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The Sandbox [Kinderquestria]

By ppanon
Created: 2021-10-11 00:34:09
Updated: 2021-10-11 00:35:42
Expiry: Never

  1. The Sandbox.
  2. By ppanon
  4. >You sat on the crappy park bench while reading today’s Equestrian Times.
  5. >Grayscale graphics explained government subsidized ice cream.
  6. >The only printed text on the page noted that it was being funded with human tax dollars.
  7. >Of course.
  8. >“I dare ya to pee in it!”
  9. >Your ears perk up.
  10. >”You don’t think I will?”
  11. >You turn your attention to the little rainbow shit and her orange cohort staring each other down in the sandbox.
  12. >”I’m gonna do it!”
  13. >You got up and approached them.
  14. “Do it and you’re dead.”
  15. >The two fillies turned their heads toward you, wide eyed.
  16. “Pow.”
  17. >Your finger gun discharged while aimed directly at Rainbow Dash’s forehead.
  18. >“That’s cheatin’,” Applejack was quick to defend her friend.
  19. “I make the rules. No more sandbox. Why don’t you two go play with Fluttershy?”
  20. >“Fine.”
  21. >You watch them bolt off, trotting quickly toward their pink-maned friend who was sitting alone by a tree, just outside of the mulch that enclosed the playground equipment.
  22. >Fluttershy’s ears perked up as she heard the approaching storm of foals.
  23. >Your attention turned back toward the sandbox.
  24. >Sturdy ceder planks served as the enclosure to only the finest Saddle-Arabian sands.
  25. >Thankfully it remained unsoiled, littered only by sad looking sand lumps, a couple of little plastic shovels, and a play bucket.
  26. >You remembered the good times, when only 30% of your pay was garnished to fund park equipment.
  27. >The sandbox had been the first addition to the park that was funded through your hard earned bits and you’ll be damned if anyone pisses in it.
  30. >Back to reading the newspaper.
  31. >You started to hear soft sobbing directly in front of you.
  32. >After lowering the paper, you saw Fluttershy bawling.
  33. >Those fucking shits.
  34. “What did they do to you?”
  35. >“I can’t find Tammy and Phillip!” She cried.
  36. >You didn’t even bother asking who they were. Obviously some squirrels.
  37. >”T-they were flying on top of each other!”
  38. “What?”
  39. >Birds was your second guess.
  40. >“Then they flew away and now I can’t find them!”
  41. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. Your little bird friends will come back.”
  42. >“Tammy and Phillip are dragonflies.”
  43. >Of course they were.
  44. >You pulled the little pony onto your lap.
  45. >A thumb and an index finger against each ear was the secret to ending filly tears.
  46. >Fluttershy cooed sweetly under your touch.
  47. >You closed your eyes.
  48. >Nothing could break her away from your gentle massage.
  49. >The sound of a music box jingle started up in the distance.
  50. >Your fluffy pony had suddenly become weightless.
  51. >You opened your eyes.
  52. >Fluttershy was now on the edge of the bench, looking towards a blue colt with a faggy paper hat.
  53. >He was hauling a cart behind him.
  54. >An ice cream cart.
  55. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack were already next to him.
  56. >In a blink, they had their teeth clenched against the side of waffle-cone bowls.
  57. >The two scoops of ice cream were straddled up against their faces while they rushed back to their secret hideout: under the steps that lead up to the slide.
  58. >Fluttershy turns to you with pretty doe eyes.
  61. >You’re by the ice cream cart, cringing as the colt loudly slurped down a blue popsicle.
  62. >The fur around his mouth was matted with ice cream residue and sprinkles stuck to the hairs.
  63. >Fluttershy was hiding behind your leg, one eye peeking out at colorful drawings of ice cream decorating the cart.
  64. “Did you decide which one you want?”
  65. >She shook her head.
  66. >You looked over the variations of diabetes that the colt had crammed into the cart.
  67. >The huge array of ice cream flavors, toppings, and bins of popsicles defied its tiny outside appearance. Hell there was even room for his abacus.
  68. >Sugary junk food was all ponies ever ate.
  69. >You had every instinct to stop them whenever they funneled that shit into their bodies.
  70. >There was the time you had talked with a nutritionist.
  71. >She insisted sugar was the healthiest ingredient in existence.
  72. >You didn’t buy it because her office was located inside a candy shop (but you did buy the salt-water taffy).
  73. “Ready now?”
  74. >Fluttershy shook her head.
  75. >It had been at least 5 minutes.
  76. >“Do you like Princess Pops?” The blue colt interjected while he unwrapped a red popsicle.
  77. >He pointed to a drawing on the side of his cart.
  78. >It was shaped like a cutesy version of Princess Celestia’s face, dotted with beady black eyes.
  79. >Fluttershy’s eyes lit up.
  80. “Is that the one you want?”
  81. >She nodded.
  82. >You stand back up.
  83. “Okay, we’ll get the Princess Pop then.”
  84. >“Two bits, please,” The colt said, interrupting his foreplay with the red rocket.
  85. “I thought this shi–stuff was free?”
  86. >“Two bits off of all ice cream.”
  87. “So it’s free.”
  88. >“No. Two bits.”
  89. >You take another look at the drawing of the popsicle. It’s marked as costing two bits.
  90. “It’s free!”
  91. >“i’s nmrh free!” He chomed down on his popsicle, eyes twitching as he chews it down.
  92. >He climbed onto his cart, took the abacus in his mouth, then placed it on top of the cart.
  93. >“One,” he slid the first bead on the bottom row to the right side.
  94. >”Two. Three. Four.”
  95. >“Minus one,” He slid one of the beads back to the left.
  96. >“Two. There’s two left, so it costs two bits for the Princess pop.”
  97. “The sign says two bits, bud.”
  98. >“Yes. Two bits for the pop.”
  99. >Fluttershy tugged on your leg and motioned to talk to you.
  100. >Reluctantly you sat down in the grass.
  101. >She whispered into your ear. “We don’t need to get it.”
  102. “Don’t worry.”
  103. >”It’s okay.” Her lip touched your ear.
  104. >You stood back up.
  105. >”I spent all morning redoing the prices,” The colt added as you eyed him again.
  106. >You looked at the sign.
  107. >Everything except for the Princess pop had a zero next to it.
  108. >Inside your pocket was two bits. All you had left until the end of the week.
  109. >Your salary was three-hundred bits per week–minus 98% in taxes which left six bits for yourself.
  110. >You pulled your last remaining bits from your pocket and started to hand them over.
  111. >Wait.
  112. >The new ice cream tax.
  113. >99% taxes.
  114. >Shit.
  115. >You pulled your hand back, thinking of a new plan.
  116. “Between the two of us–”
  117. >You pointed down to Fluttershy.
  118. >She cowered away.
  119. “–we want just one princess pop which originally cost four bits, right?”
  120. >”Yes.”
  121. >You grabbed the abacus and pushed four of the lower row’s beads to the right.
  122. “So. Subtract one. Two, for me. One. Two, for her.”
  123. >The colt coughed up sticky red spittle onto your face as he saw no beads remained on the right side.
  126. >You brought Fluttershy back to the bench and unwrapped the popsicle for her.
  127. >To no one’s surprise, Popsicle Celestia was born retarded.
  128. >Fluttershy smiled with her foalish stare.
  129. >“May I have some?”
  130. “Good news, Fluttershy. It’s all for you!”
  131. >You remembered too late that foals were terrible at holding things.
  132. >The popsicle bounced off the edge of the bench.
  133. >You caught it just before it hit the ground.
  134. >Your hand got covered in melted Poplestia.
  135. >Fluttershy kissed the popsicle as you held it up for her.
  136. >She’s a gentle eater.
  137. >You closed your eyes.
  138. >Half the popsicle had already melted down your wrist.
  139. >You sighed.
  140. >Fluttershy’s little tongue tickled your hand.
  141. “Is it yummy?”
  142. >“Mhm.”
  145. >As you gave Fluttershy tummy rubs in her post-popsicle bliss you wondered what the two troublemakers were up to.
  146. >You spotted them.
  147. >They were busy dueling with sticks on the teeter-totter.
  148. >You prayed that they both impale each other.
  149. >”Mister Anon?”
  150. “Yes, Fluttershy?”
  151. >”Can we go feed the ducks?”
  154. >You approached the bird feed dispenser.
  155. >One bit per turn.
  156. >You engaged your usual routine: pushing the lever, then kicking the damn thing.
  157. >A bunch of feed fell into the catch.
  158. >“Rarity said that’s stealing.”
  159. >And Rarity’s a dumb cunt.
  160. “I’ve got a life-time pass for the duck food.”
  161. >“You do?”
  162. “We’ve gotta feed the ducks for the rest of our lives, don’t we?”
  163. >“Yeah!”
  164. >There must be an evil force resonating off of you. The ducks immediately saw away as you sat down at the edge of the pond.
  165. >“Come here little duckies,” Fluttershy whispered gently.
  166. >Like magic, the ducks turned around toward her.
  167. >You took turns throwing the feed to them.
  168. “Have Rainbow Dash and Applejack been playing nice with you?”
  169. >“Yes.”
  170. >She giggled as a train of baby ducks following their mother joined the fun.
  171. “How come you didn’t play with them today?”
  172. >“I don’t know.”
  173. “Do you think you could have fun with them once the ducks are full?”
  174. >“I like playing with you.”
  175. “We can still play together.”
  176. >“They dared me to pee-pee in the sandbox.”
  177. >You’re going to kill them.
  178. >“Would it be okay?”
  181. >Only for her would you be doing this.
  182. >The shy foal stood nervously in the sandbox, hindquarters facing the paltry “castle” that the two brats had made.
  183. >You looked over your pristine sandbox with the premium Saddle-Arabian sand one last time.
  185. >You looked down to Fluttershy and nodded.
  186. >Fluttershy suppressed her giggle, closed her eyes, and started to concentrate.
  187. >It was a long shot.
  188. >Going while someone was around was tough for anyone.
  189. >Surprisingly, Applejack was the first pony on the scene.
  190. >You saw Fluttershy’s face scrunch tighter.
  191. >She was shaking.
  192. >Suddenly there was a loud clunk and a high pitched shriek.
  193. >Rainbow Dash had appeared on the edge of the sandbox!
  194. >You heard the hollow sound of liquid hitting plastic and turned back towards Fluttershy just in time to see her pale amber stream make contact with the side of a toy bucket.
  195. >She was peeing!
  196. >Her gentle exhale harmonized with the sizzling serenade that danced across the sandbox. Its sputters and splatters left behind darkened sand as fizzy pools were swallowed underneath.
  197. >It hit you.
  198. >Her young scent.
  199. >Pungent, yet redolent. It left you breathless as her chamomile blended with the humidity of the morning breeze.
  200. >The fraction of a smirk on her face sliced into your electric yellow heartbeat while you shakily raised your finger gun at her.
  201. >The plastic shovels beneath gathered small droplets while a shallow well of her pee had gathered in the bottom of the bucket.
  202. >You watched, fully asphyxiated, as Fluttershy’s relief appeared to taper off.
  203. >She shivered, tingling with goosebumps that forced out a meek mew and a final expulsion of fluid that rained down onto the castle, kicking up sand before the nectar suffused into its walls.
  204. >“Don’t shoot her!” Applejack yelled.
  205. >“She now owns this land by pee-pee decree!” Rainbow Dash added.
  206. >Your breath was short. Their high pitched yells hardly registered as you eyed the path of damp fur that ran down Fluttershy’s hind leg.
  207. “I’m s-sorry Princess Fluttershy, my mistake.”
  208. >Your words had come out in a low mutter.
  209. >“You did it Fluttershy! He surrendered.” Rainbow Dash said excitedly.
  210. >Fluttershy’s mark had been successful.
  211. >Paper legs carried you back to the bench.
  212. >Your swatting hand stopped midair.
  213. >The dragonflies.
  214. >Tammy and Philip had landed on your leg, attached to each other as they teetered on the fabric that lead into to your now empty pocket.
  215. >In the distance you watched Rainbow Dash and Applejack congratulating her, the pretty filly with the butterfly cutie mark.

The Sandbox [Kinderquestria]

by ppanon