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By eatcarbs
Created: 2021-09-28 09:16:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Since you're going to be staying here for a while, I should show you around!"
  2. >You shake your head and chuckle as you step on the elevator contraption with Sunny.
  3. "Alright. Lead the way."
  4. >You have to crouch a bit just to not hit your head on the ceiling.
  5. >And you don't even wanna get started on squeezing through the door.
  6. >But, when you ended up here, you didn't have much choice.
  7. >Sunny took you in without question... almost.
  8. >Ah, who are you kidding.
  9. >You're surprised she finally stopped asking you questions.
  10. >Such an inquisitive mare.
  11. >Kinda reminds you of a certain pony.
  12. >The clunky elevator contraption stops on the second floor, and Sunny hops off excitedly, beckoning you with a hoof to follow her.
  13. >The hallway is lined with pictures and decorative odds and ends.
  14. >This house is nothing like the Equestria you had become accustomed to.
  15. >In fact, it reminds you of home in a weird sort of way.
  16. >"Ok, this is the bathroom, and this is the extra bedroom - you can use that one."
  17. >She points at the door at the end of the hallway
  18. >"That room is off limits."
  19. >You nod.
  20. >She didn't seem like the secretive type, but you're sure she has her reasons.
  21. >"And this is my room."
  22. >You peer inside the open door to see a mostly unsurprising room
  23. >Bed, dresser, everything else you would expect.
  24. >Its a bit cluttered, but everything seems to be purpose built
  25. >And that's when you see them.
  26. > On the shelf in the corner...
  27. >Six figures.
  28. >Six mares.
  29. >And they aren't just any generic old mares.
  30. >No, these are a very special set of mares.
  31. >The sextuplet of mares you had come to know very well.
  32. >Images of the times you had spent together with them flash through your mind.
  33. >All the laughs, the heartaches, the triumphs.
  34. >You realize you've been just staring when a orange-furred hoof waves across your face.
  35. >"Anon? Are you alright?"
  36. >You ignore her and step into the room, walking strait towards the shelf.
  37. >Not skipping a beat, you stand in front of the shelf, and pick up the Twilight figure.
  38. >You roll the figure in your fingers, directing its motion with a thumb.
  39. >It's made out of carved wood, the the details are surprisingly well done.
  40. >Whoever made these has obviously had a lot of practice.
  41. >The details are impeccable.
  42. >The colors are a perfect match.
  43. >The cutie marks are also exact.
  44. >The bed next to you creaks as Sunny sits on the side closest to you.
  45. >"Anon?"
  46. "Where did you get these?"
  47. >You look away from the figure in your hand to Sunny, who wears a perplexed expression.
  48. >"My... My dad made the for me... a long time ago."
  49. >Her gaze drops as she fidgets with her hooves.
  50. >"Why?"
  51. "They look exactly like them."
  52. >She perks back up a little as this seems to feed into her inquisitiveness.
  53. >"Them?"
  54. >You look back at the figure, rolling it through your fingers.
  55. "They look exactly like the ponies I know... knew... Its uncanny that you have these."
  56. >"My dad said they were based off the heroes from the old legends. He dedicated his entire life to preserving and recording the old knowledge and legends."
  57. >You set the figure back down.
  58. "The old legends?"
  59. >Her pupils dilate as the realization dawns on her.
  60. >"You were there?! By the stars, I have to write this down!"
  61. >With a sense of haste that could rival Rainbow Dash, she grabs a notebook from the nightstand, flips it open to a blank page and begins scribbling furiously.
  62. >Within a second, she immediately stops.
  63. >"Oh. Anon... can you..."
  64. >She pauses, seemingly searching for the right words.
  65. >"If its not too personal... can you tell me about them?"
  66. "Sure."
  67. >You slowly sit down on the bed, and reach over to pick up the first figurine.
  68. "Pinkie Pie..."
  69. >You smile to yourself.
  70. "The Element of Laughter, what a bundle of joy. She was a bit much at first. I thought she was going to explode the first time she saw me. The fact that she could put together a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party on the same day left me bewildered and amazed."
  71. >You chuckle once, running a thumb across the face of the figure.
  72. "She lived in bakery, and gave me so many god-damn cupcakes that I don't think I could eat another one in my life."
  73. >You stare at the figure for a few seconds before continuing.
  74. "As the resident 'super-duper-party-pony,' She could always make anyone smile, and did her best to cheer up anyone who needed it, even if they didn't know they needed it."
  75. >You set the figure back on the shelf and pick up the next one.
  76. "Fluttershy..."
  77. >you run your tongue along your teeth as you consider your words.
  78. "The Element of Kindness. That kindness was unmatched. She truly cared about every living thing. In fact, caring for animals was more or less her calling. She had an affinity for it. Would you believe me if I told you she had a pet bear?"
  79. >You look over to Sunny to catch her surprised reaction
  80. >"Really? A pet bear?"
  81. >you nod.
  82. "I remember the first time I talked to her. Couldn't hear a thing she said, she was so shy and timid. She really did live up to the name. Shy pony... strong heart."
  83. >You replace the figure, and pick the next one.
  84. "Rarity..."
  85. >oh, the images flood your memory.
  86. "The Element of Generosity. VERY generous... She was a bit of a diva. Mane always styled to perfection. Her poise and posture a practiced routine. A mare of elegance."
  87. >You can't help but laugh at the memories.
  88. "She used to put me up on her dressing stage in the boutique and take my measurements constantly. I don't think I bought a single piece of clothing, I couldn't get her to stop making them. I think she loved to dress me up like I was a doll."
  89. >Sunny laughs at your recollection.
  90. "She was always willing to help her friends."
  91. >You move on to the next figure.
  92. "Applejack, the Element of Honesty."
  93. >you sigh
  94. "Dependable. Reliable. Honest. If you ever needed to hear the truth, you could get it from her."
  95. >You roll the figure between your fingers.
  96. "She ran the apple orchard with her family. She was a hard worker, probably a bit too hard working. Seldom took time for herself. I used to hit the cider with her whenever a batch was ready, and she was quite the drunk conversation partner."
  97. >Next figure...
  98. "Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty."
  99. >You toss the figure in the air lightly, and catch it.
  100. "Bit of braggart, bit of egotistical, but it wasn't without merit. She was damn near if not truly the fastest flier in Equestria. A sonic rainboom was a crazy thing to see. She was fun to hang out with. The pranks were pretty amusing, and I don't think I ever beat her in a race, and that's when she didn't use her wings. She was fiercely loyal, and you could always count on her to be there fighting on your side when you needed it."
  101. >And the last figure...
  102. >You pause for a moment as you hold the figure, a wave of emotion building up.
  103. "Twilight Sparkle. Element of Magic. Princess of Friendship."
  104. >You briefly pause again, the silence almost deafening.
  105. "She was a huge nerd. I'm pretty sure she read every book in the library at least 4 times. Always seeking to learn, to understand..."
  106. >you huff
  107. >Kinda like this pony.
  108. "She was a powerful unicorn... or alicorn rather. That whole ascension fiasco probably multiplied her power level nine thousand times over."
  109. >"Over nine thousand?"
  110. "Eh... shitty joke."
  111. >You continue.
  112. "I probably spent more time with her than any of the others. So many books read on cold rainy nights. Walks through the Whitetail Woods. Trips to Manehatten and Baltimare. So many wacky mundane adventures... she's a terrible cook."
  113. >you put the figure back on the shelf, letting out a long sigh.
  114. "Probably the best friend anyone could ask for. I guess it came with the title."
  115. >You over to Sunny to find her fixated on your rambling.
  116. >She hasn't written a single thing in her notebook.
  117. "The Elements of Harmony. You could call them the defenders of Equestria of sorts. With how many times they saved the world from apparent doom, you could write a series of books."
  118. >Her expression takes on a melancholic disposition.
  119. >"So what happened?"
  120. >You turn your gaze from her to look out the window, a pair of birds fluttering by.
  121. "I had to leave. Well, I'm not sure I had to. It wasn't exactly voluntary. Nothing lasts forever."
  122. >you clear your throat.
  123. "I wanted to go back. I miss Ponyville, and all the ponies. It was such a unique place, full of life and magic. I'll never forget it. So many memories..."
  124. >You're not big on being an emotional type, but you're operating out of protocol at this point.
  125. "I tried to go back, but ended up here."
  126. >"Do you know how?"
  127. "No. Magic can be a bitch sometimes."
  128. >"You... really miss them, don't you?"
  129. >You wait a few seconds before replying.
  130. "Yes. And it hurts that I might not ever see them again."
  131. >You feel a hoof touch your knee.
  132. >"I'm sorry. I know what it's like to lose somepony important to you. When they're gone, it feels like the whole world is crashing down on you, and you just want to curl up in a ball."
  133. >you put a hand on her hoof, looking her in the eye.
  134. "But its not all terrible... I still have my memories. I'll never forget the joy that they brought to my life. How they inspired me with a bizarre sort of meaning. Their success, their failures, the good and the bad..."
  135. >Don't cry like a bitch you emotional turd.
  136. "As long as I live, they will at the very least live on in my memory."
  137. >You pat her hoof with your hand.
  138. "Well, sorry about that. I'm usually not a rambler but that might have got a bit out of hand."
  139. >She shakes her head.
  140. >"No, don't apologize. Thank you for sharing with me."
  141. >She smiles, and you can't help but smile in return.
  142. >You stand up, stretching your back as it pops a few times.
  143. "Who knows, maybe I'll see them again, but I'm sure I can tell you a lot more later."
  144. >"I'd like that."
  145. "Like I said, I could probably write a whole series of novels on the subject."
  146. >She hops off the bed and walks toward the door, hooves clopping on the hardwood floors.
  147. >"Oh, I haven't even finished showing you around! We haven't even gone up the the lighthouse yet, I'm sure you'll love it!"
  148. >She bounds out of of the room, and you cant help but laugh.
  149. >She reminds you of a certain lavender mare.
  150. >Those are great memories, and you'll cherish them as long as you live.
  151. >You may or may not be able to go back.
  152. >But you've still got plenty of time left.
  153. >And they say that life is the journey, not the destination.
  154. >And who knows, perhaps you've been given the opportunity to make some more of those delightful memories.

Anonymous: Filly

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My Winter Storm

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