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1208 6.69 KB 91
By bean-buddy6270Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-06 00:20:30
Expiry: Never
>You have a youtube account
>All you ever post are those poorly made 3am challenge videos
>At night you pull out your camera and start recording, blabbering on about Raid Shadow Legends until you hear a knock on the door
>Dammit the package was supposed to wait another 5 minutes while you talk about your sponsors to fit in as many ads as humanly possible and to get that 10 minute mark
>You open the door and saw a box about twice the height of you with a strong musky scent coming from it
>After dragging it in your house a dickmare jumped out of the box, you thought it was just your friend in a really convincing costume
>The first thing the mare does is snatch your camera off you and shove your head down into her balls while recording you
>The rest of the night involved you being ploughed by a dickmare twice your size while recording the entire time
>By morning the video had already been posted all across the internet
"H-hey guys, welcome back to my channel. Today I'm playing "Getting Over it With Bennet Foddy"...Don't mind Vynil Scratch, she's that futa mare that I accidentally ordered from the dark web...shes gonna be shoving an inch over cock into my ass every time I fall,"
>10mins later and her balls are pressed right up against the backs of your thighs
>You pause the game just as Bennett says "That’s a deep frustration, a real punch in the gut."
"Ung...fuck. Vinyl, please...mercy...I-i can't,"
>You rub at the hefty bulge she makes in you.
>You're certain everyone whose watching can see it too.
>Vinyl pulls her dick out of you and applies more lube to her length and unpauses your game.
"There's no feeling more intense than starting over..."
>in no time at all she's completely taken over the channel
>it's now to dedicate the myriad of sexual challenges and pranks she puts you through
>last week was seeing how much of her cock she could shove down your throat
>the week before was cumming into your food seeing how long it took you to figure it out
>now the latest challenge is her not coming for a week to see what the output is
>you're thankful for the respite, but you're also scared of what's to come
>her normal load is enough to completely fill your belly till you look pregnant
>you shudder to think what a week's worth of backed-up mareseed could do to your body
>her balls, normally the size of grapefruits, have now grown to the size of basketballs
>her cock is now almost perpetually hard and dripping pre
>you know it's taking all the restraint she's got not to jump you and pump you full
>but soon...
>The day comes when she is gonna fuck you stupid.
>she preps you like she's prepping a sex toy
"Its just a ten minute video...we got this...just remember to breathe,"
>just as the broad head of her cock presses against your hole you look at the computer.
>she's doing a charity livestream.
"Oh fuck..."
>she lasts maybe ten minutes before she blows
>you feel the familiar sensation of warm cum flooding your depths and filling your stomach
>only, it doesn't stop
>even after your belly looks like it's carrying twins, she's still cumming
"Ugh...Vinyl...p-please...too...too much..."
>but Vinyl is too busy throwing her head back and moaning to hear your pleas
>with her cock plugging your ass, and the stream of cum showing no signs of ending, there's only so much your body can hold
>you then feel it creeping up your throat, warm, and thick
>it comes spewing out your mouth and nostrils, then your vision fades
>eventually, Vinyl's stream ends and she comes back down from cloud 9
>"Wooooooo! Sisters, I needed that! Man, I'm telling you guys, a week of abstinence will leave you backed up like nothing else. If I didn't have my little buddy here, I would have painted the whole room! Ain't that right anon? Anon?"
"...ugh.... blegh *gurgles noises*..."
>Vinyl lifts your face to the camera so that everyone can see your eyes rolled back, and mouth agape, still coughing up cum
>"AH man, he passed out! Oh well, kinda figured it'd be a bit much for him. Don't worry folks, we can still have some fun with him. We still got ten hours, and I still got to empty these tanks!"
"H-Hey guys, welcome to Vinyl's gaming channel. Today she's playing Doom Eternal while... I play with"joy stick"
>spend the next 4 hours with her cock in your mouth, swallowing rope after rope of cum.
>lick and suckle her balls while stroking her dick
>the entire time, a second camera records you
>everyone can see your channel is a testament to how quickly you lost control and became a marecock lover
>she does another charity stream, only this time she brought some friends for the show
>you now have at least five dickmares, all horny and revved up to go to town on your holes
>a few months ago the prospect would have terrified you
>but by now Vinyl has you so trained, that the thought of being ravished by a gang of horny dickmares as you excited
>just the sight of their hard, throbbing cocks and cum filled balls has your own dick twitching and leaking pre in anticipation
>but what has you even more excited, is that the whole world gets to see what a slut you
>you had not only learned to love getting ravished by marecock, but you had also fully embraced all the attention you got from doing live on camera
>you got way more views than you ever did as some generic clickbait channel
>the mares crowd around you as Vinyl focuses the camera on you
>you're swarmed by a forest of big, meaty horsecocks and heavy sacks churning with cum
>each one has its own distinct, mouth-watering scent, together they dominate your senses
>they rub themselves all over you, smearing you with their precum, teasing you with what's to come
>it's going to be a fun night
Damn, you're good at this anon
>at 1 million subscribers its the "Ride a Marecock for 24 hours" stream
>at 10 million its "Sucking TWO Marcocks at the Same Time? Blowjob ASMR"
>100 million "Double Stuffed: One Human, Two Futas. You Won't Believe How Loose hes Gotten"
Old clickbait titling habits die hard.
>Cum In Eyes Challenge! Try Not To Blink! #Bukakke #Facial
>Viewer Requests! Full Nelson, Throat Swabbing, and more!
>Deepthroat Breathplay Donation Stream! $1 = 1 Second!
>Stream Highlights! Anal Orgasm! Cum Shot Out His Nose! #Funny
>How To Not Gag! Deepthroat Tips And Trix!
>BISEXUAL?! We Tricked Him Into Blowing A Stallion Blindfolded!
>How Many Orgasms Does It Take To Pop A Condom? #Science
>We Came In His Cereal And He Didn't Notice! #Prank #NotMilk
>PUBLIC SEX?! We Fucked Him On A Park Bench! #Dare
>Casual Saturday Stream! We Play LemmeSmashHoes, He Blows The Winner!
by bean-buddy6270