving forward again.
  404. >Taking a deep breath of the summer country air, you stand up and walk over to Coal.
  405. >He immediately perks up and stands tall as you approach.
  406. >”I was beginning to wonder if you were gonna think yourself to death.”
  408. “Nah, Mate. I’m just a bit slow when it comes to these kinds of things.”
  409. >The stallion gives you a sly grin.
  410. >”I take it you’ve come to a decision then?”
  411. >Before you answer, you lean over slightly and reach a hand down to him.
  412. >Eyeing it carefully, he looks up at you, then back to the hand.
  413. >Then, with a quick nod to himself them, he places his hoof in your grasp.
  414. “I’m still not sure about a lot of things; but I think, for now, I need to keep moving forward and face whatever’s coming. Thank you for helping me out, Cole.”
  415. >”No. Thank you, Anon. You’ve saved me the trouble of dragging you back kicking and screaming.”
  416. >With a wicked smirk that doesn’t give away how serious he is, the guard pony turns and leads you back down the driveway.
  417. >As you walk, in the centre of the field off to your right, the ponies of the practice are hard at work assembling… Tables?
  418. >”We’ve got something of a surprise planned for tonight, provided Her Highness is feeling up for it.” he drops the not so subtle hint as a small cluster of ponies suddenly erupt in a cheer. “With the help you provided us, Anon, we’ve been able to do something like this for the first time in who knows how long.”
  419. >An uneasy voice in the back of your head whispers that they’re after your money, but you squash it quickly.
  420. >You’ve had enough of those thoughts.
  421. >Besides, the sight of a group of ponies holding up a hoof made chair in triumph -- a little filly excitedly perched on top of it -- is too precious for you to be miserable.
  422. >Soon enough though, you reach the front door.
  423. >As you reach for the handle though, Coal grabs your attention.
  424. >”I just want to let you know, Anon - from here on out, I’ve got your back. I’ll make sure no harm comes to you.”
  426. >There’s a broader message behind that statement, but you pretend that you don’t notice it while thanking him for the support.
  427. >Carefully pushing the door open -- the stallion following closely on your heels -- you’re greeted by a strangely familiar humming.
  428. >It’s a heavenly tune that does wonders calming your nerves as you look inside.
  429. >Down the messy hallway, Velvet sits vigilantly outside ‘that’ mare’s room.
  430. >There are some flecks of blood on the ground near her, and a few holes in the wall from your desperate struggle.
  431. >You defensively rub your neck at the sight of her horn, although the fear isn’t as strong as last time.
  432. >Coal notices and gives your leg an encouraging nudge.
  433. >Velvet quickly notices both of you entering and holds up a hoof to her mouth.
  434. >”Shhhh.”
  435. >Silently, the grey unicorn then waves you over.
  436. >Backed up by Coal Crusher, you carefully tiptoe your way along the creaking wooden floors. The tremors in your hand getting stronger and stronger again with each cautious step.
  437. >As you get closer, the melodic tune in the air gets louder, as you realize it’s coming from the room.
  438. >Though you still can’t place it.
  439. >You know you’ve heard it before, but where?
  440. >Slowing to a halt as you near the door, Coal protectively moves in front of you and starts whispering to Velvet.
  441. >After sharing a back and forth series of hushed words, he tilts his head at her, takes a quick look in the room, then gives a goofy grin.
  442. >Bumping hooves with his new colleague, he takes up a post on the other side of the doorway and directs you into the room.
  443. >Every so carefully, you warily approach the doorway.
  444. >Taking a deep breath, you place a hand on the wall and cautiously peek inside.
  446. >Ah.
  447. >That’s right.
  448. >You knew you had heard this tune before.
  449. >Driving the car.
  450. >Windows down.
  451. >Celestia in the back.
  452. >The soothing melody she hummed as the wind flowed through her wings.
  453. >How could you forget?
  454. >There she sits - curled up in the bed.
  455. >Her eyes closed as she hums.
  456. >A hoof affectionately stroking-
  457. >Your heart rate spikes while your breath starts coming sharp and shallow.
  458. >Sitting nestled into her barrel is the mare who nearly killed you.
  459. >She looks sound asleep -- like a harmless little angel -- but that doesn’t help.
  460. >In the meantime, Celestia runs a hoof carefully through her mane, over and over.
  461. >The betrayed look on her face from after you hit her flashes through your mind again, and you shamefully take a step back.
  462. >”Ehem!”
  463. >You glare angrily at Coal, as he loudly clears his throat.
  464. >He ignores your eyes boring into the back of his skull and nonchalantly acts as if he didn’t do anything.
  465. >But you realize it’s too late.
  466. >Taking a few deep breaths, you slowly look back up.
  467. >Bracing yourself for the worst.
  468. >Ready to be told you’re not wanted here anymore.
  469. >Only to be greeted by the same warm smile on her face that melted your heart when you first met.
  470. >Despite the streaks left by long faded tears on her cheeks, and some messy hair - her warm, yet tired, magenta eyes stare back affectionately at you.
  471. >Taking your breath away and leaving just a single thought.
  472. >How could you have even considered leaving?
  473. >She carefully shifts so she can get up and move away, but the maroon mare tucked into her barrel squirms and grabs her hoof - hugging it close to her chest and letting out a happy sigh.
  474. >Celestia gives you an apologetic smile.
  475. >You simply shake your head, sit down in the doorway, and smile back at her.
  476. >Your heart rate calming down once again.
  478. >Best to keep your distance from that unicorn for the moment though.
  479. >The only reason you can even put up with being in the same room as her right now is because Celestia looks like she trusts the pony.
  480. >Plus, a strong guard or two at your back helps.
  481. >As you take a look around the ruined room, she lets out a gasp.
  482. >Pointing with a wing to her long neck, a look of concern is plastered on her face as she mouths ‘are you okay?’
  483. >You smile and nod, before tapping the back of your hand and returning her words.
  484. >She gives you a warm smile and a nod of her own, although her eyes linger on the bruised and bloody back of your hand.
  485. >Though you’d desperately like to walk up and properly talk with her, the atmosphere in the room is a calm and serene one.
  486. >It feels like a waste for a moment like this to be interrupted, and that feeling seems shared by those around you.
  487. >There’ll be a time for those words later.
  488. >As you close your eyes and rest your head against the doorway, her soothing humming resumes.
  489. >There’s a lot on your mind, and a part of you is still freaking out over what happened, but for now - you’re content with relaxing here.
  490. >A tranquilizing satisfaction sitting deep in your heart.
  491. >You didn’t run away this time. You decided to stay.
  492. >And though you’re still wary of that Unicorn, you’ll give her a chance.
  493. >For Celestia’s sake, and your own.
  495. Part 2
  497. >Moments in life like this are precious.
  498. >When everything settles down for just a moment.
  499. >Where everyone can sit and relax.
  500. >Allowed -- for the briefest moment -- to forget the world around them and the troubles they face.
  501. >Resting in the doorway, leaning against the door frame - this thought crosses your mind.
  502. >While Celestia hums a calming melodious tune, you sit silently and mindlessly rub your neck with a shaky hand.
  503. >Your soul drifting in a pleasant sea of calm.
  504. >Only barely cognizant of the pony who almost killed you lying only a few steps away.
  505. >An incoherent muttering escaping her lips as she holds tight the hoof of her Princess.
  506. >Locked in a deep sleep that nobody should disturb.
  507. >Behind you, Coal tries valiantly to remain as stoic and composed as a guard can.
  508. >His efforts are hampered though, as Velvet slowly scoots closer to him. Her tail occasionally flicking back and forth against his flank while she makes irrelevant small talk.
  509. >A hungry look in her eyes.
  510. >Maybe it’s just something in the air.
  511. >Your time outside has given you enough of a breather that you can now notice the subtle bite of Celestia’s scent.
  512. >She must be painfully aware of this, yet she still hums as if nothing were wrong with the world.
  513. >But like all good things in life, this moment must pass.
  514. >And it's a shame that the end of one as pleasant as this comes from suffering.
  515. *Cough* *Cough *Cough*
  516. >Like a spell was broken, you all snap out of your peaceful stupors.
  517. >Celestia’s humming stops.
  518. >The hooves of the guard ponies stationed behind you shift as they turn and assess the new development in the room.
  519. >And on the bed -- nestled in the hooves of the pony you rescued from a cage -- the amber eyes of a maroon mare shoot open.
  521. >She doesn’t move though, instead she clutches tight the hoof resting against her chest.
  522. >Hopelessly watching on as the colt struggles.
  523. >”He’s not going to make it, is he?”
  524. >”I don’t know, Little One. We have to wait until Emily gets back.” she gently answers. “Velvet, there’s no doubt in your mind?”
  525. >A clopping of hooves on woods comes from behind, and soon the grey mare in question carefully steps past you and walks up to the sickly pony.
  526. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
  527. >The colt’s body heaves as his wheezing gets violent again.
  528. >As Velvet helps prop him up, she gives him a scrutinous look.
  529. >”If he’s been getting medicine daily-”
  530. >”He has! I’ve been making sure of it!” the younger unicorn blurts out. “No matter what it took…”
  531. >”Then… I’m sorry to say, Dear - but it’s just like what happened with Night Light.”
  532. >She looks sympathetically at the maroon mare, who only shrinks further into Celestia’s embrace.
  533. >A hopeless sigh escaping her dark muzzle.
  534. >The caring Alicorn pulls her Kevlar-wrapped hoof free and starts brushing the mare’s brown mane again.
  535. >”There there, young Match Stick. I know things don’t look good now, but-”
  536. >”Things don’t look good? Thing don’t look good?! I appreciate the input, Your Highness-”
  537. >Celestia frowns, and you can hear Coal crusher shifting restlessly behind you.
  538. >”But I don’t have anywhere I can go! I’m on the run-”
  539. >Hold up.
  540. >”I used up everything I had just getting here!” her voice starts cracking. “-I-I have no money left, no home, no food. I’ve just hurt the two humans who might be able to help me... I-I n-nearly-” the beginnings of tears pool in her eyes as she chokes on her words.
  542. >”Shhhh, it wasn’t your fault, Child. You didn’t have a choice back then.” Celestia coos.
  543. >”B-But I did have one t-this time! A-And I still almost did it! Again!”
  544. >She said ‘again’.
  545. >”I-If it weren’t for you, then I would’ve... t-that man w-would be... h-he’d be… Ahaa-”
  546. >It looks like the mare has suddenly hit her breaking point, as she cries out in a long distraught wail; spinning where she lies and burying her anguished face in Celestia’s chest.
  547. >The protective Alicorn holds her close, whispering sweet reassurances in her ear.
  548. >Suddenly, her eyes turn towards you.
  549. >You’re not slow.
  550. >At least, you’d like to believe that.
  551. >As the conversation dragged on, you’d pieced together what happened.
  552. >Drawing on a few details over the past few days.
  553. >Emily’s insistence on getting rid of the mare.
  554. >Celestia’s warning, as well as her keen interest in a particular news story.
  555. >Finally - the abilities of the mare in question.
  556. >This unicorn in front of you killed a man.
  557. >With magic.
  558. >And then she almost killed you.
  559. >With magic.
  560. >But that isn’t the main problem.
  561. >The thing troubling you would be the look you’re getting right now.
  562. >Lying on the bed - the two brilliant, yet pained magenta eyes of the mare you care about stare back at you.
  563. >With each new heaving sob, the pleading light in those kind purple orbs grows ever stronger.
  564. >Her cheeks and brow twisting to the point where you think she might even start begging if she wasn’t concerned about revealing your presence.
  565. >Yet despite the question in her eyes, you know she’s already made up her mind.
  566. >It’s just that kind of look.
  567. >Eyes wander slightly; and her resolve wavers briefly as she spies your bruised neck again, but then she doubles down.
  569. >The begging question quickly replaced by a fierce and determined statement.
  570. >She’s not asking that you take in a lost pet. She’s telling you that this mare needs help.
  571. >You know what the right words are. But the memory of what happened is still too fresh.
  572. >An easy lie sits like ash in your mouth.
  573. >It would be so simple if you just said what Celestia wants.
  574. >But so far, you’ve avoided outright lying to her.
  575. >You’re not starting down that path right after you’ve begun reconciling your feelings for her.
  576. >With shame burning your ears, you shake your head and look away.
  577. >Denying her hurts you deep down. But you can’t be forced into something like this, no matter how much she insists.
  578. >As you reach your still shaking hand up and rub your neck, you steel yourself and look back at her.
  579. >Only to be met by another one of her warm smiles.
  580. >Her ears held low and her lips mouthing an apology for asking too much.
  581. >Rather than push the issue with you any further, she instead chews on her lip for a few moments.
  582. >It doesn’t take long, though, before her eyes light up.
  583. >Nervously, she glances in your direction a few times, then slowly lowers her head down.
  584. >What is she up to?
  585. >”Match Stick.” she gently nudges the young unicorn with her nose.
  586. >The distraught mare only buries her muzzle further into Celestia’s fluffy white chest.
  587. >”I know things may seem bleak right now, Little One. But it’s not the end of the world. Not just yet.”
  588. >”You d-don’t k-know what I’ve been t-through!” she hysterically wails back. “I-I had to do s-so m-many b-bad thi-i-ings!”
  589. >Celestia lets her cry for a while longer before speaking up.
  590. >”Match Stick, what happened with that man was an accident. You know that.”
  592. >”B-But I wanted h-him gone!!! M-My horn just hurt s-so much... And when he pulled it out of his pocket… I… I-I… Ahaaa-”
  593. >You guiltily check your pocket and confirm the emergency pill is still in there.
  594. >Meanwhile, Celestia holds the little pony close and consoles her.
  595. >Cooing gently and rocking her slowly back and forth until she finally starts calming down again.
  596. >”So you didn’t know it would hurt him like that.”
  597. >Her brown mane shifts from side to side.
  598. >”I j-just wanted him gone.” She shudders in Celestia’s grip. “And n-now I can’t get the sight of him out of my head! I see him e-every time I close my eyes. I e-even s-saw him when I… When that m-man… I didn’t k-know what to do! I-”
  599. >This isn’t right.
  600. >You won’t just sit here as she elicits an unwitting confession from this traumatized mare.
  601. “That’s enough, Celestia.”
  602. >The room goes silent as both mares on the bed flinch.
  603. >Match Stick visibly reels when she sees you before she quickly scurries behind Celestia.
  604. >Her own eyes red with dark, tired lines underneath them; and her face messy from tears.
  605. >As she cowers behind the larger mare, her body starts shaking.
  606. >”H-How long has h-he been-”
  607. >”For a while now, Dear.” a deflated Celestia answers with a sigh.
  608. >Amber, fear-filled eyes meet your own as you stare each other down.
  609. >Neither one of you budging.
  610. >Both of you waiting for the other to make the first move.
  611. >Yet something has to give.
  612. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
  613. >Almost synchronized, you both look over at the young stallion as he has another violent coughing episode.
  614. >Velvet struggles propping him up with her hooves while flecks blood sprays from his mouth at an increasing intensity.
  615. >The grey unicorn fretting as too many of the nearby sheets are covered in blood splotches for her to clean his muzzle with.
  617. >You look back at Match Stick, but she doesn’t pay you any mind.
  618. >Instead, it looks like all the fire in her has died out.
  619. >Her head hanging while her eyes look like those of a dead fish.
  620. >It’s also at this moment that you notice a nasty purple welt at the base of her horn.
  621. >Looks like Coal was telling the truth.
  622. >Now you feel another gaze in your direction again.
  623. >Celestia’s.
  624. >She’s asking you to do something with those glistening purple orbs.
  625. >But what?
  626. >What can you do?
  627. >You don’t know how to help this pony.
  628. >All that comes to mind is…
  629. “Hey.”
  630. >Amber eyes lazily wander in your direction, before they go wide as she remembers you’re in the room.
  631. >Moving ever so slowly, you reach into your back pocket and pull out a handkerchief.
  632. >Offering it to the maroon mare as a token of peace.
  633. >She eyes it cautiously, moving out from behind Celestia and spreading her hooves wide in a defensive stance.
  634. “For your brother.”
  635. >Nothing happens for a while.
  636. >Then she nods, and a familiar orange light shines while a chiming sound echoes throughout the room.
  637. >Oh Shit!
  638. >As you scramble backwards - hand clutched defensively against your throat, the ponies around you leap into action.
  639. >”Stop that right now, Young Lady!” Celestia commands as she quickly leans over and squeezes the base of Match Stick’s horn in between her hooves.
  640. >”Get back, Anon!” Coal Crusher yells as he leaps in front of you and assumes a threatening stance.
  641. >”Oh my.” Velvet exclaims as she throws her body over the colt’s, protecting him from harm.
  642. >And in the centre of the room, horn softly glowing with the orange aura of her magic - Match Stick sits shell shocked.
  643. >Your handkerchief floating in the air by a magically suspended corner in the same spot your hand was offering it to her.
  645. >”I-I’m s-sorry.” she stammers as the magic in her horn dies out - dropping the handkerchief to the ground.
  646. >”I-I j-just-”
  647. >Her body starts trembling violently.
  648. >”I didn’t m-mean to-”
  649. >As tears start welling in her eyes again, Celestia moves her forelegs down to the mare’s sides and pulls her into a crushing bear hug.
  650. >”You silly filly. What were you thinking?” she mutters as she holds Match Stick tight.
  651. >Sighs come from Coal and Velvet as the younger unicorn on the bed starts crying again.
  652. >Though this time it's more of a hopeless sob.
  653. >Your own tactical retreat had ended when you bumped into a wall in the hallway outside the room.
  654. >From where you’re currently seated, you can see down the hall to the front door.
  655. >The option is still there.
  656. >You can still leave if you want.
  657. >But you know the way forward is sitting in that room.
  658. >Waiting for a chance.
  659. >A part of you chimes in that you’ll never forget what she did.
  660. >That you have every right to walk out that door right now.
  661. >But looking at this helpless mare on the bed - who breaks down over the slightest things.
  662. >Who cares so much for her brother that she was willing to trust you, if only for a moment.
  663. >Held tightly in Celestia’s embrace as she fawns over her like a lost child.
  664. >She was only accepting the handkerchief with her magic.
  665. >It was dumb.
  666. >Some might say tremendously stupid.
  667. >But it wasn’t malicious.
  668. >As you look upon her now, a little idea sparks to life.
  669. >Maybe -- even if it’s only for Celestia’s sake -- you should give her a chance.
  670. >Even if you don’t feel she deserves one.
  671. “Coal, give me a hand getting up?”
  672. >The grizzled stallion looks back at you with a raised eyebrow, then grunts and slowly backs up until he’s standing alongside you.
  674. >Placing a hand on his muscular back, you pull yourself onto your feet.
  675. >Briefly noting that the old earth pony didn’t even budge once.
  676. >In fact, the muscles under your hand felt like steel beneath the smooth scar tissue.
  677. >Just how strong is this Stallion?
  678. >That little thought is pushed away however, as you slowly enter the room.
  679. >Celestia is now gently rocking Match Stick back and forth, trying to settle the poor thing.
  680. >Automatically flanked by Coal, you silently move forward and grab the fallen handkerchief.
  681. >Ironing out a few creases with your hand, you move to Tinder’s side of the bed and sit down.
  682. “Excuse me.” you say as gently as you can while extending a hand forward.
  683. >The maroon mare -- bleary eyed and hiccupping from her hysterics -- glances up at you with a weary, yet cautious look on her face, then down at your hand.
  684. “I think that you and I have gotten off on the wrong foot, er, hoof.”
  685. >She stares at it incredulously.
  686. >Eyes not understanding what they’re seeing, while also occasionally flicking towards a scowling Coal Crusher by your side.
  687. >But then she notices something.
  688. >The hand you offered her won’t stop shaking.
  689. >And so she looks at you.
  690. >You’re not one-hundred percent sure, but you strongly suspect that the fear that is so palpable in her amber orbs is reflected in your own eyes.
  691. >Now or never.
  692. “My name is Anon.”
  693. >Celestia eases her grip only slightly.
  694. >A smile -- so bright that you think you might go blind -- plastered on her thankful face.
  695. >Giving just enough freedom so the mare can move on her own.
  696. >Ever so slowly, Match Stick gingerly raises her shaking hoof.
  698. >The room watches on with baited breath as she moves it forward.
  699. >Retracts it slightly.
  700. >Then timidly places it in the curl of your fingers.
  701. >You both let out a shuddering breath at the same time.
  702. >Then, just as slowly, you clasp your hand firmly around it.
  703. >”M-Match Stick.” she stutters as she weakly shakes her hoof up and down.
  704. ”It’s good to meet you, Match Stick.”
  705. >She winces and looks away.
  706. >Maybe this was too much, too soon?
  707. >”I-I’m sorry...”
  708. >It’s so quiet that you almost missed it.
  709. >”I’m sorry - about the handkerchief, and… Well…” she glances at your neck and winces.
  710. “Don’t mention it. Please.”
  711. >She bites her lip and nods.
  712. >This is as good an opening as any.
  713. >Here goes nothing.
  714. “It might be a bit too late to say ‘let’s start over’, but I think I’ve got a plan.”
  715. >The maroon mare and Celestia both look at you and tilt their heads in sync.
  716. >A sight so comical that you hear a barely suppressed snicker escape Coal’s muzzle.
  717. “Now, you trust Celestia, don’t you?” you continue without paying him any mind.
  718. >Shifting slightly in the protective grasp of the mare in question - Match Stick confidently nods.
  719. >”O-Of course I trust Miss Celestia!”
  720. >That makes the Alicorn frown.
  721. >”Now Match Stick, what did I tell you about that way of addressing me?”
  722. >”But I can’t just call you ‘Celestia’! You’re a Princess!” she says as she looks up at the older mare towering over her.
  723. >Her insistence only makes Celestia frown further, but it brings a smile to your face and a hearty chuckle to your chest.
  724. “Is that right?”
  725. >Match Stick confidently nods.
  726. “Well then, I also trust ‘Miss’ Celestia-”
  727. >The extra emphasis you put on ‘Miss’ earns you a vicious scowl.
  728. >Worth.
  730. “-And since ‘Miss’ Celestia trusts both of us, I think that we should give trusting each other a go. What do you think?”
  731. >Those amber eyes study you warily, then she looks up at her protector.
  732. >Welp.
  733. >There it is.
  734. >That warm, encouraging smile that you’re quickly learning is Celestia’s preferred weapon of persuasion.
  735. >The lethal armament is also coupled with a slow, yet reassuring nod.
  736. >Poor mare never stood a chance.
  737. >Still, she bites her lip for a moment before looking back at you.
  738. >”O-Okay then, Mr Anon…” she gives you a forced smile as she shakes her hoof in your hand again. “I-I’ll try my best.”
  739. >Although her use of ‘Mr’ gets a smirk out of Celestia; you ignore it, smile back, and firmly shake her hoof.
  740. >A few more sighs of relief go around the room as you let go of her, yet most of the tension still remains.
  741. >You’ve taken the first step, but where do you go from here?
  742. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
  743. >As if on cue, Tinder starts wheezing again.
  744. >Well, no time like the present.
  745. >Holding up the handkerchief and gesturing at the poor colt, you inquire:
  746. “Match Stick, May I?”
  747. >She scrunches her mouth with uncertainty and looks back and forth between you and her brother.
  748. >As she struggles, Celestia leans down and whispers something in her ear.
  749. >She looks up at her, then back to you.
  750. >”A-Alright... B-But I’m watching you!” she thrusts an accusatory hoof in your direction.
  751. “Of course.”
  752. >There’s some bark in her words, but no real bite.
  753. >Nonetheless, you take care moving alongside the colt.
  754. >Assuming Velvet’s spot as she shifts and moves out of the way.
  756. >Ever so delicately -- with amber eyes watching every move -- you hook a hand under his back and prop him up against your arm.
  757. >You’re surprised when you feel a pair of tiny wings on his back, but you keep it to yourself.
  758. >This isn’t a good place to act out.
  759. >He’s got a bit of heft; but for a living, thinking creature - he feels rather light.
  760. >You can’t tell that well because of his age, but it looks like he’s a bit underfed.
  761. >Looking over at Match Stick, you now notice she also has thin legs.
  762. >In fact, it looks like the only pony in this room who is well fed is the strong stallion who sticks close by your side.
  763. >Those small details aside, it seems being properly supported thankfully results in the young colt’s breathing quickly becoming less haggard.
  764. >Unfolding the Handkerchief with your free hand, you gently start wiping the blood away from his mouth. Carefully and methodically cleaning up his muzzle.
  765. >Trying your best to rub out the dried stains in his coat.
  766. >Suddenly, his chest heaves and he hacks and sputters.
  767. >Quickly moving a clean section in front of his mouth, you catch the blood before it can stain anything.
  768. >Your supporting hand gently rubbing his back so you might ease his pain.
  769. >Thankfully, the attack doesn’t last as long this time.
  770. >And so you settle into a caring routine as you spend the next few minutes keeping Tinder’s mouth clean and clear.
  771. >Match Stick watching from the sidelines like a hawk for the whole time.
  772. >Occasionally, you wipe his brow clean of sweat with the back of your hand. Sometimes, you brush a lock of sweat soaked mane out of his eyes.
  773. >The fact that the maroon mare hasn’t attacked you yet -- and is even slowly nodding off as her tired eyes struggle to stay open -- is a heart-warming reassurance that you’re doing the right thing.
  775. >It’s so calming, in fact, that it takes a while before you finally notice that your hand stopped shaking.
  776. >Huh, when did that happen?
  777. >Either way - even though you’re not out of the woods yet, you’re thankful that you stayed.
  778. >You’re even finding a relaxing peace in taking care of the young colt.
  779. >It really is incredible, how small he is. How frail his little body feels in your large hands.
  780. >Almost like you’re cradling a-
  781. *Ka-kunk*
  782. >With the clattering of a screen door, every able-bodied ponies’ ears swivel towards the doorway.
  783. >Coal isn’t keen on leaving your side just yet, so Velvet is the one who ends up peeking around the corner.
  784. >”Emily! Welcome back!” she happily chirps.
  785. >Oh.
  786. >That’s right.
  787. >You haven’t seen her since the incident.
  788. >And this is her house after all.
  789. >The blonde vet in question soon rounds the corner into the room, before doing a double take at the scene before her.
  790. >In her hands you spy a clipboard with a few documents attached.
  791. >”It’s good to see you, Emily!” Celestia warmly starts.
  792. >“H-How are you feeling?” a nervous Match Stick surprisingly follows up.
  793. >This elicits a proud smile from the white mare.
  794. >”Wow, looks like I missed the reunion.” she runs a hand through her messy hair. “Yea, I’m doing alright, thanks Matchy.”
  795. >Her eyes wander over to you.
  796. >“How you holding up, Anon? That looks a lot worse than mine.”
  797. “Better. Doesn’t hurt as much as it did.”
  798. >You spot Match Stick shrinking into Celestia’s embrace out of the corner of your eyes.
  799. >”Good, good. That’s good to hear. Really. Everything got sort of… Out of hand before.” she guiltily rubs her arm. “If it weren’t for some strong ‘equestrian diplomacy’ from a certain someone… Well, let’s just say we all might not be here right now.”
  800. “Too right about that.”
  802. >Curious, you look over at Celestia, but she just acts like she did nothing special.
  803. >That reminds you - you still haven't thanked her for resuscitating you.
  804. >But that can wait for another time.
  805. >When you’re alone.
  806. “Hold on-” you look around as you realize something. “Where’s Stint?”
  807. >Emily mood visibly worsens, and she looks into a corner of the room.
  808. >”H-He’s alright… He and I had a little, um, a little disagreement while we were doing the tests. He’s, uh-” her bottom lip quivers slightly. “He won’t be joining us until later.”
  809. >”Very well.” Celestia chimes in. “In the meantime, I understand that you have the results there?”
  810. >The veterinarian beams.
  811. >”You better believe it! Let’s see... Your test, Matchy, was a negative-”
  812. >Celestia and Match Stick both let out a little cheer and nuzzle each other’s cheeks.
  813. >Good lord, just how close did they get while you were outside moping about?
  814. >”Oh thank goodness.”
  815. >”You’re telling me. I don’t know what I would have done if that came up positive.”
  816. “Someone mind filling me in on what this is about?”
  817. >”Likewise. It feels like a lot has happened while we were gone.” a grumpy Coal Crusher echoes.
  818. >”We’ll gladly catch you up soon, Anon.” Celestia impatiently reassures you. “But first, Emily?”
  819. >”Right!” she excitedly flips through the pages. “We followed your instructions to the word. Was a bit hard finding the right ingredients to mix. Took us quite a few tries till we got the balance right as well. Good thing we took a bit of extra blood from our generous donor.” Emily punctuates the sentence with a wink at Match Stick.
  820. >The mare in question gives a small growl and stares daggers back at the vet.
  821. >”And the results?” Celestia’s ears twitch as she keenly awaits the answer.
  822. >A silent prayer in her magenta eyes.
  824. >”When adding the catalyst-” Emily glances quickly at Match Stick again. “-The mixture in vial number one turned green for about a second; the mixture in vial number two turned blue for about a second as well, and then the mixture in vial three turned purple before fading back to clear... Is that good?”
  825. >You cock your head to the side.
  826. >Just what on earth are they talking about?
  827. >You look down at Coal, but he doesn’t look confused.
  828. >Instead, he stares with his mouth hanging open across the bed at Celestia.
  829. >And then you hear a sniffling.
  830. >Scratch that, there are two sets of sniffling.
  831. >So you look over as well.
  832. >Since you rescued Celestia, she’s shown you her fair share of tears.
  833. >In times of anger, sadness, and loss.
  834. >But this… This is different.
  835. >While Match Stick slowly backs away -- probably worried that she accidentally did something wrong again -- Celestia sits on the bed as tears of joy roll down her face, her eyes staring off into space.
  836. >Velvet hops up on the bed and starts walking up to her, the grey mare’s own face stained with tears as she smiles.
  837. >”She did it. Didn’t she, Celestia?”
  838. >Snapping out of her stupor, the big Alicorn looks over at the approaching guardspony and smiles the goofiest grin you’ve ever seen on her face.
  839. >”There’s no doubt in my mind now, Velvet! She’s done it! Twilight succeeded!”
  840. >Both mares erupt in joyous laughter and wrap each other in a hug.
  841. >The excitement in them boiling over the top as they start bouncing in each other’s hooves.
  842. >Constant cries of ‘she did it!’ escaping them as they giggle.
  843. >And cry.
  844. >And laugh.
  845. >And weep.
  846. >The rest of you unable to get a word in as they bury their heads in each other’s necks and rock back and forth.
  847. >Little shouts of joy and relief escaping their muzzles the whole time as they clutch onto this one moment and don’t let go.
  849. >While they lose themselves in their rapturous celebration, you try your best to keep Tinder’s body still.
  850. >The sickly young Colt still having trouble breathing as he lies in your arms.
  851. >”W-Why are they crying when they’re so happy?” Match Stick nervously turns around and asks you.
  852. >Although you can understand why she still can’t really handle talking to you, a question remains about why she’s keeping her distance from Coal.
  853. >Despite her fear of you, she maintains a cautious gap between herself and the grizzled stallion.
  854. >Constantly checking so she can make sure he isn’t getting any closer.
  855. >Guess you’ll have to ask him about it later.
  856. >Because right now, he looks like he’s about to break into tears himself.
  857. “Hmmm. How should I put it...? Have you ever been so happy that you can’t really contain it?”
  858. >The young mare shakes her head.
  859. “Well, it’s sort of like that.” you say as you gently start rubbing Tinder’s back again.
  860. >”That sounds… Nice...” she ponders as she wistfully stares at the two jubilant mares bouncing up and down on the bed.
  861. >It takes a while for them to settle down, but when they finally do, they pull apart with blushes on their faces and several embarrassed coughs.
  862. >“Your Highness, Does this mean what I think it does?”
  863. >Now it’s apparently Coal’s turn to ask.
  864. >”Yes. You would be correct, Sergeant.”
  865. >As if the strength just left him, the stallion’s back legs give out and his rear falls to the floor.
  866. >But he doesn’t mind. Instead, he leans back and looks up at the ceiling with his eyes closed.
  867. >Taking in a deep breath. Letting out a long sigh.
  868. >So he can rebuild his composure before standing back up on shaky legs.
  870. >”I thought the day would never come, Your Majesty. I’ve waited for it for who knows how long now.”
  871. >”I can assure you - the sentiment is shared, my patient Protector.”
  872. >Although the titles they call each other feel a bit strange in your ears, there’s a more pressing matter on your mind.
  873. “Alright, I think enough is enough.”
  874. >All eyes in the room suddenly turn to you. Even Emily stares at you like you just said something strange.
  875. “Could someone please tell me why everybody is acting like they just won the lottery? What did those tests mean? I get who Twilight is, but what on Earth did she do?”
  876. >”What are you talking about, Anon?” Emily scoffs. “You of all people should know these things! Unless…” She holds a hand over her mouth and looks down at the snow white Alicorn on the bed. “Celestia did tell you about ponies and magic, right Anon?”
  877. >All eyes are on Celestia now as you frown.
  878. >”W-well, i-it’s not like I didn’t want to tell you, I just never really g-got the chance to!” She stammers. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears slowly turning a rosy red. “Th-there was never a good, uh… A good opportunity! Yes, that’s right! Just not enough time!” She scrunches her mouth up and looks away.
  879. “Celestia...” you deadpan. “We’ve been sleeping in the same bed for the past week.”
  880. >”Hmph.”
  881. >”Oooooh, how exciting!”
  882. >”Ahahaha, for real?! Anon, you stud!”
  883. >”You can always do worse, Miss Celestia. Trust me... ”
  884. “Oi.”
  885. >Velvet and Emily quickly crowd around the now pink faced Celestia and start gossiping in an indecipherable whisper.
  886. >A continuous chatter surrounding the poor Princess as she tries to remain composed and regal; yet failing as they ask a particular question that makes her visually balk and look over at you.
  888. >After a few moments of internal deliberation -- and with a blushing grin -- she holds her hooves wide in front of her in some strange gesture, making the ladies squeal with surprise as they sneak glances at you.
  889. >But as amusing as all the reactions are, something’s not right here.
  890. >From what you can remember, Celestia isn’t a bad liar.
  891. >Hell, she kept her knowledge about the deadly magical Unicorn a secret from you so long and so well that it almost actually killed you.
  892. >But every now and then, she slips up in such comically obvious ways.
  893. >What’s the pattern?
  894. >While Velvet and Emily start gossiping with a now beet red Celestia, Coal Crusher thankfully speaks up.
  895. >”Anon, allow me to start things off. You see those marks on the young ladies’ haunches?”
  896. >He points with a hoof to the actual match stick imprints on Match Stick’s hind-quarters.
  897. >The maroon mare wilts under his attention and looks away.
  898. >Shifting her rear nervously as you both inspect it.
  899. “Yeah, it’s a tramp stamp. What about it?”
  900. >”Wha-” he scoffs. “That’s no tattoo, Anon. There’s no dye or ink involved. It’s what we call a cutie mark.”
  901. “A cutie mark.” you sarcastically repeat.
  902. >”That’s right, a cutie mark. And while I’ll admit the name is a bit... Silly… what it represents is on a whole other level.”
  903. ”So, is it some genetic thing? Or-”
  904. >”Not exactly. What you’re looking at is a, uh, physical manifestation… I think… of a ponies’ special talent or ability. Sometimes it’s direct and easy to understand; sometimes it’s more… Confusing. The important part here is - it only appears under two conditions.”
  905. >He smiles wide.
  907. >”When a pony discovers their special talent and comes of age -- and more importantly for our current situation -- when they have magic flowing through their body.”
  908. “It just pops into existence?”
  909. >”There’s usually a bright flashing light or some other fancy thing that happens, but yes.”
  910. >You carefully study the mark further.
  911. >Upon closer inspection, you can clearly see each individual hair fiber that constitutes the image is its own colour. All the way down to the root as far as you can tell.
  912. “So Match Stick here is good with… Match sticks?” you ask, slightly disappointed.
  913. >”Hey! I’m also good at making sculptures out of them and starting small fires!” The mare angrily remarks.
  914. ”Sorry.”
  915. >Seems like you touched a nerve.
  916. >”You’re not exactly wrong, Anon. But ponies feel differently about their special talents than you do, don’t forget that.” Coal remarks.
  917. “Doesn’t feel good when someone mocks what you enjoy… Yeah, I get that.”
  918. >”Good.” he nods. “The mark can also represent other things, such as characteristics of your personality. Or, in some rarer cases, your greater role in life.”
  919. >Suddenly a few pieces click together in your head.
  920. “Hold on a second. Match Stick has her special talent of match sticks-”
  921. >”Why does it have to sound so bad when it comes out of your mouth?” she bites back with a surprising new confidence.
  922. “Sorry.”
  923. >You scratch the back of your head with your free hand and look back at the stallion.
  925. “I guess from your name, that you’re good at… Crushing things, Cole?”
  926. >”You’d be correct, but in my case, that works out as a boon to my strength. Makes for a good guard pony. You’ll often find we have things like ‘steel’ this, or ‘iron’ that in our names.”
  927. “Interesting. What do you crush in particular, Cole?”
  928. >”What do you mean?” he stares at you, perplexed. “You just said it.”
  929. “Huh?”
  930. >”What?”
  931. “I’m asking what things you crush, Cole?”
  932. >”Yes!”
  933. “What do you mean, yes?”
  934. >”When you asked if I crush coal, I answered yes!”
  935. “But what do you crush?!”
  936. >”I’ve already told you!”
  937. “What did you tell me, Cole?”
  938. >”Exactly!”
  939. “Exactly? What do you mean exactly?!”
  940. >On the sidelines - Emily, Velvet, and Celestia all clutch at their sides now that they’ve finished with their little chat. A barely restrained snickering spreading amongst them.
  941. >”I mean exactly what you said!”
  942. “What did I say?”
  943. >”You asked if I ‘Crushed Coal.”
  944. “Yes! I asked ‘What do you crush, Cole?”
  945. >”And I’m telling you that’s correct!”
  946. “What’s correct???”
  947. >It’s apparently too much for the ladies on the sideline as they collectively erupt in laughter.
  948. >Desperately holding onto each other for dear life as they’re rocked by their mirth.
  949. >Even Match Stick lets out a little giggle.
  950. >”That’s too much, you two! Please, no more. It hurts.” A breathless Emily pleads as she clutches her sides.
  951. >”Anon, his name is Coal” Celestia struggles to point out as she wrestles with her laughter.
  952. “Yeah, I know it’s Cole!” you huff. “I just want to know what he crushes!”
  953. >Another bout of laughter goes around the room.
  954. >”N-No, Anon. Ohohoho, oh dear. It’s C-O-A-L Coal. Not the human name.” Celestia cheerfully corrects you.
  955. “Oh.” you look over at an exasperated Coal Crusher. “Oooooohhhhhhh.”
  957. >Shit.
  958. >Taking another look around at all the smiling people and ponies in the room -- including a beaming Match Stick -- you feel a heat building in your cheeks.
  959. “Man, I’m dumb sometimes.”
  960. >That just sets the mares and Emily off again.
  961. >”What do you mean ‘sometimes’?” is all Coal has to say on the matter.
  962. “So!” you quickly begin, desperate to wrap up the subject and move on. “You crush Coal.”
  963. >He gives you the most deadpan stare you’ve ever received from a pony.
  964. >”Yes.” he says quite firmly. The hard lines of his scarred face sending a message.
  965. “Alright, alright. So once you get your magic back, your mark will be like - some broken coal? How does that work with your dark coat?”
  966. >”It’s actually a pickaxe striking a mining vein. But close enough. Very well defined on my coat as well!” he beams proudly.
  967. “Then little Tinder here would have a...?”
  968. >”He’s too young to have a cutie mark.” Match Stick speaks up. “Plus, he's never really lived with magic…” she gives the wood-brown coated colt in your arm a pitying look.
  969. >Oh.
  970. >That makes sense.
  971. “What about you, Velvet?”
  972. >”Who me? Oh, don’t let the mark confuse you, Dearie-”
  973. >There it is again.
  974. >You really need to ask Celestia how old she is when you get a chance.
  975. “-My full name is Twilight Velvet, but it’s a bit hard to guess from that. Before we came here, I was a writer. Mostly children’s bedtime stories. Some kind souls might even say I have a way with words!” Like the others, she puffs out her chest in pride of her special talent.
  976. “Wait… Your name’s Twilight? But you just said ‘Twilight succeeded’. Isn’t that you?”
  977. >”Oh, no, no, no, Sweetie. Twilight is my daughter!”
  978. >It feels like a gear stopped turning in your head.
  979. “This isn’t another one of those ‘Coal’ things, is it?”
  981. >”Not quite, Anon.” Celestia giggles. “Velvet’s daughter is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of magic and friendship.”
  982. “Friendship?”
  983. >”Friendship.”
  984. “Magic ‘and’ friendship?”
  985. >”Magic and friendship. Although it would be more correct to say that friendship is magic.”
  986. >Now it feels like a spanner was thrown into the workings of your mind.
  987. “Okay. Right. Gotcha. And Stint?” you hastily change the topic before any more damage is done.
  988. >The room looks expectantly at Emily.
  989. >”That’s a bit of a sore spot for him.” She rubs her arm. “His mum was a nurse, his dad was an iron-worker. When he was born, she named him Stent Casterly; y’know like after a heart stent? The big oaf of a stallion was in charge of the documents while she was getting some rest. Wrote stent with an ‘i’ instead of an ‘e’ on his birth certificate. By the time they found out, it was too much effort to change it so they left it be.”
  990. “Ouch.”
  991. >”Yeah, I think that’s where he gets the eternal chip on his shoulder from. He told me that he used to specialize in medicine and making small surgical devices.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “He explained it to me once - that not having his magic means he can’t do delicate work like that anymore. That it was like if I lost my fingers. Never told me what his mark was though. Didn’t want to talk about something that wasn’t there, I guess.”
  992. >”That would explain a fair bit about him.” Coal Crusher adds with a hoof held to his chin.
  993. “Okay, okay. I’m getting the trend here.”
  995. >You spy Celestia scooting along the bed, trying to hide her larger body behind Velvet and failing miserably.
  996. “There’s just one more pony name that doesn’t make sense.”
  997. >Her multi-coloured tail flicking as she searches for another avenue of retreat.
  998. “Celestia.”
  999. >She freezes like a deer in the headlights.
  1000. “Please, enlighten me.”
  1001. >There’s a moment of silence as she searches for a way out the situation.
  1002. >But before you can press her, someone else speaks up.
  1003. >”Her highness is one of the Sovereign Sisters of Equestria. Her mark is a depiction of the glorious celestial body - over which she has control and guides through the sky. The source of warmth and life in Equestria, the Sun itself.” Coal crusher announces with a militaristic pride.
  1004. >...
  1005. “The sun.”
  1006. >He nods.
  1007. >You look over at Celestia.
  1008. >She bites her lip and looks away, before closing her eyes, sighing, and confirming it with a nod.
  1009. “That thing?” you point upwards.
  1010. >Coal nods again.
  1011. “The, uh, the giant fucking fireball that’s more than a hundred times the size of earth, has a surface temperature of over 5000 degrees, and is hundreds of millions of kilometres away.”
  1012. >The stallion hesitates as you drive a stake through his certainty.
  1013. >Backed into a corner, he looks to his Monarch.
  1014. >”I-I’m sure t-that once she regains her magic-”
  1015. >”That’s... not quite correct, Sergeant.”
  1016. >Celestia finally speaks up, unfortunately only to deal a blow to her guard’s pride.
  1017. >”Your Highness!? W-What do you mean? I’ve seen you raise the sun many times with my own two eyes! Surely, that wasn’t just a mere illusion?”
  1018. >She sighs and moves out from behind Velvet.
  1019. >”That was back in Equestria, my Loyal Subject. Back on our old world.”
  1020. >Her words render him speechless.
  1021. >”Anon. I’ll tell you everything I should have, and then what might happen next. But it will take a short while.
  1023. >Looking over at everyone else in the room, she smiles.
  1024. >”The rest of you are welcome to listen in if you’d like, but I ask that you not part with this story easily once you’ve heard it.”
  1025. >All the conscious ponies gulp, and Emily closes the door before making a makeshift pile of junk she can sit on.
  1026. >”I remember the morning we arrived here.” she continues as she slowly moves towards you. “I woke early, yet the sun was already rising without my assistance. When I reached out to it… All I could feel was an overwhelming tempest. A raging storm that was so different to the warm body I had known for more than a millennia. I knew right away - something was terribly wrong.”
  1027. >She curls up at the head of the bed, digging in for the long haul.
  1028. >You follow her lead, moving the rest of your body up onto the bed and lying with your back propped up by some spare pillows.
  1029. >Pulling the sickly colt from the sheets as you do so, you lie him on top of your chest.
  1030. >His small wings twitching weakly as they can finally stretch free.
  1031. >With one hand - you gently rub his back between the wings while Celestia rests her neck against your other arm.
  1032. >It feels good, being so close to her again. Feeling her warm, soft coat on your skin again.
  1033. >But the sombre tone in her voice sours the reunion.
  1034. >Match Stick quickly manoeuvres towards the Alicorn’s barrel. Her movements still measured and wary of you and Coal as she claims her seat and tucks her hooves under her body.
  1035. >Meanwhile, the two guardsponies lie down attentively at the end of the bed.
  1036. >Though Velvet seems a bit distracted as she keeps glancing at the stoic stallion next to her.
  1037. >Her tail gently flicking back and forth against his side once again.
  1038. >But now, you’re all ready and waiting.
  1039. >And together - you look expectantly at the Princess of the Sun as she begins her story.
  1041. Part Twenty-one (Part 21)
  1043. >With a slight clearing of her throat, Celestia looks around the room.
  1044. >A quick check, making sure everyone is ready before she begins.
  1045. >”From the very first hour, things were falling apart. Transportation spells would go awry. Long distance communication lines quickly collapsed. We soon lost contact with all other kingdoms and major city hubs. And as the power of magic in Equestria slowly faded - the crown became blind. Velvet’s daughter -- Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship -- was quick to action. Though, in typical fashion, keeping her calm was more than a challenge.” She shares a knowing look with the white and purple maned pony at the end of the bed.
  1046. >“Within a day, she had made it to the palace. Once there, she instantly dove into the vaults of Canterlot library - enlisting her friends’ help in her search for a solution. But despite their best efforts, it wasn’t long before everything began falling apart.”
  1047. >She looks down at the tired mare in between her legs.
  1048. >”Do you remember those days, little one?”
  1049. >Match Stick nods sadly.
  1050. >”M-My mum was working in the Cloudsdale evacuation right up until it collapsed… I remember she wouldn’t stop crying as it fell from the sky...”
  1051. >”Indeed. It was a sad day, and an enormous loss for all of us. It was the first major blow we all felt, and the foreshadowing of a crisis that would drive us from Equestria.”
  1052. >Celestia pulls her head back and looks at you.
  1053. >”In Equestria, Anon, magic was used for many things. From everyday living, to growing food, controlling weather, even for building a city in the sky. It’s no exaggeration to say that Equestria lived off of magic.”
  1054. >She looks down at the colt in your arms.
  1056. >”While Unicorns have always been the most sensitive to magic; Pegasi are the species of pony -- along with all other flying species in Equestria -- that rely the most on it. No longer able to soar through the skies, it wasn’t too long until large number of ponies could no longer work. Their home in the clouds crumbling as the magic which kept it afloat dissipated. It also meant we no longer had control over the chaotic and unrelenting weather of our world.”
  1057. >Her ears fold back.
  1058. >”Within days, we received reports, then calls for help, as refugees started appearing from the flooding coastline cities; then, from the earthquake ruined badlands. The drought stricken deserts soon followed; and before long, Canterlot and central Equestria were bursting at the seams with displaced ponies, in addition to many other creatures.”
  1059. >”Space quickly became a luxury, and soon we had given up all the spare rooms in our house to strangers.” a sad Velvet adds. “We even had people sleeping in hallways and broom cupboards.”
  1060. >”I’m not surprised. It was also around this time that we received an emergency missive from Princess Cadance and the Yaks in the north. The weather was growing wilder, and the magic of the crystal kingdom was failing. Without the power of the crystal heart to protect them, their lands were quickly being overtaken by the blistering winds. But that was not all they faced.”
  1061. >There’s a cold tone in her words that makes the temperature in the room drop.
  1062. >”Included in the reports were tales of strange creatures approaching from the east and west. Wrapped in strange clothes and walking on two legs - they marched with steel wagons, and carried devices that claimed lives with a thunderous roar. I don’t think I need to tell any of you what they were.”
  1064. >You carefully pat the wheezing colt on your chest as his hoof kicks weakly in restless sleep, before contributing a small detail.
  1065. “A new continental landmass suddenly popped into existence… No claims. No laws. No natives - at least from what we could tell... It didn’t matter what anyone tried to do to stop it, things were heading for a feeding frenzy from day one. And a lot of places had been hurt by the appearance of Equestria as well. Shipping lanes were disrupted. Ocean weather patterns were ruined and wreaked havoc on seasonal weather patterns. A few islands completely vanished from the face of the Earth... There was a lot of confusion.”
  1066. >”That’s may be so, but we didn’t have the liberty of knowing what was coming...” She pauses.
  1067. >”My-” her breath hitches. “After our call for aid from various allies went unanswered - my sister, Princess Luna-”
  1068. “Luna, is it?” you gently interject. “Guessing from her name, and from what you’ve told me, she controlled the moon?”
  1069. >”Yes, she did.” Celestia answers with a chuckle at your rolling eyes. “She was the Princess of the Night. And she was loved by her subjects. Without her help in the early days, Canterlot would have swiftly fell to ruin…”
  1070. >Celestia stares down at her purple, Kevlar-wrapped hooves.
  1071. >”She… S-she was my s-sister.” her voice starts cracking.
  1072. >The room goes quiet.
  1073. >Nobody making a sound out of sheer respect.
  1074. >Unease starts creeping up your back though, as Celestia takes a few shuddering breaths, and so you reach over and gently stroke along the side her long neck.
  1075. >At the same time, Match Stick tucks herself in tighter and nuzzles the Alicorn’s fluffy chest.
  1076. >”T-thank you. I-I’ll be okay.”
  1077. >She takes a deep breath as she cranes her neck against you ministrations.
  1079. >“My sister was an earnest mare. Always painfully concerned with how others viewed her, yet completely oblivious to even simple body language. She was a mare from a different time, but she didn’t let that stand in her way. With Twilight and her friends working day and night -- travelling the land and pouring over ancient knowledge in search of a solution -- someone needed to go check things out.”
  1080. >You’ve never really heard of this Princess Luna before outside of rumours and hearsay.
  1081. >You know that the bad feeling in your gut is correct.
  1082. >”She volunteered right away, and left on an expedition north with a contingent of her own guards. Before she set out on her journey though, we stopped and held each other close. One last time together as the world was falling apart around us.” A few tears pool in the corners of her eyes. “... I haven’t seen nor heard of her since she departed that day.”
  1083. >Ever so carefully, so you don’t disturb the colt on your chest, you move your arm up and run your hand through Celestia’s multi-coloured mane. Gently consoling her as she does her best to stay composed.
  1084. >”She’ll come back to us, your highness. Just like before. Just like you did.” Coal speaks up.
  1085. >A deep pain in his eyes.
  1086. >”I hope so, Sergeant... I truly do.”
  1087. >Running a Kevlar-wrapped hoof through Match Stick’s mane to the delighted murmur of the young mare, Celestia clears her throat and continues the tale.
  1088. >”We did welcome a small contingent of crystal ponies after that. But we never heard anything about Princess Cadance, or her husband - Shining armour. Velvet’s son.” She shares another kind look with the grey unicorn.
  1089. “Quite the royal bloodline you’ve got Ms Velvet.” you sympathetically offer the now downtrodden guardspony.
  1091. >”Y-You’re gosh darned right!” she quickly picks herself up. “Those two are tough, Your Highness. Just you wait and see! They’ll probably just rock up on our doorstep one day. Maybe a bit battered and bruised, but f-fine in the end. Little Flurry should be a young filly by now, and there’s no way they would let her grow up alone...”
  1092. >There’s a strong confidence in her voice, but there’s nothing backing it up barring sheer force of will.
  1093. >Nonetheless, you’re discovering she’s the type of person -- or rather, pony -- that you want to see proven right. If not for her energetic enthusiasm, then for her sheer positive outlook that shows no hint of naivety.
  1094. >”We can only hope, Velvet... Now, where was I?”
  1095. “Refugee crisis. It’s been enlightening - hearing how it started.”
  1096. >”Ah, right. Thank you, Anon. Let's see then…” she taps her chin with a hoof.
  1097. >”Shortly after Luna’s... Departure - we, or rather I, made proper contact with humans. An expeditionary force of courageous souls had made their way -- over the course of a few weeks -- from the battered coastlines and through the now chaotic wilds of the countryside. There had been brief interactions with humans before, as well as some wild rumours flooding the overpopulated camps, but I hadn’t yet met any for myself.”
  1098. >A wistful smile spreads across her face.
  1099. >”They brought with them strange devices, and a wealth of information. We stayed up late into the night, sharing stories and knowledge. Confirming the unsettling truth that we were on an alien world. I thought young Twilight would have a fit, she was so excited.”
  1100. >The smile slowly disappears.
  1102. >”Unfortunately, our new friend’s welcome was quickly overshadowed by our deteriorating situation. The weather was growing ever dangerous. Canterlot’s magic was almost completely dried up. That’s also around the time when I realised that a critical choice had snuck up on me while I had been trying to hold the kingdom together.”
  1103. >She looks apologetically at Velvet.
  1104. >”I was already pressuring Twilight day in, day out. Things were becoming dire. Food stockpiles had already been mostly burned through. The last of whatever Earth pony magic and skill we had left was being squeezed dry so that the final harvest of crops would survive the constant assault of wild storms and blistering heat waves.”
  1105. >”Crime was rising sharply. Guards were pulling 18 hour shifts and just barely holding everything together.” Coal Crusher concisely contributes.
  1106. >”I wouldn’t have made it without you, Coal.” Celestia performs a small bow with her head.
  1107. >”We wouldn’t have made it without you Princess. Please, don’t ever forget that.” He quickly bows lower. His chin almost touching the sheets.
  1108. >With a heavy sigh, she nods and thanks him.
  1109. >“Things were falling apart. We couldn’t stay there any longer without resorting to drastic measures. And so, with a heavy heart, I poured over our options. Then, a few days later, I made the announcement.”
  1110. “The Great Equestrian Evacuation. Little bit of a bombshell when we found out what was coming our way.”
  1111. >”I don’t think either side could have prepared for it. I know we weren’t.” She pauses. “Though I will say, the kind humans that visited us that day provided us with enough information that they can rightly be called saviours. For with that knowledge, we were able to make plans to flee our crumbling lands.”
  1113. >The tone of the story swells with hope, but the mournful mare by your side just sounds bitter and spiteful.
  1114. >”Can I add something?” Match Stick raises her head from where it was resting on Celestia’s barrel.
  1115. >”Of course you can, Little One.”
  1116. >Rising onto her hooves, she meets the eyes of everyone in the room. Although her gaze quickly rolls over you without stopping.
  1117. >”If Miss Celestia didn’t get us moving when she did, then I don’t think we would have made it.”
  1118. >”Oh, I’m not so sure about tha-”
  1119. >”I remember those days, Ms Celestia. Anyone who was there would say the same thing. My Mom and Dad would stand in bread lines from the crack of dawn every day, and sometimes not even get anything. I was already stealing food just to keep Tinder fed at that point. If we didn’t leave when we did, then I don’t think a lot of us would have made it across the ocean.”
  1120. >There’s an honesty burning in her eyes that cuts deep. And then those glowing amber orbs turn your direction.
  1121. >”And you, Mr Human-!”
  1122. “I have a name.” you point out as you continue rubbing Celestia’s mane while Tinder lays safely perched on your chest.
  1123. >She flinches slightly.
  1124. >”R-Right, Mr A-Anon. M-My bad... Still-” She points a nervous maroon hoof at you. “This is m-my Princess. I don’t know what she likes about you, and I don’t get why either. But if you make her sad, then you answer to m-me, u-understood?”
  1125. >”Match Stick! That’s highly inappropriate!”
  1126. “Haha, nah. It’s alright, Celly.”
  1127. >The nickname comes naturally this time. Easily drawing her surprised, purple eyes.
  1128. “I’ll just have to make sure that you’re never sad again. I think that’s fair, don’t you?”
  1130. >Celestia sighs and shares a disarmingly gentle look with you that makes your heart pound in your chest.
  1131. >Her magenta eyes conveying a sweet shimmering affection that makes heat build in your cheeks
  1132. >You’re quite glad nobody else can see it.
  1133. *Ahem* “Now where were we? Great Equestrian Evacuation?”
  1134. >”Of course.” She smoothly replies.
  1135. >Celestia waits until Match Stick is once more tucked against her barrel before she continues.
  1136. >”With the tremendous help of Twilight-”
  1137. >Velvet beams.
  1138. >”-as well as a large number of highly capable ponies - we collectively organized the systematic evacuation of millions of Equestrians. I can’t give you an exact number because we honestly don’t know. Plans were disseminated-”
  1139. >”Disseminated?”
  1140. >”Handed out, Young Match Stick.”
  1141. >”Oh... Hey, yeah! I remember those!”
  1142. >”-disseminated among the sprawling city and camp districts. Certain species, like the dragons, aimed straight west and moved as a group. Aiming for what we now knew as Asia. We couldn’t all go to the same place though - so preparations were made, goodbyes were said; and with heavy hearts, we began moving out... Still, there were those that refused to abandon Equestria.”
  1143. >Celestia looks to her ponies. All of them gathered around her and listening in rapt attention.
  1144. >”But we didn’t have that choice! If we were to survive, we had to take action!”
  1145. >They all nod in agreement without averting their eyes.
  1146. >“Things were going well at the start.” she continues. “Instead of scrounging for scraps in camps, ponies were motivated by having a collective goal. I was amazed and inspired by how quickly large, self-organized groups had formed while the sole purpose of guiding the evacuation. But it seems that good things never last long.”
  1147. “Was this the start of the infamous magic sickness?”
  1149. >”Unfortunately, yes… As we harvested lumber for ship building and brought it with us to the coasts, many ponies and other creatures started falling ill. While at the same time, we started encountering humans en masse.”
  1150. “I remember those days. People had just finished pushing through the storms surrounding Equestria and had established communication lines. All these hazy pictures were flooding the news. Caravans of Equestrians. Lines of ponies -- and other strange creatures mixed in -- that would stretch to the horizon - all of them heading for the coast.”
  1151. >”Indeed, It was quite the sight to behold. What was even more impressive though, was when we arrived at those battered shores. Great cities that were once major hubs of civilization now lay flooded and ruined. And sitting out near the horizon, swaying with the violent currents, was a fleet of giant ships - all of them seemingly cast from metal. I specifically recall a military adviser saying ‘that’s not possible without magic!’ as he tried to pick his jaw up off the floor.”
  1152. “This coming from the advisor to a Princess who could move the sun with her mind?”
  1153. >A crimson blush spreads across her cheeks as her ears fold back.
  1154. >”A-As I was saying, there were many new sights waiting for us at the coast, including a large encampment of human engineers, scientists, and military personnel. But the most disturbing one was the fatigue that now hung off every pony’s body. Try as we might, we could find no cure. But for the meantime, it was manageable. It slowed down construction of the ships, and once again we rushed towards another crisis.”
  1155. “This is when a lot of people got their first full dose of your kind. Hell, I remember your first interview on T.V.”
  1156. >”Don’t remind me…”
  1158. “You had a lot on your plate. Everybody could tell.”
  1159. >”How am I supposed to act when they tell me billions of humans are watching me and I can’t even see them?” she scoffs incredulously.
  1160. “Trust me. Nobody cared how confused you were. Hell, the papers the next day were plastered with corny headlines like: ‘Straight from the horse's mouth!’”
  1161. >Celestia huffs and pouts adorably.
  1162. >”Moving on!”
  1163. >A few snickers go around the room, with even the cautious Match Stick giving a little giggle.
  1164. >”As I was saying - after making proper contact, we forged a stopgap treaty and enlisted the generous assistance of the humans. Together, we built thousands of ships over the course of a few months. But the whole time, a rot was slowly seeping through the camps. The sickness had started turning for the worst, with most ponies becoming bedridden and some even becoming desperately ill. Being the Princess of Magic, it’s no surprise that Twilight was the first to work out the underlying cause. And the one who lead us to a cure.”
  1165. >She now looks at the poor Pegasus lying on your chest.
  1166. >”Although the particulars escape me at the moment, the overall process is rather simple. Ponies -- and all Equestrian creatures for that matter -- lived off of magic. Our bodies used it in everyday processes. It makes us stronger, it keeps us in good health, and it ties into the very fabric of who we are. Without a strong flow of magic in the world, our bodies became weak. But their hunger for magic didn’t stop... Biologically speaking, it's a three part process.”
  1167. >Glancing down at a blank faced Match Stick, Celestia furrows her brow for a moment before continuing.
  1169. >”You see, Little One, there are parts inside of us that collect magic, some parts that organize and distribute it, and other parts that use the magic. What was happening was that our bodies -- which had evolved in an environment of constant background magic -- were starving. Different parts of us were all crying out for more magic, and so the collecting parts started taking it where they could find it. Stronger parts started stealing what little magic they could find from weaker parts. Sometimes they would get violent and try to take any magic by force. Or even just go wild with a sort of impotent rage. This would often cause damage or fatigue to the parts inside us that make us work. And the longer we went without magic, the more aggressive this process became.”
  1170. >”Is that what’s wrong with Tinder?” Match Stick inquires.
  1171. >Her amber orbs wandering over to the struggling Colt on your chest.
  1172. >”In a way, yes... Although the medicine quells our body’s desire for magic, there are some ponies for whom the medicine does not work as it should. Rather, it has the opposite effect. Ramping up the body’s hunger for magic rather than removing it. Accelerating the degeneration process. This is what happened with Night Light, Velvet’s husband.”
  1173. >Velvet lets out a heavy sigh and leans into the stallion by her side, making the intimidating stallion flinch and stare at her sidelong with a scar-faced blush.
  1175. >”No matter how much I told her otherwise, poor Twilight always blamed herself for what happened. The ‘cure’ only had an adverse effect on a remarkably small number of ponies, and it was only after taking the medicine for a while, or when moving through puberty would this aberration appear. She saved the lives of millions of ponies. But she could never forgive herself for cutting her father’s final days shorter... As the final ships left Equestria, she and her friends stayed behind - vowing that they would find a fix to the whole mess before catching up with the rest of us.”
  1176. >A few tears roll down her cheek, but she still meets your eyes with a defiant smile.
  1177. >”Nobody could stop that silly filly from saving the world, even if they tried.” The proud mother declares.
  1178. >”But, it should be fine now right? I can use magic, which means there must be enough magic for him to be okay!” Match Stick urgently asks.
  1179. >”Unfortunately, that isn’t quite the case.” Celestia corrects her. “The medicine, in addition to quelling our hunger, blocks all three parts of the process. So even if somehow the collection and distribution were working like they should, the part that uses the magic won’t work. And from the tale you’ve told me, I’m of the opinion that this ‘usage’ part is the last one to become active once a pony stops taking the pills. This is why you released your power so violently.”
  1180. “You’re saying not taking the medicine turned her body into some sort of pressure cooker? A ticking time bomb waiting to go off?”
  1181. >The princess gives you a grim look while Match Stick averts her gaze.
  1183. >”I’m afraid so... While you were gone, we learned that she stopped taking pills for a bit under a week. This would have restored her body’s hunger for magic, while slowly restoring her absorption and other faculties. Without anywhere to go or anyway to be used, the magic started raging inside of her.”
  1184. “But she survived, right? How come there haven’t been others yet then, if all you need to do is stop taking the drugs?
  1185. >”A good question, and one that I don’t currently have a reliable answer to. However, I strongly believe that the only reason why Match Stick survived the process, is due to her rather abnormally low magic capacity and talent for spellcasting. A more proficient pony would very likely have suffered severe internal trauma. And if they survived the process, the after effects would have been much direr. No offense by the way, Dear.”
  1186. >Coal Crusher’s comments about the mare’s abilities roll through your mind.
  1187. >‘Relatively Harmless’ was his assessment.
  1188. >And yet, she still did that to you.
  1189. >”That’s okay… I never was that good with magic back in Equestria. Apart from lifting things and lighting small fires, I can’t really do the more difficult spells.” The maroon mare hangs her head.
  1190. “Hold up, are saying this colt on my chest might blow up? I mean, if his body is sucking in magic and he can’t use it…” You cautiously look down at the restless pony on your chest.
  1191. >”No, Anon… I believe that the drugs are working on him. That means that his body can’t absorb magic, nor can it redistribute or use it. But magic deficiency alarms are constantly sounding all over his body now; and so the ineffective components are tearing him apart internally, trying to get a hold of magic that they can’t even use.”
  1193. >She reaches over with a wing and brushes a sweaty lock of mane out of the young colt’s eyes.
  1194. >”S-so, t-that’s it then… T-there’s nothing more we can do! He’s just g-going to get worse and worse, until...” Match Stick pauses, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes as she fearfully awaits an answer.
  1195. >”There is hope yet, Little One.” Celestia consoles her. “Remember the tests that I had Emily run?”
  1196. >The distraught mare nods.
  1197. >”They confirmed that the flow of magic has been restored to Equestria, and by proxy, Earth as well. As of this moment, it flows around and through all of us, though the only one who can properly access and use it at the moment - is this special young Unicorn right here.”
  1198. >Celestia bends down and nuzzles the young pony; eliciting a brief smile that stretches across the mare’s tired muzzle before she resumes sulking over her sickly brother.
  1199. >”But what difference does it make… T-Tinder still isn’t going to-”
  1200. >”Don’t be so sure, Match Stick. I think I may have a plan in regards to that. One that can’t be done without your help.” Celestia hums knowingly.
  1201. >”Huh?! Me? How?! Tell me! I’ll do anything! You name it! I’ll even sleep with the human if I have to!”
  1202. >”Baha!” A loud burst of laughter suddenly erupts from Coal Crusher before Velvet swiftly jabs him in the ribs.
  1203. >It happened so fast that you’re not quite sure it occurred, until you notice the tips of the Sergeant’s ears going red as he averts his gaze.
  1204. “What do you mean ‘even’?”
  1205. >While the guardstallion valiantly suppresses his mirth, Match Stick quickly realizes what she said and looks nervously at you with an apologetic smile.
  1206. >”Rest assured, Filly. You would not have him so easily.”
  1207. >Wait, what?
  1208. >Tension soaks the air as things get unexpectedly serious.
  1210. >Celestia has uncharacteristically thrown down a threat. Her voice dripping with a power that makes the pony in her embrace wilt.
  1211. >The denizens of the room all give each other nervous looks as the maroon mare shrinks under her monarch’s withering gaze.
  1212. >You can feel the muscles tensing in the Alicorns neck as her multi-coloured tail swats the bed.
  1213. >Her eyes narrow, daring the poor pony to speak.
  1214. >You’re about to speak up, but the moment is ultimately brief; and like a switch being flicked, Celestia is suddenly back to her kind and caring disposition as she strokes a terrified Match Stick’s mane with a soothing hum.
  1215. >A brief, yet confident nod to herself the only clue as to what she’s thinking.
  1216. >”As I was saying, I have a plan. And it starts with… Hmm, let’s see… Coal Crusher, Twilight Velvet. I have something ask something of both of you.”
  1217. >Although they’re still shaking off the uneasy feeling from a few moments ago, the two ponies confidently nod.
  1218. >”I’ll also need Stint. So I’ll trust you to relay what I’m about to say, Emily.”
  1219. >The unusually quiet veterinarian perks up from her phone. Nodding enthusiastically as she’s finally included in the conversation.
  1220. >”You got it, Big Girl. Just let me know what to tell him.”
  1221. >”Thank you. I truly do appreciate it.”
  1222. >She pauses and looks around the room again.
  1223. >“Now... I’d like to ask the three of you, plus young Tinder here, to stop taking your medicine.”
  1224. >You can hear a pin drop, as everyone in the room silently soaks in what the Princess just said.
  1226. >”... No offense, your majesty, but have you gone completely mental?!” Emily is the first to speak up. “You said it yourself - without the pills, their bodies will tear themselves apart! I’ve seen it first hand, and I'm willing to bet you have as well. Bleeding from every orifice… Good lord, the screams of pain! Just what on earth are you thinking???”
  1227. >”If that’s what My Lady so desires, then I shall gladly oblige.” A stone faced Coal answers.
  1228. >”Coal!? You can’t be serious! After everything you’ve been through, you’re just gonna throw your life away now?”
  1229. >She stomps around the side of the bed and stares him down.
  1230. >”My life is hers to command.” He unflinchingly replies.
  1231. >”Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable. And here I am - dumb enough to think that you had learned something since then.”
  1232. >Her eyes burning into the side of his head, the vet and the guardspony refuse to back down from their stances.
  1233. >”E-Easy now, Emily. I’m sure Her Highness isn’t just asking us to die.” Velvet nervously assures her. “I hope… Right, Dear?” The newly inducted guardsmare asks her monarch.
  1234. >”I understand your concerns, Emily; and I’m also grateful for your devotion, Sergeant. But -- as Velvet suspects -- I do have a strategy.”
  1235. >Celestia looks down at the confused mare between her legs.
  1236. >”I have a little spell I’d like to teach you, Match Stick. It’ll be hard to learn, and you may fail a few times along the way; but if you master it, then you may very well save your little brother, as well as light a path for the rebirth of Equestrian civilisation everywhere... Do you think you’re up for the challenge?”
  1237. >The tension from the previous altercation quickly fades away, and the Alicorns words are filled with such hope and faith that even you feel slightly inspired.
  1239. >Amber irises flick away though, and the maroon mare hesitates beneath the questioning gaze of her Princess.
  1240. >As if he could sense his sister’s conflict, the sickly colt on your chest coughs wetly.
  1241. >Staining your shirt with a few flecks of blood before you can hold the handkerchief against his mouth in time.
  1242. >Gently stroking his back, you sit up on the bed and prop him up against your chest so he might breathe easier.
  1243. >Still, his strained wheezing rattles in his throat for all to hear.
  1244. >That ends up being just what the young mare needed.
  1245. >”I-I’ll do it, Miss Celestia! Whatever it takes, I’ll do it!” She answers while staring at her struggling brother with brilliantly blazing amber eyes.
  1246. >Celestia beams and bends down so she can nuzzle her.
  1247. >She’s met halfway, and the mares hum happily as they do a rather pony-like neck hug.
  1248. >”This is all fine and dandy, Cinderella, but you still haven’t spelled out how you plan on not making everybody bleed out in my practice!” An irate Emily chimes in.
  1249. >Giving a confident chuckle as she leans into Match Stick’s neck, Celestia looks smugly at the upset veterinarian.
  1250. >”It’s simple, Emily. I’m going to teach this young pony how to drain magic!”
  1252. =========================
  1254. *Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*
  1255. >Walking alongside Coal Crusher and Emily, you gradually make your way down the driveway.
  1256. >The other two parties dead silent as they roll over Celestia’s plan.
  1257. >None of the ponies in the room had any idea what she was talking about when she had said ‘drain magic’, but the ancient Alicorn had deigned not to share her secrets with any of you.
  1258. >It was simple in essence though.
  1259. >Ponies stop taking the medicine.
  1260. >Their bodies start building up magic in lethal amounts.
  1261. >Match Stick drains a large chunk of it so that it doesn’t rampage inside of them.
  1263. >Then, when they can use it again, it won’t come out as a lethal torrent of blistering destruction.
  1264. >Nor will it cause severe internal damage to the pony in question.
  1265. >Sounds easy, right?
  1266. >The one caveat is that, apparently, it’s quite a hard spell to use.
  1267. >Judging by the look on the maroon mare’s face as you left, she wasn’t as confident in her own magical capabilities as her Princess was.
  1268. >You also got a bit of a ‘taboo’ vibe from all the ponies in the room, but you trust that Celestia knows what she’s doing.
  1269. >Trudging down the asphalt, you hear a beep from the end of the driveway that draws your attention.
  1270. >There’s the truck, just like Emily had declared after her phone abruptly went off.
  1271. >Filled with the necessary equipment for Celestia's treatment.
  1272. >And so, she had conscripted the both of you in helping her carry everything inside; leaving the motherly mares behind so they may instruct their new student.
  1273. >Though from the lost look on her face, you’re pretty sure Velvet’s just there for moral support.
  1274. >They also wanted the unicorn to start using magic again, and you’re not quite ready for that shit again just yet.
  1275. >Even the chiming sound that echoed down the hallway as you left sent shivers down your spine.
  1276. >Before you left though, as you had removed the colt from your chest and started hoisting yourself out of the bed - Celestia had leant over and whispered in your ear.
  1277. >”I want to talk when we can, Anon. Just the two of us.”
  1278. >She had punctuated the sentence with a loving nuzzle against your check that had left you speechless; and as you approach the end of the driveway, you idly bring a hand to your face and touch where your skin still tingles with her warmth.
  1280. >Heading around the back of the delivery vehicle, a skinny man hops out of the driver’s seat and opens the back up.
  1281. >While he chats with Emily about various horse related things, you start piling boxes on Coal Crusher’s back before grabbing a few of your own.
  1282. >How the grizzled stallion balances so many of them without even wobbling, you’ll never know.
  1283. >Turning back and starting down the driveway, your ears pick up snippets of slightly hushed conversation.
  1284. >”So… You finally got a boyfriend, Em?”
  1285. >”Huh? Wait, what? Oh... Him? Oh... Oh! Oh, no, no, no, no! I’m, uh, already taken. He’s a… Just a client.”
  1286. >”It’s ok, Em. I think you guys make a cute couple. Plus it’s good you have someone to talk to that isn’t a horse. You’ve been alone long enough.”
  1287. >”... What’s that supposed to mean?”
  1288. >”Look... I know that Mark hurt you bad-”
  1289. >”Hurt me bad? Hurt me bad?! Don’t you dare say his fucking name again! He ruined my life!”
  1290. >”I know, I know... Look, I’m sorry, okay? All I’m saying is - it’s good... see you’re... other people…”
  1291. >Their voices slowly become indecipherable as you get further away, leaving a question on your lips.
  1292. “Hey, Coal, do you know what happened between Emily and Mark?” you ask the scarred stallion by your side as he steadily walks down the driveway.
  1293. >”Nope.” he nonchalantly shrugs despite the five boxes piled on his back. “Not my place to ask. All I know is that Emily use to have a lot more horses here. Then one day, she didn’t.”
  1294. >In the centre of the front yard, another cheer escapes the crowd of hard at work ponies; and you see that they’ve now finished fashioning several long tables that only stand a couple of feet off the ground.
  1296. >”Hey, Mr Crusher! We’re just about done with the furniture. We’ll have dinner ready on time, so we’re counting on you, Sir!” An enthusiastic stallion calls out across the field.
  1297. >A few of the other ponies turn so they can wave at you.
  1298. >The guardspony gives a curt nod and faces forward again, not bothering with a proper reply.
  1299. >Instead, his large blue eyes give you a sidelong look.
  1300. >”Do you think she’ll be right to join us, Anon? There’s a lot of hopeful ponies that have been looking forward to tonight. That little meet and greet from earlier wasn’t enough.”
  1301. “I dunno. She’ll probably need some encouragement, but I think I can handle that. What matters most is them giving her some space.”
  1302. >”What do you mean?” he asks as he tilts his head to the side.
  1303. “That place I rescued her from… She wasn’t exactly treated well by the other ponies there. Let’s just say her cage didn’t have any neighbours for a reason.”
  1304. >”They’ll treat her right, Anon. I’ll be there to make sure of that.”
  1305. “I don’t doubt it. I reckon anyone who gives her flack will get a broken jaw in return. But from what we’ve talked about, I think she’s still conflicted.”
  1306. >”About what?”
  1307. >You stop a short distance from the house and wait for the stallion to do the same.
  1308. “... This is between you and me, okay?”
  1309. >His features suddenly harden, and he gives you a strong nod.
  1310. >You feel like you’re overstepping your bounds a bit here, but it's about time you stepped up to the plate.
  1311. >If you’re intent on taking the next step in this journey, then caring for Celestia beyond just throwing money at her problems is a top priority.
  1313. “I’m fairly certain that Celly blames herself for everything that has happened. And she’s going to be thinking that it’s her fault every time she sees or talks to an injured pony. Hell, remember how she acted when she realized she couldn’t remember you because of your scars?”
  1314. >”Oh… I see...” is all Coal offers, as the stoic stallion looks down and bites his lip.
  1315. “Look… I’ll be there to help her out as much as I can, but I can’t do it alone. I need you to handle the crowd control with an extra level of scrutiny. Keep an eye on how she’s faring before you let more ponies get close to her. And keep an eye out for the ones who have a bone to pick.”
  1316. >For the first time since you’ve met him, the guardspony looks slightly nervous. His eyes flitting from side to side while his ears flick.
  1317. >”I-I can handle crowds, Anon. Key word being ‘handle’. I’ll gladly be an immovable rock that nobody can get past. But I can’t read ponies, or people, that well. I just don’t get that kind of thing. Never have, never will.” he ashamedly admits.
  1318. “What are you talking about? You knew what I needed to hear when I was struggling, didn’t you?”
  1319. >”T-that was different. I just happened to know what you were going through… This though… This is different.”
  1320. >There’s a slight wavering in his deep and powerful voice.
  1321. >Unbelievably, the pillar of confidence that helped you get through the last couple of hours is crumbling.
  1322. >There’s no hint of cowardice on his features; but nonetheless, there is a deep fear.
  1323. >”I can’t fail her, Anon. Not again.”
  1324. >His confident composure capitulates in front of your eyes.
  1325. >Even though you have sympathy for his struggle - it’s a bit unnerving, seeing such a strong stallion shaken like this.
  1327. >But beneath all of this, you sense an opportunity.
  1328. >A role that you can fill.
  1329. “Then we’ll just have to work together.”
  1330. >Coal lifts his head, a question in his eyes as he sees the newfound confidence in your smiling face.
  1331. >Placing the boxes on the floor and crouching down at his level, you offer a hand.
  1332. >”The ponies won’t really trust me, no matter how good my intentions might be. I’m not stupid enough to believe otherwise... But they do trust you, Coal.”
  1333. >He slowly nods while eyeing your outstretched palm.
  1334. ”And if you and I work together, then we can help her cope.”
  1335. >”What do you propose?” the stallion asks, a hint of caution in his words.
  1336. “Nothing too complex. I’ll be by her side, so I’ll try to let you know how she’s feeling throughout the night. As discreetly as I can for that matter, because lord knows that mare won’t turn any of her subjects away. In return, you act as the gatekeeper, safeguarding her peace of mind from any unwanted encroachers or anyone else with a bone to pick. If you’re unsure on a pony, let me know and I’ll give you a second opinion. And if all goes to plan, Celestia can mingle with her subjects without stressing too much or withdrawing from the crowd. How does that sound?”
  1337. >With each word that leaves your mouth, the stallion’s mood lightens. A new hope surging in his eyes at your offer. And as you finish, he thrusts his hoof into your offered hand without hesitation.
  1338. >A quick shake sealing the deal as he shows you a satisfied grin.
  1339. >”That’ll work fine by me, Anon.”
  1340. “Good stuff.” you quip as you retract your hand and sit down by his side again. “Just one more question then.”
  1341. >He doesn’t look like he even notices the boxes on his own back as he nods.
  1342. >”This about the story Her Majesty told?”
  1344. “Nah, not quite. Though that’s still rattling around in my head for sure, I need some more time to digest it before asking some questions.”
  1345. >”Fine. So what’s the problem?”
  1346. >Probably best if you just straight up ask this.
  1347. >You’re probably misunderstanding things again anyway.
  1348. “Just before she made her grand reveal, Celestia had a moment. Kind of came out of left field.”
  1349. >”Uh huh.”
  1350. “It was weird. Like she was threatening Match Stick or something.”
  1351. >His eyes vacantly blink at you a few times before he realizes what you’re talking about.
  1352. >”Oh! That! That’s a, uh, a mare thing I’m pretty sure.”
  1353. “So I should ask Celly about it then?”
  1354. >”What? Dear Celestia no, Anon!”
  1355. “Well then what do you mean it’s a mare thing? That doesn’t help me understand at all.”
  1356. >Coal crusher immediately facehoofs.
  1357. >”Gods… it’s like I’m explaining things to a colt.” he sighs.
  1358. “Hey, I’m learning as fast as I can, alright?”
  1359. >Dragging the hoof down his face, the stallion looks up at you with tired eyes and nods.
  1360. >”No, you’re right. Unless you’ve lived in pony society before, then you wouldn’t understand.”
  1361. “So, enlighten me then?”
  1362. >”Well... If I understand the situation correctly, which I remind you is not my strong suite, I believe the pills that she’s on create a sort of... pseudo heat.” He smacks his lips a few times in disgust at uttering those words.
  1363. “Right. Hence the name of the pill.”
  1364. >”Exactly. What you don’t know though, is that we have a sort of matriarchal society when it comes to sorting that thing out. Most of that is due to having The Princesses as our sovereigns for the past thousand or so years.”
  1365. “Sorting what out?”
  1366. >”Y’know…” he meanders as he gestures with a hoof. His head nodding towards the house.
  1367. >You give him a blank stare.
  1369. >”Luna, help me... I can’t believe I’m explaining this to a human… When mares are in heat, Anon - they sort of…” he rolls his hoof in the air, searching for the right words. ”Choose their own partners. They don’t take them by force; they make intimate gestures, give compliments, show a tremendous amount of care and affection. That sort of thing.”
  1370. “Isn’t that the kind of stuff that you told me not to worry about?”
  1371. >”I said you’d find out soon enough whether she actually likes you or if it’s just the drugs. Though I don’t believe Her Highness is cruel enough a mare to deceive a stallion like that, despite whatever alien influence may currently be afflicting her.”
  1372. ”So, she’s sort of chosen me? I’m flattered. I really am. But why did she snap as Match Stick?”
  1373. >”I don’t really understand this part all that well, since, y’know…” Again he gestures with a hoof, this time at his own obviously masculine form. “But from what I’ve experienced over the years - when one mare goes into heat, the other mares can tell. And it’s sort of like the starting horn of a race going off. Every mare that doesn’t already have a partner starts laying their claims and staking out a potential partner… Or two, or three if they’re into that sort of thing. You get the picture. Surely you noticed Velvet getting a bit ‘close’ with me when we were listening to the story?”
  1374. “I did indeed notice that.”
  1375. >”I’m not saying that she’s 100% into me and wants to gallop through fields of flowers just yet. But she’s -- and I still can’t believe I’m talking about Her Highness this way -- sort of letting The Princess know that she won’t intrude on her claim if Her Majesty won’t start making advances on… Well… On the pony that Velvet’s interested in, I guess.”
  1377. “Well, well, well. Look at Mister Popular over here. Only just met the mare and you’ve already got her drooling over the strong guardstallion.” You cheekily jab, bringing an embarrassed flush to the stallions black, fur coated face.
  1378. >”Don’t be silly. A mare like her wouldn’t… She shouldn’t waste her time on-” His mood suddenly dips, and his scarred face twitches slightly. “-on a stallion like me.”
  1379. >Ouch.
  1380. >Looks like you accidentally hit a nerve.
  1381. >You hadn’t really given much thought to it yet due to how composed Coal Crusher has been so far.
  1382. >But looking at the huge swathes of burnt scar tissue all over his body, you really can’t blame him for feeling a bit self-conscious about how he looks. The old healed over wounds cutting huge thick, pink-white, fleshy patterns through his still glossy black coat.
  1383. “Hey... Chin-up, Mate. Everyone knows that chicks dig guys with scars.”
  1384. >”Hah!” he happily scoffs. “You can always have too much of a good thing, Anon.”
  1385. >Thankfully he doesn’t seem too broken up about it, but you should keep that in mind for the future.
  1386. “So what was it then? When Match Stick said she’d sleep with me, she sort of crossed a line? Even if she was only joking?”
  1387. >”Sort of… Maybe… Look, I don’t know, Anon. I don’t think she was serious, more like a heat of the moment thing. Whatever it was, Her Highness felt like she needed to throw down a challenge right then and there. I want to say that her highness is being extra protective of you. Especially after what happened. But to be frank, don’t overthink things too much. Best just to roll with these sorts of situations and let them sort it out amongst themselves. Especially when it comes to how mares think about you. Though... I don’t think you really need to worry about Match Stick making advances on you anytime soon.”
  1389. >You idly bring a hand up and rub your bruised purple throat.
  1390. “True...”
  1391. >”In the meantime, Anon - just, please, do what you can to make Her Highness happy.”
  1392. >He turns and starts heading towards the house again.
  1393. >At the same time as Coal walks away, a small breeze carrying errant leaves blows past you.
  1394. >”Even if your time together isn’t meant to last.”
  1395. >He leaves you with those words as he bends down next to the front door and braces.
  1396. >In an impressive display of dexterity and strength, the stallion bucks off of the ground - launching the boxes into the air while he quickly steps out from under them.
  1397. >Following a series of short thumps, the column of boxes now stands neatly piled on the ground of the front door landing, and the stallion starts trotting back towards the truck.
  1398. >”You coming, Anon?” He looks back at you over his shoulder.
  1399. “Yeah...”
  1400. >Placing your own boxes down beside his, you follow the stallion’s lead.
  1401. >Leaving you with your own thoughts as you help Emily out.
  1403. Part Twenty-two (22)
  1405. >A good amount of time passes while you ferry all the goods from the back of the truck.
  1406. >Emily chatting the whole time with the skinny truck driver and delegating delivery details, as you and Coal haul the cargo back to the practice like pack mules.
  1407. >You don’t really mind the small busy work though.
  1408. >Something to keep your hands busy is welcome while you crunch through things.
  1409. >As the situation currently stands, you’re inclined to believe Celestia’s grand tale of struggle and hardship.
  1410. >Even though she never dove too deep into the details and perhaps embellished a few things, the general sequence of events lines up with what you’ve put together yourself over the years.
  1411. >Besides, after all the time you’ve spent with her, you can’t help but her trust her.
  1412. >She did just save your life after all.
  1413. >But there is one thing that jabs at the back of your mind like an irritating thorn.
  1414. >Why didn’t Celestia tell you all of this before you came here?
  1415. >Why didn’t she tell you about magic?
  1416. >Did you make her think that you wouldn’t believe her somehow?
  1417. >Again, you hold a hand against your neck and rub the still sore flesh.
  1418. >Just a heads up would have saved you a whole world of trouble.
  1419. >Still, you do have a theory that you’ve been sitting on.
  1420. >But you’d rather ask her in person than speculate too much.
  1421. >After a few more trips back and forth -- some of them taking you all the way down to the large barn in the expansive field behind the practice -- Emily signs for the goods, shakes the driver’s hand without saying anything about you or Coal, and off he goes.
  1423. >She walks with you down the driveway, making small talk about the driver as she goes; but as you get closer to the house, she veers off towards the side gate.
  1424. >”Thanks a lot for the help again, you two. I’ve gotta go now and find Stint so I can fill him in on Cinderella’s grand plan. I’ll see you guys at dinner tonight though?”
  1425. >Both of you nod and say your goodbyes.
  1426. >But before you head inside, you take another look at the ponies out in the field.
  1427. >A few portable lamps and lights have been brought out and placed on and around the tables.
  1428. >In addition to that, they’ve also set up a makeshift bench where they’re currently making salads, burgers made out of hay, and other pony styled meals in jovial groups.
  1429. >It seems like almost every pony in the practice is lending a hand -- or rather a hoof -- with the more crippled ponies being lent generous assistance by those around them.
  1430. >The sight truly is a heart-warming spectacle. But it also brings you to a strange realization.
  1431. >Despite all the images and videos you’ve seen, and the real life interactions you’ve had with ponies in the past; none of them ever seemed anywhere near as happy as they are right now.
  1432. >All of them merrily chatting and laughing into the twilight hours of the day.
  1433. >The younger colts and fillies -- thankfully untouched by the greater circumstances for the most part -- flitting around the busy adults. Their eyes wide with wonder and joy as they laugh and play.
  1434. >No worries can assail this swarm of brightly coloured ponies as they buzz around tonight’s dinner table.
  1435. >This must be the difference Celestia makes.
  1436. >This is how much her appearance means for them.
  1438. >Your chest quickly swells with a somewhat alien pride.
  1439. >After all, it’s your job to make sure she’s cheerful enough to face them.
  1440. >Drinking in the odd new sensation and turning around, you stroll up towards the front door with Coal.
  1441. >A clarity of purpose forming within you which reinvigorates your tired spirits.
  1442. >Confidently, you place your hand on the door knob and-
  1443. >Hesitate.
  1444. >You can hear it.
  1445. >The mystical chiming sound that comes from that mare using her magic.
  1446. >Your hand squeezes the knob hard, and you freeze on the spot.
  1447. >You can feel hardwood floor beneath your back.
  1448. >Your chest feels tight.
  1449. >Like there’s not enough air.
  1450. >”... Anon…”
  1451. >Like there’s something pressing down on you.
  1452. >Crushing your throat.
  1453. >”Anon.”
  1454. >There’s someone screaming in the corner.
  1455. >You can’t breathe, you-
  1456. >”Anon!”
  1457. “What?!” You snap angrily at the stallion by your side.
  1458. >Without flinching at your little outburst, Coal Crusher eyes you worryingly.
  1459. >”Your hand, Anon...”
  1460. >Still blistering with irritation, you look down.
  1461. “Oh…”
  1462. >The shaking is back.
  1463. >Gingerly, you pull it away from the door handle and inspect it.
  1464. >It’s a subtle tremor. Not as strong as it was earlier today.
  1465. >But still there nonetheless.
  1466. >You swear under your breath as you clench it into a fist, yet the subtle tremor doesn’t subside.
  1467. >Like every muscle fibre in your hand is twitching its own little dance.
  1468. >Oblivious to your will.
  1469. >Frustration building, you give it a good shake and clench it again.
  1470. >But it won’t stop.
  1471. >As long as that damned chiming sound keeps ringing in your ears, you can’t stop your chest from tightening.
  1472. >You can’t stop the creeping fear.
  1473. >You shouldn’t stay here.
  1474. >You need to get away.
  1475. >Just a few moments reprieve-
  1476. >”You okay, Anon?”
  1478. >The Stallion interrupts your train of thought again.
  1479. >Snapping you out of that dangerous spiral.
  1480. “Yeah, yeah... Nah, I’m fine Coal. Just a bit jumpy is all.”
  1481. >He gives you an unbelieving stare.
  1482. “Don’t know what came over me, actually.”
  1483. >Yes you do.
  1484. >In fact it’s still there.
  1485. >And your hand won’t stop shaking.
  1486. >Taking a deep breath, you steel yourself and open the door.
  1487. >It’s even louder now.
  1488. >Coming in short, melodic, bursts alongside cheers of encouragement and exasperated sighs.
  1489. >Ever so carefully.
  1490. >Step by cautious step.
  1491. >You creep down the hallway.
  1492. >Only kept going by the reassuring thumping of heavy hoofsteps by your side.
  1493. >Coal keeps an eye on you. His pace slow and his stance braced and ready.
  1494. >Just in case.
  1495. >Stopping to wipe your suddenly sweaty forehead, you give him a nervous nod before moving onward.
  1496. >He said he wasn’t good at reading others.
  1497. >So you must be one hell of a sight right now.
  1498. >It’s frustrating to no end.
  1499. >But each time that chiming sound rings in your ears, an anxiety sets in.
  1500. >A creeping doom that forms a knot in your stomach and makes you feel sick.
  1501. >Still, you push on.
  1502. >This isn’t a place you can stop.
  1503. >Hand shaking, you reach out and knock on the door.
  1504. >The chiming immediately cuts out, followed by an audible gasp of breath.
  1505. >”I think we’ve done enough for today, take a break for now, Match Stick. Who is it?”
  1506. “It’s just us, Celestia.”
  1507. >”Oh! Why are you waiting outside then? Please, come in!”
  1508. >Now that the sound is gone, a wave of calm washes over you.
  1509. >Almost like the panic that filled you just a few moments ago was a bad joke.
  1510. >Shaking off the remnants of whatever that was, you open the door and step through with Coal.
  1512. >An exhausted and sweaty Match Stick sits on the bed, a few orange sparks shooting off from her spent horn.
  1513. >A large number of actual matchsticks lay discarded and completely burnt through in a tray at her hooves.
  1514. >Celestia gives a pleased smile, though a frown tugs at the corners of her muzzle as she carefully examines you.
  1515. >Meanwhile, Velvet sports a now frazzled mane that looks like it needs a very solid brushing.
  1516. “I take it things are going well?”
  1517. >Another lock of Velvet’s mane springs out of place with an audible twang, and she offers a broken smile.
  1518. >”It’s definitely a process.”
  1519. >Celestia sighs as a tired Match Stick mouths an apology, her hoof guiltily tracing a circle on the bed.
  1520. >”I’d hate to intrude, Your Highness-” Coal begins. “- But we need help fixing a problem that this young mare started.”
  1521. >Surprised, you look down at the stallion as his expression hardens, making the maroon coated pony scurry and seek refuge behind her Princess.
  1522. >Protectively shielding the smaller mare behind her own much larger frame, Celestia protests.
  1523. >”What is the meaning of this, Sergeant? Apart from the obvious-” She quickly glances in your direction. “-What exactly has she done now?”
  1524. >”She’s given him a scare, Your Highness.”
  1525. >Celestia raises a curious eyebrow and looks at you.
  1526. >You avert your eyes.
  1527. >Your cheeks burn with shame as you know Coal’s right.
  1528. >The stress you felt from just walking down the hallway was not normal by any stretch.
  1529. >”I can’t say I’m shocked, especially after what Anon’s been through; but he seems… Better now. Do you want her to apologize again or-?”
  1530. >”This hurt runs a bit deeper than the surface, Your Highness. He practically turned into a ghost when he entered the house.”
  1531. >”... Is this true, Anon?”
  1533. >You look back at her, only to find Celestia’s warm purple eyes awash with concern.
  1534. >A cautious Match Stick also sheepishly peeking around her side.
  1535. >Her face mostly hidden by her large bird’s nest of a brown mane.
  1536. “Look. I’m fine now. I was just feeling a little jumpy is all.”
  1537. >”A little jumpy?” Celestia frowns. “How do you mean, Anon?”
  1538. “I’m not sure…”
  1539. >”Anon!” Coal barks. “Please. You can’t dance around this kind of thing or it’ll get worse!”
  1540. >The stallion stomps a forehoof and gives you a stern look as you reach for an excuse.
  1541. >But ultimately, you know he’s right.
  1542. “Fine! Fine. Alright... When I came back in the house, I could hear that… Chiming sound… I don’t know. If I had to say, it was like I was suddenly back in that moment. Back in that situation.”
  1543. >The mares all share a worried look with each other.
  1544. “I-It was like I couldn’t breathe again…”
  1545. >”He’s got a bit of a shake to him, Your Majesty. It wasn’t too bad this time; and it only shows up when he can hear magic; but if we don’t nip this in the bud right now, then it’ll get worse.”
  1546. >”What do you propose then, Sergeant?’ A concerned Celestia asks. “Something that involves Match Stick?”
  1547. >”It’s a tried and true fix, Your Majesty.” The stallion looks up at you, a reassuring smile on his face. “Something that helped me out when I suffered from a similar problem.”
  1548. >You give him a thankful smile - his words alleviating some of the shame you feel.
  1550. >”When I was inducted into the guards, Anon. We all had to go through gauntlets of combat training.” He sighs wistfully. “My whole life I could beat any other Earth pony in a contest of strength. A Pegasus could drop rocks on me, but they couldn’t fly all day. I could wait and take them out when they got close to the ground. But in the mountain town I grew up in, there weren’t many Unicorns. And the few that were there weren’t exactly the fighting types. That all changed when I met the captain.”
  1551. >”Oh dear! My little Shining didn’t do something extreme, did he?” Velvet chimes in with concern.
  1552. >”Captain Shining Armor?” Coal chuckles. “Oh no, this was one of his predecessors. Well before he even joined up. By the time I met your son, I was already a grumpy old Sergeant.” the stallion chuckles to himself.
  1553. >”I will say though, that it was amazing watching how fast he climbed through the ranks. He’s an admirable stallion, Ms Velvet.”
  1554. >”Oh pshaw. I just raised him like any other mother would-” She pauses mid-sentence. “Wait a minute... You said something rather curious just now, didn’t you?”
  1555. >”I did?”
  1556. >Coal looks up for help, but this is beyond you as well, so you just shrug your shoulders at him.
  1557. >Running a hoof through her mane that magically fixes the errant strands, Velvet subtly tidies herself up and thrusts her chest forward slightly while looking around nonchalantly.
  1558. >”Forgive me if I’m being too rude in asking, but... Exactly how old are you, Sergeant Crusher?” the grey unicorn inquires.
  1559. >”I’m in my early forties.” he matter-of-factly informs her.
  1560. >Holy shit.
  1561. >You would have sworn he was in his early thirties from what you know about how Equestrian ponies look when they age.
  1563. >It seems that you’re not the only one surprised at this revelation, as you spy Velvet’s tail flicking back and forth against the bed while she smiles appreciatively.
  1564. >Nonetheless, her eyes betray less than innocent thoughts, as she looks upon the stallion with an intense hunger.
  1565. >Coal Crusher doesn’t seem like he notices though; and he clears his throat before resuming the tale.
  1566. >”Getting back to the matter at hand - soon enough, it was my day of reckoning. I had breezed right through most of the training, and the only Unicorn I had faced in the intake didn’t know how to fight with magic yet. I strutted around the boot camp grounds like I owned the place, like becoming captain was a sure thing. That is: until the mare herself showed up. I confidently challenged her right there on the spot. I did it in front of all the other trainees to boot. Not one of my prouder moments, I’ll admit.”
  1567. >While he talks, Match Stick once again slowly makes her way out from behind Celestia.
  1568. >”That was when I discovered why the Captain is almost always a Unicorn. Before I could even charge, she had dislocated my shoulder and pinned me down on the ground.”
  1569. >He looks up at you.
  1570. >”She apologized profusely of course, but I brushed it off after a quick visit to the medical tent for my shoulder. Or so I had thought. I didn’t realize the ordeal had shaken me in another way... For the next few days - anytime I heard that chiming sound, I couldn’t keep my own hooves steady. I felt weak. Panicked. And it got worse the longer I left it.”
  1571. “How did you fix it then?”
  1572. >The stallion sighs.
  1574. >”I had been avoiding the Unicorns for a few days, then the Captain had finally had enough of me leaving the room every time she was nearby. She pulled me aside and asked what was wrong. When I brushed her off and walked away, she stopped me with her magic. She wouldn’t let me go. And I didn’t appreciate it. Not one bit. I struggled in her grip. I wouldn’t settle down no matter what she said. I got a little unhinged. I started flailing and yelling. Then, suddenly, I was slowly pushing back. Slowly breaking out of that invisible vice. With a final surge of strength, I broke free and bonked her on the horn.”
  1575. >Coal holds his head up high and flexes.
  1576. >You hear a pleased hum from someone else in the room.
  1577. >”I was over the moon. I had bested the captain of the guard! The fear was gone, and I was on top of the world!”
  1578. >His head falls.
  1579. >”I only realized a short time later that she had intentionally let me win. To give me my confidence back and to help me get over my fear. But, nonetheless, she’d achieved her goal. Despite the blow to my shame.”
  1580. >His hoof stomps confidently.
  1581. >”I’m telling you, I got better so quickly it was like someone had cast a spell on me.”
  1582. >The room collectively groans.
  1583. >But Coal doesn’t even flinch.
  1584. >In fact, he seems slightly irritated at the reaction.
  1585. >”What? What’s wrong? What did I say?”
  1586. >”N-Nothing, Sergeant.” A snickering Celestia says in between giggles, a hoof held up to cover her mouth. “P-Please, continue.”
  1587. >The rest of you nod, though Velvet seems particular taken with him - as she holds both her hooves over her muzzle, covering an adoring smile that stretches across her muzzle from ear to ear.
  1589. >”Well -- as I was saying -- the fear was gone. And I could stand being around magic users again.”
  1590. >As the mirth from a few moments ago fades and reality encroaches again, you share a look with Match Stick and Celestia.
  1591. >Both of them also appearing to have pieced together what Coal’s little ‘cure’ might be.
  1592. “It’s a nice story, Coal. But I don’t get it. Do you want me to fight her or something?” You ask incredulously.
  1593. >Meanwhile, Match Stick begins slowly slinking behind Celestia again.
  1594. >”What? No, no, not at all.” He waves a hoof dismissively. “She will need to use magic on you again though. And you will need to stop her.”
  1595. >Now, that makes you panic a little.
  1596. >”I can’t say I approve of this Coal.” Celestia weighs in as she looks between the two of you. “You’d be exposing him to that kind of trauma again.”
  1597. >”Trust me, Your Majesty. While he did suffer something severe, it hasn’t fully shaken him just yet. But if we don’t act now, then it’ll pop up again in the future. And it’ll come back stronger and harder to deal with.”
  1598. >”I don’t know about this-”
  1599. >”Forgive my directness, but are you fine with him being scared of magic for the rest of his days, Your Highness?”
  1600. >There’s something about that sentence that cuts Celestia deep.
  1601. >Deep enough that she winces before looking over at you.
  1602. >”And you, Anon? What do you think?”
  1603. >You chew on the inside of your lip for a while before looking over at the mare responsible.
  1604. >She’s stopped cowering behind Celestia for now.
  1606. >In fact, all she’s doing now is staring straight at the great, big, ugly bruises on your neck.
  1607. >A misery and regret dripping down her exhausted face as a few useless sparks bounce off of her horn.
  1608. >Maybe it’s because of how Celestia is treating this mare, but you can’t find it in your heart to hate her.
  1609. >Regardless of how badly she hurt you.
  1610. >Your eyes wander over to her little brother - the young colt calm for now, but still wheezing under fresh new bed sheets.
  1611. >And now back to her.
  1612. >Young mare on the run.
  1613. >Hooves stained red.
  1614. >A monstrous responsibility suddenly thrust upon her.
  1615. >Pushed to her limits.
  1616. >Yet all you can see in her eyes a deep regret for the harm she inflicted upon you.
  1617. >Letting out a sigh, you walk up to the bed and crouch down to her level.
  1618. >Exhausted amber eyes follow you the entire way. Cautious perhaps, but there is almost no energy left in those dim orange orbs.
  1619. >Certainly not enough to be a threat anymore.
  1620. “Match Stick?”
  1621. >She flinches and averts her gaze.
  1622. >Her hooves shifting sluggishly in front of her.
  1623. >”Y-Yes, Mr Anon?”
  1624. >Giving an audible grunt, you sit down in front of her.
  1625. >You search for the right words to say, but the only thing that comes to mind is a simple action.
  1626. >The mare slowly looks up. Confused - as you again offer a hand to her.
  1627. “I said I was willing to trust you Match Stick. I meant that. I don’t know what exactly Coal’s planning, but I don’t want to have whatever ‘this’ is haunting me. And I need your power to do that. Will you help me?”
  1629. >The young pony gives you a guilty look.
  1630. >Her body swaying slightly as if she might pass out.
  1631. >Then, after glancing down at your neck and biting her lip, she squints her eyes shut in concentration before giving a solemn nod and putting her hoof in your hand.
  1632. “Thank you.”
  1633. >”P-Please… J-Just don’t hit me too hard.”
  1634. >She rubs the large purple welt that has swollen at the base of her horn.
  1635. “I’ll do my best.”
  1636. >You stand back up, getting a thankful smile from Celestia in the process.
  1637. ”So then… What’s this grand plan of yours, Coal?”
  1638. >”Well, Anon. All she needs to do is use telekinesis on you. And all you have to do is stop her from doing it. I’ve already told you how, and you’ve got us here as well. We’ll make sure nothing bad happens this time. We’ll be starting on my signal.”
  1639. >With your heart hammering in your chest, you nod and take a few steps back from the bed and face Match Stick.
  1640. >The maroon mare eyes you up.
  1641. >This feels like a bad idea, but Coal hasn’t led you astray yet.
  1642. >Though before either of you receive the signal, Match Stick’s hooves start shaking slightly.
  1643. >There’s something pooling in the corners of her eyes.
  1644. >Oh no...
  1645. >She’s hit her breaking point
  1646. >You also want to back out now.
  1647. >Though just as you open your mouth, you catch concerned magenta eyes watching you.
  1649. >Celestia’s sitting there on the bed.
  1650. >Biting her bottom lip as her eyes flick between you and the pony by her side.
  1651. >Watching you.
  1652. >Caring about you.
  1653. >That gives you the tiny bit of encouragement you need so you can hold your tongue.
  1654. >This mare who has been through so much.
  1655. >Who is helping out a young mare in need and planning for the future of her subjects, all while having a nightmarish night looming ahead of her.
  1656. >Yet there she sits - looking like her heart might break at what you’re about to go through.
  1657. >You’ll be strong.
  1658. >You need to be.
  1659. >For her.
  1660. >A strong hoof stomp behind you signals the start; and as a tear rolls down Match Stick’s cheek, her eyes squint shut in concentration and her horn flares with life.
  1661. >The chiming sound hits your ears as, with a sputter of sparks, her horn is enveloped in that strange orange aura.
  1662. >In an instant, you’re back in that moment again.
  1663. >You can’t breathe.
  1664. >Your eyes squeeze shut and you start backpedaling as it feels like your throat is being crushed.
  1665. >A vice is squeezing down on-
  1666. >”Anon! Focus. You’re ok!”
  1667. >You barely register Coal at your side yelling something.
  1668. >Nearly hyperventilating, chest screaming for air, you reach up towards your throat.
  1669. >Your back slams into a wall.
  1670. >There’s no time.
  1671. >”You can do this, Anon!” Celestia cries out.
  1672. >On instinct, you open your eyes and look towards her.
  1673. >But you can’t keep it up, you can see it.
  1674. >You can hear it.
  1675. >The orange glow.
  1676. >Your throat is-
  1677. >”Anon! Look. At. Me.” She commands.
  1678. >Again, her words break through your panic.
  1679. >And then you see it.
  1680. >Celestia is looking you in the eyes sidelong as she mutters encouragement for a Match Stick that is falling apart.
  1682. >The poor mare’s body heaving as she sobs openly.
  1683. >Her horn blazing with effort as errant sparks continually fly from it.
  1684. >Face twisted in tremendous effort as she flinches and strains, her body twisting under the exertion and the pain, yet her magic persists.
  1685. >Velvet has also sidled up alongside her, one of her hooves rubbing the poor mare’s back. Holding her tongue as Celestia handles the cheer leading.
  1686. >Even Coal Crusher -- whose eyes are scanning over you constantly for any malicious lights -- steals sympathetic glances back at the heartbreaking sight on the bed.
  1687. >The honest display of her remorseful effort pierces and shatters your mania like a bullet through glass.
  1688. >You don’t even realize that you’ started breathing again.
  1689. >And although you don’t completely settle down, the tightness does start fading.
  1690. >Greedily gulping down a few mouthfuls of air, you reach up with your arm towards your neck.
  1691. >Just double checking that she’s not actually strangling you again.
  1692. >That’s when you feel a small tug on your wrist.
  1693. >Match Stick cries out at the same time, but she grits her teeth and refocuses her efforts.
  1694. >Looking down, you find a small band of translucent orange light around your forearm.
  1695. >No bigger than a watch.
  1696. >That’s it.
  1697. >That’s all she’s doing, yet it’s taking so much out of her.
  1698. >And yet you acted out like that...
  1699. >You’ve had enough.
  1700. >This needs to end. It’s already gone on far longer than it should have.
  1701. >Slowly, you make your way forward.
  1702. >Careful the whole time that you don’t move your arm too much - as each time it shifts, the band and her horn flares, making Match Stick cry out in pain.
  1704. >Maybe it’s because you’re not being suddenly strangled, maybe it’s because Match Stick is struggling so much. Whatever it is - the chiming sound that now fills the air now feels no more threatening than a mosquito.
  1705. >In fact, it’s rather curious how the orange light twists and moves around her horn while ringing out with a steady chiming noise.
  1706. >And there’s nothing that visibly connects the aura around her horn and the one around your arm. They’re just same colour.
  1707. >It’s so fundamentally intriguing that you find yourself sincerely wishing that your first experience with it wasn’t so brutal.
  1708. >”That’s it, Match Stick. You can do it! Just a little bit longer.” Celestia gently encourages the distraughtly squirming mare.
  1709. >Her magenta eyes away from you now that you’ve regained your senses.
  1710. >As you get within arm’s length of Match Stick’s horn, you reach your free hand back, but then pause.
  1711. >That’s overkill.
  1712. >Instead, you gently reach forward; and as everyone watches on with bated breath, you poke the welt at the base of her horn with a single finger.
  1713. >With a slight sparking sound, the magic in her horn abruptly short circuits, and Match Stick crumples to the bed.
  1714. >Celestia and Velvet swiftly react and catch her as she falls, though Celestia struggles with the weight of the adult pony.
  1715. >Lending your own arm - you help gently lay her down on the bed before taking a seat yourself.
  1716. >There she stays, chest steadily heaving as she catches her breath.
  1717. >A white wing deftly sweeps down to her face and dabs at the deep wet splotches of tears that mark her cheeks.
  1718. >”Well done, Match Stick. You’ve done a very good job.” Celestia coos, rubbing her cheek against the young mare’s.
  1720. >”Hah, hah, I... I-I did?” she weakly asks after a few moments of heavy breathing.
  1721. >”Yes, I believe you did. And I’m very proud of you of how strong you were. In fact, I think there’s someone here who’d like to say something to you.”
  1722. >You get a wink from the white coated mare as Match Stick wearily opens her teary orange eyes.
  1723. >Her amber orbs immediately go wide and she starts stuttering, a fresh wave of tears nearly pouring forth, but you pre-empt her.
  1724. “How you feeling, Big Red?”
  1725. >”W-what?” she balks and blubbers back.
  1726. “Don’t like it? I feel like Match Stick is a bit too cumbersome. I also didn’t want to call you something silly like ‘Sticky’. And-”
  1727. >You reach over and pick up the empty box of matches lying on the bed, holding it in front of her eyes so she can read the brand name.
  1728. “-I thought it was a good match.”
  1729. >Her amber eyes gives you a deadpan stare - a challenging sight when combined with her tear streaked face.
  1730. >Yet you hold your composure as best you can.
  1731. >*Snrk*
  1732. >Gottem.
  1733. >It starts small, like the few pebbles that signal a coming rockslide.
  1734. >A subtle snort escapes her nose.
  1735. >Her chest convulses with a chuckle.
  1736. >Eyes start dancing with mirth while a bottom lip quivers.
  1737. >The other ponies in the room start smiling as Match Stick’s poker face crumbles, and she breaks out in an infectious laughter that shakes the bed.
  1738. >It rings for all to hear, brightening up the dreary room that until now was only a poorly painted box of misery and suffering.
  1739. >Everybody’s worries rolling away as she’s swept away on this jovial wave.
  1740. >She even rolls onto her back and starts kicking her hooves in the air.
  1741. >Suddenly, you realize that you’re smiling as well.
  1742. >Despite everything that’s happened today.
  1743. >This is what you’ve been looking for.
  1744. >This must be what your wife fought for.
  1746. >And it feels like you’ve been having moments like these ever since you met a certain mare.
  1747. >Marveling at the sight of a nearly hysterical Match Stick wiping fresh tears of joy away from the corners of her eyes, you look over at Celestia.
  1748. *Ba-dump*
  1749. >Your heart pounds in your chest as you find her looking at you.
  1750. >Her messy multi-coloured mane framing her face as her magenta eyes shimmer with a deep appreciation.
  1751. >Come to think of it, she wanted to have a chat in private with you, didn’t she?
  1752. >And judging from the progress of the ponies outside, you don’t have much time left.
  1753. “Glad you enjoyed that little joke, Big Red.”
  1754. >”Ahahahahaha, ahahaha, aha. Ohhh. I haven’t *snrk* l haven’t laughed like that in… Well… I can’t remember when.” the maroon mare sighs as she rolls back onto her stomach.
  1755. >She looks at you, a brand new smile stretching across the muzzle of her tear-stained face.
  1756. >Though it doesn’t take long before her face dawns with a realization, and she quickly averts her amber eyes.
  1757. >Thankfully, a shy smile remains plastered on her muzzle.
  1758. “Glad I could help. Consider it a thank you for helping me out.”
  1759. >Match Stick tilts her head and frowns, hiding one of her eyes behind her messy brown mane.
  1760. >”You’re… You’re not… Mad at me?”
  1761. >Mad.
  1762. >For nearly killing you.
  1763. >She’s not a kid, but she definitely isn’t quite as mature as you initially guessed.
  1764. >Maybe that’s why Celestia showed her leeway.
  1765. “I… I was. I won’t deny that. But I’ve also had a lot of time to think. And I’ve gotten some perspective on things.”
  1766. >She rubs her foreleg with a hoof and nods for you to continue.
  1768. “I don’t think I could ever truly understand what was going through your mind when we first met that made you do what you did. I don’t think I ever will. But I can try to sympathize. I’ve seen enough of how ponies suffer that I can at least try that. There’s just one more thing I need to know before we can move forward from here.”
  1769. >Instantly, her ears pin back, and she looks down at her hooves.
  1770. “I need you to be honest with me. About what you’ve done.”
  1771. >The temperature in the room plummets.
  1772. >You glance over at Celestia and she nods back.
  1773. >Velvet slowly retreats to a respectable distance.
  1774. >Coal Crusher shifts behind you.
  1775. >Here goes nothing.
  1776. “Did you kill a man before coming here?”
  1777. >Even though she knew they were coming, the words hit her like a ton of bricks and she flinches.
  1778. >Nobody makes a sound for a few moments as Match Stick looks around for an escape.
  1779. >Only to be met by you and a room full of stone-faced ponies.
  1780. >Several painful seconds of silence pass before she finally gives a guilty nod and opens her mouth.
  1781. >But the only thing that comes out is a strangled sob.
  1782. >She tries again, but only a strained croaking nose comes from her throat as she searches for something, anything to say.
  1783. >In the end, she snaps her mouth shut, lies down flat on the bed, and silently buries her face in her hooves.
  1784. >Well...
  1785. >You confirmed your suspicions.
  1786. >She probably could have done it for any number of reasons.
  1787. >In particular, you have a strong suspicion that protecting the sick colt in the bed would be the most likely motivation for her to commit such an act.
  1788. >Though the bottom line is that she did it.
  1789. >And now you all must act on that information.
  1791. >At least you can say she appears remorseful.
  1792. >Celestia, interestingly, doesn’t seem surprised at all.
  1793. >In addition, it looks like she has something to say.
  1794. >But it seems she’s waiting for you to speak first, as her intelligent magenta eyes consider you carefully.
  1795. >All you can do is say what’s on your mind.
  1796. “I won’t say that that’s the answer I was hoping for.” you sigh. “But like I said. I’ve seen what’s happening out there. So I’ll withhold my judgement. For now.”
  1797. >Match Stick doesn’t budge.
  1798. “I can understand if you’re a bit tired right now. I’ll give you some time alone, so you can think about things. Celestia and I are shacked up here for the next few days though, so if you want to talk about anything - I wouldn’t mind having a chat.”
  1799. >With that, you’ve said all you feel you should at this point in time.
  1800. >You could give some bullshit spiel about how you’d love to take her in, but you decided quite a while ago you’re not going to tell blatant lies just to make Celestia happy.
  1801. >Speaking of…
  1802. ”Celestia, I’m going to go unpack my things in the lounge room, if you want to join me?”
  1803. >She smiles warmly at you before nodding. Then she bends down next to the morose pony on the bed.
  1804. >”Match Stick... I know things seem a little bleak right now, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.” She tenderly brushes the back of the younger mare’s mane with a hoof. “Get some rest, and remember what we talked about.” She pauses. “Do you think you might be joining us for dinner?”
  1805. >A brown mane shakes back and forth.
  1806. >”That’s alright. But make sure you get some rest. I’m going to be… Busy over the next few days. So, if you need someone to talk to, I’m sure Anon and Velvet would love to oblige.”
  1808. >Celestia is met with more silence as the maroon mare continues covering her face with her hooves.
  1809. >”I think we should all give her some space now.”
  1810. >You and Coal nod as Velvet gently rubs the mare’s back before hopping off the bed.
  1811. >With a mighty thump and an unsteady landing, Celestia follows suite.
  1812. >”Sleep well, little Match Stick.” The Alicorn reiterates like a doting mother, as you all step out into the hallway.
  1813. >After you close the door, a collective sigh goes out.
  1814. >Before you can say anything though, Velvet quickly speaks up.
  1815. >”Sergeant Crusher?”
  1816. >”Yes, Ma’am?”
  1817. >”Since the current crisis seems resolved, would you mind doing me a favor?”
  1818. >As Velvet asks, she subtly crosses her front hooves and tilts her head slightly sideways, showing off her neck.
  1819. >“I’ve only been here a few days, and this place is awfully large. Do you think you could kindly show me around the practice?” she invites him out while idly flicking her mane back.
  1820. >”And leave the Princess undefended?” he scoffs. “I think not. Especially with… Well…” he rather clumsily nods at the closed door.
  1821. >Good lord.
  1822. >Even Velvet is furrowing her brow and scrunching her mouth.
  1823. >”We’ll be fine, Sergeant. Please, don’t hesitate on my behalf.” Celestia, as politely as you would have expected of her, shoos him away.
  1824. >”Nonsense. It is my sworn duty to protect-”
  1825. “Hey. Champ.”
  1826. >”-The throne and… What is it, Anon?”
  1827. “Give us some space if you could, ladies.”
  1828. >Both mares oblige.
  1829. >You bend down and wave him closer.
  1830. “You’re over 40, right?”
  1831. >”I am, but I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
  1832. >A heavy sigh escapes your lips.
  1833. “Humour me, Mate. Does it take more than a few days to understand the lay of the land around here?”
  1834. >”No...“ he frowns. “It would only take you a few hours at most.”
  1836. “Uhuh. Thought so. Next question: you do have experience with mares, right?”
  1837. >”Of course! In my younger days, I practically had to fight them off with a stick!”
  1838. >Yea, sure you did.
  1839. “Then what is it? Do you think Velvet is a stupid mare?”
  1840. >”Huh?!”
  1841. “Okay then… Do you think Velvet is an ugly mare?”
  1842. >”Wha-?!”
  1843. “Because if you do, I’ll bail you out. No harm in-”
  1844. >”Anon, Velvet is a smart and beautiful mare!” he says a little too loudly. “Any stallion would be lucky to be with her!”
  1845. >That certainly gets a blush from the grey coated unicorn.
  1846. “So, let's put the pieces together then, Mate.”
  1847. >He nods while raising an eyebrow.
  1848. ”You’ve already worked out that Velvet’s taken a liking to you.”
  1849. >”... I may have, yes.”
  1850. ”And she just gave you a bullshit reason so that she could get some alone time with you.”
  1851. >”Oh… I see.”
  1852. “Big Red’s not gonna be making any noise for a while. This place seems pretty safe for Celestia to hang out in. And last but not least: you’ve got a lovely mare waiting. I’ve also got a lovely mare waiting too. Let’s not keep them waiting anymore, alright?”
  1853. >It takes a few seconds as the gears in his head slowly grind, but eventually he snorts and nods.
  1854. >But he doesn’t turn around right away.
  1855. >Instead, he studies his legs for a few moments before looking up at you.
  1856. >”Anon?”
  1857. “Yea, Mate?”
  1858. >”The, uh, the scars… They, um, they don’t look too bad, right?”
  1859. >You reach over and slap him on the back, right in the center of the mangled mass of scar tissue that features so prominently on his body.
  1860. “Can’t even notice them, Champ.” you tell him with a grin.
  1861. >That seems to do the trick, as he nods a few more times to himself before raising his head high and turning towards the waiting mare.”
  1863. >”Ms Velvet, I think I’d like to take you up on your offer.”
  1864. >He takes a tentative step forward.
  1865. >“That is, if it still stands.”
  1866. >”Of course it does, Sergeant.” she eagerly nods and gives you a quick, appreciative smile.
  1867. >The blush on her face getting even stronger as if she were a teenager going on her first date.
  1868. >They fall in line together and head towards the back door. Velvet leaning into his body slightly and letting out a sigh as he rigidly marches forward.
  1869. >And as they disappear around the corner, you swear her tail starts wrapping around his.
  1870. >Godspeed son.
  1871. >Though with that matter wrapped up, you’re finally left alone with Celestia.
  1872. >It's about damned time.
  1874. 23
  1876. >It’s… calming.
  1877. >In a strange way.
  1878. >You’ve only been apart for a few hours, but it feels like months have passed.
  1879. >And with your reunion, a wave of fatigue suddenly comes rushing on.
  1880. >So, without speaking any words, you and Celestia share a tired smile and walk side by side towards the living room.
  1881. >The going is a bit slow though, as Celestia’s legs struggle with the effort.
  1882. >You gently place a hand on her back, eliciting a hum from her as she leans back into you.
  1883. >This day has already taken a heavy toll on both of you.
  1884. >When you arrive at Emily’s pony-patterned couch, Celestia makes a half-hearted attempt to get up on it; but after her front legs buckle under her, she just sighs and sits on the floor.
  1885. >So that’s where you sit as well.
  1886. >Comfortably by her side.
  1887. >Your hand still resting on her back.
  1888. >Neither stroking nor scratching.
  1889. >One of her wings unfurls and wraps around your side like a soft blanket.
  1890. >You pull her in close.
  1891. >And -- as she leans back so she can press her cheek against yours with a hum -- you both sit there and simply enjoy each other’s company.
  1892. >The twilight of the setting sun creeping through the curtains as the night looms closer.
  1893. >But your mind is on different things.
  1894. >The smell of shampoo you bought for her.
  1895. >The feel of her soft, white coat against your skin.
  1896. >The weight of her body resting against yours.
  1897. >The wonderful warmth that’s being shared between you under her wing.
  1898. >Even the little way her messy mane tickles your face.
  1899. >Each little sensation enhanced by the shadow of your recent touch with death.
  1900. >Although you can still feel her ribs beneath the taught skin under your fingers.
  1901. >An irritating reminder of her condition and why you’re here.
  1903. >You keep that to yourself though and just close your eyes so you can enjoy this peace and quiet with her.
  1904. >Time slips away in her embrace, and you’ve nearly nodded off to sleep, when she suddenly speaks up.
  1905. >”Anon… How is your neck feeling?”
  1906. >Her voice is almost a whisper.
  1907. “It itches a bit. But I’ll be fine.”
  1908. >You move your free hand down and rub her leg above the Kevlar wrapping.
  1909. “How’s your hoof?”
  1910. >She places it on your own leg and rests her head against your chest.
  1911. >”Anon, forget my hoof… Y-You almost… If I hadn’t arrived when I did...”
  1912. >Several more long moments of silence pass before she speaks up again.
  1913. >”I’m glad you came back, Anon.” she whispers again, a sweet tinge of affection in her melodic voice.
  1914. >You reach further around her barrel and hug her closer.
  1915. “Me too, Celly. Me too… I’m, uh, I’m sorry for running out like that...”
  1916. >Her wing envelops you further.
  1917. >”Don’t be. I should have warned you. I knew somepony had somehow used magic, I just never thought-”
  1918. “That she’d show up at the exact same practice you did?”
  1919. >”Right… The hoof is fine by the way.”
  1920. >That gets a snicker out of you.
  1921. >Celestia politely laughs along, but her mind seems somewhere else.
  1922. >Another long silence slowly drifts by.
  1923. >The only sounds -- apart from your breathing -- being the muted, far off chatter of ponies outside; and the steady ticking of a grandfather clock in the living room that has horses for hands.
  1924. >You’re at peace just sitting with her while you still can, but there’s one question that you shelved earlier that stews in the back of your mind.
  1925. “Celly?”
  1926. >”Yes, Anon?” she sleepily replies.
  1927. “Why are you so scared of letting me know more about you?”
  1928. >She flinches and takes her hoof of your leg, yet her wing tightens around your side.
  1929. >”W-what makes you say that, Anon?”
  1931. “Really? You’re gonna pretend like you haven’t been avoiding the topic like a bad smell? You hate it whenever I find out more about who you are. You get bitter whenever I call you a Princess. I mean… It took us most of the week just for you to tell me how old you are.”
  1932. >You can feel her tensing up under your fingers - so you make small, gentle strokes with your hand.
  1933. “I know you trust me. I think I earned that much by coming back. And you should already know that I trust you. So hit me with it, Big Girl. I can take it.”
  1934. >Celestia pulls back and looks you in the eyes, her messy multi-coloured mane falling over her face as she bites her bottom lip.
  1935. >Then, her gaze slowly slips down your face towards your neck.
  1936. >Before they can drift all the way down, you reach out and lift her chin up.
  1937. >You’re getting sick of that.
  1938. “Celestia. I’m okay. But I might not be so lucky next time. If you don’t want to, then I won’t force you to say anything though. It can wait until after detox when you’re feeling better. But the stakes are escalating, Celestia. We’ve seen what can happen in such a short time.”
  1939. >Thankfully, her eyes don’t wander downward this time.
  1940. >”They were always high, Anon.” She coldly deflects.
  1941. “In the long term, yeah. I knew what I was signing up for.” you fire back without missing a beat. “But I didn’t expect that I’d be considering taking in a stray pony with blood on her hands within the first week.”
  1942. >The mare’s eyes go wide.
  1943. “I… I didn’t think...”
  1944. >That you would find something that you couldn’t stand to lose again.
  1945. >You brush a strand of mane out of her eyes and hold a hand to her cheek, giving you full view of those captivating purple orbs.
  1946. >She sighs and leans into your palm.
  1948. >”Where’s all this coming from?” she smirks. “A bit of sympathy before you march me out in front of my subjects?”
  1949. >It’s obviously a joke, but the mare is avoiding your question with it.
  1950. >But before you can comment, a frown crosses her face.
  1951. >”If you really must know, then... I guess that there is a reason, Anon. When we were sitting in the room a while ago, do you remember how Match Stick insisted on calling me Miss? Even when I told her not to?”
  1952. “Uh huh, I also remember you challenging her in front of everybody.”
  1953. >A slight red hue creeps onto the Alicorn's cheeks, and she scowls.
  1954. >”I had a weak moment, Anon. I thought I had lost you, but then you were back and-”
  1955. >Immediately you hold up a hand.
  1956. “I know, I know. I didn’t really mean anything by it. In fact, once Coal sort of clued me in, I thought it felt kind of… Nice. It’s just…”
  1957. >You don’t know if she’ll still be fond of you after the drugs wear off.
  1958. >That is why they’re used in the first place after all.
  1959. >”Anon?”
  1960. “Don’t worry about it… So, as you were saying - Match Stick insists on putting a title in front of your name. Velvet and Coal -- especially Coal -- always refer to you as ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Your Majesty’. And I’ve got a feeling that every pony in that group outside acted a similar way. How am I doing?
  1961. >A heartfelt smile touches her lips.
  1962. >”You’re quite perceptive, aren’t you, Anon?”
  1963. “Call it a good hunch.”
  1964. >”Was it really that obvious?”
  1965. “Only for me.”
  1966. >Retracting her wing, she stands and moves in front of you before sitting again.
  1967. >Shifting her haunches slightly on the ground, she reaches up towards your chest with a hoof and starts tracing a circle on your pec.
  1968. >An act you all too gladly answer by gently reaching out and stroking your hand up and down her neck.
  1970. >Biting her bottom lip for a moment, Celestia takes a deep breath before looking into your eyes again.
  1971. >”You’ve done so much for me, Anon. You’re still doing so much for me.”
  1972. “Don’t sweat it. Seriously.”
  1973. >”And are you really considering taking in Match Stick? Even after what happened?”
  1974. “I gotta say, I’m still leaning towards a heavy no.”
  1975. >Her ears fall slightly.
  1976. “But I’m not blind, Celestia. I can reconcile that this isn’t a clear cut situation with an easy answer. I can also understand the value of holding onto the first magic capable pony that humanity has seen. So I’m trying very hard to keep an open mind.”
  1977. >Celestia smiles nonetheless.
  1978. >”That means more to me than I can put into words. But, Anon - regardless of all those things, I don’t treat you like I do because I feel like I owe you a debt.”
  1979. >She leans forward, the mare being careful not to impale you with her overly large horn, and rubs her neck against yours.
  1980. >”I do it,” she softly whispers. “Because I can forget I’m a Princess when I’m with you. Because I feel like I’m allowed to have fun when I’m with you.”
  1981. >You lean back against her.
  1982. “Celly, please, I couldn’t put you up on a pedestal even if I tried.”
  1983. >She hums sweetly next to your ear.
  1984. “You’re too heavy for that.”
  1985. >”Anon!”
  1986. “And the drooling when you sleep? Yikes.”
  1987. >Celestia jokingly smacks your chest and pulls back.
  1988. >A playful smile stretching across her muzzle.
  1989. >”There’s definitely something different about you.” the mare muses as she moves her head from side to side, carefully studying your features.
  1990. “Hmmm? How so?” you ask as you lean back against the couch.
  1991. >”I’m not so sure yet… you just feel-” she twirls a hoof in search of a word. “-Warmer?”
  1992. >You let her look over you for a few more seconds, until she sighs and gives up.
  1994. >”Whatever it might be, I can’t say that I hate it.”
  1995. >She smirks and bites her bottom lip again.
  1996. “Is that so?”
  1997. >Giving her a grin, you run a hand up the side of her neck, before sliding it down her barrel while leaning forward slightly.
  1998. >Unfortunately, a loud cheer erupts from outside; making you both jolt while deflating the mood of the room.
  1999. >Letting out an irritated sigh, Celestia’s eyes go to the darkening window.
  2000. >”I suppose we’ll have to put this on hold. With how late it is, our presence might be requested outside soon.” she pouts. “Never having enough time is one of the few things I didn’t miss.”
  2001. >Her hoof affectionately rubs your shoulder, though you can mostly only feel the cold metal of the underlying horseshoe.
  2002. >“And just when things were finally getting good too.”
  2003. ”Hey, I won’t be going anywhere. And when you’ve recovered, I think a lot of things are going to change for the better.”
  2004. >Your words don’t seem like they cheer her up though.
  2005. >Now more conscious of the ponies outside and the coming celebration, Celestia backs away from you slightly and quickly inspects herself.
  2006. >”Appearance is everything, even in these circumstances.” she drearily remarks as she runs a Kevlar-wrapped hoof through her messy mane.
  2007. >Moving on - the skinny mare twists and turns where she sits, before opening her wings and inspecting them.
  2008. “Is it really that urgent? I mean, surely they can understand if you-”
  2009. >”If I don’t look presentable, Anon, then I get to answer the same question about my appearance thirty to forty times.” she informs you as she inspects the underside of the feathery appendages. “The better I look, the more they can relax and think that everything will be fine.”
  2011. >Letting out a tired sigh, she shakily stands up and turns around.
  2012. >You raise an eyebrow.
  2013. >Suddenly, her rear starts slowly backing up towards you.
  2014. >Hold up.
  2015. “Whoa, whoa, wait, easy there.” you blurt out. “I don’t think-”
  2016. >Before you can finish your sentence -- or make some beeping noises like a truck would when reversing -- Celestia abruptly plonks her bony pony posterior down on your lap and stretches out her wings again.
  2017. >”You’re on cleaning duty, Anon.”
  2018. “You sure about that?”
  2019. >They always felt like they were one of the more delicate and alien parts of her body.
  2020. >You’d never forgive yourself if you damaged them in some way.
  2021. >”I’m very sure. Getting a mouth full of dirt and feathers isn’t exactly the most enjoyable sensation.” she chirps as she bends a wing back towards you. “I’m also looking forward to seeing what those fingers feel like.”
  2022. “Alrighty then… Just, tell me if I’m doing something I’m not supposed to.”
  2023. >”It shouldn’t be too hard, Anon. I cleaned them recently, so I just need you to quickly sift through them for broken feathers or anything that doesn’t look like it belongs.”
  2024. >Cautiously reaching out, you gingerly put a hand on the soft, snow white sheet that’s offered.
  2025. >”That’s it. Now, carefully, move one out of the way. Very good. Now check the root for any-”
  2026. >As your thumb touches the base of a feather where it joins the limb; she cries out and spreads her wing, wrenching it from your grip.
  2027. “Shit, shit, shit. I didn’t hurt you did I?”
  2028. >”N-No. Not at all.” she stammers as she gets the feathery appendage under control. “It was just a bit more… intense than I was expecting. Please… Continue.”
  2030. >You give her a concerned look, but she just stares forward; once again offering you her wing.
  2031. >Showing extra care this time, you delicately start sifting through her feathers with your fingers.
  2032. >Once again, you reach the bottom of a larger one, and ever so gently, you grab the base and twist it slightly so you can inspect the root.
  2033. >”Mmmmm.”
  2034. >Celestia hums, making you flinch.
  2035. >Yet the wing stays in your grip.
  2036. >Breathing a sigh of relief, you refocus and pick up your pace.
  2037. >Steadily moving from feather to feather; feeling where they connect with her wing and inspecting them for damage or dirt.
  2038. ”What exactly am I meant to be looking for back here?”
  2039. >”Mmmmm.”
  2040. >Well, that’s not helpful.
  2041. >But she sounds happy, so you must be doing something right.
  2042. >And so you continue methodically touching, twisting, and pulling each feather before laying it back where you found it.
  2043. >That is until you discover one that is bent clean in the middle.
  2044. “Hey, Gorgeous?”
  2045. >”Hmmmm?” She dreamily hums.
  2046. “I think I found a broken one, it’s kind of forming a right angle because it’s bent so badly.”
  2047. >”If it’s, mmm, if it’s one of the smaller ones, then pull it out in one go. Otherwise I’ll just wait for it to fall out and grow back normally.”
  2048. “Alrighty then… You’re the boss.” you answer as you grab the base and give it a sudden yank, making Celestia suck in air through her teeth and lift her rear slightly as you pluck the errant feather out of her wing.
  2049. >Twirling it in between your fingers, you give it a once over before depositing it by your side.
  2050. >Something catches your attention when Celestia sits back down though.
  2051. >As she parks her rear in your lap again, you can’t help but notice things have gotten noticeably damp down there.
  2052. ”Celestia?”
  2054. >”Yes, Anon?” she coyly answers, pressing her rear harder into your crotch at the same time.
  2055. >This mare…
  2056. >She knows full well what’s going on.
  2057. >But… You’re not ruining her fun if you can help it.
  2058. >Besides, she’s earned it in your books.
  2059. >So you’ll indulge this little scenario.
  2060. >That’s your justification and you’re sticking to it.
  2061. “I’m still not done with that wing.”
  2062. >”Of course.” she eagerly answers, quickly thrusting the wing back into your grasp.
  2063. >You pick up where you left off, but this time - you linger a little longer with your fingers at the root of each feather.
  2064. >Deftly caressing and rubbing the area where each feather connects with the underlying limb before moving onto the next.
  2065. >Each strong probe of her wing making her jolt and yelp with increasing enthusiasm.
  2066. >”Ooohh goooddds, this is dangerous, Anon.” Celestia finally moans out loud, dropping all pretext as she starts grinding in your lap.
  2067. >That lights a fire in your fingers, and you start applying more pressure while still being careful that you don’t break anything.
  2068. >Your digits drawing forth a satisfying chorus of pleased mewls and moans from this mare at the mercy of your fingertips.
  2069. >Every now and then, you have to stop and pluck a broken one, or pick some dirt out, before quickly resuming your ministrations.
  2070. >Fortunately, Celestia’s few complaints about these interruptions become short lived, as she starts openly panting.
  2071. >Her tail slowly flagging as you move onto the second wing.
  2072. >”Hah, hah, hah, i-it’s, i-it’s not enough, A-Anon.” the squirming mare in your lap stammers. “I-It’s like you’re, hah, c-constantly teasing me.”
  2073. >Maybe you are taking things a bit too far.
  2074. >Maybe you should stop and let her calm down before you two need to go outside for dinner.
  2075. >Or.
  2076. >Maybe you could continue?
  2078. >Something deep down and primal inside of you screams to keep going as your fingers near the end of her second wing.
  2079. >That this might be the last chance you’ll get to be with her.
  2080. >But that thought gives you pause.
  2081. >This was meant to be some innocent fun.
  2082. >A little break for both of you before you take on the rest of the night.
  2083. >And now you’re fondling a mare who is not in her best state of mind.
  2084. >Blood already pooling in your crotch as you get her worked up, but to what end?
  2085. >You know exactly what, though the desperate tinge of the thought brings a deep shame.
  2086. >Your fingers start slowing down and easing up in their efforts.
  2087. >Celestia immediately notices, craning her neck and looking back at you.
  2088. >A deep longing mixed with a mild confusion in her eyes.
  2089. >”A-Anon? What’s wrong?”
  2090. “I’m, uh, nearing the end of the wing... Was thinking we should start cooling things down.” you mutter, unable to meet her eyes for fear she might read your thoughts.
  2091. >Your avoidant attitude awkwardly douses the fire in her eyes, and she looks away slightly embarrassed.
  2092. >In that instant, you feel the cruel weight of reality rushing on.
  2093. >You’re at this practice for a reason.
  2094. >The poor mare in front of you has had something terrible forced upon her.
  2095. >And right now, her recovery is your top priority.
  2096. >Until then, everything has to wait.
  2097. >It must wait.
  2098. >If she only feels something for you when under the influence of those pills, then you never deserved to be with her in the first place.
  2099. >But that excuse doesn’t matter in this moment as Celestia pulls her wing out of your hands; tucking it into her side before slowly lifting her damp haunches off of your crotch.
  2101. >The mare looking into a corner of the room as you get a full view of the soaked state of her.
  2102. “I’m sorry, Celly. This isn’t fair on you. I shouldn’t have-”
  2103. >”Just stop it, Anon!” She suddenly snaps.
  2104. “W-wha-?”
  2105. >As you fumble with a reply, Celestia angrily turns around.
  2106. >Hooves stomping on the rug beneath her before she sits down with a wet squelch in front of you.
  2107. >Her magenta eyes gleaming with a cold fury.
  2108. >”How do you think doing that makes me feel, Anon?!”
  2109. “I-I don’t-”
  2110. >”I asked you - how do you think it makes me feel?! You’re so perceptive after all, aren’t you?” she condescendingly jabs.
  2111. “Celestia, I-”
  2112. >”Isn’t fair on me? Isn’t fair on me?! I understand my own circumstances, Anon! I understand them because I am the one dealing with them! So how on Equestria do you think it makes me feel - when I’m enjoying an intimate moment with someone I care about-!” She stomps a hoof again. Her ears held back and her tail flicking in irritation “Someone with whom I can finally relax with and enjoy being myself around - and don’t say that this is a surprise, I refuse to believe you’re that naive after everything we’ve been through.”
  2113. >The enraged mare pulls back slightly, biting her bottom lip hard before continuing.
  2114. >”And the moment I feel like I can open myself up, like I can get to know them on a deeper level; they wrench their hooves, their hands, whatever, off of me - like I’m some kind of sick and delirious pony who doesn’t know what she’s doing! Who doesn’t know what she wants!”
  2115. >You hold your tongue.
  2116. >Anyone in the house can probably hear her angry booming voice, she’s yelling that loudly.
  2117. >But there’s just no other option for you at the moment.
  2119. >”I’m a mare, Anon. I have needs. And I have things that I want as well. Having you treat me like I might break if a slight breeze hit me? That I’m not in control when I do things like that? That hurts! When you pull your hands away from me and look like you just kicked a dog? Like you’re ashamed of touching me? That hurts even more! But do you want to know what the most painful thing is?”
  2120. >The tone of her voice levels out with an icy chill, and she holds her head back and regards you with a calculating coldness.
  2121. “... What is it, Celestia?”
  2122. >You brace.
  2123. >”It hurts, Anon, when I see you apologize for doing something that I know you want to do. Like you’re too scared to go after what you want. Almost as if you’re running away from yourself. And it’s made worse by the fact that you’ll do things you don’t want to do for my sake. It turns you into a hypocrite, Anon; because by making concession after concession to me without giving yourself an inch, you are putting me on a pedestal. Either that, or you see me as some pathetic pony that deserves your pity. That’s what’s not fair, Anon.”
  2124. >...
  2125. >Several long, painful moments creep by, but you can’t think properly.
  2126. >You can’t do anything after that kind of evisceration.
  2127. >”I’m going to the bathroom so I can get myself cleaned up.” she finishes with an exhausted, dismissive sigh.
  2128. >Standing on skinny, shaking legs, Celestia slowly starts making her way out of the room.
  2129. >Her head hanging low as she grunts with the effort of each step.
  2130. >It’s happening again.
  2131. >Just like it did so long ago.
  2132. >The urge to scream out, to yell, to shout, to do or say anything that might stop her from leaving right now rages inside you like a wild torrent.
  2134. >You should stand up.
  2135. >Go help her.
  2136. >But you can’t even open your mouth.
  2137. >You just sit there against the couch, stunned into silence.
  2138. >This can’t happen.
  2139. >She can’t leave like this.
  2140. >Or else things might never go back.
  2141. >Come on.
  2142. >You have to stop this!
  2143. >Just. Say. Something!
  2144. >Anything!
  2145. >Or have you really not changed at all since that day?!
  2146. >For once in your life, just open your mouth and say what you want to say!
  2147. “C-Celestia!” you finally blurt out, just as she‘s nearly left the room.
  2148. >Thankfully, she stops, though the mare does stare back at you with an almost heartbreakingly indifferent gaze.
  2149. >But it does buy you one precious chance.
  2150. >You can’t defuse this with a joke.
  2151. >You can’t bullshit her.
  2152. >You can’t stay silent.
  2153. >You must act.
  2154. “You want to know what I want, Celestia?”
  2155. >You stand up and meet her eyes.
  2156. >”I do.” she sincerely replies. ”More than anything else, Anon.”
  2157. >Your mouth opens, but nothing of substance comes out.
  2158. “I-” you stall. “I want…”
  2159. >You’re dropping the ball.
  2160. >”Anon.” for the briefest moment, her cheeks pull back into a smile before she can reign them in. “You can trust me, Big Boy.”
  2161. >You really can’t beat this mare, can you?
  2162. “How honest?”
  2163. >”Brutally.”
  2164. >She gives you another cheeky grin that quickly disappears as you finally catch on.
  2165. >“I can handle it.”
  2166. >While her little lecture was accurate with a frightful precision; on reflection, it feels more like a little advice for you to digest later.
  2167. >Some of that old age showing through maybe, yet you still can’t associate her with being over a thousand years old.
  2169. >In the meantime - as you were picking up the pieces of yourself, this clever old mare chose to take her outrage and get something out of it.
  2170. >Embellishing her reactions so she could lure you hook, line, and sinker into this kind of situation.
  2171. >A small payback for effectively blue balling her, you guess.
  2172. >Probably threw in those grunts for dramatic effect too.
  2173. >So maybe you can have a bit of fun in return.
  2174. >While being brutally honest of course.
  2175. ”Celestia.”
  2176. >“Yes, Anon?”
  2177. >Well.
  2178. >It’s now or never.
  2179. “You were right.” you begin with a heavy blush. “I did want to continue. In fact I wanted to keep going so badly, that all I could think about was throwing you onto the couch right then and there.”
  2180. >Aside from a small twitch of her tail, she remains stone-faced.
  2181. “But I stopped myself. Because as much as it excites me, I can’t shake off the dark cloud hanging over every single one of those moments.”
  2182. >That makes the mare scowl slightly.
  2183. >”Anon, I thought I told you-”
  2184. “Hey, I’m not done yet. This is about what I want, remember?”
  2185. >Clearly not satisfied, Celestia bites her tongue and nods for you to continue.
  2186. “I ‘want’ to have drinks with everyone we’ve met at this practice, and watch Velvet drunkenly hit on Coal while everything soars over his oblivious head. But I can’t, because you need to stay healthy for detox.”
  2187. >You start walking towards her as she frowns.
  2188. “I really want to give Match Stick a chance. But I can’t even begin considering taking her in when I’m worried sick about how much you’re going to be hurting over the next few days.”
  2189. >Finally, you say something that gives her pause.
  2191. “I want to see you able to walk by your own power wherever you go. But I can’t. I want to lie down and watch movies with you all day. But I can’t. I want to be able to enjoy a lovely evening with you without having to drug you and take you to bed early. But I can’t.”
  2192. >You stop in front of her and sit down.
  2193. >She’s still not smiling, but a few cracks are starting to show in her mask.
  2194. >From the subtle swivel of an ear to the slightest readjustments of her wings.
  2195. “I want to see what kind of plans you can come up with. I want to see how the world changes when you go public. I want to learn out about magic. I want to do something, anything, about this fucked up situation that took my wife from me and did this to you. I want to do so many things! With you, Celestia. But I can’t. Because it all comes back to one thing.”
  2196. >Tepidly reaching forward while keeping an eye on her reactions, you place a hand on her neck.
  2197. >Thankfully, even though her purple eyes follow you the whole way, she doesn’t pull back.
  2198. “The thing that I want most of all, right now - is for you to get better, Celestia. Because the thing that I want most of all - is ‘you’. The natural ‘you’. The healthy ‘you’. That takes priority over everything else that I want.”
  2199. >There we go.
  2200. >It’s all out in the open now; and so the embarrassment of your blunt admission comes surging forth, making your ears burn.
  2201. >”Is that really all true, Anon?” the Alicorn inquires.
  2202. “I guess it is… I didn’t really have it in focus until you gave me that lecture and put me on the spot. But yeah. That’s pretty much it.” you state plainly.
  2204. >She taps her chin with a hoof and studies you, carefully considering her options.
  2205. >”And you meant that first part? About the couch? You weren’t just joking around?”
  2206. >You feel like looking away; but holding onto a modicum of resolve, you steel yourself and hold her gaze.
  2207. “Damn straight.”
  2208. >”Then I’ll be holding you to that offer, Anon.”
  2209. “Huh?”
  2210. >”What I’m trying to say is - in exchange for my forgiveness for leaving me ‘stiff-winged’; once I’m done with detox, I get a freebee.”
  2211. “I’m gonna say yes anyway, but what do you mean by ‘freebee’?”
  2212. >Donning a coy grin, Celestia takes a few steps forward and leans in close.
  2213. >“Wherever I want. Whenever I want.” she sultrily whispers in your ear. “I say the word, and you take me right then and there.”
  2214. *Gulp*
  2215. >”Bonus points if you drag me tail first and bend me over a couch.”
  2216. “Yes Ma’am.”
  2217. >Satisfied with that, Celestia pulls back and finally breaks her mask, giving you a tender smile.
  2218. >”Excellent. Now, if you could be so kind, I would very much appreciate some, um, help. With getting tidied up.”
  2219. >Craning her neck to one side, she glances worryingly at something behind her.
  2220. >Following her gaze, you find a thin, clear strand of liquid trailing to the floor between her hind legs.
  2221. “Par for the course, Babe. Just one question.”
  2222. >”Yes, Anon?”
  2223. “Where exactly is the toilet in this house?”
  2224. >Sharing looks of uncertainty, you both check up and down the long hallway for a few moments, before a sudden knock comes from the front door.
  2225. >”Anon! Celestia! It’s time for dinner!” Emily's voice echoes through the door.
  2227. Part 24
  2229. >A short while later, you and Celestia are standing behind the front door in the dimly lit hallway.
  2230. >Your right hand once again resting on her back for her peace of mind.
  2231. >Also for your own. But that’s something she doesn’t need to know.
  2232. >”You’re sure I look fine, Anon?”
  2233. “Celestia, you look so good that someone might accidentally mistake you for a Princess.”
  2234. >That gets a brief smile from her, before she immediately goes back to biting her lip.
  2235. >She’s started doing that an awful lot lately.
  2236. >Nonetheless, you can’t help but marvel at how right she was when she said that appearance is everything.
  2237. >A quick brush and groom of her mane and tail later, coupled with some instructed hair spray use; another, less stimulating, check of her wings; some soap and water for errant blood flecks from one of Tinder’s coughing episodes.
  2238. >Combine all of that with a bit of maintenance on her backside, and now the Alicorn princess looks transformed - ready to face her subjects as she holds her head high and psyches herself up.
  2239. >Her profile is a captivating sight, despite her current circumstances.
  2240. >And you yourself have swapped out your old, blood stained shirt and pants for new ones; and under Celestia’s advice, you’ve borrowed an old scarf from Emily to cover up the bruises on your neck.
  2241. >”This is our first public event, Anon. It’s alright if you make some mistakes.”
  2242. >Celestia gives you a warm and reassuring smile, but the incessant swishing of her long, multi-coloured tail; and the constant, back and forth flicking of her hears lets you know that the encouragement was meant more for herself than it was for you.
  2243. >*Knock* *Knock*
  2244. >”Your Highness, we’re ready out here.”
  2245. >Coal’s deep voice comes through the door.
  2248. >Immediately, you feel a slight trembling under your hand.
  2249. “You ready, Gorgeous?”
  2250. >”O-Of course, Anon.”
  2251. >Bullshit.
  2252. >This can’t go on, or she’ll be a wreck before she even gets to the dinner table.
  2253. >A grin spreads across your lips as you quickly throw together a plan.
  2254. “Y’know Celestia, there’s an ancient human technique that has helped calm down people for centuries. You want to try it?”
  2255. >”I-I’ll take anything at this point, Anon.”
  2256. “Alright, alright.” You crouch down beside her and hug her closer with your right arm. “Look here.”
  2257. >Holding out your left hand flat out in front with the palm pointing towards her, you start slowly counting down out loud and with your fingers.
  2258. “Five, four-” You sneak a peek to make sure she’s focusing on your hand. “Three-”
  2259. >Oh yeah. Her eyes are glued to your fingers, and she’s even silently counting along with her mouth.
  2260. “Two.”
  2261. >Here we go.
  2262. >Instead of counting the final number, you deftly move your right hand up and cup one side of her face while you give her left cheek a quick kiss.
  2263. >Celestia’s eyes go wide.
  2264. >You quickly pull back and stand up before returning your hand to her back.
  2265. “They say it only ever works once. What do you think?”
  2266. >A smile slowly spreads across her muzzle as she stares straight forward.
  2267. >She doesn’t answer.
  2268. >She doesn’t need to.
  2269. >The slight tremor in her back has abated as well.
  2270. >Instead, she raises her hoof to the door and knocks back.
  2271. >”We’re ready to come out, Sergeant.”
  2272. >This is it.
  2273. >There’s a small bit of chatter from the other side.
  2274. >Then suddenly-
  2275. >”Fillies and Gentlecolts!” A deep and powerful stallion’s voice booms out. “May I have your attention, please!”
  2276. >The mare at your side shifts slightly.
  2277. >“Presenting tonight’s guests!”
  2279. >You rub your thumb against her back.
  2280. >”Please, give a warm welcome to our humble home: Sovereign of the Sun; the eldest of the two ruling sisters of Equestria; Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia!”
  2281. >As you reach out for the doorknob, a thunderous roar comes from the crowd outside, nearly shaking the door on its hinges.
  2282. >”You won’t leave me. Right, Anon?”
  2283. >It’s almost a whisper.
  2284. “Never.”
  2285. >Swallowing heavily, you open up the path in front of you, revealing a waiting rainbow of thirty to forty multi-coloured pastel ponies, all of them illuminated by cheap flood lights on the front lawn.
  2286. >A split second passes before they erupt in another monstrous cheer.
  2287. >It’s intensely overwhelming as many of them stomp their hooves and rear back with cries of joy.
  2288. >In front of you - a kaleidoscope of wide, hopeful eyes standing a respectable distance from the house; all of them demanding your attention.
  2289. >Combine that with the raucous noise that feels like it’s coming from every direction at once, and you can feel your legs turning to jelly.
  2290. >You spot Emily in the back of the crowd, standing almost twice as tall as everyone else.
  2291. >By her side - a tired and grumpy looking Stint is nursing a cold pack against his forehead.
  2292. >The veterinarian notices your gaze and mouths a ‘sorry’ in your direction while pointing down at the stallion.
  2293. >Seems like he got a bigger knock on the head than you thought.
  2294. >You should thank him when you get the chance though.
  2295. >Meanwhile, Coal and Velvet are flanking you on either side of the doorway; with the grey mare on your right and the scarred stallion on your left.
  2296. >Velvet seems slightly irritated though, as she scowls with splayed back ears.
  2297. >Hopefully their little date didn’t end too badly.
  2299. >As you soak in the situation: Celestia -- like it’s second nature -- gives a curt bow of her head and leans against you for support, so that she can raise a Kevlar-wrapped hoof and wave at them.
  2300. >That just makes the crowd go even wilder.
  2301. >”And introducing her royal consort-!” the stallion by your side yells again.
  2302. >Her what?!
  2303. >Oh no.
  2304. >The crowd goes deathly quiet while you stare daggers at the side of his face.
  2305. >Coal.
  2306. >Please!
  2307. >”A sincere and earnest human who has earned my respect and trust.”
  2308. >Don’t!
  2309. >”Please, give a warm welcome: to the human who found and rescued our Monarch; who brought her back to us for a swift and steady recovery; who is responsible for the luxuries we have enjoyed as of late, and who has sworn to help us in our ongoing struggles. I present to you - Sir Anon!”
  2310. >You never really understood the phrase ‘Deafening Silence’.
  2311. >But standing there -- with the crowd of ponies instantly going so quiet that you can hear a car travelling down the main road several hundred metres away -- gives you a new appreciation for it.
  2312. >After all, the sudden vacuum of noise really does feel like someone just blew out your eardrums.
  2313. >”Give them a wave, Anon.”
  2314. >Celestia nervously nudges your side.
  2315. >Ever so slowly -- as if they might swarm and tear you limb from limb if you make the wrong move -- you raise your free hand and stiffly wave it back and forth.
  2316. >More silence.
  2317. >You look at the stone faced stallion by your side who stands there like a statue.
  2318. >Not a guilty hair on his black, scarred coat.
  2319. >Thanks a lot Coal, you absolute cu-
  2320. >Although it isn’t as loud as Celestia’s welcome, the crowd suddenly erupts in a humbling, yet indecipherable chorus of praise and thanks.
  2321. >Their hooves collectively stomping the ground in what you assume is pony applause.
  2323. >”Start walking now, Anon.” Coal harshly whispers by your side.
  2324. “Sir Anon?” you chide back at him.
  2325. >His stone-faced features fracture for a moment, and he gives an unsure smile.
  2326. >”Gotta entertain the crowd somehow.”
  2327. >Swallowing the butterflies of anxiety in your throat, you summon what courage you can find and step off the front door landing.
  2328. >Celestia moves in lock-step with you the whole time, her body leaning heavier into your side than you would have expected.
  2329. >Hopefully she’s just very tired.
  2330. >The alternative means you have less time than you thought.
  2331. >Both guard ponies quickly fall in at your flanks, and you soon realise that you’re experiencing your first ‘royal’ escort.
  2332. >But the moment is overshadowed by Celestia’s degrading constitution.
  2333. >Spying the arrangement of dinner tables in the distance, you adjust your heading so you can beeline towards them.
  2334. >Unfortunately, the way forward takes you right through the cluster of ponies who still haven’t relented in their fervent support.
  2335. >Thankfully, Coal picks up on your intent and swiftly trots out in front.
  2336. >”Make way for Her Majesty!” he bellows.
  2337. >But none of the over-excited ponies show any inclination of moving out of the way.
  2338. >The solitary stallion vanguard stays his course, forming a one pony spearhead as Velvet follows in your footsteps.
  2339. >As you get closer to the herd, a small knot starts forming in your gut.
  2340. >Not a single one of the ecstatic ponies is even flinching at the oncoming guard.
  2341. >This could get really bad, really quick.
  2342. >Maybe you should-
  2343. >”Don’t hesitate, Anon. Keep going straight.” Celestia urges at your side.
  2344. >A thin sheen of sweat shimmering through the coat around her horn that you didn't notice inside.
  2345. >Following her advice, you stay the course and keep marching forward with her.
  2347. >Tensions rise as Coal is nearly about to bulldoze his way through the front ranks of the crowd, and you brace for a collision; when miraculously, the ponies part like the red sea so you can pass.
  2348. >As you move through the narrow corridor between them, you feel like your eardrums might rupture from the fevered jovial pitch the ponies are reaching.
  2349. >A keen awareness of the many wandering eyes gnaws at your vanity, making you extremely self-conscious of how you’re currently looking and very thankful for the scarf around your neck.
  2350. >Like it’s her second nature, Celestia smiles and shakes the hoof of any pony who reaches out to her, while also mixing in the occasional ‘how are you’, and ‘it’s good to be back’.
  2351. >Slowing you both down slightly while she caters to her subjects.
  2352. >Velvet, for her part, handles the crowd control.
  2353. >The grey unicorn swiftly heading off any errant ponies who get a little too touchy with their Princess.
  2354. >As you’re standing there in the middle of the herd - for only the briefest of moments, an immense sense of panic washes over you.
  2355. >But rather than letting it interfere, you squash it with whatever willpower you can spare and push onward.
  2356. >Though the crowd moves with you, it thankfully only takes a few minutes to reach the tables.
  2357. >There you find four rows of the crudely constructed furniture; stretching out with basic seats, utensils, and plastic plates littered all over them for the ponies.
  2358. >Though you’re not sure how useful the knives and forks will be.
  2360. >A short distance away -- stretching across far side of those tables -- lies a fifth, more carefully constructed one.
  2361. >Insofar as it doesn’t look like it’ll fall apart at any second.
  2362. >It also only has a limited number of proper lawn chairs on one side, in addition to a handmade wooden ‘throne’ parked in the middle.
  2363. >This seems to be so that their occupants can look over all the others gathered.
  2364. >In addition, the cutlery and plates adorned on it are actually stainless steel and ceramic with basic floral patterns.
  2365. >Despite the step-up in quality, you would still only describe the setup as very basic.
  2366. >Lying further away -- and off to one side -- is a sixth, human made, fold-able camping table that holds several large bowls of salads, pastas, what looks like hay covered in sauce, as well as many more vegetarian meals.
  2367. >It doesn’t look like you’ll be getting a hot meal tonight though as there isn’t a portable stoves or grill or anything of that like.
  2368. >Might have to order some pizza again.
  2369. >Wonder if they deliver all the way out in the sticks?
  2370. >”L-Lets go and sit down, Anon.” a struggling Celestia gasps by your side.
  2371. “Right, sorry.”
  2372. >You apologize and follow Coals lead.
  2373. >As you approach the end table that’s meant for Celestia, Emily catches up and falls in line with a dizzy Stint trailing in her footsteps.
  2374. >But she doesn’t share any pleasantries with you.
  2375. >Instead, she critically studies the mare by your side.
  2376. >Celestia’s shaking has returned, but you don’t think it’s the nerves this time.
  2377. >”You feeling alright, Cinderella?” Emily sympathetically asks.
  2378. >”J-just fine, thank you. S-some water would be nice though.”
  2380. >”Maybe we should call things off-”
  2381. >”No!” the haggard Alicorn blurts out. “N-No. I can h-handle something like this.”
  2382. >Her magenta eyes sparkle as they look over her subjects - all of them laughing, sharing jokes, and a few overrun with tears of joy at the momentous occasion.
  2383. >”I-I can handle something like this.”
  2384. >Emily smiles at her and nods, before giving you a worrying glance.
  2385. >Retreating back and then walking up alongside you this time, the vet whispers in your ear.
  2386. >”It looks like we don’t have as much time as we would have liked, Anon. She's not going to last long. Do you think can carry her back to the house in an emergency?”
  2387. “Absolutely.”
  2388. >”Also, just to let you know, our three test subjects will be going through a lot without their pills. Try to take things easy on them.”
  2389. >You nod.
  2390. >Running a hand through her blonde hair, Emily sighs and hangs back, stopping Stint as well so they can talk about something.
  2391. >As soon as you finish helping Celestia into her seat positioned in the centre of the table, the mare urgently reaches for an already poured glass of water sitting next to her plate.
  2392. >Her hoof goes slightly off target though, and she knocks it over - spilling water all over the table cloth.
  2393. >Thankfully, the ponies in the herd are too busy buzzing around the other four tables and taking their seats to notice.
  2394. >Grabbing your own glass, you raise it to her lips, and she greedily gulps down all of it.
  2395. >The mare nearly choking as she does so.
  2396. “You alright, Celly?”
  2397. >Holding her eyes shut as a wince flashes across her face, Celestia gives a subtle shake of her head and holds a foreleg to her stomach under the table.
  2398. >”I’m fine, Anon.”
  2399. “Celestia, maybe we should-”
  2400. >”No! Not until we have to!” the Alicorn seethes.
  2402. >As she opens her now slightly bloodshot eyes, you feel your heart wrenching.
  2403. >Again, that small panic from before resurges.
  2404. >But you can’t find it in your heart to deny her when she’s struggling so much.
  2405. >So you squash it again, and the rest of you take your seats.
  2406. >Coal and Velvet sitting on your left.
  2407. >Emily and Stint sitting on Celestia’s right.
  2408. >Doctor’s orders after all.
  2409. >And in front of you, a veritable rainbow of chattering equines who glance expectantly at their monarch.
  2410. >Taking a few shuddering breaths, the Alicorn looks over them.
  2411. >The pain in her intelligent eyes intensifying as she takes in everything about them.
  2412. >Maybe you really should call this off.
  2413. >”The Princess wishes to speak!” Coal suddenly bellows at the top of his lungs.
  2414. >God damn is he loud.
  2415. >But isn’t he jumping the gun a little bit?
  2416. >It has the desired effect though, and the crowd swiftly falls silent.
  2417. >Without leaving her seat, the mare by your side looks over the crowd for a few more moments, soaking in their expectant gazes before she begins.
  2418. >Though as you look at Celestia, you get the sudden feeling that something is terribly wrong.
  2419. >A looming sense of dread that surges forth from deep with your chest and reignites the panic.
  2420. >Ears are splayed back.
  2421. >Tears pool in the corners of her eyes.
  2422. >A bottom lip quivers.
  2423. >But it’s too late to stop her.
  2424. >”M-My little ponies. My p-precious ponies. How g-good it is to s-see-”
  2425. >She chokes, unable to speak as her words become stuck in her throat.
  2426. >”T-to see-”
  2427. >Again, she chokes.
  2428. >What are you missing?
  2429. >Is she just hurting from withdrawal?
  2431. >No this is different.
  2432. >What is it?
  2433. >”I’m s-sorry... ” Celestia whimpers.
  2434. >Why is she-?
  2435. >As your gaze wanders back to the crowd of ponies, you finally stop and take a good look at this whole situation.
  2436. >All the little details that you ignored up till now -- either because you were too focused on Celestia or yourself -- come flooding in.
  2437. >Or maybe you just never really could understand where she stood.
  2438. >It makes you cringe so hard that you feel sick.
  2439. >The now despondent and despairing eyes.
  2440. >The crippling injuries.
  2441. >The handmade furniture that’s falling apart.
  2442. >And finally, the fact that what is meant to be Celestia’s reunion with her subjects feels like a shitty barbeque party.
  2443. >Chaperoned by you and Emily as you both tower so tall over the ponies that you make them seem like kids.
  2444. >Add to that the clumsy ceremonial process, and the entire thing feels like some child’s make-believe party.
  2445. >It’s deeply embarrassing just sitting at the table.
  2446. >But you’re not their leader.
  2447. >Their leader is currently having a very public break-down as she now sobs openly in front of them.
  2448. >Her kingdom in ruins and her people effectively reduced to beasts of burden who can’t even provide for themselves.
  2449. >You’re the one who paid for everything here, after all.
  2450. >The worst thing about all this is the silence from the herd
  2451. >There are no confused whispers.
  2452. >No shouts of assurance.
  2453. >No eyes glistening with hope.
  2454. >Just a deep, deflated acceptance on all of their faces.
  2455. >Even the small handful of colts and fillies awkwardly crowd together and stay silent.
  2456. >Their adolescent minds understanding something is wrong, but not fully comprehending the gravity of the situation.
  2457. >This is what Celestia was afraid of all along.
  2458. >Not their judgement of her.
  2460. >But rather - witnessing the crushing state of her downtrodden subjects.
  2461. >”I-I’m S-Sooorrryyy. I-I’m So-o-o-o-ry-y-y.” Celestia wails at them.
  2462. >A deep agony consuming her as she heaves and sobs in front of all of her ponies, before burying her face in her hooves.
  2463. >Fighting the rising panic in your throat, you look to your sides for help.
  2464. >Coal won’t stop looking at the ground - a bitter scowl on his face.
  2465. >You can’t even see Velvet’s face, as the unicorn mare is looking off into the bushes.
  2466. >Emily openly weeps as she hugs Celestia, rocking back and forth in a desperate attempt to console the poor mare.
  2467. >And Stint…
  2468. >Stint just sits there with horrified eyes, gazing out at all the ponies who look like they’ve now given up.
  2469. >Their final ember of hope snuffed out as they fully realize that their Princess is just like them, and all that entails as well.
  2470. >His face slowly drift towards you.
  2471. >No animosity left in his deflated features.
  2472. >No accusation.
  2473. >No blame.
  2474. >Just a simple, silent cry.
  2475. >Help us.
  2476. >Running a hand through your hair, you rattle your brain.
  2477. >How can you fix this?
  2478. >You should have seen something like this coming from a mile off.
  2479. >Instead, you got so distracted with your own problems that you’ve been blindsided.
  2480. >Now Celestia is rapidly running out of time.
  2481. >Which means your window to fix this has almost closed.
  2482. >It’s now or never.
  2483. >Do or die.
  2484. >Urgently, you scan the crowd as the seconds drag on.
  2485. >Looking for something.
  2486. >Anything you can latch onto.
  2487. >But…
  2488. >Try as you might...
  2489. >There isn’t a single thing that comes to mind.
  2490. >”Anon!”
  2491. >Emily cries out from your side.
  2492. >Your head instantly snaps in her direction.
  2493. >And that’s when you realize.
  2495. >Celestia is still crying.
  2496. >But now there are grunts and gasps of pain mixed in as the mare hides her tear streaked muzzle behind the table.
  2497. >Oh no.
  2498. >”Anon. We need to get her inside. Now!” Emily urgently begs.
  2499. >Oh no, no, no.
  2500. >You look around. But there’s no one else who can help.
  2501. >There’s nothing else you can do.
  2502. >The cold, hard truth is: you’re out of time.
  2503. >*Hurk*
  2504. >Celestia dry wretches.
  2505. >That snaps you out of your frantic panic.
  2506. >Instantly, your priorities shift.
  2507. >The dinner is a failure.
  2508. >There’s something more important that demands your attention now.
  2509. >Coal and Velvet are paralyzed, and Emily is the only one who is thinking ahead.
  2510. >Her patient’s health of the highest priority.
  2511. >This situation is a disaster, but if Celestia gets any worse, then it will soon become a nightmare.
  2512. >Steeling your resolve, you push out from the table and stand up, sending your chair flying.
  2513. >You dimly register some of the ponies flinching, but you dismiss them from your mind.
  2514. >As Emily moves out of the way - you pull Celestia’s seat back and move in front of her.
  2515. >In one deft movement, you bend down, hook your arms in typical fashion around the large mare’s body; and with a grunt of effort, you pick her up.
  2516. >Awkwardly crushing her forelegs against your chest as she presses the bridge of her muzzle against your collarbone.
  2517. >The mare squirms slightly in your grip, but the poor pony is in too much pain to protest effectively.
  2518. >Turning towards the house, you do your best to ignore the sea of eyeballs following you and the murmur that is spreading through the herd.
  2519. >The blonde veterinarian quickly falls in line with you and starts asking her patient questions.
  2520. >None of them get any meaningful response though.
  2522. >You pick up the pace; and in no time at all, you’ve made it about halfway to the house.
  2523. >Suddenly, Celestia wretches again; and something warm splatters against your clean shirt.
  2524. >Emily was right to act when she did.
  2525. >All that matters now though is making sure that she’s safe-
  2526. >”Anon! You stop right there!”
  2527. >You glance back and find Coal standing with his front hooves on the table you were just sitting at.
  2528. >“What are you doing with our Princess?” the stallion yells.
  2529. >His scarred face blistering with an enraged furor.
  2530. >Looks like he finally found himself at the worst moment.
  2531. >But you can’t risk turning around and letting the other ponies see the state Celestia is in.
  2532. >So you continue walking forward.
  2533. >”Answer me, Human!!!” he desperately demands, a thick vitriol hanging off his words as he strikes the table so hard that you can hear it splintering under the force. “I won’t let you steal her away from me again!!!”
  2534. “I’m taking care of her, Coal!” you spit back at him without turning around. “Someone has to!”
  2535. >You carry on at a brisk pace, half expecting the sound of thundering hooves at your heels.
  2536. >But they never come.
  2537. >As you approach the house - Emily moves ahead and opens the front door for you, then quickly leads you down the hall to a back room.
  2538. >Her room.
  2539. >Something that’s made obvious by the obscene amount of horse posters plastered on the door.
  2540. >She opens it, revealing a recently sanitized sanctuary; stocked to the walls with all kinds of medical goods from IV bags to hypodermic needles.
  2541. >You also spy a healthy pile of towels and bed sheets lying in one corner as you step inside
  2542. >Following the veterinarian’s guidance - you deposit Celestia on the queen size bed that forms the centerpiece of the makeshift hospital room.
  2544. >Gently cooing and stroking the back of the sobbing, sickly mare - Emily looks to a pile of supplies.
  2545. >”Thank you, Anon. That’ll be all.” she coldly dismisses you.
  2546. >Wait.
  2547. >Hold on!
  2548. “What do you mean, Emily? I can still-”
  2549. >”Anon!” she barks with an intimidating intensity. “Remember what you promised me.”
  2550. >You’d rather tell her to fuck off, but you know deep down that you’re an intruder in her domain now.
  2551. >And you did ultimately promise that you wouldn’t interfere.
  2552. >So, unless it’s the worst case scenario and she needs another dose of pills, you can’t come back in this room until Celestia comes out.
  2553. >That’s something you have to accept.
  2554. “Alright then…” you miserably answer. “I’m gonna say something to her before I go though. Is that alright?”
  2555. >The vet nods as she starts rummaging through some nearby equipment.
  2556. >You take your opening and walk up to the squirming mare on the bed.
  2557. >As you squeeze her leg - those haggard, bloodshot eyes of hers shoot open.
  2558. >The purple orbs are swimming in pain and wander aimlessly for a moment.
  2559. >But then they lock onto you, and her lips begin quivering.
  2560. >”I-It’s all w-wrong, A-Anon.” she deliriously babbles. “N-None of t-this should be h-happening. I s-should be w-with my s-sister… W-We s-should be b-back in E-Equestria… S-she-”
  2561. “Shhhhh, shh, shh, shh. Easy, Celly. Things are going to be okay.”
  2562. >”I-It hurts s-so much, Anon. It-”
  2563. >The mare’s sentence is cut off as her face is contorted with pain, making her curl up and clutch at her stomach.
  2565. “I know. I know. But Emily’s going to be taking care of you. I’ll be right outside the room the whole time. I won’t be going anywhere. So you-”
  2566. >”C-can’t you just… g-give me the pill?” she interrupts you with pleading eyes. ”I know you h-have it. W-We won’t have to, ngh, do this! W-We can go back o-outside!”
  2567. >Before you can stop yourself, you glance down at your pant pockets where you keep the emergency dose for safe keeping.
  2568. >Celestia instantly notices and lunges out with her legs, desperately pawing at your jeans with weak hooves as her eyes are consumed with a desperate hunger.
  2569. >You quickly flinch away from the flailing mare, falling onto your rear.
  2570. >”Anon. Out. Now!” Emily puts her foot down as she turns around and notices what’s happening.
  2571. >”N-No! Don’t g-go, Anon!”
  2572. >Celestia screams out as you stand up and start backing away from her.
  2573. >“You promised me, Anon!” Her tone turns vicious. “You said you wouldn’t abandon me!”
  2574. “I’m not, Celestia. I’m gonna be right outside-”
  2575. >”You lied to me! You betrayed me!”
  2576. “Celestia, please-”
  2577. >”Anon!!! Get. Out. Now!!!”
  2578. >Emily commands you over Celestia’s hysterical screaming - the vet trying to hook an IV into the mare’s leg and receiving a few wayward bludgeons from her hooves in the process.
  2579. >You can’t concentrate.
  2580. >All your senses feel overwhelmed as the mare you care about lashes out; hurling paranoid accusations at you in a delirious, pain driven fever.
  2581. >It isn’t until your back suddenly collides with the wall that you realize you’ve stumbled all the way out into the hall.
  2582. >”No!!! No!!! Don’t touch me!!!” Celestia screams out as she smacks Emily in the jaw with a wayward hoof.
  2583. >”Anon! Hold still, you little… The door, Anon!” The vet yells out as she wrestles with the flailing Alicorn.
  2585. >Dazed and reeling, you slowly reach out and grab the handle; pulling the door shut as you get one last glimpse at her.
  2586. >That tear streaked face.
  2587. >The carefully groomed, multi-coloured mane - messy and ruined.
  2588. >Her entire body still dangerously slim from malnutrition.
  2589. >A dribble of brown-green against the white coat on her chin.
  2590. >Her bloodshot paranoid eyes meet yours for one final moment while she flails against the woman trying to help her.
  2591. >”Anon, wait-!” she frantically pleads, but her words fall flat as you slam the door shut.
  2592. >Your legs immediately go weak; and you collapse against the wall, sliding down it until you hit the hardwood floor with an audible thump.
  2593. >The hallway is quickly filled with muted sound of the Celestia’s hysterical wails, and you bury your face in your hands.
  2594. >And so it finally begins.
  2595. >The first night of detox.
  2597. 25
  2599. >Cold.
  2600. >”Stay back!!!”
  2601. >It’s so cold in here.
  2602. >”Get away!”
  2603. >The hard wooden floor below.
  2604. >“Get away!!!”
  2605. >The pale plastered wall behind your back.
  2606. >”Keep those hands off me!!!”
  2607. >How is it so cold in the middle of summer?
  2608. >”No! No! No-o-o!”
  2609. >Except that’s wrong.
  2610. >Your chest is warm...
  2611. >Pulling your muggy face from your hands, you look down at the dried brown stain on your shirt.
  2612. >That’s right.
  2613. >She threw up on you.
  2614. >How long have you been sitting here then?
  2615. >”Anooon!!!”
  2616. >Who cares...
  2617. >You should go change into something else though.
  2618. >“Help me! Please!!!”
  2619. >C’mon.
  2620. >Legs underneath you and push.
  2621. >”Ano-o-o-n!!!”
  2622. >You really should stand up.
  2623. >...
  2624. >Come on.
  2625. >You can do this
  2626. >...
  2627. >”Plea-ea-ease…”
  2628. >Despite your best efforts, the muffled wails flood the hallway again, sapping your strength.
  2629. >You’re on the verge of curling into a ball and falling onto your side, when-
  2630. >*Ka-clunk*
  2631. >-The abrupt sound of the front door opening and closing snatches your attention.
  2632. >Though only for the briefest of moments as -- at the same time -- another desperate shriek of pain erupts from the room.
  2633. >”It hu-u-urts! It hurts so mu-u-uch!!!”
  2634. >”Celestia! Plea-, ngh, please! I need you to stay still!”
  2635. >”No! No! I don’t want it! I don’t want i-i-it! Where’s Ano-o-on?! Why did he leave me?! Why do they always lea-ea-eave me???”
  2636. >The heavy clopping of hoofsteps gets closer.
  2637. >But you can’t even lift your face from your hands.
  2638. >Trapped in the midst of an old nightmare again.
  2639. >Stuck in a hallway as the one you care about screams out in pain from a room you can’t enter.
  2640. >Because you can no longer help her.
  2641. >You can’t even muster enough strength to handle whatever it is Coal or Velvet wants.
  2643. >Silently, you pray under your breath, asking that they leave you alone.
  2644. >The venom in Coal’s words still stings; pooling in your gut and making your face burn with a childish frustration.
  2645. >’Human.’
  2646. >It plays back in your head over and over again like a stubborn broken record.
  2647. >Before you can sink further into your own indignation though, you notice that something is strange about the new arrival.
  2648. >Desperate for a distraction, you greedily latch onto that peculiar feeling.
  2649. >Although it doesn’t take long before you realize what’s wrong.
  2650. >With each heavy clop of horseshoes against the hardwood floor, you gradually realize that the timing and cadence is off.
  2651. >Something is missing.
  2652. >You wrack your brain and desperately piece together a shoddy explanation.
  2653. >Yet it yields no results to your immense frustration.
  2654. >Your train of thought is derailed almost immediately, and you’re left with an alien panic in its place.
  2655. >Suddenly, as the mystery pony comes within a few meters of you - the clopping of hooves on wood halts; and whoever it is sits down with a tired thump.
  2656. >You tense.
  2657. >Unsure of yourself.
  2658. >A vile torrent of ill will pooling deep inside as the panic slowly twists into anger.
  2659. >Hysterical accusations have stopped coming from the room at least. Replaced for the moment by a backdrop of steady sobbing and gentle consoling.
  2660. >All you can do is wait and hope whoever it is goes away.
  2661. >Before you do something you regret.
  2662. >Surprisingly, the intruding pony remains silent.
  2663. >*Ah-em*
  2664. >Or, at least, they wait a few moments before clearing their throat.
  2665. >You flinch; and before you can stop yourself, you flex and tuck your legs in closer to your chest.
  2666. >Whoever it is, they don’t comment.
  2667. >In fact, they don’t make any other sounds at all for a while.
  2668. >Until, once again, they clear their throat.
  2669. >*Ah-em*
  2670. >From the sound of it, it's definitely a stallion. And he’s definitely not leaving until he can talk with you.
  2671. >There’s also a hint of urgency underpinning his actions.
  2672. >You’re beyond caring about that right now though.
  2674. >Why can’t Coal just leave you alone?
  2675. >Why won’t he fuck off and bother someone else?
  2676. >Did he come to apologize?
  2677. >Or maybe, he just came inside so he could yell at you again.
  2678. >The more you dwell on it, the more toxic feelings swell to the point of bursting.
  2679. >You feel you might detonate if things go any further.
  2680. >So, please...
  2681. >Just go away.
  2682. >Please.
  2683. >Please...
  2684. >Plea-
  2685. >*Ah-em*
  2686. “Can you just-” you bellow as you pull your head from your hands and stomp to your feet. “Fuck! Off! Cu-!?”
  2687. >Your face is burning with anger; and you’re still of half a mind to vault across the hallway and throttle the stallion, but the words die in your throat.
  2688. >Sitting back on his haunches - one forehoof held in front of his mouth in a shushing gesture; the other holding a cold pack to a nasty purple bruise on his light-blue coated forehead - an incredibly haggard looking Stint pleads with desperate teal eyes for your silence.
  2689. >The medical stallion’s gaze flicking fearfully to the door behind you every now and then as he takes careful measured breaths.
  2690. >”Anon? Anooon!? I’m in here! I’m in he-e-ere!!”
  2691. >Suddenly the shrieking starts up again and the sounds of a scuffle are renewed from within the room.
  2692. >”Oh for God’s sake! Celestia! Please, be more careful! I need to put that back in now!”
  2693. >”I don’t want it! I don’t want i-i-it! S-Stay away! Anooon! I’m so-o-orry! Plea-ea-ease! Don’t leave me!!!”
  2694. >The last words come out in a plea so desperate that it makes you shake.
  2695. >With each renewed cry for help, your heart feels like it’s being slowly stabbed by a knife; and you bite down hard on your lip to hold back some bile.
  2696. >”Anon!”
  2697. >This time an exasperated Emily addresses you directly through the door, her words mixed in with grunts of frustration as she wrestles with her distraught charge.
  2699. >“I don’t give a -- hold still, you little -- shit who’s out there! Clear off, would you? You’re just- ow, fuck, that hurt! Should have never given you horseshoes, you ungrateful-”
  2700. >Her words become indecipherable for a moment as more back and forth sounds of a struggle come from the other side of the door.
  2701. >The occasional yelp and cry from Celestia becomes intermixed with the odd command barked by Emily, as the two audibly wrestle with each other.
  2702. >“Go away for, ngh, now, Anon! You’re just making things worse!”
  2703. >And there it is.
  2704. >The final punch that sucks the wind from your lungs.
  2705. >Or it would, if you didn’t have someone else to get angry at.
  2706. >Someone who’s caused nothing but trouble at every turn.
  2707. >You face Stint, ready to let loose.
  2708. >And once again, you can’t find any words.
  2709. >Your anger hanging heavy in your throat at the sight of the stallion cradling the cold pack against his head with a hoof.
  2710. >His eyes pleading for your patience.
  2711. >Nursing an injury he received while trying to help you.
  2712. >Regardless of whether he succeeded or not, that fact alone is enough to leave your frustration fizzling impotently inside your chest.
  2713. >All you’re left with now is a single, somber thought.
  2714. >There’s nothing more for you here right now.
  2715. >You take a moment.
  2716. >Suck in a deep breath.
  2717. >Wipe your muggy face with your hands.
  2718. >And grudgingly, you give Stint a nod and start stomping down the hallway.
  2720. >A few more panicked cries come from the room as Celestia hears your heavy footfalls moving away; but with clenched fists and a heavy heart, you shut them out as best you can.
  2721. >Some part deep down still insists that the best course of action is to kick the door in, carry her out of the room, drive her back home, and keep her safely medicated until the end of your days.
  2722. >Just the two of you together.
  2723. >Keeping the world at arm’s length with only each other for company.
  2724. >Yet she’d always resent you for that.
  2725. >For letting her live a life of medicated luxury while all that she cares about suffers and crumbles to dust.
  2726. >You’re not sure you could forgive yourself either.
  2727. >And so, soldiering on towards the living room, you step past a grateful Stint who mouths a simple ‘thank you’.
  2728. >Without saying anything else, he starts following you down the hall, all the while being careful with his hoofsteps.
  2729. >Each one taken with the utmost delicacy.
  2730. >Almost as if he were treading on broken glass.
  2731. >Thankfully, the door to Match Stick and Tinder’s room stays shut as you stomp past it.
  2732. >Whether the young mare is too polite or too tired to intrude, you couldn’t really care less right now.
  2733. >Though as you enter the living room, there’s something that immediately grabs your attention.
  2734. >You left the curtains open the last time you were in here, and now it affords you a heartbreaking view of the failed state of Celestia’s dinner.
  2735. >While some of them may have cleared off - most of the residents of the practice are still sitting in their seats, illuminated by the still brightly shining camp lights on the front lawn.
  2737. >Among this sea of downtrodden equines, there are no more smiles or bouts of laughter.
  2738. >In their place are hanging heads and an eerie silence as the nearly forty ponies of the practice look like they’re attending the most miserable wake on the planet.
  2739. >A few have their heads buried in their hooves.
  2740. >Some others stare miserably down at the empty, pathetic plastic plates set out in front of them.
  2741. >Ears splayed back and heads hanging low as their vacant stares bore holes into the table
  2742. >There’s even one particular stallion who seems like he’s having an especially hard time of things.
  2743. >The poor pony desperately rocking his entire body back and forth while a mare by his side consoles him with an ineffective hug.
  2744. >Those around him averting their gazes from the heartbreaking sight.
  2745. >To make matters worse, one of the hoof-made tables has completely collapsed at one corner - scattering its plastic adornments across the freshly cut grass while a few ponies halfheartedly clean things up and a couple of others slowly try and fix it.
  2746. >Coal and Velvet are nowhere to be seen, and with Stint wearily hoisting himself up on the living room couch by your side; the taller, more carefully constructed table meant for tonight’s ‘special guests’ sits depressingly vacant.
  2747. >As you continue studying the forlorn landscape, you come upon a sight that nearly breaks your heart.
  2748. >Lined up at the smaller kid’s table, the fillies and colts of Emily’s practice still don’t understand what’s going on.
  2749. >They continue standing on their hind-legs - their forehooves perched politely on top of it, patiently awaiting the food that still sits neatly wrapped on a nearby table.
  2751. >Smaller heads collectively look this way and that while ears splay back; and they share upset looks with each other that drip with a deep confusion.
  2752. >They’re all talking as well.
  2753. >Maybe looking for some answer for what’s going on from the despondent adults around them.
  2754. >That only makes things all the more upsetting, as the stallions and mares sitting nearby can’t even meet their eyes.
  2755. >For all the heart wrenching things going on in this scene, you feel deep down inside that there’s something more critical missing here.
  2756. >Something isn’t there that should be.
  2757. >Something beyond the lack of smiles and the ruined dinner.
  2758. >Something very important that claws on the edges of your thoughts… yet you still you can’t remember what should be there. Or, at least, what used to be there...
  2759. >Stint, on the other hand, doesn’t even glance outside before letting out a heavy sigh and closing his eyes.
  2760. >The stallion laying down on the couch as he massages his forehead with the cold pack.
  2761. >”How are you holding up?”
  2762. >His voice is a higher, more immature pitch than Coal’s deep rumblings; with a know it all undertone mixed in.
  2763. >It might as well be chalk scraping on a blackboard for how much it gets on your nerves right now.
  2764. >That’s part of why his question isn’t one that you feel like answering.
  2765. >Especially not coming from someone like him.
  2766. >Yet, there’s no huff of indignation at your silence.
  2767. >No sigh of frustration.
  2768. >Only the steady sound of breathing and a ticking grandfather clock fills the room while the depressing scene outside stagnates.
  2769. >C’mon, Anon.
  2770. >Stop being such a child and actually talk to him.
  2771. >Now’s not the time for petty bullshit. Put the past behind you.
  2772. >He did as much when he tried to save you.
  2774. >”It’s a disaster out there.” Stint offers another invitation, coupled with a tired sigh.
  2775. “I can tell.”
  2776. >”No offense, but you really can’t.” he quickly retorts.
  2777. >For the briefest of moments, you feel anger flare up again. But the sight in front of you has an impressively sobering effect.
  2778. >”You don’t live with them.” the stallion continues, his melancholy voice cracking slightly. “You don’t know them. How much this meant. How much it would have done for them. How desperately they looked forward to today.”
  2779. >Your eyes parse over the gathering as Stint rambles on.
  2780. >”The hours spent planning. The dreams of a new leaf being turned over! Talks of a new beginning. Another chance, for all of us! They been… I-I’ve been dreaming of a day like this for so long...”
  2781. >He swallows heavily.
  2782. >”And now I've gone and screwed it all up!” his controlled tone suddenly spikes before he sends his cold pack hurtling across the room, where it collides against the wall with a wet smack.
  2783. >”I’ve screwed up again. Like I always do...”
  2784. >An uneasy silence encroaches as Stint starts gingerly prodding the swollen lump on his forehead with a careful hoof.
  2785. >”I always screw everything up and make everyone angry…”
  2786. >It’s almost surreal.
  2787. >There are so many thoughts weighing on you right now.
  2788. >So many reasons to be upset.
  2789. >Hell, a lot of those impulses still bubble fresh below the surface.
  2790. >And in this past week, you’ve been on what seems to be a non-stop emotional roller-coaster.
  2791. >Right now though, you just feel… Tired.
  2792. >Exhausted.
  2793. >Like you’re running on empty after what seems like the longest day in your life.
  2794. >You want to curl up in a corner somewhere and nod off until you’re ready to face the world again.
  2795. >And there lies the problem.
  2796. >These ponies don’t have that luxury.
  2798. >All they can do is take this next sucker punch from life in stride and keep moving forward.
  2799. >That’s why you can’t stop either.
  2800. >Not just yet.
  2801. “Is that why you didn’t want to speak in the hallway?”
  2802. >”Pfft, n-not even close.” he immediately recovers with a stammering sneer and a small sniffle.
  2803. >Still abrasive, but dismissive is better than whatever unsightly thing was about to rear its ugly head.
  2804. >”I made a promise with Emily that I’d keep my distance from the Princess while she was recovering. And I intend to keep that promise.”
  2805. >There’s a glint of pride in his voice, but it’s marred by a seething wince as he accidentally prods his swollen bruise a bit too hard.
  2806. “So, what did you need from me then?” you hesitantly inquire as you wander over to the fallen cold pack and pick it up. “I assume you didn’t drag me out of that hallway without a plan, right?”
  2807. >You look at him expectantly, but the stallion opts to sit there silently.
  2808. >His eyes suddenly flick over to you, and he opens his mouth to talk.
  2809. >Unfortunately, his words fail him as his mouth opens and closes like a gaping fish’s a few times, and he quickly gives up.
  2810. >”I-I… I don’t know. But I-” Stint sighs. “I really don’t have any other choice right now.”
  2811. “Is that right?”
  2812. >You toss the cold pack up and down a few times, pretending you misheard his admission that you’re his last resort.
  2813. >Though mid-throw, another of Celestia’s screams echoes down the hallway and into the living room.
  2814. >As if a thorn was suddenly jabbed into your side, you flinch and fumble the cold pack.
  2815. >You feel a flush of volatile embarrassment as it unceremoniously hits the ground with another wet thwack, but Stint thankfully doesn’t laugh.
  2817. >He simply goes back to wearing a miserable look while you bend down and retrieve the cool pouch from the floor.
  2818. >At least the feeling is mutual.
  2819. “Why don’t you go out there and do something then? I’m sure a man-”
  2820. >The pony swiftly shoots you a dirty look.
  2821. >Can’t he at least cut you some slack?
  2822. “-Alright. I’m sure a stallion like you has a million ideas, right? You seem like you’ve been pulling them out of your ass non-stop since we met.”
  2823. >That earns you another dirty glare.
  2824. >Play nice, Anon.
  2825. >It’s what Celestia would want.
  2826. >... Maybe.
  2827. “Well... Just how exactly is all this your fault anyway?”
  2828. >”... I’m the one who organized this whole dinner...”
  2829. “Oh.”
  2830. >Stint bows his head in shame as you pinch the bridge of your nose with a free hand.
  2831. >You should have known.
  2832. >Squeezing in a high stress social event before a detox sounds exactly like a scheme he’d come up with.
  2833. >Mr ‘kidnap sick ponies from the back of cars’ here.
  2834. “Okay then… Everyone listened to you before though, right?” you offer. “Why don’t you just go come up with a new plan and go tell everyone about it?”
  2835. >”Oh yea! That’s a great idea!” he sarcastically sneers. “Why didn’t I think of that? Thank goodness you humans are so brilliant so a poor little pony like me knows what to do.”
  2836. >You have a few choice words you could offer him right now, but you can agree it was a pretty stupid question.
  2837. >So you bite your tongue and take it on the chin.
  2838. >”I already tried, in case you were wondering. And guess what? They didn’t listen to me!” he bitterly spits out. “They only listen to Coal. Like they always do… Mister ‘former guard stallion’.”
  2839. >Stint air quotes derisively with his hooves before letting out another sarcastic grunt.
  2841. >All you can do is sigh and run a hand through your hair.
  2842. >Wandering back towards the window, you offer the stallion his cold pack.
  2843. >He quickly snatches it out of your hands, but doesn’t offer any thanks.
  2844. “Where is he then?”
  2845. >”Who, Coal?”
  2846. “Yeah, him…”
  2847. >”Hmph, Hell if I know.” the stallion grumbles dismissively and looks away.
  2848. “C’mon, Stint. Cut me some fucking slack would you? I’m trying here.” you bark at him.
  2849. >”... Alright, alright, fine.” He raises a fore-hoof and waves it lazily at you in surrender. “He stormed off. Somewhere. I don’t know where exactly. That mare - what’s her name? The one who helped out today?”
  2850. “Velvet?”
  2851. >”Yeah. Her.” he spits. “In case you couldn’t tell; after you took our Princess away, things kind of fell apart. A lot of ponies started yelling. Choice words were shared. Some things were said that maybe shouldn’t have been. Coal stormed off. She chased after him.”
  2852. “That’s a nice story, except for one thing. I didn’t take her away, Stint. I carried her inside because she was sick. I shouldn’t have to tell you that.”
  2853. >That makes the medical stallion balk.
  2854. >”What’s that supposed to mean?!”
  2855. >He immediately rises to a standing position.
  2856. >Head lowered at you and shoulders raised - ready at any moment in case you say something you shouldn’t.
  2857. >Although the stallion sways slightly on his hooves, you still take a moment and consider your next words carefully.
  2858. >You’ve come too far with him just for things to slip back to where they were.
  2859. >If you can just mend this relationship -- even a little bit -- then spending the next few days waiting for Celestia’s recovery might not have to be so painful.
  2861. ”When I drove in here, there was a sign next to the driveway.”
  2862. >Stint snorts and quickly looks away.
  2863. “It said ‘Emily and Co’s Vet Practice’.” you say a bit softer.
  2864. >Your change in demeanour seems like it’s having an effect, as the stallion is now rather keen on studying his own hooves rather than leaping across the room.
  2865. “Now, unless there’s another pony here with medical experience, or unless that sign is a joke - then I’m guessing you’re the ‘Co’. I’d add in something mean about not seeing you help anybody in all the time I’ve been here, but-”
  2866. >You’re interrupted as another long, drawn out wail of agony echoes down the corridor.
  2867. >You swallow heavily and pause until it passes, but continue nonetheless.
  2868. “-But-” While tapping your forehead with a finger, you offer a diplomatic smile. “-I remember hearing something earlier today. I heard someone taking a stand as they tried stopping a distraught mare from making a mistake. And I think that I owe you a lot for that.”
  2869. >Stint avoids your eyes.
  2870. “You tried to save me, and got hurt in the process. Didn’t you?”
  2871. >”That was-” he scoffs as his ears splay back slightly. “That was just me screwing up again. Coal was the one who stormed the room and stopped her. Coal was the one who saved the day, like he always does. I just got injured like an idiot...”
  2872. “Regardless-” You continue with a bit more strength in your voice. “I got to breath for a few more seconds because of you.”
  2873. >Stint seems slightly stunned at your acknowledgement, yet he keeps his lips pursed shut while his eyes stay glued to a corner of the room.
  2874. “I’m tired of picking fights with you, Stint. I really am.”
  2875. >You turn back to the window with a sigh.
  2876. >Back to those ki-
  2877. >No. They’re colts and fillies.
  2878. >Actually, fuck that.
  2879. >’Kids’ is fine.
  2881. >They’re just confused kids -- human or not -- who still look lost as ever.
  2882. “And as for what happened earlier… She might be your Princess, Stint. But she’s my Celestia. Her well-being come first.” you state confidently.
  2883. >The moment you finish talking though, you instantly regret the choice of words.
  2884. >’Your’ Celestia?
  2885. >Of course.
  2886. >You bought her after all.
  2887. >Might as well write the fact that you purchased their monarch in neon paint on your chest, you absolute dickhead.
  2888. >In fact, why stop there? Why don’t you just pull your pants down and start pissing all over the-
  2889. >”I see…” Stint solemnly responds.
  2890. >Huh?
  2891. >That’s it?
  2892. >No snark or sneering?
  2893. >No outrage?
  2894. >Well… at least he sounds like he’s considering things.
  2895. >But you’re worried that he’ll back away if you so much as glance at him, so you keep your eyes on the distraught kids.
  2896. “I’m willing to move on if you are, Stint. What’ do you think?”
  2897. >You extend the olive branch.
  2898. >The stallion starts shifting on the couch.
  2899. “There’s work to be done, and I could use the distraction.”
  2900. >Before you can say anything else, something distinctly hoof shaped lightly pokes your side.
  2901. >You turn back and find him standing there, facing you with a critical gaze.
  2902. >He’s clutching the cold pack to his head again, but his teal eyes finally have a bit of light in them.
  2903. >”Y-You’re serious then?” he asks, his voice dripping with doubt.
  2904. >“You really think I helped you?”
  2905. >A simple nod is all you give him before you look back outside.
  2906. “Now how are we gonna help those kids? How are we gonna help all of them?”
  2907. >”Hey! They’re colts and-”
  2908. >The stubborn pony begins correcting you, but quickly catches his tongue.
  2909. >”-Never mind.”
  2911. >You hear him moving around; and soon enough, he pops up in the corner of your eye, mirroring your position as he studies the scene outside by your side.
  2912. >His large eyes focusing and his brow furrowing in thought.
  2913. >Given your vantage point, the ponies outside can see you just as well as you can see them.
  2914. >Whether they’ve noticed you or not though is a different question, as none of the ponies outside seem to pay any mind to your watchful eyes.
  2915. >”I still don’t know, Anon…” Stint mumbles. “Like I said. I tried talking with the others after you went inside, but most of them were either too upset or too angry. I’m pretty sure most of the blame for how things turned out is on me.”
  2916. >You offer him a sympathetic look at those words, yet the medical stallion doesn’t even appear bothered by his own statement.
  2917. >”They said I should have known better. Then after yelling at me for a few minutes, one of the tables fell apart and I got the impression I wasn’t really welcome out there anymore.”
  2918. ”Well, the kids don’t look angry. In fact, despite how confused they look, they seem like they’re doing a lot better than everyone else out there.”
  2919. >”They’re usually like that.” The tone of his voice lightens up. “Even on the worst days, they’re still trying to have fun and play games.”
  2920. >A proper smile stretches across your face at that, and you glance sideways to find the same thing happening on Stint’s.
  2921. >”On the hard months when we had to stretch the little hay we had so we could afford medicine - those little trouble makers would always grumble at first, but they could understand that we were doing the best we could. Hell, after a while they even turned that into a game as well! Whoever finds the most flowers in the woods and brings them back home wins! Stuff like that...”
  2923. >The smile on his face grows larger as he lets out a small chuckle.
  2924. >”One time they even got into Emily’s garden! She was so mad that I could have sworn her head would explode. But when they all gave her those big sappy eyes, all she could do was smile and forgive them. They helped so many of us push through our troubles… I mean, how could we be so miserable when those colts and fillies are smiling at us?”
  2925. >He takes a deep, satisfying breath.
  2926. “They’re precious, aren’t they?”
  2927. >”You better believe it! It’s why Emily and I always brought them home with us whenever we found them in bad places. No matter how much it set us back.”
  2928. >The medical stallion looks up at you as his expression hardens slightly.
  2929. >”Even if that bad place ended up being the back of somebody’s car”
  2930. >His large teal eyes glisten with a fierce resolve.
  2931. >You were expecting some strong looks from the stallion going into this, but this is the first one that makes you feel slightly guilty.
  2932. “... I guess the answer’s simple then, isn’t it?” You try and change the subject.
  2933. >Stint gives you a curious look -- the intensity of a few moments ago swiftly disappearing -- and tilts his head slightly.
  2934. >“What is?”
  2935. “You said it yourself. If the kids are smiling, then the adults will smile too. We just need to work out how to make them smile right now. I don’t think it’ll magically fix everything, but at least we might be able to take everyone’s mind off of what just happened. Or at least ease some tensions. It might not fix everything, but it’s a start.”
  2936. >”That’s… actually a good idea.”
  2937. “Well you’re the one who thought of it. I just ran with what you were saying. Now what other ideas have you got, champ?”
  2938. >The stallion scoffs, yet his eyes return to the kids.
  2940. >Seconds tick by as he hums and haws, a hoof rising to tap his chin as he thinks.
  2941. >Those seconds slowly turn into minutes as you patiently wait for an answer.
  2942. >His ears start flicking in irritation as your expectant gaze bores into the side of his head, and you’re about to say something when he lets out a snort.
  2943. >”Well, what? I still got nothing, how about you?”
  2944. “Me? I don’t know these kids! Besides, you’re the smart one here, aren’t you?” you add with a grin.
  2945. >”Oh, fuck off.” He fires back half-heartedly.
  2946. >Now it’s your turn to balk as the pony’s sudden profanity catches you off guard.
  2947. >”Learned that one from, Emily.” he follows up with his own shit-eating grin. “Many times at that. Never heard a pony swear before have you?”
  2948. “Not until today, no. I’m not quite used to it yet.” You answer with a chuckle. “Still, I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t know how to make these kids smile.”
  2949. >”What did you expect from me then?”
  2950. “You live with them, don’t you?”
  2951. >”Yeah, but I don’t go around playing games with them. I have a rough idea of what they like, sure. But we need them smiling and laughing! And I spend most of my time helping Emily take care of the Earthen horses.” Stint grimaces before another smile creeps onto his cheeks. “I know how to get Emily to forgive me, but those kids are bit too young for that approach.” he concludes with a smirk.
  2952. >You raise an eyebrow, before stifling a laugh and shaking your head.
  2953. >The good feelings are fleeting however, as both your gazes are drawn back to the miserable sight outside.
  2955. >A few more adults have begun clearing off, while some of the others are trying to lead the stubborn colts and fillies away from the table.
  2956. >Though if the hooves held over their small ears as they mouth ‘la-la-la’ is any indication, then their caretakers aren’t having much success.
  2957. >More importantly, you’re both running out of time.
  2958. “Look, Stint, I’m not saying you should have doubled as the practice clown, but surely you remember some fun activities from, I dunno, birthday parties, Christmas, something like that?”
  2959. >”Nice joke.” he suddenly scowls and narrows his eyes. “Like we could ever afford a party for them.”
  2960. >God damn it.
  2961. >He just told you they could barely pay for medicine at times.
  2962. “Sorry. I didn’t think.” you sincerely apologize.
  2963. >There’s a tense atmosphere that hangs between you, until Stint thankfully lets out a reluctant grunt.
  2964. >”I’d make a joke about how you’re a prick with a silver spoon up his… Well...” he trails off into an irritated huff before letting slip a forgiving smile. “I gotta say, the money you gave us a few days ago really has helped us out. More than I can really put into words. It’s also helped them out. So… Thanks. Just, please, be a bit more mindful.”
  2965. >You give him a curt nod.
  2966. >With the matter settled, Stint looks back towards out the window.
  2967. >By now, you’ve noticed a few eyes wandering your direction, and several heads lean in as you get the feeling your presence is being shared among the group.
  2968. ”So, what are we gonna do then?”
  2969. >You wrack your brain, but nothing satisfying comes out.
  2970. >You’re about to sigh for what feels like the hundredth time today, when Stint suddenly perks up.
  2971. >”That’s it! They’ve never had a party!” he excitedly announces.
  2973. “... Yes, you just said that?” You lean back slightly as the stallion gets a strangely devious look on his face.
  2974. >”Don’t you get it, Anon? Oh it’s so simple!”
  2975. >You hear something behind you and quickly look back, only to find Stint’s dark-blue tail swishing excitedly against the couch as he stares at the scene outside with a peculiar glee.
  2976. “Don’t keep me in suspense now, what’s the plan?”
  2977. >”Your car has a radio, right, Anon?” he turns to you.
  2978. “It certainly does.”
  2979. >”So that means we have music!”
  2980. “Hold up, Stint.”
  2981. >”We still have all the food wrapped up for the dinner as well!”
  2982. “Stint, just wai-”
  2983. >”We can still turn this into some kind of celebration! Then everyone can come back-”
  2984. “Stint!”
  2985. >”-and we can fix things! You can give a speech or something! We can do this!”
  2986. >Before you can get another word in - the over-excited stallion practically leaps off the couch, nearly falling over in the process with only three available legs to land on.
  2987. >”I can finally make things right for once!” he yells, desperation staining his words as he races out of the living room.
  2988. >You hear his hooves thunder down the hallway for a few moments before suddenly stopping.
  2989. >Unfortunately, that seems to have triggered something you managed to forget about for a brief moment, as Celestia’s cries for help start up from Emily’s room again.
  2990. >It takes a few moments, but the medical pony eventually limps back into the living room. A confused and apologetic look plastered on his features.
  2991. >”W-What are you waiting for, Anon?” he asks with a desperate urgency. “And sorry about the noise…”
  2993. >Even though the sounds coming down the hallway stab at your chest like a rusty knife, you force a smile and wave it off like nothing happened.
  2994. “It’s a solid idea, Stint. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a bit shaky though.”
  2995. >The stallion tilts his head.
  2996. “We might have music and food. But those two things don’t make a party. Besides, most of the food out there looked like boring stuff for adults. Y’know fancy salads and stuff.”
  2997. >Stint’s eyes go wide as he realizes what you mean, and he bites his lip with frustration.
  2998. >”What can we do though, Anon? I know in my heart this is the right thing!” he pleads with an almost obsessed glint in his eyes as he stomps the floor with a hoof.
  2999. >He flinches immediately as you give him a dirty glare.
  3000. >Thankfully though, no more noises come down the hallway.
  3001. “You may be right, Stint. But just walking out there and saying ‘Hey, here’s some food and music, start celebrating!’ isn’t much of a plan.”
  3002. >”You want to just stand here and do nothing instead?” He begins protesting, but quickly bites his tongue. “No, I know you’ve got a point. All I’m doing is getting ahead of myself like I always do, and I’m sick of that happening.”
  3003. >Taking a few deep breaths, the excited equine slows down and calms himself.
  3004. >”So… What do you think we should do?”
  3005. >He looks at you expectantly as he sits down on his haunches.
  3006. >Getting the kids happy and laughing is the goal.
  3007. >But your current resources aren’t sufficient.
  3008. >Although speaking of your car… You did bring your laptop.
  3009. >And a rather expensive Wi-Fi USB for camping.
  3010. >All that’s left is the food.
  3012. >Something simple for the kids would be good.
  3013. >Maybe you could-
  3014. “Say, Stint?”
  3015. >”Yea?”
  3016. “In the medical barn out back - you wouldn’t happen to know if Emily has any projectors, would you?”
  3017. >”Projectors?” He takes a moment, but eventually gives an unsure nod. “I think so. She had one installed in the first room for patients with more internal issues that needed x-rays and stuff displayed. We’ve barely ever needed to use it though, ever since-”
  3018. >Stint hesitates for a moment.
  3019. >“Let’s just say Emily used to have a much larger clientele.”
  3020. “But it still works?”
  3021. >”Well, yea? I guess? I mean, I wouldn’t be able to tell you how since Emily really doesn’t like using it. I love her to bits, but a country girl and a country mare are grown from the same garden. She insists that computers and things like that are only good for rotting your brain. Even getting her to use a phone is like getting the most stubborn horse to take its medicine. All I know is that she puts stuff on the flashing box, and it comes out on the big screen.”
  3022. “As long as she uses a computer with the projector, then I can work with that.” you declare with a renewed confidence.
  3023. >The small pieces of a plan slowly falling together.
  3024. >Apparently it’s infectious, as Stint is now also standing to attention in the hallway.
  3025. >”You’ve worked something out then?” he asks with glint of hope.
  3026. “I might have.” you tease him with a cheeky grin.
  3027. >There is a problem though.
  3028. >This plan has another step.
  3029. >You carefully examine the temporarily three-legged pony in front of you and remember what he said.
  3030. >Unfortunately, he can’t really help for what you have in mind.
  3032. >For starters, you’ll need someone else.
  3033. >Someone the ponies outside will follow.
  3034. >And there’s only one pony on this practice that fits that criteria.
  3035. >You just hope that he doesn’t hate you too much by now.
  3036. >If you can get his help, then maybe… Just maybe…
  3037. “I’ve got a plan, Stint.”
  3038. >You squat down to his level as he eagerly leans forward.
  3039. “But first, I need to find Coal and get him on-board.”
  3040. >Stint’s face instantly falls, and he lets out a disappointed grunt.
  3041. >”Hmph, I should have known. Everyone always needs Coal. It’s always about him! The grizzled guardstallion with a ‘heart of gold’.” he sneers with a petty contempt.
  3042. “Easy, Champ. We’ve all got our parts to play.”
  3043. >”Oh yeah? Then what’s my part, huh?”
  3044. >The sharp stature that he holds himself with soon gives way to a nervous wobble as he sees the growing smile on your face.
  3045. “Simple.” You gently reassure him as you crouch down to his eye level and pull your phone out of your pocket.
  3046. “I need a clown.”
  3048. Part 26
  3050. >An errant beam of light flickers through the trees, stretching your shadows across the dark bushland clearing.
  3051. >A heavy lump hangs in your throat, and a spike of pain gently pulses at the base of your horn.
  3052. >It had all fallen apart so fast.
  3053. >Questions were flying through the air from the distraught crowd - accusations mixed with panic and a deeper distress, swelling incessantly with each passing moment.
  3054. >But one voice rose above the rest.
  3055. >”Stint!!! You litte, rat fuck!”
  3056. >The sheer furor in the guardstallion’s voice had stunned the entire practice into silence.
  3057. >”How could you do this to us, you mouldy fleck of shit?! Look at the state you’ve reduced our Princess to! How much of a fuck-up can you be, huh?! Do you even have two brain cells you can rub together in that fucking chasm between your ears?”
  3058. >Foals hid behind their parents and caretakers, and the crowd huddled together on instinct.
  3059. >A terrible feeling festered in your chest as the lone guardstallion stomped towards the medical pony still trying to slink away.
  3060. >”You really are just so useless aren’t you!? Haven’t we all suffered enough at the hands of your ‘plans’ yet?! Or are you just gonna keep sticking your dick in things until we have to sell off even more ponies just to survive?!?!”
  3061. >A sharp gasp went through the crowd, and the strength nearly left your legs.
  3062. >Coal was utterly terrifying right now, but not just because of what he was saying.
  3063. >It was more who and what he was starting to sound like.
  3064. >You could see the same fear in the horrified eyes, cowing heads, and shaking legs of nearly all the ponies of the practice.
  3065. >This had to stop.
  3066. >Now.
  3068. ”Coal that’s enough!!” you practically screamed with every bit of courage you could muster.
  3069. >That rabid gaze quickly flicked in your direction, and you could feel your lip slightly quivering at the intense hate radiating from the ferocious eyes of the guardstallion.
  3070. >His eyes weren’t the only ones suddenly upon you; the attention from the entire crowd was practically boring a hole into the side of your head.
  3071. “Y-You’re scaring everybody…” you cursed the stuttering, weak words as they left your lips, but they were all you could muster in that intense situation.
  3072. >A heavy snort escaped Coal’s nostrils, and for a second your heart sunk in your chest, but those old eyes of his finally flicked towards the herd.
  3073. >Face slowly twisting in a bewildered confusion, the stallion looked across the crowd at the suddenly very wary and on guard ponies.
  3074. >You haven’t been here long, so you can only imagine how well some of them must have known each other.
  3075. >Head flicking back and forth, desperate to find a sympathetic face - the stallion finally looked back down at they pony cowering in front of him.
  3076. >The younger blue coated stallion had the eyes of a dead fish - head hanging low as he submitted to the hateful words.
  3077. >You had wanted to say something else - anything to change the crushing atmosphere.
  3078. >But as your mind raced, Coal had sneered and stormed off into the trees, leaving a despondent Stint behind who slowly stood and weakly meandered his way towards the main house.
  3079. >There was a choice to make here, and you quickly made yours.
  3081. >You had followed the guardstallion as he stomped off into the dark bushland that surrounded the practice.
  3082. >A small fear in your stomach holding back the words on your lips.
  3083. >Tripping and stumbling the whole way, you pushed through the vegetation after him.
  3084. >The dark coated stallion powering forward through the thick, treacherous undergrowth unhindered.
  3085. >Never showing any signs of stopping or slowing down.
  3086. >But you had to make things right.
  3087. >And so you followed in silence.
  3088. >Deeper and deeper into the ever darkening embrace of the trees as you moved beyond the reach of the lights on the lawn.
  3089. >That is, until a headache lanced through your head like a nail through your skull.
  3090. >You’ve felt them before.
  3091. >Any unicorn knows this pain.
  3092. >A flower of agony blooming at the base of your horn, letting you know you were now on the clock before things got bad.
  3093. >Really bad.
  3094. >You had fallen to the ground as black dots swept across your vision.
  3095. >But as you seethed in pain - a scarred hoof had been offered.
  3096. >Warily, you grabbed it; and a stone faced Coal easily helped you back to your hooves, but he soon turned away again.
  3097. >Though rather than continuing any further - this time the stallion hung his head, before dropping to his haunches with a heavy thud.
  3098. >A thick silence settled in as faint light from the practice danced over the nasty scars on his back.
  3099. >He had finally stopped, but the mere thought of saying anything to him had your legs shaking slightly.
  3100. >You couldn’t leave him though.
  3101. >Not yet.
  3102. >And so you sat down as well.
  3103. >You can’t tell just how long that you’ve both been here for now, but after all your years with Night Light, you know this is one of those times.
  3104. >He wants to think.
  3105. >He wants silence.
  3106. >But he doesn’t have to be alone.
  3108. >Swallowing another lump in your throat, you take a deep breath.
  3109. >Peering patiently into the dark bushland alongside the morose stallion.
  3110. >Barely listening to the dim chittering of cicadas as a warm, summer night’s breeze slowly rolls through the woods.
  3111. >Occasionally glancing side-long while you wait for Coal to pull himself back together.
  3112. >Meanwhile, your thoughts drift back to the ponies of the practice.
  3113. >Their horrified faces as they watched Celestia break down…
  3114. >Oh, that poor mare…
  3115. >Just remembering the sound of her wailing voice nearly breaks your heart.
  3116. >And that human.
  3117. >He looked like he was in so much pain.
  3118. >Anon.
  3119. >You still don’t know about him, and you’re not sure what to make of him.
  3120. >Celestia might be fond of the man.
  3121. >But she’s not really… In the right state of mind, and in more ways than one…
  3122. >Any pony close enough can tell that from the smell alone.
  3123. >Just how long could she have she been on those pills?
  3124. >”I didn’t mean to....”
  3125. “Buwhuh?!” you blubber like some half asleep child caught napping in class.
  3126. >He’s talking!
  3127. >”I was angry, yeah, but I never thought-” His breath hitches. “-Never thought I could ever sound like that...”
  3128. >He looks at you side-on for the briefest of moments; before staring right back into the dark bushland.
  3129. “Oh...” is all you can muster.
  3130. >Your words trailing off as his body slumps and his brow furrows.
  3131. >You both know exactly what he sounded like, but both of you are too scared to say it out loud.
  3132. >Even from your little date earlier, you could tell Coal wasn’t the most talkative stallion.
  3133. >A stark contrast to Night Light.
  3134. >The tall Guardstallion often content with letting you carry the conversation while he showed off the expansive practice.
  3135. >Alright, so maybe you were a bit of a chatterbox sometimes.
  3136. >And… Maybe you carried, like, eighty percent of the conversation with him…
  3137. >Or ninety, but who’s keeping track?
  3138. >It’s been so long since a stallion listened to you like Night Light did!
  3139. >But enough of that!
  3140. >Despite being on the quiet side, you knew there must be a whirlpool of thought going on between those ears.
  3142. >Now isn’t the time to think about that though!
  3143. >He said something, keep him talking!
  3144. “Uh… Um… A, uh, A bit for your thoughts?” you offer with a cautious smile and a hopefully cheerful voice.
  3145. >”Huh… You didn’t sell yours?”
  3146. “N-No! Wait! I mean yes, I did sell my bits! I mean, uh… T-That’s not what I-”
  3147. >A deflated sigh quickly cuts you off.
  3148. >”Sorry. I knew what you meant.” he mutters. “Jokes aren’t my strong point.”
  3149. >None of the energy from the afternoon is left in his deep voice.
  3150. “It’s ok… We’ve been through a lot today.”
  3151. >You wait a few moments, but his expressions doesn’t soften.
  3152. >”I don’t think anybody thought the evening would go like that.” You sincerely offer.
  3153. >Again, a heavy silence falls over the clearing.
  3154. >Somewhere behind you, a far off voice from the practice begs for your attention.
  3155. >Ignore it.
  3156. >There’s something more important right here.
  3157. “Nobody ever wanted to see her like that. Gods, nobody ever wanted to hear her like that… But we did...”
  3158. >Your words float off into the darkness with no reply.
  3159. >Again, a distant voice from the practice reaches your ears through the bushland.
  3160. >Again, you ignore it.
  3161. “I’m sorry… For yelling at you.” you sigh. “I never thought you would hurt him, but… I mean, Coal, he looked so scared! And you looked so… Angry…”
  3162. >It’s subtle, but you notice a slight tremble quickly rock through his body.
  3163. “Are you… Are you okay, Coal?”
  3164. >He shakes his head.
  3165. >”This whole thing, it’s… It’s like it keep happening over and over…”
  3166. “Huh?” You tilt your head and lean closer. “What do you mean?”
  3167. >He turns and looks at you.
  3168. >No, he’s nearly looking right through you.
  3169. >His strong eyes staring hard lines as they finally betray his age, swimming in the pain of an old memory.
  3170. >”These past few days… Her Highness coming back, and in such a state…”
  3172. >Coal pauses and takes a deep breath, before his strong gaze refocuses on you.
  3173. >Something that makes you shift slightly on your hooves.
  3174. >”It was hard, but… It’s like I was given a second chance. A new lease on life.”
  3175. >He raises a fore-hoof and stares down at the twisted, glossy scars on his leg where the fur no longer grows.
  3176. >”Even after everything I did.”
  3177. >You swallow heavily.
  3178. >As lovely as the stallion seems, every pony you’ve talked to here seems to be a rescue of some kind.
  3179. >And being as strong as he is, you have some suspicions about what a pony like Coal might have been forced to do.
  3180. >”But then everything fell apart.” he continues. ”Like it did every other time...”
  3181. >A chill runs up your spine as you realize an obvious truth.
  3182. >Of the few royal guards left in the Equestrian population that hadn’t vanished, none of them spoke about what happened the night Celestia disappeared.
  3183. >All of them holding it close to their chest like some kind of shared shame.
  3184. >The most anyone could ever get out of them when asked about it - was a thousand yard stare.
  3185. >Nobody could ever get anything else out of them unless they were looking for a swift hoof to the jaw.
  3186. >All anybody knew was that one night, she was in her living quarters guarded by a battalion of vigilant stallions and mares.
  3187. >And by the morning, her battalion was still there, but she wasn’t.
  3188. >With your babies still missing in Equestria, and now the last princess gone as well - things soon took an unsurprising turn for the worse.
  3189. >Everyone clung desperately to hope at the start.
  3190. >Ears would always perk, and heads would always turn at her name.
  3191. >But nothing ever changed.
  3192. >Rumours would swell every few weeks, but they were never anything more than that.
  3194. >Guards began slowly disappearing in their search for their missing charge.
  3195. >Unnoticed at first, but by the time only a handful remained, nobody cared anymore.
  3196. >After some time passed, the new, bleak reality gradually settled in; and things started happening again.
  3197. >Somepony else - a rather pompous and irritating noble who claimed some ancient royal lineage - appeared out of the woodwork as a caretaker.
  3198. >Ponies and people alike were wary at first, but the stallion soon proved too incompetent and lazy to cause much harm.
  3199. >The humans also made a token effort, of course - but with Celestia suddenly gone on top of the burden of millions of ponies unwillingly thrust into their care, there didn’t seem to be much goodwill left to go around.
  3200. >Months began rolling by and seasons changed.
  3201. >An deathly chill slowly seeped into the camps.
  3202. >And somewhere in the midst of all of that confusion - it began.
  3203. >Normal ponies started disappearing.
  3204. >There one day and gone the next.
  3205. >Almost like they were never there at all.
  3206. >Soon after came the medicine rationing.
  3207. >The struggle for life-saving drugs pushed the destitute population deeper into poverty, and camps soon turned into slums.
  3208. >Crime soared and hope struck bedrock.
  3209. >Yet even more ponies vanished.
  3210. >Some tried finding their loved ones, but tracking down a pony by soliciting the Human’s help was like pulling teeth to find a needle in a haystack.
  3211. >After all, living in the camps was only ever necessary.
  3212. >Never compulsory.
  3213. >Ponies didn’t really ever re-appear.
  3214. >Forgetting those that were lost quickly became an unspoken part of everyday life.
  3215. >And as the Equestrians suffocated from the horrific situation, working privileges soon followed.
  3217. >There was outrage at first, like the camel’s back had finally broken; and backlash quickly swelled - but when ponies looked for leadership, they only had a halfwit at the steering wheel.
  3218. >Once again, we had to grit our teeth and bear it.
  3219. >Equestrian society slid further.
  3220. >New Refugee housing was built smaller.
  3221. >Old refugee housing was reallocated.
  3222. >What used to house one family would suddenly have to support three, as all manner of creatures from the Old world steadily flooded the New in an endless stream.
  3223. >Ponies packed in tighter.
  3224. >Fillies and colts weren’t spared the misery either.
  3225. >The young Equestrians tragically spirited away from their exhausted parents in the dead of night. Never to be seen again.
  3226. >Rolling blackouts started sweeping across pony districts.
  3227. >The water began tasting like dirt.
  3228. >A rotten ‘S’ word danced around the camps, yet Equestrians dared not utter it in normal company.
  3229. >Then the truth came out.
  3230. >It started with pictures.
  3231. >Gruesome shots of Equestrians worked to death in mining camps; bruised and broken stallions and mares in fighting rings, factories where ponies were chained to the machinery they worked until they died from malnourishment or injury.
  3232. >And that’s without mentioning the more explicitly depraved images that emerged.
  3233. >The stories followed soon after as news flowed through the camps like wildfire.
  3234. >An unbridled rage erupted in amongst Equestrians everywhere.
  3235. >But at that point, speaking up was a one way ticket to even more misery.
  3236. >Silence became survival as the camps got ever more cramped.
  3237. >And then, things got worse...
  3238. >A few years have passed since, and while you’ve done what you can, your path has taken you to a lot of places you’ll never be able to forget, finally leading you all the way here.
  3239. >To this noname veterinary practice out in the sticks.
  3241. >Chasing desperate rumours in the vain hope they might somehow lead you back to your remaining family.
  3242. >And now, you happen to find yourself side by side with a stallion who might know exactly what happened on that fateful night which began so much suffering.
  3243. >The question very nearly drooling out of your mouth.
  3244. >But you can’t ask it.
  3245. >Not when you can see so much pain in those eyes.
  3246. “This isn’t like the other times. She’s still here, Coal.” you carefully reassure him.
  3247. >Those great big brown orbs drift down, and the guardstallion falls silent again.
  3248. “I know how you feel, but we-
  3249. >”How?! How can you know how I feel? You don’t know anything about me!” Coal suddenly yells and stomps the ground with such force that you swear the ground around you shook slightly. >“You don’t know what I’ve done! What I’ve had to do! What I’ve lost!!!”
  3250. “We’ve all suffered, Coal. Some more than others.”
  3251. >You’re not sure what kind of face you’re making right now, but it can’t be a pleasant one for sure.
  3252. >Almost immediately, the guardstallion snaps back to his senses, his ears splaying back and his head hangs low as you stare him down.
  3253. >It was big news when the Princess of Friendship found a cure.
  3254. >It was even bigger news when the cure claimed her own father’s life.
  3255. >You never blamed her.
  3256. >The gossips, though, weren’t as merciful.
  3257. >”I didn’t mean-” he chokes on the words.
  3258. >”I-I just-” he tries meeting your gaze, but shies away at the last second.
  3259. >”I just…” he squints his eyes shut as his shoulders heave slightly.
  3260. “I know.” you say as softly as you can and place a hoof on his shoulder.
  3261. >His body shudders slightly at your touch.
  3262. >A small tremor rocks through him as he takes a deep breath.
  3263. >Before you can say anything else, his forelegs reach out and pull you into a crushing bear hug.
  3265. >For a brief moment, you’re filled with a surprising whirlwind of emotions.
  3266. >The pain in your sides as he squeezes you way too tight.
  3267. >The unusually nice feeling of his smooth, scarred skin against your body.
  3268. >The larger, warm, sturdy bulk of a strong stallion.
  3269. >The smokey wood smell that lingers on him.
  3270. >The joy at being held so close for the first time in so very long...
  3271. >But all that is brushed aside as his body violently shudders again, and you feel a small dampness blossoming on your shoulder.
  3272. >”I-Its m-my fault she’s l-like this…” he wails at a whisper.
  3273. “Shhhhh…” you coo. “I don’t believe you wanted this, not for a second.”
  3274. >”I-I was her g-guard… A-And I… And I…”
  3275. >Gently, you bring up a hoof and push it through his deceptively healthy gray mane.
  3276. >The strands still thick as straw rather than whispy and frail.
  3277. >His hooves grip you tighter and he shudders again.
  3278. “It’s not your fault, Coal.”
  3279. >The guardstallion doesn’t say anymore, instead he just holds you tight as the damp patch on your shoulder grows larger
  3280. >You stay like that for a while.
  3281. >Enjoying the silent embrace as your heart reaches out to the struggling stallion.
  3282. >But moments things like this must always fleeting it seems, as once again a voice from the practice echoes through the bushland.
  3283. >”-oal, Velvet? You out there?”
  3284. >You can make out the voice now.
  3285. >It’s Anon.
  3286. >And he’s calling for both of you.
  3287. >Both sets of ears perk up this time, and Coal slowly removes his hooves from your sides to your slight dissatisfaction.
  3288. >”I-I’m sorry, for-” he starts apologizing.
  3289. >It’s a bit dark out in the bushland, but you’re pretty confident he’s blushing right now while awkwardly scratching at the back of his head.
  3291. >Before he can continue, you reach forward and poke his snout with your hoof, making him scrunch his scarred face as he goes cross-eyed.
  3292. “I’m not the one you need to apologize to, Mister.”
  3293. >The guardstallion peers with slightly red eyes from his scrunched snout up to you, before shaking his head clear.
  3294. >He takes a few deep breaths to steady himself before giving a firm nod.
  3295. >”... You’re right.”
  3296. >Leaning back on his haunches, the large pony brings both fore-hooves to the sides of his face and gives himself a brutal double-slap.
  3297. >You flinch at the dull thuds, and for a moment you worry that he might have just broken his own jaw, but the stallion only gives a dismissive snort and a cocky grin as if nothing happened.
  3298. “I’ve gotta make things right. Or else it really will be like every other time. Let’s head back, Velvet.” he offers with a sincere grin.
  3299. >A genuine smile blossoms across your face and you stand with him.
  3300. “That sounds good to me, Coal. I feel like it’s a bit too dark out here anywa-” You wince as what feels like another iron spike lances through the base of your horn and out the back of your skull.
  3301. >Instantly the world starts spinning, and you feel yourself falling towards the ground as tiny black stars swarm over your vision.
  3302. >You brace for the impact, but the brutal crunch never comes.
  3303. >Instead, you feel yourself wrapped in a warm and sturdy embrace.
  3304. >”Are you ok, Velvet?!”
  3305. >You take deep breaths and blink rapidly.
  3306. >Slowly, the world creeps back into focus, and you find a concerned looking Coal looming over you.
  3307. “Yeah… I’m fine.”
  3308. >His muzzle inches from yours while his eyes sparkle with concern.
  3309. >He’s so close
  3310. >All you would have to do is lean forward and-
  3311. >”Must be rough on Unicorns,” he says as he suddenly pulls you back to your hooves. “Earth ponies get some muscle fatigue, but it doesn’t get too serious until the final stages.”
  3313. “Y-Yeah, it really packs a punch sometimes.” you nervously laugh.
  3314. >You’re left slightly stunned and a bit embarrassed as his hooves leave yours.
  3315. >”I would never doubt Her Majesty’s judgement. But I really do hope that she’s right about that reckless filly.” At his own mention of Match Stick, a scowl flashes across Coal’s face. “Or else we’re all up shit-creek without a paddle.”
  3316. “Up what without a what?” you balk and chuckle at the very human saying.
  3317. >”Shit-creek without a paddle.” he grins. “It means we’re fucked.”
  3318. *Snrk*
  3319. >You can’t hold it back.
  3320. >Something about the way the human words come out of his pony mouth is so out of place that it makes you crack up every time.
  3321. “W-Well, we don’t have much of a choice.” you giggle. “If she can help Stint and I out though, then I can… We can take it from there...”
  3322. >The words sound brave coming out of your mouth, but even imagining performing the magic draining spell makes an unknown terror creep under your skin.
  3323. >Celestia had introduced it so casually, but both you and Match Stick could tell as the young mare practiced it.
  3324. >The spell was wrong.
  3325. >Something about it just wasn’t right.
  3326. >And it reeked of taboo that made your being shudder.
  3327. “W-We can handle it.” You reassure him with a not so confident smile.
  3328. >”Don’t sweat it. I’ve never heard of a spell like that before, and guards are briefed on most of the dangerous ones. If it’s one Her Highness knows, then she wouldn’t be telling us about it without good reason.”
  3329. >His words are comforting, but you still have your doubts.
  3330. >What with Celestia’s state of mind and all..
  3331. >”Coal? Velvet? You guys out there?”
  3332. >Anon calls out again, this time his voice starting to drift away amongst the trees.
  3333. “You think you’re ready to talk to him again?”
  3335. >Coal averts his eyes and lets out a sigh.
  3336. >”... No. But it’s not like I can put it off.”
  3337. “I could… Y’know... Buy you some time? Tell him you’ve got a lot on your mind?”
  3338. >The stallion’s eyes go wide.
  3339. >”You’d do that for me?”
  3340. >You place a hoof on his shoulder.
  3341. “I won’t help you hide from him forever; but if you’re not ready, then I can give you the time you need.”
  3342. >The stallion seems almost dumbstruck, and for a few moments he stares at you in disbelief.
  3343. >But then his face cracks with a sweet smile that shines beneath his scars.
  3344. >”That’s alright, Velvet. I think I can handle this much at least.”
  3345. >With one smooth movement, Coal rises to his hooves and looks back towards the practice.
  3346. >”I’ve been hiding out here for far too long anyway.”
  3347. >You feel there’s a bit more to what he just said, but before you can say anything else, the guardstallion starts walking.
  3348. >His strong hooves once again powering through the undergrowth as he forges a path through the bushland.
  3349. >Head held high and brimming with surety.
  3350. >Back to Anon and the other ponies.
  3351. >Back to his Princess.
  3352. >A small summer breeze sweeps through the trees, beckoning your return with a gentle rustling of leaves.
  3353. >At the same time a small flower of hope blooms in your chest, and you quickly fall in line behind the stallion as he leads you both back to the practice.
  3354. >For the first time in the longest time, a tiny thought tickles your fancy.
  3355. >Maybe things will be alright after all.
  3356. >And dear Celestia, this stallion has to have the most toned haunches you’ve ever seen in your life!
  3358. Part 27
  3360. >Pacing alongside the dark boundaries of the night-time bushland, you gaze into the overgrown shrubbery.
  3361. “Coal!!! Velvet!!! You guys out there?!” you yell for what must be the twentieth time.
  3362. >Once again, there’s no reply.
  3363. >You take another look back past the main house at the large crowd of ponies still on the front lawn.
  3364. >The herd is currently cautiously watching a certain blue coated stallion as he struts across one of the still standing tables like a makeshift stage.
  3365. >Stint is trying his hardest, but you’re not expecting any decent results from him.
  3366. >You just need a bit more time to make things right.
  3367. >If the night is to be salvaged in any way, first things need to be fixed with Coal.
  3368. >’Where are you taking her, Human?!’
  3369. >His words echo in your head.
  3370. >The way he said it still hurts.
  3371. >But beyond the sting, there’s a dark cloud that hangs heavy over you.
  3372. >You’re so tired.
  3373. >Arms aching from carrying around a (relatively small) horse day after day.
  3374. >Neck tender and bruised from your encounter with Match Stick.
  3375. >And that’s just at the physical level.
  3376. >A bed sounds really good right about now.
  3377. >You could always just hop in your car and drive off at any time as well.
  3378. >... Best not think about that.
  3379. >In the meantime though, you need a distraction to keep your mind off of Celestia.
  3380. >So, unless they had already fled the practice; the former guard and his conscripted colleague had to be out here.
  3381. >Somewhere.
  3382. “Coal!!! Velvet!!! I just want to talk!”
  3383. >The words sound a bit more desperate than you’d like, and you realize you’re biting the inside of your lip.
  3384. >He’s helped you out so much already; but in a lot of ways, Coal is still rather intimidating.
  3385. >You’ve got a bit of muscle yourself, yet despite him being a few feet shorter than you, the scarred stallion still projects an intimidating presence that follows him.
  3386. >The splintering groan of the table buckling under his hoof is still fresh in your mind.
  3387. >Taking another quick look around, you gently rub your sore neck through the scarf before moving on.
  3388. >Only a few steps later, when you’re about to call out again, does the nearby sound of bushes shifting and twigs breaking underhoof catch your attention.
  3389. >You turn toward the noise and hold your breath, before a few moments later you hear voices coming from the dark bushland.
  3390. >”He should be around here somewhere… Bah, it’s too damn dark out here, can you see him, Velvet?” a deep, masculine voice calls out.
  3391. >An awkward silence and the steady trudging of hooves through the undergrowth is his only answer.
  3392. >”Hey, Velvet, you okay?”
  3393. >...
  3394. >”Velvet?”
  3395. >The hooves stop.
  3396. >”Oof!” A feminine voice cries out in surprise.
  3397. >”Sorry, didn’t realize you were that close. You okay?”
  3398. >”Oh! Uh, yes! H-Haha! Yes, I’m quite alright, Coal. Just, uh, keeping an eye on… Things...”
  3399. >”Ok… Just be careful. It’s way too dark out here.”
  3400. >”R-Right. Thank you…”
  3401. “Aren’t you kids a little old to be messing around in the bushes?”
  3403. >The words come out on impulse, and you hold your breath for a few moments before a barely audible giggle escapes the boundary of the bushland.
  3404. >A few moments later - with the crunching of trees and branches underhoof - two ponies emerge from the darkness.
  3405. >Velvet brings up the rear - greeting you with a warm smile and a bit of mirth in her eyes.
  3406. >And in front of her…
  3407. >”Hey…”
  3408. “Hey…”
  3409. >You stare at him.
  3410. >And he stares right back.
  3411. >You scratch at the back of your head.
  3412. >He shuffles his hooves.
  3413. >You run a hand through your hair.
  3414. >He weakly kicks a pebble along the ground.
  3415. ”Y’know, Coal, I-”
  3416. >”Hey, Anon, I-”
  3417. >He locks eyes with you for a moment.
  3418. >A smile is your answer as you nod for him to speak first.
  3419. >”I, uhhh… I wanna say that... That I’m uhhh… I’m... It’s, uhhh, It’s pretty dark out here, right?”
  3420. “Yeah…”
  3421. >As Coal gives a satisfied look, a grey hoof flies out and strikes him in the side.
  3422. >He doesn’t even flinch from the swift blow, yet he nervously glances sidelong at a scowling Velvet who doesn’t look all too merciful right now.
  3423. >”Right…” he takes a deep breath.
  3424. >”I’m, uh, I’m sorry, Anon.”
  3425. “”What?” you blurt out.
  3426. >You weren’t expecting a direct apology here.
  3427. >”I’m not one bit happy with how the night went.” he continues awkwardly. “But I… I guess things weren’t entirely your fault.”
  3428. >The pony lets out a deep sigh and rubs his nose with the crook of his hoof, before giving a cautious peek out of one eye at Velvet.
  3429. >She gives him a slightly disappointed glare and looks over at you expectantly.
  3430. >The kind of look that ‘inspires’ you to be on your best behaviour.
  3431. >Who were you scared of again?
  3432. “Look, I don’t think any of us wanted it to go that way.”
  3433. >That ever intensifying glare from a certain mare feels like it’s boring a hole in the side of your face.
  3434. “I didn’t really mean what I said either.” you half heartedly offer.
  3435. >The air is still stiff between you, and you can’t help but wish that Velvet wasn’t there.
  3436. >Her intentions seem good, but the mare is pretty much forcing you and Coal to make-up before you’ve worked through things at your own pace.
  3437. >The matter at hand seems settled for now though, as the stallion gives a firm nod.
  3438. >Feeling the relentless gaze ease, Velvet mouths a ‘thank you’ before leaning heavily against Coal’s larger frame.
  3439. >Turning the ashen black stallion’s scarred cheeks an amusing shade of crimson.
  3440. >”Eh Hem!” Coal awkwardly clears his throat. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way.” he stops and considers his words. “How… How is she, Anon?”
  3441. >You can’t stop the grimace from spreading on your face.
  3442. “She’s in Emily’s more capable hands.”
  3443. >”I see…”
  3444. >Another pregnant pause passes by.
  3445. >He looks anywhere but at you.
  3446. >You’re somewhat thankful.
  3447. >If he pressed any further, the temporary truce might have just crumbled.
  3448. >”So… Not that I don’t appreciate the thought, but why were you out here looking for us, Anon?” a content Velvet asks while regretfully pulling away from the guardstallion.
  3450. “Just trying to salvage the night I guess.” You look back the way you came.
  3451. >They follow your gaze over to the front lawn where the distant shouts of heckling can be heard and a frantic blue pony can be seen meandering about on a table.
  3452. “Stint’s buying us some time, but I don’t even know if he’s gonna be able to do anything really. We might still be able to avoid complete disaster though.”
  3453. >Coal’s tail flicks and his ears perk up.
  3454. >”Got something in mind?”
  3455. “Things haven’t gone as planned I’ll admit, but if we don’t want to leave things as they are, then I think we can cook up a little something to take everyone’s mind off the whole… Y’know.” You flimsily gesture with a hand.
  3456. >The sentence doesn’t need to be finished as both ponies give each other a quick glance and a nod.
  3457. >Flicking the messy white and purple striped hair out of her eyes - Velvet gives you a reassuring smile.
  3458. >”How can we help, Anon?”
  3459. >He doesn’t say anything, but the look in Coal’s strong blue eyes is reassuring.
  3460. >A strange feeling swells in your chest.
  3461. >An alien yet familiar sensation that you push aside for now.
  3462. “I want everyone down in the barn, in the first room, uh, stable, uh, place…”
  3463. >”Huh?”
  3464. “The one with a computer and a projector.”
  3465. >Though Velvet tilts her head, Coal thankfully nods his understanding.
  3466. >”Got it. And Stint?”
  3467. “He’s trying to do the same thing, but even I can tell he doesn’t have the same sway around here that you do.”
  3468. >Coal nods.
  3469. “I gave him my phone and a few suggestions-” you’re interrupted by a roar of laughter erupting from the crowd of ponies. “but getting all of them to cooperate might be a bit too much for him alone.”
  3470. >The guardstallion doesn’t acknowledge you though, instead he’s staring curiously at the ponies of the practice as the sounds of mirth carry across the expansive front yard.
  3471. >”What on earth is going on over there?”
  3472. “I’m not sure, really. It was just an idea to buy some time, but...” you say.
  3473. >Coal stares for a bit before shaking his head.
  3474. >”This day…”
  3475. “Tell me about it.”
  3476. >You crouch down and carefully put your hands on the necks of both ponies.
  3477. >They both flinch slightly at your touch.
  3478. >You feel a twinge of regret, but this isn’t the time to hesitate.
  3479. “Well… How about it? Think you guys can get everyone past the main house and down to the barn without them trying to snoop around? I don’t think I could do it alone...”
  3480. >Velvet looks over at her new partner with concern as he considers things.
  3481. >It doesn’t take long before he looks back at both of you and nods.
  3482. >”Leave it to us, Anon.”
  3483. >”We’ll get it done.” Velvet follows up with a diplomatic smile.
  3484. “Then I’ll go on ahead and get set up. Don’t be too long, okay?”
  3485. >You immediately split up - Coal and Velvet heading over to assist Stint, while you beeline to your car.
  3487. >The house is mercifully quiet from the outside, and you pray that the inside is the same.
  3488. >Popping open the boot of your car, you scramble in the back for a few moments, searching for your laptop under the dim illumination from a nearby porch light.
  3489. >It only takes a few moments before the realization sets in.
  3490. >You took it inside earlier with the rest of your gear.
  3491. >Inside that house.
  3492. >The house with the mare who very nearly choked you to death.
  3493. >No Coal for safety.
  3494. >No Velvet for calm reassurances.
  3495. >And lying in a certain back room…
  3496. >But there’s no other option for what you have planned.
  3497. >Mustering your courage, you cautiously approach the front door.
  3498. >A small buzz of conversation reaches your ears when you place a hand on the door knob.
  3499. >Looking back, it seems the two guard ponies have joined the rest of the herd on the front lawn - still bathed in powerful beams from the camping lights as the blanket of night has now completely smothered the rural practice.
  3500. >Stint seems to have frozen on his makeshift stage at the sight of Coal, but the older stallion simply gives him a nod and takes a seat with Velvet, making the crowd collectively sigh with relief.
  3501. >It’s not what you expected them to do. Hell you’re not really sure what you were expecting anyway.
  3502. >Yet the sight inspires you ever so slightly; and with a deep breath, you open the front door and cross the threshold.
  3503. >No sounds greet you.
  3504. >Nobody calls out.
  3505. >Glancing down the hallway, the doors are still closed to everyone’s respective rooms.
  3506. >Thankful that your intrusion went unnoticed, you swiftly move towards the lounge room.
  3507. >And as you round the corner you find an odd sight.
  3508. >Next to a far wall - a familiar maroon mare is standing like a statue alongside the larger taxidermied horse that stands as the mainstay of the living room.
  3509. >Her eyes and body frozen and staring straight ahead in an imitation of the larger cadaver.
  3510. >Opposite her is a small disaster zone of all your things, hastily pulled out and strewn around your bags.
  3511. “Were you looking for something?” you ask with a raised eyebrow.
  3512. >The pony doesn’t move.
  3513. >She looks just as tired and haggard as the last time you saw her, but there must be some fuel left in the tank if she has enough energy to sift through your things.
  3514. >Rolling your eyes, you steadily move towards her..
  3515. >But you stop in your tracks when you notice her hooves shaking more with each step you take.
  3516. >Not keen for a repeat of your first encounter, you halt your approach.
  3517. “What did you think you’d find?” you ask while slowly taking a seat on the floor.
  3518. >Receiving no reply, you take the opportunity and remove your scarf.
  3519. >It might be nighttime, but it’s still summer.
  3520. >And bruising or no, the thing was making you sweat and itch something fierce.
  3521. >Match Stick still isn’t moving, but at least she isn’t shaking anymore.
  3523. >Inspecting the wreckage, you spot your laptop on the couch, as well as nearly everything else you packed - haphazardly scattered all over the floor.
  3524. >Whatever she was looking for, she didn’t find it yet.
  3525. >This situation is becoming a bit ridiculous though.
  3526. “Match Stick, I’m gonna start dressing you in my clothes if you don’t drop the act.”
  3527. >Big amber eyes glance side-long at you.
  3528. >Her body finally slackens.
  3529. >Good.
  3530. >Hanging her head like the child in trouble that she is, the mare turns slowly towards you.
  3531. >Though just like a child in trouble, she doesn’t say anything. Her face hidden slightly behind her bird’s nest of a brown mane.
  3532. “I thought you were getting some sleep?”
  3533. >”You try sleeping through ‘that’.” she says with a glance towards the hallway.
  3534. “Ah. Fair enough.”
  3535. >She must have heard… Well… Everything.
  3536. “How is she?”
  3537. >The pony scowls.
  3538. “I mean, it seems quiet now, but when I left, she was-”
  3539. >”Mr Anon?”
  3540. “-Yeah?”
  3541. >”In the camps, we were packed pretty close together.”
  3542. >You raise an eyebrow.
  3543. >She rolls her eyes.
  3544. >”Not everyone had a lot of privacy.”
  3545. “I… Understand that, but what does that have to do with-”
  3546. >”-A good pony was someone who didn’t go around talking about their neighbours.”
  3547. “Oh…”
  3548. >”And what sounds they might be making.”
  3549. “Right.”
  3550. >Ouch.
  3551. >That makes your cheeks sting a bit.
  3552. >Feeling the urge to regain the high ground of maturity, you decide to explain things.
  3553. “Celestia’s… Not well, Match Stick. It’s why she’s here, after all.”
  3554. >”Anyone can tell that, Mr Anon.” she pouts indignantly, still staring straight down.
  3555. >It’s almost cute enough to be endearing.
  3556. “Right then. Of course, you’re a mare that’s all big and grown up. Very smart and observant. Not at all a teenager who would go and pretend to be a giant taxidermied horse-” you nod at her petrified friend a few metres away, at the same time her wood-brown tail flicks against the carpet. “-so why were you going through my things, Match Stick?”
  3557. >Maroon hooves fidget slightly, and she finally lifts her face.
  3558. >”I needed to know.” She says.
  3559. “Needed to know what?
  3560. >”What are you giving her, Mr Anon?”
  3561. >It’s a simple question, but the instant she asks it, a huge weight feels like it’s pressing down on you.
  3562. >Immediately you’re on the back foot.
  3563. >You haven’t given it much thought, but if… No… When Celestia gets better - how many people should know about her condition?
  3564. >This isn’t going to be the only time you’ll be asked this question either. There’s more than forty ponies sitting outside who’d probably like to know as well.
  3565. >You need to start thinking about how you’ll keep this under wraps.
  3566. >And how to dodge the question.
  3567. >Chewing on your lip, you consider your options.
  3568. >Match Stick doesn’t seem like a mare with much.
  3569. >She's still got a lot more to lose if she gets caught.
  3570. >But being armed with some damaging information could give her some critical leverage.
  3571. >From what she’s seen though, she could spread some wild rumours if you keep her out of the loop.
  3572. >...
  3574. >The question ultimately becomes - do you trust this mare not to sell you out?
  3575. >The answer is a resounding ‘No’.
  3576. >But...
  3577. >Do you trust this mare not to sell her Princess out?
  3578. >Celestia does trust her, after all...
  3579. >You run a hand through your hair and let out a sigh.
  3580. “Is that why you were rummaging through my things?”
  3581. >”Yes.”
  3582. >Giving her one final appraising look, you weigh things one more time and make your decision.
  3583. “Promise you won’t try to choke me again?”
  3584. >The young pony looks taken aback and nearly horrified at the question.
  3585. >But when you don’t yield an inch of seriousness, she gives you a firm nod.
  3586. >”I promised I would never do something like that again, Mr Anon. I need to rest up for tonight anyway. That spell Ms Celestia taught me is more draining than it looks.” she answers you with a tired half-smile that immediately crumples back into an exhausted grimace when you don’t laugh.
  3587. >Reaching into your pocket, you pull out the emergency estrus pills.
  3588. “When I found her, she was on a steady diet of these.”
  3589. >You hold them in your open palm in front of Match Stick.
  3590. >The mare doesn’t say anything for a few moments.
  3591. >Until her features start twisting in disgust.
  3592. >”Are… Are those-?”
  3593. “They are.”
  3594. >The horrified look on her face says enough..
  3595. >”W-Why do you have them? I mean right now, why do you have them?”
  3596. >She looks deep into your eyes, her own amber orbs awash with caution and confusion.
  3597. “In case detox gets too dangerous. Emily’s orders.” you offer your own frown.
  3598. >”I… I can’t believe it. A mare, no, a Princess like her...”
  3599. >Match Stick seems stunned as she inspects the pills.
  3600. >”I mean, I can tell she’s in heat, but I would never have thought that-”
  3601. >Before she can get too good of a look though, you put them back into your pocket.
  3602. “I’m gonna need you to be discreet about this, Big Red. There are some things we shouldn’t be going around telling everybody. We all have things we might not want others to know.”
  3603. >You scratch at your sore neck.
  3604. >She gives you a concerned look, before biting her lip.
  3605. >”I… I understand.”
  3606. “Good. Now, I’ve got something planned with, uh, where is it again?” you feign searching before quickly grabbing your laptop off the couch.
  3607. “Ahah!”
  3608. >Quickly checking it for power, you find it has more than enough for what you have in mind.
  3609. >”...What’s that?” Her voice perks up with mild curiosity.
  3610. >You look back and are met with two bright amber eyes fixated on the machine in your hands.
  3611. “This? I'm gonna be putting on a show for the other ponies of practice. Take their mind off things so maybe they won’t get any bright ideas and try checking up on you-know-who.”
  3612. >That just makes the mare tilt her head.
  3613. “Y’know a bit of circus to go with their bread.”
  3614. >”Huh?”
  3615. “... Do you know what a movie is, Match Stick?”
  3616. >A strong shake of the head.
  3618. “Ah… how about a T.V.?”
  3619. >”Oh, that thing! The moving pictures right?” those amber eyes light up with a small spark of energy.
  3620. “Uh, yeah?”
  3621. >”The managers and the guards were always using them for security!” The mare’s mood visibly improves, much to your relief.
  3622. “Well then, I think you’ll enjoy coming down to the barn then. There’s a nice big screen down there that we can use. It’s like an even bigger T.V.”
  3623. >Her face stretches into a wide smile and you swear she’s about to say yes, but then she pulls back in hesitation.
  3624. “It’ll be a nice chance to get out of the house for a couple of hours. Especially with-” You extend the olive branch as best you can trying to reel her in..
  3625. >As if on cue, a series of wailing cries start echoing down the hallway.
  3626. >Horrendous, pained groaning and hysterical screeches of distress mix together and fill the house with what could easily be mistaken as sounds of torture.
  3627. >Your chest tightens and your knees get weak.
  3628. >You should do something.
  3629. >You have to do something.
  3630. >You can’t just sit back while she suffers.
  3631. >”-Anon.”
  3632. >Someone is calling your name.
  3633. >Not again.
  3634. >Not this time.
  3635. >You can’t breath.
  3636. >She needs your help-
  3637. >”Mister Anon, are you okay?”
  3638. >Something touches your knee.
  3639. >You glance down, and find the hoof of a concerned young mare gently shaking you.
  3640. >Her orange eyes filled with worry.
  3641. >The sight of those amber eyes suddenly so close makes you panic.
  3642. >Before you can stop yourself, you recoil and smack her hoof off your leg.
  3643. >She flinches away and lowers her body close to the ground, almost submissively.
  3644. >”Make it stop! Why won’t you make it sto-o-op?!?!?!” Celestia’s voice carries down the hall.
  3645. >Those pained cries are getting worse, but the contact brings you back to your senses.
  3646. “Yeah, Yeah… I’m fine. I’m okay.”
  3647. >You don’t even want to look at the young mare’s face after how you just acted out.
  3648. >Tucking the laptop under your arm and running a hand through your hair, you make for the front door.
  3649. >Just the sounds alone are making you feel ill.
  3650. >Gotta get out of here.
  3651. “Last offer, Match Stick. You wanna join the rest of us down in the barn?” you say, a hint of remorse mixing with the mild panic of your voice.
  3652. >”It’s okay, Mister Anon.”
  3653. >She doesn’t meet your eyes, making you feel worse.
  3654. >But you can’t even bring yourself to apologize.
  3655. >”I can’t leave Tinder by himself anyway.” The young mare offers you a fake smile.
  3656. “Oh…”
  3657. >Of course..
  3658. “Maybe another night then, when things are a bit-” your sentence is cut off by another fevered scream for help.
  3659. >”Another night… that sounds good. And don’t worry about the mess, I’ll make sure to clean it up.”
  3660. “... Thanks, Match Stick.”
  3661. >”No… Thank you, Mr Anon.” her face twists with regret and she turns towards your things.
  3662. >Another pang of guilt pierces your chest.
  3663. >You can’t bear the noises anymore though.
  3664. >Giving a hasty goodbye, you turn and make your way outside.
  3666. >In just a few seconds, you’ve bolted out of the lounge room, down the hallway and out the front door, quickly slamming it shut behind you.
  3667. >Heart pounding in your chest and short of breath, you inhale deeply.
  3668. >Right near the front door is your car.
  3669. >Like a broken dam, those thoughts chaotically surge forward.
  3670. >Your legs move on their own.
  3671. >It would be so easy.
  3672. >Just gotta hop in the front seat.
  3673. >Laptop on the passenger seat.
  3674. >Keys in the ignition.
  3675. >Seatbelt on.
  3676. >Hands on the wheel.
  3677. >You’d be gone before anybody could even stop you.
  3678. >Just turn the key and-
  3679. >Your hands grip the steering wheel so hard the knuckles go bone white.
  3680. >The haze over your mind clears as you snap back to reality sitting in the front seat of your car.
  3681. >The urge to just get away, to drive and drive and drive until you’re so far that nobody can bother you anymore, possesses you.
  3682. >Compels you.
  3683. >It doesn’t feel like you’re in control anymore.
  3684. >That you’re just barely holding onto things.
  3685. >Feelings spill over, and you find yourself spewing a string of extremities at yourself in the car.
  3686. >Shaking angrily in the driver’s seat, you smack the steering wheel, punch the dashboard, elbow the seat, striking anything and everything in an effort to purge the volatile storm that bubbles beneath the surface.
  3687. >On top of it all is a deep shame.
  3688. >There are people and ponies depending on you. Yet here you are, a moment's hesitation away from abandoning them all.
  3689. >Again.
  3690. >The feelings recede for the briefest of moments, just as-
  3691. >”HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
  3692. >-A roar of laughter breaks out amongst the herd, begging for your attention.
  3693. >Desperate for the distraction, you latch on to the spectacle.
  3694. >Stint is standing proud on the stage, where he gives a triumphant bow to thunderous hoof-stomping.
  3695. >Anybody could tell that the stallion was a bit of a social pariah at the practice -- despite his station -- but from the few times you weren’t at each other’s throats, you got the impression that the dude actually had a decent sense of humour.
  3696. >Needing something to occupy the forty-something equines scattered about the front lawn while you searched for Coal and Velvet, you had given him your phone, opened on a web page filled with as many horse related jokes as you could find.
  3697. >Though things seem to have gone better than either of you could have ever dreamed.
  3698. >With another bow, the dark blue coated veterinary pony descends from the stage.
  3699. >Coal is waiting for him, and after a brief stare down and a few indecipherable words, the two stallions bump hooves.
  3700. >Relief from the herd is palpable, and it calms your own nerves somewhat.
  3701. >It’s not much, but seeing Stint succeed stirs something within you.
  3702. >Maybe it’s jealousy, maybe it’s inspiration, maybe it’s envy. You’re not sure.
  3703. >But the success of the caustic young stallion means that you’re not completely without hope.
  3705. >After quickly wiping your face with your hands, you steel yourself and get out of the car. Making sure to quietly close the door so as to not alert any of the ponies to what you almost did.
  3706. >You can still hear some noises from inside the house, but the sound seems to be remarkably well insulated.
  3707. >An unexpected detail that you’re incredibly grateful for.
  3708. >The brief respite is just the ticket, and you already feel nearly back to normal.
  3709. >This quickly gives way to more shame though.
  3710. >You tried to run away when things started getting hard.
  3711. >Again.
  3712. >Match Stick on the other hand toughed it out.
  3713. >From what she said, things like this were normal for her back in the camps.
  3714. >Your circumstances might be different, but that’s still no excuse.
  3715. >If a young mare like her can learn to stand her ground, then so can you.
  3716. >You have to-
  3717. >No.
  3718. >You will get stronger.
  3719. >With those thoughts renewed, you silently exit the car and make your way around the side of the house.
  3720. >You don’t know how long they’ll be, but you want to get set up before Coal, Velvet, and Stint bring the rest of the herd down.
  3721. >Urgency infects your legs, and before you realize it - you’re bounding down the long slope to the barn, laptop underarm.
  3722. >Maybe that’s all you’re good for in the end.
  3723. >Running.
  3724. >But just this once, you’d like it if you could get some good out of it.
  3725. >Bursting through the front door of the waiting area, you rush past the reception desk and bumble your way through to the main barnhouse.
  3726. >You quickly find the room Stint was talking about; and sure enough at a nearby bench, a fair number of cables and adapters can be seen haphazardly hanging from a wall.
  3727. >Looking around, you spot a large projector screen tucked away near the ceiling above the doorway.
  3728. >Putting the laptop down and reaching for the nearest cable, you quickly get to work.
  3730. Part 28: Meeting the (not so) locals.
  3732. >The buzz of conversation slowly reaches your ears.
  3733. >With haste, you tidy up the cords and pack away any loose objects in the room to make as much space as possible.
  3734. >You can feel a thin layer of sweat on your forehead.
  3735. >*Tink* *Tink* *Tink*
  3736. >A light metallic knocking from the other side of the barn’s shutter makes you jolt.
  3737. >Taking a deep breath and giving the room a final once over, you steel yourself and haul open the side entrance meant for Earthen horses.
  3738. >The sheet metal of the barn door shakes with a sinister groan as it slides into the roof scaffold.
  3739. >A strong flood light from inside the room stretches out over the crowd of nearly forty-odd ponies that reflect nearly forty different colours and shades.
  3740. >Their shadows extending all the way to the treeline, as they fidget and huddle close to each other.
  3741. >Candid conversation has quickly ceased, and now a ravenous silence hangs in the air, threatening to devour the moment.
  3742. >You anxiously look for a friendly face, and spy Stint, Coal, and Velvet in the back.
  3743. >The veterinary stallion is grinning and slobbering over your phone as he carries it with his mouth.
  3744. >Meanwhile, the two guardsponies are looking at you expectantly.
  3745. >They’ve done their part, and now it’s your turn.
  3746. “Uhhh… Good evening, ladies-” you quickly catch your tongue and muse for a half second before starting over.
  3747. “Good evening, Mares and... Gentlestallions?”
  3748. >A heavy snort comes from the back, and you spot Stint’s sides pulsing with laughter as he tries not to spit out your phone.
  3749. >Coal is pretending to look somewhere else, and Velvet gives you an encouraging motherly smile.
  3750. “Eh hem.” you nervously clear your throat. “Hi…”
  3751. >A field of big unnatural eyes bore holes in your face.
  3752. “As you all know, I’m Anon. We… Well, we met before.”
  3753. >You don’t know where you were going with that.
  3754. >And this silence is starting to feast on your will to live.
  3755. “Kind of left things on a bad foot, hoof, uh, shit. So I, uh, wanted to see if I could do something to, y'know, take your minds off of things.”
  3756. >Silence hangs over the crowd for a few more seconds before someone gives a stereotypical awkward cough for you to continue.
  3757. “I’ve prepared a movie for us to watch. It’s suitable for all ages, so the kids can enjoy it as well.”
  3758. >A murmur runs through the crowd.
  3759. >Some glances are exchanged.
  3760. >A few heads nod in agreement.
  3761. >”What’s a movie, Mom?” you hear an innocent foal ask his mother.
  3762. >The mare in question nervously stammers for a bit as all the attention is directed her way, and another round of whispers go through the crowd.
  3766. “It’s like a play, but with a T.V. instead of a theatre!” you eagerly chime in.
  3767. >A few nods and whispers of approval bounce around.
  3768. >Shimmers of curiosity dancing across their alien irises.
  3769. >You spot a few more looks of interest here and there, and you feel confidence slowly swell in your chest.
  3770. >”What’s a theatre, Mom?” The same innocent voice asks.
  3771. >Just like that, all the positive energy is sucked from the crowd, and a lot of heads start hanging low.
  3772. >Really low.
  3773. “It’s a big show where lots of people work together to tell a really cool story.” You answer in her place, desperate to elevate the spirits of the poor equines.
  3774. >The young pony panics at your attention, quickly scurrying behind his mother’s hooves, peaking out at you with large green eyes from behind the larger mare.
  3775. >You cringe slightly and try to think of some way you can apologize and put the colt at ease, when someone speaks up.
  3776. >”Who cares about the movie? What happened to Celestia?”
  3777. >Heads perk up, and a silent wave of agreement ripples through the crowd.
  3778. >Before you can pinpoint who said it, another voice sounds out.
  3779. >”Y-Yeah, tell us what happened! Why was she crying?”
  3780. >”She looked like she was in pain.”
  3781. “Wait, everyone-”
  3782. >”Did you do something to her?”
  3783. “Now, hold on a sec-”
  3784. >”How do we know he’s not the one who made her like that?”
  3785. >The ponies inch closer, and the shadows grow longer.
  3786. >”What if he’s the one who took her from us?”
  3787. >”Why was she with you, Human?”
  3788. >”How did you find her?”
  3789. >”What did you do to her?”
  3790. >”Look at his neck, it wasn’t like that when he got here.”
  3791. >”Maybe Coal had to fight him off.”
  3792. >You want to be somewhere, anywhere else that isn’t right in this spot at this moment. But it feels like even if you started running, the mob would catch you.
  3793. >Your throat tightens, and you take a tepid step backwards.
  3794. >”Hey!” A deep voice booms over the torrent of accusations.
  3795. >The crowd immediately falls quiet, and you thank god that you went and found Coal.
  3796. >The ashen guardstallion shakes his head as most of the ponies sheepishly shut their mouths and avert their eyes.
  3797. >”Just listen to what he has to say, would ya? He can’t get a word in with all of you idiots yapping at him.” He looks over the crowd, daring anyone to meet his gaze.
  3798. >A few murmurs of opposition bounce through the herd.
  3799. >”What was that? I can’t hear you if you don’t speak up!”
  3800. >The murmurs of discontent slowly peter out, though there are still a few eyes that refuse to look your way.
  3801. >”They’re all yours, Anon.”
  3802. “Thanks, Coal.” you say with a sigh of relief.
  3806. >You wring your sweaty hands and mull over the torrent of questions. It’s gonna be a few days at least until Celestia is better, and it’s best to give them something to chew on.
  3807. “I think it’s no secret,” you carefully begin, “that Celestia is not well. It’s why she’s here, after all.”
  3808. >Hushed whispers start flowing through the crowd immediately.
  3809. >You quickly raise your hands, calling for silence.
  3810. >Thankfully, the small horses acquiesce.
  3811. “I only came across her a very short time ago; and when I realised who she was, I did everything I could to get her out of the place I found her. And I can imagine there are a few not so savory people that aren’t all that happy that I managed to snatch her away while they weren’t looking.”
  3812. >The crowd stays blessedly silent, and you start focussing on a few of the warmer faces in the audience.
  3813. >Though you’re not sure if they're warmer because of their expressions, or the colour of their fur.
  3814. “Since then, I’ve been doing what I can to help her get better. That includes bringing her here for checkups and medicine. But you all need to understand-” you bounce your gaze between those few ‘safe spots’ in the crowd again and steady your voice as best you can. “-that right now, more than ever, she needs time to heal. She needs your patience. And she needs space. Like I imagine many of you here have experienced, she’s been through a lot. She’s still going through a lot. But I’ve seen the strength in her. And I believe she’ll get past it, if we all help her out by giving her the room she needs to recover.”
  3815. >Letting the words sink in, you cross your fingers and hope they don’t protest too much.
  3816. >”What about your neck?”
  3817. >One of the more disgruntled ponies doesn’t even give you an inch.
  3818. “Oh, this?” You point to the bruising.
  3819. >You search for an innocent lie.
  3820. >No way you’re telling them about Match Stick.
  3821. >Or her magic.
  3822. >Immediately your eyes latch onto Stint, still slobbering over your phone as he stands at the back, looking smug as all hell.
  3823. >The cocksure stallion’s eyes go wide when a smirk pulls at the corner of your mouth.
  3824. “Well, I was having a chat in the house with my new friends Emily and Coal; when Stint knocked over a pile of junk with his fat ass. Unfortunately, that junk was stacked to the roof in one of Emily’s spare rooms. I ended up getting caught underneath the rubble and got clocked in the neck by an old bed post. I’m alright though. It’s not as bad as it looks.”
  3825. >Some eyes roll and a few heads nod in understanding.
  3826. >Stint himself gets a few dirty looks for his trouble, but it seems like his little performance on the front lawn has won him some leniency.
  3827. >Looks like blaming Stint was the right move.
  3828. >Besides - he owes you.
  3829. >The veterinary pony looks a bit miffed, but he can’t say much with his mouth full.
  3833. ”Now, I understand that you probably have more questions. About a lot of things. But just like you have things you wouldn’t want to share even with the closest person, uh, pony that you know; Celestia is entitled to her privacy as well. So I want all of you to understand - I won’t tell you everything out of respect for her. I also want you all to promise me that you won’t let your curiosity get the better of you and go snooping around up at the house. I hope that we can give her the space that she needs to recover.”
  3834. >You finish your little speech and scan the crowd.
  3835. >A few nervous glances go around, and you accidentally catch the eyes of one pegasus whose eyes light up with something… Unpleasant.
  3836. >”And what if we don’t want to do what the nice little human wants us to, huh?” she yells out.
  3837. >Gasps ripple through the group.
  3838. >”What are you going to do then?” she continues, spurred on by the lack of opposition. “Gonna give us a nice treat to keep us quiet? Maybe one like you gave the Princess up there? Well I’m sorry to rain on your parade, monkey, but we’ve already had our medicine for the night just in case you were getting any funny ideas!”
  3839. >A pregnant pause hangs in the air, and you notice quite a few nasty looks going the way of the belligerent pony.
  3840. >Of concern though, is that most of the more crippled ponies are starting to look very panicky.
  3841. >Their ears folded back and their heads bracing lower to the ground.
  3842. >You fumble for words, but can’t come up with anything that doesn’t sound like it could be taken the wrong way.
  3843. >”That’s quite an accusation, young mare.”
  3844. >Forty heads collectively swivel as Velvet suddenly calls out from the back of the crowd.
  3845. >”Are you saying you saw this human give her something?” she continues - an honest concern in her voice.
  3846. >”Don’t get in my way, Grandma!” your heckler quickly spits back.
  3847. >”I’m asking - when did you see the human give her something? Because if that’s the case, then we all deserve to know precisely what happened.” the older mare asks again without even flinching.
  3848. >”Well I- uh…”
  3849. >”Me and Coal were with him for the whole afternoon, and we didn’t see him give her anything? Right Coal?”
  3850. >The ash coated equine gives her a confused look.
  3851. >”What do you mean? We weren’t there when-”
  3852. >”Coal?” Velvets says sternly.
  3853. >”-Oh, Oh! Yeah, nah. We didn’t see him giving her anything.”
  3854. >A serene smile on her face, Velvet turns back to the now disgruntled pony.
  3858. >”There you have it. So, if we didn’t see Mr Anon doing anything untoward Her Highness as he: carried her between rooms, helped her eat, massaged her hooves,-”
  3859. >Huh?
  3860. >”-Sung her sweet lullabies to help her get an afternoon nap.” she carries on
  3861. >”You’re lying!” the younger mare whines defiantly.
  3862. >No duh.
  3863. >”Oh, now I’m lying as well? You sure like pointing your hooves at a lot of people, don’t you young mare?”
  3864. >The junior pony bristles as Velvet springs the trap.
  3865. >Now other ponies are stepping away from her.
  3866. >”And what’s that supposed to-”
  3867. >”That’s enough, isn’t it, Candid? It’s been a shit day.” Coal interupts her. “Lets just watch a movie before we all pack it in for the night. okay?”
  3868. >The final words deflate the last bit of momentum in the argument, and the upstart young mare bitterly looks down and mutters something under breath, before looking back at you with a smouldering fury.
  3869. >Quite a number of the ponies look visibly put-off after that exchange.
  3870. >Regardless - after you give an encouraging gesture, they all finally start slowly shuffling into the barn, filling out the corners and putting down what food they brought amongst themselves.
  3871. >You pause for a moment and watch the way they twist their long necks around to grab things off their backs with their mouths.
  3872. >How they deftly grip things with their teeth.
  3873. >Not so much biting into what they’re holding, but still securely holding onto it.
  3874. >You’ve seen it quite a few times over the past few years, but it still catches you off guard.
  3875. >Such a simple, yet incredibly alien act.
  3876. >A few of them notice you staring, and shoot some dirty glares.
  3877. >Acting like you were doing something else, you start deftly weaving through the group, staking out a position next to your laptop by a wall.
  3878. >A few of the closer equines shuffle a respectable distance away.
  3879. >Some others still stare.
  3880. >And quite a lot of the ponies in the room seem like they’re putting in a lot of effort into looking anywhere but at you.
  3881. >But compared to what you were expecting, it’s not so bad.
  3882. >Pretending not to notice, you reach up and start fiddling with the mouse pad and try opening the movie.
  3883. >Before you can get things rolling, you feel something heavy suddenly press hard on your leg.
  3884. >You flinch, and quickly look down at your lap.
  3885. >Two impossibly large green orbs stare back.
  3886. >”Is that the movie?” the inquisitive young colt from before asks. Now standing with both his forelegs steadied against your thigh.
  3887. >His head tilting slightly to one side as his curious gaze flicks over to your laptop.
  3891. >You notice the juvenile’s mother close by.
  3892. >Her body - still as stone and staring at you with a silent prayer.
  3893. “Uh… Yeah...”
  3894. >You’d like to be a bit more enthusiastic.
  3895. >But it’s a bit hard when a dozen ponies in the same room are looking at you like they’re gonna tear you limb from limb if you make any wrong moves.
  3896. >”How are we all gonna watch it on such a tiny screen?”
  3897. >This young colt doesn’t seem worried at all.
  3898. “Well, the movie plays from here, but it comes out of that thing in the ceiling.”
  3899. >He follows your gaze up to the projector on the roof.
  3900. >”Huh?” he says, raising an eyebrow at the small box hanging from the roof. “ How does that let us watch a T.V.? Does it, like, open up or something?”
  3901. “Not quite.” You give him an encouraging smile.
  3902. >The colt frowns.
  3903. “See that little narrow, circle bit on the side?”
  3904. >He nods.
  3905. >”A stream of light comes out of there, and it ‘projects’ the smaller image against that big screen there. Can you guess what it’s called?”
  3906. >The colt’s mother has started breathing again, but still looks like she might throw up at any moment.
  3907. >For his part, the young pony scrunches his muzzle and looks down for a moment; before quickly looking up again, a light glimmering in his eyes.
  3908. >”Well… If a stream of light comes out… Maybe… A streamer?” he beams triumphantly.
  3909. “Bzzzt!”
  3910. >His eyes go wide and he leans back in surprise as you give him a cheeky grin.
  3911. “It’s called a projector.”
  3912. >”That’s a stupid thing to call it!” He immediately pouts, his brow furrowing in an adorable scowl.
  3913. “Yeah, but it can do something pretty cool!”
  3914. >You grab the small remote from the nearby table and sit down.
  3915. >The colt stays perched on your lap, but his eyes are glued to the small box on the ceiling.
  3916. >You try to give his mother a reassuring smile, and it looks like her stance finally slacks a little bit.
  3917. >And then you turn the projector on.
  3918. >In an instant, a dark blue standby screen paints the room in its alien hue.
  3919. >A few of the ponies visibly flinch.
  3920. >Some even start slowly backing out of the room.
  3921. >You bite your lip and search for some way to reassure them, but before you can say anything-
  3922. >”Whoa!!!” an echo of awe sounds out from several of the young ponies littered around the room.
  3923. >As if a silent starting gun had gone off, they all start rushing you.
  3924. >Not again...
  3925. >Easily prying themselves out of their surprised parents' grasp, they swarm quick and fast.
  3926. >Though there are still one or two that don’t leave their guardian’s sides.
  3930. “Hold on kids!” You plead and hold your hands up high in protest as you're mobbed by the little monsters.
  3931. >They start pushing and shoving each other, fighting for what little space there is on your lap, and when they run out of room, they start clambering up onto your arms and chest.
  3932. >”That’s so cool!”
  3933. >”How did you do that?’
  3934. >”Maybe it was magic!”
  3935. >”That thing dad keeps talking about?”
  3936. >”Has to be!”
  3937. >”It’s so blue!
  3938. >”That’s because blue is the best!” says a rather pompous sounding filly who appears to be blending in with her surroundings
  3939. >”No it isn’t!” growls another colt who sticks out like a sore thumb.
  3940. >A hundred other garbled questions fly out before the light suddenly vanishes, and the strong blue light is washed out with a simple white hue.
  3941. >The juveniles that have turned you into a human jungle gym suddenly go quiet.
  3942. >In fact, not a single peep can be heard in the entire barn bar the silent whirring of the projector, as the large screen on the far wall is painted with your laptop’s desktop image.
  3943. >Cast on the screen in a slightly pixelated resolution - is a woman in a green dress sitting on a plaid picnic blanket.
  3944. >Serene smile on her face and her eyes closed as she laughs at some unheard joke.
  3945. >A gust of wind sweeping her hair in a brilliant frozen moment.
  3946. >Her features - all painted with the dull orange of a sleepy sunset.
  3947. >Several awkward moments pass before you grunt with mock effort.
  3948. “Alright kids, let me up. We’ve got a movie to watch.”
  3949. >You didn’t raise your voice, yet all the ponies on your chest quickly and obediently hop off and sit around you anyway.
  3950. >And while the ones in your lap don’t exactly hop off, they do quiet down and stop jostling with each other for space. Content to sit in their premier seating.
  3951. >Chancing a glance around the room - the ponies of the practice have mixed reactions.
  3952. >Some of them are staring at the screen.
  3953. >Some of them are staring at you.
  3954. >But it doesn’t seem like they’re judging you per se.
  3955. >You don’t know how much they can read into this, and you’d rather not linger on it for too long.
  3959. >Your eyes happen to float towards the trio in the back, who have taken seats behind all the others.
  3960. >Stint eyes go wide and his tail flicks like a perverted horndog, ogling your late partner.
  3961. >Coal gives a sympathetic nod.
  3962. >But Velvet...
  3963. >Her eyes meet yours, and you feel a shared pity between you.
  3964. >You know that look anywhere.
  3965. >You’ve seen it so many times already.
  3966. >In the places you’ve gone.
  3967. >In the ponies and people you’ve met.
  3968. >In the mirror at home and the pictures of you after it happened.
  3969. >It’s at that moment you recognize the shadow of that look tugging under the eyes and pulling at the faces of most of the ponies in the barn.
  3970. >Staring back at you since the moment you got here.
  3971. >A weak smile crosses Velvet’s lips, and she leans heavily into Coals neck.
  3972. >He tenses up, a bit confused at the sudden intimate contact, but leans back anyway.
  3973. “Alrighty then. Let's get this show on the road.” you say as you reach up to the track pad and press a button.
  3974. >The screen shifts to complete black, once again drawing the attention of all the ponies in the room.
  3975. >Some of the young ones by your side shuffle in closer as the room suddenly darkens.
  3976. >A few seconds roll by, and you spy a few heads that start looking around nervously.
  3977. >The cluster of coloured creatures curiously weren’t all that claustrophobic, opting to brush against and even lie down over one another, their long necks resting over their neighbour's chests or backs.
  3978. >You brace.
  3979. >You know what’s coming.
  3980. >Settling in against the wall, you try not to give anything away.
  3981. >A few bodies start fidgeting and whispers scatter amongst the herd as a soft static plays from your laptop speakers.
  3982. >Restless silence stagnates over the crowd as the seconds tick by.
  3983. >You find yourself holding your own breath from anticipation.
  3984. >And then-
  3985. >”NANTS’ INGONYAMA!!!”
  3986. >The entire barn flinches collectively as the soft orange light of the dawn sun rising over the African savannah fills the room.
  3987. >Your worries melt away as a quick glance at everyone else rewards you with enraptured faces of sublime curiosity.
  3988. >The young ones on your lap all jolted collectively at first; but now their mouths all hang open, and their eyes sparkle with joy as they behold the fabled ‘movie’.
  3989. >With nothing else to say, you rest your head against the nearby wall and try to relax.
  3990. >The opening number hits its stride; and as you look around the room and see most of the ponies of the practice finally lower their guard - a wave of fatigue crashes into you.
  3991. >With barely any free space around, you gently rest your hands on the cold concrete ground.
  3992. >Though almost immediately, the young ponies around you suddenly shuffle around again before quickly lying down.
  3996. >All the while keeping their heads pinned back like shocked ostriches so they can keep watching the movie.
  3997. >Brats...
  3998. >During the kerfuffle, both of your hands inadvertently get pinned beneath the small horses.
  3999. >You try to free your hands, but in their current position you can’t get them out without flinging some of the ponies away.
  4000. >Resigning yourself to your new fate as the ponies’ human couch, you settle in for a long night.
  4001. >Their coats are warm and soft; and as the movie flies by, your eyelids start feeling heavy as muscles you didn’t even know you were tensing finally relax.
  4002. >As you sit there, thanking whatever god was watching over you for making sure the night didn’t end in disaster, your thoughts drift.
  4003. >To all the people and ponies you’ve met over the past week.
  4004. >About all the insane things that have happened just today.
  4005. >About all the potential that tomorrow might bring.
  4006. >About what dangers may be coming your way.
  4007. >About the new joy you might be able to find.
  4008. >About a certain pony, and the way you felt this afternoon when she rested her fragile body against yours and let the world drift by.
  4009. >About the look of utter betrayal on her face as she was dragged into that room and the door was slammed shut.
  4010. >You think she’d enjoy this movie...
  4011. >You’ve only ever known Celestia malnourished, so you can’t help but imagine what she might be like under better circumstances - curled up on the couch with you and idly chatting about some news or a movie.
  4012. >The natural heft of her soft body against yours.
  4013. >But you dismiss that selfish fantasy.
  4014. >You don’t deserve it.
  4015. >You don’t even know for sure how much she actually likes you.
  4016. >And how much of her affection is affected by her affliction.
  4017. >But one can dare to dream, dare to hope about what could be...
  4018. >Maybe… Once this is all over... You can both sit down on the couch at home, just the two of you - watching something together again.
  4019. >Those thoughts are a nice comfort, and as the music swells and vivid colours carry you and the ponies of the practice off to another land - you get lost in your fantasy.
  4020. >Serene minutes fly by, and as the movie progresses, the crowd becomes a reflection of the movie.
  4021. >They bob along to the music.
  4022. >A few tears are shed at the right moments.
  4023. >It might seem strange, but you don’t think you’ve ever heard a herd of ponies laughing together before today.
  4024. >But it’s truly something that you can’t help but smile at.
  4025. >And as the sandman slowly takes his hold, and your eyes get heavier and heavier, your thoughts shift to those kind magenta eyes.
  4026. >The things you might talk about.
  4027. >The challenges you’ll face.
  4028. > And maybe… Just... Maybe…
  4029. >A life that you two could share.
  4030. >Together.
  4032. Part 29
  4034. >Man your back hurts.
  4035. >Like god damn did you slip a disk or something?
  4036. >Feels like you’ve had a session with an over-eager physiotherapist who enjoys his job a little too much.
  4037. >Which would make sense considering you’re lying on the concrete of the medical barn floor.
  4038. >What doesn’t make sense is the heavy, warm duvet covering you and making you sweat like a pig in the summer night-time heat.
  4039. >A duvet that moves.
  4040. >Sneaking a glance out a half opened eye, you panic when you find yourself covered in young ponies.
  4041. >They fidget in their sleep, but appear rather peaceful.
  4042. >One of the colts on your mid-section suddenly snorts, and kicks out blindly with a hoof.
  4043. >It collides cleanly with his neighbour’s muzzle, making the filly's eyes flicker open.
  4044. >A scowl crosses her face before she gently drifts back to sleep again.
  4045. >Seems like your back is going to suffer.
  4046. >Though before you can resign yourself to fate-
  4047. >*Thunk*
  4048. >-A deep thud reverberates through the shed wall.
  4049. >”Nnngh…”
  4050. >Followed by a low groan.
  4051. >Really?
  4052. >While everyone’s sleeping?
  4053. >You get they might be happy to see Celestia again, but seriously...
  4054. >Taking care not to disturb the sleeping kids - you start working your way out from under them, carefully moving their hooves and heads while ignoring their weak whines of protest.
  4055. >Propping yourself up against a nearby wall, you get a better look at the source of the disturbance.
  4056. >The movie long since over - faint artificial light still spills out across the room from the projector, bathing all of the sleeping ponies of Emily’s practice in a faint blue glow.
  4057. >Most ponies of the herd are sleeping soundly.
  4058. >Three familiar ponies are not.
  4059. >”I’ll try again, just… Give me a second.”
  4060. >Crumpled against the wall, his chest heaving with every breath - Coal is struggling to keep his large hooves steady under himself.
  4061. >With concerted effort, the stallion pushes away from the wall with shaky legs and barely manages to get his large frame fully upright, but the usually sturdy pony wobbles where he stands.
  4062. >A smaller unicorn quickly rushes to his side.
  4063. >Though as he leans on her for support, her legs start buckling and she gives out a grunt of effort.
  4064. >”C’mon. Let's -ngh- get you up the hill, Coal.”
  4065. >The couple slowly turn towards the exit, with another unicorn… Limping behind them?
  4066. >No, he’s just walking on three hooves, with the fourth held to his head.
  4067. >As much as you don’t want to disturb the young fillies and colts still using your legs as a human mattress, you can’t leave the trio alone.
  4071. >The small creatures let out weak whines of protest as you move them, but they soon settle down - some of them latching onto their neighbours for warmth instead - and return to slumbering peacefully.
  4072. >Ever so slowly, you stand up and carve a path through the maze of sleeping ponies.
  4073. >Careful not to make the slightest sound with your footfalls as you slip out through the open door of the barn.
  4074. >Once you’re outside, it doesn’t take long before you spot the trio making their way up the gentle slope toward the main house.
  4075. >You're thankful for the full moon tonight as it grants you barely enough light to see and follow them at a steady pace.
  4076. >You pick up speed though as they drastically slow down part way up the slope.
  4077. >But before you can catch up - Velvet’s hoof slips on the grass, and the couple are forced to stop.
  4078. >Stint moves in to support the Earth pony’s other side, but it’s no use.
  4079. >The larger stallion’s legs shaking violently as he sucks in huge lungfuls of air.
  4080. “God damn, are you ok, Coal?”
  4081. >”...Shit!” he yells out as his legs buckle and give out under him.
  4082. >He crumbles to the ground with a painful thud, and Velvet and Stint are left swaying where they stand.
  4083. ”Jesus… Did you three tap into the spirits while I was sleeping?”
  4084. >Stint snorts as he sees you approaching.
  4085. >”We haven’t been drinking, Dumbass.”
  4086. >Choosing to sit down, he gives you a dirty look while massaging the base of his horn with his hooves.
  4087. >”It’s magic intolerance, Anon.” Velvet follows up, one of her eyelids spasming in a pain filled wince.
  4088. “Intolerance? But I thought it took a week or two to get this bad? You guys have only stopped taking your drugs for one day.”
  4089. >”Intolerance, Anon.” Coal growls breathlessly from the ground.
  4090. “... Am I missing something?”
  4091. >You sincerely look to them for help.
  4092. >Stint groans. “Intolerance, stupid. Means our bodies can’t tolerate the magic building up in them. The medicine was made mainly to treat magic deficiency by shutting down our body's magic processing functions. Remember the Princess’s little lecture?”
  4093. “Then what about Tinder? I thought Celestia said he was having a bad reaction to the medicine?”
  4094. >”Princesses help me… He is, Anon. It doesn’t matter whether there’s no magic or enough magic to fill all of Tartarus. He would still be suffering the same side effects.”
  4095. “Oh… Shit…”
  4099. >The other two might be able to make it on their own, but watching Coal grunt in frustration as he tries rising to his hooves again, you don’t like the odds of him making it up to the house anytime soon.
  4100. “Help him back down the hill. I’ll be back in a second”
  4101. >Short of options, the two unicorns shrug and start sliding the guardstallion back down the grassy slope despite his barely contained shame.
  4102. >It hardly takes you more than a minute to run up to the front of the practice and bring your car back down.
  4103. >By the time you return; Coal, Stint, and Velvet are all sitting at the bottom of the dark slope.
  4104. >Their coats glistening with sweat in the dull moonlight.
  4105. >Artificial tints of red and white from your car’s lights sweep and scatter across them and the nighttime rural expanse of Emily’s backyard, as you pull up alongside the slope and hop out.
  4106. >Opening a door on the side facing the hill, the ashen coated stallion quickly catches on and gives you a threatening glare.
  4107. >”I hope, *wheeze*, that you’re not thinking of trying to pick me up, Anon.”
  4108. “Mate, I haven’t even taken you out to dinner yet. Now hop in.”
  4109. >His wary expression relaxes, and Coal rounds the car and eyes up the back seat before raising his front half up in one swift movement.
  4110. >You didn’t think that the stallion still had so much strength left, but after only a few moments of having his front hooves resting on the car seat, his hind legs begin trembling violently.
  4111. >Swaying back and forth towards your car, he makes a few half-hearted attempts before finally committing and launching the rest of his body into the back seat.
  4112. >His apple sized hooves smack the bottom of your door’s frame along the way, making a dent and cleaving away a noticeable chunk of paint.
  4113. >You swear to god, these fucking ponies and their wanton vehicle damage.
  4114. >Before you can complain, Coal lets out a string of swears as a hind hoof slips off the edge of the seat and he starts falling out of the car.
  4115. >Without thinking, you reach out and grab his flanks.
  4116. >”Whaa-!?”
  4117. >A surprised whinny escapes his muzzle, and he weakly kicks out at you.
  4118. “Easy, Mate.” you grunt, hefting the heavy backside of the fully grown and fed Earth stallion.
  4119. >Though it feels more like you’re lifting a pallet of bricks.
  4120. >Something twinges dangerously in your back, so you quickly readjust and brace your core.
  4121. >Heaving with all your might, you deadlift Coal’s rear end and barely get him high enough for both his hind hooves to find a perch on the seat again.
  4122. >He collapses onto the back seat - his chest heaving with each breath.
  4126. ”God damn. And I thought Celestia was heavy.” You take a step back and twist your torso, slightly concerned you might have injured yourself.
  4127. >”I’ve never felt this before.” Velvet says as she carefully walks around you and climbs into the back seat. “Feels like a horseshoe being hammered through my head.”
  4128. >”No kidding.” Stint agrees, still swaying where he stands.
  4129. >”At least- *huff* at least you two can still walk!” Coal yells out from inside the car.
  4130. “C’mon, Stint. Let's just get you three back up there and get you some medicine.”
  4131. >”You really aren’t the brightest Human. Are ya?”
  4132. >He gives you a disappointed look and shakes his head.
  4133. >”We’re not taking the medicine, Idiot.”
  4134. “C’mon, don’t be ridiculous, Stint. Something’s clearly not normal here.”
  4135. >“Doesn’t matter. We’re going to get help from Match Stick.”
  4136. “Match Stick? Are you kidding me? Match Stick doesn’t look like she’s slept in weeks.”
  4137. >”She still managed to do quite a number on you.”
  4138. ”I’m not the only one worse for wear, Mate.”
  4139. >You eye the swollen and bruised lump on his forehead as he tenderly rubs it with his hoof.
  4140. “And you’re counting on her to fix, what, rapid onset magic sickness? Mind explaining that one to me?”
  4141. >He looks to Velvet and Coal, who both nod at him from inside the car.
  4142. >”Celestia’s orders.”
  4143. >Pushing past you with a victorious smirk, he starts clambering into the back seat.
  4144. “Look I know you guys want to help out, but if we wait a few more days until Match Stick has rested...”
  4145. >None of them pay any heed to your words as Stint hoists himself up.
  4146. >His hooves also smack a little more deliberately against the door frame, taking off some more paint.
  4147. >These fucking ponies man.
  4148. “This is ridiculous. A few more days isn’t gonna-!”
  4149. >”It’s our choice to make, Anon. ” Velvet interrupts you with an apologetic smile. “And that’s been a pretty rare thing these past few years.”
  4150. >She’s taken a seat against the far door, Coal’s head resting against her thigh as he lays sprawled across the back seat.
  4151. >Her hoof gently running through his messy mane.
  4152. >The black stallion giving a very pleased hum of approval in return as he nuzzles against her gray fur.
  4153. >His bliss is short lived though, as a bumbling Stint tries to squeeze into what little space remains on the back seat by shoving against the bigger stallion’s butt with his own blue behind.
  4154. >“Stint.” Coal growls.
  4155. >”I can’t fit,” he says. “If you could just-”
  4156. >”There’s a front seat.”
  4157. >That wasn’t a suggestion.
  4158. >Trying to look anywhere but at Coal, the blue pony awkwardly clambers over the larger stallion and into the passenger seat.
  4162. “You’re all really gonna do this, aren’t you?”
  4163. >”There’s only one pony who can help us now, Anon. And she’s up in that house.” Velvet finishes with a sincere smile.
  4164. >A few ‘what if’ scenarios cross your mind, and a few arguments float across your tongue, but from the looks on their faces - you may as well be asking them for a million dollars each.
  4165. >Letting out a great big sigh - you hop into the driver’s seat, and soon you’re all up the hill and in front of the main house.
  4166. >When you park outside the front door, Stint and Velvet quickly open the doors with their mouths and hop out.
  4167. >Even if they struggle to do so as elegantly as they normally would.
  4168. >Coal is a different story - the large black pony standing perched on the edge of the car seat, breathing heavily.
  4169. “Do you need any-?”
  4170. >”Don’t you dare.” he growls back, warding you off with a leg.
  4171. >He eyes the dimly lit ground.
  4172. >Carefully repositions himself.
  4173. >Has a few false starts like a newborn pup.
  4174. >And leaps!
  4175. >You bear witness to his athletic feat as he leaps gracefully down from the seat, and immediately cringe as his legs buckle under his bulky frame.
  4176. >”Damnit!” he yells out as his legs crumple upon landing, sending him tumbling across the dusty ground.
  4177. >You’re tempted with making some kind of smart-ass comment, but the look of pure humiliation plastered on the proud pony’s face as he flails on the ground stays your tongue.
  4178. >You step toward the stallion and squat down.
  4179. >”No! I told you to-” he snarls.
  4180. “-Would you give it a fucking rest, alright? Celestia is at least enough of a stallion to accept my help.”
  4181. >He goes quiet.
  4182. >His lips pulled back along his muzzle, baring his teeth; and his sharp blue eyes digging a shameful hole in the ground.
  4183. >Hooking your hands under his barrel and shoulder, you brace again and lift for all you’re worth.
  4184. >With an audible grunt, you raise the stallion high enough so that he can get his scrambling hooves underneath himself and quickly let him go.
  4185. >Velvet quickly steps into his side to support him, and he takes a few ragged breaths.
  4186. “If it makes you feel any better, you’re heavier than Celestia.”
  4187. >He gives a dismissive grunt and leans heavily into Velvet, not even looking at you.
  4188. >Too tired to duke it out with the old horse, you move past him to open the front door for the trio, and they follow you into the living room.
  4192. >Thankfully, your belongings have been cleaned up.
  4193. >Considering the cluttered room for a moment, you briskly haul some of the ridiculous horse paraphernalia out of one of the far corners to make space for them.
  4194. >And after helping Coal gently down to the floor, the other two ponies lie down a respectable distance away on either side of him.
  4195. >They seem to be getting worse though.
  4196. >Velvet is still for barely a second before she shuffles closer and buries her head in Coal’s midsection - both of her eyes squeezed shut.
  4197. >Meanwhile, Stint is grasping the base of his horn with both of his hooves and as he gradually curls up into a ball.
  4198. >Coal’s exhausted eyes meet yours as you survey them, but he quickly looks away.
  4199. >There appears to be nothing more you can do for them.
  4200. “I hope you three are right about her.”
  4201. >So you’re off to the spare bedroom to fetch Match Stick.
  4202. >It’s only when you step into the hallway that you realize that there are no sounds coming from the other end of the house.
  4203. >No tortured screams.
  4204. >No cries for help.
  4205. >You’re thankful for the brief reprieve in this situation, and although curiosity calls, you push down the urge to put your ear against the door to Emily’s room and instead stop in front of the spare bedroom.
  4206. >You put your hand on the doorknob, but freeze when you hear it.
  4207. >Mystical.
  4208. >Enchanting.
  4209. >Alien.
  4210. >That chiming.
  4211. >Just the sound of it makes the hair stand on the back of your neck.
  4212. >What’s worse is that you have no idea what Match Stick could be doing with her magic.
  4213. >Mindful of the trio struggling in the living room, you don’t really have a choice here.
  4214. >Taking a deep breath, you gently turn the door knob.
  4215. >And open the door to find an alarming scene.
  4219. >Tinder is lying at the base of the bed, a trail of flecked blood staining the sheets in a gruesome path from the pillow the small grey colt was sleeping on to where he currently rests.
  4220. >Match Stick sits next to him - her eyes clenched shut and her horn blazing with magic as she brandishes it at him.
  4221. >And as for what she’s doing, you can barely comprehend the bizarre sight.
  4222. >The very colour of Tinder’s entire body looks like it’s being sucked away from him as if he were a water-based painting, pulled across the space between the ponies in a spiralling vortex that terminates at the tip of Match Stick’s horn.
  4223. >You now understand why you got that taboo feeling from the other ponies when Celestia discussed draining magic.
  4224. >It honestly looks as though Match Stick is sucking out her little brother’s soul.
  4225. >But isn’t this what she needs to be doing?
  4226. >You want to stop her.
  4227. >You want to encourage her.
  4228. >You want to wait and see what happens.
  4229. >Before you can decide though, the chiming cuts out, and the remaining ‘essence’ that has already detached from Tinder is sucked into the tip of Match Stick’s horn with a faint *phwoop*.
  4230. >The maroon mare suddenly sucks in a sharp breath.
  4231. >Her eyes shooting wide open with a delirious excitement.
  4232. >She giggles for a moment, before catching her composure and looking down at her brother - whose body has returned to normal and is no longer being stretched ethereally like the tortured work of some esoteric artist.
  4233. >Letting out a sigh, Match Stick carefully reaches a hoof down to his face and brushes a sweaty clump of mane out of his eyes.
  4234. “Is he okay?”
  4235. >”Eep!” springing half a metre into the air, Match Stick levitates her brother with her magic and hides him behind her back in an instant.
  4236. >You’re momentarily astounded.
  4237. >He floated through the air.
  4238. >Unassisted.
  4239. >Well, her telltale orange magic aura was wrapped around him.
  4240. >But still!
  4241. >For the first time, you’re not panicking, and that’s when it really hits you.
  4242. >Magic!
  4243. >Honest to god, abrakadabra magic!
  4244. >“He’s fine!” She says, avoiding your stare.
  4245. “Wait a minute!”
  4246. >Her amber eyes go wide.
  4247. >“I-I can explain!”
  4248. “Hey, think quick!”
  4249. >”Huh?”
  4250. >She barely reacts in time as you pull your keys out and gently toss them in her direction.
  4251. >Her horn flares to life, and sure enough, your keys suddenly stop in the middle of the air between you, suspended in that blazing orange aura.
  4252. >The maroon mare gives you a frown, but you’re too distracted to care.
  4253. >Gingerly reaching out with a finger, you playfully poke at the suspended metal.
  4254. >The keys drift a short distance away, and the orange light around them flares with intensity for an instant before going back to normal.
  4255. >”Having fun?”
  4256. >You look up and find Match Stick scowling back.
  4260. >Awareness hits you like a brick; and you snatch your keys out of the air and return them to your pocket.
  4261. >She flinches and quickly shuts off her magic before giving you another dirty look.
  4262. “Sorry. Got a bit carried away. I mean… It sorta hit me. In a good way! Like, uh, ‘Hey! Magic!’”
  4263. >”Please… Levitation is one of the first things Unicorns learn to do when we’re kids.” She says, almost bored.
  4264. >You’re a bit beside yourself though.
  4265. >What happened there?
  4266. >When you tossed the keys at her.
  4267. >No deep contemplation of your moment to moment movement.
  4268. >No careful consideration and reading of the room to determine a good course of action.
  4269. >You just… Did it.
  4270. >When was the last time you did that?
  4271. >Running a hand through your hair, you spot Tinder’s tail poking out from behind Match Stick.
  4272. ”Um, how is he?”
  4273. >Your glance at the trail of blood on the bed.
  4274. >”Oh! Right!”
  4275. >She quickly spins where she sits and looks over her little brother again.
  4276. >You lean around the relatively small pony and appraise her sibling.
  4277. >His chest steadily rises and falls.
  4278. >His breathing is still a little raspy.
  4279. >But other than that, he seems…
  4280. >Fine?
  4281. >Although the gray fur on his mouth and chest is stained with blood.
  4282. >He wasn’t this bad the last time you saw him.
  4283. “Here.”
  4284. >Reaching into your pocket, you pull out your handkerchief and offer it.
  4285. >The mare hesitates for a moment, before she reaches for it with a hoof.
  4286. >On impulse, you lean away from her.
  4287. >She raises an eyebrow, and gives you a confused look, before slowly igniting her horn and wrapping the handkerchief in her magic.
  4288. >This time, you let her grab it out of the air freely.
  4289. “Sorry… Now that I’m getting used to it, I feel like seeing how it works.”
  4290. >She gives you a weird look and turns back to her brother, carefully floating the cloth down to his face and rubbing some of the drying blood out of his fur.
  4291. >As she tends to him, you get distracted watching the way the handkerchief moves seemingly effortlessly through his fur.
  4292. >Her head leaning to and fro in sync with the motion of the cloth as it scrubs back and forth.
  4293. >Sometimes the brightness of the disembodied orange aura intensifies around the handkerchief and her horn brightens in sync, accompanied by a louder chiming as the handkerchief scrubs roughly against a particularly stubborn section of dried blood.
  4294. >The aura soon dims again, and after this process repeats a few more times, Match Stick decides she’s cleaned up all she can and turns back to you.
  4298. >”Thanks…” She mumbles as she levitates the blood stained cloth back in your direction.
  4299. “That’s ok. Keep it” You politely decline.
  4300. >She nods with a half smile, looks around a bit, shrugs her shoulders, neatly folds the handkerchief, and stuffs it into her bird’s nest of a mane.
  4301. >You shake your head.
  4302. >Of course.
  4303. >Where else could she put it?
  4304. >She has no pockets on account of not wearing any clothes, dumbass.
  4305. >”I think he’s ok. His breathing is a lot better than it was.”
  4306. “Is that because of the, uh-”
  4307. >You imitate the sound of her magic and pantomime the spiral of ‘essence’ being sucked into your imaginary horn.
  4308. >She rolls her eyes and giggles, her hoof tracing a small circle on the bed.
  4309. >Her energy catches you off guard.
  4310. >Just a few hours ago she was a dead-tired, skittish, shy pony with bags under her eyes.
  4311. >Now her face is noticeably cleaner, her features filled with more colour, and she bristles with an energy that says she might actually be able to help the other three in the living room.
  4312. >You chalk it up to weird magic stuff that you don’t understand yet as she starts rambling again.
  4313. >”Yea, I think so. I mean, Miss Celestia only taught me so much, so I don’t know if I got it right but, I mean, I think I did it right because she said I had to focus on the-”
  4314. “Match Stick.” You cut her off.
  4315. >She sheepishly hides behind her mane again and looks up at you.
  4316. “I’m not sure if you can tell, but I’m not really a magic expert-”
  4317. >A snicker escapes her lips.
  4318. “-so I’m gonna defer to your expertise.”
  4319. >She sits up a bit straighter.
  4320. “Now, was that the drain magic thingy that Celestia was talking about?”
  4321. >”I dunno-” she starts going again. “I think it was. But only because, ah, because Miss Cele-”
  4322. >You hold up a hand for her to stop.
  4323. >She catches herself and hides more of her face behind her mane.
  4324. “Yes, or No?”
  4325. >”Yes… I think…”
  4326. “Good enough.”
  4327. >You reach out a hand and brush her mane out of the way so that you can see both of her eyes.
  4328. >She recoils slightly, but stops herself.
  4329. “You did good.”
  4330. >Match Stick gives you a weak smile, but her amber eyes struggle to meet yours.
  4331. “Do you think you can do it again?”
  4332. >”Maybe, but…”
  4333. >The mare looks back at her brother.
  4334. >”I think I got all the magic out of him already...”
  4335. “I didn’t have him in mind.” you say.
  4336. >She tilts her head to the side and raises an eyebrow.
  4337. “You’ll see. They’re out in the living room.”
  4338. >”Who is?”
  4339. >Giving her a secretive grin, you lean over her and scoop up Tinder in a hand.
  4343. >”Hey, give him back!”
  4344. >An orange aura wraps around your wrist.
  4345. >You notice your heart rate quicken..
  4346. >But you bat those feelings away before they can get rolling.
  4347. >Despite her feeble protest, you lift the small colt up and perch him on your shoulder while keeping him steady there with your hand.
  4348. >Her magic offers up some small resistance, but it honestly feels like a small child trying to arm wrestle you at worst.
  4349. “He’ll be alright. I think it might do him some good to get out of this room though.”
  4350. >You look over the blood stained bed again.
  4351. “It’s getting a bit unsanitary if you ask me.”
  4352. >”But, but, where will he sleep?”
  4353. “On the couch of course.”
  4354. >Match Stick double takes.
  4355. >”W-what about sheets? He’s sick and he needs to stay warm!”
  4356. >That makes you turn around and hit her with a deadpan look.
  4357. ”Match Stick, it’s the middle of summer. There’s a sheet out on the couch, and if he starts shivering - I’ll wrap him up in some of my clothes.”
  4358. >She sits on the bed, panicky and grasping for words.
  4359. >Her brow furrows slightly, but as you pay no heed to her concerts, she lets out a great big huff and hops off the bed.
  4360. >”Can I at least carry him?”
  4361. “Nope.”
  4362. >Small pony hanging over your shoulder, you lead her out of the room.
  4363. >A small internal cheer sounding in your head when you hear an irritated grunt followed by the telltale sounds of her hooves tapping against the hardwood floor in your wake.
  4364. “So, not to repeat myself, but are you sure you can do the drain magic thing again?” you ask in a low voice so as your voice doesn’t inadvertently carry down the hallway.
  4365. >Wouldn’t want to disturb a certain pony.
  4366. >”I don’t know if I’m doing it right. But whatever it is, I can definitely do it again.”
  4367. >There’s a certain enthusiasm in her voice that throws you off, but there’s no point worrying about it now.
  4368. >Back in the living room, you quickly grab two shirts from your bag before parking yourself on the couch.
  4369. >So as to ease Match Stick’s concerns, you wrap Tinder up in your shirt and lay the other on the couch.
  4370. >Gently resting his head against a cushion emblazoned with dozens of horses, the young colt doesn’t even stir as you lay him down and try to tuck him in as best you can.
  4371. >”You gonna stand there all day?” Stint’s impatient voice calls out.
  4372. >Match Stick seems to have frozen in the wide entryway to the living room.
  4373. >Her frightened amber eyes looking to you for help.
  4374. >”Gonna need you to start doing your thing, Filly. Feels like my head is about to split open.”
  4375. >She mouths the word ‘help’..
  4376. “Just do what you did with Tinder and try your best.”
  4377. >”B-but this is too fast! It took me days before I got this bad!”
  4381. >She retreats.
  4382. >”I need more time to practice. Maybe if I can-”
  4383. >”No!”
  4384. >Coal's deep voice cuts through the air, making Match Stick’s head instantly lower and her tail tuck tightly between her legs.
  4385. >”No. No, no, no, no, no, no.” He weakly slams a hoof into the floor.
  4386. >You stay silent as he takes a laboured breath.
  4387. >”Wake up. Watch the herd. Take your meds. Go to sleep. Wake up. Watch the herd. Take your meds. Go to sleep. Wake up. Try to tell some other damned fool that it isn’t hopeless. Watch the herd. Take your meds. Go to sleep. Wake up. Stare at the road. Try not to think about everything you were. Take your meds. Go to sleep. Wake up. Watch the herd. Take your meds. Go to sleep. Wake up. Try not to think about it. Watch the Herd. Take your meds. Go to Sleep.”
  4388. >”Coal…” Velvet croaks, the mare clearly struggling more than the other two as her whole body shudders.
  4389. >”Every day I see more and more ponies come in. More rescues that we’ve brought back from the brink. But there’s no happiness. No hope. Only a long trail of... Broken ponies and broken dreams. Emily and Stint patch them up and give them enough medicine so that they can struggle along a little longer. But you can see it in their eyes.”
  4390. >With a great grunt of effort, Coal raises his head so that he can look you directly in the eyes.
  4391. >”It’s like we’re all waiting to die.”
  4392. >His blue eyes rage like a blizzard, with a cold fury that chills you to the core.
  4393. >”I’m sick of this life.” he continues. “This way of living each day as if I’m buying myself another day.”
  4394. >”But not anymore.” he looks back at Match Stick, the young mare looking down at her hooves..
  4395. >”We need to do this. Not for us, but for them. All of them out there who don’t know yet. Who don’t understand yet.”
  4396. >Match Stick ears rise, and she lifts her head to meet Coal's demanding gaze.
  4397. >”Celestia’s found us. And she’s going to take care of us. She’s going to look after us and guide us. Like she always has. And she always will.”
  4398. >His strength finally fails him, and his head falls back to the ground with a thunk.
  4399. >”We’re going to be alright.” His voice finally wavers. “We’re all going to be fine.”
  4400. >”I think what he means is, give it your best, Dear.” Velvet follows despite her struggles. “That’s all we can ask.”
  4401. >”Well, I can do a bit more than ask-”
  4402. “Stint. Just don’t.”
  4403. >With a huff, the blue coated stallion rolls his eyes and goes back to cradling his head.
  4407. “Like you said, Big Red. You can definitely do it again. So stop waiting for yourself and get to it. Start with Stint, he’s earned it.”
  4408. >”Hey wait a minute!-”
  4409. “If you can get your magic back first then we’ll have two unicorns who can drain magic. Two is better than one.”
  4410. >Looking a bit nervous, his chestnut brown eyes wander over to Velvet.
  4411. >”What about-”
  4412. >“While I'm sure she would be happy to volunteer, who do you think is better at medicine?” Coal answers, having calmed down a bit.
  4413. >Stint gives him a filthy look for so easily stoking his pride.
  4414. >But he doesn’t think long before he looks back at Match Stick.
  4415. >”Do what you gotta do.”
  4416. >Taking a big gulp, the young mare cautiously walks over to Stint, each step as light as if she were stepping on glass.
  4417. >Sitting down next to him, she levels her horn directly at the veterinary pony and takes a few deep breaths before closing her eyes.
  4418. >You keenly watch on from the couch as her horn lights up with her magic, and that now familiar chiming rings throughout the living room.
  4419. >A small point of light sparks to life at the tip of her horn and begins drifting through the air, slowly snaking its way in a spiral through the air and connecting with Stint.
  4420. >The moment it makes contact with his body, a small crackle of static electricity bounces across his fur, and he yelps.
  4421. >Match Stick jolts and cuts off her magic.
  4422. >”Celestia, damn it! That hurts!” Stint yells at full volume before quickly covering his mouth with his hooves.
  4423. >You all hold your breath and listen closely.
  4424. >The silence lingers for a few more moments before you all collectively sigh with relief.
  4425. >Thankfully, it doesn’t sound like his outburst disturbed anyone at the other end of the house.
  4426. >Leaving Tinder on the couch and grabbing a sock from your bag, you swiftly stride across the room.
  4427. >The shocked stallion is too slow to realize what you’re planning, but he still kicks up a futile resistance as you squeeze his cheeks open and shove the fabric between his teeth.
  4428. >Not the first time you’ve wrangeld a protesting pony.
  4429. “I’ll pull it out once she’s done.” Is all you say to the brown eyes staring daggers back at you.
  4430. ”Hey Match Stick,” you turn to the visibly shaken pony. “You hear that?”
  4431. >She can barely look at you.
  4432. >Hell, she looks like she wishes she were anywhere else but in this room.
  4433. “Hey, I asked if you hear that?”
  4434. >”Hear what?”
  4435. “The sound of your brother not coughing up his lungs every twenty seconds.”
  4436. >Match Stick flicks an ear, and listens closely for a few moments before rubbing her eyes with a leg.
  4437. >”Okay.”
  4438. “It sounds like this thing will hurt a bit. But that’s what they all signed up for. Do what you gotta do and get it done quickly. I’ll make sure they don’t kick up too much of a fuss, and I’ll let you know if it’s hurting too much.”
  4442. >To emphasise the point, you place a hand on Stint’s neck and another on his shoulder.
  4443. >You can feel the mother of all glares being levelled at you right now, but you ignore it for Match Stick’s sake.
  4444. >Wiping her face, the maroon mare looks down at the angry stallion, takes a few deep breaths and closes her eyes.
  4445. >Again, the small point of light floats out from her horn and spirals down to Stint.
  4446. >The instant it makes contact with his fur, an orange wave of energy washes over his body.
  4447. >Stint instantly reacts, his hooves twitching while he whimpers and groans around the sock in his mouth.
  4448. >The wave of energy finishes encircling the stallion, and suddenly, the colour from all the blue fur in his body starts bleeding past your hands and into the air .
  4449. >Just like before with Tinder, it spirals towards Match Stick’s horn where it finally terminates in an orange light at the tip.
  4450. >”Whoa!” her eyes open wide as the spiral starts pulling more and more magic from the poor stallion.
  4451. >It only lasts for a few moments before the colour being pulled from Stint starts getting thinner.
  4452. >Match Stick’s breathing quickens, and she licks her lips.
  4453. >The pain groaning coming from the blue stallion intensifies, and he starts struggling against you.
  4454. >There’s a real pain and desperation now in his eyes.
  4455. “I think that’s enough, Big Red.”
  4456. >But she doesn’t stop.
  4457. >Instead, she grins, and the aura around her horn intensifies.
  4458. >Stint immediately thrashes against you.
  4459. >His hooves flailing wildly and smashing against your arms as you struggle keeping him pinned against the floor.
  4460. “I said that’s enough, Match Stick!”
  4461. >The mare ignores your order and sustains the spell.
  4462. >”Anon, stop her!” Coal barks out.
  4463. >Taking your hand of Stint’s neck, you reach over and jab Match Stick in the base of the horn with your knuckle.
  4464. >Now it’s her turn to yelp as her eyes bug out and she grabs for her horn.
  4465. >The spell instantly cuts off as the last of Stint’s magical essence is vacuumed up.
  4466. >Letting the stallion go, you carefully pull the sock from his mouth.
  4467. “You alright, Stint?”
  4468. >His eyes slowly regain focus, and he wearily looks up at you.
  4469. “You okay, Champ?”
  4470. >”I better get my magic back from all of this.” he raises his hooves to his temples. “And when I do, I’m gonna see how you like getting held down against your will.”
  4471. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” you say as you help him sit up. “How’s your head?”
  4472. >He tilts his head at you, then his eyes light up.
  4473. >”It’s… Not good. Not bad either. The pressure has almost completely disappeared. But...”
  4474. >He turns to Match Stick.
  4478. >”Hey.”
  4479. >Still nursing her horn between her hooves, she keeps her head lowered.
  4480. >”I’m talking to you, Match Stick.”
  4481. >Slowly, she raises her head and meets his glare.
  4482. >”I know this isn’t your forté, but you’ve gotta stop when the magic starts running dry.”
  4483. >He shakes his head.
  4484. >”You drained too much, and now I can feel the magic deficiency creeping in.”
  4485. >Without responding she looks back to the ground.
  4486. >”How long did that last?” Stint turns back to you.
  4487. “I dunno, barely 20 seconds. I wasn’t really counting.”
  4488. >Stint looks up at the ceiling and sighs.
  4489. >”Probably 5 seconds too long. We’re probably going to have to do that a few more times before this is over as well. And I'm really not looking forward to doing that again.”
  4490. “What does it feel like?”
  4491. >The incredulous stare he gives you almost makes you feel embarrassed that you asked.
  4492. “Hey, it's just… It looks really weird, and I don’t know much about magic. Humour me.”
  4493. >Giving you a disapproving look, the stallion rolls his eyes.
  4494. >”You’re on the same level as a damned unicorn colt, I swear.”
  4495. >His gaze wanders over to Velvet and Coal, who are looking a little less eager to have their magic drained than a few minutes ago.
  4496. >”I’m not gonna lie, it’s not pleasant.”
  4497. >He turns towards them and sits down.
  4498. >“It starts off feeling like a bunch of thin needles pushing under your skin all over your body.”
  4499. >His whole body shivers.
  4500. >”Then, it’s as if all of them start drawing blood at the same time.”
  4501. >Velvet’s gray complexion immediately pales.
  4502. >”You can tell the moment you run out of magic. It’s like all those needles run dry, so they start scratching and scraping under your skin for more. It gets really bad and real painful, real quick.”
  4503. >Stint stands up and stretches his legs.
  4504. >”Can’t argue with the results though. Even if Little Miss Glutton over here did guzzle down a bit too much of my magic.”
  4505. “Lay off her, Stint, she’s trying her best.”
  4506. >He considers Match Stick for a few moments - the mare still hanging her head while she carefully rubs the bruised base of her horn - then looks back at you.
  4507. >You nod insistently in her direction.
  4508. >Sighing as loudly as he can, Stint shuffles over and puts a hoof on her shoulder.
  4509. >”Look, I know that I can be a bit… Abrasive? Something Emily says a lot.”
  4510. >”How about: ‘arrogant’, or ‘know-it-all’, or ‘selfish jackass’.” Coal cheerfully chimes in.
  4511. >”Thank you for your valued contribution, Coal... Anyway.” He looks around for the right words. “I’m a bit irritated because you really did go a bit too far. But hey, it’s a learning process.”
  4515. >Pulling his hoof away from her shoulder to scratch awkwardly at the back of his neck, a genuine smile creeps across Stint’s face.
  4516. >”But hey, you know what matters most?”
  4517. >Finally, Match Stick questioningly looks up at him.
  4518. >”It works. You did good.”
  4519. >He pauses.
  4520. >”It works…”
  4521. >Looks down at his hooves.
  4522. >”... I’m gonna get my magic back.”
  4523. >Stint mutters the phrase a few more times. Rolling it around on his tongue to see how it tastes.
  4524. >Then he looks up at Coal and Velvet. Some tears skirmishing at the corners of his eyes.
  4525. >”I’m gonna get my magic back!”
  4526. >Turning back to Match Stick, he slams both of his hooves against the floor in celebration.
  4527. >”Shhhh!” all of you collectively admonish him.
  4528. >He lowers his head and flattens his ears back apologetically, but the words still dance across his tongue.
  4529. >”I’m gonna get my magic back…”
  4530. >Not in the last three years since they showed up in this world have you ever seen a pony smile the way Stint is now.
  4531. >”Alright.” he shakes his head. “I’ve got a decent idea on what to look for now, so I'm gonna do my best to help you the rest of the way, Big Red. Deal?”
  4532. >A relieved look in her eyes, Match Stick nods.
  4533. >”Right then. What are we waiting for-” he turns with a wicked grin. “-Well, Coal?”
  4534. >The guardstallion gives him a grin.
  4535. >”That’s a good look on your face, Stint. Anon, can you help Velvet up?”
  4536. >Quickly helping the poor mare move, you sit a short distance away with her as this time Stint eagerly walks up to Coal.
  4537. >”You realise you're dead if you put a hoof on me.” Coal growls.
  4538. >”That bluff didn’t work on me when we first brought you in, and it’s not gonna work now.”
  4539. >Coal shares a surprised look with you as you try not to laugh.
  4540. >Suddenly the tables are turned, and now the stalwart ashen stallion is looking a bit fidgety as a newly confident Stint sits down behind him.
  4541. >Mimicking you, he puts one hoof on Coal’s neck and the other on his shoulder
  4542. >”If you would, Match Stick?” he nods at her.
  4543. >But she won’t come any closer.
  4544. >”M-Maybe if I do Miss Velvet first?” She looks to the older mare for help.
  4545. >”Look, I’m not gonna hit you again.” Coal grunts.
  4546. >”He better not.” Velvet quips from your side.
  4547. >His ears splaying back like a dog who got scolded by its owner, Coal tries his best to smile at Match Stick.
  4548. “It’s ok, Big Red. He can barely stand as it is. He couldn’t hurt a fly right now.”
  4549. >”... If you say so.”
  4550. >She walks over and sits down a few feet away from him.
  4551. >”Uh, sure you can cast the spell from there?” he raises an eyebrow.
  4552. >”Yup. Very sure.”
  4553. >”Let’s get this show on the road. I wanna get a front row seat on how that spell works.” Stint eagerly insists.
  4557. >Rolling her eyes, Match Stick refocuses; and once again, the tiny point of light forms at her horn and spirals down to Coal.
  4558. >He watches the point of light the whole way, until it hits his fur.
  4559. >The orange light flares, and electricity shoots across the guardstallion’s fur.
  4560. >But he doesn’t yelp or cry out.
  4561. >He just gives Stint a bored look as the colour starts draining from his body.
  4562. >”H-hurts, doesn’t it, Coal?”
  4563. >”I’ve had worse.”
  4564. >Taking his hooves off the scarred Guardstallion, Stint sheepishly steps back and monitors Match Stick.
  4565. >The stallion’s magic has to travel a bit further to get to Match Stick’s horn, but still, something is different.
  4566. “This is taking a bit long, isn’t it?”
  4567. >Stint was sucked dry in 15 seconds.
  4568. >Coal has been going on for 30 seconds now.
  4569. >Speak of the devil, as shortly after you speak up, the stallion’s whole body spasms.
  4570. >Match Stick seems to be a bit more observant this time though, and she instantly cancels the spell.
  4571. >Though as the last of Coal’s essence is sucked into her horn, you notice the maroon mare shivering with a dopey grin on her face.
  4572. “You doing alright, Coal? Match Stick?”
  4573. >”Wha-?” Match stick half answers, gazing off into space while intermittently flicking her tail from one side to the other.
  4574. >”Yeah, I’m fine.”
  4575. >The bulky Earth pony rolls onto his stomach and puts his hooves under himself.
  4576. >”Better than fine, actually.”
  4577. >He strains his hooves against the ground a couple of times, then lets out a loud grunt as he pushes himself upright in one swift motion.
  4578. >”No magic yet, but still, I can hardly believe it.” he says, inspecting his body for any surprise defects.
  4579. >”I know right? Do you understand what I’m talking about now?” Stint smirks.
  4580. >Coal furrows his brow, then quickly lowers himself to the ground and does a few of those pony push-ups Emily recommended for Celestia.
  4581. >The difference between their forms is clear as night and day as he swiftly knocks out a set of five with the practiced precision you would expect of a member of the guard.
  4582. >Seeing how it should be done, you make a mental note to run through the other exercises with Coal before you leave.
  4583. >Unless…
  4584. >Before you can follow that trail of thought, Coal finishes his mini-workout with an explosive push-off from the ground, launching his bulky frame into the air and confidently landing on all fours.
  4588. >He gives Stint a nod - to the veterinary stallion’s immense joy - before he looks over at you and Velvet.
  4589. >”Ready to start galloping down the road to getting your magic back, Velvet?”
  4590. >”Don’t mind little old me over here.” the mare in question winces. “Feels like a bug is crawling under my horn is all.”
  4591. >Match Stick, who throughout Coal’s exercises had been staring off into eternity, suddenly snaps out of her stupor and practically gallops over to Velvet.
  4592. >”Miss Velvet, is the base of your horn getting super itchy?”
  4593. >”Yes, Dear. It…” She squints her eyes shut and shakes her head a few times. “It feels like it’s about to pop.”
  4594. >The colour drains from Match Stick’s face, and her horn instantly lights up.
  4595. >”No no! Wait!” Velvet protests, waving her hooves at the young mare.
  4596. >Interestingly, Match Stick extinguishes her horn and looks pleadingly into the blue eyes of the older mare.
  4597. >”I need to drain your magic right now, or something really bad might happen.”
  4598. >Velvet wilts under Match Stick insistence, and paws at the ground with a hoof.
  4599. >”Promise you won’t laugh…?
  4600. >Everybody nods.
  4601. >”I’ve... Always hated needles.”
  4602. >”Pfft Ha-”
  4603. >”Stint!” Coal barks.
  4604. >The blue coated stallion snaps his mouth shut and innocently looks away.
  4605. >”Don’t worry about what that idiot said.” Coal says as he walks over.
  4606. >”It’s more like having a dead leg because you slept on it wrong. And it looks like the little lady here is getting used to the spell now, aren’t you?”
  4607. >”Yes, yes Sir. I am, Sir!” She nods insistently, noticeably leaning as far away as she can from him as he approaches.
  4608. >You quickly get out of the way and hop up on the couch with the still sleeping Tinder, and he gives you a thankful nod.
  4609. >Looking nervously between the two, Velvet hesitates for a few more seconds before giving up.
  4610. >”Alright. Just… Make it quick.”
  4611. >As soon as the words leave her lips, Match Stick’s horn blazes to life.
  4612. >Faster than all the times before, that small point of light rips through the air and hits Velvet's body.
  4613. >Coal secures her in a tight hug as the spell races over across her form, and magic begins bleeding from her.
  4614. >She steadily whimpers and fidgets throughout, but with Coal holding her in place, she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
  4615. >You start counting the seconds.
  4616. >5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
  4617. >You share a nervous look with Stint as Velvet squirms more and more.
  4618. >It’s only as you count past a minute does Velvet start thrashing her head from side to side.
  4622. >Match Stick immediately cuts the spell, and the poor older mare takes a few very desperate breaths.
  4623. >”I thought *huff* I said to make it *huff* make it quick.”
  4624. >”It’s alright now. You did good, Velvet.” Coal says.
  4625. >The two ponies cuddling as Velvet shivers.
  4626. >You’re glad that things appear to be going well, but not everything is as it should be.
  4627. >Match Stick visibly glows - her mane now perfectly clean and tidy while her face is as fresh as spring morning rain.
  4628. >The pace of the young mare’s breathing is fast, and wild amber eyes dart drunkenly around the room.
  4629. “You ok, Match Stick?”
  4630. >Her eyes instantly zero in on you. And she watches you warily like a wild animal before her buggy irises finally return to normal.
  4631. >”I need to use the little mare's room.” she bleats out and immediately bolts into the hallway and out of sight.
  4632. >You hear her hooves galloping down the hallway before another door slams shut.
  4633. “Is she alright, Stint?”
  4634. >He looks at you and hesitates for a second.
  4635. >”I… Don’t know.” he admits. “Magic deficiency and intolerance were such insanely rare conditions that they’d normally be treated at research hospitals. And we always had other alternatives. If the Princess wasn’t… Well... the Princess, I would have called horse-apples on her when she talked about ‘draining magic’.” He air quotes the last words with his hooves.
  4636. >”I’ve never heard of it either.” Coal says as he reluctantly lets go of Velvet.
  4637. >The older mare slumping to her hooves and leaning gratefully against him.
  4638. >“Not once in all my years in the royal regiment.”
  4639. “Wouldn’t a guard need to know about something like that? I mean, if someone went around sucking magic out of everyone, and if it caused a lot of pain if they took too much....”
  4640. >”I get what you’re saying. But still, never seen or heard of it. The closest thing that comes to mind is changelings.”
  4641. “Changelings?”
  4642. >You wrack your brain, but ‘changeling’ doesn’t come up in your ‘list of equestrian creatures’ folder.
  4643. >”Nasty bugs. They can change their outer appearance to look like ponies or any other creature, and they feed on love and affection.”
  4644. >The bulky stallion shivers at the thought.
  4645. >A strange creature mixed between the alien from Alien, and those screaming creatures from Invasion of the Body Snatchers comes to mind.
  4646. >Pushing aside questions of changelings, Match Stick still worries you.
  4647. >There’s not much you know about magic though, so you’d better keep an eye on her over the next few days.
  4648. “Are you all feeling alright now?”
  4649. >”Much better.” Velvet sighs and gives you a smile. “Though I’ll be a horse’s aunt if it doesn’t feel like the cure is worse than the disease.”
  4653. >”It’s worth it though.” Stint says. “Just think, a couple of days from now… we’ll have our magic back. What are you gonna do first, Coal?”
  4654. >”Well, there’s this big outcropping of rocks a fair way into the woods out the back of the practice. I haven’t done much prospecting since before we left Equestria, so it’ll be nice to see if I can find something worth diggin up. Plus it’ll be good to have my old strength back. How about you, Stint?”
  4655. >Wait, what? His old strength?
  4656. >”I’m not gonna be able to just cut someone up and go to town, but it’ll be nice to tinker again. Plus the medical devices I’ve read up on in this world seem like something from a fevered dream a delirious med student would have had back home.”
  4657. >Stint’s eyes fall slightly.
  4658. >”Though up until now, I’ve sort of been avoiding learning about anything I’d need my magic to use. Didn’t feel right, y’know?”
  4659. >”Yea, I know what you mean.”
  4660. >”I haven’t written anything in so long.” Velvet wistfully joins in. “Always felt like I’d be ruining it if I didn’t have my magic.”
  4661. >The other two nod in agreement.
  4662. “Should be exciting times.” you awkwardly chime in.
  4663. >All three of them give you an apologetic smile but you waive it away.
  4664. “Don’t worry about me. I know all of you have been waiting for a day like this for a long time. Don’t let me get in the way.”
  4665. >”Get in the way? You’re my first test dummy for cooking!” Stint beams.
  4666. >”I’ll be praying for you, Anon.”
  4667. >”S-Shut up, Coal. I’ll have you know I'm not too shabby when it comes to brunch.”
  4668. >”I’m sure we’ll all enjoy having some of your cooking, Sweetey.”
  4669. >You laugh with the others at the indigent look on Stint’s face, but the laugh slowly dies down into tired infectious yawns.
  4670. >Match Stick still isn’t back from the bathroom, but quite frankly, you’re way too tired from today.
  4671. >You’ve done your part, you got them up the hill, and you got Match Stick to drain your magic.
  4672. >If she’s in trouble, one of the others can help her out.
  4673. >Quickly checking that her sleeping brother is still okay, you grab a pillow and lie down on the floor.
  4674. >You say goodnight to the three ponies, and they respond in kind before continuing to chatter away about their magic as you doze off.
  4675. >But as you drift away, you can’t help but picture Celestia cooking something for you.
  4676. >Her horn blazing purple as pots and pans fly around the kitchen.
  4677. >The smile on her face as she announces she’s done.
  4678. >And what does she put on your plate?
  4679. >It kind of looks like a… Sort of a... like a kind of…
  4681. ============================================================================================
  4683. 30
  4685. ============================================================================================
  4687. >Oh man.
  4688. >Your neck.
  4689. >Your arms.
  4690. >Your back.
  4691. >Your pussy and your cra-
  4692. >Enough of that.
  4693. >Everything feels like it’s been through a wood chipper.
  4694. >After probably the longest day in your life, you’d like nothing more than to spend today curled up in bed at home.
  4695. >Maybe shut out the world for a few weeks.
  4696. >But things are never that simple.
  4697. >As indicated by the small something lying on your back.
  4698. >”Tinder!” a hushed whisper pleads. “Get off him!”
  4699. >The creature shuffles, his small hooves digging into your back, but stays put.
  4700. >”Right now!”
  4701. >Match Stick’s voice squeaks an octave higher, and she thumps the couch
  4702. >As much as you’d like to be accommodating, your back is not a 5 star Bed N’ Breakfast.
  4703. >Not after the day you just had.
  4704. >You let out a groan.
  4705. >They pause.
  4706. >”Tinder!”
  4707. >But the colt refuses to budge.
  4708. >Alright then.
  4709. >You drag your hands down to your side and push up off the floor.
  4710. >”Whoa, whoa, whoa!”
  4711. >The small pony on your back yells out, struggling with his footing.
  4712. >As you stand up, you expect him to jump off; but instead his hooves hook onto your shoulders.
  4713. >Letting out a sigh, you rise to your full height and face a mortified Match Stick.
  4714. ”Morning, Big Red. You get a good night’s sleep?”
  4715. >“Yeah…”
  4716. >You stretch your neck to one side.
  4717. “I think you're missing something.”
  4718. >A soft giggle comes from your back.
  4719. >”Sorry… If you could just turn around?”
  4720. >Stifling a yawn, you spin on the spot.
  4721. >Tinder laughs as he swings with the turn, holding on with all his might.
  4722. >Despite the fog of sleep still hanging over you, something about the colt’s joy is infectious.
  4723. >Rather than stopping so his sister can pull him off, you spin another half circle.
  4724. >He swings back the other way.
  4725. >His childish laughter taunts you.
  4726. >A primal desire to send him flying across the room swells in your chest.
  4728. >You pick up the pace and twist to and fro faster.
  4729. >Holding on for dear life, the Colt squeals and giggles with delight.
  4730. >”W-Wait! Stop!”
  4731. >”Anon, please don’t.”
  4732. >Match Stick frowns at you and crosses her hooves.
  4733. >Oh.
  4734. >Maybe it’s best you don’t give her sickly brother the Evil Knievel experience.
  4735. >You stop spinning.
  4736. >”Hey, wha-?”
  4737. >Reaching behind your head with both hands, you grab the small pony by his fore-hooves and lift him up and over so that he’s hanging in front of you.
  4738. >He feebly kicks at the air, a playful fire burning in his familiar amber eyes as you hold firmly.
  4739. ”And just who might you be?”
  4740. >”Wouldn’t you like to know!”
  4741. >Oh?
  4742. “We have ways of making you talk!” You threaten him in your best fake German accent.
  4743. >He stares you down.
  4744. “Very Well.”
  4745. >Grabbing both of his hooves in one hand above his head, you move your free hand down to his chest.
  4746. >He playfully takes a bite at your fingers, but you pull them back in time and take advantage of the opening.
  4747. >It occurs to you that you don’t really know where ponies are ticklish, but that doesn’t stop you from going to town on his chest and his… leg-pits?
  4748. >Under-forelegs?
  4749. >What do you even call that point on a pony where the forelegs meet the body?
  4750. >”W-wait, hah, p-please don’t!” he begs.
  4751. >Either way, it seems to get the job done.
  4752. >Laughing and kicking at the air, Tinder tries to twist out from under your fingers.
  4753. >Resistance is futile.
  4754. >With the young colt now completely at your mercy, you glance back at Match Stick and catch her smiling.
  4755. >She catches her expression, and re-furrows her brow.
  4756. >But it’s not very convincing.
  4757. >Until Tinder starts coughing.
  4759. >A wet rasping sound straight from the throat that makes his chest heave.
  4760. >Before you can react, Match Stick wraps him in her magic and pulls.
  4761. >The brush of her ethereal aura skittering across your skin like a slimy cockroach.
  4762. >You drop the colt.
  4763. >Your heart pounding in your chest as you move a hand to your collarbone.
  4764. >Match Stick doesn’t seem to notice as she catches and floats him down to the couch.
  4765. >This lets you gather yourself and you look over the young colt wheezing on the sofa.
  4766. “You okay Champ?”
  4767. >Your blood stained handkerchief floats out from somewhere in Match Stick’s mane and covers his mouth.
  4768. >After a few more wet coughs, Tinder’s chest stops heaving; and he takes a few deep, careful breaths.
  4769. >”See? This is why you need to stay still.”
  4770. >A small glass of water levitates up from the floor to his lips.
  4771. >He gulps down several mouthfuls, then pushes it away with a hoof.
  4772. >The young pony leering at his sister as he takes a few more deep haggard breaths
  4773. >The sound of water sloshing draws your attention to the floor, where a pail of reddish water sits.
  4774. >A magicked cloth dipping in and out of it.
  4775. >”I get that you wanna play, Tinder. But you’ve been sick for a long time. You need to take it easy for a while.”
  4776. >She brings the handkerchief back to his mouth
  4777. >Still wheezing into the handkerchief, the young colt rolls his eyes and looks up at you.
  4778. >You squat down to his eye level and give him an apologetic smile.
  4779. “My name is Anon. Nice to finally talk to you, Tinder.”
  4780. >His eyes go wide and he looks at his sister.
  4781. >”He didn’t do anything weird to me, did he?” he mumbles through the fabric.
  4782. “Hey! Do I look like the kind of guy who would do something like that?”
  4783. >He looks you over from head to toe.
  4784. “Don’t answer that.”
  4785. >The colt giggles again behind the handkerchief.
  4787. >It sets off another small bout of coughing, but this time it doesn’t sound nearly as wet.
  4788. >”No, he didn’t do anything to you. Which is more than I can say for myself if you don’t sit still!”
  4789. >Match Stick punctuates the threat by rubbing with a bit more force at the few remaining splotches of dried blood in his fur with the damp rag.
  4790. >He squirms under her efforts, though begrudgingly stays put.
  4791. >Leaving the siblings to sort each other out, you rub some of the grime from your tired eyes and look over the room.
  4792. >Velvet is curled up in a corner, a warm smile across her muzzle.
  4793. >Her sleeping partner is nowhere to be seen though.
  4794. >You smile back and give her a polite nod.
  4795. >And she returns it.
  4796. >A short distance away, Stint lies on the ground examining your phone.
  4797. >And head resting on his barrel, a haggard Emily is completely conked out.
  4798. >Her hair is tangled and greasy, small bruises and cuts sprinkled across her arms, and you can even spot the familiar indents of a bite mark or two.
  4799. >She stirs in her sleep as a sunbeam creeps across her face, and pulls a small blanket up over her head.
  4800. “Seems like it’s gonna be another sunny day today.”
  4801. >Looking out the window at the front lawn of the practice treats your eyes to a beautiful sunrise scattered across the dew stained sunburnt yellow grass.
  4802. >The herd is up bright and early as well, congregating once again around the makeshift tables and chairs from last night’s ruined dinner.
  4803. >Though seeing the broken tables makes the thought you’d been ignoring since waking finally rear its ugly head.
  4804. >How is she?
  4805. >You quietly move over to the entryway, peer down the hall towards Celesita’s room, and see the missing stalwart guardstallion standing vigilant at the door to the bedroom.
  4806. >His blue eyes notice you.
  4807. >And although he doesn’t look directly your way, his scarred chest swells with pride as he stands guard with perfect equine posture.
  4808. >There’s also the distinct rumbling of a washing machine coming from somewhere else in the house.
  4809. >Giving him a small wave, you move over to Velvet’s side and sit down on the ground next to her.
  4811. >”Good morning, Anon!”
  4812. ”Morning, Velvet. Sleep well?”
  4813. >She lets out a satisfied sigh.
  4814. >”Coal has a lot of muscle in a lot of good places, I’ll tell you that much.”
  4815. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  4816. >She winks back at you.
  4817. >”How about you, Anon? You look like you barely slept.”
  4818. ”Yea, fine, fine.”
  4819. >She raises an eyebrow.
  4820. ”Just passed right out until something climbed up on my back.”
  4821. >”Oh forgive him, Dear. After he finally woke up, he was a bit restless. Got a bit of a mischievous glint in his eyes when he saw you lying on the floor.”
  4822. “Is that so…”
  4823. >Twiddling your thumbs, you’re a bit unsure how to naturally steer the conversation, when Velvet finally volunteers the information.
  4824. >”She’s fine, Anon. Celestia finally went to sleep about an hour or so ago when the sun started coming up. That’s when Emily came out.”
  4825. >The vet in question snorts rather ungracefully from under the blanket and squeezes Stint a little tighter.
  4826. >He smirks at you.
  4827. >A smug grin plastered across his dark blue muzzle.
  4828. >”She said-” Velvet continues. “that after the first few hours, the cramps finally subsided. Celestia was more distressed about being locked in the room than anything else.”
  4829. “Right...”
  4830. >You look over at Match Stick, the mare using little bursts of magic to tug and hold Tinder’s face at different angles so that she can clean him easier.
  4831. >The colt is trying to lean away from the wet cloth as much as he can, making her job as difficult as possible.
  4832. “Did she say how long she thinks it’ll take?”
  4833. >”She didn’t really, but from my own run in with things like this - it usually takes a couple of weeks. The drugs might leave her body quickly, but she also might have grown a nasty dependency on them... But then again, she’s an alicorn, Anon. So it’s hard to say.”
  4835. >She’s trying to be honest, but the words still elicit a deep sigh from you.
  4836. >As you start sinking back into the well of your own thoughts, the mare nudges you in the arm with a hoof and gives you a smile.
  4837. >”Putting aside the more serious matters, I think it’s a lovely morning for a walk, Anon. Care to join me?”
  4838. “Um… Well, I-”
  4839. >“It’s such a beautiful day after all.”
  4840. >The mare hops to her hooves, cutting off your response .
  4841. >Making her way to the front door, Velvet leaves you scrambling for an excuse.
  4842. >”C’mon, no time like the present!”
  4843. >Mulling it over - it’s honestly not a bad idea..
  4844. >Her smile stretches wider.
  4845. >There’s nothing for you to do with Celestia the way she is, and you have no plans on actually leaving the practice; so you rise to your feet and stretch out a few sore muscles.
  4846. >As you stand and follow her, you glance around the room and catch a pair of amber eyes quickly looking away.
  4847. >Still leaning away from his sister as she cleans him, Tinder smolders on the couch.
  4848. >Match Stick keeps insisting he get some more rest, but the young colt won’t have it.
  4849. >Getting an idea, you cross the distance of the room to your bag with a few steps and quickly change your shirt.
  4850. >On your way back to Velvet, you stop at the couch and crouch down.
  4851. “Would you like to come for a walk with us?”
  4852. >The young colt’s amber eyes light up, and he looks to his sister.
  4853. >”Can I go, Match Stick?”
  4854. >“No.” she flatly denies him. “You need to rest.”
  4855. >”But-”
  4856. >“No, Tinder! You need to rest until you get back your strength!”
  4857. >But-”
  4858. >”No ‘Buts’.”
  4859. >He scowls at her.
  4860. “I’ve got an idea.”
  4861. >Before Match Stick can stop you, you reach forward and pick up the colt.
  4862. >”Whoa!”
  4863. >”Hey!?”
  4864. >A yelp of surprise escapes him, and his sister protests as you quickly lift him up onto your shoulder.
  4866. ”He’ll be fine up here. Some sun and fresh air might do him a world of good, yeah?”
  4867. >”Lets gooo!” he gleefully chirps.
  4868. >”Don’t you think it’s a bit rude to pick someone up without asking them first?”
  4869. “You’re right. Do you want me to put you down Tinder?”
  4870. >”No way, this is awesome! I’m so tall!” he adds, grinning down at his sister.
  4871. “And there you have it. He gets to go outside without exerting himself. You get him out of your hair for a bit, and I get a shoulder pony. Everyone wins. Let’s ride.”
  4872. >”Yeah!”
  4873. >You turn to leave, but again, you feel something needling at the back of your head.
  4874. >Looking back at Match Stick on the couch, a vein looks like it’s about to burst on her forehead.
  4875. >She seems to have gotten a bit of sleep last night, but the post absorption glow from draining the others' magic seems long gone as her mane has returned to a frazzled mess, and her coat is stained with natural patches of greasy fur.
  4876. “What are you sitting there for? You’re coming too, Big Red.”
  4877. >Her eyes go wide.
  4878. “No magic though. Same goes for you, Tinder.” You poke the colt in the nose, making his face scrunch up. “Not a single word about your Sister’s magic while we’re outside, otherwise you lose riding privileges.”
  4879. >”Yessir!” he nods obediently.
  4880. >Match Stick doesn’t hop off the couch though.
  4881. >Her eyes go to Emily, the vet still bear-hugging Stint in her sleep.
  4882. >The stallion only rolls his eyes and nods for the maroon mare to go.
  4883. >”As long as you can hide that cutie mark.”
  4884. >She thinks for a moment, then looks over at your bag..
  4885. >Magicking over one of your large shirts without your permission, Match Stick quickly wraps it around her rear.
  4886. >Covering up the obvious Match Stick emblem emblazoned on her haunches.
  4887. >Efficiently hiding her namesake.
  4888. “That was my favorite shirt y’know?”
  4889. >”Sorry.”
  4890. >She gives you a guilty smile.
  4891. “C’mon then.”
  4893. >”Anon, are you coming?” Velvet calls from the front door.
  4894. >Before joining her, you quickly step over to Stint - the blue stallion’s ears folding back as you tower over him.
  4895. >”What? I didn’t do nothin’!”
  4896. “My phone?”
  4897. >”Oh.” he glances down at the device. “Right.”
  4898. >”Can you bend down? I’m sort of-”
  4899. >He shifts his midsection.
  4900. >Emily lets out a grumble in her sleep and squeezes him tight.
  4901. >”-on pillow duty”
  4902. >Rolling your eyes, you secure Tinder with a hand as you lean down.
  4903. >The young colt barely suppresses a squeal of joy as if he were on a rollercoaster.
  4904. >Putting the slightly sticky device in your pocket, and with Match Stick and her brother in tow, you step out the front door with Velvet and follow her lead as she starts down the driveway.
  4905. >Cold air sweeps into your face as the grass-stained aroma of the countryside washes over you..
  4906. >The herd immediately notices your emergence, and you recognize a few faces from last night as they raise hooves and wave at you.
  4907. >A small cheer comes from the colts and fillies pottering around as you wave back.
  4908. >Tinder joins you in waving back from your shoulder, the young pony’s eyes glittering in the morning sun.
  4909. >”They really enjoyed the movie last night, Anon.” Velvet says. “It’s a pity you nodded off so quickly. Though I will admit, seeing you dozed off as the little ones used you as a human couch helped put a lot of ponies at ease.”
  4910. >She laughs a sympathetic laugh, the notes of her mature voice carrying so wonderfully through the air.
  4911. >”It’s not often we get to enjoy something like that…”
  4912. “Glad you all could have a good time.”
  4913. >The pony on your shoulder twists around to look at his sister, the young mare lagging behind.
  4914. >”What are they talking about?”
  4915. >Before she can answer him, you chime in.
  4916. “C’mon, Big Red, pick up the pace.”
  4918. >She pulls her gaze up from the ground and trots faster.
  4919. >Falling in line next to Velvet once she catches up.
  4920. >Her head hangs low again as she looks away from the herd and hides behind the older Mare.
  4921. “What we’re talking about, Tinder, is a movie. I’ll show you guys later.”
  4922. >”Yea but what is it?”
  4923. “Trust me, you’ll enjoy it.”
  4924. >”Yeah… But what is it?” he asks again.
  4925. “It’s a movie.”
  4926. >”But what’s a movie?”
  4927. “You’ll find out later.”
  4928. >But what is it?”
  4929. ”It’s a movie.”
  4930. >”Wha-a-at i-is i-it?” He whines and and weakly slaps your chest.
  4931. “You’ll find out later.”
  4932. >”But I want to know now!” he whines again.
  4933. “You’ll find out la-ate-e-er!” you whine back.
  4934. >”Is he always like this?” he changes gears and complains to his amused sister.
  4935. >She smiles and lifts her head a bit higher.
  4936. >It isn’t long until your little band hits the edge of the driveway, but when you stop, Velvet keeps walking.
  4937. >A knot twists in your stomach, and you glance back at the house..
  4938. “Uhh, How far were you planning on going?”
  4939. >”Oh it’s not too far now. I know this really good spot up the road!”
  4940. ”Hang on.”
  4941. >She looks back at you.
  4942. “Did Coal show it to you?”
  4943. >Velvet finally stops.
  4944. >”Anon, Dear.”
  4945. >The mare considers you with sympathetic teal eyes.
  4946. >”I know you’re worried about her, I am too. But it’ll do you a world of good if you put some distance between you and that place. Just soak in the surroundings.”
  4947. >The older pony approaches you.
  4948. >”You three have been through a lot recently.”
  4949. >Her gaze bounces from you, to Tinder, before finally resting on Match Stick.
  4950. >”Some more than others.”
  4951. >Match Stick lowers her head almost to the ground and tries to hide behind her mane from Velvet’s eyes.
  4953. >”A walk can help you get away from things. Even if it’s just for a little bit.”
  4954. >She approaches Match Stick and lifts up her head with a hoof.
  4955. >”Just focus on putting one hoof in front of the other, Sweetheart, so that you keep on moving forward. That’s all I'm asking.”
  4956. >The maroon mare tries to give her a smile, but it’s forced at best.
  4957. >”And you, Anon.”
  4958. >Velvet gives you a sharp look.
  4959. >”I understand you’re worried about Celestia, but she’s in good hands. You need to learn how to accept being a little bit useless every now and then. Especially if you’re going to be hanging around a Princess. I swear you ask more questions than Twilight sometimes.”
  4960. >That cops a giggle from Tinder.
  4961. >”Someone’s in trouble.” the colt teases from your shoulder with a smirk.
  4962. >”And you, young stallion.”
  4963. >Velvet’s voice deepens naturally, and Tinder immediately tenses up, wiping the smile from his face.
  4964. >”Would you like to walk with us, Dear?”
  4965. >Her tone softens, almost dripping with sympathy like honey from a knife.
  4966. >The colt tightens his grip on your shoulder.
  4967. >He looks off to the side, trying to avoid her eyes, then nods slowly.
  4968. >”Can you please put him down, Anon?”
  4969. >You follow her direction and gingerly set the colt down on the ground.
  4970. >”Tinder is your name, right Dear?”
  4971. >”Yes Ma’am.”
  4972. >”It’s Velvet, Sweetie. And we’ll go as fast as you want. Is that ok?”
  4973. >He nods and lifts his head high.
  4974. >”Alright, let’s get going.”
  4975. >Velvet’s voice changes gears again, and before you say anything, Tinder starts walking.
  4976. >Step by achingly slow step he starts moving forward through the uneven ground on the side of the road.
  4977. >You can’t believe how much he’s struggling to walk.
  4978. >It reminds you of the first morning after you brought Celestia home.
  4979. >Just how long has he been sick for?
  4981. >Match Stick seems pained as she watches her little brother struggle, and a few times she steps forward to help him out.
  4982. >He doesn't object at first, but after she stabilizes him a few times by offering her body as something he can lean against, his small wings start flaring out when she approaches, and she backs off.
  4983. >Watching brother and sister move together, you can’t help shake the feeling that you’ve done something wrong by picking up Tinder..
  4984. >Still, onwards you march with the trio, and eventually you and Velvet drop back a few paces behind the siblings to give them some space.
  4985. >The mare by your side taking in the nearby bushland.
  4986. >You tear off a brown blade of tall grass and play with it.
  4987. >Further and further, the walk stretches out.
  4988. >A long unmarked wooden fence is the only sign of civilization on your right.
  4989. >Every now and then - a rural mansion crops up on the left.
  4990. >Often buried deep in the bushland and only visible by the driveway that disappears between the trees, and the roofs peeking out through the leaves.
  4991. >Though sometimes instead of a small mansion, there’s a homely farm house on a large open property.
  4992. >Glancing back every now and then, you feel yourself being pulled further and further away from where you need to be.
  4993. “Uh, Velvet?”
  4994. >”Yes, Anon?
  4995. “Where exactly are we going?”
  4996. >”Just a little further now, Sweetie.”
  4997. >Every step, every new mailbox, every rolling field of tall grass stretching the distance between you and Celestia.
  4998. >It makes your skin crawl.
  4999. >Like someone or something from the out-of-sight practice is judging you.
  5000. “Velvet?”
  5001. >”Just a bit further.”
  5002. >Tinder’s breathing is getting increasingly haggard, and Match Stick’s shoulders are starting to sag.
  5003. >You’ve slowed to a crawl behind them, yet the mare by your side doesn’t have a care in the world.
  5005. “Velvet!” you yell.
  5006. >The younger ponies flinch, while Velvet stops and gives you a patient smile.
  5007. >”Yes, Anon?”
  5008. “We’re getting a little far, don’t you think? Tinder has been bedridden for a while after all.”
  5009. >Panting for breath, the young colt sits back on his rump and holds his hooves up at you.
  5010. >”I’ve walked enough now, Mr Anon.”
  5011. >You raise an eye at Velvet, and hoist the sweaty colt onto your shoulder.
  5012. >He lets out a sigh of relief before giving a few sputtering coughs.
  5013. >Standing still, you gently pat his back as he hacks up a glob of mucus and spits it out.
  5014. >Thankfully there’s no blood in it.
  5015. >Velvet has already gone further down the road, and is about to turn down a side street.
  5016. >You’ve had enough of this.
  5017. >Time to get Tinder and Match Stick back.
  5018. >It’s dangerous for them to be out.
  5019. >Turning around, you only make it a few steps before Velvet calls out.
  5020. >”Anon!”
  5021. ”I’m taking them back, they're exhausted.” you shoot over your shoulder as you carry the small horse back the way you came.
  5022. >”Actually, I’m fine to keep going, Mr Anon.” Match Sticks contests, despite the exhaustion on her face.
  5023. >”Me -*cough*- me too. Just -hah- just let me ride up here for a bit.” Tinder insists.
  5024. >Grinding your teeth, you scramble for another excuse. You can’t explain why, but you feel like you need to get back now.
  5025. >If you don’t then… Then something… Something is going to-
  5026. >”Anon.” Velvet calls out again.
  5027. >This time though, the mare walks back and places a hoof against your thigh.
  5028. >”How about we sit down right here? Side of the road?”
  5029. “No.”
  5030. >”Why?”
  5031. >Your blood boils, brewing something venomous in your gut.
  5032. >But Velvet instead sits down where she was standing.
  5033. >”If you can’t tell me why, then I’m staying here.”
  5035. >You take a moment, looking back the way you came.
  5036. >There’s a panic in your heart.
  5037. >But everytime you listen to it, it tells you ridiculous things.
  5038. >Like how someone might come to the practice and take Celestia away, and you need to be there to stop them.
  5039. >Or how Celstia might come out of the room and hate you because you had left.
  5040. “Alright then.”
  5041. >Careful with Tinder on your shoulder, you sit down on a dry patch of grass next to the old wooden fence.
  5042. >Against your expectations, the young pegasus is content to stay on your shoulder and peer around.
  5043. >Velvet gives an ever so slightly smug smile, and Match Stick trots past both of you to sit on Velvet’s right.
  5044. >Minutes drift by as your only company is each other and the rural sounds of bugs chirping.
  5045. >A hot, dry wind blows through the myriad of gum trees, making the leaves rustle.
  5046. >Before long, the dread starts to creep back into your chest.
  5047. >You scratch at your pants.
  5048. >Pat a simple beat against your knees.
  5049. >Take a deep breath.
  5050. >”How are you feeling, Anon?” Velvet asks
  5051. “Huh? I’m fine? Just fine.”
  5052. >The mare smiles and closes her eyes.
  5053. >The oppressive breeze blowing through her mane and revealing a scar on the side of her neck that you haven’t noticed before.
  5054. >It’s not too thick or long, but it does stick out like a sore thumb against her gray coat.
  5055. >”Find something interesting?”
  5056. >You look back to her face and find her staring back at you.
  5057. >”I don’t mind, Anon. I’m glad I could help take your mind off things.”
  5058. >You give her a terse smile, and look out across the road and over the field on the other side.
  5059. >There’s another dirt driveway leading to a farmhouse far away from the road.
  5060. >Tin roofing, a rusted ute out the front, the entire home can’t be bigger than one or two bedrooms.
  5062. >But the field of grains growing around it defies belief.
  5063. >So many stalks of wheat that it must take more than a single family to harvest it all.
  5064. >Right?
  5065. >You spot the answer on the far side of the field, well beyond the house and near the treeline at the back of the land.
  5066. >An older man approaching his twilight years drives a tractor coated in chipped green paint.
  5067. >The tractor is equipped with a front harvester that steadily spins and collects the grains as it slices through the field.
  5068. >The steady grumble of the old machine barely carrying all the way over to you.
  5069. >Walking behind the tractor is another younger man.
  5070. >Maybe in his thirties or forties.
  5071. >Alongside him are a few ponies.
  5072. >They seem to be moving between the already cut stalks.
  5073. >Inspecting them and talking among themselves before moving to another clump of cut wheat stalks sticking out of the ground.
  5074. >The process is simple and gradual, but before you realize it, they’ve already made it from one end of the field to the other, and back again.
  5075. >Near the back of the property is a small barn, where you spy the small form of another pony watching over the workers.
  5076. >”Lovely isn’t it?”
  5077. >Velvet snaps you out of your reverie.
  5078. >Tinder has passed out draped over your shoulder, and Match Stick has curled up next to the older mare.
  5079. >Close, but not quite touching her.
  5080. >How long did you zone out for?
  5081. >You want to get back.
  5082. >But you don’t want to disturb the young ones.
  5083. >There’s no way you can move without bothering them.
  5084. >You resign, and gently lean back until your back is resting on the ground.
  5085. >Shifting Tinder so that he can sleep on your chest.
  5086. “Yeah. It’s nice.”
  5088. >”This is how it should have been. And it was like this, for a little bit.”
  5089. >”Like what?”
  5090. >”Everything. Us, you.” She points with her hooves at the other ponies and the workers in the field. “I think it’s a common thing. To want to earn your keep. And even without magic, a lot of us wanted to do our share. Help out whoever took us in.”
  5091. “... So, those are free ponies?”
  5092. >”Maybe…” she considers the group moving back and forth across the field for a few more moments. ”Not really, no.”
  5093. “How do you know? They seem to get along pretty well?”
  5094. >”It’s not about getting along, Anon.”
  5095. >You raise an eyebrow.
  5096. “What do you mean?”
  5097. >”Well,” She lifts a hoof and points across the road. “Look, there’s bushland on the far edges of the field that they’ve been near for a while now.”
  5098. >You see what she’s talking about.
  5099. “Go on.”
  5100. >”There’s no chains or leashes or collars keeping them there. Unless the farmers have a gun, they can leave at any time.”
  5101. “Doesn’t that make them free then? Seems they’re willing to help out. And they could always make a run for it.”
  5102. >”Sure, and they’d be fine. For about a day or two. Depends on if they run away with any medicine.”
  5103. “Ah.”
  5104. >”If someone points a weapon at me, Anon, they can force me to obey. I’m not going to pretend otherwise.”
  5105. >Velvet lets the words hang in the air, as another strong gust of summer wind billows through her hair.
  5106. >”But the worst part of what happens to me-” she looks at the young ponies that have nodded off. “-To us, is that most of the time there are no weapons. No guns. No whips. No collars. Just the truth.”
  5107. >She looks back at the ponies working the field.
  5108. >The morning sun is getting hotter - the back of your neck is starting to roast.
  5110. >”The truth is that if we tried to run away, they wouldn’t chase us. They don’t need to. We’d be back sooner or later begging for more medicine. It’s a terrible shame that everypony knows.”
  5111. >Velvet looks your way..
  5112. >”That’s why Celestia is so important to us. Because even if she’s in the same boat as us, hooked on a medicine that she can’t easily make in an alien world filled with strange creatures - no offense.”
  5113. “None taken, talking horse.”
  5114. >She smiles at that.
  5115. >”And yet,” Velvet continues. “She got us here. To this new and scary land. Millions of ponies picked up their things and moved across the world because she said it needed to be done. I don’t know how well I can explain it but…”
  5116. >The mare pauses to consider her words.
  5117. >”She elevates us Anon. Lifts us up like the morning sun. When she’s there to help us, it makes it feel like we’re ponies with problems. It might take some time and work, but we’ll get past them and become better for it. When she’s not there, when she wasn’t there, it felt like we were just… problems.”
  5118. >You twiddle your thumbs,
  5119. >Not because you don’t care for the moving words you just heard.
  5120. >But because you honestly don’t know what to say.
  5121. >What could you say?
  5122. >Still, those big sapphire eyes peer into you.
  5123. >It becomes too much, and you look away. Back to the farmers and their ponies.
  5124. >But seeing the sun dancing through the trees and seeing their great green and gray swaying trunks reminds you of a certain dress and the woman who used to wear it.
  5125. >And that helps it all make a bit more sense.
  5126. “I think I get it. Not exactly, but I used to have a wi-”
  5127. >You catch the lie.
  5128. “Fiance.”
  5129. >”Used to?”
  5130. >Her intensity softens, and she scoots close.
  5132. “I don’t know if Celestia mentioned her-”
  5133. >A vigorous shake of the head.
  5134. “-But that’s the woman from the barn last night.”
  5135. >Velvet stays silent, leaving the stage to you.
  5136. “She passed from… medical complications.”
  5137. >You look away from Velvet and stare up at the dancing tree tops.
  5138. “For a while, I just… existed. Drifted. Days turned to weeks, and then into months. I ate whatever I felt like. I wasted money on dumb shit. I couldn’t really find a way to care anymore. So I didn’t. I got used to waiting to die.”
  5139. >A hoof rests on your leg.
  5140. “But it was like a switch was flipped, Suddenly I got angry. Real mad. So angry I couldn’t see straight. I raged. Smashed up my room. Layed out a plan of attack. Set out to-”
  5141. >Hunt down the pony responsible for her death.
  5142. “-do something. Anything.”
  5143. >”And?”
  5144. “And along the way I found her. I found Celestia. I got a little sidetracked, but what I mean to say is that when you lose that certain someone, it kind of becomes a question of… ‘why bother?’”
  5145. >”Know what helped me out?”
  5146. “Please, tell me.”
  5147. >”My Family. My kids. The thought of seeing them again one day helps me push through the mud. Did you have family to help you, Anon?”
  5148. “Her parents, Jessica’s parents, were great. Kind souls, just like her. They should have been completely devastated, but they made sure I didn’t completely lose it.”
  5149. >Velvet tilts her head.
  5150. >”And your parents?”
  5151. “Don’t think they even knew we were getting married.”
  5152. >”Oh. I’m sorry, Anon.”
  5153. “It’s ok.”
  5154. >The gray mare opens her mouth to pursue the issue, but decides against it.
  5155. >You take advantage of the opening.
  5156. “I’ve got a question, Velvet.”
  5157. >She tilts her head and pitches her ears forward.
  5159. “Was it wrong for me to pick up Tinder before?”
  5160. >The colt in question lets out a snort and rolls over on your chest.
  5161. >The mare holds a hoof to her chin for a moment.
  5162. >”I don’t think it was necessarily bad. It’s good for kids to play. And it’s good for them to jump back into activity after being sick for a while. Otherwise they might get stuck in a bad loop. But some kids will go along with whatever adults say. Just so they don’t rock the boat. When a big strong monkey man that stands several feet taller than you insists on picking you up, and your sister isn’t actively trying to stop him, do you think he felt like he could say no?”
  5163. >She reaches over and brushes an errant bit of mane out of the colt’s eyes.
  5164. >”He seems to have taken a liking to you. So I don’t think you did the wrong thing. But maybe you should check in with him in a less public manner. Make sure that things are okay. Setup some ground rules?”
  5165. “Fair enough.”
  5166. >The conversation lulls.
  5167. >You stay there on the side of the road for a little while longer, before you scoop tinder into your arms and carefully drape him over your shoulder again.
  5168. >His forelegs holding tight as you slowly rise to your feet.
  5169. “I think it’s time we went back.”
  5170. >”That’s fair. Did you at least enjoy the walk, Anon?”
  5171. >You look around at the tall gumtrees billowing in the warm summer wind.
  5172. >A complete lack of cars roaring down roads.
  5173. >The sunburnt grass swaying along to a natural timbre you can only really hear out in the countryside.
  5174. “Yeah… I actually did. Thanks Velvet.”
  5175. >Match Stick is slightly startled when Velvet wakes her, but settles down once she spots Tinder sleeping on your shoulder.
  5176. >Together, you walk slowly back to the practice, your pace a lot more relaxed now.
  5178. >And when you eventually arrive back at those big old wooden gates with the goofy hand painted sign, you see the tables have been fixed.
  5179. >There are only a few ponies of the practice still milling about the front yard in small clusters.
  5180. >Chatting amongst themselves.
  5181. >They see you looking their way.
  5182. >Some of them wave.
  5183. >Some of them don’t.
  5184. >But that’s okay.
  5185. >Back inside, Coal gives you a nod from his post outside of Emily’s room.
  5186. >The distant rumbling of a washing machine you heard before has stopped, and you find that Emily has replaced the sheets in the spare bedroom.
  5187. >Her and Stint both curled up together on the bed.
  5188. >Depositing Tinder on the couch, and helping Match Stick tuck him in, you hear Velvet whisper that she’s going to join Coal.
  5189. >You duck into the corridor just in time to spot the mare walking past the stalwart stallion.
  5190. >A quick flick of her rump sending her tail smacking right against his neck, making him stumble at his post.
  5191. >And as for you… Well there’s not much else to do but sit back and… well… relax.
  5192. >You can’t remember the last time you could just stop.
  5193. >That you could let yourself stop.
  5194. >It doesn’t matter.
  5195. >You remember seeing something on the back porch.
  5196. >Make your way past the guard ponies.
  5197. >Park yourself in a cushioned rocking chair.
  5198. >A rolling view of the practice, the gradual downhill slope to the barn and the nearby paddocks.
  5199. >The ponies that are trying to make a small something of the life they have here.
  5200. >Beyond them - the green, gray, and brown bushland that surrounds the practice like a fortress.
  5201. >You rub your still sore neck, and start gently rocking yourself in the chair.
  5202. >And for the first time in a long time, you close your eyes and enjoy the simple sounds of the countryside.
  5204. =====================================================================
  5206. 31
  5208. =====================================================================
  5210. >The day drifts by.
  5211. >There’s nowhere for you to go.
  5212. >Nowhere you’d rather be though than right there on the porch.
  5213. >You can hear Velvet and Coal mumbling something to each other.
  5214. >The rest of the house is still silent.
  5215. >Spacing out for some time, you check your phone and find it to be nearly mid-day.
  5216. >You browse the net for a few moments, and frown as a news bulletin appears in the news feed about another death in the camps.
  5217. >There’s a random snippet from some politician about their new plan for increased security.
  5218. >Nothing relevant though.
  5219. >So you put the phone away and instead watch the ponies of the practice.
  5220. >Some of them just sit in groups on the side of the hill.
  5221. >Chatting about who knows what.
  5222. >Others are down in the large enclosure.
  5223. >Kicking a ball around the giant Earth horses.
  5224. >The creatures don’t seem to mind, and just idly pick at the grass in the field.
  5225. >There’s a group of four or five working on building something near the back of the barn.
  5226. >You can’t tell what it is from here, but it doesn’t seem to be an urgent project as the ponies gradually mill about and chat with each other around the weather-worn wooden frame.
  5227. >Most of the kids though are sitting in front of a small black board that has been wheeled out from the medical barn.
  5228. >A single stallion writing various things on the board while talking back to them.
  5229. >The lone pony commanding the attention of the troublesome little gremlins who used you as a couch last night.
  5230. >Sure some in the back mess around from time to time, but a quick look brings them in line every time.
  5231. >Eventually, they disband with a clap of the teacher’s hooves, and the kids run off to play around various corners of the backyard..
  5232. >It’s a modest living.
  5233. >Who are you to judge anyway? Especially given the circumstances.
  5235. >Velvet’s words about freedom come to mind.
  5236. >And you think to yourself - What would happen if Emily stopped providing medicine today?
  5237. >Would they all set out for somewhere else on the same day?
  5238. >Desperate to find a new provider as the clock ticks away?
  5239. >Would some maybe stay?
  5240. >Those sour looks you’ve been getting now take on a new meaning.
  5241. >It’s not just that you could do something bad to them.
  5242. >You could also trigger a change in Emily’s circumstances that threatens their current stability.
  5243. >The sun creeps across the sky, and you push those thoughts aside, tip your head back and doze off to catch up on the sleep you missed last night.
  5244. >You dip in and out of it, moments from the past week flashing across your mind’s eye.
  5245. >Until someone opens the screen door and steps outside.
  5246. >”Nice to see you making yourself at home in my Grandma’s chair.”
  5247. “Hey, she worked a nice groove into this thing. I’m just making sure someone appreciates her effort.”
  5248. >You open an eye and grin at Emily.
  5249. >She rolls her eyes and smiles as she towels a clump of damp blonde hair.
  5250. >A myriad of bandages and gauze covering her arms and legs.
  5251. “Sorry about the biting.”
  5252. >”It’s ok,” she shrugs, taking a seat on a nearby bench against the wall of the house.
  5253. >”Not as bad as the stallions can get. That’s for sure.”
  5254. “Oh yeah?”
  5255. >”Oh yeah. Stint takes those. If I try to handle it, I always have to deal with an extra leg in the mix.”
  5256. >You scoff, and she smiles at you.
  5257. >A warm breeze sweeps across the porch, carrying a smoky scent of the surrounding woodland and scattering a few strands of drying hair in the breeze.
  5259. >Emily doesn’t seem to care as she tilts her head into the warm summer wind.
  5260. >A content smile on her lips.
  5261. >As she stretches her neck to one side, you’re made intensely aware again that this country girl really is a stunner.
  5262. >Her body is slim and toned with the hint of muscle under her gradually bronzing skin, peeking out from simple jorts and a button flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
  5263. >Long legs, slender arms, and generous proportions all topped off with a gorgeous freckled face framed by her blonde hair.
  5264. >And then you remember who, and more importantly what, her partner is.
  5265. >Twiddling your thumbs, you check through the flyscreen door to the house, but can’t spy Stint.
  5266. >You can see Velvet's hooves a bit further down the hall, outside the door to Emily’s room.
  5267. >But you haven't been able to eavesdrop on the hushed conversation between the guard ponies all day.
  5268. >Mustering some courage, you turn back to the blonde bombshell.
  5269. “So. Emily.”
  5270. >”Anon?” She raises an eyebrow and lowers the towel.
  5271. “Do you mind if I ask how you and Stint… Well…”
  5272. >”Bump uglies?”
  5273. “No.”
  5274. >“Take 13 inches of-”
  5275. “-No! Wait, holy shit-”
  5276. >”-Their bodies might be smaller, but they’re more like horses where it counts, Anon.” She winks and stretches her back.
  5277. >You wish you hadn’t heard that.
  5278. “I’m not asking that. I’m asking how you two sort of…”
  5279. >”Hmmm?”
  5280. >You cross your arms.
  5281. “How you escalated the relationship.”
  5282. >She furrows her brow then the realization hits her.
  5283. >”Anon… I didn’t take you for a virgin.”
  5284. “Only when it comes to bloody ponies.”
  5285. >Emily appraises you for a second before bursting out laughing.
  5287. >”Ha. You’re such a loser, Anon.”
  5288. “Oi.”
  5289. >”I mean seriously - ‘Can you please tell me how to hook up with the pretty princess.’ Haha.”
  5290. “Oi.”
  5291. >Seeing that you're somewhat serious, she gets her shaking sides under control.
  5292. >”Look, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
  5293. “Still, I’d like to know any insider tips. Like is it weird to hold their hooves or…”
  5294. >”Awwwwwww.”
  5295. “Shut the fuck up.”
  5296. >”Dawwwwwwwwwwwwww.”
  5297. >You shake your head, but you can’t get rid of the smile on your face.
  5298. >”Anon, I’m not gonna spoil the fun for you. If you and Celestia are right for each other, you’ll find a way to make it work.”
  5299. “Yeah, Yeah.”
  5300. >”I mean it.”
  5301. >Emily hesitates, like there’s something she wants to say, but she instead looks out over the field.
  5302. >”Like look at this. A while ago - it was just me, Stint, Coal, and a couple of horses barely scraping by. That was when things were really rough.”
  5303. >She points at the huge barn.
  5304. >”I signed the fixed build contract for that monstrosity six months before Equestria appeared. I barely have any equity in that waste of money, but your donation a few days ago has relieved a lot of the pressure on the payment side.”
  5305. >”Even if you don’t give us any more money, you’ve already made a huge impact in my life, and quite frankly the lives of every pony here. But before that, we still made ends meet even when it seemed impossible. So somehow, we made it work. Just like you will.”
  5306. “Thanks…”
  5307. >Rather than let the conversation carry on in this direction, you reach for a curveball that’s been sitting in the back of your head.
  5308. “Emily?”
  5309. >”Yea Anon?”
  5310. “Was Mark involved back then?”
  5311. >Emily grimaces and leans back in her seat.
  5313. >”Yeah. He was.”
  5314. “Mind telling me what happened with him?”
  5315. >”I’d really rather not, Anon.”
  5316. >Emily folds her arms under her chest.
  5317. “Well, it’s thanks to him that I found Celestia. So whatever happened between you and him, that’s gotta count for something. Right?”
  5318. >She considers your words, then lets out an almighty sigh.
  5319. >”Barely.”
  5320. >You lean forward in the chair.
  5321. >”When it all happened, Mark was working here. We were…”
  5322. “Partners?”
  5323. >”Strictly business. Though I think Mark would have liked to be more.”
  5324. >Resting her chin on her hand and tilting her head, Emily stares down at the barn.
  5325. >”I took care of horses for all the rich folk who retired to the countryside around here. Always liked horses better than people. Felt more predictable, y’know.”
  5326. “I really don’t.”
  5327. >She rolls her eyes and smiles.
  5328. >”I remember the day it happened. When the princess disappeared? You can get some really rural views at the local grocery stores and gossip circles, and people were saying some real vile things. Then, a few months passed and things got worse.”
  5329. >She clenches her jaw.
  5330. >”Suddenly, every few weeks, a pony would pop up at the practice in… In some of the most horrific conditions. Usually from some good samaritan group. We’d slot them in and help them out. Best we could. Then send them back to the camps.”
  5331. >Her tone dips.
  5332. >”Mark was always the more… Business savvy. Loved to talk about how much more we could make from the rich folk around here if we ‘polished’ our image and ‘expanded’ our range of services. But after a charity reached out to us, offering a hefty fee to help with some poor creature, Mark suddenly got strange. Like he was possessed.”
  5333. >You tilt your head.
  5334. >The filthy man who sold you Celestia had seemed simple at best.
  5335. >Lazy as well.
  5337. >”A lot of the ponies we helped had drug problems. Funny how that’s one of the first things that popped up in the camps, huh? Something that used to be a distinctly human issue, and we so graciously shared it with them.”
  5338. >To say that there’s venom in her words would be like saying there’s water in a lake.
  5339. >”We were still ‘Emily’s Healthy Horse Care Practice’, but after a while it was more like ‘Emily’s Equestrian Rehab Clinic’. Mark was always out and about pitching to more charities to sponsor us.”
  5340. “You were okay with it?”
  5341. >”At the time it felt like-”
  5342. >Emily balls her hands into fists and clenches them against her knees.
  5343. >“Felt like we were doing something important, y’know?”
  5344. ”Sounds like there’s a big ‘but then’ coming’.”
  5345. >”But then,” she gives you a wry smile, “things got worse. Rising crime in the camps meant donations and funding slowly dried up. The support networks that got struggling ponies to us started collapsing. Charities and sponsors began pulling the plug on clinics that didn’t give them the best bang for their buck. The stables were staying empty for longer. We couldn’t keep as many employees around and had to let people go. Mark started getting weirder.”
  5346. >Emily looks out across the expansive backyard then hangs her head.
  5347. >”One day - he said he’d find a way to get more patients.”
  5348. >She takes a deep breath and steadies herself before raising her head again.
  5349. >”And he did. He disappeared for weeks on end, but soon enough, more struggling ponies began arriving at our gates. The stables filled up, investors were pleased their money had tangible results. There was a small chunk of cash that Mark was burning to get more ‘ponies in need’ through the doors. But the good times were back again.”
  5350. >Her voice cracks and she shakes her head.
  5352. >This woman.
  5353. >This playful soul who’s been a pillar of strength for the brief time you know her, looks like she’s about to fall apart.
  5354. >”He told me he was finding ponies that needed our help.” She pleads with a sniffle.
  5355. >”He never told me where he was getting them. He never told me how he was getting them.”
  5356. >She looks up at the barn.
  5357. >”I wanted to trust in him so badly.”
  5358. >Taking another deep shuddering breath, she rallies her nerves and continues.
  5359. >”One day. One of my old clients came into the practice. Screaming bloody murder and calling me a fraud. Demanding to pick up his horse who was getting re-shoed and groomed as part of its normal care routine. I tried to talk with him, but he wouldn’t have it. So I returned his horse and he disappeared. You’re rich so I’m sure you know. Word can travel very quickly in these kinds of circles.”
  5360. “For sure.” you politely contribute.
  5361. >”By lunch, I only had equestrians in the stables. By dinner, all of our funding had been pulled. Whole life - gone in an instant. But I didn’t really care about that.”
  5362. >The confession seems genuine, and Emily lets out a calming breath without looking back in your direction.
  5363. >”Someone had seen Mark around some bad places. Hanging around people with certain reputations. Doing some not so good things. Found his warehouse and his operation. Connected the dots back here and-”
  5364. >She smacks a fist into her open palm.
  5365. >You consider her words and your response carefully.
  5366. “I’ve read some stuff here and there, but I still don’t really get how it all…”
  5367. >”How the entire mess worked?”
  5368. “Do you mind if I ask how he, y’know-?” you let the question hang.
  5369. >Emily gives a resigned nod.
  5371. >”Equestrians of all kinds need medicine everyday to hold off magic withdrawal. We have mostly ponies in Australia. A few million of them scattered all over the east coast for the most part. Lots of ponies. Lots of medicine. Lots of ways for that medicine to not get to where it needs to go. So, business steps in. Holds stocks of said medicine in reserve. Provides it at a premium if required. Simple. Legal. ‘Innocent’.” She air-quotes the last part.
  5372. “But?”
  5373. >”But Equestrians aren’t the most cashed up creatures, are they? Most of them came here with whatever they could carry on their backs. And magic withdrawal is so bad they’ll do almost anything for the medicine.”
  5374. “Ah.”
  5375. >”Some slimy middle-man offers to cover the cost of the medicine. Provider gets paid. Pony keeps the withdrawals at bay. And all the victim has to do is help out with some ‘odd jobs’. Couple days later they hop in a van to go to a work site as part of the agreement. Instead they get taken to god knows where and… Well…”
  5376. >Emily looks down at the field of ponies and points at one of the mares out with a permanent limp out in the open.
  5377. >“The light teal one was just helping out her partner who was short. Entered into one of these arrangements. Was told she would be helping out at a family shop. Ended up 7 hours away by car on the other side of the mountains, working on a farm. Fourteen hours a day in the blistering heat, sharing a small shack with a dozen other ponies. Barely any food or water. She injures herself. Noone there to help, the wound gets infected, Nobody cleans it up. The damage becomes permanent. She can’t walk properly anymore. She can’t work anymore.”
  5378. “Stupid question, but isn’t it counterintuitive if they can’t work?”
  5380. >“Well, that’s where you get the exchanges. Keep in mind - no vet is touching these operations with a ten foot pole.”
  5381. >Emily pauses for a moment and sighs.
  5382. >”No decent vet anyway.” she grimaces.
  5383. >“For injured ponies, or ones that plain refuse to work - they, or rather their ’debt’, gets sold to an ‘exchange’. There’s a lot of places where they can be sold on to from an exchange. A lot of bad places.”
  5384. “And that’s what happened to her?”
  5385. >”Yup. And that’s all the detail I’m giving you. The rest is private.”
  5386. >You look back down at the light teal mare.
  5387. >An Earth pony who is currently limping across the expansive backyard at a snail's pace towards a small cluster of adults near the barn.
  5388. >Those ponies working on the farm and Velvet’s words come to mind.
  5389. “Fair enough.”
  5390. >”Mark put himself right in the middle of this.” Emily continues. “Running one of these ‘exchanges’.”
  5391. “That lines up with what I saw.”
  5392. >”He’d send the real bad ones my way, send the others off to their next ‘job’. Carve a little bit out of the side of that transaction for himself. He’d also skim some of the cash being sent our way from the charities, and use it to grow his ‘enterprise’.”
  5393. >She shakes her head.
  5394. >”Said he was ‘only’ trading healthy ponies that weren’t struggling and sending the rest to me. That they were just ‘delinquent debtors’. Said he was doing some really good work out there and also helping out the ones really struggling by absolving them of their debts.”
  5395. “Very generous of him.”
  5396. >”Right? That asshole looked at me like I was clueless when I called a spade a spade and told him he was trafficking ponies. We'd known each other since High School. And in a single day, that asshole cost me my business, my reputation, my practice, and my dream.”
  5397. “Obviously it didn’t stick.” you offer.
  5399. >”No.” she smiles. “ I met Stint and Coal shortly after while scraping by at odd jobs here and there. After a while I managed to reconcile with a few of my older clients. That’s theirs down there.”
  5400. >She points down at the large cordoned off area where a handful of full size Earthen horses are lazily grazing grass.
  5401. >”Charities still won’t touch me with a ten foot pole though, and my name is still rotten in a lot of circles despite that happening… Well, over a year ago now. So we’ve been scraping by ever since.”
  5402. “But you haven’t given up yet, have you? Place like this you could sell for a few hundred grand? Maybe try your fortunes in another line of business?”
  5403. >”Guess I could.” she nods. “Thought about it a few times too. Almost did it once.”
  5404. “What changed your mind?
  5405. >”Stint. Coal. And all the Equestrians I’ve taken care of since this whole mess began. And, well… Look at it.” she gestures vaguely at the entire practice.
  5406. >”I don’t want to act like the chosen one, but I do believe I’m doing something that needs to be done here.”
  5407. >You give her a big dumb smile.
  5408. >She raises an eyebrow at you.
  5409. >”What?
  5410. ”Nothing.”
  5411. >”What?”
  5412. “Not telling.”
  5413. >Emily sighs.
  5414. >”I told you all that Anon, but I would rather it didn’t go any further than you and Celestia.”
  5415. “It’s ok. I understand.”
  5416. >”Thank you.”
  5417. >Slapping her palms on her knees, Emily pushes to her feet and gives you a polite smile.
  5418. >”Now if you’ll excuse me, mister ‘Royal Consort’.”
  5419. >You cringe and groan.
  5420. “Please don’t say that.”
  5421. >”Hah. Coal is like a brick wall in a lot of ways. Lot of things bounce off of him. Or over him. You’ll come to appreciate it if you don’t already. Now, I’ve gotta get back to her royal high-mess. I’ll see you when she falls asleep again.”
  5423. “Emily?”
  5424. >She stops at the fly screen door.
  5425. >”Yes, Anon?”
  5426. “Will she be okay?”
  5427. >”I’ll let you know if there’s anything to worry about. You just sit tight and set up a party or something dumb for when she comes out the other end, alright?”
  5428. “Thanks, Emily.”
  5429. >”Hey, you’re the one paying for this.” she adds with a grin. ”She’s probably past the worst now, though she still has a ways ahead of her.”
  5430. >Hair dry and ready to head back in, Emily gives you a considerate look and slings the towel around her shoulder.
  5431. >“You might be able to step in and see her sometime though. Could help her out some.”
  5432. “I’d like that. I really would.”
  5433. >Emily slips inside the house.
  5434. >Rummages around in the kitchen for a few moments before heading down the hallway.
  5435. >Says something to Coal and Velvet.
  5436. >Then it starts.
  5437. >An explosion of yelling and stomping hooves erupts as Celestia makes her escape.
  5438. >”Get those hands off me, Human! You won’t hold me here!”
  5439. >You want to help, but after standing and taking a single step towards the door, your knees suddenly feel weak.
  5440. >”Your highness, please.” Coal’s deep voice booms out.
  5441. >“Let me go! Let me go!”
  5442. >Legs wobbling like jello - you swallow your shame, and sit back down in the rocking chair.
  5443. >“This is for your own good.”
  5444. >”You're working with them!”
  5445. >”Your Majest-”
  5446. >”They're trying to kill me, and you’re helping them! Traitor!”
  5447. >”Celestia! That’s enough!”
  5448. >A stern motherly voice cuts through and silences the commotion
  5449. >”Velvet? No…”
  5450. >”We're all here to help, Dear.”
  5451. >”No. Please, no. Not you too?”
  5452. >”Is it alright if I join you, Emily?”
  5453. >The only thing you hear after that is a soft sobbing as horseshoes tap against the hardwood floors, and the door to Emily’s room slams shut again.
  5455. >You sit in your silent shame outside, before the heavy hoofsteps of Coal make their way down the hall and through the kitchen towards you.
  5456. >Excuses rattle off in your head, and you brace as the back door opens.
  5457. >But he doesn’t say anything.
  5458. >His legs stumble across the concrete as he steps outside.
  5459. >He looks anywhere but at you, and weakly jumps up onto the free seat against the wall.
  5460. >Silence stretches out, and the stallion settles in and stares a hole in the concrete floor of the porch.
  5461. >Your own self-loathing is too strong to offer any sympathy.
  5462. >Still.
  5463. >He needs your help.
  5464. >He could have gone anywhere else.
  5465. >But you don’t know what to do.
  5466. >He seems so lost.
  5467. >Stuck out here while Velvet is braving Celestia at her worst.
  5468. >Velvet?
  5469. >As your thoughts wander to her, you get an idea.
  5470. >But while a simple walk was enough for you, Coal is made of denser stuff.
  5471. >That calls for something a little stronger.
  5472. >Something a little more exciting.
  5473. ”Hey, Coal. Let’s go for a run.” you announce as you jump to your feet.
  5474. >The stallion startles and tilts his head at you.
  5475. >One of the nastier scars wrapping around the side of his neck stretches out.
  5476. >”A run? I don’t want to go far.”
  5477. ”Just a few friendly laps around the front yard then.”
  5478. >”I dunno, Anon…”
  5479. “C’mon. It’ll help take your mind off things.”
  5480. >He gives you a small frown.
  5481. >”Well, if it’s only a few laps…”
  5482. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you win.”
  5483. >Coal’s blue eyes narrow.
  5485. >A crowd of ponies gather.
  5486. >You tighten your shoelaces
  5487. >Coal cracks his neck.
  5488. >The midday summer sun beats down on both of you.
  5489. “Just a friendly ten laps around the front yard. Right Coal?”
  5490. >”Sure, Anon. Friendly.”
  5491. >He grins.
  5492. >A mare struts out in front of you. A small colt perched on her back.
  5493. >Somehow they’ve procured a small checkered flag, and the young colt eagerly holds it high.
  5494. >Your heart hammers in your chest.
  5495. >Coal lines up next to you, head down and scraping the dirt with a forehoof.
  5496. >He snorts.
  5497. >You nod.
  5498. >She counts down.
  5499. >Three.
  5500. >Two.
  5501. >One.
  5502. >You don’t even see the flag fall completely before you’re off.
  5503. >But Coal has already launched ahead of you, putting a full pony’s length between you with each gallop of his powerful hooves.
  5504. >It hurts your ego, seeing the gap widen.
  5505. >Patience is a virtue though, and you hold at a brisk pace.
  5506. >From the center of the yard, a small collection of ponies thump on the wooden tables with their hooves.
  5507. >Risking a quick glance, you’re surprised by the growing number of ponies coming from all concerns of the practice to watch.
  5508. >And the guardstallion is only pulling further ahead.
  5509. >Patience, Anon.
  5510. >The mantra repeats in your head as you steady your breathing and clear the first loop.
  5511. >Your ash coated competitor is more than half a lap ahead.
  5512. >The cheers from the ponies start easing up as Coal widens the gap.
  5513. >By the time you end your second lap, he’s almost starting his fourth.
  5514. >Heavy hoofsteps thumping somewhere close behind as he threatens to loop you.
  5515. >It’s almost past the point of no return, and so you increase the pace.
  5516. >You match Coal’s current speed, and accelerate when he tries to surge forth and lap you.
  5517. >He takes the bait several times before learning his lesson.
  5519. >Now as you enter your fourth lap, you step up your pace again.
  5520. >And the thumping of Coal’s heavy hooves start to grow distant.
  5521. >Pulling away from him, you reduce the gap to half a lap as the stallion struggles maintaining his monstrous lead.
  5522. >You’re almost going all out as well though, so it’s now a battle of attrition.
  5523. >Fifth lap.
  5524. >You can see his familiar gray wispy mane and tail bouncing in your peripheral vision.
  5525. >Sixth lap.
  5526. >The ponies are now belting out their support for Coal again.
  5527. >Though the kids seem to be on your side, as you hear some high pitched voices yelling out - ‘You can do it, Mr Anon!’
  5528. >Seventh Lap.
  5529. >You’re only a few lengths behind him now, almost caught up, when he checks over his shoulder and sees you there.
  5530. >His blue eyes go wide, and he scrunches his scarred muzzle and lowers his head.
  5531. >Those massive hooves pound the dirt with renewed vigor, and he gallops so fast that it kicks up the ground in his wake.
  5532. >You gasp, taking in a small mouthful of dirt and dust.
  5533. >Aching legs carry you true, and you maintain your speed as you chase after him.
  5534. >Eighth lap.
  5535. >Coal is barely a quarter length of the loop ahead of you, but you can tell he’s slowing down.
  5536. >A thin sheen of sweat showing across his scarred flesh and ashen coat.
  5537. >Ninth lap.
  5538. >Now or never.
  5539. >You go all out.
  5540. >Pumping your legs as fast as you can in great bounding strides to the jubilant joy of the juveniles.
  5541. >The gap closes with each passing moment, but as you round the corner into the final lap, the desperation hits.
  5542. >With a last minute surge, you catch up and push out in front of Coal.
  5544. >The roar from the crowd is immense, but you don’t know how long you can hold it.
  5545. >Already your legs are screaming, heart pounding in your ears, the strides getting sloppier each time a foot hits the ground.
  5546. >You see it as you round the corner into the final turn.
  5547. >The mare and her colt are standing at the corner where you started.
  5548. >Coal just on your heels.
  5549. >Almost out of gas.
  5550. >A few other ponies have gathered, clopping their hooves together as they cheer you on.
  5551. >All of them - smiling ear to ear as they belt out their support.
  5552. >The sight stuns you, and you lose your rhythm.
  5553. >Coal notices and gives off a mighty whinny.
  5554. >His thundering hooves carrying him just fast enough to push out ahead of you in the last few meters as he flies across the ‘finish line’.
  5555. >The flag falls.
  5556. >The crowd rushes over and swarms around the winner.
  5557. >A few ponies offer you words of sympathy as you sit down and catch your breath.
  5558. >The young ones don’t seem to care that you lost though.
  5559. >They capitalize on the opportunity and tackle you.
  5560. >You laugh and try to wrangle the little furballs.
  5561. >But they coordinate their efforts.
  5562. >As you reach for one, a few of them attack from another side.
  5563. >As you pick one up, the others pile onto your arms.
  5564. >Finally you give up and lie back in the grass.
  5565. “I surrender! I surrender!”
  5566. >That just makes them laugh louder.
  5567. >Eventually, they settle down a bit, giving you enough of a break to sit up.
  5568. >You look over at the house, and catch a curtain quickly being pulled back across the window.
  5569. >Something to sort out later.
  5570. >For now, you’re content just seeing all the ponies congratulating Coal.
  5572. >The stallion beams with pride, until he locks eyes with you and smirks.
  5573. >A big shit-eating grin that stretches from ear to ear.
  5574. >He effortlessly pushes through the crowd of smaller ponies and walks up to you.
  5575. >You gently ask the young ones to stop using you as a jumping castle, and thankfully they agree.
  5576. >“Good race, Anon.” he huffs.
  5577. ”I thought we weren’t racing?” you pant back at him.
  5578. >”You’re right. Not much of a race was it?”
  5579. >He grins and laughs.
  5580. >A strong chest chuckle.
  5581. >Then he sticks out his hoof towards you.
  5582. >”I’m keen for the rematch in a few days.”
  5583. >You raise an eyebrow at him.
  5584. >He winks.
  5585. >Oh right. The magic.
  5586. “Maybe I can get serious then, won’t have to hold back against an old man.”
  5587. >You raise a fist and bump his hoof.
  5588. >”Hey, clear off the track would you?”
  5589. >Track?
  5590. >Someone from the herd yells out, and you and Coal help each other up and over to the makeshift tables.
  5591. >Two other ponies have taken up starting positions, and it appears that the teacher you saw earlier has retrieved his white board so that he can draw up a small tournament ladder.
  5592. >Sitting on a not so sturdy stool next to Coal, you rest a chin in your hand.
  5593. >A smile on your face as the next race begins with thunderous applause from the ponies of the practice.
  5595. >The races continue for the rest of the afternoon.
  5596. >There’s even a kids’ tournament.
  5597. >It’s a delightful surprise though when the mares seem to take it just as seriously, and in many cases are a lot faster than their stallion counterparts.
  5598. >But what makes your chest swell more than anything else is that the ponies that have been more disadvantaged by their circumstance are still taking part.
  5599. >One of the stallions who walks with an extreme limp, a great scar on his right forehoof, matches up against a mare outright missing the bottom half of a back leg.
  5600. >A partially blinded pony against a mostly deaf pony.
  5601. >The pair of ponies whose tails have been lopped off down to the stub.
  5602. >They all race.
  5603. >Some of them are way faster than you would have thought. Some of them are painfully slow.
  5604. >Everyone cheers all the same.
  5605. >Once they finish their race, both ponies make their way over to the group of tables in the middle of the front lawn.
  5606. >A growing congregation of congratulations, consolation, and celebration
  5607. >But curiously, there seems to be an unspoken rule, as only you and Coal have taken seats at the head table.
  5608. >You honestly wouldn’t mind at all if anyone else came up and sat with you.
  5609. >Raising it with Coal, he shakes his head.
  5610. >”Every pony here is free to choose. And this is what they’ve chosen. Don’t sweat it.”
  5611. >Seeing the look of concern still on your face, he leans in a bit closer.
  5612. >”I think they’re worried what the others would think of them if they tried to take Celestia’s spot.”
  5613. >Something strikes you as odd about what he just said, and you roll it over your head for a few moments before smirking.
  5614. >”What?”
  5615. “Close enough to call her ‘Celestia’, are we?”
  5616. >Coal blushes across all the scars on his face.
  5618. >He suddenly sits up straight, and tries to look as professional and emotionless as possible.
  5619. >But his burning cheeks betray him.
  5620. “Relax, Mate. I think she’d prefer that a lot more than ‘your highness’ and calling her ‘the princess’ when you’re in a conversation with her.”
  5621. >”It’s not about that, Anon.” he huffs.
  5622. “Oh? Then what is it about?”
  5623. >”It’s about having someone that you can hold high and show off to the world. ‘This is my Princess. Look how brilliant she is.’ And she will be, once she’s better.”
  5624. >He punctuates the statement by pounding a hoof firmly against the table.
  5625. >Sounds similar to something else you heard today.
  5626. >Eventually though, the races must end.
  5627. >And it does - with one final fun run that involves all the kids, producing a single victorious little rascal.
  5628. >And with that, the event is over.
  5629. >The ponies thank each other before wandering back in groups to their own corners of the practice.
  5630. >An energy bristling in the air between them.
  5631. “She didn’t mean it y’know.”
  5632. >Coal doesn’t look your way.
  5633. “What she called you.”
  5634. >”I know.”
  5635. >He doesn’t sound very convinced.
  5636. >But you’re not going to push it.
  5637. >You stand and make your way towards the house, but stop when you hear a thump on the ground behind you.
  5638. >Coal has fallen again, and despite pushing with his hooves as hard as he can, he can’t seem to stand on his own power.
  5639. >”Must have run a bit harder than I thought.” He gives you a pained smile.
  5640. >Looking around, there are still a few ponies lingering around the yard who haven't noticed yet.
  5641. >You approach him, and his eyes go wide.
  5642. >”Don’t you dare.”
  5643. >Rather than try picking him up again, you instead sit down next to him on the grass.
  5644. “Let me know when you’re good.”
  5645. >He considers you for a few seconds before pulling his hooves out from under him and laying them across the grass.
  5647. >The proud stallion doesn’t meet your eyes though.
  5648. >More keen to inspect a few flecks of dirt hanging off one of his horseshoes it seems.
  5649. “Hey, you mind if I ask you a uh… a pony question?”
  5650. >”As long as it’s not anything weird.”
  5651. “How does the horseshoe feel?”
  5652. >”Huh?”
  5653. >Coal tilts his head and looks up at you.
  5654. “I mean, it's like a bunch of nails being hammered into your hooves to secure a piece of metal to the base of your hoof. That’s pretty gnarly if you ask me.”
  5655. >He flips a forehoof around and inspects the base before raising his eyebrows.
  5656. >”I guess when you put it that way… I just never really thought all that much about them.”
  5657. >He looks you up and down.
  5658. >”If I had to say, I’d say it’s sort of like your shoes. I mean, they help me walk. Protect the frogs of my hooves. I can get fancy ones for special events.”
  5659. “What, like gold horseshoes?”
  5660. >”Or gem encrusted for the mares, yeah.”
  5661. “For the mares.” you chuckle.
  5662. >”What? It’s true. Ask Her Highness when she’s better. At a royal Gala, she’d typically be seen wearing gold ones with amethysts embedded in them.”
  5663. >You try to picture Celestia in golden amethyst horseshoes, but your mental image her immediately trips over herself.
  5664. “Can’t see it.”
  5665. >Coal shakes his head, but smiles all the same.
  5666. >”If you’re asking how it feels?”
  5667. >You nod.
  5668. >”I dunno. I guess when they’re put in, I can feel the slight pressure of something pushing in around the edge of the frog. But it doesn’t take long for that to just feel normal. Plus most ponies here know how uncomfortable a chipped or, Celestia forbid, a cracked hoof can be.
  5669. “Neato.”
  5670. >”Not really.”
  5671. >He mumbles those last words; but sitting here with Coal while he gathers his strength and learning about pony quirks leaves you feeling a strange satisfaction that you can’t put into words.
  5673. >You stay there for a while longer enjoying the cooler afternoon breeze, until he finally takes a deep breath.
  5674. >”Alright, let's do this.”
  5675. “Do you need help?”
  5676. >He eyes you warily.
  5677. >”It wouldn’t hurt if you stood next to me.”
  5678. >You don’t really get why he said that, until he puts his hooves under himself and pushes again, this time leaning his solid mass into you - utilizing your leg like a wall for support.
  5679. >Once he’s on all fours, he fares a bit better, and you slowly walk with him back to the house.
  5680. >Thankfully, nobody intercepts you; and once inside, you help him back to his and Velvet’s corner of the living room.
  5681. >As you turn back towards the couch though, you catch a gray head quickly turning away.
  5682. >Oh boy.
  5683. >You step over to the couch.
  5684. >Tinder balls his body up tighter.
  5685. ”Hey bud.”
  5686. >He doesn’t answer.
  5687. “You okay?”
  5688. >The colt flicks his tail over his head, covering his eyes.
  5689. >You scratch at the back of your neck, then chew on the inside of your lip a bit as you think of what you can say.
  5690. >Briefly, you consider asking Coal for help, but decide against it.
  5691. “Did you want to run in the race?”
  5692. >”Mmm.”
  5693. ”Did you want to be out there with us?”
  5694. >”Mmm.”
  5695. “Tell you what, when you and the others are better, we’ll hold a new tournament.”
  5696. >He shakes his head.
  5697. “Oh? Would you maybe like some super secret training from Coal and I?”
  5698. >The colt jumps to his hooves.
  5699. >”Really?”
  5700. “Well I’m cool with it. Coal?”
  5701. >”What are you signing me up for?” Coal grumbles from the corner.
  5702. >But he’s no match for the enthusiastic stare from the young colt, standing on the edge of the couch cushion, his wings buzzing intensely on his back.
  5703. “C’mon, Mate. It won’t be until you’re back at full strength.”
  5705. >He eyes the younger pony, still buzzing on the couch.
  5706. >”Alright, but you owe me, Anon.”
  5707. >You raise an eyebrow.
  5708. >Coal gives you a devious smirk.
  5709. >”Awesome!” Tinder jumps on the couch, launching himself a couple of feet in the air before gracefully landing back on all fours.
  5710. >You nearly double take at the athletic feat.
  5711. “Hey, Tinder, how are you feeling this afternoon?”
  5712. >”I’m feeling great, Mister Anon.”
  5713. >He happily answers while the wings on his back flap at an alarming rate.
  5714. “Glad to hear it, champ. How about you put that energy to good use and wake up your sister.”
  5715. >You give him a wink.
  5716. >Tinder’s eyes go wide, and he instantly launches onto his sister slumbering on the other corner of the couch.
  5717. >”Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!”
  5718. >Match Stick grumbles and waves him off with a hoof.
  5719. >”Five more minutes.”
  5720. >Her voice is groggy like a hungover teen.
  5721. >” You gotta wake up. You gotta wake up.”
  5722. >”Noooo…”
  5723. >”Mister Coal and Mister Anon need your help.”
  5724. >Match Stick’s amber eyes bolt open, and she jolts upright.
  5725. >The sudden movement throws her little brother off balance, and he slips off the couch towards the ground.
  5726. >”Whoa?!”
  5727. >You react on instinct, sticking your hand out and catching the little pony under his midsection.
  5728. >Though nearly fall over yourself because he’s… lighter?
  5729. >He’s barely half as heavy as he was this morning.
  5730. >Secure in your hand, the small pony lets out a sigh of relief and stops flapping his wings.
  5731. >Suddenly, his weight increases, and you have to strain to keep holding him up with your outstretched arm.
  5732. >Hoisting him up and depositing him back on the couch, you flex your hand a few times.
  5733. >Nothing feels broken or weak.
  5735. >While you’re standing there looking at your hand like a weirdo, Coal speaks up.
  5736. >”Need you to do your thing kiddo. Feels like my body is trapped under a mountain of rocks.”
  5737. >Perking up with pride, Match Stick hops off the couch.
  5738. >”Leave it to me.” she says, still slightly groggy from her sleep.
  5739. >As her horn lights up, and the spiral of magic forms between her and the stallion, Tinder’s eyes go wide.
  5740. “Oh yeah. You were asleep the last time this happened.”
  5741. >”That’s so… Cool!”
  5742. >You wish you could see the look on Match Stick’s face, but from the grin on Coal’s face, and the way she straightens her neck, you can imagine it pretty well.
  5743. “Yeah, well just you wait. If your sister keeps this up, you ponies might not have to take medicine anymore.”
  5744. >The colt flaps his wings at his side.
  5745. >”Yes! Yes! That’s so awesome. How long?”
  5746. “We don’t know yet, champ. So, uh-” You tap your nose with a finger. “Keep it on the down low, yeah?”
  5747. >”What why?”
  5748. >As he asked you - the small pony tilted his head slightly, lowered one of his ears 90 degrees to the side, and left the other pointing towards the ceiling.
  5749. >You hold a hand to your chest as you taste copper for a moment.
  5750. >”Mr Anon, are you okay?”
  5751. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just keep it a secret. Your Sister can only help so many people at a time. We don’t want ponies harassing her, ‘kay?”
  5752. >Tinder beams with pride and does a mini salute with one of his tiny hooves.
  5753. >Finished instructing the colt, you look back and find Match Stick has already extracted the magic out of Coal.
  5754. >Once again, she shivers and her coat glistens with an unnatural sheen.
  5755. >She turns back to the couch, a drunk look in her eyes.
  5756. >”You too, Mister.” She informs her brother.
  5757. >His enthusiasm from a few moments ago drains along with the color from his gray fur.
  5759. >”Uhhh, maybe later? I mean, I’m feeling okay right now.”
  5760. “I thought you wanted to stop taking your daily medicine?”
  5761. >He looks back and forth between you and his approaching sibling before hunching his shoulders and squeezing his eyes shut.
  5762. >”Just make it quick, okay!”
  5763. >As she approaches, Match Stick shakes her head.
  5764. >Her eyes focus again as she channels the magic and an ethereal spiral forms between them.
  5765. >Tinder shudders at the sensation, squirming back and forth as the magic is pulled from his being.
  5766. >You had walked in on Match Stick last night when she drained her little brother’s magic then.
  5767. >So it’s a relief when after barely ten seconds, she cuts the spell and Tinder shakes his whole body like a wet dog.
  5768. >”And that’s meant to help me how?”
  5769. “Would you like the short answer or the long one?”
  5770. >He rolls his eyes and curls his hooves up on the couch.
  5771. >”Whatever. Where’s Mrs Velvet?”
  5772. >Good question.
  5773. >Coal seems interested in the answer as well, and he hauls himself to his hooves and disappears down the hallway.
  5774. >You can hear a knock, a door opening, a few words being shared, then a door closing again.
  5775. >Two sets of hooves clunk down the hallway, and the couple emerge from around the corner.
  5776. >Velvet is leaning into Coal’s side, but for the first time since you’ve met her, she looks completely and utterly miserable.
  5777. >The vibrant smile from this morning reduced to a pained grimace as her head hangs low.
  5778. >”Guys, could you please give us a moment?” Coal asks with a nod of his head.
  5779. >Tinder looks at his sister and then to you, and you both nod back at him.
  5780. “Want the express ride, Champ?”
  5781. >Rather than pick him up straight away, this time you crouch down next to the couch, and the small colt quickly hops up onto your shoulder with a flap of his wings.
  5783. >Again, there’s a brief moment where you swear he weighs nothing at all as he perches on you.
  5784. >Until suddenly his weight is just… There again.
  5785. >The abrupt change nearly makes you stumble.
  5786. >You give the small pony on your shoulder a raised eyebrow.
  5787. >”What?” he asks.
  5788. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
  5789. >Together with the siblings, you quietly exit the living room.
  5790. >But before you leave, Velvet speaks up.
  5791. >”Anon. Was she this bad when you found her?” Her sullen teal eyes are desperately hoping for an answer you know you can’t give.
  5792. >And so you don’t, and let the silence speak for itself.
  5793. >”O-oh no…’
  5794. >Her kind voice cracks with a pained sob and she crumples against Coal.
  5795. >Burying her face in his scarred neck, her whole body shudders.
  5796. >Leaving them to each other, you carry the small colt and lead his sister back into the guest bedroom.
  5797. >You deposit the deflated Tinder on the bed, and Match Stick quickly hops up to join him.
  5798. “If you could pop out in about twenty minutes or so, Big Red? If Coal and Tinder needed draining then Velvet will too.”
  5799. >”Okay.” She quietly answers.
  5800. “Thank you. I’ll see if I can find Stint as well. We don’t want him collapsing somewhere.”
  5801. >She nods, and curls up with her brother on the bed.
  5802. >You step out of the guest bedroom, and spy the door to Emily’s room.
  5803. >Unguarded.
  5804. >Exposed.
  5805. >Without a guard stationed, you feel you’d rather not walk that way, but the only other exit is past Coal and Velvet, and you don’t want to intrude on the two of them right now.
  5806. >Stepping as lightly as you can, you slowly edge past the door.
  5807. >But then you stop.
  5808. >Instinct screams for you to keep moving, but you find yourself glued to the wall.
  5809. >Waiting for some kind of sound from inside the room that’s different from the wailing you heard last night.
  5811. >Seconds pass by.
  5812. >Nothing.
  5813. >But in that silence, only distantly filled by the murmur of Coal and Velvet talking to each other in the living room, you hear something.
  5814. >*tap* “tap*
  5815. >Like something solid knocking against wood.
  5816. >*tap* tap* *tap* *tap*
  5817. >”Someone’s at the door.” Celestia growls.
  5818. >Oh shit.
  5819. >”I can hear you! Listening in on me!”
  5820. >*tap* *tap* *tap*
  5821. >”Celestia. Please. It’s probably Coal or Velvet.”
  5822. >”No. It’s human. It’s too high up off the ground.”
  5823. >*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap
  5824. >”Who did you bring to listen in on me, Emily?”
  5825. >”Nobody. If someone is out there, could you please come back later?”
  5826. >You will your legs into motion, but they stay frozen to the floorboards.
  5827. >*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
  5828. >”Observing me? Spying on me?”
  5829. >*tap*
  5830. >”Celestia?”
  5831. >*thump* *thump* *thump*
  5832. >”No!”
  5833. >You barely step back in time as Emily is tackled through the door by the large white pony.
  5834. “Coal.” you yell out on instinct as you step forward into the writhing mass of tangled limbs.
  5835. >Hooking an arm under her midsection and pulling hard, you manage to create enough space between the two that Emily can get out from underneath her flailing hooves.
  5836. >”You can’t hold me! You can’t hold me! Let me go! I need to leave! Please!”
  5837. >Celestia’s voice is almost unrecognizable, so hoarse and filled with desperation that she’s raggedly screaming the words.
  5838. >Hoofsteps thunder down the hallway, and the guardstallion hooks a forehoof around her back legs to stop them flailing.
  5839. >”No!” she wails as you both carry her back into the room.
  5840. “Easy big girl. We got you.”
  5841. >The words come naturally.
  5842. >Her breath hitches, and she twists her head back to look you in the eyes.
  5844. >Those brilliant purple eyes of hers now wild and bloodshot red.
  5845. >The hair you so carefully brushed and combed - now all tangled and greasy from staying up most of the night.
  5846. >”Anon?”
  5847. >You want to kick Coal off and carry her out of there.
  5848. >Put her in the car and drive back home.
  5849. >Just the two of you.
  5850. >But it’s not time for that yet.
  5851. “Can’t be doing these jailbreaks from rehab now, Celly.”
  5852. >She shivers in your grip.
  5853. >Tears well in her eyes.
  5854. >Then her body goes slack and she lets out a long wail of despair.
  5855. >You and Coal get the miserable matriarch to her bed and gently put her down.
  5856. >As she touches the mattress, she lets out another devastated cry.
  5857. >Despondent and shattered, your pony curls up into a ball and starts gently rocking herself.
  5858. >It feels like a rail spike is being hammered into your chest with every miserable sob.
  5859. >But you’re not leaving this time.
  5860. >Never again.
  5861. >You spy a chair in the corner of the room. and drag it over, taking a seat next to the bed.
  5862. “I’ll take this shift.”
  5863. >”I’m sorry Anon, but I-” Emily starts as she walks back into the room, rubbing a spot on her stomach where Celestia tackled her.
  5864. >But she’s stopped when Coal puts a hoof on her knee.
  5865. >He nods towards the door and walks out of the room.
  5866. >Emily watches stunned as the stallion exits the room and takes up his post outside.
  5867. >Letting out a great big sigh, the vet steps forward and deftly reinserts an IV drip into one of Celestia’s limp, shaking forelegs.
  5868. >Then she points a finger at you.
  5869. >”Don’t make me regret this, Anon.”
  5870. >And leaves the room.
  5871. >You sit there, pretending you’re studying the wall.
  5872. >Blocking out the horrible wailing wretch on the bed next to you as she shakes and sobs.
  5873. >There are a lot of things you wish you could talk to her about.
  5875. >But right now you need to be the worst kind of strong.
  5876. >”Why?” she pleads in a half sob, half-whisper.
  5877. >”Why are you doing this to me, Anon?”
  5878. >You can’t bear to look at her, and keep your eyes glued to the wall.
  5879. >Time slowly creeps by.
  5880. >Now that it's come to it - you’re petrified.
  5881. >Fingers squeezing your leg through the jeans so tightly you think blood might come out.
  5882. >Teeth grinding in the back of your mouth as your tongue turns to cotton.
  5883. >”Look at me!” she slams the mattress with her pathetic hooves.
  5884. >You turn to her.
  5885. >You wish you hadn’t.
  5886. >Her rainbow hair stands out first.
  5887. >Greasy and filthy, matted in long wiry strands that clump with some foul splotches of long hardened bile.
  5888. >Beautiful white coat now flecked and stained with spatterings of light brown and hints of green.
  5889. >Feathers on her limp wings hanging crooked and pointing in bizarre directions, with a couple that have broken clean in the middle.
  5890. >Folded yet unplucked.
  5891. >The other currently IV-less foreleg is covered in dried blood - probably from previous needles that she ripped out.
  5892. >The area around her mouth seems to be at least a bit cleaner, though it’s still smeared with a faded light brown.
  5893. >Pained purple eyes wrap it all up.
  5894. >Burning with hatred and malice.
  5895. >”You did this to me.”
  5896. >Her eyes never leave you.
  5897. >”You fed me drugs. You locked me in this room.” she spits.
  5898. >You flinch and glance away.
  5899. >”Don’t you dare! After all you’ve done, don’t you dare look away!”
  5900. >Swallowing heavily, you look back into her eyes.
  5901. >”What did I do wrong?” she asks, tears welling as the anger transforms into something uglier.
  5902. >”What did I do to deserve this?” she pleads, finally taking her blistering stare off you and looking at the state of herself.
  5903. >Sitting on the stained bed.
  5904. >Covered in her own filth.
  5906. >Her whole body emaciated from being starved and drugged for who knows how long.
  5907. >”Answer me!” she screams.
  5908. >”Please!” she begs, lurching forward and grabbing your shirt in the crook of her forehooves.
  5909. >The IV drip is pulled along after her, nearly yanking out the fresh needle.
  5910. >”Tell me!”
  5911. >She shakes you, screaming into your chest.
  5912. >”Tell me!”
  5913. >But the force behind her frail limbs is not enough to move you even a little.
  5914. “Nothing.”
  5915. >Celestia looks up at you and blinks disbelievingly.
  5916. ”You didn’t do anything wrong.”
  5917. >The words flow from your mouth without thought.
  5918. >You remember a doctor asking you a question.
  5919. >You remember a choice.
  5920. >You remember making the wrong one.
  5921. >Not this time.
  5922. >Regardless of what she might think of you, you squash that chittering demon of doubt on your shoulder, and lean fully on your intuition.
  5923. >Reaching out, you place one hand on her kevlar wrapped hoof and one hand on the back of her head.
  5924. “It’s not your fault.”
  5925. >You gently squeeze her hoof.
  5926. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
  5927. >”Ohhh.” her lips curl back as fresh tears stream down her face.
  5928. “You don’t deserve this.”
  5929. >”Nooo… No no no…” Celestia begs, squeezing her eyes shut.
  5930. “I’m sorry.”
  5931. >She buries her head in your chest, horn pressing against your collarbone.
  5932. >And she tips over the edge.
  5933. >Her chest heaving with great pained sobs as she slides down your midsection before collapsing in your lap.
  5934. >Throat hoarse from the desperate wailing, but the agonized crying doesn’t stop.
  5935. >As the sun slowly dims on the other side of the thick bedroom curtains in this rural country house.
  5936. >As your heart feels like it’s going to fall out the bottom of your chest.
  5937. >You sit there.
  5938. >Holding onto her hoof the whole time.
  5939. >Never letting go.
  5940. “I’m sorry.”
  5942. ====================================================================
  5944. 32
  5946. ====================================================================
  5948. >Celestia had long ago run out of tears.
  5949. >Exhausted and shattered, she’s now curled up on the bed with her head in your lap after a long and miserable afternoon.
  5950. >She had called out a few things in her grief.
  5951. >Old names for the most part, you guessed.
  5952. >But two stood out.
  5953. >Luna.
  5954. >Twilight.
  5955. >One of them you know to be her sister.
  5956. >The other one could have been Twilight Velvet outside.
  5957. >Maybe she said something last time they were together.
  5958. >Maybe Celestia is calling for some other pony named Twilight.
  5959. >Velvet had a daughter, didn’t she?
  5960. >You can’t remember.
  5961. >Your thoughts are too scattered to focus at the moment.
  5962. >Though she's in a deep sleep - every so often, a small shudder goes through Celestia’s frail body.
  5963. >Each time it happens you gently squeeze her hoof.
  5964. >Thankfully, the shaking soon stops, and her chest goes back to steadily rising and falling.
  5965. >You still don’t know what you’re doing for her.
  5966. >What exactly she wants from you.
  5967. >Would the answer even change your mind?
  5968. >It doesn’t matter.
  5969. >What matters is being here for her when she needs it.
  5970. >And so that’s where you stay.
  5971. >It’s evening by the time anyone checks in on you.
  5972. >Slinking into the room with barely a sound, Emily carefully inspects her patient.
  5973. >First, the IV going into Celestia’s fore-hoof.
  5974. >Next, she carefully pulls back the mane on the back of her neck to reveal a monstrous bruise showing through the white fur.
  5975. >Your eyes go wide, but you hold your tongue.
  5976. >Satisfied, she lays the multi-coloured mane back down across the mare’s long neck, and flicks her head towards the door.
  5977. >You give her your fiercest frown, but she flicks her head again.
  5978. >Doctor’s orders.
  5979. >Ever so carefully, you remove the sleeping mare from your lap and gently rest her head on the chair.
  5981. >You only make it a few steps towards the door.
  5982. >”You’re leaving me again?” Celestia croaks.
  5983. ”Just stepping out for a bit to make sure everything is okay out here. Going to be right outside the room, Celly. Try to get some rest, okay?”
  5984. >The poor mare gives you a miserable look with those bloodshot purple eyes, and lies back facing away from you.
  5985. >Swallowing your guilt, you step outside and are greeted by a warm smile from Velvet, and a firm nod from Coal.
  5986. >The two ‘guard ponies’ sitting at ease at either side of the door.
  5987. >Emily has already slinked down the hall to the kitchen, and you follow her to find Match Stick, Stint, and Tinder all sitting around a table making their way through several boxes of pizza.
  5988. >”Hi, Mr Anon!” Tinder shouts, waving his short fore-leg at you as he chews a huge mouthful of cheesy pastry.
  5989. >”Tinder, manners!”
  5990. >His sister immediately admonishes him as she levitates a slice with her magic and cautiously nibbles at the hovering pastry.
  5991. >The young mare - still wearing your shirt around her hindquarters - only gets an eye roll from the defiant colt.
  5992. >Stint, on the other hand, doesn’t even acknowledge your entrance.
  5993. >His body sagging with the exhaustion of someone who just ran a marathon, looking like he’s going to pass out in his seat.
  5994. >You raise your eyebrows at the scene, and even spy a few slices that have some meat on them.
  5995. “This is a nice surprise.”
  5996. >The words come out of your mouth as deep and sharp as a knife.
  5997. >”I thought we could all use a pick me up. Been a pretty intense week.” Emily says, ignoring your tone.
  5998. “No kidding.”
  5999. >Again, your voice makes the bland comment sound resentful.
  6001. >Letting out a deep sigh, you step forward and pick up a slice of ham and cheese.
  6002. >Take a bite.
  6003. >And try to not look so disappointed at the warm rubbery texture of the cheap cheese in your mouth.
  6004. >Hovering like a satellite near the table and munching on your food, you find yourself wishing someone would make some small talk.
  6005. >Anything to take your mind off the past few hours.
  6006. >Everyone keeps eating away at their own pace though.
  6007. >But, as Stint takes a large bite of a meatlover's slice of pizza, a thought finally breaks through the fog.
  6008. “I didn’t know horses ate meat.” you say to nobody in particular.
  6009. >”We’re not horses. And horses can eat meat. Dumbass.”
  6010. “Nice to see you too, Stint.”
  6011. >He snorts back at you.
  6012. “Where were you all day by the way?”
  6013. >”Working. You know, that thing that most living creatures have to do to survive?”
  6014. “Cool,” you brush past his sarcasm. “What do you do here?”
  6015. >”Are you serious?”
  6016. “I am actually. I wanna know what you do.” you force some enthusiasm into your tone.
  6017. >Stint gives you a wary look, but pulls his head away from his plate, and blinks a few times to wake himself up before responding.
  6018. >”Well, like Emily, I’m a veterinarian by mark.”
  6019. “By mark?”
  6020. >”Talent. Gift. The great big tattoo I’m supposed to have on my ass like Match Stick does.”
  6021. >Tinder giggles.
  6022. >Match Stick’s nibbling intensifies.
  6023. “So, you help with taking care of all your fellow ponies?”
  6024. >The stallion rolls his brown eyes.
  6025. “What?”
  6026. >”Anon, do human veterinarians treat humans?”
  6027. “No. Why?”
  6028. >He gives you a rather unimpressed look until it finally clicks.
  6029. “Ahhh. I get it now. But, wait. You still treat horses though?”
  6030. >”Once again, we aren’t horses. Dumbass. Just like you aren’t a monkey. Though I’m starting to wonder about that.”
  6032. >That gets a genuine laugh out of you and Emily, the latter of which you notice is carefully listening in on the conversation.
  6033. “Fine, fine. So you treat the horses in Emily’s stead, and she looks after the ponies. Have you had to cover for her since she’s in here?”
  6034. >”Actually,” Emily cuts in, mouth full of pizza. “I did my Equestrian rounds today while you were watching things. Stint takes care of the horses full time.”
  6035. “Oh okay.”
  6036. >There’s a lull in the conversation as you take another bite of rubbery cheese, but as you find your thoughts wandering back to Celestia and that room, you reignite it.
  6037. “So why are you exhausted, Stint? The Earthen horses nibble on your ear a bit?” you begin again with a bit more cheer in your voice.
  6038. >He shivers.
  6039. >”Look Anon, I don’t know where this-” he gestures at all of you with a hoof. “-Is coming from, but it’s making me feel weird. Can we just go back to thinly veiled animosity?”
  6040. “No.”
  6041. >Tinder laughs.
  6042. >”They’re funny.”
  6043. >The colt reaches another slice of pizza, only to be slapped down by his sister’s magic.
  6044. >”You’ll be sick.”
  6045. >”No I won’t.”
  6046. “How many slices have you had, Champ?”
  6047. >He looks to the ceiling then holds up his hooves to count.
  6048. >The lack of fingers means he counts one whole hoof at a time.
  6049. >”Seven slices!” He beams.
  6050. >Your heart feels weaker in your chest again.
  6051. >”You’ll definitely be sick. That’s enough for tonight, now go wash up.”
  6052. >The colt pouts and looks at you.
  6053. >”Do I have to?”
  6054. >His sister’s amber eyes go wide.
  6055. “Do as your sister says.” You immediately reply.
  6056. >”Fine.” he pouts to his sister’s relief.
  6057. >Or so it seems, as he flashes a toothy grin before leaping from his seat and galloping off down the hallway.
  6059. >Hooves thumping against the wooden floorboards the whole hallway.
  6060. >”Tinder!”
  6061. >Match Stick yells out before catching herself and covering her mouth with her hooves.
  6062. >All of you collectively hold your breath.
  6063. >Seconds tick by.
  6064. >Thankfully, no sounds come from Emily’s room, and you all let out a relieved sigh.
  6065. “Was he always that energetic?”
  6066. >”I-” Match Stick stops like a record just scratched in her head, “I don’t really remember… I think so?”
  6067. >Emily and Stint stop eating and look over at her.
  6068. >”He’s been so sick for so long. Yet he still always needed more medicine than a full grown stallion.”
  6069. >She stares wistfully down the hallway.
  6070. “Well, thanks to you, he’s up and running around like he’s on a sugar high. Good job, big Sis.”
  6071. >”Mmm.” she murmurs her agreement, and resumes nibbling on her pizza.
  6072. >But you see the smile creeping near the corner of her mouth.
  6073. “So, Stint. Back to what you do around here…”
  6075. >The pizza ended up not being all that awful once you got used to it.
  6076. >Finishing up your third slice, you finally glance at the time.
  6077. >Nearly eight-thirty.
  6078. >You move your attention back to the table and the pontificating pony prattling on about equines and equine accessories.
  6079. >Once you got him going, Stint had embarked on a non-stop rambling rampage about the finer points of horse care.
  6080. >At first, you were interested in anything that might give you more insight on how to look after Celestia.
  6081. >It wasn’t long before you were bored to tears as he preached on and on about horse nutrition, coat care, mane shampoos, vaccinations, potential injuries - you name it.
  6082. >Though it was adorable to see the way Emily smoldered over her partner's impromptu TED talk.
  6083. >Watching the stallion with a dopy smile as he chattered on and on.
  6085. >You had zoned out a short way in.
  6086. >Thankful for the distraction, but again, you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering back to Celestia.
  6087. >What you would say to her.
  6088. >What you could say to her.
  6089. >The general exhaustion that’s been building up the past week is also weighing heavily on your shoulders.
  6090. >You wish you could cut to the end, where everything is better again.
  6091. >But you’re not alone in that wish.
  6092. >”Hey, Mister Anon?”
  6093. >Tinder crashes through Stint’s passionate prattling like a freight train as he trots back into the kitchen.
  6094. “Yeah, Champ?
  6095. >“When are you gonna show me what movie is?’
  6096. “Oh yeah, the movie.”
  6097. >”Hold on, we haven’t even scratched at the difference between vitamin balance and potential supplementation?” Stint’s mouth hangs open in pure disbelief.
  6098. >”You’re such a big horse nerd. I love it.”
  6099. >Emily gives him a big smooch on his cheek, placating him immediately.
  6100. >”Well, okay then. But anytime you wanna know more about horses, or anything that isn’t a pony really, let me know.”
  6101. “Is that how it works? You’re a vet, so anything non-pony, you’re good at treating and taking care of?”
  6102. >”Well, duh… Okay maybe I have to study a bit, but isn’t that what vets in your world are like?”
  6103. >”Maybe after a few years at University, or some other private training course, or even a very long internship. But we often specialize.” Emily says while resting her cheek against his muzzle.
  6104. >”You know I’m only good with horses and ponies, Stint.”
  6105. >”Oh you definitely know how to treat me right.” He leans back into her.
  6106. “Ehem!”
  6107. >The couple gives you an irritated look before glancing over at a nonplussed Match Stick still nibbling on a slice of Pizza.
  6108. >”Oh don’t mind me.” She smiles politely and returns to her food.
  6110. “Sorry Stint. I promised Tinder I’d show him a movie. Otherwise I don’t think we’d hear the end of it until tomorrow.”
  6111. >”I heard some of the Equestrians talking about that. How’d you do it, Anon?” Emily says.
  6112. >”He used the projector in Stable one, Babe.”
  6113. >The confused country girl shakes her head.
  6114. >”I didn’t think you could do that.”
  6115. “Yea, you just use one of the HDMI cables hanging out of the…”
  6116. >She looks to Stint to see if he knows what you’re talking about.
  6117. >He shrugs.
  6118. “Really? You’re both dinosaurs.”
  6119. >”As long as it still works when you’re done, Anon.”
  6120. >With that - Emily yawns and stands up.
  6121. >”I’m going to catch some shut eye while I can. Care to join me, Stint?”
  6122. >”Oh yeah.. Just, uh…”
  6123. >He looks over at Match Stick.
  6124. >”Wh-what?”
  6125. >”Think you could suck my-”
  6126. >”Stint!” Emily scolds him while batting him across the ears.
  6127. >The maroon mare goes an even darker shade of red.
  6128. >”Magic! I was gonna say Magic! Yeesh.”
  6129. “Hah.”
  6130. >”Shut up, Anon.”
  6131. >Putting down her Pizza, Match Stick breathes a sigh of relief.
  6132. >”I can do that.” she says.
  6133. >Climbing down from the table, she quickly lights up her horn and zaps the stallion.
  6134. >What once took several dozen seconds now only takes a few moments.
  6135. >Again, Match Stick's body shivers once she finishes hoovering up his magic, and her coat seems to glow with an otherworldly sheen.
  6136. >Not yet sated, the mare hits up her usual pit stops.
  6137. >First Velvet.
  6138. >Then Coal.
  6139. >The two guard ponies are a bit surprised, but don’t object.
  6140. >She approaches her brother; and after a few infantile complaints, her magic goes off - leaving a very irritated Tinder pouting where he stands.
  6142. >”Let’s go already!” he nearly yells in the hallway.
  6143. >Only to be shushed by six mouths.
  6144. >”Sorry.”
  6145. >Tinder hangs his head slightly.
  6146. >A noble display, if not for the shit eating grin on his muzzle.
  6147. “We’ll go down soon champ, just give me a minute.”
  6148. >You step towards Celestia’s room.
  6149. >”Easy there, Anon.” Emily cautions you.
  6150. “Relax. I just want to let her know that I'll be back.”
  6151. >The vet considers you for a few moments.
  6152. >”Okay... But if she’s sleeping, don’t wake her. And if she’s having cramps, Let me know straight away.”
  6153. “You got it, Boss.”
  6155. ~~~~~~~~~
  6157. >Your nose is filled with the scent of crusty vomit.
  6158. >Every inch of your arms, legs, and wings ache.
  6159. >And your guts feel as if someone is pinching every organ in ten different places and pulling in opposite directions.
  6160. >And to top it off your chest feels so tight.
  6161. >Stuck in this room.
  6162. >Forced to suffer through something that isn’t your fault.
  6163. >Yes.
  6164. >He said it wasn’t your fault.
  6165. >It should make things worse, but repeating his words helps make every horrible second just that little bit easier.
  6166. >Someone yells.
  6167. >The voices mumble again.
  6168. >Footsteps edge closer.
  6169. >You flick your ears to hear better and catch the telltale sound of the door knob turning.
  6170. >Taking a deep breath, you curl up tighter and pretend to sleep.
  6171. >If they find out you’re in pain, they’ll give you more drugs.
  6172. >They’ll say you need to stay here longer.
  6173. >They’ll say they need to resort to more drastic measures.
  6174. >You’ve done this song and dance before.
  6175. >So you’ll hold in the pain.
  6176. >Hold it in.
  6177. >Hold it in.
  6178. >Hold it in.
  6180. ~~~~~~~~~
  6182. >You slowly open the door, trying to make as little sound as possible.
  6183. >Celestia is still in the same spot.
  6184. >Messy wings splaying out at odd angles behind her.
  6185. >Thin legs curled up close to her body.
  6186. >Chest steadily rising and falling.
  6187. >Just as you left her.
  6188. >Keeping your eyes on the mare, you carefully tread across the carpet.
  6189. >The more she sleeps the sooner she’ll be out of here after all.
  6190. >Once you reach the chair you were sitting on before, you lean over her sleeping form.
  6191. >Apart from the steady breathing, not a single part of her is moving.
  6192. >You reach down and brush an errant strand of mane out of her face.
  6193. >The room is dark, but something catches your attention.
  6194. >The fur and skin near the corner of her eyes is folded.
  6195. >Is she squeezing her eyes shut?
  6196. >You glance back up to the door and find Emily watching both of you.
  6197. “Celly?”
  6198. >Your voice is barely a whisper.
  6199. >One of her hooves twitches.
  6200. “Celly?”
  6201. >This time there are no hoof twitches, and the area around the corners of her eyes relaxes.
  6202. “Celly Belly?”
  6203. >No response.
  6204. >She must be sleeping.
  6205. >You wanted to say something to make her feel better.
  6206. >Something to help clear the swirling thoughts in your mind.
  6207. >But best to let her get some rest.
  6208. >Before you leave though, you spot a pen and paper on a small bedside table.
  6209. >Glancing back at the poor mare on the bed, you scribble a note for her and slink out of the room.
  6210. >”Was she asleep?” Coal asks from his post outside the door.
  6211. “Thankfully.” you nod
  6212. >”Good. Good.” Velvet follows up.
  6213. “Mmm.”
  6214. >”She was up most of last night with a lot of pain. Sleep will help her body recover and get rid of the muck in her system.” Emily says.
  6215. “Mmm.”
  6217. >”Anon?” Her voice softens. “Are you okay?”
  6218. “... What? I’m fine. Just fine.”
  6219. >They don’t seem to be buying it.
  6220. “Once I drop off the kids and get the movie playing, I'll be back up here to look after her.”
  6221. >They all look at each other.
  6222. >”Maybe you should watch the movie with Tinder, Anon?”
  6223. “Nah, I’m good. I’m good.”
  6224. >”You’ve been in there all afternoon, Mate.” Coal says.
  6225. >”I was in a bad way after just a few hours with her.” Velvet confesses.
  6226. >”And I’ve done this more times than I care to admit.”
  6227. >Emily puts her hands on her hips.
  6228. >”If you don’t take it easy, we’re gonna have to take care of you soon, Anon.”
  6229. >You bring a hand to your head and squeeze your temples.
  6230. >You just want to be done with all of this.
  6231. “I know.”
  6232. >”It’ll be good for all three of you to go down to the barn. We’ll take care of things here.” Velvet gives you her kindest smile.
  6233. >Dragging your fingers down your face, you slowly nod.
  6234. >”We lean on each other when we need to, Anon.”
  6235. >You look up and find Coal smiling at you, the scars that run across his face bending and protruding noticeably around his cheeks and lips.
  6236. “Okay… Okay. I’ll go watch the movie with him. Might take Match Stick too.”
  6237. >”I think that’d be good for her too.”
  6238. >Taking a few moments to rally yourself and to also thank the trio, you head back with Emily into the kitchen to find Tinder eagerly bobbing up and down from a perch atop his sister’s back.
  6239. >“Are we gonna go now?!” he half whines at you.
  6240. “We sure are. Celestia’s fallen asleep. So I think I'll watch the movie with you while these four hold the fort.”
  6241. >You impishly watch Match Stick as the look of confusion grows on her face.
  6242. >The others smile as they wait for her to work it out.
  6244. >”Don’t you mean, five?” she asks nervously.
  6245. “Nah, You’re coming too. Who else is gonna carry Tinder?”
  6246. >”But you can-”
  6247. “No can do.”
  6248. >You act like you’ve got a sore shoulder, making the small colt on her back giggle.
  6249. >”But what about my mark? If anypony sees that, they’re gonna know straight away.
  6250. “Then don’t let them see it. You’ve been wearing my shirt like it’s yours all day anyway.”
  6251. >The mare doesn’t appear convinced in the slightest as she examines the thin shirt tied across her backside.
  6252. “I think it’ll do a world of good for both of us to get out of this house for a bit, Match Stick.”
  6253. >The mare shifts her weight back and forth across her hooves and looks to the other adults.
  6254. >Emily and Stint give her a flick of the head to be gone.
  6255. >Coal and Velvet share a gentle smile and agree.
  6256. “Alright then. We’re good to go.”
  6257. “But, same rules as this morning. No magic. And no talking about magic either. Okay?”
  6258. >”Okayyy.” They both drone back, trying to hide their smiles.
  6259. >Saying goodnight to the two couples, you slip out the backdoor with the young ones and make your way down the back hill in the sparse nighttime light.
  6260. >As you approach the barn, you see a cluster of ponies hanging out in a circle around the side.
  6261. >One of them notices you, and it suddenly hits you.
  6262. >You don’t know whether it was the movie last night.
  6263. >Or the run today,
  6264. >Or whether it’s because you know Match Stick is a bundle of nerves right now.
  6265. >Whatever it is - the panic is gone.
  6266. >You’re still a bit nervous, and part of you wishes Coal and Velvet were here as backup.
  6267. >But those feelings will probably never go away.
  6268. >One of the ponies of the practice notices your approach, and yells out to the others.
  6270. >Rather than rushing you, they make their way to stable one where your laptop is connected to the projector.
  6271. >The barn door still at least part way open for you to step under.
  6272. >But as you lead Tinder and Match Stick inside, you’re a bit blown away.
  6273. >Small couches and other pieces of furniture have been transplanted from who knows where to all over the now very crowded stable.
  6274. >A few heads turn to look at you, a small cheer goes out, some hooves wave, but most are still engaged in vibrant chatter.
  6275. >Mostly empty pizza boxes and small sleeping bags litter the floor, and a few ponies have curiously claimed enough space for a small ring of seats near the laptop.
  6276. >The one closest to the device appears to have been left empty.
  6277. >And they’re looking at you pretty expectantly.
  6278. >The maroon mare hiding behind your legs is nearly shaking where she stands.
  6279. >The colt on her back is staring in wonder at the projector screen.
  6280. >You take a deep breath.
  6281. >No time like the present.
  6282. “Good evening, everyone.”
  6283. >The buzz of excited chattering quiets down, and the ponies of the practice all turn to face you.
  6284. “To start with what you're all most concerned about; Coal, Emily, Stint, and Velvet are looking after Celestia tonight. But rest assured - she’s well on the road to recovery in their very capable hands.”
  6285. >There’s a pleased murmur across the seated herd of miniature horses.
  6286. “My hands, on the other… Hand-”
  6287. >You pause and stare at a hand for comedic effect.
  6288. >You’re rewarded with a few sympathetic chuckles from the audience and a gaggle of giggles from the kids crowding one of the corners.
  6289. “-Are quite exhausted. Especially after that race with Coal.”
  6290. >A few whoops and hollers go through the crowd.
  6292. “I’d like to sincerely thank you all for joining us. It was a fantastic surprise that made for an incredible afternoon. But I have here two new ponies who missed out on today's fun, and would like to join us for tonight’s movie.”
  6293. >You step aside and Match Stick tries following.
  6294. >Clinging to your legs like a shy kid at a party.
  6295. >”What are you doing?” Tinder whispers in her ear.
  6296. “Care to introduce yourselves?”
  6297. >Frustrated with her sister’s tepidness, Tinder hops down from her shoulders
  6298. >He regrets the decision immediately as he can’t see over the ponies in front of him, and motions for you to pick him up.
  6299. >There’s a small muttering that bounces around the stable as you hoist him onto your shoulder.
  6300. >”Hi! Tinder. I’m seven and a half years old.”
  6301. >He adds a friendly wave.
  6302. >There’s a collective hello from the herd, and the group of kids loudly whisper ‘Over here’ and wave back at him.
  6303. >You bend down on a knee and whisper to Match Stick.
  6304. ”You want me to introduce you, Big Red?”
  6305. >The skittish mare looks up at her brother - the colt eager to introduce himself, and chomping at the bit to run off and hang out with the other kids.
  6306. >”I can do it. Thank you, Mr Anon.”
  6307. “Alright then.” you smile at her.
  6308. >She steps forward on four wobbling legs.
  6309. >Clears her throat.
  6310. >”Good evening everyone. I’m Big Red. No. Wait. I mean Match Stick. Match Stick. My name is Match Stick.”
  6311. >The mare cringes so hard you think her face might collapse.
  6312. >“Big Red it is.” One of the mares in the back calls out with a gentle southern twang to the herd’s gentle bemusement. “How old are ya, Sugar?”
  6313. >Match Stick shoots you an angry look before turning back to her.
  6314. >”Seventeen.”
  6315. >”That’s perfect. Means you’re around our age. Name’s Pink Lady.”
  6316. >Funny name for a mare that isn’t Pink.
  6318. >Match Stick gives you an unsure look as the small group of ponies wave expectantly.
  6319. “You’ll be right. Go make some friends.”
  6320. >Tinder doesn’t wait an instant.
  6321. >The colt galloping over to the group of kids as fast as his legs will carry him and nearly bowling over the other foals.
  6322. >His sister though - she gives you a dour smile and slowly trots off.
  6323. >She flinches as ‘Pink Lady’ immediately hooks a hoof around her neck once she’s close enough - dragging her into the circle of ponies near the back.
  6324. >Now that the kids are taken care of, you look over to the laptop and the group of ponies waiting for you.
  6325. >Taking another deep breath, you confidently stroll over.
  6326. >All of them are smiling at your approach.
  6327. >”Prince Anon.”
  6328. >One of them addresses you straight away with a slight bow.
  6329. >You nearly trip at the title.
  6330. >The other ponies glare at him.
  6331. “Prince?”
  6332. >”You are the royal consort, are you not? Coal declared so last night.”
  6333. >”We were meant to ask him together.” one of the other ponies hisses at him.
  6334. >”Just showing a little bit of initiative my dear.”
  6335. >The others silently fume behind stiff smiles and turn to you.
  6336. >”Well then… Prince Anon-” She purses her lips, as if the words had a strange taste.
  6337. “Just ‘Anon’, thanks.”
  6338. >”Of course, Anon. We were all looking to enjoy a nice bit of small talk during the movie.” >Another stallion adds on.
  6339. >”If it wouldn’t bother you.”
  6340. >Ah.
  6341. >This is something you remember not so fondly.
  6342. >”I think it sounds wonderful.” The fourth pony chimes in before you even respond.
  6343. >Aristocrats.
  6344. >Ladder climbers.
  6345. >Or at least whatever the pony version of a gossip is.
  6346. >You should be more ticked off, but a part of you is secretly delighted.
  6347. >These ponies may have suffered quite a bit, but they’re still proud enough to be stuffy.
  6349. >They still have some form of dignity.
  6350. >It also means that you don’t need to prove anything to these ponies.
  6351. “While I would love to sit here and have a nice chat with all of you-”
  6352. >All four ponies lean in slightly, smiles stretching from ear to ear.
  6353. >But those smiles aren’t reflected in their eyes.
  6354. “-I think it’s rather impolite to talk during a movie. And the herd is waiting for us.”
  6355. >None of them look at the other ponies, their eyes glued to you and their facades cracking as they quickly grab for something to talk about.
  6356. >”A bit of a chat never hurt anyone.”
  6357. >”That’s right. Good point. Why don’t we start with…” She twirls a hoof. “What you, er, do for a living?”
  6358. >”Yes yes, what is it you do for a living, Prince Anon? Clearly a man of your… Resourcefulness must be quite talented. Your generosity to Emily has already been gratefully received here.”
  6359. >You’re not feeling all that sympathetic to their desperation, so you stand up and turn to the laptop.
  6360. “That stuff’s boring, we can talk about it some other time.”
  6361. >”Not at all! We’d love to hear about you and the kind of pon-, uh, person you are.”
  6362. >The others shoot daggers at her for that little slip-up.
  6363. “Like I said. Celestia’s doing well, and everyone is waiting for the movie. Lets just watch it and have some fun. Okay?”
  6364. >You walk past the empty spot and organize tonight’s viewing.
  6365. >Their smiles quickly melt as they pout on their stools.
  6366. >Those types aren’t the ones who just give up though.
  6367. >Prince Anon.
  6368. >Now that’s a bizarre one.
  6370. >Oh well.
  6371. >What to watch then?
  6372. >You scroll through your library, trying to find one that’s perfect.
  6373. >Avoiding human centric films seems like a solid plan, and a comedy feels like it’lll lighten up the mood.
  6374. >Hmmm.
  6375. >It might be a bit much, but it’ll give a much needed culture boost.
  6376. >Turning on the projector, another round of ‘ooo’ goes through the crowd.
  6377. >In a corner, you spot Tinder sitting absolutely dumbstruck by the giant blue screen from the midst of the scrum of tiny ponies.
  6378. >Near the back, Match Stick is frantically fielding off question after question from the group of older teens in the herd.
  6379. >Smiling at the sight, you press play and sit down on the empty stool.
  6380. >The dejected gossips light up again.
  6381. >”So about your-”
  6382. “Shhh, it’s about to start.”
  6383. >”Ah right.”
  6384. >The ones facing away from the screen regretfully spin in their seats to watch the show.
  6385. >And as Mike Myers’ voice narrates a typical fairy tale story intro from a book, you find your gaze drawn again to the rest of the herd so you can watch how they react.

Equestrian rehab (Act 1, Part 1)

by Adjudicant

Equestrian Rehab (Act 1, Part 2)

by Adjudicant

Vacation Vocation

by Adjudicant