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Cult-ivar - 3

By GiveMeMaresOrGiveMeDeath
Created: 2021-10-01 04:23:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >Codename: Secret Agent Sparkle
  2. >Mission: follow the Hu'mun and figure out what he's doing
  3. >Support: hidden supply caches, Big Brother Best Friend Forever
  4. >Location: 15 steps ahead of the Hu'mun
  5. >Your secret mission is going great!
  6. >The secret agents in your books follow their target, but they always lose track of the bad pony at the worst time.
  7. >You're too clever for that.
  8. >As Princess Celestia's best student, you know her daily schedule.
  9. >And with Shiny to slow Anon down whenever you're about to get spotted, you can beat him to her and find a good hiding spot.
  10. >You are a genius!
  11. >As you approach Princess Celestia's dining room, you slow down.
  12. >Where to hide, where to hide?
  13. "Ahah!"
  14. >You crawl underneath a serving cart, and pull the cover back over you. Not a moment later, you hear Anonymous as he walks through the door.
  15. >As you peek through the covers, you see Shiny right behind him, looking around to check if you're too visible.
  16. >He looks at you and starts waving his hoof real fast. You'd wave back but you'd get caught.
  17. >He whispers something to you but it's too quiet to hear.
  18. >When you don't respond, he starts to shake his head at you but all of a sudden the brush you borrowed from the cleaning pony's cart falls off.
  19. >He's gonna get caught! You knew you should have used more string but there just wasn't time!
  20. >Shiny grabs it, and before Anon can turn around and see what happened he takes off at a gallop.
  21. >On the way out, he passes Princess Celestia. Luckily, neither of them seem to notice what just happened. You'd hate to get your brother in trouble!
  22. >"Oh, hello Anonymous, I didn't expect you to be free right now. How has my day treated you so far?"
  23. >"Actually, it's been really troubling. I have some serious concerns about the feasability of this project." he replies.
  24. >"Hm. Well, I did warn you your schedule was very optimistic, you know how my little ponies are. I hope Twilight wasn't too much of a hassle?" she - wait, did Princess Celestia just call you a hassle?
  25. >"Eh, relative to the rest of the class? A bit disruptive at times but I can't say I'm surprised, given how you described her."
  26. >He called you disruptive!
  27. >Princess Celestia said you were disruptive!
  28. >"Yes, well she can be quite the hoofful at times."
  29. >And now she just called you a hoofful! Why are they being so mean?
  30. >"I'm having trouble keeping half a class on track, I'm not sure how you put up with a nation."
  31. >Put up with? Princess Celestia loves all her little ponies!
  32. >"I'm not sure how I do it either, some days."
  33. >You thought Princess Celestia loved all her little ponies...
  34. >No! Princess Celestia wouldn't lie like that! Something's going on here!
  35. >"On that topic, I actually came to ask you about your whole 'personal student' thing, how it works."
  36. >"Well, it's quite simple. I observe Twilight until she makes a serious mistake, look for the root personality flaw, and then arrange for a correcting influence to occur, often in the form of a test. She's been quite the project, let me tell you, but she's coming along nicely."
  37. >You're just a game to her? You thought she loved you back.
  38. >He laughs at you!
  39. >"That explains a lot actually, but I meant more the logistics of it, and what are the expectations from both parties. I have a very promising pony in mind, and I think she'd take to this thing like a fish to water, but I want to be sure I understand the implications before I make the offer. I have a general idea but I'm the first to admit I'm an outsider looking in, and miss important details sometimes."
  40. >Is he trying to get Princess Celestia to replace you? She would never do that! You're her best student!
  41. >Right?
  42. >You thought you were... but a few minutes ago you thought a lot of other things about Princess Celestia too.
  43. >"Well, as you can see I was about to have lunch. I know it's a touch impolite but I do need to be somewhere at noon. Do you mind if we talk and eat?"
  44. >"Ah, I'd be happy to, but I don't think I can eat any of what you have on the table."
  45. >"That's quite alright."
  46. >She lights her horn, and the sound of a bell echoes through the room.
  47. >"Silent Service, could you fetch a griffon-style charred salmon from the kitchen, no pluck stuffing?"
  48. >Somepony canters up to you, and the cart you're hiding under starts to move!
  49. >Oh no!
  50. >You try to listen for as long as you can, but the wheels are too squeaky and their voices are getting quieter.
  51. >All you hear are snippets like "substitute" and "long-term project" and then you're too far to hear anything else.
  52. >You knew it! That Hu'mun is trying to get Princess Celestia to replace you with that stupid earth pony Cheerilee!
  53. >It's not your fault you don't understand Hu'mun magic!
  54. >But that doesn't matter, does it?
  55. >Princess Celestia doesn't love you anymore.
  56. >She never did.
  57. >You're going to cry.

Fruiting Body - Oneshot

by GiveMeMaresOrGiveMeDeath

Cheerilee Fhtagn - Oneshot

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Cult-ivar - 1

by GiveMeMaresOrGiveMeDeath

Cult-ivar - 2

by GiveMeMaresOrGiveMeDeath

Cult-ivar - 3

by GiveMeMaresOrGiveMeDeath