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Octavia in the Rain

By nullposter
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 17:20:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >You and Octavia have been in a loving relationship for a while now.
  3. >If one were to ask, the words "passionate" and "affectionate" would be the first that come to mind.
  4. >One day an exceptionally strong summer downpour soaked the two of you as you were were coming home from one of Octavia's recitals.
  5. >It was a warm summer rain, really quite pleasant compared to the scorching heat that came before it.
  6. >You quick stepped along with Octavia's cello in hand as the gray mare trotted alongside you.
  7. >The two of you were making your way to your villa on the outskirts of canterlot.
  8. >It was a mansion, quite a fancy abode befitting a mare such as Octavia.
  9. >You opened the door laying the encased cello on the ground while holding the door open for your lavender eyed lover.
  10. >She trotted in with her hooves clopping against the wooden floor.
  11. >Though she was soaked you would hesitate to say that she was anything other than breathtaking.
  12. >She pulled off her wet bowtie and thew it on a table not far from the entrance to your home.
  13. >"Ah, quite refreshing to be in a rainstorm after such a hot day?" She said giving you bedroom eyes.
  14. "I didn't think you would enjoy the rain so much Octavia."
  15. >"What's not to like about it? Especially on a day like today?"
  16. >"A warm storm to wash away all the angst and stress of a tiring recital."
  17. >"Much like what you do for me in the bedroom." She said nuzzling up against you.
  18. >"Come on!"
  19. >Octavia then jerked you forward, she giggled as you stumbled slightly due to her earth pony strength.
  20. >Even an elegant mare such as her was still a strong creature.
  21. >She pulled you toward your home's backyard, wasting no time in pushing open the door.
  22. >The gray mare embraced the warm rain as it wrapped around her body.
  23. >Her head tilted skywards, she gave the same sort of relaxed look as she does in the shower.
  24. "Tavi?"
  25. >"Hmmm?" She tilted her head toward you letting excess water shake off of her head.
  26. >Her purple eyes sparkled as raindrops flew past them.
  27. "Are you alright?"
  28. >Octavia then burst into a fit of posh laughter.
  29. >"Oh my dear Anon I could not be better." The musical mare beamed.
  30. >She jumped on top of you knocking you to the soaked ground.
  31. >"Isn't this invigorating?"
  32. "I me-"
  33. >Your stammering was interrupted by the muzzle of the excited mare.
  34. >Her tongue seeped its way into your mouth as she took in the essence of her human lover.
  35. >Your eyes locked with hers and they softened.
  36. >Her dock rose with her tail, exposing her excited marebits to the elements.
  37. >She plopped her rear to your hip with a wet thud.
  38. >Octavia pulled away from your passionate kissing just to utter a "Fuck me anon." in your ear.
  39. >The downpour intensified as you ripped off your clothes and exposed your hardened member.
  40. >She wasted no time in slipping it inside of her.
  41. >"Ahn!"
  42. >Tavi's plump rump bounded up and down sending droplets everywhere.
  43. >She heavily panted on the nape of your neck as her eyes focused on yours with increasing intensity.
  44. >Her soft moaning grew quick as the rain came down harder and harder.
  45. >Faster and faster she went, her lustrous mane bouncing up and down and she made love to you.
  46. >"Oh Anon! I am so close!" she yelled in ecstasy.
  47. >The rain was barreling down like a freight train.
  48. >The gray mare moaned out in exuberance as her lips tightened around your throbbing cock.
  49. >"I'M CUMMING!"
  50. >The strength of her marehood pulled you into a climax as well.
  51. >You shot a torrent of hot semen deep inside of her, bringing a relief to her she had craved during every second of that tedious recital.
  52. >She nearly collapsed on you, her strength given out by her efforts.
  53. >The exhausted mare gave it her all and was tired as a result.
  54. >She cooed in your arms as you rode out the aftershocks of the lovemaking.
  55. >After collecting yourself you scooped up your precious cargo and made your way to your home.
  56. >The rainfall had alleviated into a light sprinkle at this point.
  57. >You climbed the stairs with your tuckered mare nestled safely in your arms.
  58. >She gently rubbed her face against your bare chest, affection given in recompense of her lover's effort to bring her to bed.
  59. >You laid the loving mare on the bed of your master bedroom.
  60. >Wasting no time in grabbing a towel. You do your best to dry your exhausted marefriend.
  61. >By this time most of the moisture had dripped off of you, so you decide to call it a night and crawl into bed.
  62. >You grab ahold of Tavi like she is the most precious thing in the world, because she is.
  63. >"Hey Anon."
  64. "Yes dear?"
  65. >"If we keep this up I'm going to get pregnant." She said with a soft smile.
  66. "I sure hope so." You smile back.
  67. >"Me too." The grey angel coos as she drifts off to sleep with you doing so not long after.

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