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Hey, Roomie!

By ReggieSomething
Created: 2021-08-19 00:32:13
Updated: 2021-08-19 01:19:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >How long has it been? Weeks? No, much longer than that. Several months, easily. Regardless, it seems pointless to track the days since everything changed.
  2. >It'd be nice if you could string together a few days without your roommate causing an incident, be it intentional or accidental.
  3. >This week sucked. The boss was extra shitty, your coworkers sucked more than usual, and the overtime had been taking its toll.
  4. >All you wanted tonight was to come home, eat, then drink to the point where your life didn't seem so bad.
  5. >You've been sitting parked in your driveway, engine idling for a solid five minutes. She's pacing on the patio, oblivious to your arrival.
  6. >Releasing your white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel, you kill the engine.
  7. >The car's door slams shut, jarring her from her nervous meditations and back to the present. She smiles. It's big. Genuine. She really is happy to see you.
  8. >"Anon! I'm so glad you're home!"
  9. "Hey Cadence," you sigh. "So what happened this time?"
  10. >"Whaaaat? What makes you think anything's wrong?" she tries to deflect, batting your hand with a golden-shod hoof. "Heh, heh hehhhhh..."
  11. "You do realize I've been watching you nervously pace in front of the house for at least five minutes now, right?"
  12. >Her ears droop. "You- you have?"
  13. "Uh huh. So how 'bout we just rip off this bandage and skip to the part where to tell me what you did wrong?"
  14. >Cadence looks down and kicks a pebble. Her wings droop.
  15. "Cadence..."
  16. >"Promise you won't get mad?" she asks, looking up at you with shimmering puppy dog eyes.
  17. "Oh Jesus, it's that bad?"
  18. >You move for the front door. Cadence hops to her left, cutting you off.
  19. >"Anon, I really was trying to help!" is her desperate cry as you spin past her and burst through the door.
  20. >Bubbles.
  21. >Fucking bubbles everywhere.
  22. >The dishwasher is ground zero.
  23. >"I can explain..."
  24. "Oh, I'm sure you can."
  25. >Cadence does that breathing thing of hers. Having collected her thoughts she moves before you.
  26. >"I wanted to start helping around the house more, so I decided to start with the dishes..."
  27. "Okay."
  28. >"I loaded the dishwasher just like I've seen you do so many times, but you were out of the detergent, so I thought that-"
  29. "You didn't."
  30. >She gives you a sheepish smile. "I did, Anon. I'm sorry."
  31. "You know it says on the dish soap bottle that it's not for use in dishwashers."
  32. >The poor girl cringes. "But it's DISH SOAP! Why wouldn't it work?"
  33. >You sigh.
  34. "And you didn't think to stop the dishwasher when it started hemorrhaging soap bubbles all over my kitchen floor?"
  35. >"Well I didn't stick around to see if there would be any problems! I didn't think-"
  36. "I know you didn't think."
  37. >Her ears droop again, as does her gaze. It's enough to douse the smoldering embers of anger within you.
  38. "Hang on, can't you just magic all this away?"
  39. >"Um, not at the moment."
  40. "Why not?"
  41. >"I uh, used up all my mana working on a project."
  42. >groan.mp3
  43. >"Hey, it's not my fault my magic runs out so quickly here! If we were in Equestria, it wouldn't be a problem!"
  44. "It's... just..." you stammer, rubbing your temples. "What exactly were you working on?"
  45. >Cadence blushes.
  46. "Just help me clean this up."
  48. ...
  50. >You wake up the next morning surprisingly well-rested. No hangover too. Maybe today will be okay.
  51. >Making your way downstairs to the kitchen the thought of- hey... was it always so pink in here?
  52. >All manners of pink, red, and white love-themed decorations adorn the walls of your living room. Cutouts of pony cupids hang from the ceiling.
  53. >"Good morninnnnng, Roomie!" Cadence sings as she prances over to you.
  54. "What the hell is this."
  55. >"Do you like it?" Cadence asks, barely able to contain her excitement as she prances in place. "I thought the place could use some sprucing up!"
  56. "So this was what you burned your magic on yesterday?"
  57. >She nods her head, sending her tri-colored mane bouncing all around her face. "Yep! Some of those cutouts are quite intricate."
  58. "Wow, you're not kidding," you answer, walking up to one of the larger construction paper cutouts that hangs between you two. "I'm actually quite..."
  59. >This pony cupid is shooting an erect penis from its bow. In fact, there are penis and vagina motifs present in almost all the decorations.
  60. "...impressed."
  61. >Cadence squees. She rushes forth and wraps her wings around your waist.
  63. ...
  65. >Another day in the books. The keys jingle as you reach out to unlock the deadbolt. The door swings open before you can insert the key.
  66. >Cadence stands before you, wings flared, face flushed, barrel heaving with excited breaths.
  67. "Um, hi."
  68. >"You're late."
  69. "I stopped to pick up some beer on the way home. What's it to you?"
  70. >"I started my season today."
  71. >The smell of mare musk hits you, driving the implications of her statement home.
  72. "OH! Ohhhhh..."
  73. >Her horn lights, and you're whisked inside the house by her magic, door slamming in your wake.
  74. >You're thrown onto the couch. Cadence pounces on you an instant later, wings still erect. She bites your shirt and rips it off, then follows that up by kissing a trail from your collarbone down to your waist.
  75. "Cadence."
  76. >"Hmmm?" she replies between kisses.
  77. "Cadence! Stop!"
  78. >The mare complies but a moment to respond with an indignant "Why?"
  79. "The blinds are open. The neighbors will see!"
  80. >Cadence licks your face. She hops off the couch and struts away, tail swishing from side to side. It grants you intermittent peeks at her pink treasure whilst fanning the scent of her desire around the room.
  81. >"Good. Let them," she replies, looking back at you with bedroom eyes. "I want them to see. I want them to see everything."
  82. "That's not-"
  83. >"This isn't up for debate. Get over here."
  84. >Her magic flashes again, forcing your mouth shut and pulling you through the air. Her aura relieves you of the remainder of your clothes.
  85. "I guess you've got more magic to spare when you're in heat?"
  86. >She doesn't answer, but instead, flags her tail and presses her soaking rear against you. The bothered mare turns her lovely swan-like neck to lock her eyes with yours while she grinds on you, serving to both lubricate you and stimulate you both.
  87. >You're barely at half-mast, but the friction you contribute from her rubbing is enough.
  88. >"HHHHNNNNNNNNNG!" Cadence moans and forces her ass onto you with more vigor. Her rear hooves have actually left the floor as she's sliding her slick lily up your now fully-erect shaft. It points skyward, throbbing, yearning for admittance into her depths.
  89. >Cadence's first orgasm persists longer than you expected. She continues to pant and moan, struggling to flap her erect wings that throb with her hurried heartbeat.
  90. >Marecum drains from her lips, coating your member and rolling over your sack. It drips onto the floor, this hot, viscous liquid arousal of hers. The smell overpowers you for a time, this scent of musk, hay, and... bubble gum? Whatever it is, you're convinced Cadence's juices have aphrodisiac qualities, if your sudden increased need to take her is anything to judge by.
  91. >Cadence has come down enough from her pleasure high to speak again. "Take me... *pant*... now."
  92. >Who are you to deny a princess?
  93. >Your equine lover slides her rump back down, allowing her hooves to touch the floor again. There's a wet squishing noise as you enter her. You release a sigh you didn't realize you were holding back while Cadence shudders from your full length invading her canal.
  94. >At first, the sensation is too much for both of you, neither fully able to process the pleasure of your union. By some miracle it doesn't trigger a premature ending.
  95. >"That'sssssss ihhhhhhht!" Cadence purrs. "Come on, Anon! Fuck me!"
  96. >Fast, wet slaps and your combined, labored breathing fills the air as you ram yourself into Cadence's cunt as hard has you can. You grab onto her hips for better stability, and to pull her back in tempo with your frenzied thrusts.
  97. >Cadence snorts, moans, and even lets little whinnies loose as you plow her fertile valley with reckless abandon.
  98. >"A- Ah- ah! Anon! Hey, *gasp!* Aaooohh-NON!"
  99. "Yeah?"
  100. >"OHHHHHhhhh... Pull... Pull my tail!"
  101. >You grab a handful of her multicolored tail and secure it with several wraps around your fist, which now is mere inches away from her dock.
  103. >Jackhammering your cock into Cadence's spasming pussy faster than before you're unsure of how much longer you'll last. The pool of her marecum is growing steadily beneath her hooves and she's still trying to push her ass back up like she did before.
  104. >Must... last... longer! Gotta get your mind off how good she feels!
  105. >"RUT ME ANON!"
  106. >Desperate times call for desperate measures. You try to recall some of the most awful memories of your life, anything to try to delay the cum tsunami that you're fixing to pump into this mare.
  107. >There was that time you got knocked beat up by a bully at school...
  108. >"Faster! Faster, Anonymous! *GASP!* dontstopuntilyouputafoalinmeeeeeee!"
  109. >But your brain can't focus on that, instead, it points out how you're beating up Cadence's guts harder than Mike Tyson hitting a heavy bag.
  110. >Your penith is impetuouth, her defenth ain't impregnible...
  111. >Cadence clamps onto your junk and wails in ecstacy. She cums more than before, splattering your crotch and absolutely drenching the floor. Homegirl's got fluid for days, which reminds you why you two typically fuck in the bathtub; easier cleanup and all.
  112. >"I want you to cum for me Anonnnn~"
  113. >You don't want it to be over, but your body is ready to betray you.
  114. >Perhaps you can coax out another minute or two?
  115. >Adopting a slower pace, you force your mind to focus on something- ANYTHING- to keep the pleasure out of the forefront of your mind.
  116. >There was that time you got in that car wreck...
  117. >Alright cool, focus on that-
  118. >"I'm gonna make you cum for me, Anonymous!" Cadence shouts, bringing you back to the present.
  119. >Silence, semen demon!
  120. >C'mon, Anon, you can go a bit longer.
  121. >Baseball games, high school English class, riding your bike with your friends; memories resurface. And then...
  122. >[Flintstones, meet the Flintstones. They're the modern Stone Age Family...]
  123. >Weird flex brain, but whatever. It's working
  124. >Cadence redoubles her efforts, firing her cunt muscles for all they're worth in a final attempt to milk you.
  125. >[From the town of Bedrock, they're a page right out of history...]
  126. >"Cum inside me Anon! Fill up my princess pussy!"
  127. >Your resolve buckles and fails at her command. You pull her tail in an attempt to hilt and plant your seed directly in her womb. That, combined with the marecum-slicked floors, causes Cadence's front hooves to slide out from under her. Cadence's chin hits the wet floor, but her ass is still suspended by your iron grip on her tail.
  128. >With a final grunt, the tip of your cock hits Cadence's cervix, and you unload.
  130. >Spurt after spurt erupts from your member, flooding Cadence's womb.
  131. >"Ah! That's it, Anon! Fill me up!"
  132. >Stars fill your vision as you finally drain your prostate into your mare. Suddenly everything looks like a grey, transparent curtain is falling over it.
  133. >You wake up on the floor, soaked in Cadence's fluids. She's running a bare hoof through your hair while gently kissing your face.
  134. >"Hey. You. You're finally awake."
  135. "Don't even start with that."
  136. >She giggles. "Whatever, Fred."
  137. "Fred?"
  138. >"'Yabba dabba coom'?" she answers before laughing so hard she snorts.
  139. "Shit, I actually said that?"
  140. >"Mmmhmmm! Then you passed out after cumming inside of me."
  141. "Wow, you really took it out of me."
  142. >"That's the idea, love." she says after a tender kiss on your lips. "And I intend on taking much more out of you until the fires of my heat are finally extinguished. That said..."
  143. >Cadence scoots her body past yours, until her cutie mark is aligned with your head. She lifts her left rear leg, exposing her teats.
  144. >"Drink up, Anon. You'll need your strength."
  145. >Part of you wants to ask why she's lactating. The other part of you could really care less.
  146. >As your lips seal around one of her erect pink nipples, you think to yourself,
  147. 'As roommates go, she's not so bad.'
  149. ...
  151. >Five days.
  152. >Five days you and Cadence had been going at each other like your lives depended on it.
  153. >Fortunately you had the presence of mind to call in "sick" for work. Your told your boss about your "symptoms" which sounded suspiciously akin to a certain unspecified virus of unknown origin. Being terrified of the coof, your boss granted you the sick leave and didn't ask any more questions.
  154. >Despite not actually being sick, letting Cadence ride out her estrus on your dick was taking its toll on you both. In fact, you'd lost ten pounds during the sexual marathon. The two of you had spent the vast majority of your waking hours rutting, stopping only to eat and use the bathroom, the latter being the only time Cadence allowed you out of her sight. Even when you showered, Cadence wasn't content unless you were planted firmly inside of her.
  155. >Your high school self has nothing on the number of loads you've blown during the last five days. Something in Cadence's mare milk acted as a restorative tonic, effectively keeping you "topped off" and granting you the physical stamina to keep tending to her needs.
  156. >That had been gnawing away at the back of your mind- why had she been lactating if she wasn't pregnant? Your contemplation did not go unnoticed.
  157. >"Anon?" Cadence asks, a tinge of concern in her voice. "What's wrong?"
  158. "Huh? Nothing."
  159. >"Then why'd you stop?"
  160. >You slide your hands down from Cadence's unfurled wings and give her ass a squeeze. She moans and grinds her dripping marehood on your crotch, her pussy massaging your member with slow, firm motions.
  161. "I was thinking."
  162. >"About what?"
  163. "How were you lactating when you went into heat if you weren't pregnant?"
  164. >Cadence giggles. She lays down so that her chest touches yours, then kisses you. "Oh Anon, I'm always lactating, just more so when I'm in season."
  165. "That doesn't make any sense."
  166. >"Tell me about it."
  167. >She resumes her motions, sliding up and down your shaft, but now she kisses you more. They're long, drawn out, and frequently involving tongue.
  168. >Not that you mind, of course. However, you realize something else. The nature of your rutting has changed, especially around the end of day three.
  169. >At first, Cadence threw herself at you like she was a succubus, vocally demanding your seed, begging you repeatedly, "Put a foal in me!" That gradually changed, with the sweet mare you're used to coming out in your encounters. She became much more affectionate with each subsequent round, to the point that now, now you wouldn't classify what you're doing as hormone-fueled rutting. No, this was feeling more and more like...
  170. >Lovemaking.
  171. >As if to accentuate that point, Cadence makes eye contact with you before bringing you in for another long, drawn-out kiss. She shares breath with you as her tongue plays with yours.
  172. >You reach your peak shortly after. Cadence moans in approval as she feels you unload yet another load into her womb.
  173. >The pink pony rolls off you and makes for the bathroom. This is your chance to get some water and a few bites of food, so you take it.
  174. >You lose track of the time, but eventually Cadence shuffles downstairs. She helps herself to an apple, studying you intently between ravenous bites.
  175. >"What are you thinking about?" she finally asks.
  176. "You."
  177. >"What about me?"
  178. "Well, I'm mostly thinking about us."
  179. >"Aww, Anon!" she gives you a feathery hug. "I've been thinking about us too!"
  180. "Really?"
  181. >Cadence scoffs. "Well of course, silly! Why wouldn't I be thinking about my future with my coltfriend!"
  182. >Coltfriend?
  183. "Coltfriend?"
  184. >The mare looks a bit hurt that you asked for clarification. "Yeah, Anon. I'm your mare. I've been your mare since the first time you took me all those months ago."
  185. >Wow. Just... wow. Probably not a good time to tell her you thought the two of you had an unspoken friends with benefits arrangement going on.
  186. >"Anon?" Cadence's voice carries some concern. Her front hooves leave the ground so her forelegs can drape over your shoulders in a loose embrace. "I know I can be... difficult... to live with at times..."
  187. >You can say that again, Candy Kisses.
  188. >Her lovely purple eyes stare at you, making you feel like you're being kissed all over by her.
  189. >"...but you do know that I love you, right?" she finally finishes.
  190. >Love.
  191. >Cadence loves you, Anon.
  192. "Like, what kind of love?"
  193. >"I'm *in love* with you, Anonymous." As if she's reading your mind, she follows that up with, "And that's not just my season talking. I've loved you for some time."
  194. >Your mouth drops.
  195. >"How... how do you feel about me?"
  196. >Hesitation.
  197. "You already know the answer to that, Love Horse."
  198. >"I want to hear you say-"
  199. >You cut her off with a kiss. She moans into your mouth. It doesn't last long, but it carries the weight of all your emotions. You break the kiss and pull away.
  200. "I love you too, Cadence. Truth be told, I think I started falling for you the moment I first saw you."
  201. >Cadence's smile is so bright it could probably be seen from space.
  202. >The two of you eat some more and get ready for bed.
  203. >Fresh sheets welcome your naked backside. They're cool and refreshing.
  204. >Cadence joins you a heartbeat later and wastes no time in getting your soldier standing at attention. She mounts you and hums in satisfaction upon hilting. This is how you've been going to bed since her heat started; balls deep in your mare.
  205. "Hey, Cadence?"
  206. >"Yes, my love?"
  207. "As much as I've love doing what we've been doing, you know I can't get you pregnant, right?"
  208. >She kisses your neck.
  209. >"Nothing's impossible when magic is involved, darling. We'll have to wait and see."
  210. >There you have it, straight from the pony's mouth. You might be a father yet, Anonymous.
  211. >You kiss her, pouring all your feeling for the mare into it. She returns the affection with equal enthusiasm.
  212. "I love you, Cadence."
  213. >"I love you too, Anonymous."
  215. ...

Carl's Hardened Heart (on hiatus)

by ReggieSomething

Letters of Admiration

by ReggieSomething

Tension (on hiatus)

by ReggieSomething


by ReggieSomething

/moon/day OP template

by ReggieSomething