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Mistletoe (Anon x Luna)

By LobosNumber5
Created: 2021-09-10 00:23:42
Updated: 2022-11-11 17:48:25
Expiry: Never

  1. > at a little past four in the morning you hear a knock on your door
  2. > "Anonymous? Pardon us for waking you, but we believe we may have been the unfortunate victim of some ill-mannered joke."
  3. > the dubious tone of luna's voice tells you that she's a little peeved, but at four in the motherfucking morning you struggle to come up with anything she could possibly have to be upset about
  4. "...Luna, do you know what time it is? I'm sure you do, considering you're in charge of the night and all."
  5. > it's likely that luna winced from behind the closed bedroom door
  6. > you were pretty cordial with her most of the time since she was a stellar roommate
  7. > that being said, getting woken up at FOUR IN THE MORNING is not going to bring forth your most pleasant behavior
  9. > "We are aware of the time, yes, but this is urgent and requires your attention. As master of the house, it is your duty and obligation to ensure the safety of your fellow dwellers."
  11. "Luna, please stop talking like that. I'll be out in a second."
  12. > luna shuts her trap and presumably waits outside like a good horse
  13. > seriously, she isn't that bad of a roommate
  14. > you've been through your share of shitty horse housemates, but luna is as clean and tidy as one would expect of a probably immortal princess
  15. > the details had always been a little fuzzy, but luna was supposedly taking a "break" from castle duties as per some agreement with celestia and had decided to shack up with you a few weeks after winter had rolled around
  16. > why you?
  17. > because twinkle spiggle recommended you, that's why
  18. > so it was that your peaceful anonshack in the outer-reaches of ponyville became shared property with princess luna
  20. > you exit the room with a yawn and scratch your ass through the thin fabric of your maroon pjs
  21. > luna is quite literally standing mere inches from your door, and if it had opened the opposite way you would have knocked her on her ass when leaving
  22. > after stepping around the blue mare, you blink into the darkness of your living room and fish for the switch on the wall to your left
  23. > in an instant, you're reminded of how your meager and humble abode became the residence of equestria's unpredictable co-ruler
  24. > your furniture had all been replaced by fancy, top-of-the-line canterlot shit a day after she'd moved in
  25. > although she insisted the impromptu living room makeover hadn't been at her behest, it didn't change the fact that you were now out an entire living and dining room set
  26. > can't imagine she's going to just leave this expensive shit when she eventually makes her way back to canterlot, after all
  27. > at least she spared your christmas decorations
  29. "So, where is this mysterious 'joke' that bothered you enough to wake me up from that good-ass slumber, Princess?"
  30. > luna steps out from beside you and trots over to the kitchen, urging you to follow with a swishing of her blue tail
  31. > crossing into the kitchen from the living room, you flip another switch and are greeted by...
  32. > an incredibly normal looking kitchen
  34. > "There! We were not lying, if you thought we were! Who might have done such a thing? We have been home all day, and have seen no other ponies enter your home."
  35. > you squint, trying to find whatever the fuck was giving her such a malfunction
  36. > your kitchen was similarly decorated for the holidays, with strings of colorful MAGIC lights tacked up above your cabinets
  37. > a sidetable lay in the far corner upon which a tiny christmas tree stood
  38. > and there, hanging above the threshold of the door doubling back into the living room, hung luna's plight
  40. "...The fuckin' mistletoe?"
  42. > a cherry blush quickly spilled out onto luna's cheeks and she covered her muzzle with a hoof, struggling to meet your stern gaze
  43. > "Have you never heard of the tradition?"
  44. > you roll your eyes
  45. > what, is she really worried about that?
  46. > a day before, you'd spotted the decorative twig and berries in some store while shopping and had snatched it up on a whim
  47. > it reminded you of some good memories from back home, and would fit right in with the rest of your near-obssessive christmas decorating
  48. > 'hearth's warming' was the blasphemous mockery of a holiday they celebrated in equestria, but that didn't stop you from letting everyone you came across that it was, indeed, christmastime
  49. > if you were a little heftier, you'd bust out the red suit and beard and give these fuckers a run for their money
  50. > that was neither here nor there, though
  52. "Are you a kid? It's just a decoration. Can I go back to sleep now?"
  53. > luna shakes her head before she can reasonably argue with you, which leaves her fumbling around for a justification to suit waking you for something so insignificant
  55. >"W-while it may appear to be merely a... 'decoration,' as you have stated, the sprig of m-mistletoe that hangs above the precipice there presents a number of difficulties in our living arrangements!"
  57. "I'll remind you that I had no say in these arrangements, and I'll also remind you that you're welcome to leave anytime--I was perfectly happy by myself."
  59. > luna ignores you, fixating nervously on the plant again
  60. > "What if we were to carelessly waltz through the kitchen right as you were entering, and we happened to find ourselves under the mistletoe... together?"
  61. > you consider just ripping the thing down and being done with the issues, but a spark of mischief flies behind your annoyed stare
  62. > you cross your arms, mocking a ponderous expression for a moment before shrugging your shoulders
  64. "I guess we'd have to kiss, wouldn't we?"
  66. > luna's eyes grow as wide as saucers and vigorously shakes her head
  67. > "W-we? W-with... But, we have never even... W-we could not! If our sister were to hear, sh-she would-"
  69. "It can be our little secret, Luna. Y'know--just between roommates."
  70. > you tactfully maneuver around luna, who now stood between you and the 'ill-mannered joke'
  71. > she fails to notice your intentions and quickly backs away, allowing you to press your advance on the flustered mare
  73. > "While we appreciate the thought, Anonymous, we do believe that it would be much too great a leap outside the bounds of our arrangement as dwellers of this abode. If we were to enter such an.. such an illicit relationship with the lord of the house, i-it would cast suspicion on our very intentions in selecting you as our sponsor for this stay, and could perhaps l-lead to any and all manner of unsavory rumors..."
  74. > during her panicked nonsense luna was pushed further into the kitchen and consequently closer to the doorway, upon which hung the dreaded mistletoe
  75. > she was none the wiser, however
  77. "C'mon Luna, I don't think anyone would really care. I mean, it IS tradition, right? It's only natural that something like this would happen around the holidays."
  78. > with each additional step, you found it more difficult to contain your mounting amusement
  79. > luna was losing her composure at a rapid pace--her eyes were darting all over the place in an attempt to look anywhere but your direction, and her movements were almost mechanically tense
  80. > she continued to blab on about some other panicked nonsense until you finally stopped approaching her
  81. > she might have looked relieved if it hadn't suddenly dawned on her where the two of you had ended up
  82. > right under the mistletoe
  83. > you innocently glance up, and she does the same; the mistletoe hangs above you in an almost taunting way
  85. "Oh--would you look at that?"
  86. > luna blinks once, then slowly
  87. > slowly
  88. > slowly brings her eyes back down to meet your own
  89. > you can't immediately tell what she's thinking, but after watching her nervously shuffle around for a few seconds you realize you may have gone too far
  90. > though her bright-red blush remains and she trembles like a leaf, luna softly closes her eyes and leans toward you
  91. > is she...
  92. > wait
  93. > waitwaitwait
  94. > you might have fucked up
  95. > while you expected a certain amount of awkwardness, much to your pleasure, this was definitely not the intended outcome
  96. > you'd expected luna to realize what you were doing and yank the twig off the door or something
  97. > but you'd underestimated how pure and honest this mare was
  98. > even though there was nothing legally binding that said she had to kiss you, she had nonetheless puckered up and accepted her fate
  100. > a few seconds had ticked by, and you felt like you could almost hear luna's heart beating out of her big blue chest
  101. > you couldn't see this ending well at all
  102. > you could just play it off as a joke, of course, but you'd seen how seriously she'd taken the tradition
  103. > this wasn't your first social faux pas in equestria, and you were well aware that tradition was an important thing to ponies
  104. > who knows what kind of shit this could lead to if you refused
  105. > not to mention this is a PRINCESS
  106. > with the clout she holds as co-ruler of equestria, she could have you imprisoned for breaking some old pony law that says you have to kiss under a sprig of mistletoe
  107. > man
  108. > you're a fucking idiot
  109. > hesitantly, you purse your lips and attempt to kiss the mare
  110. >
  111. >
  112. >
  113. > ...and nearly lose your balance after leaning into absolutely nothing
  114. > "HUZZAH! We have finally managed to 'prank' Anonymous, who himself had claimed to be un-prankable! Are you not impressed with our cunning and tact?"
  115. > striking a triumphant pose a short distance away from you, luna grinned smugly in your direction
  116. > did she just
  117. > she really fucking
  118. > she fucking tricked you
  119. > she woke you up at four in the morning to prank you
  121. "I'm gonna fucking kill you, Moonie."
  122. > luna giggles like a schoolgirl and gallops out of the doorway; you chase after her as fast as your tiny two-bedroom cottage allows
  124. > "You must be faster than that if you ever hope to catch us, Anonymous--you are a thousand years too young to outrun a Princess!"
  126. "I'm going to give you a thousand year ass-whooping you sleep-thief!"
  127. >
  128. >
  129. >
  130. > and then, you were both on the floor of the living room
  131. > at some point in your shenanigans you'd tackled the cackling blue mare to the ground after cutting her off at the end of the hallway that led to the laundry room, which had gotten an 'OOF!' out of her
  132. > the both of you had at least worked up a light sweat running around the house like children, and by the time you'd stopped panting and caught your breath luna was peering up at you inquisitvely
  134. > "Should we expect this 'thousand year ass-whooping' after you've sufficiently recovered from this light bit of morning galavanting?"
  135. > your eyes narrow but you're too exhausted to retort immediately
  137. "You... are the worst."
  138. > luna sticks her tongue out at you in defiance
  139. >
  140. > "We believe you to be a sore loser, Anonymous; however, we acknowledge your efforts and ability to outmaneuver an alicorn. We shall allow you to punish us however you see fit."
  141. > this wasn't literal, of course--luna probably wasn't expecting you to break out the belt and give her a few lashes
  142. > kind of weird that you'd thought of that, actually
  143. > but judging by her playful demeanor, you were guessing that she expected you to just give up and go back to bed
  144. > not a chance
  146. "Close your eyes."
  148. > surprised, luna held your gaze for a moment and searched for any signs of an ulterior motive
  149. > you were dead serious, however
  150. > the lunar princess meekly complied, displaying a rare bit of humility as she closed her eyes and patiently awaited whatever you were going to do
  151. > from your position straddled overtop of her, you could see the slow rise and fall of her barrel and the twitching of her eyelids as she lay back against the wooden floor
  152. > her wings had spread sometime during your playful jaunt, which had probably slowed her down significantly in retrospect; beneath you, they spread wide just above your knees
  153. > you took one of luna's naked hooves, which she held demurely beneath her chin, and stroked it
  154. > no strong reaction from her yet
  155. > another hand snaked down to her chest and gave her blue fur a little rub
  156. > one of luna's wings jostled beside you, but she still held her calm and reserved expression
  157. > you traced a finger up from luna's chest along her slender neck and up to her chin
  158. > at this point, luna let out some kind of muffled noise and that familiar blush crept back onto her muzzle
  159. > as you passed her chin, your hand grasped the sides of her muzzle and you turned it in your direction
  160. > you could have sworn luna had opened one eye just a tad to see what you were doing, but she dutifully kept them shut as you continued to tease her
  161. "You're beautiful, Luna--have I ever told you that?"
  163. > even though her eyes were shut, luna still tried to pry her muzzle away from you at your compliment's prompting to hide the embarrassed trembling of her lips
  164. > she couldn't quite resist the firm grip you held on her, though, and in the moments that followed you brought your face close enough to hers that you could feel her labored breath on your cheeks
  165. > at this point, your noses were touching, and though you couldn't see it you could feel her lips part just slightly as your own approached
  166. > a few centimeters closer and you'd be kissing her
  167. > unbeknownst to you, this would be luna's first kiss
  168. > despite her having a thousand years on you, in her own words, luna had never taken a lover
  169. > in fact, she'd never even held hooves with anyone
  170. > she firmly believed that you would have teased her relentlessly if you'd been aware of that
  171. > but you weren't, which is why you felt absolutely no shame in standing straight up and releasing the poor mare
  173. "All right, I'm going back to bed. See you tomorrow, Luna--actually, I guess it'd be 'see you today,' since it's morning already."
  175. > you watch luna pick herself up from the floor, ruffling her feathery wings as she tucked them beside her
  176. > the expression on her face was a mixture of several unpleasant emotions, and you briefly wondered if you'd gone too far
  177. > "...I believe we are even."
  178. > luna's words put an end to your early-morning goofing, but you couldn't help but feel like you weren't exactly the winner in this scenario
  179. > leaving you to stand there like a jackass, the princess quietly made her way back to her room
  181. "Shit."
  183. ///
  185. > a wise man once said, "never play with a mare's heart"
  186. > at least, you imagine a wise man once said that
  187. > it might've been you, actually, tackling a situation in which a wise man definitely would not have ended up
  188. > it started with a brief nightmare, which left you clutching at your sheets and struggling to catch your breath in the face of the first few rays of daylight
  189. > you found yourself in an increasing number of saw-esque situations, each designed to inflict the most pain and damage on your most precious manly apparatuses
  190. > you shudder and protectively cover your johnson from the cbt demons that had haunted your dreams
  191. > despite there having been no way to prove it, you couldn't help but think that your unfortunate post-slumber experiences had directly resulted from the series of events that had transpired hours earlier between you and your roommate, luna
  193. > mostly over your terror, you slip on your good robe and cautiously peer into the murky morning darkness of your living room
  194. > luna is nowhere to be found, which brings you momentary relief
  195. > you make your way to the kitchen to abate your dire hunger
  196. > equestria wasn't big on breakfast food, unfortunately, and it had been your immediate short-term goal to explain the wonders of unlicensed toasted oat breakfast circles to any and all that would heed your advice
  197. > pinkie had actually done the honors of reproducing with much skill the cereal you had so craved--and in an impressively short amount of time, you might add
  198. > you flushed the bowl of cereal you'd just poured with a healthy amount of milk--which you tried to imagine had not come from something capable of complex thought and speech--and found a seat in the living room to enjoy yesterday's newspaper
  200. > "We findeth great pleasure in seeing thy chipper mood this pleasant morning, Anonymous."
  201. > the sudden olden speak cutting through the silent air sends a chill down your spite, and you turn to the blue alicorn that had snuck into the living room while you'd gotten your grub
  203. "Oh, uh... hey. What's with the 'ye olde' stuff?"
  205. > luna blinks stoically; she'd splayed herself casually across the sofa, which was by far the largest and most comfortable place to sit in the living room, leaving you with a shitty backless barstool upon which to enjoy your rapidly soggifying breakfast
  206. > "Whatever dost thou mean, Anonymous? 'Tis tradition to address our subjects with a dignity and eloquence befitting Equestrian royalty."
  208. "Is it also tradition to let your horse-tits hang out in full view of your subjects?"
  209. > luna's eyes bulged in stark contrast to her previous nonchalance and she quickly shifted her hind legs to cover herself
  210. > you hadn't really been looking, but you guessed that she'd been in compromising enough a position to prompt her panicked reaction
  212. > "W-we would advise thee to refrain from gazing upon thy princess with impropriety--historically, ponies hath been executed for lesser offenses."
  213. > you elected not to give her quip a follow-up; in hindsight, you probably shouldn't have said anything
  214. > your now-soggy pony cheerios found their way to your mouth in relative silence
  215. > luna had long since turned away from you and casually flipped through the pages of a book she'd picked up from... somewhere
  216. > a glance in that direction told you she was apparently leafing through a dictionary
  217. > luna chanced a look up from the book and met your gaze momentarily before quickly flipping through a few more pages and studying the shit out of whatever she was reading
  218. > you awkwardly look away from the spectacle and pick at your cereal
  220. > breakfast in the anon household was typically anything but boring
  221. > luna fancied herself a chef and would regularly attempt to cook things for the both of you
  222. > most of it was garbage, but you didn't have the heart to tell her things like, 'i can't fucking eat hay,' and 'toast isn't supposed to be black'
  223. > the lack of baking sounds and the delighted humming of the usually-upbeat princess only served to enhance the oppressive silence, which was disturbed occasionally by the clanking of dishware and the occasional muttering of luna as she attempted to look as though she were legitimately invested in the fucking dictionary
  224. > this was your doing, of course
  225. > what else could it be?
  226. > maybe you should do something about it
  228. "...Hey, Luna."
  229. > the mare ignored you, licking her hoof and deliberately flipping another page
  230. > her unskilled action had unfortunately resulted in the page being nearly torn from the spine, and luna grimaced before quickly flipping through a few more pages
  231. "Luna."
  232. > it appeared that her ears had suddenly decided to start working again; luna peered up from the dictionary, doing her best to appear disinterested
  234. > "Requireth thee our attention?"
  236. "Look, about last night..."
  238. > the blue alicorn snapped the dictionary shut and forcefully ejected it from her magical grip
  239. > "Excuse us, Anonymous."
  240. > luna hopped up from the sofa and, with a brief stretch, departed from the living room toward the kitchen
  241. > you assumed she was going to get some food of her own, but it was pretty obvious she was avoiding you
  242. > the empty bowl in your hands your only friend, you sigh and abandon your barstool in favor of chasing after the mare
  244. > "We hath already forgiven thee."
  245. > you stare, puzzled by her response
  246. > despite her words, luna had clearly NOT forgiven you
  247. > for one, the way she was talking certainly got on your nerves and was not at all what a normal luna would sound like
  248. > she also refused to look you in the eye, opting instead to shovel mouthfuls of cereal into her maw with the biggest spoon in your kitchen
  249. > you must have gotten her in the mood for the stuff
  250. > she sat atop the counter, just beside your kitchen sink and below a row of cabinets, which had likely been flung open in luna's attempt to find something suitable to quell both her rage and appetite; her legs protectively curled into her abdomen, denying you the pleasure of calling her out on more accidental exhibitionism
  252. "Yeah, but I really don't feel like you have--I mean, you won't even look at me!"
  253. > luna continued noisily munching on her cereal, sparing you not even a single glance
  254. > the licking and chewing of the disrespectful princess was deafening
  255. > realizing that this was a problem that wouldn't clear itself up, you sighed once more and sat down at the kitchen table, head in your hands
  256. > there was always... THAT
  257. > that despicable, awful thing that made your skin crawl and your hair stand on end
  258. > you were your own man, and no one could tell you what to do
  259. > even the princess had found scant little to maneuver with when she'd negotiated the terms of her stay in your home
  260. > by the very terms to which she and celestia both had agreed, you reserved all power and authority to kick the princess from your home at any point should you feel the need
  261. > as recompense for recommending you as a prime candidate for luna's vacation, twilight offered to hire some sort of pony law expert to help you negotiate the terms of the deal
  262. > there was apparently some sort of law in place that gave you a bit to work with as far as your rights as a homeowner and keeping the princess in check
  263. > all that said, it was looking more and more like you would have to reel in your pride and call upon the ancient rites man has relied on since time immemorial when placed in such a predicament as this
  264. > to calm the rage of the beast known as woman, there is only one thing a man can do
  266. > you pick yourself up from the kitchen table suddenly; luna briefly looked up from her breakfast--which she had actually finished a while ago--to show her surprise at the sudden action
  267. > making your way back to your room, you fished around for some loose paper and a pen and returned to the kitchen where luna awaited
  268. > you scribbled something quickly on the paper and handed it to the princess, who suspiciously eyed the item for a moment before setting her bowl down on the counter and reading over its contents
  269. >
  270. 'This contract hereby awards one PRINCESS LUNA OF EQUESTRIA with full control and reign over the human ANONYMOUS for approximately twenty-four hours from the awarding of this note. To the owner of these privileges goes the right to demand any and all manner of servitude from the aforementioned attendant short of bodily harm or legal repercussions. Please sign here _______ to acknowledge your rights.'
  271. >
  272. > luna seemed to read over the paper a few times, and even flipped it over to inspect the back, before snatching the pen from your outstretched hand with her sparkly blue magic and hastily copying her signature in the blank
  273. > despite your earlier reverence, this was something you'd seen in an anime or tv show long ago and had absolutely no confidence in until luna had immediately played along--much to your utter disbelief
  274. > practically floating off of the countertop, luna's entire demeanor changed in an instant
  275. > she wore a pleased, almost smug expression, and clopped her way out of the kitchen and to the front door
  276. > "Come along, Anonymous--we have not been this excited in eons!"
  277. > somehow, you had the feeling you were going to regret this about 24 hours from now
  279. > running around town at princess luna's behest was, in short, an absolutely fucking exhausting endeavor
  280. > it was everything you figured it would be, though your mental preparation for what had come was definitely lacking
  281. > everything luna had you do was a mixture of both mundane and unusual--which suited the princess, really
  282. > clearing out sugarcube corner at your expense?
  283. > absolutely
  284. > paying a visit to the ponyville zoo, which you had no idea existed, and scaring all of the animals half to death with luna's nightmare manic energy?
  285. > of course
  286. > painting the side of a bridge with a likeness of celestia's admittedly robust rear-end and later getting fined for the defacement of public property?
  287. > you know it
  288. > that last one had been an incredibly awkward conversation between you and mayor mare, the latter of whom had struggled to understand your unique predicament
  289. > did you tell her that you had offended her co-princess by straddling her and embarrassing her to the point of ignoring you for most of the morning?
  290. > or that you had essentially given yourself as a slave to the lunar mare in compensation?
  291. > all the while, luna had an innocent smile plastered across her smug-laden muzzle
  292. > when all was said and done, however, it wasn't the WORST thing in the world
  293. > luna had been rather reserved in her demands, actually, and most of what she'd asked of you would have still seemed reasonable under other circumstances
  294. > why didn't she just ask you out more often?
  295. > you admire luna's carefree humming and idle swishing of her tail as she trots in front of you while munching on a cupcake
  296. > you also admire luna's waxing gibbous, which she tosses to-and-fro with an exuberance you'd rarely seen out of her during her stay in your home
  297. > maybe you should start pissing her off more often
  298. > "How much time have we left remaining, Anonymous?"
  300. > her sing-song voice pulls you from your posterior-oriented musings and you find yourself a few steps away from luna's subdued grin
  301. > her lips are caked with frosting, which you resist the urge to obsessively wipe from her horsey face
  302. > eugh
  303. "I dunno--another ten hours and some change, probably."
  304. > luna closes her eyes in bemusement and resumes walking a head of you, her enthusiasm held for the remainder of the walk back home
  306. > the rest of luna's demands are surprisingly mild, even compared to the lukewarm advantage she took of your contract earlier in the day
  307. > a hoof massage, to which you reluctantly agreed
  308. > serving her breakfast for dinner, which got your vote of approval considering it was something you'd introduced to her when she first moved in
  309. > she'd asked for you to spoon-feed her at first, but quickly changed her mind
  310. > judging by the cherry hue that had crept onto her snout and your relative nonchalance, it was likely more embarrassing for her than it was humiliating for you
  311. > last was something you didn't expect at all
  312. > luna had been in her thoughts after the meal, which left you pondering what sort of nasty surprise was waiting for you before the long day was over, before speaking up in a reserved tone
  313. > "...Anonymous."
  314. > you looked over from your position in front of the christmas tree
  315. > you had been rearranging the decorations idly, which was something you often found yourself doing without anything else on your hands
  316. > decorating for the holidays was one of the only things you gave a shit about--and give a MASSIVE shit about christmas you indeed did
  318. "Hm? What's up?"
  320. > luna cleared her throat; her eyes faltered for just a moment, piquing your curiosity
  321. > "Come sit with us," she said, which she eventually appended with a, "please"
  322. > suspecting some kind of nefarious prank, you cautiously approached the princess
  323. > it seemed as though she'd completely taken over your couch, which was one a choice resting spot for anonymous after a long day of running the mail around
  324. > your choice of profession was mail delivery
  325. > wasn't much of a choice considering nobody but the goofy-eyed pegasus would hire the two-legged abomination
  326. > luna moseyed over, leaving you a space on the couch to squeeze in beside her
  327. > when you had settled nice and good, you quirked a brow at her odd behavior--luna still wasn't really looking at you, and seemed to be searching for what to say next
  328. > "Hast thee- Er, excuse us;" luna cleared her throat. "Have you enjoyed being our 'slave' for the day, Anonymous?"
  329. > you shrug
  331. "Not the worst thing I've had to deal with. You're an unexpectedly reasonable slave driver."
  332. > despite her awkwardness, luna let slip a womanly giggle behind the protective barrier her hoof had formed over her red-tinged muzzle
  334. > "We are most aware how properly to lord over another, Anonymous--we have only done it our entire life. Didst thou--did you honestly think your misery would please us?"
  335. > another shrug
  337. "Wasn't really thinking at the time. I kinda just panicked and figured you'd get a kick out of telling me what to do for the day."
  338. > you shrug again and luna lowers her hoof, finally regarding you properly
  339. > her smile is gentle and for a second you forget that she's supposed to be mad at you
  340. > she DID say she forgave you earlier, though, didn't she?
  342. > luna says something, but you have her repeat it--you didn't hear her quite right, after all
  343. > "...Come a little closer, Anonymous."
  345. > huh
  346. > not one to refuse an order from a princess, you slowly scoot a little closer to the princess
  347. > she's seated on her rump against the arm of the sofa, her forelegs posted between her hind legs near the edge of the sofa
  348. > kinda looks like a cat, actually
  349. > a big, blue, horsey-looking cat
  350. > at this point your leg brushes up against luna's flank and you feel her twitch reflexively
  351. "Too close?"
  353. > luna quickly shakes her head, eyes staring off in another direction
  354. > you're left to admire luna's flowing mane, which is the only part of her that doesn't seem scared to acknowledge your closeness--it drifts in an invisible wind and tickles your arm
  355. > now's probably as good a time to apologize as ever
  357. "I think I went a little too far last night. Jokes are jokes but doing what I did definitely crossed some line. Look, I understand if that puts a damper on our friendship now and if you want to move out because of it I'd understand. You're always welcome here, though."
  359. > the alicorn turned to face you with surprise
  360. > "Really? We were under the impression you were simply dealing with our whims. Do you truly enjoy our company?"
  362. "Yeah, you're one of the better roommates I've had--and I've had a ton of them. If it seems like I'm giving you a hard time, don't take it to heart--that's just the kinda guy I am. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better roommate."
  364. > luna beams at the compliment, showing you quite possibly the cutest smile you've ever seen
  365. > heart... hnnggg
  366. > "Truly? And does it bother you to live with a... with a mare?"
  367. > the princess shoots you an appraising look but you shrug once again
  369. "Really doesn't bother me--why?"
  371. > "We are aware that certain stallions have- er, would consider us to be 'high-maintenance.' We are not blind to how we have imposed on what many would have considered to be the life of an established bachelor."
  373. > that got a rise out of you--is that really how it looked to her?
  374. > truth be told, you were just shit at making friends
  375. > from your lonely cottage at the edge of town to your infrequent visits with twilight and her fellow elements, you were convinced that everyone in town considered you a friendless loser
  377. "Trust me, I'd let you know if you were. I mean, tossing my furniture was a little much, yeah, but you're hardly what I'd call high-maintenance. If we're talking relationships, I'm sure any guy would be lucky to wake up beside you every morning."
  379. > maybe it was just your destiny to permanently redding this poor mare's cheeks
  380. > luna once again lost herself behind her dazzling mane of stars, blushing profusely
  381. > "...Promise us you will not laugh."
  383. "Promise. What's up?"
  385. > luna peered out from under her mane, searching your face for the first signs of amusement
  386. > "We have... never been courted. Thousands of years have passed and not a single stallion has professed to us their love. Our sister, Celestia, has been the recipient of many such propositions--all of which she has turned down, of course--but we alone have remained unsuited for our entire life."
  387. > this throws you for a fucking loop
  388. > luna was by no means an ugly girl-er, mare
  389. > to you, she was just as regal and worthy of admiration as her sister--if not moreso
  390. > you were always a fan of the darker color palette, personally, and the star motif definitely set her apart from the rest
  391. > you also had a hard time believing that luna wouldn't be considered a catch by most of equestria's bachelor stallions
  392. > sure, she could be a little emotional sometimes, and definitely could get on your nerves, but her sweetness shone through most of the time
  393. > to you, that is
  395. > at some point, luna had turned to face you; her forelegs draped over your lap, she was now resting her head on your thighs and gazing up to meet your eyes
  396. > despite being a good deal taller than you and more powerful than you could ever know, the mare had never looked more vulnerable
  397. > under other circumstances, you might have been a little embarrassed
  398. > right now, however, it didn't seem like the right time or place to object to her forwardness
  400. "For what it's worth, I'd pick you over Celestia any day."
  401. > you mull over what you'd just said, and for the first time in a very long time you feel your cheeks begin to light up
  402. > ...did you really just say that?
  403. > for a second, you think that luna didn't hear you
  404. > after a time, though, she finally speaks up
  406. > "...We have one final request, Anonymous. Would you like to hear?"
  408. > rising from your lap, luna's eyes level with your own and she stares deep into your eyes; reflected in them is a man with two paths, mere moments away from changing things forever
  410. "Can I say no?"
  412. > "You cannot."
  414. "Is it going to make things complicated?"
  416. > "Perhaps."
  418. "...Do you care?"
  420. > "Not in the slightest."
  421. > luna's soft exhale tickles your lips, and her feathery wings gently unfurl behind her
  422. > you feel your heart thrum loudly in your chest, and suddenly realize that you'd taken one of luna's hooves in your hand at some point
  423. > it was warm, soft, and gently squeezed your palm
  425. > you blink, and luna kisses you
  426. > luna, the co-ruler of equestria and mistress of the night, kisses the friendless loser that lives on the outskirts of ponyville
  427. >
  428. >
  429. >
  430. > does this make you a prince?
  432. ///fin

Griffon on the Rocks (Anon x Gilda)

by LobosNumber5

Griffon on the Rocks - Chapter 2

by LobosNumber5

Hard Day's Work (Anon x Mayor Mare)

by LobosNumber5

Christmas is Magic (Anon x Twilight)

by LobosNumber5

Once in a Thousand Moons (Anon x Luna)

by LobosNumber5