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Flurry Heart Pudding Story

By tyler1
Created: 2021-06-30 12:07:58
Expiry: Never

  1. -----
  2. >Flurry’s late, which is unusual. She’s always eager for your hangout sessions.
  3. >What could be keeping her? You definitely told her where you’d be, maybe her lessons are holding her up.
  4. >You don’t mind waiting, though. You’re laying in the fields outside the city, enjoying the sun and the breeze.
  5. >The weather’s almost always nice in the Crystal Empire.
  6. >It rarely rains over the heart of the city, and the temperature is pleasant nearly every day of the week.
  7. >Even out in the fields and farmlands past the city borders the weather is temperate right up the very edge of the Crystal Heart’s sphere of protection.
  8. >So you’ve taken to sleeping outdoors, enjoying the cool night air curled up in a park or laying in a field somewhere, just peering up into the open sky.
  9. >Well, most days anyways.
  10. >Today just so happens to be one of the few occasions where the sky is overcast, gray clouds clogging up the normally clear blue horizon.
  11. >Between this and Flurry’s tardiness, maybe today’s just an unlucky day…
  12. >Hopefully it doesn’t rain, that’d be a bummer.
  13. >If you really need to you could kick your feet up in your guest suite at the palace, but you’d prefer to avoid Shining Armor if at all possible.
  14. >Flurry’s dad can be a real hardass when he wants to, and if looks could kill you’d’ve been six feet under a thousand times over.
  15. >He doesn’t seem to appreciate how close you’ve gotten to his daughter.
  16. >You don’t hold it against the guy though, maybe that’s just a father’s job.
  17. >The sound of approaching hooves jostles you out of your thoughts.
  18. >“Hey, it’s about time! Sure you can spare the time from your busy schedule?” you call out, already knowing who it is.
  19. >“Shut up, I’m not even that late, jackass!”
  20. >Flurry slides to a stop beside you, shaking the grass off her hooves onto your shirt.
  21. >You turn your gaze away from the clouds to the filly smirking down at you.
  22. >“Hey, c’mon this is literally my only shirt y’know.”
  23. >She laughs and flops down in the grass beside you, stretching out and yawning.
  24. >You take the opportunity to brush the grass off of your shirt.
  25. >Wait is that a grass stain
  26. >Damn it
  27. >That shit never washes out
  28. >Well, whatever. Maybe it’ll give you a more down-to-earth look.
  29. >Flurry speaks up, “Crazy weather today, huh? I haven’t seen it this cloudy in like, months!”
  30. >“Yeah I was just thinking that, guess not every day can be picture-perfect.”
  31. >“Mm-hmm.” she replies as she cozies up in the grass, getting comfortable.
  32. >You turn your attention back to the sky, content in taking in the rare sight of a gray sky.
  33. >“So what held you up, anyways?” you break the silence.
  34. >She lets out a sigh.
  35. >“Twilight was visiting today. She had some official business with the Empire but squeezed in some time to see how my studies were going.
  36. >You track a passing cloud and try to remember when you saw the purple horse last.
  37. >“Twilight, huh? You would think a whiz like her would be able to teach you a thing or two.”
  38. >“Yeah, well, she learned her fundamentals the nerd way, so I just got grilled on theory and technique for foreeeever. I can hardly believe I managed to make it out here at all.”
  39. >“Still, she’s a supposed prodigy too, right? No common ground there?”
  40. >“Pffft, she had to read a book to learn how to use her magic pool. Oh, sorry, her ‘Thaumic wellspring,’” she laughs, putting on a nasally voice in reference to her bookish aunt.
  41. >You chuckle in return
  42. >“Not much of a bookworm, eh?”
  43. >“Don’t need it. Magic’s always come super easy to me.” she waves her hoof dismissively. “And my mana well’s pretty much already as big as hers.”
  44. >You whistle appreciatively, more for her benefit.
  45. >Come to think of it, you’ve never seen Flurry cast a big spell in all the time you’ve known her.
  46. >“Why don’t you show me some of what you got then? Y’know, maybe blow off some steam.”
  47. >“Uh, Anon, I’m pretty sure if I ‘blow off some steam’ I could potentially level this entire field.”
  48. >“Alright, well don’t go all out then, I just want to get an idea of what we’re dealing with here, ‘Ms. Massive Mana Well’”
  49. >“*We* are not dealing with anything, I’d love it if we could just chill for a while. I get enough lessons and tests ‘n stuff all day anyways.”
  50. >You roll over onto your side to face her, head propped up on one elbow.
  51. >“Who said anything about a test? We’re just having some fun, that’s all. You don’t need to get all frazzled.”
  52. >Flurry glares at you out of the side of her eye, huffing upward to blow an errant curl out of her face.
  53. >“You’re going to be a lot worse than ‘frazzled’ if you keep it up, pal.”
  54. >Damn, she /really/ doesn’t want to give in.
  55. >But now that you’ve brought it up you’re actually pretty curious
  56. >Despite her boasts about her alicorn abilities, Flurry never uses much more than basic levitation around you. She’ll grab objects with her magic or occasionally teleport, but the few times you’ve seen her weave any substantial incantation was from afar.
  57. >Hm, wonder why...
  58. >Perhaps you need a change of tactics
  59. >“Come on, what’re you, scared? Flurry you don’t need to be embarrassed if you can’t use your horn right, lots of people have performance issues.” you taunt her.
  60. >Her eyebrows are furrowed, but you see the corner of her lip curl up and quiver ever so slightly.
  61. >“Shut up dipwad, I can /use/ it just fine. If you don’t drop it I just might end up using it on YOUR ugly ass.”
  62. >You both turn and grin at each other like idiots.
  63. >“Oh no, please don’t smite me down where I stand, Princess McFlurry” you laugh.
  64. >she doesn’t laugh in return.
  65. >her smile drops
  66. >“I told you not to call me ‘Princess’” she mutters, looking away.
  67. >shiet
  68. >She hates it when you call her that; you just let it slip out without thinking.
  69. >Now the air’s turned sour.
  70. >You try and come up with something to say, but can only manage a lame,
  71. >“Sorry, Flurry.”
  72. >She doesn’t respond, her face a sullen mask.
  73. >Maybe you shouldn’t have pushed her this hard.
  74. >You turn away from her to look back into the sky, searching for a way out of this uncomfortable silence in the clouds.
  75. >Unsurprisingly, no divine revelation comes from the heavens.
  76. >Then you hear her sigh beside you.
  77. >“Sorry Anon. I didn’t mean to make this awkward. Maybe I can show you some cool stuff next time the Crystal Empire gets invaded by someone.”
  78. >Thank god she isn’t seriously mad
  79. >“Yeah, I don’t think you need to worry about that for a while. The frozen wasteland out there’s probably enough to deter most of the empire’s enemies.”
  80. >You reach out to boop her on the nose.
  81. >“Plus we’ve got one bad-ass princess guarding us, too.”
  82. >She snorts and rubs at her muzzle with a lazy hoof, trying and failing to cover her smile with it at the same time.
  83. >“You bet your ass you do, I’ll blow up anything that even comes near y--”
  84. >She freezes mid-sentence
  85. >“Hm? What was that?” you ask
  86. >“Nothing! Forget it! It’s like you said, n-no one’s looking to start anything with the Empire anyways.”
  87. >D’aww, she’s blushing
  88. >You decide to spare her the teasing, wanting to avoid making another awkward silence.
  89. >“You’d blow ‘em up? I’d sure love to see some cool magick explosions,” you hint at her.
  90. >You reach out and poke her in the ribs, eliciting a squirm and a swipe at your own ribs in return.
  91. >Fuckin’ ow
  92. >You stifle a yelp, not wanting to let her know she inadvertently gave you what will most likely be a shiner of a bruise on your torso.
  93. >Her hoof smarts a lot more than she apparently realizes, judging from her indifferent expression.
  94. >This will happen from time to time, where she’ll go for a friendly hoof to the shoulder or a pat on the back and it’ll feel like a baseball bat being swung against your quivering mortal frame.
  95. >Flurry really doesn’t know her own strength sometimes
  96. >Must be that her earth pony side showing its 1/3 contribution to her alicorn heritage
  97. >You try to never let on when it happens because you don’t want her to worry about it
  98. >and because you don’t want to give her the satisfaction.
  99. >“Tough tits, anon, it’s not happening.” and she rolls over, content to let the matter drop.
  100. >Drats
  101. >How can you convince this fuckin’ pony to show you cool unicorn lightshow?
  102. >You scratch your head and wrack your anon brain for all it’s worth.
  103. >Wait, maybe…
  104. >You decide to go for a hail mary trump card.
  105. >“Flurry.”
  106. >“Mm?”
  107. >“What if I said that I’d treat you to some pudding to show my thanks?”
  108. >She tenses in the grass beside you, ear flicking twice and tail swishing back and forth.
  109. >We’vegotherboys.jpg
  110. >Flurry Heart’s not allowed to eat any extremely fatty or sugar-rich foods except on special occasions. Her whole diet is carefully monitored by the kitchen staff for nutrition, balance,
  111. >And of course, an unspoken desire to maintain the princesses’ pristine figure.
  112. >Appearances matter after all, but that means the young member of royalty’s almost never allowed to eat pudding.
  113. >You press your opening,
  114. >“Just a little trick or two, maybe blast a hole in a passing cloud and I’ll buy you an extra large cup of pudding from Che La glaçon™.”
  115. >She slowly twists to face you, trying to act nonchalant
  116. >But you can see her pupils dilate and some drool sneaking out from the corner of her mouth.
  117. >She’s tried to sneak in forbidden snacks in the past, but almost always got caught, getting scoldings and lectures on top of punishments.
  118. >“Mom would kill me!” She says, but her eyes betray the bottomless sea of greed for pudding that lays beneath
  119. >“I’ll take the blame for this one, don’t worry about it.”
  120. >“Anon, Mom will kill YOU!”
  121. >“I’ll just say I didn’t know at the time and oh, I’m sorry for coercing your daughter, I’ve learned my lesson etc, etc.”
  122. >She considers this, thinking it over in her head.
  123. >Then, ever so slowly, she gets to her hooves and stands up.
  124. >oh hell yeah, here we go.
  125. >She looks up at a cloud hanging in the sky, eyes furrowed in concentration
  126. >Her horn lights up, which you’ve seen before.
  127. >The light swirls around, glowing hotter and brighter, her eyes fill up with the light until it looks like it’s spilling out of her body.
  128. >You watch, transfixed, as the energy crackles and crawls all over her and in the air.
  129. >This shit gon’ be good.
  130. >But
  131. >At the last second, she stiffens up, suddenly, and her breath hitches
  132. >the magic fizzles out of existence and the blinding light fades out to nothing once more.
  133. >You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me
  135. >“C’mon what the hell, don’t be such a tease!”
  136. >After a moment, she turns to you, staring at you with a peculiar look on her face.
  137. >You forget whatever else you were about to say as you see it
  138. >“Uh, Flurry?”
  139. >After a moment, she shakes herself vigorously apparently to snap out of it.
  140. >Her smile tentatively returns to her face, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
  141. >the clouds rumble in the distance, unnoticed by the two of you.
  142. >“Yeah sorry Anon, like I said, it’s not happeni-”
  143. >Out of nowhere, Zeus himself interrupts her speech with a titanic thunderclap.
  144. >The lightning lights up the sky, brightening up its dark countenance, and the sound that follows is akin to a bomb going off right in your ear.
  145. >As if in slow motion, you see the light reflecting off of Flurry’s eyes swallowed up by the much brighter glow of her horn, as she jerks violently on reflex.
  146. >Her whole body recoils from the unexpected thunderclap, and she lights up a spell that shoots out of her head and rockets up towards the direction of the offending noise.
  147. >Too late, you try and track the path of the glowing missile, watching the tail of it disappear into the massive, billowing clouds.
  148. >Your disappointment is short-lived, though, as the distant cloud is blown apart from the inside, big tufts of it spiking away from the center.
  149. >Your breath is taken away as you watch the sky get ripped apart by Flurry’s effortless, knee-jerk release of magic.
  150. >The patches of blue that peek out from the holes are quickly swallowed up by another mass of gray as you watch, and a second later a raindrop falls out of the sky, right between your eyes.
  151. >The blanket of rain drops from the clouds and begins pelting the two of you unbidden and out of nowhere.
  152. >You look back down to Flurry with a massive grin.
  153. >You’re about to tell her how awesome that was,
  154. >but are stopped in your tracks.
  155. >There are tears in her eyes.
  156. >You’ve never seen this expression on her face before.
  157. >Staring at you with her eyes wide and lower lip quivering, her ears flat on her head.
  158. >She’s leaning forward and keeps her eyes desperately glued to your face, as if you could disappear at any second.
  159. >“Uh… Flu-”
  160. >“Are you- Are you okay, Ano- Did I hurt you?”
  161. >“What?”
  162. >She raises a hoof to take a step forward, but places it back down.
  163. >“I… I didn’t hit you with anything, did I? You’re okay?”
  164. >You’re taken aback, to say the least.
  165. >“Yeah, I’m fine, Flurry, you fired completely away from me.”
  166. >She doesn’t react, still staring at you with tears in her eyes.
  167. >“Seriously, I’m alright, are-”
  168. >You pause to take in her grief-stricken expression.
  169. >“Are YOU okay?” you take a step towards her, aiming to comfort her.
  170. >But she takes a step back, away from you.
  171. >She’s breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down.
  172. >Her watery eyes don’t leave yours, though
  173. >“Flurry, c’mon, talk to me” you murmur
  175. >Seeing your distress, she crumbles down to her haunches, sitting with her head hanging low to the ground.
  176. >You take the opportunity to step forward and kneel beside her, rubbing her back as she hiccups and sniffles.
  177. >When she can manage it, she chokes out, “I don’t want to hurt you, Anon.”
  178. >You don’t know what to say to that at first, crying girls aren’t your forte.
  179. >“Don’t be ridiculous, Flurry. I don’t think you’d ever do that,” you try, not knowing how else to console her.
  180. >Hell you don’t even really know what she needs consolation from.
  181. >Is she really this upset because she thinks she nearly hit you?
  182. >“You weren’t even close to hitting me, seriously. You don’t need to worry, I know you would never aim at me.”
  183. >She sniffs, and looks up at you with red eyes.
  184. >“But what if something had gone wrong? What if you crossed the path of a spell by accident? I >don’t want you to- I can’t”
  185. >She hangs her head again, falling raindrops trailing down the length of her mane into the ground below.
  186. >“C’mon Flurry, that’s crazy, there’s no way you’d hurt anyone, least of all by accident. I thought you were a genius magic prodigy!”
  187. >She shakes her head sadly.
  188. >“I’m no genius. I just happened to be born with both wings and this dumb horn.”
  189. >“I mean, you’re part earth pony too, right?”
  190. >“Huh?”
  191. >“Nothing. So what if you’re an alicorn? You’re still an all-natural powerhouse, heck, you’re already shaping up to be more powerful than Twilight! And she used to be the grand duchess of magic or whatever!”
  192. >This finally elicits a laugh from Flurry, who lets out a giggle, almost hesitantly.
  193. >“That’s ‘element’ or magic, you dipshit.”
  194. >“Same difference.”
  195. >You’re grateful she’s not crying anymore, but she still has that sad look in her eyes.
  196. >An awkward moment passes while you’re trying to think of a way to cheer her up.
  197. >“So, Flurry,-”
  198. >“I’ve hurt ponies before.” she says.
  199. >Whatever quip you were about to say is lost in your throat.
  201. >Flurry’s staring fixedly at the ground, as if afraid to meet your eyes.
  202. >“Most were on accident. One time was on… on purpose.”
  203. >You don’t want to interrupt her, whatever the reason this impromptu confession’s coming out is.
  204. >“The earliest time I can remember is when I was a baby. All unicorn babies have trouble controlling their magic, but I had an alicorn’s power right out of the gate.
  205. >It was on a cruise. No, wait, it was a sky-cruise, sort of. It was this zeppelin ride.” her eyebrows furrow as she thinks back.
  206. >“Well anyways I wasn’t the only toddler on board. Mom was being chatted up by a ton of ponies, and didn’t notice me grabbing a bunch of other babies with my magic. One of them fell from pretty high and ended up getting really hurt. I didn’t hear about this until much later.”
  207. >Holy shit
  208. >“Yeah, but you were just a baby, right? I mean you weren’t fully aware of your actions, plus it’s not like you willfully committed infanticide, right?”
  209. >“That’s not it. There’s more. Little things, here and there as I was growing up. I would try and blast a spider on the wall and end up putting a hole through the side of the castle and hurt someone. Or the times I would throw a tantrum and end up throwing a bunch of furniture. I was always making myself a danger to the ponies around me. It’s a good thing dad’s special talent was making shields.”
  210. >She swallows hard, and a stream of rain streaks down her face.
  211. >“And then…
  212. >There was this one teacher. He was supposed to be teaching me something about diplomacy I think. Keeping my cool while debating or negotiating. Funny enough, things got heated. And I… I only meant to push him back a little! I didn’t know… I didn’t mean to….”
  213. >She begins to tremble.
  214. >“I ended up blasting him out a window,” she whispers.
  215. >There’s no sound except the falling rain roaring around you.
  216. >“Did he… is he okay?”
  217. >“He didn’t die, but needless to say he didn’t just get up fine and dandy. He ended up moving to Baltimare after he recovered, and Mom told me to write an apology letter. I didn’t get a reply.”
  218. >You try and soothe her by rubbing circles on her back as she fights tears.
  219. >“Ponies have always wanted something from me, or were afraid of me. I can always tell, even if they try to hide it. They only see ‘Princess’ Flurry Heart Cadenza.” she snorts. “Can’t wait until I get my own gaudy crown, I bet that’ll really help.”
  220. >“For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re very regal, Flurry.”
  221. >She laughs at that, a harsh sound that grates out of her throat.
  222. >“Thanks Anon. I think you’re pretty swell too, but don’t go telling everybody.”
  223. >Something clicks in your head.
  224. >“Is this why you’re afraid to use magic around me?”
  226. >She turns her face away, color filling her cheeks. “Oh. You noticed that, huh? I guess I just wanted to play it safe. I didn’t want to hurt you.” She arches her neck and faces the sky, eyes screwed shut in embarrassment, letting the rain wash over her face. “But more than that, I, thought...I might, scare you. Or something. I guess I just..”
  227. >She half opens her eyes to peek at you.
  228. >“didn’t want you to leave. I can’t talk to other ponies my age, so I thought if I didn’t let you see my magic firsthand you could think of me as a normal filly and we could stay friends”
  229. “You were never shy about talking about your alicorn powers, though”
  230. >“Y-yeah, well… I guess I was just trying to impress you, too. Maybe I didn’t think everything through all the time.”
  231. >Thank god for the rain, obscuring your bewildered expression
  232. >“Flurry,” you place one hand on her shoulder and look her in the eye with as much seriousness as you can muster. “Listen. I’m not your friend because you’re a magical princess, or because you’re some super ‘normal’ chick. I like hanging out with you because you’re cool. You can get excited about the most random stuff but you also know when to chill out.”
  233. >With the other hand, you pull your shirt up until it reveals the mottled dark purple bruise that formed when she playfully smacked you in the ribs.
  234. >Her hooves go to her mouth as she gasps.
  235. >Before she can overreact you shush her and continue.
  236. >“Sure, you may not know your own strength sometimes but we all have issues we’ve gotta deal with, right? And I think it’s obvious you’re doing a lot better with control now, at least compared to when you were a literal infant.” you let your shirt drop back down, and put both hands on her shoulders. “I don’t mind getting a few bruises here and there if it means I get to hang out with a girl like you all the time.”
  237. >She’s looking at you with a peculiar look on her face.
  238. >Another one you’ve never seen before today.
  239. >Her eyes are soft and dewy, and the warm summer shower is trickling down her cheeks, which are tinged pink.
  240. >She surprises you with a hug, launching forward to slam her face into your chest, thankfully turning her head to the side you don’t get brutally gored by her horn.
  241. >The wind’s still knocked out of you, but you hug her in return as she throws her hooves tightly around you.
  242. >You sit in a comfortable silence, you in her hooves and her in your arms.
  243. >After not too long, the rain peters out to a drizzle.
  245. >You’re probably going to find it easier to dry off than she will, with her fur and all. But still, as of right now, you’re both equally drenched.
  246. >“Thanks Anon,” she whispers into your soaked shirt.
  247. >“No problem.”
  248. >She pulls away to grin up at you.
  249. >“That was really corny, by the way.”
  250. >“You flick her on the nose, eliciting a snort.
  251. >“You started it, drama-queen.”
  252. >“Me?! YOU’re the one who wouldn’t shut up about me showing you my sick magick power!”
  253. >You laugh, she laughs, and the rain can’t dampen your spirits.
  254. >“Hey, speaking of which, I guess Twilight didn’t mention one thing about me, huh?”
  255. >“Hm? What’s that?”
  256. “I’m immune to magic.”
  257. >For a second, she doesn’t react, then her jaw drops.
  258. >“WHAT?”
  259. >“Well, more like ‘resistant to magic’ nowadays, apparently I’m losing my tolerance after being here this long. But yeah, guess it’s one perk of being an alien.”
  260. >Flurry works her jaw up and down, shocked speechless.
  261. >“It’s not as sweet as it sounds though, I’m still vulnerable to hoof-punches to the chest.” you gingerly pat your bruise, grinning wryly. “And I can’t do much against a rock or a spear or something sent hurtling at my skull with magic. I’m not resistant to rocks too, after all.”
  262. >She’s staring at you wide-eyed, until she stammers out, “Y-you’re not pulling my hoof here, right Anon?”
  263. >“Go ahead and test it out if you don’t believe me. Nothing crazy, just try to lift my arm or something.”
  264. >She eyes your arm hesitantly, not making a move.
  265. >“C’mon Flurry, I know you’ll be careful. It’s alright, go ahead.” you assure her.
  266. >After gathering her courage, she takes a deep breath, and reaches out for your arm with her magic, golden light emanating from her horn.
  267. >As usual, the light slips and flows over your form, the magic feeling curiously slippery against your skin as it fails to gain purchase.
  268. >The hairs on your arms stand on end, and tingles run up and down your appendage as you feel it being tugged ever so slightly towards her.
  269. >You’re losing your touch, Anon.
  270. >The light dies, and Flurry looks at you with amazement.
  271. >“You never mentioned this?” she asks you with her eyebrows raised.
  272. >“It never came up! You never noticed it?”
  273. >She shakes her head. “I never targeted you with any spell, no matter what. Guess it was all for nothing though, huh?”
  274. >A wicked grin crosses your face. “Well, now that we know there’s no risk of you accidentally hurting me with your magic…”
  275. ----
  276. >Another rock in the distance is reduced to rubble in a loud burst of arcane energy, the lights from the explosion dancing off of the stones around you.
  277. >You both woop it up and laugh like maniacs at the simple display of destruction.
  278. Maybe it’s the emotional catharsis, but you two have been giggling hysterically at the mere sight of rocks being blasted apart.
  279. >The two of you made your way to a rocky incline, with the exposed earth providing numerous suitable stones for your wanton terraforming, and Flurry’s been letting loose with kinetic blasts, lightning cracks, and all sorts of spells in between, clearly showing off for your benefit.
  280. >You’re sitting on her back, directing her
  281. >Because why the fuck not
  282. >She’s the one who suggested it
  283. >And she’s more than strong enough to hold your weight, easily.
  284. >You catch your breath, “Okay, okay. That one! The one shaped like a pick-up truck!”
  285. >“A pick-up what?”
  286. >“Neverm- that one!” You put your hands on either side of Flurry’s head and turn it towards the boulder, “Ready and… Fire!”
  287. >No sooner has the words left your lips when her horn pulses and an arc of light streaks its way over to its target, and a moment later, there’s a sound like a car crashing through a building, and the boulder is smashed apart by the ray of force.
  288. > The two of you crack up. “Fuck yeah, that was awesome, Flurry!”
  289. >Her wings flutter beneath your legs, and you see the corner of her mouth turned up.
  290. >You look around for another target to blast, then notice that the sky’s begun to darken, and is getting that telltale orange tint at its edges.
  292. >“Looks like it’s gonna get dark soon, actually. We should probably get back.”
  293. >“Aw, man! Is it really that late?”
  294. >You dismount, swinging a leg over to get back on your own two feet with a grunt.
  295. >“Guess so, you got somewhere to be?”
  296. >“Yeah, Che La glaçon™ closes at sunset!”
  297. >Ah shit, you forgot about that.
  298. >“Ah, shit, I forgot about that.” you say.
  299. “You said something about pudding? I think I’ve blown up enough rocks to warrant a reward.”
  300. >She giggles, and pushes a hoof against you playfully. It doesn’t escape your attention the way she pulls her punch to avoid hitting you too hard and leaving a mark this time.
  301. >You grab her hoof before she can lower it.
  302. >“Now hold on, you barely broke a sweat, even with all that! Did you even tire out a little bit?”
  303. >“Are you backing out on your word, Anon? I didn’t know you were such a low-life.” She turns her head to the side, and puts on a show of looking forlorn, pout out her lip.
  304. >You sigh.
  305. >“Nah, pudding sounds good right about now. I could go for something sweet anyways.”
  306. >You stretch out, cracking a crick in your back.
  307. “Hey, there’s an idea.”
  308. >She cocks her head, “What?”
  309. >“Since you hate me calling you ‘Princess,’ I can just call you ‘Pudding’ from now on. Y’know since you’re so sweet.” you kneel down and boop her on the nose, a shit-eating grin on your face.
  310. >You expect her to hoof you in the shoulder, or fire a retort back about how cheesy that was.
  311. >But instead, a pink blush blooms across her face, and she turns her face slightly away, but enough to look through her eyelashes at you.
  312. >N-Nani
  313. >“A-anon, d’you mean it?”
  314. >Well, you didn’t expect this
  315. >With her acting so coquettishly, you look at your former best friend Flurry Heart and notice the fading light glinting off of her still-damp mane, the setting sun lighting up her face from behind in a glowing halo. Her mane, flattened somewhat during the rainstorm, has already begun to twist into her signature curls as they dry..
  316. >Where’d the surly teenager you hang out with go?
  317. >in her place is this beautiful young mare looking at you like you’re the last person on earth.
  318. >She’s staring right into your eyes, shyly peeking out from behind her bangs.
  319. >You realize kneeling to deliver this joke may have backfired on you, as you are now painfully aware of how close your faces are. You can feel the heat from her blush radiating out onto your own face. Or that may just be you blushing as well.
  321. >You break her gaze and look away before you’re overwhelmed.
  322. >quick, save it
  323. >“I just- I just thought it would be a good nickname since you have been filling out a little recently.”
  324. >She breaks out of her reverie and looks at you with an indignant expression.
  325. >“Wait, what? You calling me fat, buddy?”
  326. >You throw your hands up defensively, standing up [spoiler]to protect your face[spoiler] and laughing with relief.
  327. >“No, not at all! I would never! I’m just saying you’re a growing mare, and certainly very healthy, I figured it would make a good nickname!” You begin to walk down the path towards town. >Pudding shop won’t stay open all night after all.
  328. >She sputters and races to catch up with you.
  329. >“Yeah, well, maybe your nickname should be ‘Faggot’ because you’re always acting like one! W-what a, what a dumb idea! You’re dumb!”
  330. >You laugh and increase your stride.
  331. >“Take it or leave it; I just thought it sounded cute.”
  332. >She doesn’t say anything to this, and you walk in silence for a while
  333. >Then she replies, speaking softly,
  334. >“All right, Anon. I guess I kinda like it then.”
  335. >You can hear the smile in her voice.
  336. >You turn to say something back, and are met by the sight of Flurry, who is unexpectedly at eye level after a few flaps of her wings.
  337. >Whatever you were about to say disappears immediately when she leans forward and brushes her lips against yours.
  338. >On instinct, you close your eyes and lean forward in return, and she melts into you.
  339. >The two of you kiss softly, and you feel a stray raindrop trickle off her mane onto your hair.
  340. >When your eyes open, she’s staring right into them.
  341. >And all you can do is stare back, awestruck.
  342. >“That’s for the pudding, Anon.”
  343. >You remember to breathe.
  344. >“I haven’t even bought it for you yet.”
  345. >She floats beside you, twirling in the air with a few strokes of her wings.
  346. >“I know you’re good for it,” she says, a dopey smile on her face.
  347. >“Don’t look *too* happy there, you’re the one who’s going to be footing the bill, Pudding.”
  348. >She scoffs and whaps your shoulder with her hoof.
  349. >“Like hell I am! This is supposed to be your treat!”
  350. >“You’re royalty! You’re going to make me take the bits out of my own mouth for your decadent luxuries? Have you no heart, you tyrant?”
  351. >You bicker back and forth all the way into town, shouting obscenities and shoving each other.
  352. >You attempt to swat her out of the air, and find that you can’t budge her from her spot, her wings fluttering to counteract your effect on her flight path.
  353. >She laughs hard as you try and dislodge her from the sky by force, and when you go to grab her wings she flaps up out of your reach, sticking her tongue out at you.
  354. >You hurl a curse up at her from where you stand, anchored to the ground.
  355. >You can’t quite sell it though, since her grin’s proven infectious, and you can’t wipe the smile off of your face.
  357. Fin

"Sunny Slave" by TS PUNK

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"Anon gets rejected twice but still has a good life green"

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Flurry Heart Pudding Story

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