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Anon Does a Porno in Futaquestria
By SunButtBestButtCreated: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2022-08-21 13:34:17
Expiry: Never
>scene begins
>a young human man is sitting alone on a black couch, he looks nervous and squirmy
>a mare from behind the camera speaks
>” So, why don’t we start with your name cutie.”
>the human smiles nervously into the camera and waves
“ name is anon.”
>” How long have you been in Equestria, anon?”
“Uh, just a few months. I came here for school.”
>” How ya likin’ Equestria so far?”
“Oh uh, it’s really nice. Everyo-..erm..., everypony, has been really welcoming.”
>the mare behind the camera chuckles
>” Would like a drink anon?”
“Uh, yeah actually, I am kind of thirsty.”
>anon is handed a glass of bright pink liquid, he eyes it wearily, but not wanting to appear rude, takes a tentative sip
>he smacks his lips and allows it sit on his tongue for a moment, then takes a swig
>” So made any friends? Any special friends?”
>anon places his drink on the table, he shifts and fidgets nervously
” Um...not any ‘special’ friends no…”
>the mare chuckles again, a little deeper this time, and with somewhat of an ominous edge
>” Tell me anon, do ya like mares?”
“I don’t underta-”
>” I mean do you find us attractive.”
“Uh…w-well yes...I suppose...”
>” How ‘bout dickmares? Ya know ‘bout dickmares right?”
>anon’s face turns red, he continues to avoid eye contact with the camera
” I’m, not sure-”
>” Is it true they ain’t got no dickmares on Earth?”
“ Uh, no, only males have...uh...dicks.”
>” How fucking weird is that eh? Just colts and mares, no third sex? I don’t know how you humans live like that! But anyway, back to the question. How do you feel about dickmares”
>” I mean, I don’t hate them or anything, the ones I’ve met seem nice just like everybod-everypony else...but ...I’ve just never considered myself...ya”
>the mare bursts out laughing, causing anon’s cheeks to turn even redder
“W-what does this have to do with the survey? I thought this was for a cultural study?”
>” Hahahahaheheh-.yeah-heheheh-trust me, sweetcheeks, it is-”
“Did you just call me-”
>“-and dickmares are part of Equestrian culture. A big part. We’re just trying to cover all the important bases.”
>” Say, I got a friend who’s never met a human before, I mean up close. I know she’s been dying to meet one of you little cuties. Would ya like to meet her?”
“Uh, yeah sure.”
>” Alright bring her in.”
>the door opens and in walks an earth pony with a wheat-colored coat and pale white mane and tail, she is dressed in a plain white tank top that seems to barely contain her buxom chest, and grey shorts with a very distinguishable bulge,
>she plops down on the couch next to anon, which makes him jump up slightly, the difference in size is almost comical, with anon perhaps being somewhere from average to slightly below average in height, while the earthy pony is easily pushing past seven feet
>” Anon this is Money Shot. Money Shot, anon.”
>the now named Money Shot stretches her toned arms along the spine of the couch and splays her thick legs wide open, displaying her bulge without a hint of shame, she flashes anon a huge grin
>” Nice to meetcha anon. “
>anon fails to respond, too transfixed on Money Shot’s crotch, to the ignorant observer it would look as though she was trying to smuggle a pair of cantaloupe melons in her shorts
>Money Shot taps anon on the head, tearing his wide eyes away from her (barely) concealed sperm factories
>Money Shot giggles and ruffles anon’s hair
>” Oh Sisters, you were right, these little critters are cute!”
>” So anon, my friend tells me they don’t have a third sex where you’re from. That true?”
“ Y-yes.”
>” So you’ve never really seen what a dickmare like me hides underneath all these rags, huh?”
“I-I mean, I think I have a pretty good idea.”
>Money Shot and the camera-mare both share a laugh, then the camera-mare pipes up
>” Why don’t you show him Shot?”
“I d-don’t know if that’s-”
>Money Shot rises from the couch and stands in front of anon, the camera moves across the room to get a good look of anon with Money Shot’s crotch inches above his face
>” Oh c’mon honey, you came to Equestria to learn about us ponies right? Well, consider this a very essential lesson. You don’t get the full Equestria experience without it.”
>Money Shot hooks her thumbs into her waistband and slowly pulls her shorts down, setting her sheath and sack free
>anon’s jaw drops at seeing the two heavy orbs dangle in front of his face, each one bigger than his fist
>Money Shot slips her shorts over her hooves, before tossing them carelessly across the room, a cutie mark in the form of a squirting white rope graces her flank
>she flashes anon yet another huge grin, clearly taking delight in his reaction
>” So what d’ya think nonny?”
>anon finally regains enough composure to close his mouth and swallow
“They’ b-big.”
>Money Shot giggles and begins swaying her hips side to side, making her balls swing like a pendulum, anon’s eyes follow them, almost in a hypnotic trance
>” Yeah, these puppies are pretty heavy. You wouldn’t mind holding them for me for a bit, would you? Help take the load off?”
>anon swallows again, looks to the camera, the reaches out with trembling hands
>he cups Money Shot’s balls, feeling the weight and the heat emanating off them, they shift and move slightly in his hands
>Money Shot makes an approving hum, evidently enjoying the attention her family jewels are getting
>” Oh, you have such soft hands anon. Hmmm, like satin.”
>anon doesn’t respond, he continues to fondle Money Shot’s balls, mesmerized, trying to comprehend how genitals of such size could exist on an otherwise female body
>after a few more seconds of this, a flared head begins to poke out of Money Shot’s sheath
>anon stops dead and stares at the awaking cock like a dear caught in the headlights
>Money Shot places a hand on anon’s head
>” Don’t stop now honey, keep going. You’re doing good.”
>anon returns to massaging Money Shot’s scrotum but keeps his eyes fixed on the cock emerging from her sheath
>it slinks out of her body, slow and foreboding, inch after meaty inch, it seems to go on forever
>soon her entire length is out, easily fifteen inches, it hovers over anon’s head and casts a menacing shadow over him
>Money Shot smirks and grabs the base of her cock
>” What about this? This big too?”
>anon nods dumbly, staring slack-jawed at the tower of cockmeat looming over him
“ So big…”
>Money Shot wags her cock, making it wobble and wave above anon’s head
>” Ya wanna touch it? Go ahead, it won’t bite.”
>anon slowly removes his shaking hands from Money Shot’s balls and moves them up to wrap around her cock
>it’s warm in his hands, and heavy, her shaft is so thick that his fingers can’t wrap all the way around
>Money Shot aims her cock downwards, bringing her flared head face to face with anon, it throbs and a bead of clear, syrupy precum oozes from her dickhole
>” Oooh, my girl seems pretty happy to meet you. Why don’t you greet her with a little kiss.”
>anon glances at the camera for a moment, as if hoping for some kind of guidance, he turns back to Money Shot’s flare, and after a moment of hesitation, plants a small kiss at the center of the massive cockhead
>he retreats quickly but catches a drop of pre on his lips, he wipes it off with his fingers and inspects it, then takes a tentative lick
>as soon as it touches his tongue he lets out a soft moan, then devours his finger into his mouth and sucks it clean
>once he’s consumed every drop of pre from his hands, he turns his attention back to Money Shot’s throbbing length, now with a look of hunger
>he sticks his tongue out and scrapes it up along the flared head, eagerly lapping up the steady stream of addictive precum
>Money Shot groans at the sweet sensation of a soft human tongue cleaning her meat
>she lifts up her tank top, revealing her chiseled abs, then letting her ample breasts spill out
>she grabs one and squeezes, biting her lip as she watches anon make out with her cockhead while pumping both hands up and down her shaft
>” Oooooh Sisters above...that tongue of yours is just delicious. But-”
>Money Shot places a hand on anon’s head, he doesn’t tear his lips away from her cock, but he does break from his cocklust trance enough to look up at her
>”-I bet the rest of your mouth is even better. “
>she beings to gently press anon’s head forward, mashing his lips against her flare
>he resists ever so slightly for but a moment before surrendering and parting his lips, allowing Money Shot passage into his mouth
>anon’s jaw stretches uncomfortably as the flare passes through his lips and into his maw, taking up all the space in his mouth
>Money Shot hisses and moans in pleasure, savoring the warm, wet orifice enveloping her cockhead
>” C’mon honey I can’t do all the work here, get the pretty mouth moving.”
>anon hesitantly begins bobbing his head back and forth, suckling on her cock like some kind of oversized meat lollipop, while continuing to work the shaft with his hands
>Money Shot moans even louder and pinches one of her nipples
>” Fuck, that’s good. But still not enough.”
>” Well you can’t just take the head. Look how much cock I still got out here! Nah honey, you gotta get every inch of me nice and wet. Go on, try to take a little more.”
>anon glances at the rest of Money Shot’s cock with a look of concern in his eyes, wondering how he can possibly take anymore, the head alone is filling up his mouth
>he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath through his knows, then forces himself forward
>he doesn’t get far before his gags, at which point he wrenches himself off of Money Shot’s cock, the flare leaves his mouth with a loud, wet ‘pop’
>Money Shot makes a disappointed pout at her cock no longer being in a nice wet hole
>” Well, guess I hoped for a little too much. You are a beginner after all. No problem, I’ll you help out.”
>she places both hands on anon’s head
>” Now open up reeeaaal wide, and hold still. This might get a little rough.”
>anon stretches his mouth as wide as it can go and braces himself, a shiver runs up his spine
>Money Shot's hips rush forward and the flare of her cock rams into anon's open maw, right past his lips and straight to the back of his throat
>anon's gag reflex immediately responds and tries to reject the meaty invader, his eyes squint shut so hard that tears come pouring it out and streak down his cheeks, he instinctively tries to pull away, hands flying to Money Shot's thighs in a panic, desperately trying to push off
>but Money Shot effortlessly holds him in place, she pulls back slightly before jamming her cock forward again, battering at his gullet, she grits her teeth in concretion, determined to gain entry into his throat
>"Hm! Just relax baby...just relax your throat-ugh-it's easier if you don't-agh- fight it!"
>"C' up for me baby...stop...fighting...AND. OPEN. UP!"
>with one last powerful thrust, Money Shot's cock breaks through the resistance with an audible 'pop', anon's eyes go wide as he is forced to swallow several inches of marecock
>the camera zooms in and focus on anon's now bulging throat, it convulsed as it tries in vain to eject a cock much too large for it
>Money Shot throws her head back and lets out a long, almost drunken groan in triumph
>"Oh! H-holy fuck! Your throat is f-fucking heaven baby! Lunadamn, that is some good shit!
>anon's only response is a muffled groan
>Money Shot continues to slowly sink more and more of her cock down anon's gullet, inch after throbbing, meaty inch
>after what seems like an eternity Money Shot's grapefruit-sized balls finally make contact with anon's chin
>she lets out the most contented sigh and savors the feeling of her entire length being buried in this little human's throat
>anon's eyes glaze over and roll back, he coughs weakly around her girthy fuckstick, his throat still trying in vain to force it out
>Money Shot hold her cock in place for a few seconds, before slowly retreating, her entire length is now coated in anon's saliva, it oozes off offer and sticks to anon's chin
>she pulls back until only her head remain in his mouth, anon breathes rapidly through his nose, desperate to get air back into his lungs after being cut off by more than a foot of marecock
>" Yeah that's it, baby. Deep breaths, deeeeep breeeaaaths."
>anon's breathing soon slows down, once Money Shot is sure that he's gotten enough air, she rams herself back down his throat, pulls back, then rams again
>she begins to fuck anon's throat at a steady pace, spit flies with every sloppy impact, making his face even more of a mess along with the tears staining his cheeks, had he been wearing makeup it would be ruined by now
>there is now a lewd chorus made up of anon's gagging and gurgling, Money Shot's moans, and the wet 'plap' 'plap' 'plap of her balls hitting anon's chin
>this goes on for a few minutes, with Money Shot pistoning her cock in and out of anon's poor abused throat, and anon coughing around her thick meatlog, trying to breathe in through his nose every time she pulls back far enough for him to get some air
>eventually Money Shot buries herself to the hilt and holds it there
>"Ah fuck fucking tight...and warm..."
>anon coughs and gurgles on her dick, clawing at her thighs, eyes fluttering and face turning blue as he quickly runs out of air
>just when it seems like he's about to pass out, Money Shot dislodges her cock from his throat with sloppy 'pop'
>anon gasps and coughs, trying to suck in air, drool falls from his chin, strings of saliva and precum connect from his lips to Money Shot's flare
>her entire length from flare to balls is slick with anon's spit
>"Whew! That was close! Almost blew just then. I'm not usually such a quickshot, but damn boy, you got a magic throat!"
>anon sits there panting, rubbing his jaw and throat
"Y-you're *cough* s-so big* cough* how did y-you n-not-"
>just then the cameramare cuts in
>"Break your jaw? That yummy drink we gave you earlier was an elasticity potion., sweetie"
>the camera zooms in on anon's lips, puffy and slimy from the raw facefucking he had just received
" Elas-*cough* elasticity?"
>"Yeah, ya didn't think I would sic ol' big Shot here on ya without some precautions did ya?"
>Money Shot pipes in, stroking her slick and wet cock
>"Yeah, ponies can take marecock no problem, but other species? They ain't built like us. So we gotta consider safety first. There's all kinds of potions and spells that can alter physiology, so we can play with non-ponies without having to worry about doing any damage. Which reminds me..."
>Money Shot picks up the half-drunken glass of pink liquid and brings it to anon's lips
>"You should finish this. Heh, trust me you're gonna need it."
>anon obediently gulps down the rest of the drought, looking up into Money Shots eyes with a look that seems fear and half desire
>with the glass now empty Money Shot sets it aside and takes a seat on the couch, smirking and stroking her cock
>" Good boy. Now, how's 'bout you get out of those rags, and show me the rest of what I'm working with."
>anon gets up from the couch on shaky legs, he looks to the camera for a moment, then begins to take off his shirt
>" Not too fast now, honey. Take your time, niiiiiiice and slow."
>anon does as the dickmare bids, and slowly lifts off his shirt, revealing a young and toned body, he then moves slowly to his pants
>Money Shot slowly pumps her cock as the young man stripteases for her
>anon slides his pants down, underwear and all, revealing his own hard and leaking cock
>he no stands stark naked, his tear stained cheeks a bright cherry red
>Money Shot bites her lip as she drinks in the sight of the nude human before
>"Mmm-mmm, don't you look yummy."
>the dickmare reaches out and grabs anon by the buttocks, she gives his cheeks a good squeeze, which makes him jolt and let out a surpised little 'eep!"
>the camera zooms in on anon's ass beeing kneaded like dough by Momey Shot's eager hands
>she spreads his cheeks apart and exposes his tight pucker to the camera
>she moves him back over the couch, where she has him bend over and lean his hands on the cushions
>she spreads his cheeks again and licks her lips
>" ~Snack time~."
>she then buries her muzzle into anon's ass and proceeds to go to town
>anon squirms and whimpers as Money Shot circles her tongue around his virgin hole
>when she slips it inside he yelps in surprise, but stays bent over, allowing her to sloppily french kiss his pucker
>it doesn't take long for Money Shot's tongue to find his prostate, anon begins to grind his ass against her muzzle while moaning
>she squeezes his cheeks while prodding and licking his p-spot, his cock twitches and leaks pre like a broken faucet
>suddenly anon's knees start to buckle and he lets out a strangled cry as he reaches orgasm
>his cock explodes and spews seed all over the couch, he bites his lip to keep from crying out as the best nut of his life busts out in long, arching ropes
>after a few seconds the eruption ceases, leaving a puddle of cum on the cushions below him
>Money Shot pulls her tongue from his ass with an enthusiastic "MWAH!"
>she peers over to see the mess he's made on the couch
>" Heheh, well that didn't take long! usually I gotta tongue a colt's button for at least fifteen minutes before I can make him pop. You didn't even last five!"
>she gets up and slaps her cock against anon's rear, smearing pre and spit all over his ass and back
>"That's it, I can't wait any longer! I gotta feel that boypussy around my dick!"
>she grabs hold of anon's hip with one hand and uses the other to line her cock up to his ass, the feeling of her blunt tip sliding between his cheeks brings him out of his post orgasm stupor
>" One..."
>anon's eyes go wide as his brain finally catches up and he realizes what's about to happen
>" Two..."
>he whips his head back and opens his mouth, but it's too late
>Money Shot's hips shoot forth and her flare barges into anon's virgin ass
>a heartbeat passes before anon lets out what sounds like a mix between a gasp and a shriek
>even with the potion he can still feel Money Shot's ridiculously thick cock stretch his ring and throb inside his tight inner walls
>Money Shot groans as she slowly presses further, driving her length deeper and deeper into the boy, straightening out his guts with her mass of cockmeat
>anon digs his fingers into the couch and bites his lip to keep from letting out another cry, instead emitting a piteous whine
>that is until the marecock finds his secret button
>her cock presses down on his prostate, flattening it underneath its meaty weight, and anon's lips part to emit a surprised "AH!"
>the sensation of being stretched and filled is now accompanied by a blinding bliss, pleasure the likes of which he's never known before courses through his body and his legs shake and tremble
>Money Shot seems to be enjoying herself just as much, groaning as she continues feeding her cock into her new lover
>the camera-mare finally pipes up "So, is he good 'n' tight?"
>Money Shot looks to the camera with an almost drunken grin
>"Oooooh, Sweet Celestia... soooooo fucking tight. Unf! Even better than that little kirin cutie you brought last week."
>the camera peers down to focus on Money Shot's dick, a darker caramel that contrasts against her pale wheat coat, splitting anon's cheeks apart
by SunButtBestButt
by SunButtBestButt