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/yandere/ Mr. Pear Bear

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-30 22:22:20
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Oh Anon! How are we doing today?"
  2. "Fuck off."
  3. >A yellow pegasus giggles
  4. >"It almost sounded like you were saying something mean! It's ok."
  5. >It's been two weeks
  6. >Two
  7. >Weeks
  8. >You ended up in Equestria and it was as colorful as you thought it would be
  9. >The only issue was that ponies don't speak English
  10. >There's no England in Pony world
  11. >So there's no fucking English
  12. >You see that yellow has brought company this time
  13. >Purple unicorn
  14. >They neigh at each other
  15. >Purple is pretty expressive
  16. >You can almost make out their conversation from the expressions alone
  17. >Tone is a crapshoot when it comes to other noises
  18. >"This is my bestest friend, Twilight Sparkle! She's really smart and promised to help me learn more about you! Isn't that wonderful?"
  19. "Will she get me my clothing back?"
  20. >Outside of an admittedly soft rope around your neck, you've been naked for the last two weeks
  21. >The two keep talking until yellow giggles
  22. >It seems like giggling
  23. >Purple waves at you and widely opens her mouth
  24. >You can only make out "Light" and "Nice"
  25. >You furrow your brow at her
  26. >Purple tries her best to smile
  27. >Yellow pats her on the back and clears her throat
  28. >"Twilight is trying to learn how to speak Animalese! I can speak to birds, bears, balloon animals and you!"
  29. "Joy. Clothing please?"
  30. >"No no no, she doesn't have to wear clothes!"
  31. >Their conversation continues until Purple and Yellow leave
  32. >You've been sitting this entire time, legs folded with your head in your hands
  33. >The weather hasn't been bad but you've been worn down pretty bad by having to sleep outside without any coverings
  34. >You aren't Survivor Man, you can't get by on unusually soft grass alone
  35. >At least there's a small pond nearby where you can bathe
  36. >Doesn't help since your hair has gotten greasy
  37. >You miss shampoo
  38. >Yellow comes back
  39. >She has a full bag in her mouth
  40. >She stops in front of you and drops it in front of your legs
  41. >"It's lunch time! I know you must eat a whole lot, you must be a sort of pale bear! Maybe you're a pear bear!"
  42. >Your skin tone is nothing resembling a pear
  43. >You've lost the urge to fight her when she brings you food
  44. >You open the bag and see a wide variety of dried fruits, nuts, and a few flower petals for good measure
  45. >It isn't the best but you really can't afford to be choosey
  46. >You'd kill for a burger
  47. >Or a single hot dog
  48. >You sigh at the taste of it
  49. >It is nice
  50. >Within an hour of ending up in their little horse town, you were captured by Yellow
  51. >If it weren't for her maybe you could... find some sort of jerky store or something
  52. >Horses had to eat meat too
  53. >While picking apart the favorite parts from the bag, Yellow pushes her face into your lap
  54. >Almost immediately you tense up
  55. >She's licking at your crotch
  56. >You try to push her head away but her neck is surprisingly strong and unyielding
  57. >You haven't had any privacy for the last two weeks so you haven't been able to... relax at your own pace, so to say
  58. >Yellow can tell
  60. >After a long, agonizingly hard slurp, she pulls away
  61. >You try to hide your face behind the bag but you can see her face and she can see most of yours
  62. >Her mane is a little out of place
  63. >She openly licks her lips
  64. >"You are surprisingly pent up! I can tell. I know how allllllll of the animals are, both big and small!"
  65. >Her eyes dart down to your crotch
  66. >Even if she's a tiny pony you can tell that she has the look of a starved animal
  67. >"You know, you must need help with this? I've seen you rub and tug at it at night... but you never do it for long. Does it itch? Am I doing it the right way?"
  68. >You really don't want to say anything
  69. >You can't give her the satisfaction of an answer
  70. >So you don't answer
  71. >Not verbally
  72. >She frowns
  73. >But she's smiling with her eyes
  74. >"Am I doing it wrong then...? I'm so sorry for that, Mr. Pear Bear... let me try something else..."
  75. >She pushes her head back down onto your lap
  76. >You last maybe a half minute before you drop the bag
  77. >You try with all of your strength, what little you have, to force her head away
  78. >You're failing
  79. >Worse yet
  80. >She's succeeding
  81. >The sound of her mouth and her humming is far too much for even you
  82. >You scream out some half-brained exclamation
  83. >Seven heart beats later, all of your strength leaves you
  84. >You lean back and to the side, trying to avoid her incessant gaze
  85. >She gulps
  86. >Hard
  87. >Loud
  88. >Letting you know that she won
  89. >She 'helped'
  90. >"Why Mr. Pear Bear... I think I helped you. Was that what you were missing?"
  91. >You refuse to answer
  92. >"If you don't answer me... I might forget to bring you dinner tonight... so many animals need my help, even though none of you need this sort of special help."
  93. "...thank you."
  94. >You hear a melodical giggle
  95. >"It almost sounded like you were thanking me! What did I do to deserve such praise?"
  96. >This could cripple your pride further
  97. "...Thank you for taking care of that."
  98. >"Yay! Much better! You're very welcome Anonymous. Oops! I mean, Mr. Pear Bear!"
  99. >Yellow pets your bent knee with her hoof
  100. >"You know, it's supposed to get windy and cold tonight too... do you maybe need a blanket? Or bedding...?"
  101. >You see what her goal is now
  102. >You just can't bring yourself to genuinely stop her
  103. >It took two more days of giving her the cold shoulder before you finally capitulated
  104. >After two nights of chilly, windy nights
  105. >After two days of dealing with swarms of birds, small woodland critters and technicolor ponies visiting to try to emulate your language for fun
  106. >After near sixteen days of your energy waning
  107. >You allow her to get you a blanket
  108. >The evening she brought it out for you, you almost cried
  109. >You almost dozed off as soon as you felt feathery warmth cover your body
  110. >Until you felt Yellow go under the blanket too
  111. >She drained you at least three times
  112. >All through her mouth
  113. >You know this because outside of her tongue, she would make the loudest, most obscene sounds
  114. >"Oh my, you're still in need! Don't worry Mr. Pear Bear, Fluttershy is on the job!"
  116. >She calls herself that but it's a stupid name
  117. >It's probably a code name or some sort of mistranslation
  118. >After your third drain, you pass out
  119. >You had the best dream
  120. >You were back home
  121. >You had your shitty bed
  122. >Your shitty blankets
  123. >Your video games that you never played because your favorite social spot said they sucked
  124. >Your shit job
  125. >Having breakfast bratwursts and biscuits
  126. >You wake up, feeling intense strain on your body
  127. >It's Yellow again
  128. >Fluttershy
  129. >Her hooves are on your stomach
  130. >You try to grab her head and force herself away but your hands slip
  131. >You feel her drain you until there's nothing left
  132. >You don't have the capacity to stop her
  133. >Yet again
  134. >She crawls out from under the blanket, smiling
  135. >Her mouth is still messy
  136. >"Good boy, Mr. Pear Bear! I can tell you've been eating your food, you taste wonderful!"
  137. >You bring the blanket up to cover your face
  138. >If this were any other situation, you wouldn't complain that much
  139. >But this
  140. >This is just too much
  141. >You close your eyes again
  142. >Far too soon, you hear multiple ponies talking
  143. >What you think is 'talking'
  144. >"Mr. Pear Bear! My friends are here! Wakey wakey!"
  145. >Aw crap
  146. >You refuse to remove the blanket
  147. >"Pear! Peary very peary berry pear bear!"
  148. >Sounds like some sort of hyper-active female voice
  149. >"You sure this big hairy thing can buck apples?"
  150. >Some... cow poke?
  151. >"He would make a good model... I suppose. He is shaped slightly like a dragon. It could be a change to enter a new realm of fashion!"
  152. >This is definitely a different voice
  153. "Wait..."
  154. >Did you go crazy?
  155. >You can understand them now?
  156. >You rip yourself from the blanket and scramble to your hands and knees
  157. "I can understand you?!"
  158. >There are six ponies in front of you
  159. >"Wow, Twilight you did it! Mr. Pear Bear must understand us now!"
  160. >...what?
  161. >"Well it was easy, once you explained how to sound out certain words."
  162. "...can you things understand me? Send me back home. Send me back!"
  163. >"It's just a shame the spell can't translate him to us... but I'll be sure to try out some other spells! Maybe I can try on some other bears..."
  164. >Purple seems to be the mastermind for this
  165. "Someone please get me some real food. I'm dying here."
  166. >All six of them laugh
  167. >Fluttershy laughs the hardest and wipes her eye with her foreleg
  168. >"Oh my! Mr. Pear Bear was thanking us for making it so he can understand us!"
  169. "Wha-no! NO! I'm not!"
  170. >You stand up, ready to rip the wings off of Yellow
  171. >Only to be reminded that you're still naked
  172. >Five of the six ponies gasp
  173. >Fluttershy gives you a dark smile for a split second
  174. >Her expression changes almost instantly to an innocent gasp
  175. >"Oh my! Mr. Pear Bear is awake and agitated! Quick girls, go get what I mentioned! We have only an hour until he goes into an angry rage!"
  176. >"Got it!"
  177. >"Roger!"
  178. >"Keep him busy Shy!"
  179. >"Boy howdy, I... r-right!"
  180. >"By Celestia I have to take THAT into consideration for tailoring?!"
  181. >Like a bad action party, five of the six sprint or fly or... poof...?
  182. >All of them vacate
  184. >That just leaves you with Fluttershy
  185. >She puffs out her chest and steps up to you
  186. >"Oh Mr. Pear Bear... don't act so mean. Now sit down. They're all fetching you some really good things. And I promised them that you would help them out. So you get to go out and help out everypony!"
  187. >You don't move
  188. >Her smile turns to a grin
  189. >Her eyes narrow
  190. >"Momma said."
  191. >She raises up her hoof and punches it into your open, exposed crotch
  192. >"SIT. DOWN."
  193. >No matter how frustrated you may be, a kick to the jewels is a fucking kick to the jewels
  194. >You drop down on your ass, your hands covering your gun and grenades
  195. >Her grin widens even further
  196. >You'd ask why the long face but she's a fucking talking yellow horse
  197. >"Good boy."
  198. >She bites down on your hand and pulls it away
  199. >Thankfully she doesn't use her teeth that much
  200. >Without hesitation she goes back to draining you
  201. >More aggressively this time
  202. >You aren't sure which is worse
  203. >How it's starting to hurt with how hard she's attempting to devour you
  204. >Or that it isn't even taking you all that long to react the way she wants you to

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon