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Big Tits, Classic Rock, and Beer

By ReggieSomething
Created: 2021-08-19 00:52:18
Updated: 2021-08-19 04:00:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >Storm clouds tower ahead, darkening the horizon. The wind at your vehicle's back pushes more of these leviathans of the sky to the west, their swollen shapes a harbinger of weather to come.
  2. >Sammy Hagar's "Heavy Metal" (the soundtrack version) blasts through the speakers of your 1991 Chevrolet cargo van, bringing a smile to your face.
  3. >This trip is taking its toll on you and home is still several hundred miles away. As you're on a desolate stretch of state highway outside of Bumfuck, Nowhere, USA, there's not even a motel for another several hours of driving.
  4. >Thank goodness for your full-size land yacht. There's more than enough room inside its cavernous interior to comfortably hold an air mattress, which you neglected to deflate before setting out this morning. Complete with panels instead of windows and a royal purple rattle can paint job, your ride is the ultimate blend of practicality and style.
  5. >Why yes, it does have a pussy magnet, how could you tell?
  6. >Notwithstanding the mass of clouds obscuring the western sky, you know the sun is well enough into its daily descent to begin thinking about finding a place to stop for the night.
  7. >The wide-open prairie had gradually given way to rolling hills, their surfaces becoming increasingly wooded as you continued along your route.
  8. >There's no escaping this one-way ticket to midnight -CALL IT... HEA-VY ME-TAL. A stifled yawn reinforces this fact.
  9. >A sign ahead marks the intersection of a side road. Between the faded paint and bullet holes you gather it's a county road, but the number is anyone's guess.
  10. >This looks as good a candidate as any for finding a secluded spot to catch some sleep. You decelerate and turn right, the suspension doing its best to dampen the added vibrations that the unpaved road offers.
  11. >Raindrops begin to litter the windshield. You pass a copse of pines but stop, as there's a decently-sized area to pull off behind them. Thankfully your American-made probable cause-mobile is equipped with a 5.0L V-8 and all wheel drive, so it has no issues with a little off-road action.
  12. >Here you sit in your van, parked underneath the swaying evergreen canopy. The clouds haven't fully committed to unburdening themselves, so light sprinkles is all that continue to fall, raindrops providing random staccato accents to the breaths of wind that shake the trees.
  13. >Scrolling through your phone's music, you decide that the tried and true "Classic Rock... with Deep Tracks!" playlist is the perfect soundtrack to-
  14. >What the hell was that?
  15. >A blinding flash of blue light around the bend in the road was enough to make you drop your phone.
  16. >It clearly wasn't lightning, as you would've heard thunder by now.
  17. >Huh. Weird.
  18. >You retrieve your phone from the van floor and skip past Grand Funk Railroad's "I'm Your Captain" in favor of "Freewill" by Rush.
  19. >As you're fully committed to synchronizing your air guitar to Alex Lifeson's solo, you don't notice her at first.
  20. >Movement in your peripheral vision brings a premature end to your jam session.
  21. >A young woman walks along the road, her movements somewhat awkward, as if she had forgotten how to walk and was relearning on the fly. Perhaps her leg was asleep and she was walking it off?
  22. >The rain is slowly but steadily ramping up. It starts to weigh down her red hair and makes her yellow tank top cling to her ample chest more than it already had been. You roll down your window.
  23. "Excuse me, miss?" you call out to her over the wind.
  24. >She whips her head around to identify the source of the voice. A large, toothy smile breaks out across her freckled face when she makes eye contact with you.
  25. "Are you alright? Do you need help?"
  26. >The woman breaks into a slight jog towards your van. You notice her nipples poking through her wet yellow tank top. If that wasn't evidence enough that the girl wasn't wearing a bra, the way her gravity-defying tits swayed and jiggled with each step made it painfully obvious.
  27. >She continues to smile upon reaching your door but doesn't say anything. Guess you'll have to make the first move.
  28. "Um, did your car break down? Do you need to borrow my phone or something?"
  29. >"Naw, but Ah could stand to git out of this rain," she answers in the cutest southern accent you've ever heard. "What do you say, Mister? Got room in your stable tonight for a lonely mare?"
  30. >Thank you, Jesus.
  31. "Y-yeah, sure." you reply, pointing to the passenger door.
  32. >"Thank Celestia," is what you thought you heard her say as you leaned over to unlock and open the door for her. She fumbles with the handle for a few seconds but soon figures it out and scrambles inside; shivering after shutting the door.
  33. >The two of you sit trading awkward stares and smiles for a moment before you finally break the silence.
  34. "So... what's your name?"
  35. >"Apple Bloom. And you?"
  36. >You extend your hand to her. She grasps it and pulls it towards herself as if inspecting some unknown artifact.
  37. "Anonymous, but just call me 'Anon'."
  38. >"'Anonymous', huh? Mighty strange name if'n you don't mind me saying so." she replies, letting her fingers slide off yours in a drawn-out motion.
  39. "To be fair, so is 'Apple Bloom'."
  40. >She shrugs. "Ah suppose it is in this world."
  41. "Huh?"
  42. >"Nuthin'."
  43. >Another awkward pause.
  44. "So, uh, if your car didn't break down, what're you doing way the hell out here?"
  45. >Apple Bloom looks you up and down. "Just lookin' ta git some help for the farm."
  46. "On a random country road in the middle of nowhere?"
  47. >She shoots you a coquettish grin. "Yep!"
  48. "Okay," you say, unsure of what to think. "What kind of farm?"
  49. >"Apples, mostly. But we grow all sorts of crops."
  50. "Cool."
  51. >"So what are you doin' way out here, Anon?" she asks, fluttering her long eyelashes at you.
  52. >Your heart pounds so loud and fast that it might as well be a Neil Peart (Press F to pay respects) drum solo.
  53. "I'm on my way home from vacation."
  54. >"Aw, how nice! Didja have a good time?"
  55. "I did, even if it wasn't as exciting as I had hoped."
  56. >Apple Bloom smirks. "Well yer technically still on vacation. Maybe you'll get some excitement yet," she offers before daring to rub your bicep with one of her dainty hands.
  57. "Y-yeah."
  58. >"Hey, Anon, you got anything to drink? Ah'm awful parched."
  59. "I do."
  60. >You climb out of your seat and move into the rear of the van to where your cooler sits. Digging around through the ice, you take stock of its contents.
  61. "I've got beer, um, beer, and... more beer."
  62. >Apple Bloom follows you into the back of the van and sits on your air mattress. She runs her hands along the seams of her demin skirt, down her long, shapely sun-bronzed legs, to her cowgirl boots. Unable to keep yourself from staring, you watch her remove her boots and socks.
  63. "Ah'd be right happy with beer." she answers, staring at her bare feet with a sense of wonder.
  64. >Tearing your eyes away from this specimen of a woman, you dig a bottle of Shiner from its icy crypt, pop the cap, and hand it to her.
  65. >"Much obliged," she says, never taking her eyes off you as she sips the cold refreshing brew.
  66. >You get yourself a beer and join her on the mattress.
  67. >"Anon?"
  68. "Yeah?"
  69. >"Why don't you tell me a bit about yerself?"
  70. "Only if you return the favor."
  71. >She giggles.
  72. >"You got yerself a deal, pardner."
  73. >And so you and Apple Bloom talked about life, family, work, and everything in between, your classic rock playlist continuing to play in the background. The rain came and went as you did, and in time, the day surrendered to the night.
  74. >She was surprisingly easy to talk to, this beautiful twenty-five year-old apple farmer. Alcohol's usefulness as a social lubricant notwithstanding, it was clear that you two had a lot of chemistry.
  75. >As the conversation progressed, you found that she scooted closer, becoming more cavalier about making physical contact as well.
  76. >Things couldn't be going better for such a chance encounter. Here you sit, basking in the glory of your three favorite things in the world:
  77. >Big tits, classic rock, and beer.
  78. >And yeah, Apple Bloom truly is a sweet girl with a charming personality, further enhancing the experience.
  79. >By the time Jethro Tull's "Heavy Horses" piped through the van's speakers, you sat on the mattress with your back against the van's wall, Apple Bloom resting her head on your right shoulder.
  80. >[Sweat embossed veins standing proud to the plow]
  81. >Apple bloom sighs.
  82. "What's wrong?"
  83. >Her fingers dance over your chest. "Just thinking 'bout home."
  84. >[Salt on a deep chest seasoning]
  85. "Been away for a while?"
  86. >She shakes her head, burying her face into your chest as she does. "Naw, just not thrilled 'bout the prospect of returning home empty-hoov- ah mean, empty-handed."
  87. >[Last of the line at an honest day's toil]
  88. >[Turning the deep sod under]
  89. >You wince, having become acquainted with the problems of Sweet Apple Acres during your conversation.
  90. >Still, how hard was it to find willing farm hands in a predominantly-rural area?
  91. >[Flint at the fetlock, chasing the bone]
  92. >[Flies at the nostrils plunder]
  93. >"'Non?"
  94. "Yes?"
  95. >Apple Bloom pulls her head off you chest and looks at you, eyes reflecting the light of your phone.
  96. >"Do ya, well..."
  97. >She takes a deep breath.
  98. >"How would you feel about coming to work on mah farm?"
  99. >Apple Bloom stares into your eyes, straight into your soul.
  100. "I dunno, I kinda have a good thing going on at my current job..."
  101. >You don't. It sucks donkey balls.
  102. "...and then there's the fact that I'd be moving away from all my friends..."
  103. >What, the guys you shitpost with on a Tibetan breathing exercise forum?
  104. >Apple Bloom drapes her arms over your shoulders, clasping her hands loosely behind your head.
  105. "...but uh, maybe this is the alcohol talking..."
  106. >More likely your dick.
  107. "...but I, uh, maybe I'll think about it?"
  108. >"Really!?" Apple Bloom squeals with excitement. She hugs you and kisses your cheek. You gasp.
  109. "I- um..."
  110. >Apple Bloom lets out a slow, sultry chuckle. "What's the matter Anon?" she teases, climbing onto your lap. "Unsure of what to do?"
  111. >[Let me find you a filly for your proud stallion seed]
  112. >[To keep the old line going.]
  113. >"This song's got the right idea," Apple Bloom says, smirking. She shuffles closer to you until she makes contact with your throbbing pride. "And it seems your body agrees."
  114. >Her hands slide down your chest and return to her own. She hooks her fingers underneath her shirt and slowly pulls it up.
  115. >You watch the yellow cotton pop over her erect nipples, her breasts now exposed in all their glory. They're easily D-cups, and her petite frame only serves to accentuate their size. A strange purple crystal rests at the top of her cleavage, suspended from a silver chain.
  116. >"Well, Anon?" Apple Bloom whispers, her breasts rising and falling in time with her excited breaths. "This filly's hot to trot. Are you a gelding or a stallion?"
  117. >You pull her face to yours, and she's moaning into your mouth the moment your lips meet. Her tits are everything you could've hoped for and more, full, firm, and without a doubt one-hundred percent natural.
  118. >Apple Bloom pulls away to gasp for air, a string of saliva connecting her mouth to yours. You look from her eyes to her breasts, and back to her eyes again. She nods.
  119. >Her left nipple is in your mouth a second later. Apple Bloom's hand finds the back of your head, pulling you harder into her chest. Your tongue dances over her nipple as you suck on it, making A.B. moan in approval.
  120. >Following a few minutes of breast worship, Bloom pushes your head away, breaking your lips' seal on her areola with an audible pop.
  121. >"Let's get you outta them pants," Bloom breathes into your ear. "Ah wanna see what yer gonna plow my field with."
  122. >The pants are gone, and now Apple Bloom has her hands wrapped around your manhood. She drools over the tip before engulfing it with her mouth.
  123. >You buck your hips up in time with A.B.'s head bobbing, her tongue slithering around the shaft for all it's worth. As enthusiastic as she is, it's clear the girl's an amateur at oral.
  124. >As if sensing your thoughts, Bloom ceases her sucking. "Sumthin' wrong, sugar?"
  125. >Shaking your head, you move her necklace so the pendant rests on her back, place your hands on the sides of her breasts, gently guiding her chest down to your cock.
  126. >"Anon, what'reya-"
  127. >You wrap her tits around your spit-slickened dick and begin to thrust.
  128. >"Oh. Ah should've known, seein' as ya couldn't keep your eyes off mah teats," she says, chuckling to herself.
  129. >Apple Bloom brushes your hands away from her chest, taking it upon herself to keep squeezing them around your shaft. She looks you in the eyes as she slides up an down your manhood.
  130. >"Am Ah doin' it right, Anon?"
  131. >You growl in affirmation, already feeling yourself getting close. She seems to sense this as well, and ceases pleasuring you.
  132. >Apple Bloom lays back on the mattress and presents herself. "C'mon, Anon. It'd be rude not to return the favor..."
  133. >Grinning, you crawl atop the woman and plant a trail of kisses from her lips, down her neck, and onto her chest. You pause to suck at her tits again before dragging your tongue down her flat, toned belly and to the wisp of red pubic hair that sits above her slit.
  134. >Breathing deeply through your nose, you take in the scent of her arousal. It's certainly different than any other woman you've been with. She's has a musk about her that's reminiscent of hay and apples, but it only serves to drive you crazy with desire. You lick her lower lips and tease her clit while easing a finger inside. She's tight and already soaked. No sooner have you found her g-spot, she's moaning your name and drenching your face with more fluid than you thought possible for a woman to produce.
  135. >You've heard of squirters, but this is something else entirely.
  136. >"Ah-Ah...Anon!" Bloom moans whilst bucking her hips. "Let me catch mah breath!"
  137. >She scoots out from under you and sits up. You stare at each other but a moment, and then you're engaged in passionate lip lock once more.
  138. >"Ah can't wait any longer," A.B. pants after tearing her lips from yours. "Ah want you to rut me like the potent stallion you are."
  139. >Before you can mount her, Apple Bloom is scurrying back to the passenger seat of the van.
  140. "Where are you going!?" you call after her as she exits.
  141. >"It's gettin' too hot in there!" she calls back. "Ah want you to take me out here!"
  142. >*Shrug*
  143. >The first thing you notice upon opening the sliding door is the moonlight. It's uncertain when the weather cleared up, but to be fair, you were rather distracted. Apple Bloom grabs your cock and pulls you away from the van.
  144. >You follow, throbbing in her firm grip with every step. She leads you further into the trees, stopping short of a particularly massive lodgepole.
  145. "Sit down here," she instructs, pointing to the base of the tree trunk.
  146. >The grass is kinda itchy under your bare ass and the tree bark scratches your back, but you could care less.
  147. >Apple Bloom straddles your legs and begins to lower herself onto you. She gasps as your head splits her lips, continuing to lower herself onto your length at a slow rate.
  148. >After what seems like an eternity (in reality, five seconds) you've bottomed out into Bloom's soaking cunt.
  149. >Her pussy feels unlike anything you've experienced before. Not only that, it tugs on you, trying to pull your length further into her hot depths.
  150. >If the pleasure from the sensation wasn't obliterating your ability for critical thought, you might have had questions.
  151. >Bloom rides you, her hands traveling over her breasts, then your face, your chest, everywhere; never content to remain in one place. You grab her ass and squeeze, and hot damn, it's just as nice as her tits. Keeping a firm grip on her butt, you help pull her onto you as you thrust into her.
  152. >"Yes, 'non! Just like that! Yer gonna make me cum again!"
  153. >A few thrusts more and Apple Bloom hits her peak again, soaking you even further.
  154. >A.B. grabs your face and kisses you all over as she rides out her second orgasm. "Ah can't believe it," she moans into your ear. "Ah've had two and you ain't even came once!"
  155. >She continues to mumble to herself, saying something about foals and thanking someone named "Cadence". For the most part you ignore her words, focusing instead on continuing to fuck the most incredible pussy you've ever had.
  156. >Suddenly Bloom stands up. You groan as your cock slides out of her. She grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet with surprising strength. Before you can blink, she pushed your back against the tree trunk.
  157. >Her hands find your cock and guide it to her treasure, allowing you to tickle and tease her clit, but not permitting full penetration.
  158. >"Ah'm gonna finish you here and now, mister." Apple Bloom whispers into your ear. "Yer gonna cum inside me, and yer gonna fill me up with every last drop you can muster, understand?"
  159. "Yes ma'am."
  160. >"Good."
  161. >Bloom turns around and bends over. You grab her hips and she reaches back to grab your cock again. She lines you up, and when your tip begins to split her lips, you pull her onto you in one swift motion.
  162. >"AH! RUT ME ANON!"
  163. >Apple Bloom's ass glistens with sweat in the moonlight. It jiggles as it bounces off you after every thrust, making a satisyfying slap every time you bottom out in her.
  164. >Pounding into A.B. with reckless abandon, you don't immediately notice the vines.
  165. >It's not until you feel something wrapping around your ankles that you stop fucking Apple Bloom.
  166. "What- what the hell is this!?" you yell, pulling out of your partner.
  167. >"Ah'm sorry Anon. Ah need to be in my natural form when you plant your seed in me, otherwise it may not take."
  168. "'Natural form'?" you spit back, fighting a losing battle against the vines that have wrapped around your wrists. "What the hell are you talking about? Where are these vines coming from?"
  169. >"Don't you worry yer purdy head none. Just a bit of earth pony magic."
  170. "What!?"
  171. >The vines pull your back firmly against the tree.
  172. >You grunt as you strain against the vines, but it's no use.
  173. "Bloom! Help me!"
  174. >Your lover ignores you. She clutches the crystal amulet that hangs from her neck and begins to whisper something. The amulet begins to glow, and the next thing you know, Apple Bloom is enveloped in a bright purple light.
  175. >What greets you after the light fades is too much for you to comprehend. Where once stood a tall, well endowed woman now stands a-
  176. "Horse!" you sputter in disbelief. "You're a HORSE!"
  177. >Indeed, an equine mare stands before you, her withers coming up to around your belly button. Her face is quite different from a horse's, and the legs are substantially wider near the hooves.
  178. >"Ah ain't no horse, ah'm a pony," Apple Bloom growls.
  179. >Before you can respond, A.B. has backed herself up to your crotch, where your member still stands at attention.
  180. "No!" you yell while trying to point your dick away from her dripping marehood. "I'm not a horsefucker!"
  181. >"PONY!" Apple Bloom bellows as she impales herself on you.
  182. >You both cry out in ecstasy.
  183. >The mare whinnies and grinds her ass all over you, her flagged tail trying in vain to swish to and fro. She turns her head back to address you.
  184. >"Admit it, Anon," she says between gasps of air, "you love this pony pussy. It's better than any human woman you've every had."
  185. >You exhale through clenched teeth, trying to ignore just how amazing her vagina is. It pulls you and desperately tries to milk you into her depth.
  186. "Why are you doing this?" you manage to say through a clenched jaw.
  187. >Apple Bloom begins to bounce her ass off you like she did before, pulling almost fully off you before slamming back to hilt again.
  188. >"Ah already *gasp* told ya. We- ah!- need help on the farm. Ah'm in heat and since- yeah, just like that!- and since-"
  189. >You groan; mere thrusts away from your breaking point. Apple Bloom recognizes this and picks up her tempo.
  191. >With a roar you release rope after rope of thick, hot cum into Apple Bloom's womb.
  192. >"That's it sugar! Cum inside me! Get me pregnant!"
  193. >She's pressed up against you with incredible force as her walls continue to tug every last drop out of you.
  194. >Having released your seed into the mare, the vines release their grip on you, and you collapse onto Apple Bloom's back. She takes your weight effortlessly and keeps you locked inside her.
  195. >Apple Bloom lowers her head to the ground, allowing her necklace to slide down her neck and onto the ground. She crushes the amulet with a swift stomp of her hoof. Next thing you know, a black void grows from the now-destroyed amulet. It swallows you both, and you feel yourself falling.
  197. ...
  199. Good End:
  201. >You awaken in a bed that's far too small for you. Apple Bloom's head rests on your bare chest, her red mane draping over your body and onto the sheets. She opens her large eyes, slowly turning her head to look at you.
  202. >Memories of the previous night flood into your mind.
  203. >"Mornin' Sugarcube," she says with a kiss. "And welcome to Equestria, yer new home."
  204. "New home?"
  205. >"Yep!"
  206. "Where is this Equestria in relation to where we were last night?"
  207. >"Dunno. Another dimension or universe away or sumthin' like that."
  208. >You stare at the cieling in disbelief. A rooster crows somewhere outside.
  209. >Laying motionless, you struggle to come to grips with your new reality as Apple Bloom begins to pepper your face with kisses.
  210. >Clip-clopping of hooves announces the arrival of another pony. The bedroom door opens. A Stetson-wearing orange mare walks in.
  211. >Apple Bloom stops kissing you long enough to greet the newcomer. "Good mornin', sis!", she says, smiling. "Ah did it!"
  212. >"You sure did." the orange mare replies. She walks up to you and extends a hoof, which you grasp without thinking. "Mornin' Pardner! Name's Applejack!"
  213. "Anon," you reply, still on disbelief-fueled autopilot.
  214. >"Nice to meet ya, Anon! Yer a strange lookin' one, no offense, but ah won't question Cadence's judgement. Just take good care of mah sister, ya hear?"
  215. >Apple Bloom kisses you again before responding to Applejack. "Don't worry, A.J. He's amazin'."
  216. >Applejack chuckles. "Well considerin' it took Princess Cadence to find him and Twilight to figure out a way to get him over here, he better be!"
  217. >The orange mare trots to the door, stopping short of the exit. She turns around. "It was nice meetin' ya, Anon. We'll talk about the wedding after you get Bloom through her heat. And congrats, Apple Bloom! Only took you twenty-five years, but you finally got yerself a stallion!"
  218. >"And hopefully foals soon, too!" A.B. replies.
  219. >"Celestia willing."
  220. >With that, Applejack leaves, shutting the door behind her.
  221. "Apple Bloom?"
  222. >"Yes, 'non?"
  223. "Why am I here? Why am I really here?"
  224. >Apple Bloom sighs, and proceeds to tell you everything.
  225. >She explains that she'd struck out with every stallion she'd ever pursued, and spoke of how Granny continued to pressure her to settle down and start a family.
  226. >In a moment of desperation, A.B. turned to the Princess of Love for help finding a mate. To her surpise, Princess Cadence discovered that the stallion she was destined to be with wasn't a pony at all, and on another planet at that. With this knowledge, Cadence enlisted the help of Princess Twilight Sparkle, who figured out the logistics of getting A.B. to Earth, and how to get the both of you back.
  227. "So that bit about you being there trying to find help for the farm... that was just a lie?"
  228. >"No, we need the help too. Seein' as Ah'm the only Apple that has yet to start a family..."
  229. >You try to be mad. You should be mad. Hell, you should be furious. However, as you stare into those adoring pink eyes, you feel nothing but happiness and love.
  230. >"Anon? Whatcha thinkin', mah love?"
  231. "I'm thinking that I should be absolutely furious with you right now, and I'm shocked that I'm not."
  232. >Apple Bloom giggles. "You are takin' this better than ah expected, but that's the magic of love for ya, Sugarcube."
  233. >She fidgets on your chest and suppresses a whine.
  234. >"Hey, Anon?"
  235. "Yeah?"
  236. >"Ah need you. Real bad. You feelin' up for another round?"
  237. >Jesus, the audacity of this mare.
  238. "I dunno... any chance you can turn back into a human?"
  239. >Apple Bloom pouts. "Anon, do you... do you not think Ah'm pretty the way Ah am?"
  240. >You look at her body. Her powerful, but undeniably feminine build. Her full rump. You trace your fingers along the soft features of her face.
  241. "I think you're gorgeous," you answer as you look her in the eyes.
  242. >She smiles. "Then why are you wanting me to be a human again?"
  243. >Blood rushes to your face.
  244. "What can I say? I love big tits, and I especially love fucking them. And yours were the best I've ever seen."
  245. >Apple Bloom giggles. "Ah'll have to see if Twilight can fix me up another spell for a special occasion," she says. Your lover turns on her side and lifts her hind leg. "But Ah reckon these are plenty big enough to wrap around your cock."
  246. >Your eyes snap down to her teats and your hands follow. They fill your hands and then some. Her erect nipples are just begging to be sucked. With this in mind, you begin to lower your face to her teats but she stops you.
  247. >"Anon. Stop."
  248. "Why?"
  249. >"Ah need you, Darlin'. Ah need you inside me so bad it hurts sumthin' fierce. Ah'll let you play with mah teats to your heart's content later, but now... now Ah need you to cum inside me again..."
  250. >Apple Bloom presses her belly against yours. Her wet sex slides across your shaft.
  251. >"...and again..."
  252. >You buck your hips and enter Apple Bloom. She gasps.
  253. >"...and again. Ah need you to rut me until you can't cum anymore. An' then Ah'll need you to rut me some more, just to be sure Ah come outta this heat carrying your foal."
  254. >Bloom slides up and down your length, and you're already feeling close. She leans in and kisses you. Your tongues wrestle a few moments before she breaks the kiss.
  255. >"Ah know you're close, Anonymous. Cum in me already!"
  256. >A few more thrusts sends you over the edge. You grab two handfuls of her plot and pull her into as much as possible. She bites your shoulder to stifle her moans, and before you know it, she's cumming too.
  257. >Apple Bloom takes a moment to catch her breath, then looks into your eyes again.
  258. >"Ah love you, Anonymous."
  259. "I... I love you too, Apple Bloom."
  260. >Maybe that was a bit of a lie.
  261. >Okay, fine. That was a lie bigger than your van. Not a malicious one, heavens no. But you didn't want to ruin the tender moment with a dose of brutal honesty.
  262. >However, you're sure you'll come to love this sweet pony in time. After all, you two do have great chemistry together. Not only that, but you honestly were smitten by her personality last night. [spoiler]And her tits.[/spoiler]
  263. >Yes, you're confident things will work out between you and Apple Bloom in the end. In fact, you might come to love her more than you love...
  264. >Big tits, classic rock, and beer.
  266. Bad End
  268. >You awaken in a bed that's far too small for you. Apple Bloom's head rests on your bare chest, her red mane draping over your body and onto the sheets. She opens her large eyes, slowly turning her head to look at you.
  269. >Memories of the previous night flood into your mind.
  270. >The van. You need to get to your van and get the hell outta here. Brushing the red-maned mare off your torso, your attempts to extricate yourself from the bed are brought to a premature end.
  271. >Your wrists are bound by shackles; long, fresh-forged chains attached to each one. They run to the bedposts attached to either end of the apple-adorned headboard.
  272. "What the fuck!?"
  273. >Apple Bloom giggles, then pushes your back down to the mattress with more strength than a little pony her size should be capable of having.
  274. >"Mornin' Sugarcube," she says with a kiss. "And welcome to Equestria, yer new home."
  275. "This is a dream. This isn't real. I'll wake up any minute now..."
  276. >Apple Bloom takes advantage of your temporary docility to shower you with kisses, nuzzles, and every form of affection she can come up with.
  277. >"This ain't no dream, Sugar. Ah promise, this is very real, an' soon, we'll be married! It'll really feel like a dream then!"
  278. >You're incapable of moving, the shock to your system is so severe. A.B. takes your lack of resistance as permission to kick things up a notch, and she works to rouse your trouser snake.
  279. 'Et tu, penis?'
  280. >'What? That pony pussy was to die for, Anon!'
  281. 'Fuck you.'
  282. >'I'm counting on it.'
  283. >Clip-clopping of hooves announces the arrival of another pony, breaking up the spiteful inner conversation with your junk. The bedroom door opens. A Stetson-wearing orange mare walks in.
  284. >Apple Bloom stops kissing you long enough to greet the newcomer. "Mornin', Applejack!", she says, smiling. "Ah did it!"
  285. >"Ah figured you might have," the mare answers, "so ah took the liberty of bringin' Mayor Mare over. She's ready when you two are."
  286. >Your kidnapper squeals with delight. "Ya hear that, 'non! The mayor's here and she's gonna marry us right now!"
  287. "Please, no."
  288. >The sentiment goes unnoticed. Apple Bloom leaps off the bed and scrambles for her wardrobe. A simple, but elegant white dress hangs inside it. Applejack helps her into it.
  289. >A massive red pony stallion enters the room. He lets you know in no uncertain terms what's expected of you, and what fate awaits should you not comply.
  290. >So here you stand, one hour later, in the shade of two trees whose trunks grew intertwined with one another. Big Mac, your soon-to-be brother in law told you the story behind it, wiping his eyes as he did.
  291. >He was even kind enough to remove your chains for the ceremony. Not that you could make a run for it. The place was teeming with large, burly stallions that all had apple-related marks on their asses, and it seemed like this wasn't their first rodeo, or shotgun wedding for that matter.
  292. >The ceremony went and subsequent reception went by in a blur.
  293. >Come to think of it, the past eight months did too.
  294. >It was nice to be free of your chains and shackles. It only took you three months to give up any hope of ever escaping. Learning that the rulers of this place were in on the scheme forced you to accept your reality.
  295. >Apple Bloom moseys into bed, her movements slow and careful. She grabs your hand between her forehooves, bringing your palm to rest on her swollen belly. You feel your foal kick inside of her.
  296. >"Just three more months," she coos.
  297. >You don't respond. You don't know how.
  298. >"Ah love ya, 'non."
  299. "I know."
  300. >"Oh don't be like that, Mister," she says with a pout. "Now come over here and show me how much ya love me."
  301. >This silly pony still hasn't figured out the difference between lovemaking and hate fucking.
  302. >Her teats are nice though. Plus, that pussy actually is heavenly.
  303. >And thus ends another night, as they usually do, with you bathed in the scent of marecum and your own self-loathing, trying to fuck your wife into an early grave. As you grasp her full teats and plow her with reckless abandon, you realize none of this ever would've happened if it wasn't for your love of-
  304. >Big tits, classic rock, and beer.
  306. End
  308. Just for fun, here are the songs referenced in the story:
  309. Sammy Hagar- Heavy Metal (Soundtrack Version):
  310. Grand Funk Railroad- I'm Your Captain/Closer to Home:
  311. Rush- Freewill:
  312. Jethro Tull- Heavy Horses:

Carl's Hardened Heart (on hiatus)

by ReggieSomething

Letters of Admiration

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Tension (on hiatus)

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by ReggieSomething

/moon/day OP template

by ReggieSomething