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Zecora's Feeding Vines Continuation (Not Mine)

By ExpandNon
Created: 2021-06-08 14:43:18
Expiry: Never

  2. >accidentally step into a nest of nectar vines one day while walking to Zecora's hut
  3. >have to waddle the rest of the way to try and fix the problem
  4. Hmm... ah, my friend, I see your plight!
  5. You want a potion which can set things right.
  6. You stumbled into the wrong patch of grass,
  7. And now you want its effects to pass!
  8. Luckily, I have the potion you need,
  9. But how well it works is not guaranteed...
  10. The fluid in your stomach has yet to digest,
  11. So drinking this will remove it as you rest.
  12. My previous attempts have served rather well,
  13. But if its effects are consistent, I cannot tell.
  14. Drink but one sip, sleep for the night and see,
  15. And if something goes wrong, then come back to me!
  16. >follow Zecora's instructions to the best of my memory
  17. >go to sleep
  18. >wake up feeling as bloated as ever
  19. >have a hard time moving as I traverse Everfree
  20. >the pressure in my gut seems to increase the more I walk...
  21. >arrive at Zecora's door with my belly just inches above the ground
  22. >she walks around and examines my side, giving my flank an occasional poke to feel out the swelling
  23. Oh, my, it appears your problem is not getting better...
  24. Did you follow my instructions to the letter?
  25. >give her a nod, but then I realize I might have downed the whole bottle all at once...
  26. >Zecora shakes her head solemnly
  27. I prescribed you to consume only a fraction,
  28. Because drinking the whole potion has a bad reaction!
  29. >I want to say that she gave no such warning, but I feel I'm in no position to argue semantics
  31. The potion was meant to turn the nectar to air,
  32. Then move out of your system without a care.
  33. But because you apparently lost your mind,
  34. The effects have doubled, or tripled, in kind!
  35. Your will continue to grow until the liquid is gone,
  36. Then hopefully the gas will slowly pass on.
  37. You were careless, indeed, so now we must wait
  38. And see if time will improve your state.
  39. >unfortunately, my condition doesn't improve
  40. >in fact, it only becomes more rapid
  41. >none of my hooves able to touch the ground by now, and must rest on my ever expanding belly
  42. >soon enough my body covers a large radius of Zecora's floor
  43. >I can even feel my back staring to bulge out and balloon, my entire figure steadily growing more spherical
  44. >I can tell from the height of the room I'm just inches away from scraping her ceiling
  45. I am sorry to say, but if you expand any more,
  46. I might have to push you out the door!
  47. You are getting rounder at too fast a pace,
  48. And my poor home has only has so much space!
  49. >she moves to my side and gives me a heavy push
  50. >her hooves sink ever so slightly into my swollen side while she rolls me to the door
  51. >by now my cheeks were so swollen and pushed against the rest of my body I could barely open my lips
  52. >by now, my limbs were little more than useless stubs which could barely wriggle from being so sunken in their joints
  53. >even my neck had dispersed in my body, and my head was becoming little more than an indentation in the ball which my figure had progressed into
  55. >the most I could respond with was a muffled moan of from my throat, and odd mixture of fear, embarrassment, and delight welling in me >have no choice but to roll with her motions
  56. >it takes her a moment because of how wide I had grown
  57. >after a few good shoves and a few cracks from warping the doorsill, the widest point of my circumference finally cleared through the exit
  58. >I could hear Zecora releasing a few last grunts of effort, panting as she at last rolls me to the front of her hut
  59. >she walks over to my front and looks down to meet my eyes, wiping the sweat from her brow as she gives a light-hearted chuckle
  60. I hope you don’t mind if I say,
  61. But I take it you enjoy being this way?
  62. >try to show her a shy smile, but my mouth is so buried in my neck that she can only see my mouth’s corners
  63. >a gurgle from deep inside my expanded, cavernous stomach echoes
  64. >Zecora’s ears perk up at the sound
  65. >she gives a small, mischievous smile and strokes my rounded hide
  66. >I feel myself practically melt in her touch, her hooves tingling against the skin and sending a shock of pleasure through every inch
  67. >can’t help but release a small whimper and clench my eyes shut as she maintains her caresses, seeming to pick up on my positive reaction
  68. That sound that you made will serve you well,
  69. For it means that your body will no longer swell!
  70. I will watch over you for the moment still,
  71. Until are able to move at your will.
  72. >I would nod to agree if I could
  73. >not like I had any other choice
  75. >spend the greater part of the day camped outside Zecora’s hut
  76. >gradually feel myself shrinking back to my normal size, but the deflation is far too slow to be visibly noticeable
  77. >think of what would happen if someone decided to stop by to visit the zebra
  78. >they would see me as nothing more than a fuzzy balloon decorating her lawn
  79. >groan at the thought of being mocked or stared at, unable to answer any questions because my lips still couldn’t move
  80. >just according to my fears, I see a few ponies coming out of the forest clearing and heading toward the yard
  81. >the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Twilight
  82. >I could clearly make out the stunned look on their faces, eyes wide and mouths agape
  83. >turn my eyes away from them futilely, but I could still feel their glances boring through me
  84. >finally I hear Apple Bloom speak up
  85. "What in the hay happened to you, sir?"
  86. >sound out a few helpless muffles, ashamed that I can’t even speak for myself in front of these fillies
  87. >Twilight manages to speak up
  88. "Now, now! That’s not polite. Clearly, he just had a mishap with a little magic, right?"
  89. >at last I could hear Zecora opening the door to greet her company
  90. "Ah, hello, little ponies! Don’t mind my guest. He just needs some time to rest. In a few more hours he’ll at last be free. But in the meantime, he’s in my company."
  91. >immediately the fillies start exploring my body, giggling as they play with and poke me despite my vocal protests
  93. >Scootaloo seems especially in awe as she climbs on top of me, not caring about my surprised yelps as her hooves sink into me
  94. >she bounces on me a few times like a trampoline
  95. >can only mutter a few hums as fear turns into pleasure, rolling my eyes up at what feels like a back massage
  96. “Wow, this is so cool! You’re like a living balance ball you see at the circus!”
  97. >Sweetie Belle pipes up cheerfully
  98. “Ooh! Ooh! Maybe balancing is your special talent! You can practice on him that way!”
  99. >Zecora and Twilight try to discourage them, but to no use
  100. >before long I start to feel Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom push against me
  101. >the forest ahead of me starts rotating in front of my eyes as I roll along, almost making me dizzy the faster they go
  102. >Scootaloo makes a few stumbling steps before she starts walking, keeping up with the pace as her four little hooves pitter across the entire width of my body
  103. “I think I got this, girls! Cutie Mark Crusader Circus Act is a go!”
  104. >Zecora and Twilight seem less amused, though when I rolled in front of them I was sure I could see them trying to hold back a laugh
  105. “Be careful with him! We don’t know how fragile he is.”
  106. “Do not fret, dear Twilight. He’s rather sturdy! The most they can do is get him dirty. He grew much larger and did not burst; for him, he’s already seen the worst!”
  107. >still a little miffed that I’m nothing more than a toy for these fillies and they aren’t doing much to stop them
  108. >but decide to play along and be the best circus prop I can
  110. >eventually get over my nausea from being spun around so much
  111. >the fillies come to a pause and Scootaloo jumps off
  112. >she looks down to her still-blank flank, looking down and sighing in disappointment
  113. “Well, guess balancing isn’t my talent...”
  114. >her expression brightens up as she looks to me
  115. “But I still had fun and all! Thanks for putting up with us. Next time we need a giant ball for something, we’ll be sure to ask you!”
  116. >not sure if I should take it as a compliment or not, but I suppose it was a kind word
  117. >still a little uneasy at the idea of being a free inflatable for other ponies to use
  118. >Zecora interjects as she once again strokes her hoof on my flank, even going so far as to pat it like an object that she’s proud of
  119. >each pat causes out a hollow rubber sound to escape as her hoof bounces off of it
  120. >it looks like that potion had more of a side-effect than we first realized
  121. “Well, it seems our friend is now able to expand at any size and remain stable. For now, let him shrink down, and then—“
  122. >Zecora pauses to give him a wide, even sly smirk
  123. “He’ll be free to expand once again!”
  124. >don’t know how to take the thought of being a plaything for the ponies around me
  125. >once the initial shame passes, I start to reconsider the idea
  126. >think about growing larger as ponies fill me with air, water, or anything that may suit their fancy
  127. >getting plumper and rounder, filling up more space until I break walls or shadow over everything nearby
  128. >on second thought, I could get used to this

Zecora's Warning for Everfree Travellers (Not Mine)

by ExpandNon

Zecora's Feeding Vines Continuation (Not Mine)

by ExpandNon