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Anon is a filly Shorts
By bincognitoCreated: 2021-09-17 16:58:36
Updated: 2021-09-28 03:39:09
Expiry: Never
>Being a baby is... Not that bad, actually
>You sleep most of the time, eat occasionally, babble a little to figure out how this mouth works, and play with your parents sometimes
>You do use diapers, and someone needs to change them for you, but you can get over that
>The only downside is the boredom, but you know that today, it won’t last
>Because today your parents will be out and you will have a babysitter
>A blue unicorn with a light silver mane and tail, apparently she is a magician since you saw her using a purple cape adorned with stars with a hat also with stars once
>And either she is particularly good at staying in character, or she is just an actual narcissist
>Her name has something to do with traveling and bringing joy or something you haven’t caught up with the language yet
>But she /will/ bring you joy, she sure will
>She got you milk, got you to eat, burped you, and put you to sleep
>But you were just pretending
>Her current position is in the living room, listening to the radio
>And her day will be turned upside down right now
>you lower your pillow first, then some teddy animals, and finally, your favorite furred blanket
>That shit has a spell that always maintains a set temperature, and you never slept so soundly
>But now you can fall out of the crib without hurting yourself
>You’re out! Now to the kitchen
>You can see from the stairs she is in the living room listening to the radio
>If you go now, she will see you, so you wait
>Hopefully, she won't come to check on you
>Fuck! She is walking to the stairs! Quick hide in your parents' room!
>Thank god she is going to the bathroom
>That's your chance
>You down the stairs to the kitchen fast, but trying not to fall
>You knew how to leave the crib, but you never got caught by your parents
>Meaning the house hasn't been babyproofed yet
>Score! you found butter and some flour
>time to play
>Be great, powerful, and relieved
>That's an enormous dump Trixie just took
>Seriously, how the hay did that even fit Trixie's asshole?
>Well, Trixie is near the room, might check the baby as well
>Trixie opens the door
>Trixie opens her mouth wider
>New Hope is gone
>There are pillows, her plushies, and her blanket on the floor
>The bucker left the crib
>Starlight didn’t warn you about this!
>Silence fills the air after your little breakdown
>Only for laugher to take its place
>It's coming from bellow
>When did she go there! If she went through the stairs, Trixie would see it!
>Trixie runs down the stairs, barely not fall-
>On the floor, upside down with your rump up above and your face bellow
>With some background laugher to compliment it all
>In the kitchen, in all her glory, playing on the floor is the Baby
>With butter?
>With FLOUR!?
“Hay no! Trixie will not clean all that!"
>She can craw at Mach 10 apparently
>How is that brat so damn fast!
>You try using your telekinesis, but she is slippery as hay
>So you trot to get closer and use your telekinesis better-
>You shouldn't run through the damned butter
>Wait, is she going to Starlight's room?
>Her room is carpeted! She will get butter EVERYWHERE!
>You try to run
>Only to slip and fall yet AGAIN!
>you forgot how drenched in butter you were
>This bucking filly
>Be tiny and cute and Anonymous
>This is even better than you imagined. Little Houdini over there is super impulsive when she gets angry and keeps tripping herself
>You reach your parents' room
>The carpet has a blanket of uncleaned dirt and grime
>You hope getting some visible butter in here will incentivize them to clean it
>By the time smeared butter halfway into the room, you get lifted suddenly
>Her eyes are twitching, her mane disheveled, her coat oily and with flour
>Its impressive how much you managed to break the poor mare
>But also hilarious, as suggested by your hysterical laugher
>Somehow, her eyes twitch harder
>You might be in trouble
>But then, she breathes deeply
>And out
>”Infans est, nescit quid agat.”
>Maybe she thinks you are too young to know how to behave?
>You know how to, but you chose not to
>”Maybe est terebravisse et vult ludere”
>Woah Woah Woah! Now you're pretty sure she just guessed you were bored and wanted to play
>A little bit humbling, but she is spot on
>You were bored and only made a mess to have some fun
>”et vis ludere?”
>You look at her with wonder, pretty sure she’s willing to play with you after all that
>Your previous parents in your past life would not be so understanding, they would never hit you, but they had and would yell
>You smile
>Not the mischievous kid you had but a minute ago
>But filled with warmth
>You hold your arms out for a hug
>an oily, Floured, and dirty hug, but a warm hug nonetheless
>You two played until you could anymore, and by the time you woke she had cleaned your mess
>You like it here
>Be New Hope, previously called Anonymous
>And you’re about to trick the Dr. Caballeron into your trap
>If only he went a little closer to the left... There!
>Dr. Caballeron falls getting stuck in the process
>Allowing you to get the Safire stone and escape easily
“Curse you new hope!”
>You whisper his screams
>This is just a daydream, fueled by your recent Daring Do reading
>You’re bored, so you’re passing the time the same way you did before reincarnating in Equestria
>Pacing from one spot in your room to the other, making weird faces and dumb gestures with your hooves
>Being a kid doesn’t make this any less weird from an outside perspective
>So you hide it as best as you can
>knock knock knock
"Who is it?"
>Sunburst swings the door open revealing his messy mane and weird goatee
>"Hi sweetie! We`ll be going to the park in a few minutes, is there anything you`d to pack?"
>Another trip to the park, Huh?
>These are happening more often lately
"Um, the sand buckets with my shovel, my drawing sketchbook, and my pens"
>"Alright sweetie, I`ll get them for you, may you get ready in the meantime, please"
>Like, now? Hell Nah! you want to be fuck around a little more
"But I`m playing!"
>"Okay then, you want to start getting ready now or in five minutes?"
>"Seven minutes"
"Eight, and nothing less!"
>"Alright, alright, I’ll be back in 8 minutes"
“Thanks, dad”
>"Not a problem sweetie"
>It’s an “eh” kind of day
>Not terrible, but cloudy and full of mud pits
>It`s nice enough to go outside
>Everyone settled under a tree, and you went to the sandpit
>The sand`s wet from the rain
>Time to recreate your Minecraft castle!
>You start with the walls
>Reinforced with fibers from the plants around
>This way, they can be thinner while staying sturdy
>The motion is repetitive, getting you into a nice rhythm-
>You fall head on your walls
>They hold it together, reinforced sand bitch!
>However, your nose isn`t as reinforced, and it hurts a bit
>You stare knives at the culprit, who gulps in the process
>"Oh… eh… I’m… sorry…"
>A light green filly with Dark indigo and magenta mane meets your vision
>There are two other kids behind her
>Breathe Anon, lashing out for a sand castle isn`t worth it
"It`s alright, just... try not to be so loud when you meet other ponies next time, please"
>”Okay… Oh! I came here because we were wondering if you wanted to play with us!”
>Eh, as long as it does not pretend play, you find that kids gam
“Sure! Why not?”
>Wow! That’s adorable! They all said that in unison
>”My name is Blue Lily, and you are...”
>You smile
“New Hope”
>Indigo introduced you to Shiny Quartz and Clear Sea, her brothers
>You four decided to play tag, and you are running from Clear Sea
>"Huff huff You won’t escape Hope!"
"Don’t waste your breath with empty threats! Huff huffä
>You grab a lamppost, and make a sharp turn, gaining some distance
>But you trip in the way, losing momentum
>Sea seizes the opportunity you gave him
>You get up gasping, and start running to Clear Sea, though you do It slower to check the others
>Indigo is to your left in an open field
>Quartz is to your right, hiding under some bushes
>If you can get Sky closer to the bushes, you might catch Quartz off guard and tag her
>Sounds like a plan
>You start to enact it by trotting at full speed towards Sky, who was catching her breath
>She quickly gets back to full speed, but you’re near her already
>You do your best to herd her to the right
>We`ll pass near Quartz in a moment… NOW!
>You Leap to the right where Quartz is hidden
>And off you go towards the trees
>There is a denser bit of trees to your front
>You`ll hide there and trick Quartz to escape
>You`re tired, and resting sounds heavenly right now
>kids games are fun when you`re also a kid
>Besides you learn how to use your limbs better, they still feel a little weird
>You’re going home
>That went way better than you imagined
>You didn’t even notice the time pass!
>Sea managed to get the parents to exchange postal codes
>Now they can send letters to each other and schedule the playdate Quartz wanted so bad
>Going to the park is great!
>You appreciate your parents taking you here so often
>Wait, why do they take you here so often? They didn’t use to
>”Yes sweetie”
“Did something happen between you and mom or you and me?”
>”Uh, no? Why do you ask?”
“We`re going to the park a lot”
>”We like the park, don’t you like it too?”
“I love it! But you didn’t take me here so often before, so what changed?”
>He’s taken aback by that comment
>”As sharp as usual, huh”
“I am your daughter aren’t I”
>”Ha! Yeah you are”
>He looks forward with a slight frown, that is his thinking face
>”You spend a lot of time alone”
“I like to be alone”
>”Me too, but you do it a bit too much”
>”Not talking to others might start to feel scary if you avoid it it for long enough”
>He sighs a little
>”I spent a lot of time alone, and when it got lonely, I felt too embarrassed to talk to my friends again after so long”
>He walks a little smaller, just a tiny bit
>”It only started to improve when your mom reunited with me again, she was Twilight`s student then, and Twilight insisted we made friends.”
>He looks at you with the look of a veteran
>”She INSISTED we made friends”
>You gulp, you heard things about Twilight back in the day
>But thinking about what he said makes sense
>He`s trying to prevent you from getting socially anxious
“I think I can understand dad, thank you”
>”Not a problem dear”
by bincognito