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A Nightmare, No More

By Starla
Created: 2021-09-11 11:22:00
Updated: 2021-09-21 13:17:25
Expiry: Never

  1. (DISCLAIMER: The story here will most likely always differ from the posts I make in the thread(s) as I will be constantly editing, rewriting, revising, deleting, adding, etc.)
  3. Chapter 1 - A Night to Remember
  4. //--------//--------//--------//--------//--------//--------~•~--------\\--------\\--------\\--------\\--------\\--------\\
  5. >You are Anonymous, but with a throbbing headache.
  6. >The last thing you could recall was coming home in a tornado of emotions.
  7. >You can’t really think of why either, in fact it felt like a fog was shrouding your mind when you tried to think of what happened.
  8. >You sat upright, though it was a small struggle as your back popped and ached in protest.
  9. “Ugh where am I?” You lifted your right hand to rub at your temple.
  10. >It felt like you had run a marathon; hit the gym; and got hit by a train all in the same day.
  11. >Every part of your body was sore, even your organs felt sore somehow.
  12. >You glanced around, though it was obvious you were in the ruins of some old castle.
  13. >In front of you stood large pillars that were staggered and off-center along the length of carpet you now noticed you were sitting on.
  14. >The carpet stretched out some feet away and up some steps, slipping underneath a large pair of wood and rusted metal doors.
  15. >The walls to your left and right were largely uninteresting with simple tapestries and large glass pane windows adorning them.
  16. >You turned as much as your body would allow to peek behind you.
  17. >But it was just another door, though you assumed it was the entrance given how the walls narrowed closer to it.
  18. >Now feeling like you had some energy and strength back, you stood up with a grunt.
  19. >Your balance was iffy at first, but after a few shaky steps you soon felt stable enough to walk.
  20. >But given it was the middle of the night, you opted to continue further into the castle.
  21. >You approached and pushed on the pair of doors, which to your surprise moved freely despite the rusted hinges screeching in protest.
  22. >Stepping through into the next room, you noticed it was just as simple as the last.
  23. >However—unlike the last—this one held a large moss and vine covered statue of an orb in the middle with six pedestals jutting out from it.
  24. >Each one carried a smaller orb with the shape of a gem bulging from its otherwise smooth surface.
  25. >You walked up and reached out to the orb that was closest to you.
  26. >The moment your fingertips touched the orb, it glowed faintly in response as you felt a surge of energy course throughout your body.
  27. >You exhaled the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and pulled your hand away from the orb.
  28. >It didn’t make you feel any better or worse, but it certainly made your skin tingle all over as if your body was asleep.
  29. >The feeling was quick to fade, but as it subsided you suddenly felt something cold touch the back of your neck.
  30. >You whipped around, but all you saw was the door you had just come through.
  31. >Turning back to the statue, you glanced at the other five orbs though they were all the same.
  32. >You mentally shrugged and moved to the other side of the statue to find another large pair of doors that were already cracked open.
  33. >You cautiously approached and peeked through the doors to see what looked like a throne room with two thrones still intact at the far end.
  35. </>
  37. >Curiosity burning hot, you slipped through the gap to investigate.
  38. >Though it was big, it didn’t quite look like what you had imagined a throne room would look like. It wasn’t grand by any means and didn’t convey any sense of power or wealth.
  39. >It was also in complete ruins with debris littering the floor and shattered windows which allowed a chilling breeze to permeate the room.
  40. >The few decorations that weren’t crumbled to dust, or shattered in pieces, looked simple and more like things you would find in a normal house.
  41. >You looked up at the ceiling which was mostly blown apart, revealing the sky in full.
  42. >The moon was eerily bright and seemed to sit lower in the sky than normal, you also noticed the strange lack of stars.
  43. >Your attention wandered back down to the room and more importantly on the two thrones.
  44. >The throne on the left was remarkably larger than the other, adorned with gold trim and simple decorations depicting the sun.
  45. >The throne on the right was much smaller, though this one was adorned with silver trim and simple decorations depicting a crescent moon.
  46. >You walked toward the lunar throne as for some reason or another you were drawn to it.
  47. >Something about it touched your soul, it was comforting.
  48. >It felt like it was calling out to you in some weird way.
  49. >As you approached the throne, you felt a sudden rush of fatigue wash over you, causing you to stumble forward.
  50. >You caught yourself on the throne just in time, but your muscles instantly relaxed.
  51. “Ugh, maybe I just need to sit down for a moment,” you muttered as you weakly pulled yourself up onto the throne.
  52. >Despite being made out of stone it was rather comfortable, though you didn’t give it too much thought as you slumped into it.
  53. >As you stared straight ahead, the edges of your vision began to darken.
  54. >You blinked, but now all you saw was darkness.
  55. >With a second blink, a pair of slitted cyan eyes appeared and looked at you.
  56. >You could almost feel their gaze boring a hole into your soul, but you couldn’t look away.
  57. >Echoing quietly in the background, you could hear screaming in all different tones and pitches.
  58. >A chill shot up your spine, you wanted to run, you had to run, but something was holding you still.
  59. >You couldn’t move a single muscle, not even open your mouth to scream.
  60. >You couldn’t blink, you couldn’t breathe, it felt like you were frozen in time.
  61. >But you could still feel everything.
  62. >You especially felt the dark tendrils crawling up your legs, and around your arms, phasing in and out of the throne you sat on.
  63. >Your heartbeat picked up as the eyes disappeared, and you now felt a hot slow breathing on the back of your neck.
  64. >Within an instant everything was normal again, no tendrils, no darkness, nothing.
  65. >However you still couldn’t move.
  66. >But it was a short lived moment as the darkness enveloped the room and your vision again.
  67. >Soon, you felt nothing, you saw nothing. Complete and total darkness.
  69. </>
  71. >You awoke still sitting on the throne, your vision was slightly blurry and your mind was groggy.
  72. >You stretched out your arms and kicked out your legs as you sat upright and yawned.
  73. >Licking your dry lips and swallowing what little saliva you had, you winched from how dry your throat was.
  74. >You idly looked back up at the sky, though nothing was different.
  75. >Sighing, you tilted your head down and lifted your left arm to glance at your watch, but you frowned at what you saw.
  76. >It was broken and cracked in several spots, the glass was shattered, and the hands were missing.
  77. >You slumped back into the throne as a million thoughts raced through your head.
  78. >But you were quickly knocked out of your thoughts as a loud crack rang out from above, followed by a deep rumble.
  79. >You quickly looked up again as a bright flash of light lit up the night sky, making it seem like it was day at that moment.
  80. >Immediately after, a bolt of lightning came racing down, striking the ground in the middle of the room with a loud bang, vibrating the throne room.
  81. >The stone floor shattered from the impact, sending chunks of stone and debris across the room, some followed by the shattering of glass and others dull thuds and crashes.
  82. >Dust from the pillars, the floor, and everything in the room rose up into the air like a sandstorm.
  83. >You covered your mouth and nose with an arm as you immediately went into a coughing fit.
  84. >Though once everything had subsided, your attention was drawn back to the area of impact.
  85. >Laying exactly where the lightning had struck, was an odd looking horse.
  86. >From a short distance you could make out a couple of things. Its coat looked almost black like a void, but the moonlight shining on it revealed it was an incredibly dark blue.
  87. >Its ethereal looking mane and tail were both a purplish blue, it was like staring up at the night sky, right down to the stars that danced across it.
  88. >Adding more to the mystery was it's incredibly large wings.
  89. >Feeling a little renewed from your nap, you sat up and carefully made your way over to inspect the horse.
  90. >Now that you could get a closer look, you noticed the light blue helmet it was wearing, which didn’t even hold down its mane at all, like it was phasing through it.
  91. >Its chest was scarcely covered by a breastplate, but it barely even qualified as one with how little it covered.
  92. >It also wore boots… or hoof-guards, you weren’t exactly sure what they were.
  93. >Aside from the armor you also noticed the incredibly long horn on its forehead.
  94. >You knew from the wings it wasn’t a normal horse, but now it was beyond anything you’ve ever seen.
  95. >But thankfully, you did find it was unharmed with not a single scar, burn, or wound anywhere.
  96. >Though on the other hand, you also found out very quickly it was a mare from the two large teats your fingers accidentally grazed.
  97. >You were… kind of thankful it wasn’t a horsecock, but you still found it uncomfortable nonetheless.
  99. </>
  101. >Feeling a little brave, you lowered your left hand on the back of her neck, the ethereal mane splitting and flowing around your hand like a river.
  102. >You began to rub up and down the length of her neck at a slow gentle pace.
  103. “Damn you’re incredibly soft,” you muttered under your breath.
  104. >Your eyes wandered all over her body until eventually you settled on her exposed hind leg, which had a crescent moon against a purple blotted background on it.
  105. >Without even thinking twice you placed your free hand on her hind leg, gently rubbing at the mark.
  106. >Though to your surprise it was flat against her body, as if it were a part of her skin.
  107. >Feeling her body twitch and tense up in response, you froze completely still.
  108. “Uhm, how ya’ doin’ girl?” you asked instinctively though it was barely above a whisper.
  109. >As the sentence left your lips, you felt the mare freeze, it was subtle but noticeable.
  110. >Before you could react anymore, there was a sudden flash of light, and a sharp crack similar to the lightning from before.
  111. >Once the light had died down, you saw she was now some feet away from you.
  112. >Though as you two met each other’s gaze, she let out a groan that was eerily human like as she fell onto her barrel, her horn glowing with a dim cyan aura.
  113. >She was quick to recover as she looked back up hastily, locking eyes with you again.
  114. >This time her face flashed with a look of surprise, then of curiosity and then finally settled into a scowl.
  115. “I guess I should just take that as a kind of, but not really?” You let out a nervous chuckle and shrugged, keeping still where you were sitting down.
  116. ‘Okay this is definitely not a hor–’
  117. >”E-explain thyself, creature—” You felt her gaze intensify despite her weak state “—how dare thee put thy hooves on us!” she yelled as her wings flared out, but she quickly faltered as she went into a coughing fit.
  118. “W-wait… You can talk?” A look of surprise is all you could give her.
  119. >Once her coughing faded, she tilted her head and returned an equally surprised look.
  120. >”’Tis a surprise to thee that we speak?”
  121. >Her voice was higher than you anticipated and oddly enough she spoke semi-archaically, but
  122. >You swallowed what little was in your mouth and blinked a few times.
  123. “Am I dreaming?” You asked as you stood up.
  124. >She scoffs in response. “This is all quite real, we can assure thee.”
  125. >Her eyes narrowed and followed your every movement as you walked back toward the thrones, opting to sit at the bottom of the stairs leading up to them instead.
  126. "Would you care to talk for a bit then?” you asked, patting the floor to your right, “Cause, I have a lot of questions.”
  127. >There was an uncomfortable silence for what felt like an eternity as you two stared at each other.
  128. >But eventually she stood up with a sigh as her horn’s aura finally died down.
  129. >She mumbled to herself as she took slow cautious steps toward you.
  130. >Once she settled down in front of the other throne, you cleared your throat.
  131. “So…”
  133. </>
  135. >You are the empress of the night, the queen of terror, the matriarch of shadows.
  136. >But right now? You were nothing more than a helpless pony who succumbed to her inner desires.
  137. >Even after a thousand years without love or affection, you could not help but feel it to be wrong in a way.
  138. >Afterall you were an alicorn, an all-powerful soon to be ruler, at least that would be the case if you had not been reduced to a puddle of dark blue fur and quiet moans.
  139. ‘’Tis feels quite exceptional.” You wanted to protest against the gentle assault, the meaningful rubbing across the length of your neck with the occasional scratches.
  140. >”Damn, a thousand years? That’s just a bit overkill I think.”
  141. >You cannot bring forth to mind what you had said to receive such a reply, instead you were only able to conjure up unruly thoughts.
  142. >You shivered in ecstasy as you felt his fingers run along the thin boneline of your exposed wing.
  143. >It was that especially which drew a moan from your lips.
  144. >At the moment, you felt somewhat content.
  145. >You knew deep down inside that the ponies of Equestria despised you and thought of you as nothing more than a mon–
  146. >You sighed as you felt the hands hold still, breaking you from your thoughts.
  147. “W-why have thee stopped?” you blurted out louder than you admittedly wanted too.
  148. >”Sorry—” he replied as his hands were quick to get back to work “—you just spaced out, I wasn’t sure.”
  149. >You shivered and shuddered as his assault resumed, pushing yourself into him as another moan escaped from your lips.
  150. >But even in the blissful state you were in, you heard something in the distance.
  151. >Your ears twitched and flicked back in an attempt to ignore it, but you couldn’t, they were voices.
  152. >Your heart slowed to a stop as a chill ran through your body, you recognized one of them.
  153. >Anonymous felt something was off, you knew this because his hands stopped once again.
  154. >”Did I touch something I shouldn’t have?” Despite the tone and the chuckle he let out, you kept still.
  155. >A door creaked open as a voice bellowed out, it was royal and distinctly familiar. “Nightmare—” It filled the air with tension, but it snapped as quickly as it came as confusion seeped into the tone “—moon?”
  156. >Both of your heads snapped to the entrance as your dearest sister, Princess Celestia, and an unknown group of six ponies behind her marched through.
  157. >All of them, minus your sister, were wearing what looked like the elements of harmony.
  158. >However they all cycled through the same look of confusion, curiosity, and surprise.
  159. >Your armor sat off to the side, you were laying against the human, and you definitely felt a heat forming in your cheeks.
  160. >Your sister tilted her head with a faint look of confusion as her wings tucked into her sides, she put a hoof to her forehead and let out a sigh.
  161. “O-our dearest sister, w-we can explain!” you stammered as you hastily hopped up onto your hooves.
  163. </>
  165. Chapter 2 - Hedge Maze of Emotions
  166. //--------//--------//--------//--------//--------//--------~•~--------\\--------\\--------\\--------\\--------\\--------\\
  167. Soon(TM)

A Nightmare, No More

by Starla