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YanFlurry spy's on Anon.
By anonymous147Created: 2021-09-18 23:40:24
Updated: 2021-09-18 23:42:40
Expiry: Never
>Be Princess Flurry Heart, right now you are in your room using your telescope to spy on your little ""but kind of big since he's human"" brother Anon.
>His caring smile, his perfect mane his tiny but adorable eyes...
Focus flurry this is important.
>Your beloved sibling was given an assignment by father to retrieve some ancient artifact called, the Mask of the Unknown, or something along that line.
>Now the place where it is located does not seem to be too dangerous, but what worries you are those...WHORSES father picked to guard him.
>Apparently all the male guards were needed for some special exercise today, and you were not allowed to go with him since it's HIS trial, and you would make it too easy by being there according to father.
>Convenient isn't it, you are sure those 3 guards mare planed this.
>Made it, so they would accompany him while on his quest and take advantage of him.
>Hearing a faint cracking sound to your right. Looking over, you see your tea cup, that was held up by your magic, had formed a couple cracks.
>Ok Breathe Flurry, this is not the time to get distracted
>Looking back, you Anon training with one of the guards.
>The unicorn of the group. Having a good look at her, she does not look too special.
>Her magic is good but obviously yours is more powerful, and her horn is not too remarkable either. Your own horn is much longer and more regal than hers.
>Though, you are sure even a simple mare like her could cast some spell to make Anon fall for her.
>Why else would he even spend time with someone so beneath him?
>Speaking of you see Anon manage to dislodge the mare's sword from her magical grasp sending it a few feet away and pointing the tip of his sword to her throat showing that she was defeated.
>You will admit you had some sadistic glee seeing him defeat her so completely.
>Sadly, the other mares wants a go at 'training'. The pegasus fly at him, trying for a tackle at times and throwing wooden spears.
>He dodge the projectile and reach for his back, pulling out a shield.
>You had that specially made for him, you even enchanted it yourself and put your cutie mark on the cover.
>You needed to make sure every evil mare around would know that YOU are protecting him.
>Looking at the Pegasus mare, you admit she is fast and nimble, but her wings are average. Nothing like your big, glorious, majestic wings. You're not as tall as mom yet, but your wings are already almost the same size as hers. Bet the winglet would kill to have your pair...Bet you are faster and nimbler. than her too.
>Anon block one of the Spears with the shield, causing an aura to appear around it and the spear, and with a swing of his shield arm he sends the projectile back to its sender.
>Caught by surprise, the spear hits her in the side, causing her to lose balance and crash down to earth.
Eh, I knew they were no match.
>But it seems his display of superiority did not stop the leader of the bunch from going next.
>An earth pony mare, this one's a bit more toned than the other's and you will admit she is talented. She is already giving poor Anon a hard time.
>She is quick for a mare her size, she also seems bigger than a normal mare.
>Her generous hips give a lot of power to her back legs, launching powerful bucks that catches Anon off guard.
>You will admit too that she is not bad looking for such a stocky mare, even while fighting she does it with grace and beauty you can see how she became the captain of this group...
>Looking back at the mirror behind you. You take a look at your form. Your body is well tone and your hips are as generous if not more so than hers.
>You give your plot a firm slap with your wing, causing it to jiggle a tiny bit.
>Your derrière is far plumper and better proportioned than hers.
>You smirk,
Thank you alicorn biology.
>While they all have a one advantage over each other you match and even surpass all of them naturally.
>No way Anon would fall for one of them while you are basically the 3 of them Combined plus much more!
>Zooming the vision on your telescope you get a better look at the battle before you. While it seems Anon is struggling for a bit you can see it in his stance, and the way he moves. He's focus just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
>He gets the exact same way when you train with him, sure you don't want to hurt him too bad, but you also want to make sure he can defend himself from any monster or mare trying to hurt him.
>But his predatory like concentration in this state makes you a bit... wet, sometimes
No. Snap out of it, Flurry, this is not the time.
>Watching the battle unfold you can see the training you and father gave him paid off.
>In one swift motion he manages to kick the mare upward making her lose her balance rising up onto her hindquarters and then deliver a powerful kick to her stomach sending her flying a few feet back.
>You can't help but let out a cry of excitement at Anon's victory.
>But while celebrating, you don't see Anon running toward the mare with a worried look on his face.
>Your sparring partner lies on her back before you. Your grip on your shield tightens, fingers numb from the cold even through your gloves. The other guards share a worried glance and look between you and their fallen colleague.
>Getting out of your hyperaware state you realise what you just did and panic.
>You rush to her, cursing under your breath and hoisting her into your arms.
Hey, are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't want to want to hurt you, I too into it and…
>The mare lets out a cough and looks you in the eyes while giggling
>""Oh, Sir Anon, you don't need to worry about me, I've had much worse than this. Besides, I'm glad to see you can actually defend yourself.""
>Damn these ponies, too quick to forgive.
>A sigh escapes your lips.
Fine, but please let me make it up to you later, alright?
Oh, no need si..
>Before she can finish that you boop her snoot causing her and her friends to blush.
No silly, I will make it up to you and that's final.
>Anon touches the mare's nose and you freeze.
>A chill passes through you despite the warmth of your room, and your hackles stand on end.
>That a commoner would have the nerve, the -audacity- to flirt with your brother?
>A drumbeat pulse rises in your ears. Its rhythm becomes thunder. Irrepressible. Unignorable.
>Your hooves tremble and you have to stagger away from the telescope if only to clear your head.
>You stare at a wall, but all you can see is the mare beneath you, broken and bloodied, begging for forgiveness, but you're deaf to her pleas.
>Your eyes clench shut and you grit your teeth. The dainty teacup in your magical grasp has become molten, its heat burning your cheek even with it floating a foot or so from you.
>With a gasp you drop it. The magma burns a hole through the shag rug and rests on the stonework, sizzling and popping. The rug smoulders, wilting as the expanding embers consume it.
>You watch it all cool, stunned at your own reaction.
>Anon would hate to see you like this.
>With deep, measured breaths, just like mother showed you, you steady your thrashing heart, cool your boiling blood, and return to the telescope, peering through it with a placid expression.
>You will remember her face. She will regret this.
>A knock is heard and from the other side you hear a the muffled voice of a guard.
Your Majesty? Your mother would like to see you.
>Curses, Of all the times to see her why now?
Can't it wait?
I'm afraid not, the way she asked it looks to be urgent.
>Mind filled with anger from the predicament you can only let out a frustrated cry as stomp out of your room.
Enjoy this moment harlot.This is not over.
>Be Anon, you are now ready to depart on your small journey.
>You turn back to the small party of mares behind you.
Alright, you girls are ready to do this?
>"Of course, sir." said the leader. The others salute.
>Those guards, always so serious, its kind of cute you will admit.
>Okay, Father said it shouldn't be too complicated.
>The ruins were only rediscovered recently, but from the reports the traps have already been deactivated.
>We should keep our guard up; who knows what sort of dangers the exploration team might not have uncovered.
That's why we are here, sir.
>She says matter of factly with a smile on her face.
Oh, uh yeah I guess so... A-anyway, enough dillydallying, let's go!
>You say that excitedly, but when passing the gate you feel a chill run up your spine.
......... You're sure It's nothing.
by anonymous147