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[/irt/] Minder of the Acapella Triplets - Part 1 (09/08/21)

By TypingFuriously
Created: 2021-09-08 12:58:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >Bills.
  2. >Bills.
  3. >Mortgage.
  4. >Man, growing up wasn't.. well. Anything like how they said it'd be in school.
  5. >Youth wasn't the best time for you either, despite the common saying.
  7. >You didn't exactly figure trying to hold a household together, giving up school to work and managing
  8. your triple threat of triplets would be The Best Time of Your Life.
  9. >The armchair creaks beneath you as you shift your weight, the old springs groaning in chorus.
  11. >On the mantlepiece, a framed photo sits.
  12. >It was taken back at the lake house.
  13. >You're all on the decking that morphed into a pier somewhere along the way.
  14. >Your old man is smiling proudly.
  15. >Your mom is smirking, both arms draped around him.
  16. >They don't really look like how your memory tells you they look.
  17. >To their right you stand, fifteen and happy, three wildly different girls dangling off of you.
  18. >Sonata is hidden behind your leg, peering shyly at the camera.
  19. >Aria is dangling a foot off the floor, grinning, holding onto your arm which is flexing for the camera.
  20. >Adagio is sat on your shoulders, smirking like mom and flashing dual peace signs.
  21. >You'd never figure they were a bundle deal unless someone told you.
  23. >Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
  24. >You blink tiredly at the clock.
  25. >You used to think that time would just... stop.
  26. >The hands on the clock would freeze.
  27. >And they'd start back up when your folks came through the door again.
  28. >Dad would loudly say they were back. He'd complain about traffic. Maybe he'd bring pizzas.
  29. >The girls would line up to greet them like they always did.
  30. >Mom would be pulling off her heels and plant kisses on your sisters foreheads, hugging her little mermaids tight.
  31. >She'd kiss your forehead, tell you she was so proud you'd watched them whilst they got back from work.
  32. >You'd all head into the kitchen and maybe you'd all forgo plates.
  33. >Aria would take off the toppings she hated, Sonata would quickly add them to her slices, and Adagio would
  34. try to lecture them on not being picky eaters.
  35. >She'd sit up straighter, and do her best adult impression.
  36. >Then you'd all watch a movie.
  37. >Dad and mom on the couch, you in your chair.
  38. >The girls all laid out in a food coma on the rug.
  41. >No shocker that didn't happen.
  42. >Would've been nice though.
  43. >It's coming up on 7am.
  44. >The girls don't like leaving the house, but it's good to keep them in a typical college student routine.
  45. >Sure, they get all their classes online, and their grades are great.
  46. >But you try and sit them in anything with wheels and they lose it.
  47. >Aria still just shuts down occasionally, vehicle or no vehicle.
  48. >You're still trying to figure out all the triggers for that.
  49. >Her therapist has been helpful, but there's only so hard she can go on that front.
  51. >You rub your fingers on your eyelids, trying to ease the burning.
  52. >You're not gonna cry, you're just tired.
  53. >Works been rough this week, and you barely managed to get the stupid fucking redesign pushed through to live.
  54. >But you managed.
  55. >You always manage.
  57. >Rising slowly, you set about starting the day before you need to get some sleep.
  58. "Girls! Up! We gotta get this thing going, let's gooooo!" you yell, clapping your hands as you ascend the stairs.
  59. >At the head of the stairs you turn left, working your way back into your home.
  60. >The sun's already starting to shine through the window at the end of the hall.
  61. >You rap your knuckles on Aria's door.
  62. "Aria, hon, gotta get up."
  63. >"mmrmrmrm?"
  64. "Yeah, I know - it sucks. Up." You order, clapping your hands softly again.
  65. >She's slow to rise, but the lowest risk of falling back asleep.
  66. >You still leave her door ajar, light piercing into the gloom.
  68. >Adagio steps out of her room as you start knocking on Sonata's door.
  69. >She's dressed, with her hair brushed.
  70. >You can't tell if she's slept.
  71. >This is where it gets tricky.
  72. "Morning, Dagi'." You offer.
  73. >The eldest of the Acapella triplets nods quickly as she passes by.
  74. >She rushes around now.
  75. >Anything to avoid being anywhere too long, almost.
  76. "Yeeeeeeeah." Its more of a sigh, breath leaving than actual speech.
  77. >You're so fucking tired.
  78. >Doesn't matter, you all have jobs to do.
  80. "Sonata!" You hammer the door with your fist. Sonata's locked her room up tight, and you know for a fact she was up late - early?
  81. >Thump.
  82. >You pause.
  83. >Footsteps.
  84. >A deadbolt slides back.
  85. >Then another.
  86. >The door opens a crack, and you can see the dull glow of a monitor.
  87. >Sonata's wrapped in her comforter.
  88. >The room reeks, earthy and warrant-inducing.
  89. >Her ponytail is either holding the scrunchie hostage, or the other way around.
  90. "Goooooooood morning, sunshine."
  91. >"What?" She asks, eyes bloodshot and shadowed.
  92. >You tense your leg, pressing your foot into the carpet hard.
  93. "You have classes in just over an hour."
  94. >"I'm ahe-" she starts.
  95. >Reaching out, you wrap your fingers around the edge of the door.
  96. >You gently push it further open before she can slam it shut and slot the deadbolts home again.
  97. "You may be ahead, but your lecturers do call me to keep me updated."
  98. >Her face clouds.
  99. >Yeah, sorry kid.
  100. >No sleeping the day away today.
  101. >You got a call the other week, saying she hadn't virtually attended a single lecture in the span of a fortnight.
  102. >Her grades were still fine.
  103. >Great, even, you were assured.
  104. >Scholarship wasn't going anywhere.
  105. >But she can't just get high and
  106. >You don't even know.
  107. >"I don't see the problem if I'm still doing better than anyone else."
  108. >Pain in your lip tells you you're biting it.
  109. >You nod, as if considering this.
  110. "Problem is you're hitting tokes --" she laughs. It's not the same laugh she used to have.
  111. >It's harsher.
  112. >So what if you don't get the terminology?
  113. "Sonata. You're doing great academically, but it doesn't look good that you don't attend."
  114. >She's not even looking at you, staring at the floor by your feet.
  115. "What if they take your scholarship away? There could be kids who need that money. Kids who show up. Who do you think they'll choose?"
  116. >Still nothing.
  117. >You want to slam the door.
  118. >Or stomp.
  119. >Something that'll get her to actually LISTEN and
  120. >You don't know.
  121. >Stop it seeming like you've fucked it all up.
  123. >Leaning into her sight, you force her to meet your eyes.
  124. >The purple almost looks blue compared to her sclera.
  125. >She hit it hard last night.
  126. >You have some bets on how she gets her supply.
  127. >It's almost certain given she never leaves the house.
  129. >New tactic.
  130. "Please." She blinks, and her facade breaks a bit. "Just try today for me?"
  131. >She gnaws a lip, adding to the raised ridges along it.
  132. >"... can we have pizza for dinner?"
  133. >That's it?
  134. >You don't even realise you're laughing until she's leaning back and staring at you.
  135. >Dragging a hand over your face, you nod.
  136. "Yeah, we can have pizza. You get showered, eat actual breakfast and attend your.."
  137. >You cast your mind back to the highlighted timetable the university sent you.
  138. >Today was .. Wednesday?
  139. >Sonata has a networking lab, mathematics lecture and a call with her mentor.
  140. "You attend all three of your classes today and we can have pizza."
  141. >Fixing you with a curious look, she sticks out her hand.
  142. >You shake it, and hold on as she tries to pull away.
  143. "And no sparking it up."
  144. >Her eyes move in a way that tells you she's already finding a loophole in your words.
  145. >Her hand shakes yours, and you let it go.
  146. >You let the entire thing go.
  147. >You've done what you can for the minute.
  148. >Need to pick your battles when you can.
  150. >Sonata heads down the hall to the bathroom, and you lean back on the wall.
  151. >Feels like its the only thing keeping you upright sometimes.
  153. >Deep breath and go.
  154. >You push off the wall.
  155. >You poke your head into Aria's room.
  156. >She's sat on the edge of the bed, blinking owlishly as she sits in the sliver of light.
  157. "Sleep okay?"
  158. >"Okay enough."
  159. "Any dreams?" You try to sound casual.
  160. >She shakes her head, hair a bird's nest.
  161. >Aria's dreams are usually unpleasant.
  162. >Occasionally she'll wake up crying.
  163. >On those occasions, she won't go back to sleep unless Adaggio and Sonata sleep in the same bed.
  164. >Holding back your sigh of relief, you offer a smile.
  165. "Good. But now it's time for a much more serious question..."
  166. >She smiles softly, and it doesn't quite reach her eyes.
  167. >"Poptarts?"
  168. "Plural this morning, huh?"
  169. >"Yes, please."
  170. >Making a face, you tilt your head this way and that before snapping your fingers.
  171. "I do believe we have a very fine vintage of cookie dough in the cellar, madame."
  172. >She snorts.
  173. >You'd do anything to keep her like that.
  174. >Happy.
  175. >"Cookie dough is great, Anon."
  176. >You clap the doorframe twice before heading off.
  177. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. >Adagio is sat in the kitchen.
  179. >Or, more precisely, Adagio is sat on the island countertop.
  180. >She has an earbud in one ear, and she's idly tapping a boot on the cabinet door.
  181. >The boots really help bring out the overall goth look she's working for.
  182. >You have been fairly clear on not sitting on the counter, or scuffing the woodwork.
  183. >Don't rise to it.
  184. >You walk by her, over to the toaster.
  185. "Did you manage to get some sleep?"
  186. >She surprises you by actually answering.
  187. >"Yes."
  188. "Well. Good." You're not sure what else to say besides.
  189. >You lean against the countertop.
  190. >By the time you look at her, she's shifted slightly to stare away from you.
  191. >The earbud has transferred across to block you out.
  192. >You wait for the Tarts to Pop.
  193. >It's almost a relief when it breaks the silence.
  194. >You fill a glass with whole milk.
  195. >Aria's morning doses need something fatty and calorie-dense to bind to.
  197. >You close your eyes for a moment.
  198. >You're already on a roll, why not push your luck?
  199. >Setting the plate and glass next to her, you shake her bare shoulder lightly.
  200. >The way she jumps, it's like you hit her with a taser.
  201. "Hey, sorry. Can you run these up to your sister for me?"
  202. >You see her jaw work.
  203. >She takes both without a word and storms off.
  204. "Thank you," you call after her.
  205. >Her stomping up the central stairway is the only response you get.
  207. >The sink is empty.
  208. >Fuck.
  209. >Did you interrupt her breakfast?
  210. >Second verse same as the first, fuck.
  211. >You make up a bowl of that trendy cereal she likes.
  212. >Which winds up emptying the box.
  213. >You add "lady in cool hat cereal" to the shopping list.
  214. >You'll eat later.
  216. >A quick peek into Aria's room leads to shooing Sonata away from the half-eaten pop tarts.
  218. >You glance into Aria's room as you crest the stairs.
  219. >She's opened the curtains, made the bed, and looks like she collapsed into her desk chair right after.
  220. >If Aria is the definition of tired, Sonata is the poster child for relaxed.
  221. >She's plucking at Aria's breakfast.
  222. >There's gotta be at least an entire poptart left here.
  223. >It's hard to say how much was Aria, and how much was Sonata.
  224. >She props herself up when she sees you have cereal.
  225. "I know its clearly not enough to stop you, but this is your sister's." She at least has the decency to look slightly guilty.
  226. >You set the cereal on the desk, outside of Sonata's reach.
  227. "Hon," you start, kneeling in front of Aria."You know you need to eat with your meds."
  228. >"I'm not even that hungry, it's fine."
  229. >"See? Itsh-"
  230. "Eat or talk, Sonata."
  231. >Sonata weighs the choice, opting to chew.
  233. >You check Aria's pill planner.
  234. >She still hasn't taken them.
  235. "You know what I'm gonna say."
  236. >"I know." She nods, and its such a heavy motion.
  237. >You want to give her a hug, but she needs to stick to the medicine.
  238. "How come you didn't eat both? You asked for two." You try, peering up at her.
  239. >She looks so tired.
  240. "I had those imported all the way from the store, rush order, you know?" You try for a smirk. She manages a quirk of the lip.
  241. >It's not all that convincing.
  242. >She still hasn't showered, and her hair has a slight sheen to it.
  243. >"I wanted two. I just started feeling nauseous."
  244. >Your fucking heart.
  245. >"Sonny's helping."
  246. >"Shee? I'm--"
  247. "On your way to your room." You gesture for her to leave with a thumb.
  248. >She grumbles, rising slowly and shuffling out.
  250. >You wait a minute, before retrieving the plate.
  251. >You put on your best big brother smile.
  252. "How's this for a deal. You eat HALF of this poptart," you wiggle the plate.
  253. >Sonata really mangled this fucking pop tart.
  254. >It's really a hard sell.
  255. "...and drink all your milk?"
  256. >You'd swear you asked her to eat a pinecone.
  257. "We'll do pizza tonight. And a movie. Your pick."
  258. >"Sonny already said we're having pizza."
  259. >Shit.
  260. "Well, the movie part still stands."
  261. >Now you have her attention.
  262. >She's considering it, staring past you a little ways.
  263. >"My pick? Whatever I want?"
  264. "Hell yes whatever you want. You can put on the sappiest, cheesiest romcom you want and I will sit through the credits, too."
  265. >A smile creeps onto her face.
  266. "If you eat your breakfast and take your meds for me, okay?"
  267. >You set the plate on the desk in front of her.
  268. "I'll be back to check up on you in a sec'."
  269. >You lean in as you rise to your feet, and kiss her forehead.
  270. >You know she prefers to eat without an audience.
  271. >Besides, this cereal isn't going to walk to Adagio's room by itself.
  273. >Adagio's door is closed.
  274. >This isn't abnormal.
  275. >She likes her space.
  276. >You listen for a second, and hear various music tracks starting before being skipped.
  277. >It was one of the better methods for determining your eldest little sister's moods.
  278. >You knock once.
  279. >The playlist stops skipping, going entirely silent.
  280. "Dagi, I'm leaving you some cereal. Grab it before Miss Munchies gets her mitts on it, please."
  281. >Speaking of which.
  283. >Sonata's idly scrolling through some source code when you stroll in to her room.
  284. >She's opened the window and lit some incense, but the weed smell is still going strong.
  285. "How many times do we get into this?" you ask, sitting on her bed.
  286. >It's unmade. Naturally.
  287. >She holds up a finger, blinking.
  288. >She types, waits, and nods.
  289. >"Get into what now?"
  290. "Eating Aria's food."
  291. >She doesn't react, not really.
  292. >"I don't know." She offers.
  293. "I'm pretty sure we settled on not doing that."
  294. >You lean forward slightly.
  295. >At least she actually deigns to respond, unlike Adagio.
  296. >"Did we?"
  297. "You know we did. I know you remember conversations like that -" you snap your fingers. "- stoned or not."
  298. >Her fingers leave the keyboard.
  299. >They drum the desk, and she starts fidgeting with a pen.
  300. >"She doesn't like asking for food and wasting it."
  301. >You look up at the ceiling.
  302. >There's that burning again.
  303. >You know she's not wrong.
  304. >You pat the bed. Or try to, there's a particularly large mass of several blankets in the way.
  305. "C'mere."
  306. >She makes a face, weighing it up again.
  307. >Her ponytail sways slightly as she wriggles, before she joins you.
  308. >You sling an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly to your side.
  309. "I know you're trying to help her out, Sonny."
  310. >"She's getting better, right?" And there's just raw hope in the question.
  312. >You purse your lips.
  313. >You don't know.
  314. >Story of your fucking life since
  315. >Since then.
  316. >It was easier when it was all fresh, and there were strings of lawyers and extended family coming in equal measure.
  317. >Offering in very kind terms to split you all up.
  318. "You need to get ready for class." That's the best you can offer.
  319. >She nods, squeezing you quickly and returning to her work.
  321. >By the time you return to Aria, she's managed another half of the poptart.
  322. >The glass is a quarter full.
  323. >Or three quarters empty.
  324. >Perspective.
  325. >The day just started and she looks wiped.
  326. >She took her meds, at least.
  327. >Despite this, she hasn't really moved from the same position she was in when you were shooing off Sonata.
  328. "You think you're up to doing some learning today?"
  329. >You already know the answer.
  330. >Mornings like these, she just needs to be allowed to ride it out.
  331. >She shakes her head.
  332. "Learning is for nerds, anyway. How about we get you out in the garden for a bit?"
  333. >She glances out the window, squinting at the sun.
  334. >You're already mentally resigning yourself to another Aria Bed Day.
  335. >"Okay."
  336. >Well shit, maybe your luck is on the up.
  337. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  338. >One fluffy dressing gown and a VERY fashionable pair of bunny slippers later, you're both stood in the garden.
  339. >You just can't find the time to maintain it.
  340. >Too many plates to keep spinning.
  341. >The garden is fairly overgrown.
  342. >Maybe that adds some charm to it.
  343. >Wildflowers are better than no flowers, you'd figured.
  344. >She sits herself down heavily on the bench by the birdbath.
  345. >As heavily as she can, anyway.
  346. >She's so frail.
  347. >If any birds wanted to do some bathing, they'd have to wait for rain or stare sadly at the fixture.
  349. >You don't talk.
  350. >You sit on one side of the bench, Aria on the other and you both pretend this is absolutely normal.
  351. >This is fine.
  352. >It doesn't help that being out in the sun just drives home how pale she's gotten.
  353. >Sonata's similar, but she's nearly nocturnal.
  355. >You tuck your feet under the bench.
  356. >Something skitters back on the stonework.
  357. >Aria's half-dazed, but watches as you run your hand around underneath the bench.
  358. >Wait, there
  359. >One of Adagio's notebooks?
  360. >She usually keeps these things locked down.
  361. "So are we going to take a look or?" You wave the notepad back and forth.
  362. >You are absolutely taking a look.
  363. >This is just seeing if Aria is going to be an accessory to mental breaking and entering.
  364. >Aria plays with a lone twintail before giving a small nod.
  365. >She almost looks like herself.
  366. >How she used to be.
  368. >You crack open the cover.
  369. >It's a mix of sheet music and lyrics.
  370. >Some poems, for good measure.
  371. >Sketches.
  372. "Damn, no juicy gossip."
  373. >Aria snorts.
  374. >You're about to close it when your eyes happen on an interesting title.
  375. >"Of All the Loves To Have"
  376. >Adagio has a crush?
  377. "Adagio has a crush."
  379. >You don't mean to whisper, but you are rummaging through one of her personal notebooks.
  380. >This snaps some focus into Aria.
  381. >She leans over to read with you.
  382. >The theme is..
  383. >You're not entirely sure?
  384. >It's almost pining.
  385. >The way she captures whoever this boy is, it's damning and celebratory all at once.
  386. "Did you know that she was interested in anyone?"
  387. >Aria shakes her head.
  388. >You reread it. You tap one verse in particular, drawing attention to it.
  389. "When all else must go,
  390. you are all I wish to know,
  391. Let it be so,
  392. Let it be so."
  393. >She really likes this boy.
  395. >You and Aria workshop for a while, trying to figure out where Adagio would even meet someone.
  396. "Kids do online dating a bunch now," Aria is polite enough to let you sound ancient. "Maybe she met some digital penpal?"
  397. >You're almost asking her to deny it.
  398. >The idea of her talking to randoms on the internet, in that way is just...
  399. >It worries you.
  400. >It's normal, older brothers get to worry about these things.
  401. "Maybe she met someone out on one of her walks??"
  402. >This bothers you for some reason.
  403. >Aria just hums.
  404. "Let me guess. You're able to see through that weird triplet link you three have."
  405. >She looks at you for a moment, and snorts.
  406. >"Kinda."
  407. "You know something I don't." It's less a question, more a statement.
  408. >"Mmm." She answers.
  409. >She's either being deliberately noncommital
  410. >Or she's just getting tired again.
  411. "Well, madame, I let you out on day release for good behaviour." You gesture about to the garden with a sweeping motion.
  412. "But if you won't co-operate, I shall simply send you to your bed to rest until this evening."
  413. >She gives a token effort smile, and just hugs you.
  414. >You sit like that for a minute.
  415. >Then you stand, hauling her up with you, and letting her lean as much as she needs.
  416. "Let's get you back to bed."
  417. >You tuck the notebook into your back pocket and head inside.
  418. >And you try not to think about this mysterious muse your sister's taken up with.
  419. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. "Okay, you have everything you need now?"
  421. >Aria's tucked up snug in bed again.
  422. >She looks at her bedside, making sure she has her water, and her "take-as-needed"s.
  423. >She nods, before burrowing deeper into the small cocoon she's made for herself.
  424. >There's that familiar tension creeping into your neck.
  425. >But there's a new pressure around your forehead.
  426. >You try to think back to when you last actually slept.
  427. >The armchair didn't count.
  428. >A day or two.
  429. >"I'm good. You should sleep, too."
  430. "I will, eventually."
  431. >"Nooooo, now." She yawns.
  432. "Trying to convince me to act as a glorified teddy bear?"
  433. >"Maybe." She admits.
  434. >You tuck the comforter under her tighter, and poke her nose.
  435. >She makes a show of looking annoyed, before snorting.
  436. "You need me, you tell Sonata to come get me, ok?"
  437. >She yawns again, nodding.
  438. >"Love you, Anon." She mutters, closing her eyes as her dosage takes her.
  439. "I love *you*, Aria."
  440. >You hope she dreams of nothing at all.
  442. >A glance down the hall shows your tribute of trendy cereal was accepted.
  443. >That's all three fed, and sent to class as best they can be for the day.
  444. >You continue back down the hall.
  445. >A glance to the front door over the bannister tells you that there's mail that needs picking up.
  446. >You're sure it'll still be there when you wake up.
  447. >You pass the main bathroom.
  448. >You pass the study.
  449. >You continue right on down to the door at opposite end of the upper level.
  451. >The door to "your" room closes.
  452. >The air is stale here.
  453. >Trapped perfume and cologne.
  454. >You keep all your things in your actual room, but you sleep here.
  455. >The girls don't come in. You hate that you need that distance sometimes.
  456. >Aria doesn't even acknowledge the room at the end of the hall exists.
  457. >You stumble into the en-suite and slap at the wall for the lights.
  459. >Shit you need a nap.
  460. >Or a coma.
  461. >You peel your shirt off - how long have you been wearing this?
  462. >Since you started the redesign? Yesterday?
  463. >A lazy toss lands it in (on) the overflowing hamper.
  464. >You'll get Adagio to help do a few loads of laundry as you sort dinner.
  465. >It's joined by your jeans after some careful hopping.
  466. >Lack of sleep does not for good balance make, or something like that.
  469. >You twist the faucet and start splashing your face with tepid water.
  470. >Then hot water.
  471. >Then as hot as you can take.
  472. >And a little bit after that.
  473. >When you're as awake as you feel you can get, you brush your teeth.
  474. >You could use a shave.
  475. >You could use a haircut.
  476. >But for right now you need to just be unconscious.
  478. >You paw at the switch as you leave the en suite, and stagger to the four poster bed.
  479. >Six hours should be enough, you reason, winding the battered alarm clock.
  480. >You swear dad used to launch the poor fucking thing.
  481. >You'd wake up every Saturday to the clanging of alarm bells, then a solid thump.
  482. >Dragging the covers over yourself, bundling up tightly, you can empathise.
  483. >It's a comfy bed.
  484. >If keeping your eyes open burned, closing them hurt worse.
  485. >Inhale for four.
  486. >Hold for six.
  487. >Exhale for four.
  488. >Inhale for four, hold for six, exhale for four.
  489. >Inhale four, hold six, exhale four.
  490. >Inhale
  491. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  492. >The alarm screams.
  493. >You're lying facedown, sprawled across the bed.
  494. >You swipe at the source of the sound for a while.
  495. >There's a thud, and the alarm goes silent.
  496. >"Having trouble, huh?"
  498. >That voice.
  499. >You know better than to open your eyes, to risk waking up.
  500. "I'm in over my head."
  501. >"How's that?"
  502. >A weight settles into the bed next to you, and a hand rests on your shoulder.
  503. >Even facedown, you smell the scent of shaving cream and aftershave.
  504. "It all always feels like its minutes from falling apart." You admit.
  505. >Even in a dream, you're struggling to keep from choking up.
  506. "I can't look after them. Not the way they deserve."
  507. >"Well, let me ask you this: Do you love them?"
  508. >You hiccup.
  509. >You're such a damn child.
  510. >It's a dream.
  511. >You can break down here.
  512. >The hand on your shoulder moves in lazy, soothing circles.
  513. "More than anything."
  514. >"How do you figure being loved more than anything and cared for isn't enough?"
  515. >The mattress muffles the wet laugh you let out.
  516. "Does sound stupid when you put it like that, pops."
  517. >"Not stupid, just overly critical, son. You've always been your worst critic."
  518. >You lay there, eyes shut tight and focusing on the circular motion.
  519. >It's fake, but its nice.
  520. "Did it hurt?" You manage.
  521. >His laugh fills the room, rich and warm. It shakes the bed slightly, and he claps you on the shoulder.
  522. >"For such a clever boy, you sure ask the same question a bunch."
  523. "I know."
  524. >"Get some rest, son. Wash your face. Dry your tears." The weight shifts, and the doorway creaks open.
  525. >It's so fucking weak. But you have to try.
  526. "Stay? Just a little longer?"
  527. >"I think we're all outta time for right now, my bright boy." Two thuds of a hand like a spade slapping the doorframe.
  528. >Then the alarm screams again, and this time, you're on your own to silence it.
  529. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  530. >You do wash your face, cold water to take the puffy swelling in your eyes down some.
  531. >Some exploration of the laundry pile you dumped onto the floor yields some baggy beach shorts and an old band shirt.
  532. >Sniff test passed, so what if they're creased.
  533. >The headache creeping up your neck is... gone?
  534. >Weird.
  535. >It's just past 3pm, and whilst you're still tired it's much better than earlier.
  536. >Aria's fast asleep still, thankfully.
  537. >Sonata's bouncing her head to something with a rapid beat as she follows along to a lecture.
  538. >Giving the air a cursory sniff, she's stuck to the deal.
  539. >So far.
  540. >Adagio's door is ajar, and she's sat on the floor, alternating between listening to a track and writing.
  541. >You knock twice on the doorway.
  542. "Hey, mind if I stop in a sec'?" You ask.
  543. >She doesn't rise to slam the door in your face, and that's usually as much an invitation as you get.
  544. >You sit down opposite her on the floor.
  545. "So." You start, glancing about. You don't often get to see what she gets up to in here. "Boys."
  546. >You shoot her what you think is a knowing look.
  547. >It's about as lame an opener as you can imagine.
  548. >"..What about them?"
  549. >She clicks her pen, and shuts her notepad.
  550. "Just gauging the scene. Seeing if there's anyone special you might be bringing back."
  551. >She stares at you.
  552. "Y'know. In the short-term future."
  553. >"You do realise I don't go outside?" She asks, running a hand through her hair.
  554. >The hand doesn't get far before getting tangled.
  555. >You could take a weedwhacker to her hair, and you'd come back with just a handle.
  556. "Well I hear a lot of kids do the online date thi--"
  557. >Okay, if looks could kill?
  558. >You'd be put in the family plot in seconds.
  559. >Shut that shit down.
  560. "Reading you loud and clear, shutting up."
  561. >You also sound like a fucking grandpa.
  562. >Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell back in DICKETY TWO, we used to know that what was good for the geese weren't too good for the gander.
  563. >That's how you sound.
  564. >Seriously.
  565. >Screw it.
  566. >Honesty's always served you well.
  567. "I just found one of your journals in the garden is all, when I was out there with Aria."
  568. >She looks like she's about to yell, jaw muscles tightening and working.
  569. >Then she looks surprised, and oddly relieved.
  570. >"You got her to go outside?"
  571. "Yeah just for a little bit, about 30 minutes or so."
  572. >She considers this, wrapping her arms around her knees.
  573. >You're not sure you strictly approve of the battered stockings.
  574. >Is it 'in' to have less clothes in your clothes by ripping holes out of them?
  575. "We sat down near the birdbath."
  576. >"The dry birdbath?" She asks, raising an eyebrow, letting her accent roll the 'r' in 'dry'.
  577. >You laugh, without meaning to.
  578. >She's always seen through your bullshit.
  579. "That'd be the one, yeah."
  580. >"The one you keep saying you'll manage, along with the rest of the garden?"
  581. >One of her shitkicker boots knocks your foot, playfully.
  582. >This is almost nice.
  583. >It's been a hot minute since you just sat and talked like this.
  584. >You relax in the moment for a bit.
  585. >"Your eyes are red."
  586. "Yeah, me and Sonata got suuuuuuuper far out, man."
  587. >As jokes go, it's painfully unfunny.
  588. >She rolls her eyes.
  589. >"You hate the smell."
  590. >She's not wrong on that account.
  591. >Sonata can rant on about "tone profiles" and "terpenes".
  592. >It still all smells the same to you.
  593. >You all have your coping mechanisms.
  594. "I'm sure there are people who hate the taste of beer, but they slug it back when they need to."
  595. >Talking like this feels good.
  596. >It was always like this back then.
  597. >Sonata and Aria were partners in crime.
  598. >But you and her stuck together, reigning them in.
  599. >That one time they decided they were opening a restaurant in the kitchen.
  600. >Fairly typical for kids.
  601. >Except they actually tried cooking with no experience.
  602. >You and Adagio had never cleaned faster in your lives.
  603. >There was no salvaging the saucepan.
  604. >The house stunk of burnt potatoes for a week.
  605. >Mom had come in, promising to teach them "the secret witchery of cooking".
  606. >"It's a hard-learned art, you know."
  607. >Then the mom-nod. The one that brooked no argument, because she was so CERTAIN.
  608. >Been a good bit since you were certain of damn near anything.
  609. >And it's not like certainty helped her out any, anyway.
  610. >You close your eyes.
  611. >Not cool.
  613. >Pops had made a show of pretending to try the food.
  614. >Then he'd claimed to be dying.
  615. >It was simply too much, he'd said. Clutching at his throat.
  616. >Sonata and Aria had genuinely believed they'd killed him until he'd leapt back up, heaving them up.
  617. >Tears to laughing.
  618. >You wish you could do that.
  620. >Adagio is looking over her knees at you.
  621. >You wonder if she remembers.
  622. >Your luck's mostly held today.
  623. >You rub a hand through your hair, grinning from the memory.
  624. "Hey, you remember that time--"
  625. >She stands. "I want my journal back."
  626. >Well.
  627. >You look up at her, nodding.
  628. >Still not a fan of discussing before.
  629. >That's okay.
  630. >It's all okay.
  631. >You don't need to discuss the past, especially when it gives you a great idea for later.
  632. "Of course, wasn't gonna keep it from you."
  633. >You reach for your back pocket.
  634. >Nada.
  635. >What?
  636. >OH! You were wearing different clothes earlier.
  637. "Hang on, I left it in my jean pocket."
  638. >"Agghhh," she groans, huffing. "Come on, up, we're getting it."
  639. >She pulls at your hands, trying to pull you into a standing position.
  640. >You don't let her see she's hardly moving you.
  641. >You got dad's muscle, she got mom's lack of it.
  642. "Alright, alright, easy."
  644. >Standing, you can see clear over the top of the orange thicket of hair.
  645. >Combined with the boots, it serves less to make her seem taller and more to highlight how short she is.
  646. >You let her "push" you out into the hall, and back down towards your rooms.
  647. >"Move FASTER!"
  648. >She's in a hurry.
  649. "We have a connecting flight to my Cattlemen's? What's the rush?"
  650. >She stops pushing for a second, snapping "I just need it back."
  651. >Then it's right on back to the express trip down the hall.
  653. "You know," You begin as you're pushed by the bathroom. "'Of All the Loves to Have' seemed pretty personal."
  654. >Nonchalance is your middle name.
  655. >The force at your back stops, leaving you both stood outside the closed study door.
  656. >You turn.
  657. >What little colour there is to her face has drained.
  658. >Though, saying that, her cheeks are flaring something fierce.
  659. >Bingo.
  660. "So am I going to get to meet this frustrating young man?" You ask, doing your best to look
  661. >Like a guardian?
  662. >Like the idea doesn't rub you the wrong way?
  663. >"NO! Well, it's - that's not even - Look, I --" She's falling over herself.
  664. >Times like these, you default to WDYTD&MWD
  665. >What Do You Think Dad & Mom Would Do?
  666. >Regardless, she won't look you in the eye.
  667. >She's also giving a tomato a run for its money.
  668. >Poor girl.
  669. "Easy, I won't push anymore, alright?"
  670. >You lean in, winking. "But I can't promise I'll be as fair to this young man. After all, he's got a high bar to clear."
  671. >You jab a thumb at yourself.
  672. "Can't just let any guy run off with my girl."
  673. >Adagio's mouth opens.
  674. >Closes.
  675. >Opens again.
  676. >Then she marches off back down the hall to her room.
  677. >She opens the door, steps inside, and shuts unexpectedly softly with a click.
  678. "So do you want your journal?!" You call after her, and wince.
  679. >You didn't mean to yell that loudly.
  680. >You're just surprised. You can never read her anymore.
  681. >Click.
  682. >Adagio's door opens.
  683. >A single hand pops out, middle finger raised.
  684. >Then the door slams shut after it.
  685. >Looks like you and this crush are in good company.
  686. >At least she didn't cuss you out beforehand.
  687. >Guess she's feeling sympathetic today.
  688. >Running a hand over your stubble, you stare after her.
  689. >You'll make up for it tonight.
  691. >Sonata's on a video call with her tutor, but you let her know you're headed to the store.
  692. >She mouths "get chicken for the pizzas", giving you two thumbs up by way of encouragement.
  693. >You nod, waving as you head off again.
  694. >"Sorry, my brother just came by. So how is the grading weighted for that last lab in Nove--"
  695. >You're glad she has her education.
  696. >Anything you could give, you would for them.
  697. >But dropping out and coming home was one of the harder things you've done.
  698. >You head down the stairs, quickly losing the conversation.
  700. >They all seemingly know it's pizza night.
  701. >Well.
  702. >Sonata squealed to Aria after your deal.
  703. >Adagio's always had the knack of knowing what's going on in the house.
  704. >Part of the fact she moves around so often and so quietly when she's not stomping or slamming.
  705. >Honestly, you get it.
  707. >But what they don't know is you're pulling out all the stops.
  708. >You're going homemade on this.
  709. >Sort of.
  710. >Anon's secret recipe.
  711. >Just like nanna used to make, eh?
  712. >Your hand is doing the universal gesture of old country women who cook unholy amounts of good food, thumbpad to fingertips.
  713. >It may just be enough to get them involved.
  714. >Grabbing the shopping list off the fridge door, you head out into the downstairs hall.
  715. "I'm heading out!" You call up the stairs.
  716. >"'Kay!" Sonata yells back.
  717. >It's almost ritual.
  718. >Sonata sees you off, in whatever state she's in.
  719. >Aria's usually out for the count when you do your store runs.
  720. >Adagio ignores you half the time, and ignores everyone the other half.
  721. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  722. >You climb up into the Ranger.
  723. >The white paint is covered by a fine layer of grime.
  724. >Mentally you toss it on the pile of "Shit To Get Done".
  725. >You have just enough time to beat the post-school rush.
  726. >The engine turns over easy enough, and you go through all your safety checks.
  727. >Seatbelt's fine.
  728. >Mirrors are in alignment, no worries there.
  729. >You back out of the drive and shift into first, pointing off townwards.
  730. >The radio quietly fills the car, almost overpowered by the soft roar of the engine.
  731. >"--Paradise. Been spending most our lives living in a --"
  732. >You tap the wheel in time when conditions allow. Usually on the long, mostly straight runs of tarmac.
  733. >On the horizon, you notice storm clouds gathering.
  734. >Fuck.
  735. >You have enough time, sure.
  736. >But if that storm comes straight in for town, Aria's going to have a rough night.
  737. >Ergo, you're all going to have a long one.
  738. >You kill the radio, and focus on the road.
  739. >And so the drive goes.
  741. >For the past five years, you've come to the same store at the same time.
  742. >Wednesday, around 4pm.
  743. >Stockers is a family-owned place.
  744. >Mr and Mrs Stocker have been here since you were a kid.
  745. >They're the only place in town you know that gives out whatever stock they can't sell for free if the sell-by is coming up.
  746. >They're also the only place that sells that soda Adagio swears up and down she hates, but always seem to chug when you get it in.
  747. >There's an irony to the fact she loves firey ginger ale somewhere.
  748. >It's mostly dead in here.
  749. >You wave to Bulwark over in Loss Prevention, and he raises a hand to hail you.
  750. >"Acapella!" He strides over, clasping your forearm.
  751. >You've known Bulwark since you were kids, sort of.
  752. >You shared a bunch of classes in high school and that's when you actually got talking.
  753. >You, Vinyl and him bonded over the various reasons none of you headed off to college.
  754. >Or, in your case, your return trip from college.
  755. >They didn't hold it against your membership in the group.
  756. >Bulwark is a big guy, always hitting the gym and the mean cruiser bike out front is his baby.
  757. >You used to ride together for a bit, on shitty two strokes that could barely get up to speed back when you were younger.
  758. "Hey, Bul'."
  759. >"Here for the weekly?" He asks, and its a song you both know.
  760. "Yeah, might need to pick up a few creature comforts on top, given that storm's rolling in."
  761. >He nods sympathetically.
  762. >He knows the story.
  763. >"Hey, I'll get Vinyl over on an empty checkout when you're ready."
  764. >They're good people down this way.
  765. >You don't know if you'd have managed as well if it weren't for the small town mentality.
  766. >People here looked after their own.
  767. "Thanks, Bul'."
  768. >"No problem, man. And hey," He's pointing a ringed finger at you. "A couple of us were thinking of hitting Clover's on Friday."
  769. "Like who?"
  770. >"Me and Scratch are givens. May see if we can lure Octavia out, I'm sure she'll find it --"
  771. >He scrunches his nose, adopting a look of utmost snobbery.
  772. >"--positively disgusting. It's such a DIVE."
  773. >The guy can't do accents to save his life, but he has her mannerisms down pat.
  774. >You try to look like you're seriously considering it.
  775. >Its been years since you've felt like going out.
  776. >Since you felt it'd be fair TO go out.
  777. >You feel a hand rest on your shoulder.
  778. >"No pressure, brother. Just if your girls allow." He shrugs a shoulder, and his hand is gone.
  779. "I'll think it through as I shop," and it's the same answer you usually give.
  780. >To his credit, Bulwark just gives you a reassuring look before striding back to his post by the scanners.
  782. >You make your way along the aisles by muscle memory, pushing the cart along.
  783. >Milk, bread, eggs. Parmesan to go under the tomato base.
  784. >There's that hand gesture again. Thumb to fingertips.
  785. >Trendy hat cereal. The Finest Popped Tarts for sleeping beauty.
  786. >Beef chuck for meat sauce on the weekend.
  787. >Chicken livers, which you'd never admit to blending and putting in said meat sauce.
  788. >It adds flavour, but a certain someone can get squeamish over it.
  789. >A heap of vegetables.
  790. >You buy a few premade packs of pizza dough, and head over to the deli counter.
  791. >A small fortune of rotisserie chicken later and you're bound for the checkouts.
  792. >Bulwark, to his word, sees you coming and talks into his radio quickly.
  793. >He gives you a thumbs up, and gestures for you to start loading up the conveyer belt.
  794. >By the time you're all set up, a shock of blue hair and a tight hug alerts you to Vinyl having snuck up on you.
  795. >"Well, shit. Look who it is."
  796. >She likes to pretend you're a stranger she rarely sees.
  797. >Though you suppose it isn't pretending.
  798. >You aren't the best friend you could be.
  799. "Who'd think I'd be here the same time I am every week, right?"
  800. >She snickers, looking over her shades at you.
  801. >You catch a glint of red before she slides them back into place.
  802. >Vinyl's as pale as they come, and she's always had her hair dyed from the default white.
  803. >The purple lenses and wearing shades indoors would be a douchey look if it weren't her.
  804. >But it's Vinyl, and you just take some things in stride with her.
  805. >"You look like shit." She offers as she starts scanning.
  806. >She takes her time, and despite the storm you know you can afford to spend a few minutes here.
  807. "Thanks, V."
  808. >Her smile drops, and she's all focus.
  809. >"Seriously, Anon. You're killing me here. How much sleep you averaging the past few days?"
  810. "I'm getting eno-"
  811. >She holds a hand in place like she's stalling a record on her deck.
  812. >You're used to her quirks.
  813. >"Pump the brakes, I'm not done, fucker."
  814. >You nod, letting her pick back up.
  815. >"Average hours sleep, last few nights?"
  816. >Six hours or so this morning.
  817. >Before that?
  818. >Shit.
  819. "Uh, three." you mumble, clearing your throat after.
  820. >"Sorry, didn't quite catch that?"
  821. >She absolutely did.
  822. "Three."
  823. >She bobs her head in her own version of a nod.
  824. >"You're gonna put yourself in the ground you keep that up. I know you're not working overtime for the cash."
  825. >She's right.
  826. >Your folks left you more than enough to get by, even if you weren't careful with it.
  827. >And you were more than careful with it.
  828. "I'm fine, V."
  829. >"Really?"
  830. >It's simple, but it hits you harder than it should.
  831. "I'm not okay, but not in a way you need to worry." You clarify.
  832. >"You're only 4 years older, dude. They don't expect you to be a second dad."
  833. >You cross over to the bagging area as she scans, busying yourself with packing the groceries.
  834. "I expect me to be. It's what they deserve."
  835. >"You start getting into what people do and don't deserve and we'll be here all day." She scoffs, handing you your eggs.
  836. >You set them on top of the first bag, before starting on the second.
  837. "Anyone ever tell you you're surprisingly wise?"
  838. >"Nah, unappreciated in my own time. Total comes to twenty-one and sixty."
  839. >That's.. low. Especially given the chicken for the pizzas.
  840. >You squint at the readout, then her.
  841. >"I guess I musta swiped my employee card somewhere in all that." She sighs.
  842. >You stare her down for a couple of seconds.
  843. >"Dude, just pay me and get going before the clouds break."
  844. >"I'm not cancelling it."
  845. "Thank you, V." You dig "your" wallet out of your back pocket.
  846. >The leather's all banged up.
  847. >You hand her the cash, she hands you your change.
  848. >"Thank me by coming out and getting fucked up with us on Friday." She drops her shades down her nose, winking.
  849. "I -.. I'll consider it."
  850. >"Rad. Bulwark! Help Anon load his shit up!" She yells past you over to him.
  851. >"Be right with you, man!"
  852. "What happened to no pressure?" You nod your head back, given you're trying to carry all your groceries in one trip, indicating Vinyl.
  853. >No harm in asking.
  854. >Bulwark grabs your bags from you, carrying them with ease.
  855. >"Guess you'll just have to tag along to find out, huh?"
  856. "I'll see if the girls will-"
  857. >"Bring 'em with." He cuts in.
  858. >Clover's wasn't exactly a great bar.
  859. >But the owner, Rust, was a stand-up guy who didn't card provided you didn't get stupid after a few.
  860. >And they did the best wings and rings in town.
  861. >Plus he had around 3 different firearms stashed behind the bar, and didn't tolerate anyone hassling regulars.
  862. >It'd be a decent idea if you could actually move Aria anywhere outside of walking range.
  863. "Aria won't ride in - shit, anything with an engine. She can't right now. I can't leave her alone."
  864. >"How you figure she'll be alone with Adagio and Sonata around?" He drawls.
  865. >Before you can reply, he's gesturing with his grocery-laden arms around the parking lot.
  866. >"It's not that different to a store run."
  867. >"Except you'll be eating those wings, some onion rings and throwing back some otherworldly tequila with me and Scratch."
  868. >Has he been rehearsing this?
  869. ------------
  870. >It.. actually makes sense.
  871. "Fuck. Okay, maybe it'd be good to get out a bit."
  872. >"Yeah let's not get too crazy, we'll keep to once every half a decade for right now."
  873. >You look at the storm cloud, before opening the trunk.
  874. >Bulwark loads your bags, and rests back on the tailgate.
  875. >"Say you'll see us Friday."
  876. >He's a good head taller than you standing, but for all the muscle and ink, it doesn't come off as intimidating.
  877. >The guy still has the facial expressions of a labrador.
  878. >You look around the slowly filling lot for an excuse.
  879. >Ozone is filling the air, and you know you're on the clock.
  880. "I'll see you guys on Friday." You concede.
  881. >His face brightens, and he punches your shoulder.
  882. >"There he is. Ladies and gentlemen, Acapella is BACK!"
  883. "Yeah, yeah. A few shots. That's it."
  884. >He boos, but doesn't push it.
  885. >"Be there around 7. I will come and get you if you aren't around by 8."
  886. >You really don't want to ride pillion.
  887. "Alright, I'll be there. Don't worry."
  888. >His expression is soft, and genuine.
  889. >"Always do, brother."
  890. >He clasps your forearm again, and he strides back towards the store.
  892. >You shut the trunk and climb back up into the Ranger.
  893. >No turning the engine over, though.
  894. >Instead you scratch at the faux-leather coating the wheel.
  895. >You'll see what the girls think when you get back.
  896. >After dinner.
  897. >Here goes nothing.
  898. >You pull out and head homebound, the storm following along in your wake.
  899. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900. >You back up onto the drive and kill the engine.
  901. >You sit there for a second before forcing yourself into action.
  902. >You're not sure what's more surprising when you open the door.
  903. >That Sonata's clear-eyed still, or the fact that Adagio's sat on the bottom of the stairs waiting too.
  904. "Requesting permission to dock."
  905. >Sonata tries her best to look stern. Then she grins.
  906. >"Granted."
  907. "I'm gonna need help bringing my wares into harbour." You jab a thumb back at the Ranger.
  908. >Sonata's already out the door.
  909. >The day gets weirder when Adagio goes out with her.
  911. >The three of you cover the island countertop with the groceries.
  912. >It's much easier work with the three of you.
  913. "Adagio, you mind putting all the frozen stuff in the chest fre--"
  914. >She's already loaded her arms up with the beef chuck and other bits and pieces.
  915. >She heads through to the garage, headphones already back in.
  916. "Thank you." You offer after her. "Sonny, you're on pantry duty, please."
  917. >She gives a lazy salute and gets to work.
  918. >Still sober, at 5pm.
  919. >Hell of a day, you muse.
  920. "Hey, I was wondering, would you mind giving me a quick trim?"
  921. >You're sort of yelling into the fridge, but the pantry's right there so it isn't a huge issue.
  922. >"What's the occasion?" She yells back.
  923. "I might -- hang on."
  924. > You take out some salad greens that are past their due, slotting in Adagio's soda.
  925. >That done, you shut the fridge for a second and head on after her to the pantry.
  926. "I got talking with Bulwark and Vinyl. They asked if I'd head out with them on Friday."
  927. >"I can work my magic, sure."
  929. >She steps closer, tousling your hair this way and that with both hands.
  930. >It's the same straight quality shared by you, her and Aria.
  931. >Your dad too, you suppose.
  932. >Adagio alone has the blessing and curse of your mom's thick hair.
  933. >When she's done getting a measure of the mess on your head, she lets her hands fall to her sides.
  934. "You think you can hold the fort for an hour or two Friday?" You ask, and her breath catches.
  935. >Her eyes widen slightly, looking to the doorway.
  936. >"You're not asking Dagi?" She asks, quietly.
  937. "I know she'll look out for you both."
  938. >The way it's always been.
  939. "But it would give me peace of mind knowing I've got two of you nearby if Aria needs you."
  940. "I know I'm asking two favours in one, but I need you sober if I do go, okay?"
  941. >You cup her face with your hand, making sure she understands you.
  942. "Can you do that for me?"
  943. >Her eyes still have bags under them.
  944. >But the telltale red from smoke and coughing has faded.
  945. >She meets your gaze, and nods.
  946. "Alright."
  947. >"Alright." She replies, and you lean in, kissing her forehead.
  948. >She makes a face.
  949. >"Bleugh."
  950. "Atta girl. Thank you."
  951. >You head for the pantry door.
  952. >"Wait do you want me sober for the haircut, or.." she tilts her head, ponytail hanging by its own weight.
  953. "Do I want you sober when you're using scissors around my face, neck, and ears?"
  954. >You give her your best Dad Look.
  955. >The look that'd get you questioning all of your life choices up to that point.
  956. >You were lucky enough to rarely be on the receiving end of that.
  957. "You're a smart girl, but sometimes you sure ask some questions."
  958. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  959. >Adagio is, again, perched on the island.
  960. >You're not even sure if she's trying to piss you off at the minute.
  961. >She's drumming away with her palms, keeping time with whatever she's listening to.
  962. >She isn't actually singing, but its been
  963. >A while since any of you sang.
  964. >She's mouthing along though.
  965. >You poke a finger into her side, and she yelps.
  966. "Woah, sorry. Frozen stuff all put by?"
  967. >She's holding her side like you went and shot her.
  968. >She stares for a minute, before you yank out her headphones by the cord.
  969. >"What?"
  970. "I was checking you put everything away."
  971. >"Yes, I did." She sounds insulted.
  972. >Fuck, ok. Diversion.
  973. >You're still holding her headphones.
  974. "No need to hoard the tunes, kid."
  975. >You cup your hand, holding the earbuds to your ear.
  976. >>"I gotta bring you to my hell,
  977. >>"Baby I wanna fuck yo--"
  978. >Okay, you clearly chose the wrong song for family listening.
  979. >She snatches her headphones back, holding them to her chest.
  980. >Her nostrils flare as she breathes, and you can tell you've just completely and utterly embarrassed her.
  981. >Say something.
  982. >Anything.
  983. >Stop just staring at her.
  984. "Got you that soda you like." You offer.
  985. >He swings, he misses!
  986. >Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  987. >She hops off the counter, and storms off back upstairs.
  989. >The distraction of putting the rest of the groceries into the fridge doesn't last for near long enough.
  991. >You leave the pizza dough in the sun, cutting the packaging to let it breathe.
  992. >Speaking of breathing
  993. >You need to sit down.
  994. >You haven't actually taken a breathe since
  995. >That.
  996. >Which may have just killed you
  997. >Mortified is a good word for how you feel right about now.
  998. >You stagger over to the dining table, and let your weight land you firmly at the head of the table.
  999. >Speaking of heads and tables, you just slam yours into the table and lay there.
  1001. >"You gooooood?" Sonata asks, sitting next to you at the table.
  1002. >All you can manage is to shake your head, rubbing your forehead on the tabletop in the process.
  1003. "Promise me to join a nunnery, Sonny."
  1004. >She gives you an amused "no" after a moment's thought.
  1005. >They're 19, this is all
  1006. >Normal.
  1007. >Hell, you're probably behind schedule with - all this.
  1008. >Whatever this is.
  1009. >It's expected they'd start being interested in guys.
  1010. >Oh do they need the fucking talk?
  1011. >You're not freaking out.
  1012. >You're not freaking out.
  1013. >You hear a ringpull crack, and the hiss of carbon escaping.
  1014. >"You're freaking out, big time." There's your little sister.
  1015. >Always a source of calm.
  1016. >Sonata loudly slurps her drink, before setting it down on the table.
  1017. "Coaster." You remind her but your heart isn't in it.
  1018. >There's a soft clink of metal on metal.
  1019. "Thank you."
  1021. >"Want me to go get my kit?"
  1022. "Your stash kit, or your hair kit?"
  1023. >She lets out a puff of breath, before taking another draw from her soda.
  1024. >"Either?"
  1025. "For the first time, that first option has some merit. No, get your scissors and a towel, please."
  1026. >"Aye aye!" She calls, pushing her chair out and strolling off.
  1027. >Eternal Twins, Friday can't come soon enough.
  1029. >Sonata getting to work on your hair is relaxing.
  1030. >Your eyes are drooping in your chair and you manage to stay awake.
  1031. >Just barely though.
  1032. >Time blurs in the clip of scissors, water misting and brushing.
  1033. "How did class go today?"
  1034. >"Easier, but boring at the same time?"
  1035. "Boring?"
  1036. >She holds a strand of hair, before snip-snapping it away with her scissors.
  1037. >"I'm not as hazy, so I'm getting through the sample sheets quicker. But then its waiting until everyone else is caught up."
  1038. "I think I'd prefer you bored as opposed to high."
  1039. >She says nothing to this, and you see her look to the side in the small shaving mirror she's set in front of you.
  1040. "Seriously. You sound like you're on the right track. How did your tutorial go?"
  1041. >"Got a few digital labs coming up.The main one isn't for a few months."
  1042. >She turns your head, before starting to work her way from your crown to your bangs.
  1043. >"Juuuuust a little clean up, I know you're going for the whole roguish shtick."
  1044. "You mind telling me who told you that? It's just they seem to have a better handle on me than I do."
  1045. >"I do." She's smirking at the back of your head.
  1046. >The rest of it passes by in that odd tempo and staccato of scissor blades snapping shut.

[/irt/] Minder of the Acapella Triplets - Part 1 (09/08/21)

by TypingFuriously