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Purpledom 4,5&6 (SmutAnon)

By ChipButt
Created: 2021-10-31 03:10:54
Expiry: Never

  1. A story by olde SmutAnon, which i decided to archive here because his work seems to only exist online in a mediafire link buried in an archive of a dead tumblr and nobody else seems to have saved them anywhere public.
  3. -4-
  5. >The morning finds you lying in a pool of your and Clone Twilight's cum
  6. >Not ideal, but you had no energy left
  7. >You got maybe a couple hours of sleep
  8. >Clone Twilight had worked you most of the night
  9. >You can't remember exactly what she did; it's mostly a daze
  10. >As soon as she decided she was done, you fell asleep
  11. >You need a bath, badly
  12. >But you don't have the energy to get up
  13. >Clone Twilight, the sweetheart she is, picks you up and brings you into the bathroom
  14. >She bathes you while you're still in a half-conscious state
  15. >Never says anything, though
  16. >You don't even know if she can talk
  17. >After the bath, she dries you off and gives you a peck on the cheek
  18. >This makes you smile
  19. >She helps you back into your favorite chair in the foyer where you collapse
  20. >You sigh in relief
  21. >All you need is rest, now
  22. >But that moment is when Twilight decides to emerge from her room
  23. >She prances down the stairs, humming to herself
  24. >She sees you and Clone Twilight
  25. >"Good morning, you two! How did it go?"
  26. >Clone Twilight smiles and nods
  27. >You grunt and wave
  28. >"Sounds great! Say goodbye for now, then."
  29. >Clone Twilight throws her hooves around your neck and hugs you tight
  30. >You're just able to manage a pat on her back
  31. >Then she turns into a mist that's drawn into Twilight's horn
  32. >Looks pretty cool
  34. >Twilight trots up to you and gives you a good morning kiss
  35. >What a cutie pie
  36. >After breaking the kiss, however, she doesn't seem pleased
  37. >"You didn't save your energy for today, did you? I TOLD you we were going to eat with the princesses!"
  38. >Yeah, like you had a choice
  39. >You mumble incoherently in reply and shift in the chair, trying to get comfortable
  40. >Twilight isn't letting you off so easily
  41. >She shakes you
  42. >"You need to get ready! Put on some nicer clothes and eat some breakfast. We'll need to leave soon, the trip takes a while."
  43. "But I don't wanna."
  44. >"Anon..."
  45. >You look at her face; she's trying her best to stay stubborn, but you can tell your comment tickled her funny bone
  46. >A smirk is threatening to replace that frown
  47. "Alright, Twi, I'll get changed. Make some breakfast for me?"
  48. >You give her your best pouty-face
  49. >She's helpless
  50. >"Okay."
  51. >You hop up and are walking to your room
  52. >"You're going to pay for that later."
  53. >Uh oh
  55. >Canterlot Castle
  56. >Twilight wasn't kidding when she said the trip would take a while
  57. >First the train ride
  58. >Then a tour of the city
  59. >Then to the royal castle
  60. >Then a tour of the castle
  61. >Ponies have a hell of a lot more endurance than you do
  62. >You were hoping to get some shut-eye on the ride here
  63. >Fat chance riding with purpledom
  64. >She teased you the whole way here
  65. >Told you she was just prepping you for tonight
  66. >You're sure she was still just horny
  67. >"Now, Anon, please be on your best behavior! I really respect Princess Celestia and I want her to like you."
  68. >You raise an eyebrow at her
  69. >She gives you a toothy smile
  70. "If it means that much, of course I'll be nice."
  71. >You're assaulted with a loud squee and a hug
  72. >You're pretty sure you could die of adorable overload right then and there
  73. >That odd feeling was rising up in you again
  74. >A voice asking you if you really meant something to Twilight
  75. >Or if she was just keeping you happy in order to use you
  76. >'Hey, brain, knock it off, I'm trying to enjoy myself.'
  77. >Just looking out for you, man
  78. >There's no way she would debase you like that
  79. >You meant a lot to each other
  80. >The door before you and Twilight opens, revealing a grand dining hall
  81. >Standing next to a table in the center of the room are two massive ponies
  82. >Holy shit
  84. >One is white, with a multicolored flowing mane
  85. >You notice the sun on her flank
  86. >Must be Celestia
  87. >The pony next to her is shorter and dark as night
  88. >That's gotta be Luna
  89. >Twilight nudges you and starts walking forward
  90. >You must have been staring
  91. >The princesses were quite intimidating
  92. >They're looking at you and Twilight almost impassively
  93. >You fall in behind Twilight and swallow
  94. >Once you and Twilight get fairly close, Twilight bows
  95. >You take the hint and kneel
  96. >"Rise, Twilight Sparkle. Rise, Anon of Earth," says Celestia
  97. >You have a title. Badass
  98. >"We have heard much about you," says Luna. "But we have not heard much of your homeland."
  99. >You can feel the sweat forming on your brow
  100. "It's complicated, just as your world is."
  101. >"Well, Luna and I both look forward to hearing about it," says Celestia
  102. >No pressure
  103. >You got this
  106. >The meal has begun
  107. >Twilight and you are sitting on one side of the table, the princesses are on the other
  108. >And they are practically drilling you
  109. >Well, Luna and Twilight are
  110. >Celestia seems to have more tact about it
  111. >"So, Anon, how does your species reproduce? Is it much the same as ours?"
  112. >WHAT
  113. >You do a spittake
  114. >So much for tact, Celestia
  115. >"Oh, yes, I'm quite interested in this as well," Twilight chimes in
  116. >Almost on queue, you feel a stirring in your crotch
  117. >Really? Here, Twilight?
  118. >Is this what she mean when she said she was preparing you for tonight?
  119. >You're about to give Twilight your best look of disapproval
  120. >But when you turn to her, you see her horn isn't glowing
  121. >Now you're confused
  122. >You turn to Luna
  123. >Nope, no glow
  124. >Celestia, on the other hand...
  125. >Is the goddamn princess of the sun feeling you up?
  126. >You squint at her
  127. >And receive a very enthusiastic tug on your dick in response
  128. >"Please, Anon, Twilight and I would like to hear your answer."
  129. >Well, fuck
  131. >You're torn between answering the question and trying to figure out what the hell is going on downstairs
  132. >The magical grip on your member tightens considerably
  133. >"You wouldn't want to keep us waiting, would you?" says Celestia
  134. >She means business
  135. "Ah, well, yeah, as far as I know it is—"
  136. >Your voice squeaks as Celestia starts massaging your dick
  137. "—just like ponies."
  138. >Twilight follows up with another question
  139. >"And how is it viewed, like in culture? Are humans really open about it or is it more... taboo?"
  140. >She seems fairly concerned with your answer
  141. >And you'd love to give a straight reply
  142. >But Celestia is having a field day with your manhood
  143. >Every time you try to talk, you're forced to close your mouth to prevent a moan from escaping
  144. >Luckily, Celestia gives you a moment of reprieve
  145. "We're pretty open about sex in general, but some fetishes are frowned upon."
  146. >You glance over to Celestia, wondering why she let up
  147. >Her horn starts glowing again, and the feeling comes back
  148. >Her utensils lift up as well
  149. >Oh, that crafty bitch
  150. >She knows if her horn was glowing for no reason, someone—well, somePONY might get suspicious
  151. >But if it looks like she's just using magic to eat, then no one is the wiser
  152. >You suppose she's picked up little tricks like that after however-many-years of life
  153. >  'Hey, Anon?'
  154. >Yes?
  155. >  'I'm feeling reeeal good down here'
  156. >Damnit, penis
  158. >You're trying to eat, but Celestia is making it difficult
  159. >Every time you're about to take a bite, she kicks it up a notch
  160. >Feels like she's manipulating your skin
  161. >Kneading it, pulling it, rubbing it
  162. >You don't know how many times you've told yourself this in the past few days, but you have to say it again
  163. >It's like nothing you've ever felt before
  164. >And it's bloody incredible
  165. >At least Celestia is nice enough to let your dick extend all the way
  166. >It's still trapped in your pants, but she's shifted it into a comfortable position
  167. >Which has the unfortunate side effect of giving her more room to work
  168. >You'd hate to cum in the middle of a meal like this
  169. >But if Celestia keeps it up, you won't have a choice
  170. >The sensations stop; you take the opportunity to take as many bites as you can
  171. >Twilight berates you
  172. >"Anon! You don't have to shovel it down like that."
  173. >Oh, if only she knew
  174. >You were hella hungry
  175. >And damnit if ponies didn't know how to make a killer salad
  176. >But you still don't want to disappoint Twi
  177. "Sorry."
  178. >You're looking pretty bashful
  179. >Celestia finds it cute
  180. >"Such a gentleman. How long have you two been living together, again?"
  181. >As she's speaking, she starts eating again
  182. >Which means fun times for Mr. Penis
  184. >Twilight's blushing in embarrassment
  185. >You're blushing in arousal
  186. >If only she knew what was going on down there
  187. >Wait... shit, if she knew, she might just join in
  188. >"Correct me if I'm wrong, Anon, but I think it has been a little over three months, now."
  189. >You nod
  190. >It's all you can manage
  191. >Celestia's still working your member like dough
  192. >You can feel sweat starting form on your forehead
  193. >Your breath is getting heavy
  194. >Soon, somepony is going to notice
  195. >You need to do something about this
  196. >"And how are you finding Ponyville?" asks Luna
  197. "G-g-greeaaattt."
  198. >Celestia is grinning ear-to-ear at that
  199. >Luna seems apprehensive
  200. >"We are... pleased you're enjoying it so much. And from personal experience, Twilight Sparkle is a great guide."
  201. >Luna, you have no idea
  202. >Celestia increases her pace
  203. >Your cock is so hard it hurts
  204. >And you're just about to cum
  205. >You try to sneak a panicked look to Celestia to let her know
  206. >That evil grin of hers only grows
  207. >And your fate is sealed
  209. >But you're not going silently
  210. >You start standing up
  211. "CELE—"
  212. >You're interrupted when Celestia shoves a fork-full of cake into your mouth
  213. >You're stuck in a half-standing, half-sitting stance
  214. >"You should really try this strawberry cake, Anon. It's my favorite."
  215. >Her tone is gentle and her smile is warm
  216. >But just for a second you catch a glare coming from her
  217. >It's a warning
  218. >She holds the fork in place while working your member furiously
  219. >You can only hold on for another second before you release
  220. >And it's glorious
  221. >Your eyes glaze over and you almost go limp
  222. >All the while Celestia is locking eyes with you
  223. >Milking you as much as possible
  224. >Teasing your dick even as you finish
  225. >You expect your pants to be soaked
  226. >But they're perfectly dry
  227. >Celestia has done something with your cum
  228. >And you don't really want to know what
  229. >Twilight has figured out something is up
  230. >"Uh, Anon? Are you okay?"
  231. >You glance at Twilight, then to Celestia
  232. >She gives you another threatening look
  233. "Uh, yeah. I was actually just going to ask where the restroom was."
  234. >You turn to Celestia
  235. "The cake really is good."
  236. >She smiles
  237. >But you don't like what she says next
  239. >"Why don't I escort you to the restroom? It's an awfully large castle, I'd hate for you to get lost."
  240. >You need a way out of this, and fast
  241. "Celestia, please, I'd hate to impose. I'm just one of your subjects. As a princess you're above walking me to the bathroom."
  242. >"I insist."
  243. >Well, shit
  244. >When the Sun Princess of Equestria insists, she gets what she wants
  245. >And it seemed tonight, she wanted you
  246. >Your brain was having a hard time figuring out how it felt
  247. >On one hand, you didn't want to disappoint Twi, and that included pleasing the princess
  248. >On the other hand, you're not sure if Twi would approve of another pony playing with you, even if it was her teacher
  249. >But Celestia isn't giving you a choice
  250. >You begrudgingly step away from the table and gesture to the door
  251. "Escort away."
  252. >You notice Twilight is squinting at you, still unsure about the situation
  253. >You smile and wave at her as you leave the room behind Celestia
  254. >As soon as she closes the door behind you, she turns to you
  255. >"Now, Anon, I want you to know I care about my faithful student very much."
  256. >Her horn has started to glow, as have your nethers
  257. >No rest for Anon
  258. >"And, while I respect her freedom to make a choice on who to... take to bed—"
  259. >You gulp
  260. >"—I also reserve the right to pass judgement myself."
  262. >Her magic is rejuvenating your manhood
  263. >Shit, she wants another round
  264. >"It is in this interest I am testing you both mentally and physically."
  265. >Her eyes narrow and her lips curve into a small frown
  266. >"You nearly failed the mental test by making a scene of things. I'm glad you had the sense to stay quiet when given a hint."
  267. >You're full mast now; Celestia is likely going to start attacking you again at any moment
  268. "Uh, princess, if you don't mind me asking: how did you know?"
  269. >She lifts her chin and turns back to the hallway you're walking down.
  270. >"As intelligent and masterful as Twilight is in many aspects of study, one thing she lacks for is subtlety."
  271. >"She never outright stated you two had started engaging in relations, but the context was clear in her letters."
  272. >"Physically, I will say you're adequate. Though, knowing my student, she has found ways to excel even in the art of sex."
  273. >She throws a look over her shoulder as if asking for confirmation
  274. "Yeah, I think you could say that."
  275. >With a nod, Celestia continues her lecture
  276. >"I would have you know that you are Twilight's first lover, and also the first I have tested in this way."
  277. >"My actions are not motivated by hatred of humans; I would treat anypony who sought my faithful student just as harshly."
  278. >Her horn starts glowing brighter
  279. >A smirk appears on her face
  280. >And you start feeling it again
  281. >It's different this time, though
  282. >Nothing is actually moving down there
  283. >But you're still experiencing all sorts of bliss
  284. >You look down; yup, dick definitely glowing
  285. >What the hell is going on?
  287. >Celestia coughs to get your attention
  288. >She has stopped and gestures to a nearby door
  289. >"That is the restroom."
  290. >She's looking down at you with much scrutiny
  291. >"It seems Twilight has not tried this one yet. I suppose you two haven't been together as long as I suspected."
  292. >"I'm directly stimulating the nerves that give you pleasure. I find it much more efficient to cut out the middlepony, sometimes."
  293. >You're gaping
  294. >She leans in toward you
  295. >"Now pay attention."
  296. >Damn, Celestia, you're asking a lot
  297. >She's increasing the intensity of her stimulation
  298. >Your brain is starting to go haywire
  299. >"There is still much I wish to learn about you before I make my decision. Indeed, I harbor no ill will toward you."
  300. >Her horn glows even brighter
  301. >You're about to faint
  302. >"Pray you give me no reason to."
  303. >She starts to walk back the way you both came, leaving you kneeling on the floor, gasping for air
  304. >Still in the throes of her magic
  305. >Just before she turns the corner, she speaks up again
  306. >"I admit, you do have one point in your favor at the moment."
  307. >"Twilight was smiling when she walked in the room."
  308. >You start crawling toward the bathroom, not wanting to release yourself all over the hallway
  309. >"Oh, and do remember to enjoy yourself, Anon! Even an immortal princess such as myself can take pleasure in such activities."
  310. >You push the door in front of you open
  311. >Your legs have ceased to function, you're now pulling yourself inside with your arms
  312. >Your vision is blurred
  313. >Celestia is giving you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams
  314. >And you can't even feel anything on your skin
  316. >You make it into the bathroom
  317. >And give into Celestia's enchantment
  318. >You can tell your penis is confused
  319. >It's hard as a rock
  320. >But not sure about cumming
  321. >This actually has some complications
  322. >If Celestia continues her work, and you don't cum
  323. >You may very well be driven insane
  324. >As ridiculous as it is, you need help to get off
  325. >You try to lift your hand, but your brain is beyond function
  326. >It feels like it's on fire with rapture
  327. >You hear another jingle, though
  328. >You see your hand enveloped in a golden glow, just like your member
  329. >Celestia moves your hand over to your shaft and starts pumping
  330. >It's a very strange method of masturbation
  331. >But it drives your wild, and your dick is finally able to make up its mind
  332. >Your climax all over the floor, moaning in ecstacy
  333. >The satisfaction you had so badly needed was now rushing through your body
  334. >You're panting on the floor
  335. >Smiling
  337. -5-
  339. >It's nighttime
  340. >You're in your guest room in Canterlot Castle
  341. >Looking out the window
  342. >Thinking
  343. >You're not used to seeing so many stars
  344. >No city lights to block your view tonight
  345. >And frankly, it's beautiful
  346. >You didn't usually consider yourself the kinda guy to be moved by scenery
  347. >This was something else, though
  348. >It helped soothe your mind after that 'encounter' with Celestia
  349. >It gives you chills just thinking about it
  350. >Not only were you being put under an enormous amount of pressure
  351. >Celestia also made it clear she would test you however she saw fit
  352. >And you didn't want to disappoint her
  353. >Because that meant disappointing Twilight
  354. >You make a fist and pound the railing you're leaning on
  355. "Damnit!"
  356. >Wasn't this supposed to be relaxing? Exciting?
  357. >All you've got to show for it is a lack of sleep
  358. >And an over-protective teacher all over your business
  359. >Literally
  360. >You sigh, trying to relieve some of the tension
  361. >Get lost in the sky again
  362. >You're interrupted by a knock at the door
  363. >It's Twilight
  365. >You let her in
  366. >"Hi, Anon!"
  367. >She looks out in the hallway, checking for anypony who might be watching
  368. >Then give you a kiss
  369. >God how you needed that
  370. >"I'm so happy that dinner went well! How about you?"
  371. >Heh heh, 'well' is pretty relative
  372. "Y-yeah, I think it went well. Celestia is very, uh, princess-y. Commanding and such."
  373. >Twilight raises an eyebrow at you, but shrugs off whatever doubt she had
  374. >"I suppose she can be a little authoritative at times—she seemed adamant that we both have our rooms."
  375. >She nuzzles your cheek
  376. >"But I had to come down here anyways."
  377. >Your heart is about to melt
  378. >You haven't felt this way in... geez how long HAS it been?
  379. >Your gaze wanders
  380. >Years?
  381. >"Umm..."
  382. >You look back down at Twilight
  383. >She seems pretty nervous about what she's going to say next
  384. "Go ahead, Twilight."
  385. >She rubbing her hooves together anxiously
  386. >Can't hardly make eye contact with you
  387. >"Celestia has, er, requested to, uh, try you out. Tomorrow morning. With me."
  388. >Your jaw drops
  389. "She what? Wants to 'try me out'? Does that mean what I think it means?"
  390. >Twilight's head drops and she nods
  391. >"She wants to sex us both."
  393. >You're about to burst out laughing
  394. >Did Twilight seriously just say 'sex us both'?
  395. >But you can tell she's being very serious about this question
  396. >So you put on your best poker face and consider the complications
  397. >Same as before
  398. >Try to resist this, you disappoint Celestia, anger one of the rulers of the land, and by proxy disappoint Twilight
  399. >Give into it, you're putting yourself through hell, and Twilight might not like that you're giving up
  400. >Well, one of those concerns you can resolve right now
  401. "What do YOU want me to do, Twilight?"
  402. >She looks up at you
  403. >Jesus, it looks like she's about to cry
  404. >"What do I want? But this is about you."
  405. >You freeze
  406. >Did purpledom, the insane, controlling sexual beast of a unicorn, just forgo her own interests for yours?
  407. >Yes, yes she did
  408. >You kneel down in front of Twilight, so you're looking straight into her eyes
  409. >And you kiss her
  410. >None of that lovey-dovey bullshit you see in movies
  411. >Not that tender 'how's your day' kind of peck neither
  412. >No
  413. >This is a full-on, 'I-can't-believe-I'm-with-you' romantic kiss
  414. >Twilight is caught a little off-guard, but soon returns the kiss with vigor
  415. >You are both desperate to feel the other
  416. >Your tongues are dancing with each other
  417. >Your souls are relishing the touch
  418. >Eager to bask in the prescense of the other
  419. >This goes on for what feels like minutes
  421. >You finally separate from Twilight
  422. >Dear god, Anon, you're crying
  423. >"Anon? Are you okay? What brought that on?"
  424. >There's concern in her eyes
  425. >You smile and throw your arms around her
  426. >You're hugging her as tightly as you can
  427. "Oh, nothing, Twilight. Just glad I'm with you."
  428. >She puts a hoof over your shoulder, drawing you in closer
  429. >"As am I."
  430. >While you're holding her, you notice her heart is racing
  431. >You can hear her breathing speed up as well
  432. >And the moment is ripe
  433. >You pick Twilight up
  434. >She's a little startled
  435. >But she trusts you, and just looks into your eyes as you carry her to your bed
  436. >You lay her down gently
  437. >She's suddenly nervous again
  438. >Can't look at you
  439. >"Anon, I haven't..."
  440. >She gulps
  441. >"I haven't, well, you know."
  442. >You furrow your brow in thought
  443. >You've rutted plenty. What the heck is she—
  444. >Ohhhhh
  445. "You've never actually made love before, have you?"
  447. >Twilight nods
  448. >She's so tense she's shaking
  449. >You want so badly, more than anything in the world, to comfort her
  450. >So you do
  451. >While brushing a hand through her mane, you embrace her
  452. >Hold her close until the shaking stops
  453. "It's okay, Twilight. We'll go as slow as you want."
  454. >"And if I want to go faster?"
  455. >Yeah, that's definitely Twilight
  456. "Then that's what we'll do."
  457. >You hear her whimper in reply
  458. >It's damn cute
  459. >She gingerly pushes you away
  460. >Then closes her eyes and purses her lips
  461. >You respond by kissing her again
  462. >It's another deep kiss
  463. >And your hands start wandering
  464. >One is in her mane, twisting loops of hair and holding her head close for the kiss
  465. >The other is making its way to her stomach
  466. >When it passes her forelegs, she gasps and breaks the kiss
  467. "Too fast?"
  468. >She's shaking her head
  469. >"No, no, keep going. I'm just..."
  470. >You acknowledge her statement
  471. >Still jittery
  472. >But your hand keeps moving, and Twilight's watching it like a hawk
  474. >You move your hand across Twilight's stomach
  475. >You approach her nethers
  476. >She winces
  477. >But you only graze her labia before passing by
  478. >Twilight's looking at you with curiosity and a touch of disappointment
  479. >"You're not going to tease me, are you, Anon?"
  480. >You give her a smile and speak in a soft tone
  481. "Just relax, Twi."
  482. >You use your other hand to try to find a responsive spot in her mane
  483. >But no dice, so far
  484. "Hey, Twi, do you like what I'm doing with your mane?"
  485. >"It's okay."
  486. "Anything I can do to make it better?"
  487. >She looks away bashfully
  488. >"Well, I've always really liked brushing this spot."
  489. >Part of her mane glows as she highlights it with her magic
  490. >You nod and start massaging her neck at the base of the hair she showed you
  491. >She immediately moans in response
  492. >"Yes, right th-th-herrrrrrrrrreeeeeee."
  493. >While she's concentrating on her neck, you start rubbing her flank and the area right outside her folds
  494. >But never give her direct stimulation
  495. >You add to that some soft kisses at the base of her neck
  496. >And she's putty in your hands
  497. >She's squirming, trying to push herself into your hands
  498. >Begging for more contact
  499. >"Anon, please," she mutters
  501. >You finally decide to start going to work
  502. >As soon as your fingers touch her flower, her moans turn into a squeal
  503. >She's panting, now, too
  504. >Your fingers trace her outline
  505. >Slowly, very slowly
  506. >She tries to lift herself into your touch
  507. >But you don't let her
  508. >And her frustration is evident
  509. >"I can't wait any longer!"
  510. >You'd hate to keep a lady waiting
  511. >So you enter her with a finger
  512. >And her entire body tenses up
  513. >Even with just a single finger, she's squeezing you
  514. >Your finger wanders, explores her insides
  515. >Her forelegs have started to kick the air
  516. >Even in the throes of passion, she's adorable
  517. >You then plunge another finger into her
  518. >Getting a little more aggressive, you push harder
  519. >You get another moan in response
  520. "Twilight, tell me where you like it."
  521. >She manages a nod, and you turn your attention back to your work
  522. >You try different angles, different depths, different speeds
  523. >Eventually, Twilight purrs
  524. >"Right there. Oh Celestia, RIGHT THERE!"
  525. >You repeat the motion, and Twilight purrs again
  526. >You can feel the vibration of her vocal chords down there
  527. >"Faster!"
  528. >She's really getting into it now
  529. >And you're happy to oblige
  531. >Your fingers are moving with real vigor now
  532. >"Damnit, Anon, MORE!"
  533. >Shit, she's gotta be close
  534. >You push more forcefully, and add another finger
  535. >Twilight's making all sorts of noises
  536. >And finally releases herself with a shrill yelp
  537. >You don't slow down, though
  538. >Your fingers are riding her all the way through her orgasm
  539. >And she notices
  540. >"I can't take it! I'm still to sensitive, Anon, you're going to—"
  541. >You pause for a moment
  542. >She instantly opens her eyes and glares at you with the force of a thousand suns
  543. >"Anon, I swear to Celestia if you stop I will break your hands, your penis, and everything else you hold dear."
  544. >Purpledom would do that, too
  545. >Without hesitation, you go back to it
  546. >And Twilight again succumbs to your workings
  547. >Your hand is soaked and Twilight is gasping for air
  548. >You pull it out and rub her tummy
  549. >You can feel her heart race
  550. >With a smile, you lie down next to Twilight
  551. >Turn your face to hers
  552. >She's trying hard to smile, but her mouth is still half-limp from the orgasms
  553. >You can see something in her eyes, though
  554. >A spark
  555. >And it's so goddamn gorgeous
  556. >"Your turn, Anon."
  557. >You maintain your smile, but a flash of panic runs through your head
  558. >When Motherfucking Twilight Sparkle says it's your turn
  559. >She means business
  561. >She slides down on the bed until her head is at your crotch
  562. >And starts working your pant button
  563. >You begin to unbutton your shirt but she stops you with a hoof
  564. >"Let me."
  565. >Your shirt starts to glow purple
  566. >The buttons are coming off slowly as Twilight continues to fumble with your pants
  567. >It's a little tricky, but she's quite crafty
  568. >And soon she's pulling your pants down
  569. >Your shirt rubs against your skin as Twilight carefully takes it off of you
  570. >This is the first time she hasn't just ripped it off
  571. >You actually have a chance to feel her magic against your skin
  572. >It's warm
  573. >You kick your shoes off, allowing Twilight to drag your trousers all the way off your legs
  574. >When she sees your boxers she rolls her eyes
  575. >"Do humans really need all this stupid clothing?"
  576. >You chuckle
  577. >And Twilight quickly removes your boxers as well
  578. >As soon as your hardness is revealed, Twilight's eyes fill with hunger
  579. >But a kind you haven't seen before
  580. >It isn't feral or wild
  581. >But excited and more precise
  582. >She doesn't go for it right away, though
  583. >Instead, she crawls up toward your head and lays on your stomach, raining kisses on your neck and shoulder
  584. >Damn, she's a fast learner
  585. >And her education feels real good right now
  586. >To top it off, she's rubbing her flower all over your cock
  587. >It's wet with eagerness
  589. >You run a hand through her mane and start giving it attention again
  590. >Twilight purrs in approval
  591. >She gradually works her way down your chest with kisses
  592. >Always making sure she's rubbing something against your dick
  593. >You swear she had to be lying when she said it's her first time
  594. >When she finally makes it to your crotch, she hesitates and looks up at you, blushing
  595. >"Um, how am I doing so far? The books said what to do, but they never really told me how to tell if it's working."
  596. >You wish you had some water in your mouth so you could do a spittake
  597. >Is this seriously the same Twilight that was throwing you around her bedroom a couple days ago?
  598. "Twilight, you're doing fantastic. I'll let you know if you're doing something right or wrong, okay?"
  599. >She nods and turns back to your member
  600. >Her prey
  601. >Cautiously, she starts exploring with her tongue
  602. >As soon as it touches your tip, shivers of pleasure reverberate through your body
  603. >It's finally getting the attention it had been craving
  604. >Even when not magically enchanted, Twilight's tongue is AWFULLY long
  605. >And damn does she know how to use it
  606. >Twilight sucks on your tip while coiling her tongue around your shaft
  607. >It almost reaches your base
  608. >Holy shit
  609. >You're doing your best to stay still and allow Twilight to work her magic
  610. >But you're convulsing in pleasure
  611. >This causes Twilight to hesitate again
  612. >"Am I doing something wrong?"
  613. >God, your heart is about to break looking at that worried face of hers
  614. "Holy hell, Twilight, you're doing everything RIGHT."
  615. >She smiles and returns to your member with renewed confidence
  616. >But now she's done teasing
  617. >She takes your into her mouth
  619. >You gasp and tremble
  620. >Twilight's damn good at this
  621. >Like, stupid damn good
  622. >And now that she isn't in purpledom mode, you can concentrate on the sensations
  623. >She's taking her time, focusing on technique, which makes it feel that much better
  624. >Feeling her hot breath over the saliva on your mandhood is making you shake again
  625. >You moan
  626. >But your curiosity piques and you move to touch Twilight's horn
  627. "Uh, Twilight?"
  628. >She releases you
  630. >"Oh, no. I didn't screw up, did I?"
  631. >HELL NO
  632. "Is your horn sensitive?"
  633. >You've never seen a face go so red
  634. >"Uh, yeah, sorta. There are lots of nerves going through it, but they're focused on the grooves."
  635. >"If you massage there, it feels really good."
  636. >You tentatively run a finger down the rivulets in Twi's horn
  637. >Her eyelids flicker
  638. >Oh yeah, that had an effect
  639. >While you're experimenting on her, she takes you back into her mouth
  640. >Thank you based Twilight
  641. >After idly running a finger up and down the bumps on her horn, you start using your other hand as well
  642. >Your arousal gives you the urge to really get into it
  643. >So you start working her horn with more intensity
  644. >And she does the same to your member
  646. >Her head is now bobbing up and down at an even pace
  647. >Not fast, but not slow either
  648. >The friction feels incredible
  649. >Her tongue is skillful as well
  650. >You're definitely getting close
  651. >In response, you've started changing your technique on her horn
  652. >You're teasing the grooves with one hand
  653. >While moving the other along her horn in a fist
  654. >You find a spot when she likes when you notice her lips loosen up on your cock
  655. >You start giving that area extra attention
  656. >Her pace slows and her horn is actually starting to warm up
  657. >You'd be cautious, but you're really immersed
  658. >Caution is for suckers
  659. >Not one to be defeated, Twilight clamps down on you with determination and starts using a hoof as well
  660. >It feels odd at first, but she soon shows proficiency
  661. >You think you'd prefer a hand, but damn if she doesn't know how to use that hoof
  662. >It's a battle: you're trying to get Twi off through her horn, and she's attempting to defeat you with her mouth
  663. >But you find you have the upper hand when Twilight can't help but moan
  664. >Your dick feels the vibrations
  665. >And her pace is slowing again
  666. >Then you try something new
  667. >It's an odd angle, but you're able to bend over and start sucking on her horn
  668. >That's all it took
  669. >Twilight has now completely stopped blowing you
  670. >She's panting like a dog
  671. >Her horn starts glowing; brighter, brighter
  672. >She squeals and the light fills your vision
  674. >However, that's not all that happens
  675. >You experience something that feels like a... symphony of sensations
  676. >Some of it's strange and new to you
  677. >Most of it is fucking unbelievable
  678. >It feels so amazing, in fact, you're not sure if you came yourself
  679. >You look downstairs
  680. >Nope
  681. >Now you're confused
  682. >Twilight, from her sweating, exhausted position sprawled on the bed next to you, sees your perplexion
  683. >She seems almost embarrassed
  684. >"Heh, if unicorns receive enough stimulation on their horns, and they've been properly aroused, we can sometimes climax from our horns."
  685. >"It has the odd effect of resonating through whoever is nearby, since it's an blind blast of magic."
  686. >You're going to need to do that more often
  687. >Twilight manages to stand back up
  688. >There's still fire in her eyes
  689. "Twilight, you sure you still want to go?"
  690. >She narrows her eyes at you
  691. >"I SAID it was your turn, and I'm not giving up."
  692. >Ho momma
  693. >That's the attitude you love to see in Twi
  694. >The attitude that drives you wild
  695. >And Mr. Perky is still asking for attention
  696. >Twilight positions herself over you
  697. >She grabs your manhood with magic and smirks at you
  698. >"You better be ready."
  699. "More ready than—Ooooohhhh."
  700. >She interrupts you by lowering herself onto your shaft
  701. >She's so wet it slips in like butter
  703. >Twilight has absurd control of her vaginal muscles
  704. >She's able to squeeze you like a goddamn accordion
  705. >But also able to loosen up on command
  706. >You wonder if that's a unicorn thing or a Twilight thing
  707. >Her movements have started off slow and smooth
  708. >You can't believe you're the one to say this, but
  709. "Twi, can you speed up?"
  710. >She grins
  711. >This is her forte
  712. >So she speeds up, and your dick couldn't be happier for it
  713. >Your hips are starting to get into it as well
  714. >Honestly, though, your arousal has agitated you
  715. >Your actions are become more instinctual
  716. >You want as much contact and traction as you can get
  717. >Twilight slams her forehooves down on either side of you
  718. >Her neck is reaching out toward your face
  719. >The expression on her face is fervent
  720. >She's just as frenzied as you
  721. >She grabs your head with magic and pulls you into a kiss
  722. >In the meantime, her back legs and hips have gone hyper-mode
  723. >You're moving in and out of her rapidly
  724. >The sensation is driving you over the edge
  725. >You grab her head and pull it closer
  726. >Then grunt into the kiss
  727. >She meets your grunt with a moan
  728. >And you both climax together
  730. >You lying back on the bed, breathing heavily
  731. >Twilight is still on top of you
  732. >You think your penis may still be in her
  733. >Meh
  734. >But what you're experiencing must be the definition of afterglow
  735. >Twilight's rubbing a hoof idly on your stomach
  736. >You're rubbing her back, looking at the ceiling
  737. >Enjoying Twilight's breath along your chest
  738. >And you know there's nothing to say
  739. >No need for words
  740. >When you've already spoken volumes
  741. >
  742. >You think there may be more here than affection
  743. >...
  744. >Nah
  746. -6-
  748. >"I can't believe you!"
  749. "You act like what I did was the end of the world."
  750. >"It could be!"
  751. "You're not being rational, Twi."
  752. >"Rational?! I'm not the one who refused a PRINCESS!"
  753. "I did it because I didn't think you were comfortable with it. Besides, she accepted my decision."
  754. >"Because she was being polite! I can't believe you told my mentor, my friend, and YOUR ruler no!"
  755. "Twilight, I ASKED you want you wanted, and you said it was my choice!"
  756. >"I said that because I didn't think you were an idiot!"
  757. "Oh, I'm an idiot now, am I?"
  758. >"To say the least."
  759. >Twilight and you had just gotten back from Canterlot
  760. >Celestia had asked for another 'test', this time involving Twilight as well
  761. >Twilight seemed awfully nervous about it, so you refused
  762. >While the princess seemed okay with it (you're not sure if the question itself was a test), Twilight, well...
  763. >"I'm going to have to send a letter apologizing right away."
  764. "Don't do that! I made my choice perfectly clear and you're just overreacting!"
  765. >Twilight's brows narrow
  766. >Her head starts to shake
  767. >Fire ignites in her eyes
  768. >Bad move, Anon.
  770. >A book slams onto the table in front of her
  771. >It opens and Twilight grabs a single page with her magic
  772. >She looks to you, then back to the book
  773. >Sweat starts to drip down her face
  774. >She stares intently at the book
  775. >A tiny rip appears on the page
  776. >Twilight looks back to you with madness in her eyes
  777. >"SEE? That's overreacting!"
  779. >Damn
  780. >You slowly start to back away
  781. >"No!"
  782. >You find yourself floating through the room
  783. >Looking at Twilight, you see she's putting an disproportionate amount of energy into moving you
  784. >You land on a chair and magical straps appear at your wrists and ankles
  785. >"I'm still in heat, Anon. You're not going ANYWHERE."
  786. >You gulp
  787. >Twilight's approaching you like a predator
  788. >Suddenly, her horn starts fizzing and shooting stray beams of light
  789. >"Agh! I'm so mad at you I can't use magic properly!"
  790. >You try to release one of your hands. It comes free pretty easily
  791. >You sigh in relief
  792. >"But I know someone who can."
  793. >What the hell is she—
  794. >In a puff of purple smoke, Clone Twilight appears next to Twilight
  795. >Oh.
  796. >You attempt to release yourself from the chair, but Clone Twilight has taken over the bonds
  797. >They're quite strong, now
  798. >"Warm the idiot up for me, I need to cool off," says Twilight as she heads toward the bathroom
  799. >But you notice something odd
  800. >Usually, when you see the other Twilight, she's happy to see you and very seductive
  801. >Right now, she just looks mad
  802. >Furious, in fact
  803. >"Gah!"
  804. >Twilight flies through the air, enveloped in a familiar purple glow
  805. >She lands on a chair next to you and is likewise secured
  807. >"What are you doing? You're supposed to be working on dumbbutts here!"
  808. "I'm not a 'dumbbutt', Twilight! I was just standing up for us!"
  809. >"In the DUMBEST way possible, dumbbutt!"
  810. "Stop calling me that!"
  811. >Clone Twilight forces both of your mouths shut and levitates a note in front of both of you
  813. >She releases your mouths
  814. >You and Twilight respond simultaneously
  815. >"No, HE is!"
  816. "No, SHE is!"
  817. >You exchange glances then glare at each other
  818. "You keep calling me dumbbutt!"
  819. >"Because you're acting like one!"
  820. "What is so wrong about me turning down a simple request?"
  821. >"What's WRONG is that Celestia is never going to trust my judgement again because I chose to be together with brash, dim-witted MONKEY!"
  822. >You were going to reply, but you found your jaw once again locked in place by Clone Twilight
  823. >She had another note as well
  824. >'You both need a good rutting. However, if I hear a single negative peep out of either one of you, so help me Celestia I will STOP!'
  825. >You nod furiously, but Twilight is still trying to fight with you
  826. >You can hear mumbles from behind her sealed mouth
  827. >Clone Twilight rolls her eyes and her horn starts to glow
  829. >You look over to Twilight to see what her clone is up to
  830. >An ethereal tongue has appeared right over her vulva
  831. >Twilight notices this too and her mumbles become more frantic
  832. >But she's helpless, now, just like you
  833. >And the tongue starts to tease her
  834. >It runs up and down her folds, then flicks over her clitoris
  835. >At first, Twilight was struggling
  836. >But as the pleasure builds, she's putting less and less effort into resisting
  837. >Soon enough, her mumbles have died out completely, and she's laying back into the chair
  838. >Damn, her clone is good
  839. >Mr. Perky is excited
  840. >Clone Twilight then climbs on top of you
  841. >She's looking at you through half-lidded eyes
  842. >With a sly smile on her lips
  843. >Somewhere along the line, your pants had departed your body
  844. >And there goes your shirt
  845. >She's awfully impatient
  846. >She moves in for a kiss and you gasp in anticipation
  847. >But she moves right by your mouth and lands the kiss on your neck
  848. >Dayum gurl
  849. >Her pussy is practically dripping and she impales herself on you
  850. >So much for foreplay
  852. >The tight walls of Clone Twilight's pussy clench on your dick
  853. >You grunt from the pleasure
  854. >Her rhythm is perfect: it starts slow but soon builds up some speed
  855. >You want so badly to grab her flank, but the bonds are still secure
  856. >So you settle for moving your hips with her
  857. >She coos in happiness with your cooperation
  858. >Your neck is still being assaulted with kisses
  859. >If she keeps this up you won't be lasting very long
  860. >Her slick walls seem to have a mind of their own
  861. >Almost like they're acting independently, yet still in line with Clone Twilight's movements
  862. >But she stops and you're rudely awoken from your sexual trance
  863. >"I... don't care how... aroused I am, Anon... you're still a dumbbutt."
  864. >Twilight seems to have regained some control of her magic and freed her mouth
  865. >She's still panting at the work her clone's magic tongue is doing
  866. >Clone Twilight is looking at her creator disapprovingly
  867. >Her horn glows a moment and another tongue joins the first
  868. >Twilight lets out a shrill gasp
  869. >"Still not enough to... shut me up."
  870. >Clone Twilight facehoofs, then starts looking around the room
  871. >You think she's looking for a solution to the Twilight problem
  872. >Her eyes wander to your dick; she pauses, then looks up at you and smiles
  873. >Uh oh
  874. "You're not planning anything, are y—"
  875. >She interrupts you with a deep kiss
  876. >And you can hear her start to cast magic again
  878. >Your eyes are struggling to see what's going on down there
  879. >Because holy hell you can FEEL something happening
  880. >"Heh, heh, Anon. One not enough for you? Looks like you're twice as screwed now."
  881. >Twilight is mocking you
  882. >What the hell does she mean by that?
  883. >You shift your head around, trying to get a look
  884. >But Clone Twilight still has you locked in a kiss and isn't letting up
  885. >"Wait a sec, what are you doing with that? Get it away from me!"
  886. >The smugness has left Twilight's voice
  887. >Now you REALLY want to see it
  888. >"I won't—"
  889. >Twilight is cut off
  890. >And at the same instant, you feel a hot mouth on your tip
  891. >That doesn't make sense, you're still buried in Clone Twilight
  892. >Your eyes widen in realization
  893. >Clone Twilight see this and releases your head
  894. >Your gaze slowly travels south
  895. >You have two dicks
  896. >Clone Twilight, the mad sex-unicorn she is, HAS SPAWNED YOU ANOTHER PENIS
  897. >And—Oh, damnit, not AGAIN!—she has grown it to an ungodly length
  898. >It isn't stiff, through
  899. >It's actually curving, snaking through the air all the way to the mouth of a very annoyed-looking Twilight
  900. >Welp, you gotta hand it to Clone Twilight
  901. >That's one way to shut her up
  903. >You're feeling full sensation from each dick
  904. >Simultaneously, you're in Twilight's mouth and Clone Twilight's pussy
  905. >Your brain is trying to sort things out
  906. >And it's at that exact moment Clone Twilight decides to start moving again
  908. >You're in ecstasy
  909. >But Twilight is refusing to give your second member any attention
  910. >She's clearly still angry with you
  911. >You're wishing she'd do something—anything, really
  912. >Just having it in her mouth, lying on her tongue and feeling her breath over it is incredible
  913. >You're about to speak up about it, but Clone Twilight puts a hoof over your mouth and shakes her head
  914. >She levitates a note over to Twilight
  915. >'That cock doesn't move until he cums'
  917. >You'd give her a high-five, but you're still incapacitated
  918. >Twilight huffs and goes to work
  919. >And it's everything you hoped for
  920. >She starts out sloppy, merely lapping her tongue over you
  921. >But soon returns to the skillful technique you know her for
  922. >Tight lips, strong tongue, smooth movements
  923. >Your eyes are rolling into the back of your head
  924. >Clone Twilight catches on and starts speeding up her over movements
  925. >You're so close
  926. >She sends you over the edge with a nibble on your shoulderblade
  927. >You climax into Twilight's mouth and Clone Twilight's pussy
  928. >You almost feel bad for your testies
  929. >But this just feels so damn good
  931. >You relax back into your chair, spent for now
  932. >Clone Twilight kisses your cheek and casts something on you
  933. >It feels familiar
  934. >Ah, the revitalization spell
  935. >She wants another round
  936. >You don't know if your body is ready
  937. >But from your position, you don't have a choice
  938. >Twilight spits your second cock out of her mouth
  939. >"Why did you make me do that? You're supposed to be mad at him, too!"
  940. >Her clone spins around ninety degrees, still with you inside of her, until she's facing Twilight
  941. >Ohhhh man you want her to do that again
  942. >She smiles at Twilight, then proceeds to join the two ethereal tongues on Twilight's nethers
  943. >Ho shit, Twilight, you're in for it now
  944. >"You're not—ohhhh, you're—aahahaaa"
  945. >Twilight can't put together a complete sentence through her moaning
  946. >She's really starting to squirm in her seat
  947. >You were going to ask if Clone Twilight was done with you, but she's moving her hips again
  948. >And it feels just as marvelous as it did the first time
  949. >For any other pony, you'd figure this is how things would go until both you and Twilight cummed
  950. >But this is purpledom's clone we're talking about
  951. >Nothing is ever that simple
  952. >Your second member is again surrounded by a violet glow
  953. >But it's not going for Twilight's mouth this time
  954. >Instead, it ends up right outside Twilight's ass
  955. >And starts prodding
  957. >"Oh, uh, I'm not sure if I'm ready for this."
  958. >Twilight's sweating, but you can't tell if it's from nervousness or pleasure
  959. >You're a little apprehensive about this as well, but much more curious
  960. >Clone Twilight flashes Twilight with an evil grin
  961. >And shoves your manhood into her rear
  962. >Twilight lets out a gasp that turns into a squeak
  963. >That's when you KNOW she's feeling it
  964. >The pleasure is so insane you black out for a moment
  965. >But you quickly regain your sense
  966. >Because holy shit you don't want to miss a SECOND of this
  967. >The tightness is un-fucking-believable
  968. >And whatever kind of magic lube Clone Twilight is using is working wonders
  969. >Twilight is literally vibrating in rapture
  970. >Which, in turn, just drives you even madder with pleasure
  971. >Clone Twilight, the perverted dom she is, just keeps ramming you into Twilight
  972. >You're exploring depths you never thought possible
  973. >You release a breath you didn't realize you were holding
  974. >"Ahh, oh my... how is your tongue even that LONG. Ohmygosh Ohmygoooossshh!"
  975. >The hapless unicorn has now completely tensed up from the sensations both you and her clone are giving her
  976. >This actually reminds you: you've still got Clone Twilight riding you
  977. >Somehow you forgot about it amongst everything else going on
  978. >But Clone Twilight is making sure that won't happen again
  979. >You can feel the pressure building
  980. >You're about to climax again
  981. >"A-Anon"
  982. >You're hardly able to croak out an answer
  983. "Yes?"
  984. >"Y-you're s-still a dumBBUUUTTTTT!"
  985. >With that wail, both of you succumb to Clone Twilight's workings
  987. >A minute later, you and Twilight are lying back in your chairs
  988. >Basking in the post-coital haze
  989. >Clone Twilight is sitting in front of you, looking at Twilight like she's expecting something
  990. >The bonds are still present
  991. >You can't tell if she's waiting for another go or not
  992. >Your body is definitely not ready for that
  993. >Another note is levitated in front of you both
  994. >'Now, do you have anything to say for yourself?'
  995. >You look to Twilight
  996. >It seems the release has given her a chance to cool her head
  997. >She's actually looking awful ashamed right now
  998. >Awwwww, it's so cute, she can't even make eye contact with you
  999. >"Anon, I'm not saying I'm happy with you, but... it's not reasonable for me to stay mad at you."
  1000. >"Your intentions were pure. Sorry I yelled at you."
  1001. >You smile and nod
  1002. "Apology accepted."
  1003. >Twilight's bonds immediately disappear and she slumps out of her chair, still walking funny
  1004. >You're still stuck, though
  1005. "Uh, a little help?"
  1006. >Clone Twilight scowls and shoves the note into your face again
  1007. "She was the one being unreasonable! Didn't you hear? I'm the nice guy, here."
  1008. >She shakes her head and points to Twilight, who is shuffling to her bedroom, head down
  1009. >Oh, you really did mess her up
  1010. "Twi?"
  1011. >She stops and turns to you
  1012. "I'm... sorry, too. I shouldn't have assumed so much. I'll try to communicate better next time."
  1013. >For just a moment, you see a smile flash on her face
  1014. >It warms you up
  1015. >"Thanks, Anon. I accept you apology as well."
  1016. >She goes back to her bedroom, still a little down, but noticeably better
  1018. >You turn to Clone Twilight
  1019. "So, uh, yeah. The bonds."
  1020. >She's avoiding your eyes
  1021. >Another note makes its way over
  1022. >'Remember last time we were alone in this foyer? It was so romantic.'
  1023. "Not so sure about that. You rode me for 6 hours straight."
  1024. >She growls and scribbles something down
  1025. >'Romantic AND hot.'
  1026. "Yes, yes. You love the sex. That's pretty clear. I'd like some rest now, though."
  1027. >That seductive smile is back on her face
  1028. >'Anon, you're not as clever as Twilight give you credit for. She could have dismissed me once we were done, but as you can see,
  1030. I'm still here.'
  1031. >Your face wilts
  1032. >'Well, at least SOME part of your brain is still working.'
  1033. "Mercy?"
  1034. >All she does in response is toss the quill and paper she'd been using aside and approach you, licking her lips
  1035. >Out in the street, nopony can hear you scream

Apples At Sunset (1) (SmutAnon)

by ChipButt

Apples At Sunset (2) (SmutAnon)

by ChipButt

Milk, Mammaries, And The Milky Way (SmutAnon)

by ChipButt

Purpledom 1,2&3 (SmutAnon)

by ChipButt

Purpledom 4,5&6 (SmutAnon)

by ChipButt